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Ramadaan Karim Reer Guuraga Af Somaliga akhriya Waxaa la gaadhay goortii Allah laga baryi lahaa dambi dhaaf, la wadaag qoraalkan intaad jeceshahay, anigana ii soo duceeya. Walaalkiiin Nur
Kheyr A great suggestion Allah SWT says in Quraan : "And compete toward a Jannah that is as wide as the heavens and the earth" Allah SWT says in Quraan: " And hurry up for a forgiveness from your Lord" InshaAllah, I intend to take on to your Challenge, and because Allah helped me before in meeting this challenge, I pray Allah helps me in raising the bar a bit more for these nomads after I share my experience, here is my plan, and it is in search for his magnificent face, ALONE and an example to my nomad Brothers and sisters: A Juzz after every salaat in the first twenty days That is 5 X 20 = 100 Juzz or 3 Khatams for the first twenty days of Ramadan And for the last special ten days we have: (1) ONE khatam every two days, a minimum, for a 5 Khatams in the last ten days. Which earns you a Grand Total of: (8) eight khatams for the Holly month. As a motivation for this grueling task, imagine earning the following hasanaat to wipe out your slate clean for next year and puting extra hasanat for later use as a shield against sheitaan. To do that, let us play: The numbers game: Every letter of Quraan you read earns you ten hasanah, reading the entire Quraan earns you roughly 3.5 million hasanah, so for the Ramadan month how much hasanah can you shoot for? Multiply 3.5 Million Xasanahl/Juzz X 10 days = 35 Million xasanah for just reading Quraan, ( not counting all other activities that come with it like Sadaqah, taraawiix and tahajjud), and Allah will throw in a special gift for those who brave this feat: Reading Quraan in leilatul qader gives you the equivalent of 83 years of reading Quraan. Now that is 83 X 35 Million Hasanah, that is soem three Billion Hasanah for a single season, MaashAllah Tabaarakallah, a great lifetime opportunity indeed. Burt this last part requires ICTIKAAF, seclusion in a Masjid for the last ten days. Depending on your level of proficiency in reading the Arabic, and your past memorization of Quraan, it is possible ( I Tried it with success) to read a Juzz with "tadabbur" ( understanding of the deep meaning of the verses and its reference to our lives) in only 25 min/Juzz maximum 30 min/juzz. A beginner can do an hour/Juzz and an amature can do 45 min/Juzz So for those who are interested to climb mount Quraan's peak in the last ten days to seek their maker her is my suggestion: Go camping in a masjid, no cell phones, no family,friends, no dunyaa, just Quraan and ibaadah for the last ten days. Your day will begin after iftaar, you have about an hour and half till Ishaa prayer, that is three good Juzz reading time ( do not eat too much at iftaar, just few dates and some juices or milk) otherwise you can't climb heights. After ishaa and taraaweeh prayers step out to eat dinner, be quick and do not talk nonsence, you are in the ibaadah of Ictikaaf, so be careful not to go out of the masjid except for food or necessities. Whe you come back, sit down and read Quraan till Tahajjud Prayers time, depending on your global time zone, you may be able to read another 4 hrs X 3 juzzes =12 Max ( this is the equivalent of the Boston Marathon for reading Quraan, you must be into heavy reading to reach the finishing line) Now that is 15 Juzz cruising down the enjoyable Tilaawah highway. ( Xalaawatul iimaan fii tilaawatul Quraan) ( the Joy of iimaan is in the reading of Quraan) Now you pray a sweet Tahajjud prayer, very long and touching, make sure you focus on the meaning of the verses, (as for those like sis Ranya who have problem with the Arabic, bring your translation with you to follow the imaam). After the Tahajjud prayers, there is a time for three more Juzz, for a total of 18 Juzz before fajr Prayer, MaashaAllah, now that is some stamina, ( have you noticed that we can run miles to show how tough we are, and we chiken out if we have to read couple of Juzz of Quraan?) After Fajer, you lay down for a nice sleep and dream about Xuurul Ceyn if your are imaginative. You wake up an hour before Zuhr prayers, clean up and sit again for a three more Juzz before Zuhr just to warm up, and after Zuhr you sit down and read the remainder 9 Juzz for a 24 hour Khatam marathon. Allahu Akbar wa lillahil xamd For blood circulation, bring a nice soft stadium type seat pillow, and change posture constantly, and from time to time walk around the masjid while reading, staying healthy and sound, soul, mind and body. The above is a gruellingle sweet journey with the Quraan, Allah made it easy for me, and I have never experienced a pleasure as good as it ever. Now, for the majority of nomads my experience may be far from possible to do, as I am seasoned for the joband I have the luxury of taking off from any dunyaa work and focusing on my akhirah, but Allah rewards everyone for their ability and effort, not quantity, so go for the best you can do, because you will be graded for trying plus your ability. The last and most important thing is we must make sure to do this or any ibaadah with ikhlaas, wholly dedicated to Allah ALONE , we have to ascertain that Satan has no share in this business as the stakes are very high. May Allah SWT make our deeds khaalisatan for his magnificent face, I shared my experience with my beloved brothers and sisters as a motivation , if a fellow nomad was capable doing it, then you too can do it if you have the attitude. Ramadaan Kariim Nur
Khayr You write: The wording here makes some Nomads think that this doesn't apply to them. Can Agnostics be MUSLIMS too? Can Baseerah be LEARNED or is it HIDYAT from ALLAH? Baseerah in Arabic means a sense that enables people to see without their eyes. Well then this has to do with IMAGINATION. and if this is the definition of Baseerah, then what is the Best form of DU'A if the Blind can't see what the Seeing See. Anyways I have said too much.... [/QB] Answer: Walaal Kheyr May Allah SWT give you a lotta kheyr, specially being at the gates of this great Month of Ramadaan. For your fisrt question, Can Agnostics be a muslim? In the strictest sense, an agnostic is a person who doubts what people hold as a firm belief, in Arabic " Rayb or Shakk" or a doubt in english, it has its degrees of severity , and depending on how accute the condition is, a person can progress from mild doubts or waswaas, in Arabic, like Prophet Ibrahim's call to Allah SWT: " O Allah how do you make the dead alive again?" and Prophet the request of the desciples of Jesus son of Mary's : " O allah can you send down to us a feast from heaven so we can all feast, from the first to the last of us (desciples)" To the serious type of doubt of Al Waleed bin Al Mugheerah, father of Khalid ibnul Waleed, who after being amazed about the stunning eloquence of the Quraan, could not find but denial out of arrogance and said : " This ( Quraan ) is not but the talk of a human" For your second question, can Baseerah be learnt? This is a very deep question, For reasons of expediency I shall treat it in a cosmetic way. Baseerah is a gift from Allah SWT, it is Nicmah, it is given, we do not deserve it as a right, but Allah ot of his mercy bestowes upon whomsoever he wishes. But because Allah SWT is just, it is not random, Allah reaches and touches each and everyone in a special way, those who respond to that signal, are further guided to the highest level of iimaan they are capable of handling, due to hardships and trials that they have to bear. So, when you see someone who has a baseerah problem, it is because of their past refusal to respond to a signal from Allah that costed them not to be able to see clearer at this level. There is another factor in this equation, sins, please refer to my post on the effect of sins and hasanaat on iimaan, my article " Qiyaamah Calculator" The last question: The best Duaa to say to get a good Baseerah is : " Allahumma arinaa al xaqqa xaqqan, wa arzuqnaa ittibaacahu, wa arinaa al baatila baatilan wa arzuqnaa ijtinaabahu" " O Allah make us see Xaqq ( Truth) as truth and bestow on bestow your grace on us to follow it, and make us see baatil ( evil) as evil and bestow on us your grace not to commit it" Nur
Nomads Time to Boost our iimaan, Ramadahaan is almost here, and the best way to take advantage is through hasanaat, good deeds. But Good deeds if not structured well, may compete for our time, and seem to be conflicting in their requirements. So this is the season we should all be striving to do things a little different tha the entire year, because If we continue doing the same old thing, (i mean what we were up to before Ramadaan) we will never discover the value of the hasanaat that we can easily win. There are many things that we may have not tried that can add a great deal of joy to our life, and if we never try them, we may never know what we may have missed. Now you may say " Let it on me bro. Nur, what is in your mind?" And here it is saaxiib. Enjoy reading these insights. Before we explore them, may I clarify that these things will compete for your time, for that reason you may have to start somewhere, and here is how I would go about doing it. Every time you read a verse of the Quraan, or a Hadeeth, you may spot a deed that is ranked as the best of deeds, highlighting its importance in the eyes of Allah SWT. As a matter of fact, There are many deeds mentioned in the Quraan and Sunnah that are deemd afdhal al acmaal, so you may be asked to reconcile this ambiguity. This ambiguitiy can be calrified as follows; There is no doubt that some deeds have more importance than others but if we consider them in a single reference frame such as time, one of the deeds may become better than the other. For example: 1. Reading Quraan is indeed a noble deed, but when a guest visits you, serving your guest generously takes the priority 2. When adhaan is called, the best deed to do is Salaat, and between adaan and Iqaamah, the best deed is Duaa 3. When you notice an evil, removing it is the best deed 4. Entertaining your parents wishes (birrul Walideyn) is the best deed when they ask for it (drop every thing and respond to them) 5. When you meet a friend, best deed is a cheerful face and to make her/him comfortable 6. When you are going about your daily activities, the best deed is to keep Allah in your mind and Dhiker on your mouth. 7. When you are walking the streets, the best deed is to lower your gaze (I know this is a tough one) 8. In the Hajj or Ramadhaan season, performing Hajj or Fasting are the best of deeds 9. The tenth of Muharram, the best deed is fasting for Ashooraa 10. If someone dies, the best deed is to follow the janaazah and pray for the deceased 11. If you find an orphan, the best deed is to comofort, by at least a pat on the shoulder to offering financial support. 12. If you get frustrated, the best deed is make Dhikr 13. If you have enjoyed reading this piece, the best deed is to make Salaat for Rasuulul Allah, ( Allahumaa Salli Calaa Sayyidinaa Muhammad) because all the above wisdom was transmitted through him, so be generous and make Salaat on his soul as Allah and the Angels make Salaat on him.. Specially days like today, on Fridays. Nur
Salaams Brothers and sisters. As we have seen ( with our baseerah) not everyone see eye to eye to what we hold to be absolute XAQQ, because these people are suffering from vsison deseases that blind the perception of reality and the abstract. As we've said, some of these patients have limited impairment, some have severe vision impairment and yet others have a fundemental terminal illness, they are legally blind, Allah SWT refers to them in Quraan as CUMYUN, BLIND. As a result they often stuble and fall in thier quest for reason. One such group are the agnostics, and below is an old article I wrote a year and a half ago ( with some editing). Enjoy reading: AGNOSTICS An agnostic, is by nature a person whose communications wires have corroded due to stains that have accumalated over the years for leading an animal life. ( every time a human commits a sin, his perception lenses are tainted with a dark dot that the more sins he commits the draker the entire perception Baseera lens gets) An agnostic is a slave to his desires which leads him to cause mischief on land and sea ( when the verse about mischief on land and sea was revealed some 1400 years ago, ther was no TITANIC Ship and the Fisq being committed in those luxury yachts like the giant Sun Viking seafaring in Allah's oceans of the Bahamas). Baseerah in Arabic means a sense that enables people to see without their eyes. It is thru Baseerah that we Muslims and new reverts are able to see the beauty of our faith and Deen, but unfortunately an agnostic fails to see because her perception and sensing electronics do not function properly so she fails to see the obvious because she is sick. So agnostics instead of seeking help, tthey try to change reality to fit their lusts intsead of changing their lifestyle so that their perception can focus on reality to seek their maker and make peace with him. It is not only the logic that they fail to understand, rather, they lack a crucial glow of light in their hearts that is limiting their perception of facts they witness. The Quraan describes them as blind, dumb etc. Other instances, they are described as living dead, due to their lack of this sensory perception. Allah SWT says: " A fa man kaana meytan fa axyeynaahu wa jacalnaa lahu nuuran yamshii bihi finnaasi, kaman huwa fi dhulumaati leysa bi khaarijin minhaa?" " How about a person who was DEAD so we made him alive ( with guidance of Islam) and we provided for him light with which he walks among people, ( is he like) he who dewells in darkness knowing no way out?" A joke I read some time ago goes like this: Two campers go out at night and camp in the wilderness. At midnight one of them wakes his friend up and asks him : look up there, What do you see? " I see the gallaxies, the stars, the marvel of creation ......etc." his friend responds Then the friend asks: "What do you see" ? "Our tent is stolen". His friend responds you stoopid, As you can see, the two campers have two different perspectives, one is focused on the universe and its construction the other is focused on the ceiling of the tent, which is missing in this case. Likewise, people with no belief like the agnostics are short sighted, they are only focused to this life while they are totally oblivious of the life to come, Allah SWT says" " Yaclamuuna dhaahiran minal xayaatil dunyaa wa hum canil aakhirati ghaafiloon" "They know the superficial aspects of this present life, while they are oblivious to the life to come" Islam is addressing the universe and the origin of man and his final abode, whereas agnostics are focused on the material ceiling and as a result can not see beyound. Their Baseerah has corroded beyound repair due to their sins and corrupt lifestyle which supports injustice toward fellow man and injustice to their own souls by denying their souls happiness they can attain thru submission to the superior Sovreign Allah SWT. Baseera in action Nur
Salaams Nomads Here are some 14 factors I put together for feeling and staying happy in this life as they've worked well for me, I thought sharing it with you all, so feel free to add to my list if you have insights of your own. From Nurtel (eNuri) Happy Days archives. Happiness Factors The most important factor in attaining happiness is resolving issues that matter to one's life, and death. The sooner you resolve these issues, the happier you will get The first of these factors is figuring out your place in this world, your significance and role. Once all the pieces are put together, that is when you will feel relieved. The second factor is knowing your maker, and appreciating his dominion over all things. Any art student can tell you how great a painting is when all you see is couple of colored strokes on a wall, likewise, a Music student can tell you about Bach, Beethoven and Verdi. Unless you appreciate their work you would not be able to appreciate these artists. (Wa lillahul Mathalul Aclaa) (Note: This is for the sake of example only, Islam does not promote Music, Sheitan does!) To really know Allah SWT is to really look deeply into his creations which represent the living Book of life with all of its complexities and wonders. The more you immerse your self in this realm, the more you find yourself at awe with Allah SWT. The third factor is beginning to Love and seek Allah and taking the first steps toward his direction. The fourth factor is finding all the answers to all the questions that you may have in the Holy Quraan and the Sunnah of the Messenger SAWS. The Fifth factor is loving Allah SW and the messenger SAWS. The Sixth factor is translating your love for Allah and his apostle to actions that show in your character when dealing with others. Serenity, respect and dignity. The seventh factor is constant remembrance of Allah SWT and Dhiker, and Salaat on the soul of the Rasoul as an appreciation of his delivery of this great Deen to us. The eigth factor is the realization that Allah, your ilaah, is the sole power and the Sovereign ( Samad) who runs everything that you see or hear. Nothing escapes his plan and nothing can outwit Allah SWT. He is the source of all the requirements of his dominion and everything we see happens for a purpose whose secret only Allah fully knows. The ninth factor is, after that realization to think positively about Allah SWT. The tenth Factor of happiness is praying to Allah, making many Duaa to Allah, the only one who can deliver your needs when distressed. Prayers are joyful experience. The 11the factor is controlling your desires and aligning them with the revelation. The more you are in control of your desires, the happier you will feel. Obedience to Allah is in itself a pleasure that only those who safeguard their desires can enjoy. And the joy Allah puts in your heart when you obey him, is indeed a great joy, so good, some Salaf people have described it that Jannah must be good if one can get a feeling as good as enjoying the remembrance of Allah. The 12th factor Making the obligatory Ibaadaat. Like Prayers, Fasting etc. The more you observe, the happier you shall feel. The 13th factor is the Morning and afternoon Dhiker. These are prescribed sayings that our Prophet SAWS had taught us to say at dawn and sunset. Saying these adhkaar can put a lot of ease and happiness into your life. It can reduce your sins, increase your hasanaat and protect you from Sheitaan. The 14th factor and by far the most important one is the Tilaawatul Quraan. (specially in Ramadaan) The recitation of Quraan is a soul filling experience. If you look deeper into the Quraan, you may not be able to stop, it is another world, and it is a joyful world when by way of your imagination, you meet the good folks mentioned in Quraan. Rest assured, that if you set aside a particular time in your daily schedule for reading Quraan, you will get a great dose of happiness. Reading Quraan relaxes you, keeps you tension down, eases your preoccupations and belittles you worries, the single most source of Misery. - إن لأهل التقوى علامات يعرفون بها : صدق الحديث ووفاء بالعهد و صلة الرحم و رحمة الضعفاء وقلة المباهاة للناس و حسن الخلق وسعة الخلق فيما يقرب إلى الله Nur
Marxab Marxab Yaa Ramadaan Reposting My Old Editions Nurtel Presents: A Nudist Colony If you have been intrigued by the idea of visiting a Nudist Colony, rest assured that you will, but not necessarily with Club Med. Before you are allowed to visit this colony, you will need to take a trip in which you travel across physical barriers, to the spiritual domain, which make life as you have known it like a big dream, a dream that lasted for dozens of years, and ended suddenly. To cross to the other side of the fence, you would have to shed your entire present body for the bacteria so that the components that were YOU can take a cycle to be reassembled in another useful format, may be more useful then YOU, something like a tree, or a squirrel. As you leave your body behind for weeping relatives, your soul is recieved at the first station of reception. Here you will be interviewed, your exit interview, you may still be able to hear your relatives, but they can't, and an assesment will be made by the Station officers, of your contribution to life on earth. As you leave this station, the next station will be the General Assembly station, Not the UN, and its hypocracy and fear for their lucrative salaries, In this Station all mankind who ever lived on earth are assembled in a single grounds, all waiting to know about their results, final accounting excercise, even Arthur Andersen will have to explain about their evaluation of Enron since no one on earth has done it. In this assembly everyone will be naked, and no one has an interest to look at anyone else, it is that bad, what you will see that day will dwarf all your worries in this world. To believe in that day, is not to worry for a worldly loss of any kind, To know your score in the day of judgement, see how much you think about this present life, does it make you happy when you have it?, are you depressed when you don't? If that is the case, then you are in for a surprise, you better not die. That day, will be the beginning of real life, the current life is a mirage, it lasts so short, and before you know, you are standing naked in front of your maker.....This is No joke... Evereyone around you will also be naked, and contrary to your earthly habit of looking at people, in this special day, you will not have any interest in looking at these naked people, and the reason you would not bother looking at these nude people is simple to understand. you will look back at your life history, see what is happening, and develop TONS OF WORRIES ! But let us look back at our past earthly worries before we go forweard to the day of judgement. Our worries in this life are relative. The more relatives we have, the more worried we will be, because, our relatives tend to compete for our love, attention, time, money and what have you..... Tonight there is hebla's wedding, tomorrow, hebla is graduating from college, yet the day after, other hebel needs qaaraan, he is being held for manslaughter for running over a child near a school, and it goes on and on and on....... We worry about our jobs and money, about relationships, does hebel really love me? we worry about our health, we worry for our favored team, we worry and worry all the time, our worries never seem to end. But one worry seems not to be in our list of worries, and it turns out to be the single most important concern that we should be thinking endlessly. There are two concerns in our lives in this life. 1. Our physical needs 2. Our required deliverables agianst these needs. Our physical requirements have been budgeted and approved long ago before we were born, all we have to do is to seek it with grace, not with worries, theft, or making enemies. Our Sustenance, physical requirements are called Rizq, everyone has his/her share allocated and no else will get it. But the way we seek Rizq varies and hence our worries or happiness. Our Rizq is like a boarding pass, once issued to you, you can take it easy, you don't have to rush to seek your seat in the plane, the hostess makes sure that no one sits in your seat. Rizq is the allocated needs for your wellbeing while on earth, it is not a right, rather it is generosity ( Fadl) and it requires being thankful. Rizq comes in many ways: 1. Wealth 2. Health 3. Friendship 4. Wisdom 5. Family and anything that adds value to your life. Your share of the above are fixed, but what you can do with it is variable, in different combinations, the more creative you are, the more your returns on these Rizq. Or you can choose to use the above Rizq aginst the one who gave you to begin with, if you are very smart. Against all the above Rizq, you have deliverables to deliver as a token of gratitude. This deliverable is called Shukr ( Gratefulness) it's opposite is called (KUFR) The word KUFR in Arabic language has the same Indo-European root like the latin and English word ( COVER) they even sound closely. KUFR means not recognizing a goodwill you have received, or covering it up by not showing respect to the giver of this RIZQ. So, as you contiune receiving the Rizq all your life, and not recognizing the giver by thanking him appropriately, you begin to age and die, if not by sickness or accident, then by old age. Now, your relatives take you to the grave, wiping their crocodile tears, thinking all along about the inheritance, and how to share it. While you were alive, you gave them your time and money, you may even have ruined your health because of worrying about them and not having time to excercise or eat right. And when you die they line up to claim the money that you were so stingy to spend on yourself. Now, after your death, your family can buy all the things you have denied them. Once in the grave, the angels will look up at your deliverables folder, and suddenly, they spot that your file is empty, no deliverables inside, worse yet, a lot of violations are logged on your record. ....And you thought that your traffic record was bad? wait till you see about a record keeping system that misses nothing, I mean zero tolerance, here we are talking about absolute justice, no fake lawyers, no lobbies, no biased media, no politcians. Your worries are just beginning, because in the arrival station, the grave, you will realize that you have neglected your duties, which were in the sphere of your influence, and worried about RIZQ, which was guaranteed to you. Now, you want to come back, to do otherwise, but, the gates are closed and the plane has taken off to another world, flying to the permanent domain of a Just King. At this station, you will be booked, after a quick interview which will highlight what you should exepect according to your accompanying manifest, and time stops for you as you take a long nap and depending on your manifest record, you may have several windows open showing future attractions in store for you. Upon arrival of the General Assembly of all of Humanity. You will have a new body, and you find yourself in a new world, you will notice that it is not the same sun or skies, not the same people, you would'nt believe if what you see is real or if you are dreaming, but that day your sight will be as sharp as steel. You will realize that the only thing that counts that day is how much truth you have with you. How much good have you delivered against the opportunity that was furnished to you? That day, it will not matter if you were a Hawiyyeh , Issaaq or Darood, woman or a man, rich or poor, king or a shoeshining boy, everything evaborates that day, except one currency: 1. Belief 2. Good Deeds You will be able to see your final home, or jail. And because the horror of what you see that day, you will not be able to notice that everyone around you is naked, this is not CLUB MED, it is CLUB DEAD. Clothes cover you from the elements, but it is TAQWA, ( Literally meaning to prevent yourself from the Punishment of Allah) that one should wear in this life, so that he/she does not become unprotected from being punished. Wear Taqwa Garment for your souls sake, you owe it to yourself. Surrender your soul to Allah before your body surrenders to its makers will and vanishes ion thin air, or sand. Why should you expose yourself, when you can get a free coverage like Taqwaa? Nur
Walaal Reer Woqooyi Tooth paste contains some sugars and sweetners that are sensed by the taste buds, also, it contains fragrances such as mints and others, those two ingredients make Tooth paste MAKROOH, which is one degree between the permitted and te forbidden. Makrooh means strongly not recommended but it is not out right haraam. The fact that it is OK is because you are cleaning your teeth with it whch is Highly recommended. And because you do not swallow, for external use, it is halaal. But using clogate is begging trouble. If I were you, I would youse regular tooth brush without toothpaste or CADEY if you can order a fresh bundle to last a month from Gabiley or ijaara, delivered to you via FedEx. Nur
Walaashey Beer Lula When companies introduce a new product to be sold to the market they make sure that it is : 1. Good quality 2. Tolerates lot of user abuse 3. functions well for many years So they have a department within the engineering division called Testing Department, their job is to make sure that this new product meets the above requirements. Then the product is introduced to the market. Now, a husband and a wife is not a product to be used for a short period like the above product, so the testing should be more elaborate and extensive, because most men and women under the influence of love would sign any documents to get married, some will even change their religion altogether. Make sure that the person has genuinly changed, that he becomes closer to Allah SWt, and wait a good period to see if his relationship with Allah SWT is firm over time, then make itsikhaarah, consult family and friends and tawakal calal Allah. So, my advice is like the Chinese say, Before marriage OPEN BOTH EYES After marriage, CLOSE ONE EYE ( cuz you are stuck with him, possibly with ten kids) Nur
Beerlula sis you write; " While Somalinet members are trying to figure out what happened to u, u were just hiding down here" That is right sis, so don't tell on me (lool), this place is like family, bring all of your good freinds here for the Ramadaan halaqah. Nur
Beerlula Sis As your name implies, you have shaken my Liver out of synch, my dear little sister in Islaam, so my answer to your question may make me a BEER DILLAACSHE.( a Liver Disector) Marriage in Islam is a sacred relationship of two servants of allah who will join in a relationship to start a family and who will make Allah SWT their guardian in this life and their saviour in the next. Prayer is the center pillar of Islam, unless a pesron lives in the south pole, chances are they would know that Muslims are expected to pray. Prayer is an act of surrender of our will to a higher authority, Allah. Allah made man superior to all of his creastures, " Wa laqad karramnaa banii Aadama" Allah ordered Satan to bow down in respect to Adam, our father, but satan refused to obey allah to bow down to Adam. That act made satan cursed ( denied mercy) forever. Now Allah asked mankind to pray for him, ALONE. So, anyone who refuses to pray to Allah is a friend of Satan, his is no good, because the way to measure goodness is how Allah SWT measured and he said : " Falaa Saddaqa, wa laaa sallaa, wa laakin kadhaba wa tawallaa" " He did not beleive ( good enough) so he did not pray, instead, he disbelieved ( did not take Allah serious enough),and as a result, he ignored (prayers) Now, if Satan was cursed for refusing to Bow down to Adam , what makes a pesron who refuses to pray a Muslim? Nur
Br. Mujahid A great question indeed and a great topic. To answer your question Nomads need to know the meaning of the terminology involoved , and how it was understood by the first generation of Muslims to set such a standard of faith. On one of my threads, while discussing the meaning of laa ilaaha illa Allahu (NO ILAAH BUT ALLAAH) I wrote: " But what does ILAAH mean? The root meaning of the word ILAAH comes from the Arabic word (ALIHA) the masdar of this word means among others: 1. To seek a protection ( Like an infant seeks mother's love , wormth and protection) 2. To seek a rescuer ( in times of distress) 3. To seek the highest authority, no one scapes from ( Jurisdiction and Sovreighnty). 4. It meant leadership. ( ZACIIM UL QOWM) 5. Any thing one follows even desires is called ilaah So when we say Laa (1, 2, 3, 4 ) in the parethesis we fill all of the above points. Believing in this principle means: Unifying two aspects: 1. Tawajjuh ( Seeking or offereing a service to a destination Power) 2. Talaqi (Receiving guidance from a Power) Tawajjuh means, Just like we face Makkah in prayer, all of our activities and offereings are all destined to a single dstination from which we seek Talaqi. Allah SWT says : " Fa aqim wajhaka liddiini xaniifaa" TALAQI means, receiving from a source of guidnace, just like we receive guidance from Quraan and Sunnah and do not accept any other source for guidance. Allah SWt says " A fa gheira Allahi attakhidu xakamaa" So, when we say the word we are expected not to face any other direction to offer our services, this constitues shirk, nor to receive any guidnace from any other source, which is also another form of shirk. When we say that word we have made Shahaada ( witnessed that we adhere to all the above) we are called Muslims, those who surrendered to the will of Allah and agreed not seek nor to receive except from one source, Allah SWT. When we die for that principle we are called Shaheed ( we signed that agreement with our blood) Because as Allah SWT said: "Li takuunuu shuhaada calaa naasi, wa yakuunu arrasuulu calaykum shahiidan" meaning " so you may become witnesses against people, and the Messenegr to be a witness over you" So by living our lives we are making practical Shahaada ( testification) of that inportant statement and in effect becaming (shuhadaa calaa naas) witneses to testify against people, and in the day of judgement the Messenger of Allah SAWS will testify for us that we have followed the path of Allah, the mighty, the Wise. and we deserve the mercy of allah SWT for our efforts. Nur
Dear Namads The vote tally stands as follows: 1. Tafseer ( Quraan bil Quraan, Bil Hadeeth) One VOTE 2. Modern implication of some selected verses SIX VOTES 3. How to integrate Quraan into our lives THREE VOTES 4. Learning of Quraan ( Hifd, tilaawah, Tajweed) ONE VOTE 5. Key words in Quraan that Open Huge doors to Knowledge FIVE VOTES From the above votes, InshAllah I will concentrate on Numero DOS y Numero CINCO, my dear Amigos as Lucky put it InshaAllah Hasta luego, Nooli Kulante, ilaaliqaa'a fisharil Mubaarak Nur
Flying Still Ma akhadtsh baalii annaki taxki 3arabi, maa shAllah Tabaaraka Allah Nur
Walaashey Asraa Ma jiro dambi ka weyn cafiska Allah SWT, naxariistiisana wexey deeqdey wax walba. Dunuubta xikmadda ka dambeysa ay u dhacdo waa badan tahay, waxaa ka mid ah in addoonta Allah ay dareento ineyan dhameyn ( Not perfect, since Allah alone is perfect) ooy khaldamaan xisaab xumo iyo illow dartii ( Ghaflah) markaasna ay dambi ku dhacaan, ha noqoto mid ay u geysay maal jaceyl ama shahwad jaceyl, oo labada ah wixii ka soo saarey aabbaheen Adam iyo hooyadeen Xaawo jannada ayadoo lagu yihi: " Inna laka an la tajuuca fiihaa wa la tacraa, wa annaka laa tadhma u fiihaa wa laa tadxaa" ilaa uu sheidaankii waswaasiyey asagoo ku leh, la iidinka ma reebin geedkaan inaad noqotaan labo malag mooyaanee, amaa aad noqotaan kuwo waara ( oon dhiman). Sidaa darteed jeceylka nolosha dheer, iyo nicidda geerida ayaa sabab weyn u ah macaasida badan een sameyno, maxaa yeelay maal jeceylka ooy ka dambeyso nolol jaceyl ayaa dhaliyey in dadku ay Ribada xalaaleystaan taasoo rabbigooda uu ka dhaafay. Hadaba, jawaabtu waxaa weeye, aqbalidda tawbadu, siduu suubbanahii noo sheegay, waa mid aan joogsan ilaa ay nafta addoonka u soo gaadho dhuunta ama hunguriga (throat) ama ay qorraxda ka soo baxdo galbeed ( west) hadba tii soo hormarta. Allah SWT wuxuu leeyahay qofkii ka soo laabta oo ka soo tawbo keena Ribada wuxuu leeyahay raasumaalkiisa, la dulmi maayo asagana wax dulmi maayo. Allah wuxuu leeyahay ; Haddaad idinka iyo waxa dhulka ku nool oo dhan aad gaalowdaan. Allah waa mid hodan ka ah ( No need) caalamiinta oo dhan, marka annaga ayey noogu jirtaa dan weyn inaan addoonnimadeenna u gudanno si aan ugu guuleysanno naxariista ballaadhan ee Allah SWT noo ballan qaaday. Ogowna, Allah inuu aad ugu farxayo tawbada addoonkiisa ka soo laabtay dambi weyn oo la mid ah Ribada. Dambi weyn na ma jiro haddii laga tawbo keeno, Dambi yarna ma jiro haddii lagu adkeysto, maxaa yeelay la ma eego dambiga yaraantiisa laakin waxaa la eega weynaanta kan laga galay dambigaas. Hadaba qofka tawbo keena waxaa laga rabaa afar shardi: Allah swt wuxuu leeyhay: " Wa innii la ghafaarun liman taaba wa aamana wa camila saalixan thumma ihtadaa" "Waan u cafis badanahay qofkii : 1. (ii) soo laabta, 2 (i) rumeeya, 3. Wanaag sameeya, 4. Dabadeedna toosa (dariiqa toosan) Haddu jiro xaq aadami leeyahayna waa inuu u celiyo ciddii laheyd. Wallahu Aclam Nur
Dear Asraa Alxamdulillah, wa bihi nastaciin, wa salaamu calaa rasuulihi alladii istafaa wa calaa aalih wa saxbih wa sallim. Ribaa or what is termed as interest in banks around the world is a financial transaction that grew from greed and Kufr, all three revealed religions, Judaism, Christaianity and Islam forbid it as these messages were issued by the same God regardless of the name adherents call him. Before we answer the question, let us look into the drivers of making Ribaa haraam, and what makes the one who indulges in it a sinner of a KABEERA, a major sin even greater than Fornication, as it was reported by the Prophet Muhammad SAWS that he said a hadeeth whose gist is " Ribaa is of many types, with different degrees of severity in Punishment, the least significant type of Ribaa is equivalent to the sin of a man who fornicated with his mother some thirty( thirty six) times, in the Quraan Allah SWT placed taking Ribaa even higher by sayin to ribaa dealers, takers and givers " Beware of a war from Allah and his appostle" Allah SWT says again " Allah has made business transactions lawful, but made Ribaa Xaraam" Now, what is very important is to simplify the concept of Ribaa. Ribaa is the act of lending money so that the time factor is sold, the longer the period the more ( Rent) has to be paid on the capital. The reason this is haraam is that the lender is not doing busines here, he is securing the loan and at the same time securing profit which is against the concept of Tijaaraa, or commerce which is sharing risk and profit. In Ribaa, you take the Risk, the Bank takes the Profit, an unjust deal. In Islam, when someone is need, we help them out by either giving them grant or a loan, a loan with no interest given to a needy person is a form of worship to Allah SWT and it is that missed opportunity of benevolemce and the choice of greed that creates hatred in any community. Hatred is against the concept of brotherhood, which if not protected by benevolence can lead to theft, and loss of life. Thereby Ribaa destroys the fiber of love and community. To see the result fo this, just visist your local Psychologist who advices people whose house and cars are repossesed by banks aftre they lost tgheir jobs. That pesron is bitter at society and when able will not spare any law unviolated. Now, as you have asked, a student who needs a loan applies at a local Bank, the Bank particpates in a government sponsored and secured student loan program, the Bank is guarnateed of his return, by two ways, one by the government and two by FDIC ( Federal Deposit Insurance in USA or equivalent in other jurisdictions) the inusrance for banks that insure participating banks with hundreds of millions. Now the Banks is milking the poor worker who has to pay more than their fair share. I saw this bumper sticker on a car ahead of me " I owe, I owe, so off to work I go" . The Ribaa feature is an evil result of greed, the more caring a society is to its members the more help it offers its members. Most student loan applications clearly say the amount of interest payable after graduation, some applications give you a grace period, say 9 months interest free period after graduation after which you will incur penalties and more Ribaa to make you come crawling and begging for loan consolidation and collectors will be terrorizing you by placing your name in the most wanted list, so your credit worthiness diminishes so bad, your cash may not be accepted. So, signing that document even if you beleive that you will pay the money before the grace period with no ineterst is a minor sin at best, " Wal ladiina laa yash haduuna al ZUUR" Sister Asraa, we are undergoing a test here, just like materials, when engineers test them to see how much hardships these materials can tolerate, we are being tested likewise, with temptations our hands can reach , to see who is mindful of Allah in the Ghaib ( without seeing him). Paradise is no cheap. Besides, any Muslim who resists temptation, Allah SWT will replace that which he forgone, with something better, it is matter of faith, and faith should not be compromised or sold for mere dollars. We must remember that our Rizq (sustenance) is in the heavens as Allah SWT said, " wa fis samaa-e rizqakum wa maa tuucaduun" and not with Ribaa Banks. Wallaahu Aclam Walaalkaa Nur
Nurtel Ramadhan Expedition Presents Fatawa of Scholars Questions and Answers Q. I sleep too much during the day, is my fasting accepted? A. Yes, but you are minimizing other opportunities for hasanaat, the more you are awake and do good deeds in the day of Ramadan, and at night, the more reward you get. Q. I went to bed before eating Saxuur, with niyah of eating later, but I woke up late at fajer and missed eating saxuur, is my fasting correct? A. Yes, But at a price, according to a hadeeth, the Prophet SAWS said "The eating of Saxuur is barakah, so do not fast without it even if you have to swallow a mouthful of water, because (For eating Saxuur) Allah, and His angels endow mercy on those who take saxuur) Q. I go swimming, and I like to go diving in nearby Maraka Caddey Reefs, does that brake my fast A. Answer: as long as water does not get into your stomach willingly, it is OK Q.. Does smelling good fragrances and perfumes brake fasting? A. Some Ulema see it does, as it goes to the brain and makes you feel too good to be fasting Q. At the Dentist, does the ansthesia or blood coming out after a tooth is removed brake fast? A. No, neither does as long as you do not swallow blood. Q. How about saliver ( Cantuuf) or mucus ( Xaako), if I swallow them do they brake my fast A. No, but some Ulema see that the Mucus ( Xaako) should not be sawallowed knowingly, it is heavy stuff, you know what I mean! Q. When I have fever or feel sick, can I take suppository ? A. suppository inserted in the rectum does not brake fast. Q. But How about medicine shots i.e. syringes taken through blood veins on my wrists, or thru my body. A. Only Intravenous intake of nutrients or vitamins, or water brake fast, no medicinal intake brakes as long as it is not taken through the mouth. Q. How about inhaling medical vaporized solutions for asthma attacks? A. That vapor evaporates, it does not brake fast. Q. How about mouth wash sloutions for gargling? A. As long as you do not swallow it, it is OK. Q. Ok, the midterms exams are here, and I need an A to get to a good medical school, can I break my fast? A. No, that is not a valid excuse to break your fast for, be more creative. Q. Does brushing my teeth with MISWAAK or regular tooth brush brake fast? A. No, it is recommended to brush your teeth regularly as it is " Mat-haratun lil fam, mardaatun lil Raxmaan" cleansens the mouth and makes Allah SWT satisfied with you. but as for tooth paste, it is MAKROOH, not recommended. Q. I heard some people say eating snow or ice does not break fast? A. Nomads in Ottawa or the north pole Helsinki, would've loved it! no, it is not permissible, because the story that a companion Abu Talxah used to eat Snow while fasting claiming that it is not food nor drink, his argument is wrong because it changes phase once in your stomack as liquid, a sufficeint but not necessary reason for braking your fast. Q. How about eye drops? A. The consensus is that it does not, although some ulema say it might, because the drops can travel through the sinus and via your throat and end up in your hungry tummy. Q. How about if I eat or drink forgetfully A. Your fasting is accepted, but those who observe you eat MUST remind you to stop eating or drinking if they do not, they are makiing a sin. Q. Do wet dreams brake fast? A. No, wet dreams are involuntary, they do not brake your fast. Q. When making MADMADAH or ISTINSHAAQ, and water get into your stomach, does that brake fast? A. No, as the person making wudoo did not do it with intention. Q. If I eat during the Fajr prayer call, adhaan or a little while afterwards, does that brake my fast? A. If the person found out later that he ate during or after adhaan, her fasting is OK, if he statred eating after hearing the Fajr adhaan, his/her fast is not valid. Q. can I donate blood in Ramadaan? A. Yes, donating blood does not brake your fast, and giving blood is a forrm of Sadaqah, a highly recommended Ramadan benevolence. Q. I like to use body lotions and creams in the cold season, does these brake my fasting? A. No, it is OK to use it if need be. Q. What is the definition of "Travel" which makes braking fasting permissible? A. Eighty Three kilometers ( 83Km) some scholars did not set a definite distance as long as it is accepted as travel depending on the common sense of that area. But if you plan to go to Atlantic City or Las Vegas, that does not qualify as legitimate "Travel" in Fiqh, accepted Travels are for benefitial destinations only, not Macsiya trips. Q. Does throwing up brake fast? A. Unintentional vomiting does not, but intentional vomiting breaks fast. Collection of Ulema Fatwa's in Nur' Words and Wacky Analogies Nurtel Ramadan Expedition Nur [ September 18, 2007, 06:26 AM: Message edited by: Nur ]
Entreprenuer Bro. MaasaAllah, I enjoyed reading your response, humorous and wise, here is a suggestion; Since you are from Garamgarm land, and an entreprenuer who never misses a good opportunity, I was wondering if you could open up a franchise of Nurtel Opticians in Garmgaram land, before Madax Karankor business delegation knocks on my door. If you are interested to take an advantage of this opportunity, you need to: 1. To do a feasibility study of the number of vision impaired customers ( including Kitaab Gaablow) 2. segment them to different levels so that we can target each segment with appropriate products to maximize our revenue model. 3. Size up the competition ( Xerti Sheikha Kitaab gaablowyaasha) and do some competitive analyses on their tactics and long term strategies. 4. Identify prime locations in Garamgaram land, Shopping Malls and Suuqyaasha reer Madax Karankor 5. Manpower (With Correct Vision) 6. And an assessment of your finances ( we have a Riba free Islamic Muraabaxa plan, if you qualify pending the feasibility analyses) 7. And finally a Busines Plan and your Financials. Let me know when you are ready to start your vision correction business in garamgaram Land. Nurtel Opticians will be happy to open up in Shopping Malls in Garamgaram land. Nur Nurtel Opticians As Far As Your Heart Can See
Brother Muraad If it was not for: 1. Working in Dawa for the sake of Allah, or 2. Puting my forehead on the ground, in prayer, or 3. Chatting with Good Mulsims ( like these Nomads) Then I would,ve preferred to be with Allah. Inspired By Umar Ibnul Khattab RAA " Lawlaa 1. An asiira fii sabilillaah 2. Aw adaca jabhatii fil turaabi lillah 3. Aw Ujaalisa qawman yaltaqiduuna adaayabil kalaam, kamaa yultaqadu ataayabal tamr, la axbabtu an alxaqa billaah. Nur
Assalamu Aleykum Sisters and Brothers Ramadan is around the corner, and many Nomads will be turning their attention toward the heavens to find some peace with their maker, souls, family and freinds, as such it is a great opportunity to make Dawa to your loved ones by involving them to read these pages. Also from my prespective I need your opinion on topics you think could provide the best learning opportunity for the Nomads, Being a single Nomad, here is my sggestion: Since Ramadan is the Month of Quraan, and Quraan was revealed in this month, I suggest we focus all of our energies to make a room for Quraan in our hearts, in our houses, in our discussions, and everywhere in which we find ourselves. But how we treat Quraan can be a world of difference: We can focus on 1. Tafseer ( Quraan bil Quraan, Bil Hadeeth) 2. Modern implication of some selected verses 3. How to integrate Quraan into our lives 4. Learning of Quraan ( Hifd, tilaawah, Tajweed) 5. Key words in Quraan that Open Huge doors to Knowledge If we choose Tafseer, we have further to decide teh Surah or verse we want to start with, personally I would love to start with AL RACD and Ibrahim, specially the last part of Ibraahinm as I am tremendously touched by these verses. Integration of Qurann to our lives could make a great discusiion, as everyone can propose an idea to debate Yet we can still discuss how to memorize the Quraan starting with those verse we've forgotten, and may be add new ones so we can use them at night. And finally we can discuss special key words that are so deep, once understood, they may change your behaviour for life, so what are these key words in the Quraan? Waiting for your input and ideas Nur It takes many feathers to Fly a Falcon
Raxmah Sis I made it my way never to bring the Mad-habs to these boards, these fiqh differences are for a more mature and scholarly audience, and at this stage it does more damage than good since most of the ( Nomads) Reer Guraaga I encounter on these pages are in their intellectual formative stage of the Deen, the best thing to present to them is simplicity not complication. But if you have specific topics in mind and you sish to see what other schools of thought say about it we can look up a Book called "al Fiqh Calal madhaahibil Arbaca." to quench your thirst for knowledge. Miz_Unique sis InshAllah, but before I do, I have to take a consensus of our audience of topics they would like to read in the month of Ramadan. Nafisah sis I pray Allah provides you with more time in which you learn your deen and do not forget to make duaa for me if anything I wrote benefited you in anyway, Duaa gets me going to difefernt hights so I can post more of my insights. Nur
Jazakumullah Khair Muslim si and Conquest, waxaad mooddaa in Reer Guuraaga meeshaan daawada ayan badankood af Somali aqoon, hadaba, inteenna yar aan ku dadaalno in aan af Somaliga wax ku soo qorno Nur
Entreprenuer Here is the Fictitious Letter to My Fictitious Chief. The following is a piece of my creative writings, it has fragments of facts that many Somalis can relate to, but overall the story was meant to create a discussion on our tribal allegiances and affiliations, sore wound in our national dilemma. Please take it with a grain of salt as you read, I meant it as a humorous treatment of a scourge that has taken a toll in our lives, so ponder and contemplate, a mind once expanded with an idea, can never be contained. Nur Letter to the Clan's Chief ( Fiction Category) Dear Chief, I consider myself a customer for your services and I consider you a service provider, I need to reevaluate our relationship in light of past performance, present situation, and future expectations. Because unless you show me a value for continuing in doing business with you, I may have to find a better service provider to meet my needs, I can not justify the present relationship. You see Chief, in the past, when we lived in the Qurac Dheer Baadiye, your organization provided our family with security and protection services, and my dad always paid his dues on time whenever the Qaaraan colection man came over, our family even paid more than its dues when my brother Cag Bakayle died while raiding reer Qansax, because we learned early in our childhood that our Reer Qurac were the best, others were animals and ****** , so as we grew up, we developed this macho attitude of getting infuriated if anyone talked about Reer Qurac in unbefitting way, those Reer Qansax rascals got more than what they bargained for when they raided our vilage and robbed our 25 camels, not only did we take 100 camels back as a revenge, but we also took 5 virgin girls and killed twenty of their men, we only lost my brother and two young boys. When we moved to the city, I became confused, I could not understand the logic behind tiny pieces of squre plots of land being sold, I hated living next door to reer Qansax, but city dwellers were too friendly to each other, because they did not have camels and land to defend like our land. In Qurac Dheer, our land was as far as our eyes can see and our guns can defend, even more surprising was the fact that some city people were selling in the shops the nuts we used to eat freely as kids for money. In the big city, We lived with uncle Rooble who was working as a night guard for Ugaas Hassan's grand son who was a rich man in the city. Soon, an uncivilized war broke out and we migrated to Canada were upon arrival, I felt like I was in a dream world. In Canada, we were given a house, healthcare, education and security, I could'nt believe the kindness of these white people. They were exceptionally kind and gentle, something I have never seen from our neigbors Reer Qansax. These gaalo were so kind to us, to the point that when we were in the reception houses in Buffalo N.Y. these Christian nuns would even serve us breakfast, for free, can you imagine that they were not even related to Reer Qurac, but they were very nice. For the past decade, we sent a lot of the money we were supposed to spend in food to you, Dahabshiil made a fortune in the Xawaaladda, we did that so we can help our folks back home with the tough times, but, honestly, I do not see an accountability for what I am sending to you, no reports, no progress and no hope. I feel that I am sending money to the void. I was even dismayed when rumors circulated that our Chief is trading with our money in Dubai for his pesonal use, If our Toronto Mayor does the same, he would be sent to jail, it even hurt me more that you are well aware of our tribesmen plight and suffering in the Qurac Dheer vilage. Chief, what I want to know is how do you add value to our lives here in Canada now that the public welfare has supported our family and provides us with protection? I am also tired defending my tribe on the net when these Reer Qansax insult my tribe, at times my blood boils so much, I feel like grapping the rascals head inside the Somalinet Pages were he smears our tribes name day in and day out, but again, I feel ashamed of defending a fad. Chief, I am not denying that I grew up in that village, so do not pull one of your famous ( Tolkaa miyaad ka dhantahay" line, because our Sheikhs here in Toronto taught us that Allah is the one who saved us, not the Qabiil. I must admit that I do have nostalgic memories as a kid , running in the open savannah chasing baby camels, but look Xaaji, how far apart we have grown, both intellectually and in terms of distance. Frankly, if I come back to our village, I would not be able to live without the amenities that I found here in Canada, the least of which is a hot brewed coffee and my maple syrup covered pancakes. I also value my life here and now more than before, I can think of hundred things I can do with my life instead of risking it fighting for the tribe to which I have lost my sense of belonging. So, do you have a new value proposition to support the current relationship? Or putting it differently, does the King still has some clothes? Respectfully Cag Biciid Junior. 2003 NURTEL NEETWORKS, All Rights reserved Fiction Category.
To Sister Lateefah whenever you read objectionable material, remember how I lost my innocense @ Somalinet before I was rescued back to this clean ( relatively) site. Here is how I expreswsed my feelings three years ago. Planet Somalinet Space Ship Dhoodaan's Qabaal Characters: Guure: Mission Specialist Xiddigow: Intergallactic Location Mapper Shankarroon: Manned Unit Lander pilot ( or in her case womanned Unit Lander) Nur: On Board Businessman. Nur: Assalamu Calaykum Xiiddigow, where are we? Xiddigow: What reference frame are you interested in, and what domain? Nur: Just give me the spherical coordinates time domain calculation with respect to M2308 Cluster Xiddigow: We are fast approaching the M2308 radially, we should be there in three ITU (Intergalactic Time units.) Nur: Mr. Guure are you there? Xiddigow is telling me that we should be landing very soon on the edge of the cluster, is the space hub well suited for landing? Guure: Let me make contact with Shankarroon, I will be back Guure: Shankarroon, This is the Dhoodaan's Qabaal Mission Specialist, do you copy? Shankarron: Yes sir, I have just managed to land on a strange world called WWW Guure: I will connect Mr. Nur, he has few questions for you, hang on if you do not mind Shankarroon: Go ahead, I am copying. Nur: Hi Shankarroon, what is the WWW? Shankarroon: It is the Wide World of Wareer and Waalli Nur: What is the local date in that world? Shankarroon: The hegira is 1419 and the Gregorian is 2000 Nur: How safe is it, can I land there, I have a mission to deliver some NURTEL products , but I am afraid the locals may not understand my mission. When I am done I want to add another W, Wide World of Wanaag. Shankarroon: The Web as they call it over here is a one stop shop of anything imaginable, the decency standards are the lowest a human can bare, even some sites are worst than animals, some sites are great for their learning opportunities, some for the business and innocent entertainment, but they are all mixed up. Let me zoom in a bit with my MUL ( Manned Unit Lander), right now I can see a small planet named Planet Somalinet. Nur: That is the right planet, more info please, Shankarroon: There is a Islam landing site, would you like to land there? Nur: Yes indeed, I am fixing to land, do you see any creatures? Shankarroon: I see a creature called MAD MAC he has logged over a thousand messages. Nur: Is he really Mad? Shankarroon: Not really, he sells a product called ( LHNP) Life Has No Purpose, and amazingly, he has customers. Nur: You mean if I open shop next door to him with my Nurtel business I can command a respectable market share? Shankarroon: That is the report I am getting from our virtual data analyzer, but you have to be patient, creatures on this site are wild, ever since you flew to space with your Dhoodaan Qabaal spaceship in 1969 to match the Apollo 11 Moon landing feat for Somali Peoples Pride, Somalia as you have known it, has disintegrated to tribal factions when a tribal based civil war broke out, now the inhabitants of this virtual planet who are the remnants and the second generation of the Dhoodaan Qabaal Pilots, are very wild, so better be careful, the first thing they will ask you will be your Qabiil, so be careful in your answers. Nur: I have two tribes from each side of my parents, eight from my grandparents and my origins get complicated geometrically after that, which one should I tell them? Shankarroon: Tell them at least your lineage of the three main warring clans, let them guess the sequence, which one you are, some really sick creatures on this site will accuse you of being one clan, so ignore them, times have changed, these creatures ( SBS)Somalibigotsaurs, are roaming the site and have grown so big they have scared all other decent life forms, your products initially may not have customers, but if you stick to your guns you have a great chance, but again, you have a big job ahead of you. Nur: How about the moral standard of these creatures? Shankarroon: The lowest, their language is mostly four letters, associated with the procreation anatomy. Nur: I am ready to land, Shankarroon, this will be exciting. Shankarroon: May Allah Bless you Nur Nur: one last question sister, why did your parents name you Shankarroon? Shankarroon: I was the only girl in the family, and to my parents, I was the kindest I enjoy helping my parents and I dedicated my life to make them happy, ( Baarriyad baan ahay) as a result my life is success after success, by the way , my birth name was Shuun. Nur: that name can confuse some Somalibigotsaurs, talk to you later sis. The space journey will continue with episode 2, do not miss. NURTEL Communications Powering your imagination Dhoodaan's Qabaal Space Mission continued. Nur: Shankarroon, this place is horrible, there is very little intelligent life on this forum, beam me up, would you. Shankarroon: Sorry Nur, the orbiter will not come around for another 3 years, till March 25 2003. Nur: No, No, I can't stand this nonsense for another three years, do something Shankarroon. Shankarroon: My Husband, the Mission Specialist aboard Dhoodaan Orbiter is on line. Nur: Captain Guure, You should've told me this before I landed, it was not my idea to test the water with both feet. Captain Guure: Calm down, Nur , you are on a noble mission, your products are superior and the rewards are unlimited. You are selling tolerance, kindness to parents, peace and belief in Allah, be firm. Nur: Captain Guure, you have a point, but it looks like I will compromise my self esteem being here. Captain Guure: Think with the end in mind, obstacles are only increasing your reward. What you have is a gift, you must share it. Nur: You mean everything Allah provided me with has a purpose? Captain Guure: Yes, they are called FADL, and you either use it for a credit or loose it altogether, so it is wise to protect the goodness you value with gratefulness, appreciation and sharing, Allah will even give you more of what you value like a firm belief (iimaan) and the Love of Allah. Nur: That is correct Captain, Allah says " And seek the next life with all things Allah has given you", you really make sense Captain, mahadsanid. Xiddigow: Captain, we are fast approaching a dense dust cloud, change the course toward constellation Massagowaa. Captain Guure: My coordinates show we are heading toward the Bur Ciideed and Riig Oomane Quasars with a relativistic speed of 64000 nautical miles per hour. Xiddigow: That is the navigation course heading toward the dust cloud, a 28 Mile radius cloud. Nur: How is that going to affect your return date guys? this planet is scary. Captain Guure: Non whatsoever relative to your coordinates. Nur: Where is Shankarroon? Shankarron: I am programming the navigation system with the new parameters, what can I do for you Nur? Nur: Please make Ducaa for me sister, I see you as a devout person. Shankarroon: You bet, my Husband, Captain Guure and I , will always make Ducaa for you Captain Guure: Now that you have accepted to stay behind three years, I ha ve some good news. Nur: What is it Captain? Captain Guure: We are experimenting with a new time capsule, if you want to try it, it will take you back in time to early Mecca circa sixth century, would you like to try it? Nur: Definitely, I can't wait, I cant' wait to see the beloved Saxaabah, I have only seen them in my dreams. Captain Guure: Please wait our signaling for the next three days, you will be picked up by the time capsule and You can still communicate with your present WWW World and Somalinet Planet via special Trans-time hook up, so you can relay your experiences back and forth to the new world and vice versa, see you in 72 hours. Nuur: Maca Salaama Captain. End of episode 2 The Dhoodaan Qabaal Space Odyssey will continue NURTEL Communications Extending Your Imagination Episode 3 Dhoodaan,s Qabaal Spaceship Odyssey contiued.... Captain Guure: Nur, The Capsule is dispatched, do you see it? Nur: yes Captain, I see a hovercraft suspended halfway between Mijiyahan and Garasbaalley. Captain Guure: that is the craft, use your wrist controller to communicate. Nur: How Captain Guure: Find the attached file on your wrist contrller, follow the directions Nur: Thanks Captain, I am comminicating, and the craft is responding. Captain Guure: I will leave Xiddigow to guide you for setting up the navigation parameters. Xiddigow: Hello Nur, I am here to help you operate the Time Capsule, let me know of your parameters. Nur: I am sending a coded signal encripted with a time domain equation and its boundary conditions, describing my instantaneous parameters relative to a mutual common reference frame, do you copy? Xiddigow: Thanks I got it, resend the signal again, , my analyzer rejects Garasbaalley as a valid data point. Nur: I am resending it, but with the closest data point in the data base, please check, will it accept Calayaale? Xiddigow: That is good , the analyzer is alerting me that there is strong radiation signals emanating form Mijiiyahan near Bossaaso, do you have an explanation for that glitch. Nur: Yes Sir, Mijiyahan Town is on top of large Uranium deposit, is it interfering with the signaling? Xiddigow: it was for a second, But I've just compensated it with a dummy function, it should work now, InshaAllah. Nur: The Time Capsule has arrived, within 50 meters, that is impressive, now I am well placed in the capsule, I have pretty much followed the instructions and everything checked out green, meaning ready for Time flight, do you copy? Xiddigow: You destination time ? Nur: Let us try the year 577 AD Xiddigow: What is so special about that date? Nur: I want to join the Migration of the prophet SAWS from Makka to Madina, I know Traveling with the prophet is not an easy trip for the common man, but I love the prophet SAWS, I want to hug him, and cry, then relay back to the Planet Somalinet the prophets advice and message. Xiddigow: You are right, That is dangerous, but it is your choice pal, are you prepared accompanying him in his Hegira trip, according to our records, there is only one man who braved this trip, and zooming on the year 577 year, they are now both holed up in a cave called Hiraa waiting for a guide to show them the road to Yathrib. Xiddigow: I am sending the code, make sure that you are very careful in keying in the numbers right, the system has zero error tolerance margin, it will execute the command and I have no authority in resetting the parameters, so be very careful. Nur: Bismillaah, I have just completed the keying in of the parameters, and have recheked it twice, I am ready to fly. Xiddigow: Tawakkal calaAlaah, Nur Nur: Back to you I have taken off, 8f6gf9nbf87f-0-gfn m76 fjfds5es dfo8. 5964yhd95 %4 9 8784unnkf 947 ( Code for " Subxaanaladee Sakhara lanaa haadihi wa ma kunnaa lahu bi muqriniin" " Allahummma innaa nasaluka fii safarinaa haadaa, al birraa wat taqwaa, wa minal camali maa tardaa, Allahumma hawin caleynaa safaranaa haadaa wa adwi canna bucdah, Allahumma anta as Saaxibu fis safar wal khaliifatu fil ahl, Allahumma innaa nacuudu bika min wacthaa i safar, w ka'aabatil mandhar, wa suu'ul munqalab fil maali wal ahl" Time traveller Nur is now traveling through time, he is heading toward the year 577, the year of the flight of Prophet Muhammad SAWS from Makka to madina. Please join us in his maiden arrival in Yathrib, circa 577, given the Time Capsule works well and the crew in Dhoodaan's Qabaal Spaceship mointor the time travel path relaying back to the Wide World of Wanaag and the Planet Somalinet details of Nur's jouney. Don' go away, we will be right back inshAllah. End of Episode 3 , to continue. 2003 NURTEL Communications Propelling you forward to Wanaag World Episode 4 Dhoodan's Qabaal Spaceship Jouney Coninued Nur is in the time capsule, he has landed in a non familiar site and unexpected time slot in history according to his instruments, Nur is very worried, peeking out of the window, all the Time traveler businessman sees is lush green landscape contrary to the stark desert of Arabia he expected to land, and its the hilly barren mountains of Mekka and vicinities near the Red Sea, and The Hijaaz mountain strip along the Red sea. Nur: Captain Guure, This is Nur , do you copy? Captain Guure: Yes Nur, You must have entered the wrong parameters , your time capsule is reporting error date and location Nur: What do you mean with error date and location? Captain Guure: It means that you may be in a prehistoric time, look around do you see any Somali Tribal bigots? Nur: No I do not see any human, should I walk out of the capsule to look for humans Captain Guure: Be careful, if prehistoric people like Somali Bigots and Somali Anarchists get a hold of your Time capsule, they will sell your ship as scrap in Dubai for the metal content, they have no idea the sophistication of the advanced instruments, and as a result you will evaporate with them for ever, be careful when dealing with these creatures if you ever come in contact with them. Nur: Thanks Captain, I will make sure to step out and be careful, I will read my Adhkaar and inshAllah I will be safe. Bismillah, Tawakaltu Calaallah, wa laa xawla walaa quwata illaa billah. Captain Guure: That is good Nur, The angels will say " Kufiita wa hudiita ( You are covered pal, and guided) Nur: Captain, I can see from this hill a huge boat-like looking structure being swarmed by builders, where in time am I? Captain Guure: Oh , yaa Allaah, Nur, you are far out in time, that may be Noah's ark, I do not know how we can bring you back in time to the past, how complete does the boat look like? Nur: It looks 97 percent complete, I will read the Quraan to see what will happen next, then I will go join prophet Noah's boat, like a war jounalist I shall report to you about this historical event, I can't wait to see the animals boarding this boat without attacking each other, a great lesson I can relay back to the Somali Tribal Bigots. Captain Guure: fii amaanillah my prayers for your success. May Allah be with you. In the next episode, Nur will be going down the hill and will be going down to the village to see the huge boat under construction and tour the local town, the people of Noah have one thing in common with Somalinet General Discusions viewers of the secular persuation, they would rather close their eyes like Basra said before and not read Nur's posts, and would wear ear muffs in order not to hear good advice. Prophet Noah and Nur have few things in common, thing in common, They want to save their people, most of their people would not accept to come on board of the ship, Noah's ark and Nur's NURTEL Comminications. Prophet Noah has more patience than Nur, more resilience , Nur wants to learn great lessons form Noah in order to help people in the next episode. The next episode will be very interesting, bring a chair and enjoy reading with your family. Nur Posts are family friendly. NURTEL Communications Reaching and Teaching, one Somali at a time
Flying Still Below is an article I wrote earlier this year on Snet, it is about three educated Muslims sisters who have not only succeeded in their education and careers brilliantly, but also are actively living Islamically to change the tribalist mentality of our people, even the fictitious corresponded in my write up is a sister, I've even used some fictitious male actors in my play, but my focus was to encourage sisters to excel in the sciences,just like how you highlited it in your above post and at the same time to help heal the tribal mistrust and rivalry of our people education and cooperation, excuse the Technical jargon and enjoy reading: NURTEL LABS News Letter V. 01 Jan 19, 2003 Engineers at NURTEL are close to a break through after many failed attempts to converge the three main WAN networks into a single network capable of handling Reer Qurac, Reer Qansax and Reer Galool traffic patterns using the same physical medium. Engineers, mathematicians and economists have tried the last two weeks in modelling an optimized system that can solve an equation in 15 unknowns. Their main concern was the cost of dupicating service that are draining national wealth and talent. Currently the three separate networks, in addition to several other networks that seem very stable as they run their traffic in the background. Attempts to create psecial arrangement such as S- COIN-REO( Somali Communities of Interest to Reach Each Other) between them failed which is making system users confused. Mr. Warsame, Senior Product Development at NURTEL was all smiles today at the press conference held in the Four Seasons Hotel at this sleepy town of Las Anod, a bottleneck of two heavy traffic generators " Our engineers have tested a successful mathematical model in a virtual environment and we have successfully sent three types of traffic down the same pipe at the same time without any conflicts" said Chief Test and modeling Engineer at NURTEL LABS at the Buhodle Technology Park. " The trick was that we designed an environment that makes each of the three traffic streams think that it is the only one using the infrastructure, without even sensing the others presence" Said Miss Sabaad Caynaanshe, " once this experiment succeeds, the next one would be a total convergence, such that there would be no more differentiation between the traffic formats " added Miss Caynanshe, the Chief Operations Research Mathematician at the NURTEL labs, a graduate of McGill University in Ontario, Canada, recipient of Kappa Mu Epsilon award and Omega Rho Distinction in addition to her Al Madina Al Munawara University's Distance learning Scholar of the year award. The good news was simultaneously confirmed in the webcast at our three other research Centers at Xuddur Scientific Research and Develoment Park , Xarar Dheere Oceanography & Technology Think tank headed by Miss Batuulo Gabeyre, ex NASA undersea simulations laboratory director, and the Chief Scientist at Ammoud Technology Corridor in Borama. The trial was closely followed by Sheikh University's Signal Processing lab , General Dheel Applied Electronics Research Center in Bosaaso with enthusiasm. At Xuddur, Dr. Mirifle the acting Director of the prestigious Xuddur Scientific Consortium, which represents multiple research institutions from Baidoa to Daafeed, was pessimistic about the breakthrough " We will have to wait and see how the three traffic formats utilize the same infrastructure without any system breakdown in real life trials, only then can we consider sending our engineers to learn from your successful experience" Faduma Sharif Caydaruus, from Buhodle, Cambaro Keenadiid from Xarar Dhere and Afrax Qorroxow from Boorama NURTEL NEETWORKS Building Bridges of Understanding