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From My Old Posts Archive Nurtel (eNuri) Presents Back To The Future This is the year 2103, some of the news headlines: New York Times President Abdullah Tannenbaum has formally asked congressional committee on Islamic affairs to expedite the appropriation of three hundred Billion Dollars for the next fiscal year for Islamic education in public schools. The president was convinced that the positive results of the 12 year pilot project executed by Council for Islamic Alternative ( CIA) to test how Islamic education can assure reaching the US national goals of highly focused and driven graduates with high moral character and work ethics. The initiative warrants that the nation survival depends on an investment in an Islamic education program for schools. The president was so encouraged that he told to Congress that the law enforcement is behind his initiative after they have received positive results in their own study which supports the presidents initiative. Congress is expected to approve the bill early January 2104. On another front, the European Union president Mr. Ahmed Gunter Kuhlmann and The ASEAN Union of States president Mr. Mohammed Suzuki have jointly proposed uniting the Pacific and the Atlantic under a single government that can serve humanity in a better way. President Abdullah Tannenbaum of The USA is very sympathetic to the idea and have even suggested that the three superpowers collectively cooperate in disseminating Islamic knowledge in Africa, Asia and the Arab World, nations that are suffering severe economic and social upheavals due to the vacuum created by deforestation and the oil bust respectively. Also, Mr. Suzuki has proposed the creation of the Makkah fund to flatten the hills around Makkah in order to increase the capacity of worshipers from the current 4 Million per year to 30 Million per year due to his large constituency in China and India. The Disney parks CEO Mr. Ali Disney has proposed a visionary architecture that will allow up to 30 million pilgrims to make the Hajj by the year 2106 when the project is completed. Of course the above is fiction, but below are the drivers that could make such a scenario possible. 1. The Death of Distance through this medium (internet), and Hybrid Air-Space planes that will fly two hours between New York and Garasbaalley or Jarriiban, which are on the drawing boards. 2. The failure of Communism to add a value to mankind's material needs (let alone spiritual) and the impending failure of "Democracy" to walk its talk, in its claim of truly representing the wishes of the people ( or should we change it the wishes of the influential). 3.The spiritual void created by secularism ( OK, you allow two men marry each other, what is next? Secularism must be running out of thrills!) 4. Islam's Supremacy and comprehensiveness in every sphere of life compared to all other religions and political theories combined. The first item will lead to the breaking of mental barriers that have kept Islam depicted in a negative way. ( QOD) Quraan on Demand, Quraan will be viewed for the first time ever without biased middleman's interpretation to reach directly thought consumers wherever they are. The second item, Communism failed to provide bread to the workers, and Democracy began showing cracks, first in Algeria when the people clearly were leaning to elect an Islamist government and the "free" world interfered through their support of a military dictatorship instead of a democratically elected civilian government. What happened in Algeria is similar to a sales man who made a presentation to sell a product, once he was done, the customer decided to use the product for his own application, and the salesman who does not like the customers application, decided to interfere with the method the customer should be using the product. 3. The third Item, In the non Islamic world, there is affluence in terms of material wealth, but there is poverty in terms of spiritual wealth. People are desperate to find their creator, which is an embedded trait like upstream migration trait in a salmon fish. But their false gods are in the way ( Media). The minute these people come in contact with Islam, and listen with an open mind, they feel freed like a bird. I have personally seen the fervor of new reverts to Islam and how much they value their new identity. Islam is growing fastest among Women in the west, isn't that interesting? of all groups, proving that the King has no clothes. 4. Fourth item, Here comes the solution, a one stop shop for all mankind's needs in this world connected to their needs in the next life. In today's parlance we call convergence of media, when we converge networks to save money and provide a better service. And in business when companies combine their assets and employees and cut waste to become profitable. So you can see why Islam is getting so much attention these days instead of Falun Gong. Islam can deliver and can save mankind. Nur 2002 eNuri Forecasting Service Engaging your Mind
Brother Enterpreneur I am ready to go to Garamgaramland, si lugta la iiga soo xiro, let me know when I can hop on the next 1974 propeller driven DAALLO Airlines from, Djibouti to Nairobi via Hargeisa, Galkayo and Balli Doogle. This time I may have to settle with reer Garamgaram for goodd if they would accept me as their Son-in Shariica. Anyway, the story is super, any plans to contact a publisher? this story can make agreat reading by any standards, I try to suppress laughter, so people around do not ask me what I am reading. because they can faint if they read. Brother, instead of going to these weddings, why not invite me to your own, there are awwfully great sisters out there who can help you complete your deen, so you will keep sheitaan at bay? that is if you do not enjoy fasting. ( I have just written an article on Full Moon, please read it. Kwaheri, ndugu yangu, inshAllah tuta onana badaye. Nur
From eNuri Social Problems Research Labs In Coordination with Miami Social Research Institution. A Report. Nurtel Scientists are seriously studying a new finding by a Miami based Physician who studied the relationship between the full moon and the rise of violence, divorce and all evil behaviours. From the data analyses, the Phyician found a close correlation bewteen violence and the full moon days, and after analayzing the data the Doctor reached a conclusion that, since we humans are 60% water, we are affected by the moon like the oceans due to the gravitational force excerted by the moon on earth which causes the tides, similarly the humans behave violently in the same period causing car accidents, fights that result in divorces and lost friendships. Some 1400 years ago, the Messenger of Allah SAWS made a Sunnah for us to control our desires (the evil ones) that lead to catastrophic relationship problems by fasting the days of Full moon nights ( 13, 14, 15) when you fast these days, you will have less water in your system and thus more control over your behaviour. You will feel serene, cool anf relaxed, specially if you throw in some Dhiker , tasbiix, tahliil, istighfaar, throughtout the day while fasting and some Salaat alal rasuul. So, in five days, it will be a full moon, the 13th, so try to fast and make dhiker to ward off your ( Nafs al ammara bil suu') on one hand and Sheitaan on the other, to score a home free performance inshAllah. From Kurtun Waarrey and Miami Nur 2003 eNuri Celestial Outreach Programs Let the Moon Be Your Advocate!
Enterprenuer That was a hilarious piece of writing, can't wait for the sequel, but could you elaborate more on the SHAKING and Sheitan possession of the music listening crowd and how your favorite somali song make you shake if any. As always whenever I read your post I do it smiling, people who see me wonder what I am reading, they do not know that this is my pal from garamgaram land, by the way, did any garamgaram relative of yours got elected in the last Kenyan Parliament represnting the garamgarams? From Madax Falluuq Land Nur
Yeah Where are you rushing to? , to class, work, supermarket? What are you seeking? Job, see a dear one? What are you looking for? Happiness, health, harmony? Are you desparetly seeking: Wealth? Happiness? Fulfillment? Then, Come closer,....... even closer No you are not quite close. Yeah, Now you are getting close Put your head down on the floor That is right! Keep it there a little longer, and think of all of your wants wishes, because you are close. Stay Close a little longer Do Not rush, what is more enjoyable than being this close. Now, you are close very close You are well connected To The Eternal who can provide all of your wishes and much more Come Closer To Allah SWT Demolish the material barriers that are separating you from the eternal, living, powerful, loving, caring, gentle, magnificent, omnipresent............................. Look at the horizon Do you see AYAAT , do you see the Magnificent Cat Eye Nebulae testifying the magnificence of the eternal? Look at yourself Do you see AAYAAT, Do you see the efficiency of your eye lids? and the awsome design of your rettina? Come to a ONE STOP SHOP of fulfillment " FASJUD WAQTARIB" " Prostrate and Come Closer to Me" What a great feeling Nur
Assalamu Calaykum Dear Nomads, Sister Lateafah is back with determination to add a lot of value to the Dawa Caravan in search of Allah SWT. As a token of my appreciation for her decision and on your behalf, I have composed this quasi poem, I hope you all like it. REFLECTIONS When Honey tastes sour When Flowers smell bad When Silk feels rough When Truth hurts When Virtue is despised When honesty makes you poor When studying makes you a nerd When helping the poor makes you a leftist When Listening To Quran is not pleasant When Holding to your faith feels like holding to a piece of fire Yaa ukhtaah! It is not the honey, its sick taste buds It is not the Flowers, it is an allergy It is not the silk, its your rough finger tips It is not the truth, it is evil doing that hurts It is not the virtue, it is the Vice that is despised It is not the honesty, it is dishonesty that makes you morally poor It is not the Quran, it is a warped perception It is not your faith that hurts when you hold on to it, its punishment in the day of judgment that really hurts. (Low kaanuu yaclamuun) Walaalkiin Nur
Salaam Nomads In case you were away on vacation this past summer and visited places, please share with us if yoy have encountered Satanic Rituals as depicted in my essay which I posted in the summertime as an effort to counter satans grip on our youth and some confused adults. Nur
For Nomads who did not participate on these boards during the summer due to upset stomach after drinking too much caano geel, Here is a valuable topic you may want to read. Nur
Salaam to all These days, the buzzz word in Islamic circles is "Quraan and Sunnah", Unfortunately, these two words receive the least audience when it comes to the actual topics discussed on these boards. For example, this topic in Hadeeth never received a befitting discussion in which SOL Nomads exchanged their views on the importance of Sunnah and hadeeth science which I have elaborately discussed in my assay. I am a bit puzzled, why we Muslims say something and do another? does this characterize why we are experiencing the problems around us? Can anyone help me here? Or like Sister Lateafah should I go in seclusion and sit on my rocking chair near the small Masjid in Garacad Beach Resort? Nur
Walaal Flying Still You write: " a lot of times we put so much emphasis on the orders instead of the heart of islam itself...which or coarse is the belief in one god. Once you have that down then everything else shall follow. What I really got from this artcle is that we as muslims take the shahaada too lightly...we say the words " ther is no god but god" but we don't really understand the meaning and the duties that come with that." You hit at the heart of the topic, the connection between belief and action. We say we baleif in: 1. Allah 2. Angels 3. Books 4. Messengers 5. Day of Judgement 6. Qader ( Good and bad) motivation: When I tell you " Traffic is bad down King Street" This is an information that if you indeed believe it, you would avoid and instead take another less crowded street. Question: The above set of believes, what action do they trigger in out behaviour: Believe in Allah being the SOLE Ilaah ( Which we defined as the leader, caring and loving, sovreign lawmaker" what will the belief in these attributes change in our behaviour? Belief in Angels. that they are asssigned to record our deeds Belief in the sctiptures in general and Quran in particular as a code of life Belief in Messengers in general and Muhammad SAWS in particular as a teacher, guide, mercy and a model to emulate The Qader, and the fact that Allah has accounted and calculated everything so that nothing happens out of his order and because of his knowledge that is not bounded by time and space he has knbowledge of what has been, is and what will be forever and accordingly he said about Propphet Musa Aleyhi salaam: " and you came (in time) according to Qader , O Musa" Your thoughts to further elaborate will be appreciated. Walaalkaa Nur
Sister Rahima you write: " So really, walaahi we have a great responsibility on our shoulders and it is through knowledge that we shall achieve it- INSHALLAH!" I agree with you sis, knowledge is a key, but can you gues the key to knowledge, I am not teasing you, just a beneficial challenge, waiting for your answer. Xurmad Badan Walaalkaa Nur
Salaams A tough question. I have to divide them to categories. 1. Heart Softners: Al Acraaf, Yunus and Huud. 2. Deep Blue Reflection Al Racd, Al Hajj, Al Cankabuut 3. Tawheed Al Ancaam, Al Maedah, Al Racd 4. Vivacious, Picturesque, Rhythmic. Al Rahmaan, Al Nur, Al Furqaan and Al Insaan I have to stop here , because, I would need more than all the oceans for ink and more than the entire trees on the globe for pens to record the categoris of this great Book , sent as Raxmah of Allah SWT that is so wide , it covers everything. Nur
Assalamu Calaykum Sister Lateafah I was away for the past few days, As I came back and logged on SOL Islam page, I was shocked to read that you want to leave us. Why? Knowing you only through your posts and comments, I want to add my name to the crowd that expressed their love for you in Allah SWT. Dear Siter, we may have only known each other as screenames, but I pray Allah SWT resurrects all the sincere people on these boards in Jannah together so we can have real good times, but before that, staying in the Siratul Mustaqeem needs SABR and a lot of that, giving up is not the answer. When you discovered your fitra ( Islam) the first thing you did was to share your thoughts with other brothers and sisters who also care about Islam, and as a result you earned the respect of many brothers and sisters on these boards. Before you leave these boards because of the unIslamic behaviuor of some, My Dear sister I want you to know: 1. That it is because of good Allah frearing people like you that Allah is not wiping this planet out of the universe? Allah SWT says : " Allah was not to punish them while ( some of them) making sitighfaar" So in a way yourn ISTIGHFAAR is a reason that the rest of bad people are having fun. 2. That by giving up and running away from correcting evil without puting up an effort to correct these mistakes that You in effect: a. Become a sinner for neglecting " Amr bil macruf wa nahy canil munkar" As the prophet SAWS ordered, use your ( YAD) or inour case your finger tips and the keyyboard to make a difference, it is your best hpe to save your own skin from hell fire. b. You are risking to have the same fate like Prophet Younis who was swallowed by the whale when he became angry with his people and left them? c. That your real salvation is to intermingle with evil people to save some of them because if you leave them that there is no hope for them? d. That your real salvation lies in continuing dawa work regardless of the evil you see and hear, becaue Like Allah told prophet Muhad SAWS in Suratul Jinn " Say ( O Mohammad) No one will rescue me from Allah"( Punishment unless I continue) in representation of ( Allah) and relaying of his messages" d. That you will will be a better Muslimah in the eyes of Allah by interminglig with people ( good and bad) for the sake of setting a good example, the prophet SAWS said " the Muslim who deals with people and who tolerates their evil, is better than a Muslim who does not deal with people and who does not tolerate their evil" Said all of that, I ask you to stay on. Xurmad Badan Walaalkaa Fil Allah Nur
From time to time, some of my readers fall in love and as a result they get carried away to Nurtel Love Clinic, In another Somali Forum, One of my brothers in Islam wrote me this moving note in Somali: asalamu calaykum! SALAANTA ISLAMKA EE QAALIGA AH KABACDI WALAAL WAXAAN MARKA UG U HORRAYS RABAA INAAN KUU SHEEGO INAAN ALLE DARTIIS KUU JECLAHAY!!!! HADAAN USOO NOQDO ARRINTII AAN RABAY INAAD IGALA TALISO WALAAL WAXAA JIRA INAAN GABAR AAD U JECLHAY TAASOO AAN KU QNCAY DIINTEEDA IYO QURUXDEEDABA. DHIBAATADA UGU WQAYN WAXAY TAHAY IN HOOYADAY AY KASOO HORJEEDO INAAN GABDHAN WAX NA DHEX MARAAN IYADOO KU DOODAYSA REERKOODA XIRIIR FIICAN MALIHIN. ANIGUNA WAXA ISU KAY HALEELAY ALLE KACABSI AAN IS LEEYAHAY HADDAAD HOOYADAA KA HORTIMAADID ALLAAHBAA KUU CADHOON. HADAAN SIDAAS KU AAMUSI LAHAANA DHIBKU WAA JACAYLKA AAN GABDHA U QABO IYADOO QALBIGAYGA XADAYSA MARKASTA OO AAN MAQLANA AY MEEL IGO AYSO! JACAYL CAAD AHNA MA AHA E WAA PAINFUL ONE! ANIGU WAXAAN AHAY WIIL DHALIYARO AH OO DIINTIISSA KU DHAQMA ALLAAHNA JECEL. E MAXAAN SAMEEYAA ANIGOO IMTIXAANKAN ADAG KU JIRA EE LA IGU IMTIXAAMAYO WAX KAMID AH WAXYAAALAHA BINA AADAMKU UU UGU JECELYAHAY!(ZUYINA LINAASI XUBBU SHAWAATI MINA NISAAI.) WALAAL ILA TALI WAAN KUGU KASOONAHAYE! INTAA WAXAA DHEER INAAN DAGANAHAY WADAN FITNO BADAN OO GAALAAD!! YUNIS Translation asalamu calaykum! After my valuable salaams of Islam to you, brother, first I want u to know that I love you for the sake of Allah SWT.. Returning to the issue that I wanted your advice for, Brother, I fell in serious love with a girl, who convinced me with her faithfulness ( Islam), and beauty. The problem that I am facing is that my mom is against my choice for a potential wife, her argument being that she does does not get along with her well enough to endorse this courtship. So as a result I am between a rock and a hard place, as on one hand I am very considerate of my mom, fearful of Allah's displeasure for opposing my mother's wishes, and on the other hand the immense love that I have for this girl periodically shatters my heart to painful pieces whenever I hear her speak. While I am a young man rising to my future and parctise my deen and love Allah. So what should I do with this tough dilemma of mine, a real test as Allah SWT made women very attractive for men to love (can't help, not my fault in falling in love?) So, Dear bro. please advice me, cuz I trust your opinion, add to the above that I live in a western country ( too much temptation to cross the line) YUNIS Here was my response in case you are have similar symptoms: Walaal Yunas Dear Bro Yunas First salaams of Allah be upon u, his mercy and blessings. Secondly May Allah love you too for loving me for his sake. thirdly Be aware that whenever you give a priority to what Allah loves ahead of yours that, you will be happy at te end as the good guys have the last laugh. Parents are priority # 2 in the level of importance of obedience after Allah SWT, Allah SWT decreed that we should not wosrhip none other than Him, and that we treat our parents with goodness. It is apparent that you as a son can not match the parental love of your mom toward you, so since her love for you is instinct, you are ordered to practice loving her by being nice to her, and that is the challenge and struggle and test for you, and as claim to be faithful, I can see that you have to take this test to show , how much faithful you are to Allah and to see where are your priorities when your desires collide with those of your parents and Allah in this case. Allah SWT Says : " Ali laam miim, does mankind assume that they are left untested to claim that they have belived (in Allah), we had indeed tested those before you, so Allah may know those whose claim is true and those whsoe claim is a lie" As an example of aligning our desires with those of Allah SWT: 1. Remember Prophet Abraham, and how much he loved his son, and how he sacrificed his son to gain Allah's love. As a reward, Allah SWT made his children prophets and Kings for mankind. 2. Hagar the second wife of Abraham, accepted to be left in the desert of arabia alone with her new born son, Ishmael, with no food and water saying that if this was Allah's decree, than He would not neglect her, and as a reward for her reverence of Allah's wishes, she was rewarded with the honor of making compulsory that All mankind follow her footseteps and run between mount Safa and mount Marawa during Hajja as a token of appreciation of her stand with her husband which was Allah's order. 3. Ismail, son of Abraham, when he grew up and got married, from the Arabian tribe of Jurhum, Abraham visited him and found his choice of a wife not to be good, as a result Ismael divorced his wife to pelase his father. As a reward, Ismael would be honored to be the grandfather of Prophet Muhammad SAWS. So beware that you are under test, so perform well. Now that I clarified the issues, I leave the decision for you, and in case it is not clear, let me know, I will clarify further, but the final decision is yours alone as you would've live with your choices forever. Nur The original Somali answer: Assalamu Calukum wa raxmatullahi wa barakaatuh, marka hore, Axxbbaka Allahu alladii fiihi axbabtanii. Marka labaad. Waxaad ogaataa haddaad waxaad jeceshahay uga tagto Allah dartiis, ood ka hormariso wuxuu Allah jecel yahay waxaad adiga jeceshay in uu Allah kaa farxin doono maxaa yeelay cidhibta dambe waxaa leh taqwada. Waalidka wexey ka joogaan Allah miisaankisa meel weyn oo ku xigta Allah, Allah wuxuu leeyahay: " Allah ayaa gooyay ( qaraar) ineydaan u hoggansamin asaga mooyaanee cidkale, waaldkiinna inaad wanaajisaan" Sida muuqata, hooyo jeceylka ay kuu qabto u ma aad qabtid, maxaa yeelay Somalidu wexey ku maahmaahdaa, " Qofaad dhashay kuma Dhalin" sidaa darteed, adiga maa daama aadan laheyn jeceyl u dhigma kan waalidkaaga, ayaa waxaa jihaadkaaga laga yeelay inaad raalli geliso, taasoo ah imtixaanka adduunka, si loo eego iney ku galeen waxaad sheegatay oo ah iimaan ah. Allah wuxuu leeyahay: " alif, laam , miim, dadku ma wexey u maleeyeen inaan ku dhaafeyno iney sheegtaan iney na rumeyeen, ayagoon la imtixaanin, waannu imtixaannay kuwii idinka horreyay, Allahna wuu ogaan kuwa ay ka dhabta tahay (iimaanka) wuuna ogaan kuwa been sheegay" Mataal ahaan: 1. Waxaad xasuustataa Nabi Ibrahim inuu wiilkiisa uu jecelyahay uu Allah u hibeeyey in gowraco, laakin markuu la yimid daacaddii, Allah uu ugu baddalay inyy ka yeelo dhashiisii anbiyaa, iyo boqorro. 2. Haajar, markey raalli ku noqotay in looga soo tago lama dagaan cidlaha ah ee buuraha Makka, ooy ku tiri Ibrahim, " hadduu Allah ku faray inaad nooga tagto meeshaan, is ka tag, Allah na dayici maayee" Allah wuxuu ugu baddalay in lagu karaameeyay in bani adamka ay cagtooda mariyaan Safa iyo Marwa, taasoonoqotay sare marin lagu sare mariyey daacda Allah. 3. Sidaasoo kale, Ismaacil, wuu furey xaaskiisa markii Abbahiis, Nabi Ibrahim uu amray inuu furo xaaskiisa. Marka xasuusnow inaad ku sugan tahay imtixaan, hadaba maxaa kuu habboon?. Jawaabta adiga ayaan kuu dhaafaya, walaal, haddadan jawaabta garanna, mar labaad ayaan soo qori doonaa qoraal kuu sii caddeeya tallabadaad ku dhaqaaqi laheyd, maxaa yeelay, anugu wax baan caddeeya, tallabada, adiga ayaa lagaa doonayaa, Allah ku waafajiyo tan quman, aamin Brother Yunis needed further Clarification, so I wrote back again: Brother Younis Sidaan horey kuugu sheegay, furaha faraxaaga waxaa haya hooyadaa, la'aanteed farxad adduun iyo mid aakhiro waa kaa fogtahay, haddey jirto haween qudha oo mudan inaad ka farxiso, waa hooyadaa. Waxaad maanta u dhexeysaa labo haween, mid ku jecel, iyo mid aad jeceshahay. Tan ku jecel waa hooyadaa, oo ka masweyrsan jeceylka aad u qabto gabadha aad caashaqsan tahay, waxaana laga yaabaa haddadan muujin laheyn jaceylka weyn ood gabaddaas aad u qabto iney hooyo kuu ogolaan laheyd, laakin waxaan filayaa, in hooyo ay dareentay jeceylkaas ooy ka baqday iney gabadhaas ku yeelato, kaan goyso tii ku jecleyd oo ku soo korsatay kuuna soo sabartay ilaa aad soo gaadhay da' aad guur ku doonto. Waxaaan filayaa in hooyo ay marmarsiyo ka dhiganeyso cidda gabadha, laakin boogta runta ah waa caashiqnimadaada. Hadaba, marka hore: 1. arrintaan qabooji dhowr usbuuc, gabadhana u sheeg waxaad sameyneyso., yaaney kula soo xidhiidhin, warkeedana ha soo qaadin, iskana dhig qof illobey. 2. Hooyo waxaad tustaa ( special care) muddadaas, ha ka ag tagin, isu jilci, ka qosli, kana farxi, iskuna day inaad hadiyooyin ay jeceshahay aad u keentid. 3. Markii muddo la joogo, ( dhowr bilood) gabadha, wax wanaag ah ha u sameyso hooyadaa, ama hadiyo, ama ha maqashiiso baarrinimo, hana dareensiiso wanaag badan iyo ixtiraam aad u weyn. 4. Haddii ay hooyo gabadha soo dhoweyso, Allah bari, inuu hooyo qalbigeeda jilciyo, si ay u aqbasho gabadha. 5. Haddey hooyo ka soo jeesato gabadha, ka samir. 6. Somalinet aan gabadh kale kaaga raadinno, waxaa laga yaabaa inaan halkan ka hesho mid ku illowsiisa tii hore. Hooyo, wax la siisto ma jiraan, hooyo wax laga jeclaado ma jiraan, Allow hooyooyinkeen u wada dambi dhaaf, ugu dambi dhaaf dhibka ay nala so mareen, korinteenna iyo dadaalkeenna. Walaalkaa Nur
Assalamu Calaykum Reer Guraa (Nomads) Sister Rahima had once posted on these boards a very interesting topic on education, as usual, few people responded to that topic. Generalizing a stereotype description is not good, but there are times that we Somalis are not focused on what counts most, nor are we good in prioritizing issues we discuss in terms of their relevance to our faith and lives, as a result of this habit we discuss most issues that should take back seat and we neglect very serious issues like education. Below was my response to Sister Rahima ( Jazaahaa Allahu Khairan) for her good post. Sister Raxiimah Jazaakillahu Khairan for a great article. I only hope that many parents read this and many similar articles written in education. learning by itself may not solve the dilemma Muslims face today, we have many Docors, Engineers and Businessmen, but what we lack most are women and men with vision and that can only be found in Quraan, Sunnah and the gift of reasoning Allah SWT gave us to ponder with and make Tadabbur: Allah SWT says: " Those who mention the name of Allah, standing on their feet, sitting and on their sides, and who THINK in the CREATION of the HEAVENS and EARTH, ( saying) our lord, you have not created al this in vain" What we lack is the last term THINKING, which led these men and women to be at awe with Allah's fine creations, leading them to love him and mention his name in every state they find themslevs in, to become the finest generation who've ever walked on earth. Research shows that kids are inherenly creative in the early years of their lives, as they grow older, society puts their creative minds in pre-formed molding of what is acceptable according to those who make the news and lifestyle, slowly kids lose their creative power and become conformists who may not contribute much to the humnan experience on our planet. By doing so, we have just killed a nascent talent and a brilliant mind that could have devised a solution to our current problems. The advent of Islam some 1400 years ago liberated the world from conformist and stagnant ways of reasoning and learning, the enlightening of Europe and Asia began with the famous confrontation of The Saxaabi warrior at the door steps of the Persian Kings Palace. The Saxaabi, Rabciyun Ibnu Caamir, answered his famous and eloquent answer that radiates a deep understanding of Islam by a libereated mind and a human message from his maker. " What brought you to my Empire?" said the King of Persia to a bare footed with a dusty beard Beduin brandishing a sword and a shield standing on the smooth marble floors of the Kings reception. "Ibtacathanaa Allah, li nukhrija man yashaa u min cibaadih, min cibaaditil cibaad ilaa cibaadatil Allah " Wa min Jawril adyaan ilaa cadlil Islaam.......Wa min diiqil dunyaa, ilaa sicatil dunyaa wal aakhirah" Meaning: " Allah has risen us to prominence ( to mankind) to liberate mankind from being subservient to fellow man, so that he is subservient to his creator Allah Alone, and to liberate man from the injustices of the man made ways of life so mankind may rise up to live in the Justice of Islam, and from the narrow perception of (nationalism and one-life-to-live concept), so mankind can enjoy the wider brotherhood of mankind's world and a wider and a better life to come in the hereafter" This great saxaabi, was not a graduate of the ellitest University of Mogadishu, Xuddur, Camuud or Kurtunwaarrey Polytechniic, he simply got an unfiltered message from Allah SWT which freed his soul and mind, and like they say, a mind once expanded with an idea can not be contained in the original volume. Historically, it was the youth who led their nations to salvation, these youth were not conforming to common norms, rather, thay were responsible to radical changes in their societies. For example, think of the Asxaabul ukhduud's story, a young boy trigerred the mass reversion of many people to islam, these people became so strong in their faith that even torture by fire could not force them to change their faith. Today, our kids are willing to change their faith for an ice cream cone, our teens for a fun party, our women for gold and our men for a lucrative business or couple fo camels. Another example is the seven sleepers of the cave ( Asxaabul Kahf), Allah says about them " They were a group of youth, who believed in their LORD and we have increased them with a ration of Guidnace, (resulting with) when they stood their grounds (to falshood) by saying " Our Lord ( the one who we should seek for guidnace and obey in everything ) is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, we shall not seek guidnace from any other source (ilaah), because that would be a grave error" What we need today is to liberate the minds of our kids so that they can think freely, following their Fitrah (initial natural state of good) which is the fundemental basics of Islam, the TAWHEED, Islam can be best served and defended by a generation of women and men who can think outside of the box, because we have been boxed up for generations, to the point that we can only see through the dark reflections of the boxes our society has shrouded around our thinking process, whose only result is keeping Muslims like a mushroom, being kept in the dark by our own, and fed bull manure by the media. He who lacks knowledge can not pass it on to next generation, training the trainer should take priority in reviving Islamic education. Because if we use the same teachers that educated the present generation, we can not expect a different outcome in our future. As an example, lets follow a tutoring session in a DUGSI QURAN ( MALCAAMAD) Teacher has a speech impairment, cant pronounce the letter (L) , he is teaching a student how to pronounce the letter ALEF, which requires the pronounciation of the ( L ) letter, but because he cant, the student is repeating after him the mispronounced word, and the teacher is frustrated; Teacher to student : " War ayef dheh! Student : " AYEF" Teacher, irritated : " War AYEF ha dhihinee, ....(A Y E F) dheh" Student: " AYEF" Teacher: Frustrated and subsequently gives up. Have we given up today? Kids do not fail in schools, rather, it is their unqualified teacher who failed to bring up kids with vision. How many brilliant kids have we lost so far? Nur
Khayr Walaal In your Tagline, you write the Verse : "AND KNOW THAT ALLAH MOVES BACK & FORTH BETWEEN A PERSON & HIS HEART & TRULY TO HIM YOU SHALL BE GATHERED FORTH" SURAH AL-ANFAL, V. 24 The above translation is flawed. Clarification: The translation of the word " YAXUULU " IS NOT " MOVES BACK & FORTH BETWEEN " As above The word Yaxuulu is derived from the Origin Masdar "X, W, L" The first is a noun "XAAL" meaning condition, like when we say " kayf Xaalak, or Xaalik " depending on gender we are addressing. A past tense verb that is derived from the the same is " XAALA" like when Noah and his son were separated by the High Ocean Waves. The word xawl is also referred as a period in time for purpose of accunting for Zakat The same masdar " Xiila" is used for solving a problem by means of creative thinking or as we call it Trick, because a trick misleads you from the apparent conclusion. Based on the above, in the context of the revalation, it means Allah SWT intercepts the decision making CONDITION or Xaal, between a person and his heart ( home of intentions) and alters it to a different direction as a punishment. So, the closest word for 'Yaxuulu" is to separate two entities in order to cut communication links, just like how armies jam each others communications during a battle. The Moral of the verse is, that if we do not respond to Allah when we are asked to, and instead put it off for later time, we are risking that we will miss the opportunity of responding to Allah altogether, as Allah may not bless us again with the right intention needed for the action we were asked to do to get the reward that goes with it. Wallah Aclam Nur
Jazakumllahu khairan Shujui, Lucky, Raxmah and Northern Star Following is a a past post at another site, where interesting questions and answers were exchanged, I am posting it as an example of how learning can be enhanced through an inquiry. A poster asked me the meaning of the verse " O my Lord, my folks have taken this Quraan as " MAHJOORAN" the key word hee was MAHJOORAN. One of my answers of many and a question of frequency of reading Quraan follows: Salaama Aleikum Bro Nur, couple days ago while we were praying Fajer prayer Imam recited this verse. " Waqaala Rasuulo Yaa Rabi ina Qownii Takhaduu Haadal Qur'aana Mahjuuraa" so what that abandon Prophet talking about? May Allaah make for you to explain us. Answer: Dear Brother Ahmed Jama I pray Allah reward brother JB look the verse up in Ibnu Katheer, I usually rely on Imam Abu Jaafar Al Dabari for Tafseer as he is the oldest, and respects the way people think differently by narrating all that is said then weighs them and selects the explanation that best supports the other ayaats, Tafseer ul Quraan bil Quraan. The hijraan or abandoning of Quraan takes many forms, I would like to begin with an athar that I lost the line of narration. The gist of this athar is: Anyone who does not make khatam al Quraan within thirty days has abandoned Quraan, and anyone who makes khatam Al Quraan in less than three days does not get Fiqh or understanding. Forms of Hijraan abandoning: 1. Not reading Quraan 2. Not accepting its teachings (like a sister who finds unreasonable to wear hijab, a brother who sets his alarm watch to sound past Fajr, A leader who finds applying sharia offensive to christians and so on) 3. Not taking the time for tadabbur by thinking about about its endless treasure of ideas ( Al Imraan, "Surely in the creation of the heavens and the earth there are signs for those with clear minds (ulul albaab)" 4. Not struggling to make it the basis of our life and communities. second post continuation of answer: Ahmed Jama The Hijraan of Quraan has too main meanings. In my last posting I only discussed one of the meanings, that narrated by of Ibnu Abbas which is popular in most tafaaseer connoting the meaning of abandonment . The other meaning in the Arabic language which Brother JB has briefly mentioned by narrating the verse " Do not listen to this Quraan rather make noise to make it hard for others to understand" which was the tactic of Quraish during the arrival of Pagan pilgrims to makkah while the propphet was making dawa. So Quraish resorted to this scheme by making loud noises in order to confuse the pagan pilgrims not to hear the message. This tactic is still going on, read your daily newspapers Radio and TV. The meaning of Hajara in suuratul muminoon, " Mustakbireena bihi Saamiran Tahjuroon" ( while you are too arrogant and proud to follow Quraan, you say bad thigs about quraan. Here TAHJUROON means the root of the word HAJR which means HADAYAAN or when a sleeping person talks unintelligible talk, or a crazy person speaks. Qureish, were too proud to obey the prophet SAWS, so in their night clubs or gatherings (saamiran) they attacked the Quraan with ****** accusatons similar to the unintelligible talk of a sleepy person . Now we conclude the meaning, ( My people have taken this Quraan as an object to attack with ****** remarks) is the second meaning. Both this meaning and the last one are vividly rich in describing what is going on against Quraan and the people who carry Quraan in their hearts today in our surroundings. Wallahu aclam Now and Again Not finishing the reading of Quraan (Khatam) every thirty days is dangerous, Hijraan means either to abandon or to attack something with unintelligible accusations. ATAHR means a trace of knowledge , hadeeth or saying of saxaaba or taabiciin. What is so important in our lives that would not allow us even a mere hour every day in which we can read Quraan? We eat food three square meals a day. We read a lot of nonsense in papers. We watch ****** programs on TV that tell us we already now, Like there is peace negotiations in the middle east. Quraan is the food for the heart, going without quraan for a day, you get a new friend in your life called Sheitaan, who has many suggestions to occupy the time for Quraan. Going without Quraan, you begin having problems praying Sunnah. Going without Quraan for a month, you are officially admitted in the GHAAFILOON club. Allah says " No matter in what condition you may be, in which you are busy reading Quraan or doing any other deed, We are but witnessing over you) So reading Quraan is a special deed, Allah is seeing and the angels are taking note and you are earning hasanaat and your sins are being wiped out and you are chasing your Qareen (sheitaan ) away with Quraan Allah place between you and those who do not believe in aakhirah a Hijaab that protects you. In the day of judgment, Quraan becomes either your advocate or your prosecutor. Now, How long can you afford to go without Quraan?
Khayr You write the Verse : "AND KNOW THAT ALLAH MOVES BACK & FORTH BETWEEN A PERSON & HIS HEART & TRULY TO HIM YOU SHALL BE GATHERED FORTH" SURAH AL-ANFAL, V. 24 The above translation is flawed. Clarification: The translation of the word " YAXUULU " IS NOT " MOVES BACK & FORTH BETWEEN " As above The word Yaxuulu is derived from the Origin Masdar "X, W, L" The first is a noun "XAAL" meaning condition, like when we say " kayf Xaalak, or Xaalik " depending on gender we are addressing. A past tense verb that is derived from the the same is " XAALA" like when Noah and his son were separated by the High Ocean Waves. The word xawl is also referred as a period in time for purpose of accunting for Zakat The same masdar " Xiila" is used for solving a problem by means of creative thinking or as we call it Trick, because a trick misleads you from the apparent conclusion. Based on the above, in the context of the revalation, it means Allah SWT intercepts the decision making CONDITION or Xaal, between a person and his heart ( home of intentions) and alters it to a different direction as a punishment. So, the closest word for 'Yaxuulu" is to separate two entities in order to cut communication links, just like how armies jam each others communications during a battle. The Moral of the verse is, that if we do not respond to Allah when we are asked to, and instead put it off for later time, we are risking that we will miss the opportunity of responding to Allah altogether, as Allah may not bless us again with the right intention needed for the action we were asked to do to get the reward that goes with it. Wallah Aclam Nur
Dear Nomads Is the quraan topic boring? are we nomads just like our forefathers who only value our camels more than the Quraan A Nomad Poet sang " Aakhiro nimaan geel laheyn lama amaaneynee" Our response to a topic reflects our level of inerest, and Quraan being most important for our life, how can we neglect sharing our thoughts on Quraan? Nur
Salaams Dear Virtual Class This concludes the summer program now that most nomads are back herding their camels in nearby schools and colleges. I pray for the following siters and brothers for taking part in thread, i would have appreciated if they can give me a feedback on how much they have benefited from this effort so I can improve it in th future. Raxmah Flying Still Lateefah Wardi Lucky Muslim sis ilhaam Serenity Jawaahir Nafiisa Libaax San Ka taabte nuune Muraad Complex mind Walaalkiin Nur
Barwaaqo Jazakallahu Khairan I appreciate your ducaa, please increase it from ten times to a ( Bi Gheyri Xisaab) infinite multiples, that is how Allah SWT will compensate those who work patiently ( Sabr) " Innamaa yuwaffa al saabiruuna ajrahum bi gheiyri xisaab" Nur
Conquest Ku mee walaal? waxaan sugayey jawaabtaada haddad dhameysay akhrinta qoraalka caqiidada Nur
Flying Still Answer to your question is covered on this article I posted a while back, but it is in Somali, please find someone to translate for you. The Joy of Iman Macaanka iimaanka Walaal Haddaad mar hore dhadhamisay macaanka iimaanka, laakin aad waayahan dareemi la'dayhay, ogow inaad ka tagtay wax wanaagsan ood sameyn jirtay, oo ku dhadhansiiyey macaanka iimaankaas. Qoraalkan waxaan ugu tala galay sidii marlabaad aad usoo ceshan leheyd macaanka imaanka eed soo dhadhamisay. Maanta waxaan halkan is xasuusineynaa sidii aan ku hanan laheyn macaanka iimaanka haddaan marlabaad ku guuleysanno inaan dhadhamino, iyo sidaan ku xaqiijin laheyn macaankaas. Dadka bartay cabbidda khamriga, ama daroogada oo dhadhansada , wexey ku dadaalaan sidey mar walba dareenkaas u heli lahaayeen, wexeyna u huraan wax walba si ay dareenkaas u gaadhaan ayagoo og inuu u jar ka tuurayo, ama inuu halaagayo. Waxaa kaloo la soo wariyey in Bilaal Ibnu Rabaax, Mu'addinka Rasuulka SAWS la wareystay sababta uu ugu adkeystay oo uu ugu sabray iimaankiisa cadaabta lagu caddibay bacaadka Makka ee kulul, wuxuu ku jawaabay: " Waxaan isku daray xanuunka cadaabta iyo macaanka iimaanka, waxaa soo dul martay macaanka iimaanka" taasoo macnaheedu yahay, in macaanka iimaanka haduu qofku dhab ahaan u dhadhamiyo, inuu wax walba siisanayo, maxaa yeelay Allah ayaa ka iibsaday muminiinta naftooda iyo maalkooda oo ka iibiyay Janno. Hadaba, qofkii ay u dhabowdo macaanka iimaank, wuxuu helay jannadii adduunka sidii uu yidhii Sheikh Ibnu Taymia markii lagu xidhay xabbiskii Qalcada " Haddii la i xidho, waan khalweyn, xasuusta Allah iyo cibaadadiisa ayaan waqti u heli, haddiii la dhoofiyo, waan jihaadi, haddii la i dilo, waa shahhidnimo, Jannadeydu wexey iigu taallaa laabteyda, cadowgeygu maxey igu fali?" Mar uu Rasuulku SAWS wareystay nin saxaabi ah " Maxaad ku barisay?" ninkii saxaabiga ahaa wuxuu ku jawaabay " waxaan ku ku bariistay muumin-nimo", markaasuu Rasuulku SAWS yidhi, maxaa muujinaya iimaankaaga?" ninkii saxaabiga ahaa wuxuu yidhi " waxaa ii muuqda reer jannaadkii oo isa soo salaamaya, waxaa ii muuqda ahlu naarkii oo is eedaya" rasuulkii Allah SAWS wuxuu markaa ku yidhi ninkii, " Waad haleeshayee, ee ku mitid" rasuulku wuxuu kaloo tilmaamay iimaanka " wax qalbiga ku jira oo uu dhabeeyo waxa la sameeyo" Hadaba waxaad is warsaneysaa, sidee baan iimaan ku helnaa, dabadeedna u hanannaa? Jawaabtu wexey ku xidhan tahay hadba qiimaha uu kula leeyahay iimaanka, taasoo keensaneysa howshaad ku gaadhi leheyd iimaankaas. Waxaa lagu hantaa iimaanka: 1. Sabirka : Allah SWT wuxuu yidhi " Kuwa sabraa, waxaa la siiyaa ajarkooga xisaab la'aan" 2. Ixtisaab: oo macnehhedu yahay in waxaad sameysneyso OO DHAN aad ku raadineyso wajiga Allah oo qudha 3, Ducada: Taasoo ah qallbiga cibaadada 4. Soonka Sunnada ah; ( Khamis, iyo isniin, iyo maalmaha caddaha ah, lixda shawaal, carafa, caashuuraa) 5. Quraankoo la khatimo bil walba hal jeer ( salaad walaboo la akhriyo afar bog) 6. Salaadaha oo loo dhakso loogu dhaksado ( Tabkiir bacdal aadaan oo kaa saaraya munaafiqiinta) 7. Ilaalinta sunnooyinka Rawaatibta ah. ( guri janno ayaa laguugu dhisaa) 8. Ku dadaalidda labada rakcdood ee Salaadda barqaha ( duxaa, taasoo xubnahaaga ka bixineysa sadaqada) 9. Ku dadaal maalinkii oo dhan inaad ku sugnaatid weysoqab, ( caajiska iyo sheitaanka ayey kaa fogeysaa) 10. Ku dadaaal labada rakcadood oo sunnada ah aadaanka dabadiis 11. Ku dadaalidda adkaarta subaxa iyo kuwa fiidka ( Faaiido cajiib badan ayaan ka dhaxlay) 12. Labo rakcadood oo intaadan seexanin aad tukato ayadood u niyeyesato Qiyaamulleil 13. Akhrinta Quraanka iyo ku cibro qaadashada sheekooyinkiisa 14. Sunnada habeenkii ee Shafciga iyo watriga 15. Habeenkii intaadan seexan ood is xisaabisid ( maxaan maanta korosaday, maxaan khasaaray, maxaa iga dhiman?) 16. Dambi dhaaf ood Allah ka bariso si joogto ah. 17. Ku fakaridda uunka Allah iyo yaabkiisa ( abuurka cirka iyo cajaaibta dhulka) 18. Qalbiga oo laga meydho ( dhaqo) cudurrada ( xasadka, dakanaha iwm) 19. Dadkood ugu yeedho waxaad aaminsantahay ( Taasoo iimaanka si weyn u kordhisa) 20. Macsida Allah oo laga tago ( macsidu wexey nusqaamisaa iimaanka) 21. Waalidka oo baarri loo noqdo. 22. Qaraabada soke ( rixinka) oo la xidhiidhiyo ( loo kaalmeeyo, lagana warhayo) Nur
eNuri Old Issues Presents: Quraan. Anything that is measured gets done! Ever wonder why education is segmented to twelve years preparatory education, 4 years college and yet another three years for graduate education? Ever wonder why a runner measures distance he runs in a day to maintain an average daily performance, so that he can increase distance he runs and shorten time doing it? Ever wonder why businessmen keep an eye every morning on the performance of their shares in the stock market? Ever wonder why a doctor weighs patients, temperature, takes blood pressure readings in every visit? All the above are measurements of performances to be measured against vital benchmarks that are within acceptable metrics to a stake holder. As Muslims, our performance is directly related on how much we adhere to the teachings of the Holy Quraan. This measures how much importance we give to our holiest Book? Think of it, how much of our time is allocated for the reading of this Book? in comparison with the time we spend reading a tabloid? This is an indicator of our priorities. Would it matter to you if the media discusses the Quraan more often as an amazing Book? How about if a NASA astronaut landed from space with a copy of the Holy Quraan in his hand? Well, The Quraan was revealed to our Prophet Muhammad SAWS (Not by an astronaut), some 14 centuries ago with the wisest words ever composed, parables, laws and the most straight forward explanation of the creation and the recreation of life and the universe which to this day continues to stir hearts and guides minds of those who believe in Allah to a straight path. Nomads, the reading of Quraan ( Tilaawah) is one of the most important daily tasks as a Muslim in addition to the discipline of setting aside a regular daily schedule for this task. It will slowly help you understand the Allah's message and to make it part of your life. The recitation of the Holy Quran can be analogous to an aerobic exercise such as running. Just like a runner, runs daily, say five miles a day reaching a monthly target of 150 miles. A person who regularly recites the Holy Quraan can cover a Juzz a day to cross the milestone of 30 Juzz to make Kahatam al Quraan in month, followed by the prayers of khatam-al-Quraan, and to seamlessly begin another Recitation (Tilaawah). A great joy indeed! you will experience a higher pleasure than a runners high, and only those who had the experience of a long distance run or the completion of the holy Quraan in a week or a month can relate to it. Now let us see the accumulated benefits of reading Quraan. comparing it to running. 1. Running is good for your heart, muscles, brain and overall health. It fine tunes your body. 2. Reading Quraan on the other hand, is good for your soul, it is good for the baseerah (perception), Mind (Qalb) and your overall faith. 3. Running for the non runner is painful, boring, lonesome and tiring. 4. Reading Quraan for the beginner (specially non-Arabic speakers) can be boring confusing, lonesome and tiring. 5. As you get used to running, you will begin getting some benefits like runners high (serotonin), alert mind, sound body and reduced stress. 6. Being patient with reading Quraan, you begin to understand some verses while gradually improving your imaan, reducing your spiritual stress to make right judgment on all matters based on the teachings of the Holy Quraan. The limitation with running is that it only serves to maintain our physical health, the vehicles of our souls, while reading of the Holy Quraan maintains the well being of the very soul and the essence of creation. every time we recite the Holy Quraan we get a credit HASANAH, it is then multiplied by ten folds of credit. Each Hasanah can wipe a violation or a Sin that we have committed against ourselves aka (SAYYIAH). So it follows that by reading the Holy Quraan regularly, in addition to an increase in our faith's level, it can also help in reducing our liability ( Sins). Reducing our sins implies that we will not be punished for it here in Dunyaa, and there in aakhira Increasing hasanah means, our worries are reduced, The prophet SAWS used to say ( O Allah make the Quraan the Spring time of our hearts, and the disappearance of our worries and sadness) Allah gives the reader of Quraan a gift that he does not give to those who make duaa. The reader of Quraan is alive, she walks between people accompanied by light (Have you seen the one who was dead and we have brought him back alive, and gave him light with which he walks among people) That is all for today, my beloved brothers and highly respected sisters. Nur 2003 Nurtel Softwano Series Taking You To Paradise in chains (Fiber Optics, Coax, Copper and wireless)
Walaal Filssan Waxaad i warsatay su'aal jawaabteedu ay nafci badan ku jirto. Su'aal: Dambi miyaa la nalooo qoraa haddaan ku dhaqaaqno ama ku hadalno wax qaldan sharciga? Jawaab: Arrintan wexey salka ku heysaa mowduuc ku saabsan mawaanicda ( legitimate excuses) oo nalaga aqbalo haddii danbi naga dhaco. Danbiga aan sameyno wuxuu noqon karaa dhowr nooc. a. Mid aan Allah ka galnay ( oo ah mid nafteenna aan ka galnay) b. Mid aan ka galnay dadka Labadaas waxaa ku xiga c. Mid aan jahli dartii u galnay d, Mid aan ogaan u galnay d. Mid nalagu qasbay e. mid waalli ama caqli yari aan u galnay Qofka ku Marmarsiyda jaahlnimada waxaa la fiiriyaa: a. Meeshuu joogo markuu jaahlnimo ku marmarsiyoodo c. Wuxuu sheegtay inuu moogyahay markuu danbiga ku dhacay. Marka, haddaan danbi galno annagoo aan ogeyn in xanta ay xaaraan tahay, waxaa la fiirinayaa meeshaan joogno, haddaan joogno waddan Muslim ah ama meel diinta waxyaabaha daruuriga ah la ogaan karo, danbigaas waa mid laguu dhigayo Wixii ku saabsan shirkiga, waxaa la fiirinayaa: a. Danbiga ma mid shirkiga ka dhashay baa, ooy sabab u tahay jaahlnimo asaaska Islaamka ku dhisan yahay uuson qofna moogeyn, mise waa furuucda aan la ogaan karin illaa in la barto mooyaanee? Waxaa Allah na batray inaan ku duceysanno: " Rabbigeennow, ha noo qabsan haddaan illowno ama aan gafno" Nur