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Everything posted by Nur

  1. Sundus and Rayana sisters Sundus you write: Originally posted by Sundus: Nur are u willing to tell us some of ur recipes..and what u do who knows it may be a learning lession if u do be honest the qurbaha girls do not know how to cook that much as u have mentioned earlier..and honestly I Like breads so much so i wish you can lend me if u know some of ur (cooking technique) bread recipes...I am with all ears. Answer: The following is one of my most elaborate assays on culinary skills, please read with care, if you cry at the end, it will not be because of onion peels. The Hasanaat Restaurant A Nurtel Production A great place to end your day after a tiring work week. Let us visit The Good deeds( Hasanaat) Restaurant this evening, when you enter this restaurant, you'd feel a warm welcome from deep inside yourself, the ever present aroma of the the good deeds being served is inviting, each good deed will leed to another, and if you are not careful in balancing your appetite, you may literally get carried away to another world where there is no pain nor sorrow. Let us have a close look at todays specials: 1. Appetizers. a) Dhikr-a-la-Shukr, This dish was prepared with an ounce of a realization of the Nima of Allah SWT, mixed with a spoon of (shame on your actions) served with the freshness of Duaa mint. b) Istighfaar, Tasbeeh, Tahleel, Takbeer are also variants of the Dhikr , they all come with (Salaat alal Rasuul) seasoning. 2. Soup do jour: Sadaqa, Our chef took great pains in preparing this dish, it was prepared with all the herbs that clean your bad deeds, do not start your day without Sadaqa, it goes down very smooth when taken with a feeling that you have not overpaid. This dish comes in many forms and sizes, the smallest of which is a smile on your face for your brother or sister in faith and has no upper bound limit. 3. Main course and side dishes: a) Qiyaamul Leil: This is a rather a juicey dish, cooked very slowly over ninety minutes, long sujuud, long rukuuc and feet swelling stand that mimics the stand of the day of judgment, This dish is broiled with tears flowing down your cheeks, sautéed with heart murmur and skin shivering caused by the verses you are reading, culminating in a state of electric shock down your spine. This dish is for a select group of diners, since not many customers request this dish regularly, the rewards are tearfully enjoyable.. Once you start with this dish, you cannot stop. But like exercise, it is difficult to start. This Dish has several side dishes without additional cost, such us the reward you get when you wake others up to do Qiyaamulleil, Making duaa al Qunuut for your self , parents, family and friends. b) Reading Of Quraan: This is the most delicious of all dishes after Qiyamul Leil. As you know, Qiyamul Leil incorporates the Quraan, so you actually get two dishes for the price of one. Salaat + Quraan. Let us look at Quraan: It has all the nutrients the Soul needs, For those suffering periodic doubts, The Quraan clarifies ambiguities vividly with examples ( He said , Lord how do you revive the dead?) In case you have unresolved questions. Quraan offers ready satisfying answers. It has stories of old to heed, Guidance to follow and Fiqh of the deen. Unlike other hasanaat Dish, Quraan reading ( Tilaawah) offers ten hasanah per letter you read, multiplied up to hundred thousand folds ( Reading Quraan in Haram of Makkah for example, earns the reader 100000 hasanah per letter read, for a grand total of one million hasanah per letter. Now if you make khatam al Quraan in one month, you become a trillionnaire, thus you get thousand times more hasanat than Bill Gates has dollars. What is the motivation to collect good deeds (hasanaat). 1. They wipe out sins and Bad deeds 2. They lead to other Good Deeds (hasanaat), thus amplifying your efforts. 3. In The day of judgment, you need a deep pocket since many people will claim your good deeds credits to pay for the evil you have done to them, so it is wise to have enough left over for your skin after you pay claimants. Nur 2002 NURTEL NEETWORKS -------------------- Kuwa iga da'weyn, waa iga ajar badan yihiin, Kuwa iga da' yar, waa iga dambi yaryihiin.
  2. Luul sis Alhamdulillah for the realisation, keep up the interest level, iiman is a great topic, like the ocean it has many pearls to choose from. Nur
  3. Rayaana sis loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool @ good luck with the men, i think you will stop after a week when you see they burn all ur dusuud, aren't progressing a bit, break all the kids legs when changing diapers(they won't know how to be gentle and so on more catastorphy. good luck brotha" Walaashhey I can asure you that rag badan iney haweenka ka badiyaan cunno kariska, gaar ahaan hablaha ku nool qurbaha oo shaqada ka soo baxa 5:00 PM, and toss a TV Dinner on the microwave oven so she dos not miss her Soap Opera. Lakin run ahaaan, in la wada qaybsado howsha guriga waa sharaf iyo wajib ey diinta na fartay lakin dhaqanka Somalida aan ku jirin, anyway, Rayaana sis , can you cook, or that was just a smoke screen to hide about your defficiency in culinary arts ? Nur
  4. Rahima sis The key to knowledge is........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. It was reported that once a companion asked the Messenger of allah SAWS " In want to be the most knowledgable of men," the prophet told him " Ittaqi Alllah" Beware of allah SWT duties and prohibitions" But this is only a single key, can you gusess other keys to knowledge sis Rahima? Ameenah sis That was a good essay, you write: "The problem with us is that we promote education, force literacy, numeracy and science on our children- but we ignore the most important aspect of knowledge Islaam. " MaashaAllah tabarakallah, all of the above disceplines of knowledge without Islam is like a microwave oven without food inside to cook, because when we have no purpose in life, living becomes hell, even if we have all the comfort money can buy, on the other hand, when we have a purpose to live for, life is just awsome, even in pain, we wait for pleasure, and find life when we face death, we are free behind bars, and we are happy when we have no material gains, Islam is truly freedom, are we Muslims doing a good job in reaching and teaching lost souls, EDUCATION is the Key, and Nurtel needs your help. 2004 Nurtel Education Research Department (NERD) We Attack Prblems, Not People.
  5. Walaalayaal Waxaan maanta rogrogay bogag hore oo qaarkood illin iga keenay markaan marlabaad akhriyey waxaan qoray waxaad ku soo jawaabteen, Allah ha nagu kulmiyo jannooyinkiisa ballaadhan, amin. Nur 2004 Nurtel Softwaano Series Softening your hearts with Love of Allah
  6. Nomads Time to clean up old posts, to revie the Sunnah. If you are an expert on Sunnah, please add to this thread. Nur [ August 04, 2007, 06:26 PM: Message edited by: Nur ]
  7. Salaams Nomads Reviving the Education thread, if you are broke financially, the least you can pay is attention to this problem that our Nomads would appreciate, so what are your thoughts regarding this writeup, and Sister Rahimas? 2003 Nurtel Education Research Department (NERD) We Attack Problems, Not People.
  8. Walaal Luul I am an example for your first question, at 18 and in ardi gaalo I found Islam, the experience was so good that I immediately exchanged my western attire with a Muslim identity, a thowb and koofiyad, new me, new identity, new faith, i wanted to fly out of joy, wallahi, i m still in search for that feeling, a feeling that was the result of a true search of my roots and dust covered faith, Allah took me by the hand and led me to happiness, Alhamdulillah. Omar Ibnul Khattab said, " A person not accustomed to kufr, does not know Islam" becuase they are contrasting like day and night, but in Somalia faith was more like a "caado" tradition, than " Cibaado" worship, so when nomads arrived in the ardi gaalo, they were challenged and their faith was put to test, so, some stuck to their guns and became better Muslims, and others gave in and followed satan. Allah SWT says " Kaana annasu ummatan waaxidatan" Mankind was a single nation, then Allah sent prophets and as aresult some followed them and others did not, like wise, before a serious message of Islam reached Somalia, all of us were same, but when Communism began to recruite people, Islam was awakened, since that time, Islam is on a roll to this day to claim hearts and minds not only among "Muslims" but among the lost sheep of Christianity and Judaism. Your second question is rather important, because it touches on a aqeedah principle called "Israar". "Israar" means that you commit sins without remorse day in and day out, you plan it right and execute it without a regard to Allah and his creatures. A sin commited in israar is usually driven by a greater sin called " Istikhfaaf" not taking Allah for serious, disobeying at will, which is different than a sin committed thoughtlessly and with fear before one commits it and remorse after one has committed it. Music is deffinetely a minor form of sin, as teen agere, I could not fall asleep without my music, Hindrix and Santana being my favored guitarists of all time, but as I found Islam, I could not put the love of Allah and love of music in the same slot, " Jaa al xaq, wa zahaqal baatil" truth arrived, so evil has to get out of my heart, and honestly, of all the jaahili habits that I had, quitting to listen to music was by far the most painful, and alhamdulillah, in exchange, Allah gave me an iimaan that is soooooo "macaaaaaaaan" that the entire US treasury gold reserve can not buy, and happiness that filled my heart, soooooooooo, "farxad badan" that i cant wait to see the loved ones in aakhira. In conclusion iimaan is a variable quantity, it increases with good deeds and sacrifices and decreases with bad deeds and insisting on sins, to the point where no iimaan is left, and one becomes so bold as to declare in public that she/he does not believe in Islam, which is the result of continous degredation of faith quality. Xurmad Badan Nur
  9. Nomads There is a lot of meat in this article, how come no one is taking a bite of it? Nur
  10. Nur

    Dancing Fever?

    Caramel sis Adigana Allah kuu fududeeyo waxaad jeceshahay oo kheyr kuugu jiro adduun iyo akhiro. Nur
  11. Walaashey Hibo You write: Originally posted by Hibo: [QB] Nur: We surely blessed if atleast one of our nomad brothers thinks like this... but experience has thought me otherwise... meaning " timirta lafaa ku jirta" brotha what is really your catch in all of this? Are you trying to lure sisters to your direction or are you simply renovating Somali men??? Pure curiosity that is all it is!" Sis Thanks for the positive thought, about my drivers for my work, NO, I am not wife hunting for a camel woman, ( Alhamdulillah I enjoy cooking) and NO, I am not balancing my irritating article on poligamy, ( I still believe it is the best remedy for sisters) because I published this one way before, so, the only timir that I can think of could be in your past experience, not on my future plans, as I am dedicating my life to serve my community no matter how negative some of them think about my motives. I hope that answers your questions. Gedid Bro. Walaal, I mayn have to dedicate another writeup for sisters who have serve McDonalds for Dinner, inshAllah Nur
  12. Caakifah sis That is sooooooo kind of you to have such a big heart, by all means, bring'um on, all midwest somali men chillin out near Cincinnati are a wasted resources and once we qualify them and package them , we are going to reduce the bachelor/bachelorette imbalance in our community. Sundus Sis Yes families are allowed in our academy, although we prefer to train would be husbands before they tie the knot so that their culinary skills and houskeeping talent can show in their resume. But it is never late so bring your hubby, we are going to have a lotta fun, inshAllah. Nur
  13. Walaal Sundus Sidaad ka akhrisay qoraalkan, ma aha waxa nafteenna jeceshahay waxa noo fiican, laakin waa waxa Allah uu noogu daro barako waxa na anfacaya aakhiro iyo adduun, hadaba, weligaa barakada raadi, Allhna ka bari hanuun. Walaalkaa Nur
  14. Jamaal bro. I was just kiddimg bro. But jamaal is deffinetely a better screen name, keep the patrols up and may Allah bless our miderators, amin. Nur
  15. Nur


    Rayaana sis That was good, thanks sis, one more thought, you have picked a great screen name, Rayaan is a river in paradise, may Allah SWT make you and all of us drink from its banks, never to be thirsty again, amin. Nur
  16. Nurtel Network News ( Archives) Presents: The War on Terror, The Nomadic View. In This thread, I am sharing my insights with fellow Nomads on current issues that affect our lives, and their implications. In no way do I imply that I have a solution, rather I am just raising questions as to where the current train of thought on these issues is destined, so that wise men and women, regardless of creed or country can reflect and make a better informed decisions to influence direction of current affairs. Billions of Dollars have been earmarked by Congress to fight the scourge of terrorism after the tragedy of September 11, a new Department was created to secure the nation from this dreaded enemy and a lot of freedoms Americans enjoyed were compromised, in order to protect Americans from the terrorist death and destruction. When a public official was asked the motive of the perpetrators of the 9/11, the official said, " they ( Terrorists) hate Freedom", so, as a response the administration requested Congress to issue laws that will revoke present freedoms enjoyed by Americans given to them by the Constitution so that the administration can fight the terrorists who hate our freedoms. If you are like me, a slow learner, you may come to the conclusion that if indeed the Public Official was right about the assertion that the terrorists hate freedom, by curtailing freedoms such as privacy and association, that the terrorists have indeed emerged as the winners in this war. So, it may be worth our while to look into the effects of this terrorism thing to see if indeed it warrants a reaction so fundemental as to repeal basic human rights, International agreements and common sense. What is even more amazing is that, in a time when totalitarianism is going out of fashion, the nation that helped championing human rights is chopping the freedom bird's wings right in its own backyard. Historically, in the seventies and beyond any armed group that caused a terror act was know as guerillas, they targted governmet installations and even civilians to get their point accross, so, if you go back and read old magazines, you will not find the popular buzz word "terroirsts" anywhere, all you will find is guerillas, rebels and the like. Some of this guerillas were even popular among the youth as heroes fighting against what was termed at the time imperialism and hegemony in the Communist Socialis literature. These guerillas were portrayed in the media as heroes fighting for justice and equality like Che Guevara of Chile, Angela Davis of Communist Party of America, Patrice Lumuba of The Congo, and Nelson Mandela of South Africa. These "terror" or "Guerilla" groups were ranging from religiously motivated, like the Jewish settlers of Palestine who were fighting for the establishment of a Jewsish State in Palestine from the British Empire, the Ikhwan Brotherhood of Egypt who wanted to establish an Islamic state in Egypt, to state sponsored or secularly motivated urban Guerillas like the pro-llife groups, California Redwoods Preservationsists , Animal Rights groups, The Japanese Cults, Irish Republlican Army, Spanish Basque, Italian Brigate Rosso, organized crime bosses or Somali Warlords. All these groups had one thing in common, they used illegal or violent means to send a message to intimidate their adversaries to influence a policy. Unfortunately, Their messages always meant human misery, loss of life and destruction of properties. So, the end result of their actions always amounted to death and destruction. Clearly this phenomena or any other that causes human loss of life and properties must be stopped, and in that regard I looked into the statistics of past twenty years of all events that led to loss of human life, legally state sanctioned deaths or illegally committed crimes by terror groups, astonishingly, here is what I found within an hours research. Terrorism: Hoffman a well known expert in this field writes: " Religion has been the major driving force behind international terrorism during the 1990s. As described below, the most serious terrorist acts of the decade--in terms of the number of people killed or the political implications--all have had a significant religious dimension. Hoffman's states: 1992 onward: Bloodletting by Islamic extremists in Algeria has claimed an estimated 75,000 lives. (Note: Here the author does not mention that this war was trigerred by the Military who intervened a potential win by Islamists in the elections and rise to power, fatally damaging the democratic process of power sharing, he also does not mention that the government committed massive killings and deception in the process, all available in Archives of International dailies) February 1993: Thirteen car and truck bombings shake Bombay, India, killing 400 and injuring more than 1,000, in revenge for the destruction of an Islamic shrine. ( No International Action taken ) February 1993: Islamic radicals bomb New York City's World Trade Center, attempting to topple one of the twin towers onto the other, reportedly while releasing a deadly cloud of poisonous gas. ( Dubious Framing) December 1994: Air France passenger jet is hijacked by terrorists belonging to the Algerian Armed Islamic Group (GIA), who plotted unsuccessfully to blow up themselves, the aircraft, and the 283 passengers on board precisely when the plane was over Paris, which would have caused the flaming wreckage to plunge into the crowded city below. March 1995: Apocalyptic Japanese religious cult releases sarin nerve gas in Tokyo subway system, killing a dozen people and wounding 3,796 others, with reports that the group also planned to carry out identical attacks in the United States.( Japan Was never mentioned as hosting Terror Groups) April 1995: Members of the American Christian Patriot movement, seeking to foment a nationwide revolution, bomb the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Office Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people. July-October 1995: GIA unleashes a wave of bombings in Paris Metro trains, outdoor markets, cafes, schools, and popular tourist spots, killing 8 and wounding more than 180. November 1995: Jewish religious extremist assassinates Israeli premier Yitzhak Rabin, viewing it as the first step in a mass murder campaign designed to disrupt the peace process. ( The victim could not stomach what Sharon is doing) February-March 1996: String of attacks by Hamas suicide bombers kills 60 people and turns the tide of Israel's national elections. April 1996: Machine-gun and hand-grenade attack by Egyptian Islamic militants on a group of Western tourists kills 18 outside their Cairo hotel. June 1996: Religious militants opposed to the reigning al-Saud regime in Saudi Arabia perpetrate truck bombing of U.S. Air Force barracks in Dhahran, killing 19 people. November 1997: Terrorists belonging to the Gamat al-Islamiya (Islamic Group) massacre 58 foreign tourists and 4 Egyptians at the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut in Luxor, Egypt. August 1998: Attackers believed to have been financed by Saudi Arabian dissident Osama bin Laden bomb U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, killing 257 people, including 12 Americans, and injuring more than 5,000 in Kenya, and killing 10 people and injuring dozens in Tanzania. Bin Laden had issued a fatwa, or Islamic religious edict, as part of his worldwide campaign against the United States. An estimated 5,000 adherents throughout the Muslim world allegedly are prepared to follow his summons to battle. The last part of this report by Hoffman is very interesting, Bin Laden, as he claims, has alledgedly 5000 potential followers who may commit spectacular crimes like his ( which has never been proven in any court of law anywhere so far), this allegation if true is indeed horrible for humanity, but shouldn't we look into other similar group's intentions as close as this one? Like state sponsored terrorism , Sharon, who was found responsible for the killing in Sabra and Shatilla by a a competent Israeli court and who has as many followers as voted him into office, but horribly enough, with proven Nuclear capabilitiy. A Somali Proverb says: * ( Oohinta orgiga ka weyn) and its English counterpart says: * "It is but seldom that any one overt act produces hostilities bewteen two nations, there exists more commonly , a previous jealousy and ill will, a predesposition to take offense". (Washington Irving, The sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon) But because Israel is an Ally of USA, attrocities committed by this state in trigerring the mayhem, destruction and international terrorism is seldom addressed by Congress where the pro Israel Lobby viciously attacks any suggestion to control Israel. To this effect Leon Trotsky said : "An ally has to be watched just like an enemy" because at the end, American interests, regardless of its ehnic groups or pressure lobbies shall weigh heavier than any expedient political manuevers if the nation has to exist as the its founders envisioned. Assuming the 5000 zealot theory of Hoffman to be true, I compared these numbers to PROVEN and legally state sanctioned deaths in the USA. America, a nation that prides itself in the preservation of human freedoms, dignity , property and life, I compared the Terror statistics and deaths with statistics from the Departmenmt of Justice on Crime and other statistics of legalized venues and means that cause the same if not worse devastation and horror, but only if cameras were present like the one that scared the hell out of me. No one describes death like the man who killed millions of his subjects in the name of communism and Patriotism: Joseph Stalin said: " A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths are a statistic. ." Here are some of the sobering statistics: 1. Over a million babies are killed in cold blood every year in USA ( Silent Screams) 2. 1000 Americans die of Cigarette related ailment DAILY, 3000 kids begin smoking every DAY. ( Philip Morris should be tried for these crimes against humanity) 3. 15 Million violent crimes are committed in USA annualy ( Murder, Rape, Robbery,Aggrevated assualt etc) 4. 20,000 Americans are murdered every year ( Compared to 2900 in 9/11 Tragedy) 5. 17,000 Alcohol related crimes and 16000 Alcohol related Traffic deaths, 3 Million crimes/year committed by drunk offenders. 6. 1000 Americans are Raped EVRY DAY, and 3 % of all college women are raped ( completed rapes 1.7%) 7. 15000 Robberies annually ( Billions of $$ are stolen, white collar like ENRON or street thieves) So, who should Americans fear most? As much as I abhor anarchism and terrorism, I equally detest what is called war on terror, because like Henry Kissinger said " The conventional army loses if it does not win, the guerilla wins if he does not loset" , I do not see an end to this madness and honestly of it comtinues, The USA will emerge out of this war that may never have a decisive end a weaker and pooree nation that compromised a lot of its centuries old ideals while chasing an elusive enemy of its own creation. The Chinese Philosopher Sun Tzu summed it up as: " There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare." , The Art Of War. In Conclusion, if securing human life and its quality is the priority of the American Constitution, then there is no better way to achieve that goal other than a comprehensive system of justice that everyone can buy into it, because as long as any segment of the human family is not safeguarded, there will be no equillibrium, or a balance and thus security will remain an illusion at best. Allah SWT referring to Prophet Abraham's plight with his people says : Those who "aamanuu" (became peaceful by surrendering to their maker) and further, who have not cloaked up their convictions( their surrender to Allah) with injustice, those indeed ( deserve ) security and these are indeed the guided ones. Nur 2003 Nurtel News Networks Nomadic News Analyses ------------------------------------------------- Nur Posts appear regularly on Somaliaonline Islam Pages
  17. Nur


    Rayana sis You write Originally posted by rayaana: Nur, how dare you, :eek: compare poor santa claus to that muderous, cruel, unmerciless being. Odeyga yar ee miskiinka eeh waxba cidna u geysaanin, his totally incomparable(if thats even a word),lol Some binary oppisition you've used!ekh But thats nice piece of work, i liked it.Keep it up. Dear Sis The comparison is sarcastic, not real, here we are comparing the deception and lies that is surrounding Saddmn who was indeed a butcher with the US blessing and a real threat to world peace, as he was responsible in annihilating entire KURD villages in Halabja with Chemical warfare supplied by the western nations who are now accusing the poor guy for doing their dirty work. Santa is also not real, and Saddamn was not a real enemy to US, just a consumed conman, hence the comparison, and both similar to our own worlords who would love to take on his job but feel rejected for now because there is no oil in Somalis, yet! Nur
  18. Nur


    Lakkad Bro. An Arab proverb goes like this: " Idaa kaana rabbul beyti lil duffi daariban, Fa shiimatu ahlil beiti kullihimu ar raqsu" Transalation of the meaning: " if the head of the household is beating the drum, Then, it is only logical that his dependents dance to the tune" So, since Somalia's peace is dependent partially on US wsihes for the region, one can only assume that the current anarchy in our homeland is serving a purpose that only Allah ond those involved know. Because if it was in anyway against the US, I doubt that ir could continue this long Nur
  19. NOMADS I want to share with you some of my old posts I posted on other forums and Somalinet, they are rather long, so read only when you have time or print them an read them in train or bus, in case you have not read them, you may find them very infromative on multiple areas such as islam or politics, so enjoy them. An Intimate Discussion, Satan and NUR, An imaginary discussion full of insights and ideas. Enjoy reading, Satan is. MOCK DIALOGUE WITH SATAN. Nur: Hello Satan Satan: Hello Nur, Nur: How ar you feeling today, Ibliis? Satan: Miserable, your are burning me with Dhiker, I am tired following you around, I am envious of my othher Devil friends who are assigned to other viewers on this board, they eat with them, drink with them, they have fun together, and even, they go to bed with them, oops, some of Satan's babies are around. Nur: Tell me Satan, what your Devil friends are telling you about their human buddies. Satan: Nur I am not supposed to be telling you this, but if your promise to stop your dhiker, I may tell you. Nur: You know Satan, Allah SWT honored man and gave him superior intellect and made him second only to Allah, that is why you were supposed to bow down in respect to Adam,. I also read somewher that your race, the Satan, have the IQ of a four year old human boy, can you tell me how you manage to mislead millions of people with such limited intellectual capabilities. Satan: Nur, you know the answer, why ask me, wake up pal, look up to this board, filth sells more than wisdom, your people the Somalis specially have this false pride called tribalsim, their heads are above the clouds and they have no concrete reason to do so, I love them, because they obey me. Nur: Tell me what is your main strategy for the Somalis. Satan: You see Nur, I have a general strategy for all mankind, and I have regional plans, Racial plans, Traibal plans and individual plans, where do you want me to start. Nur: I subsribe to the bottom-up school of Management, let it on me, start your plans for the individual Somalis, then their tribes, then Somali nation and finally the human race in general. Satan: You see Nur, I am not offering the individual Somali something Allah can not give him, but I made them believe that, I whisper to them that " if you become decent, you can't go far in this life " , so for fear of poverty, insecurity and love to live longer than what is in the books for them, is their weak points and there is where I hit hard like Prince Naseem working on an injured boxing opponent. The same strategy that got humans thrown out of paradise to begin with, we are using the same strategy, and humans never learn, we promise them wealth, but they live in poverty, we promise than long life, they kill each other in civil wars, we promise tham happiness, they fill mental hospitals, Humans, Humans, I love them, Nur your people are great. Nur: Go on yaa Ibliis, more clarification on waht you just said. Satan: You see Nur, your granfather and my grandfather were enemies, as you know, we used to think that our Race the Satan race was the superior race Allah created, up until one day, Allah asked my grandfather to bow down to your grandgather. Can you imagine Allah asking your Reer Qurac to bow down to Reer Qansax? yes, Nur, do not sigh, that is how we Satans felt, we felt terrible, a reer Qurac man would say, I will never bow down to a reer Qansax man, even if I have to go to hell, your Somali proverb is a testament to that " Wadaad Reerkii kama janno tago" it means, if his Qabiil go to hell, the wadaad has to go with his people, and that is your problem NUR, you are trying to please evryone here, hepl Reer Qurac, why worry about Reer Qansax, that is why lately you even lost some of your supporters. When Our grandfather refused to bow down to your grandfather, That day, an eternal enemity was declared, between us and mankind, my grandfather instilled in us never to make peace with man, and we have never disobeyed our grandpa ever since, while you have disobeyd Allah. Nur: But Allah sent prophets to warn us against you, so how come you are still doing a brisk business and a successful project. Satan: When Muhammad SAWS was sent, we really became allarmed, here is a man who made sense and could bring warring parties in Medina together, he even brought entire civilizations together, this man was dangerous in any way you measure him. The love of wealth, longevity and intoxication with power are but some of our arsenal against Islam, the toughest challenge to our goal. For example, the intoxication with power and supremacy, which is our Satanic trait, remember that is why we refused to bow down to a human in the first place. My grandfathers started a tribal war in Arabia 2000 years ago, that lasted for 40 years, the war began when we tempted two tribes to get into horse race, one of the horses was called al Daaxis, the other Al Ghabraa. to make a long story short, a horse won by cheating, and the rider got killed, after that our job was done for the next forty years, we sat back and laughed at these ****** humans killing the sh.. out of each other. Nur: That explains whatt is happening with Somali tribes, I am sure you are laughing at us, but, this time you have a problem, because I am puting on my gloves and will burn you with dhiker and my Company NURTEL NEETWORKS will expose your plans to the Somali public, until you drop dead. Now where will you go? Satan: Nur , take it easy man, I have a locked-in on Somalis thought process, specially Somalinet bigots, I say and they obey, what more can I ask, and hey , look here Nur, how much they insult you while you are trying to help them, they take me for their friend and they hate you, even INTRUDER who was kind to you now, has thrown his hat in the arena of NUR haters club. A wound on a dead person does not heal, Nur , you are wasting your time, leave these people alone and go pray in a small Mawlac ( mosque) making thiker and seclude , that way you save your own skin, but these rascalls, I will take care of them for you, they are in good hands, misery likes company and I will take them with me, Hell should not be a lonely place for my race, I need as many humans as possible to come with me. If hitory is any indication, I am on target and under budget. Nur: No way, Jose, that is how you marginalized many scholars, not attempting to change evil on earth is more dangerous to my faith than being rediculed, why do you think prophets suffered so much, Allah even warned our Prophet Muhammad SAWS not to to take your advice of seclusion from society, I read a verse in the Quraan, Suuratul Jinn Allah says To Muhammad SAWS: " Say, no one will come to my aid to protect me from Allah, nor will I find a sanctuary ( to escape Allah's wrath) unless ( I involve myself in) delievring his (warnings) and messages" The prophet SAWS taught us Rough translation " The Muslim who patiently mingles with people ( teaching them their faith) and can take the heat is better than the Muslim who does not mingle with people and who can not take the heat" so do not sweet talk me you evil one. Nur: Satan, I am going to pray now, our discussion will continue, I have a lot of questions in my head, go to sleep. Satan : Nur, Satan does not sleep, we have a job to do, and a time frame in which to deliver, I can not let my boss down, Big Ibliis is going to question me on my deliverables, he is keen on results see you in the mosque during your prayer, I have some business ideas for you while are praying, man, do I have some business plan, it will keep you away from these boards, then you can drtink as much camel milk as you can in your tribal enclave of Qurac Dheer. To be contiued. NUR 2003 NURTEL NEETWORKS A (NUR un CALAA NUR) Department Prodution Episode two: Nur: Satan, what have you been up to, in addition to your business proposal in the third Rakaa of my prayers today? Satan: I knew you'd like my business ideas, I was after your prayer credits, but I got your attention in the third Rakaa, my ideas are awsome, aren't they? Nur: OK, OK, Money and sex sure attract mankind, now let me ask you this, how do you access our mental functions, I am puzzled, sometimes, wierd ideas cross my mind and I know for sure that they are yours, like that day when I was waiting for the train and this lady walked up to stand right infront of me? like two centimeters away from my nose? Satan: Nice legs huh? Nur: I must admit that the lady was attractive, but it is not halal. Satan: You see Nur, my Satan buddy who is assigned to that young lady and I work as a team on wadaads like you, we figure if we can get one wadaad down, we can mislead many others, so, although I am a liar by nature, take this one from me, Nur, you are a priority target, I warned you. Nur: Satan, , The good looking lady served a good purpose, like future attractions, a reminder of what could be in store for me in the next life if I hold my horses, which with the help of Allah I did. Yaa malcuun, the pleasure I usually get obeying Allah can never be matched by any of your offers, it is all up here (brain) yaa malcuun, and I will guard myself against you with continous dhiker, that is my fortress, Allah said that you have no control over his true servants, your control is over those whose faith is in a disorder, so go try and make my day, I will burn you with Dhiker, Acuudubillahi mina sheitani al rajiim. Satan: Please do not burn me, I will answer the question straight this time. You see Nur, coming back to your question on how I access the inner workings of the human thought process, here is how we do it. Our nature is different than yours, we are made from fire, and we reside and operate in a dimension that you can not sense due to your nature, but, we can sense you, see you and feel you, we can even access your inner system corrupting your files and copying our messages to your system files, that is why you can not differentiate if what pops in your head is indeed your idea or Satans, the only way to tall the differense is through a benchmark. Nur: Go on, Satan, what is that benchmark? Satan: If the thought is in line with the revelation, Quraan and Sunnah, that is yours, if not, then is mine, that is why all my followers hate Quran and Sunnah, the minute they here it, they become annoyed, I have corrupted their files. Nur: What happens when I make dhiker? Satan: Dhiker is like a firewall, as long as you make dhiker, we stay away from you, the minute you forget, we log on. Remember the verse in Quraan " Wa man yacshu can dhikri Arraxmaani Nuqayidh lahu sheitaanan, fa huwa lahu qariin" And if we find the person forgetful of Allah for a long time, we take control of their processors, encripting our codes in them and finally managing them remotely, that person ends up to become one of our soldiers, some of them become so clever, they teach me a lesson or two, like those bigots who annoy you in these Somalinet Forum boards, Like Allah said in Quraaan " Wa innahum la yasudduunahum canilsabili wa yaxsabuuna annahum muhtaduun" And from time to time we update their files with the latest versions of (Ghiwaayah Software). Nur: What is Ghiwaayah? Satan : Ghiwaayah is a navigation software that we designed to guide mankind away from Siraatul Mustaqeem ( straight path) , we usually install this software at the front, left side, right side, the back and the bottom of the human victim's comprehension motor, and no matter which way the vitim responds, our system guides them, away from Siratul Mustaqeem. Nur: Wait, wait, you did not mention the TOP, why not install your Ghiwayah Software on top of their comprehension motors? Satan: The top of the compreshension motor is reserved to the heavens, it is where Siratul Mustaqeem signals are received, anyone who points his antennas up to Allah is protected from us, we have no control over these humans, even if we try to intefere with these heavenly signals, we get burned by high speed commets, are you crazy man? Nur: So what you are telling me is that you have installed your Ghiwaayah software on many people, what I see in these boards are your cloned humans who are speaking your words after you have taken control over their comprehension motors? and you are working on the rest? Satan: That is right, Nur, but it is not an easy job, compared to yours in fighting me, all you have to remember is your dhiker and you are home free , gardens of Eden are waiting for you at the end of your hardship, but I also work hard, along with those whom I mislead, and we all end up in hell, don't your remember the vesre in Quraan " Caamilatun Naasibah, Taslaa Naaran Xaamiyah " Different endings, but same hard work for all of us. Nur: Acuudu Billahi mina sheitaani Rajiim To be continued......... 2003 NURTEL NEETWORKS Nurun Calaa Nur, Department Production, all rights not reserved. Episode three Satan's Dialogue with Nur continued.... Satan: Hi Nur, rough week here? Nur: not quite Satan, I was careful not to fall for any of your tricks. Satan: Like what? Nur: Like your suggestion to fight Cilmiile and company on a point by point and not to let my friends down? Satan: Why not, your dignity is important? Nur: Yes, but, swallowing my pride for the sake of Islam is even more prestigious in the eyes of Allah. I could have answered Cilmiile point by point, but, honestly, I felt better to fold it altogether and make peace, instead of creating a standoff after which, my losses would have outnumbered my winning in real terms of what counts in next life, so I chose the best policy, honesty. Satan: you know Nur, if my grandfather was as humble as you are, I would have been in paradise today. Nur: I heard that your grandfather Ibliis once offered to repent to Allah, when he asked Prophet Moses to help him to get reistated as a repentant. What happened? Satan: Moses talked to Allah and told him that Satan wants to repent. Nur: What did Allah say? Satan: Allah said , Satan knows Adams's grave, let him go there and Bow down in respect for Adam. Nur: That was a great chance, why didn't you take that chance? Satan: Nur, you are naive, how can I bow for a dead Adam, when I refused to bow down for him when he was alive? Nur: You are hopeless, and astonishingly, many humans are as stubborn as you are, they say in a Somali proverb: " Rag ciil cadaab ka dooray" " A real man chooses to go to hell, instead of compromising with an enemy and suffering humiliation, anger and hate" Nur: Talk to you later, yaa malcuun. 2003 NURTEL NEETWORKS Episode Four Discussion Continued ( SATAN versus Nur) Nur: Hello Satan Satan: Hi Nur Nur: What have you done to the boards while I was away you despicable creature? Satan: Nur, business is business, take it easy, if you leave your flocks, I inflame their wounds, so they can throw with rocks at each other and at you. Nur: Now let me get this staright, as long as good people are around showing the positive side of human nature, your followers influence diminshes, and when good people tale it to the boards, scumbags go away, is that what happens? Satan: Let me tell you an old story Nur. When Allah created Adam, the angels wondered why was Allah creatring man, specially if man has a nature to spill blood and cause evil on earth. Allah told them that he knows that which the angels did not know. Allah knew that man has also another side, benevolent, kind and caring, unlike our Demonic nature of evil only, and the Angelic nature of only good. So this past week when some 3 million Muslim Pilgrims gathered in Makkah for the worship and remembrance of Allah, to my nightmare, it is said that Allah called all the angels to show off this great gathering with pride how his servants are steadfast in his worship and love, millions of worshippers with tears in their eyes, sorry that they have not lived up to their covenant with Allah, and further promising to go back as born again belivers. This is really bothering me Nur, this is dangerous, specially when they throw at me the symbolic rocks in jamaraat Minaa. Many nations races and tribes come together in Minaa, not preoccupied with the physical bonds that binds them, rather, the unseen spritual bond that binds them eternally. This can demolich all my plans. Here is a European Muslim Pilgrim, a Chinese Muslim a Nigerian Mulsim, an Arab Muslim and even a Jewish Muslim, all brothers in faith. They make me very lonely. I hate to see them this close to each other. On a smaller scale, Every year, Somalis Pilgrims share the same tents in Minaa, regardless of their tribal affiliations. It is common to hear stories like this: A lost weak Ugaadh Obokor, Issaq man being helped by a wacbuudhan ****** woman whoo cooks for him a hot meal, until she finds a Warsangale, ******* group who take care of him and feed him like their real brother. Or a young ****** girl nursing an Old ******* woman who have raised her as an orphan, and now, the way she serves the old woman is like her real mother. Or an Issaaq pilgrims group collecting money for a Mogadishu based humanitarian agency. Nur: So that is what worries you? Satan: How can I feel comfortable when people forget all their hatred and problems for few days and focus on being good and doing good, if I allow this, I will not have any business left. Nur: Do you mean if you were not influencing humans that all of huumans wouyld have chosen to follow the right path? Satan: That is correct, our influence on the human soul is like gravity to human body, it pulls them down. ( Wa laakinnahu akhlada ilal ard) Quraan. So, just like how a space rocket scapes gravity, humans need to lighten up their loads ( money, pride,etc) to power their boosters to reach the heavens. But, while some wadaads like you are trying to set the rocket engines up for flight, I make sure that I influence the ignorant masses to keep them pined to the ground with me and later take them down to lower hell. I love them, because they take me for a friend. Nur: I need to rest, talk to you later yaa malcuun Satan: I can not rest, and I will not allow you to rest, for starters, your agenda is full this week, you need to touch on many issues of business , so make sure that you work hard on your business initiatives, it is better for you to leave this board and focus on your business, someone else can help preach here with lesser opportunity cost, why do you have to waste your valuable time, you know how much money you could make if you implement that project that you shelved a while back? you time is better served when youn take care of your worldly interests, I am advicing you Nur. Nur: I knew all along that you present 99 good logical arguments so I can take from you one really poisonous advice like this one. I will not tale your advice, ever, Inshaallah. ...........Continued. 2003 NURTEL Communications We Light up your boards Episode five; Satan and Nur Dialague to contiue...... Nur: Yaa malcuun, what have you been up to lately? Satan: If you stop cursing me and making thiker I can tell you a lot of useful things. Nur: In our last discussion you've told me that you have many plans for humans, beginning with the personal level all the way to national level, I am curious, when I look at the news coverage, I am bewildered of the escalations war in the mideast and the continuing bloodshed in our homeland, I hear that even Puntland is going down the drain as a fierce power struggle is brewing up in this relatively peaceful enclave along the Indian Ocean, what is going on yaa sheitaan. Satan: You see Nur, it is all about priorities, when priorities get screwed up, people would not know what is critical, necessary, needed, desired or liked. So when you go after something that is desired and neglect something that is critical, failures of Monmouth proportions take place. Let me give you an example, the other day when you were standing in front of one of the stores in the Mall, you heard a loud bang, do you know what it was? Two thieves working on a shopper were distracting the shopper to look at the source of the loud sound and neglect guarding her purse, as soon as she focused her attention to the sound ( least of her priorities) the thief stole her purse. Likewise, most people have made their faith the least important driver of their actions and interest, and made Allah the least significant observer and evaluator of their behavior, as a result , people's actions today are driven by greed, false pride which intoxicates the mind to desire power at any cost, only to see it slipping away from his reach and the cycle of misery begins after they learn lessons that nations before them have failed to understand. But it is human nature that they never learn, and it is our Satanic responsibilities to help the humans serve each other a taste of hell on earth, before they join Satan in hell as a resting area. Nur: Do you mean the civil war is Somalia and the nascent tribalist hate culture to be a distracting tactic? Satan: What else could it be? These ****** people's priority should've been for them to live up to the purpose of their creation, failure in that regard is critical to their happiness on this life and detrimental to their eternal happiness or sorrow. To see how ****** they are, just see hopw much of their resources ( Time, Money etc) serving this hallucination. As Satan, I amde sure that they make me their friend, and Islam their Enemy, and I have further made them hate people like you, Nur, who bombard them with advice and common sense , thus spoiling their party, People just wanna have a little fun, and you Wadaads, are too boring, Satan is offering them very interesting products, power intoxication, Sex and a lot of laughter and bigotry, all of which makes them well in Satan's grasp and control. Nur: Tell me about the leaders of these tribal feuds in our homeland. Satan: Boy o Boy, do I have some sobering news, these guys you call leaders are very interesting, Satan has a lock on their central processing units, Satan programs them and, they think that they are doing the best deeds, that is how far they have slipped away from the right path, just like we Satans have done before them. You see, Nur, if you observe one of the " Leaders" day activities, it will tell you a lot of what they really worship, wishy washy and dilly dallying across all of the ideas of the hour and delivering nothing but ruin to their people at the end of the day. These leaders have one thing in common, love of life on earth, pride, and lust for power. On the contrary, helping the poor, doing justice on earth, reaching out to educate the ignorant are not their priorities, and most important Allah is not who they fear, rather, they fear their sponsors whose orders they carry out like slaves. When they refused to be brothers in faith to each other to keep their chins high with dignity of Islam , they became slaves for others who enjoy their annihilation and destruction, as a result, some Somali families who used to boast to be noble and honorable are suffering social image stains after some of their women began selling their bodies in the countries they have emigrated to in Africa, Arabia, and Europe. Somali Prostitutes in North America are dubbed " Cheap and Clean" quite an accomplishment of your " Tribal Leaders" Nur: Wait a minute, are you suggesting humans are as evil as Satan? Satan: It all depends, Nur. Those who live up to their covenant with Allah are definitely better than us, but those who obey Satan instead of Allah, on the other hand , those who fail to obey Allah, and instead obey Satan, these are not as bad as Satan, they are worse. You see Nur, we Satan refused to bow down to Allah, as a symbol of submission to Allah and accepting the supremacy of Mankind above Satan, on the other hand , Mankind was so honored by Allah that he was asked to bow down to Allah alone, instead, we find mankind driven by lust, and is controlled by us Satan to do all the evil we want him to do, so in that way we are far better than these humans, you get the point? Nur: Yeah, it is sad, why are you telling me all this if you are our enemy? Satan: Because I know that it will not change things a bit, humans do not listen, or learn, when they listen, they do not act on the advice, when they act, they forget to focus on their priorities, which makes my Job easy. Now if you excuse me, I have to go to the Gulf, I am distracting the attention of Billions of mankind whose sighgts are fixed over oil, power, and land, forgetting all along that man was not meant to stay on this planet for long. What a great show? To be contiuned.................................... 2003 NURTEL Communications Unusual Means Of Communications
  20. Nur

    Eight Lessons

    7 Steps To Heaven You write: " Question 2 nur... jamacad muslin eh oo wadanada carabta maad ka soo baxday? if so.. walaal hadaan rabo ka waran inaan jaamacad carabta inaan aado oon diinta ka barto (adaan kaa maseeray) wadankee uugu fiican, af-carabi makasaayi luqada ingriiska ma lagu dhigaa diinta. I would be ever so greatful if u could get me some info [/QB] " Walaashey Maya walaal, kama soo bixin jaamacad waddan Carbeed. Walaal, diinta barashadeeda daruuri ma ah inaad waddan carab aaddo, laakin waa fikrad fiican inaad aaddo haddaad hesho Scholarship. Somalida waxaa waayahan u fiican iney carabi ama diin ku bartaan Sudan, iyo Malaysia. Carbaha Kale weli wey aqbalaan lakin waa la adkeeyay sidaan filayo. Lakin Af carabiga waa daruuri inaad marka hore barato si aad diinta u barato. And finally, you could get more info from any Embassy of the Arab countries web sites, just search in the engines and inshAllah you shall find. Allaha ku garab galo. Nur
  21. Nur

    Dancing Fever?

    Entreprenuer Bro. Walaal we need to differenciate beteen faith and fun, inshAllah, if all goes well for you and me, we shall dance in jannah with xuurul ceyn, why do you want to jumb dance with not so well scented xertii sheikh aweys, when you can be in the company of the udgoonka Xuur al ceynta? only if you focus your ibaadah and make it according to Sunnah 100% ? Nur
  22. Nur

    Dancing Fever?

    Thunder walaal The traditional Qaadiriya, Saalixiya Dhiker circles and the Shadhiliya and Burhaniya Sufi dhiker circles of Sudan and Egypt respectively are the interface of islam with pagan traditions that Muslims came in contact with and as result Islam became the porfessed religion and content of the dhiker while paganism rituals remained the core practice of these orders. The Sufi dance is a degenerate form of wosrhip, and it is not fro Allah as the prophet of allah SWT taught the proper way to worship Allah SWT. Nur
  23. Nur


    Pebbles you write: Originally posted by Pebbles: Nur, maybe one of these days I'll have the time to read one of ur posts... just out of curiousity, do u ever post anything short, oh say less than a page? You see pebbles, as a matter of fact I do, but you'd have to go through a lot of long ones befire finding a short one (lol). Anyway, thanx for your response and hope to see you soon at Islam page Nur posts, but do it during weekends cuz they may captivate you, one of my readers Wrote " Once you start reading, you can't stop" Nur
  24. Nur


    Nurtel News Network Presents a preview Breaking News from: Eastleigh, Nairobi. SADDAM CAPTURED. An urgent Letter from Somali Anarchists. Dear President Bush. Congratulations for capturing Santa Claus who was hiding in Iraq all these months disguisnig himself as Saddamn Hussein. In this ( Fadhi Ku Dirir) Armchair Generals coffee shop in Nairobi, most of the anarchists watching the CNN and NBCMSN networks with me were stunned, of how skillfully you caught Santa in Baghdad while he actually lived in the North Pole where a sizeable Somali Community lives herding Raindeers for Santa near Helsinki, Finland. For the fisrt time in history, Americans will enjoy a dark sikinned Santa SADDAM with a chariott of camels and giving away free oil to the American people. World anarchy would not have been complete without this stunt you've pulled just before Chrismas, so a perfect chrismas with Santa SADDAM bringing all the goodies to american homes on Chrismas eve would be a picture perfect holiday, and according to the ( AIDDEED) Agency for the International Dissemination of Deception of Euphoric Endemic Democracy, the person captured was indeed Sad Damn guy who was caught seven months ago and kept in the north pole with Santa Clause as a room mate, so that your presidential prayers can be accepted at will, HO HO HO, ( pronounced as OIL, OIL, OIL,) SADDAM coming out of your texas ranch chimney delivering happiness to the Bush Clan, giving a new meaning to the famous story of Bushladin and the fourty Bagdad theifs ( The number of nations who won Iraq Contracts). The American Liars associaltion has even confirmed that, Bushladen, I meant Bin Laden, is also at the North Pole, waiting to be released next thanks giving just in time for the November elections in a similar cerimony in which he is expected to renounce terrorism as a means of opposing freedom by eating in public a Mc Donalds Big Mac Burger and washing it down with Coca Cola, afterwhich he will be appointed to be the new CEO of Halliburton in Iraq for a jubilant Iraqi crowd. Halliburton, Coca Cola and Big Mac being cornerstones of American values, which makes the Somali Anarchists worry for their safety as America is running out of artificial enemies. But as we have previously offered, we Somali anarchists are very supportive of world chaos, so the more chaos that you can plan and execute, the longer we can operate in east Africa, what are friends for if they are not covering each other? Dear President Bush, We also want you to know that the Somali Anarchists prayed with you for Santa to come to your home in your Texas ranch, to deliver Saddamn , " Mamma, all I want is Saddam for Chrismas, please..." was your first request to Mrs. Barbara, and " I want to pull SADDAMS mustaches and not get hurt" being your last wish. Now you can do it from the comfort of your living room, thanks to the remote controlled mustache puller and shaver developed by NASA to civilize leaders who have too much facial hair and little understanding of democracy. But your mom , who agreed to pray for your wish if you behaved like a good Babtist kid for one year, is happy that you deserve this present since you have been a good christian the past year by turning your other cheek when the Japanese threatened trade war spear-headed by the sushi embargo, if you did not allow their cheap steel to be sold in America thereby threatening the already fragile American Government subsidized steel industry. Waddayaknow, you get two blesings for the price of one prayer, Santa dressed as Saddaamn. Anyay, we the Somali Anarchists would like to pay for his costs from the Qat revenues if you would allow him to set up the International University of Anarchy in Somalia with the honorary chairmanship of Coffe Anan, the Deanship of Condi Rice and the Presidency of Powel, three black people who are helping the anarchy in our world and proving the notion the Republicans always held that if you let black people rule the world, with the help of a Texan Cowboy, that you would have an ideal anarchist stone age world, our common goal which is progressing just fine. Wishing you a happy Chrismas, save some Turkey for Saddamn. Cag Biciid For Unregulated World Without a Government. 2003 Nurtel Network News No Noose is a good news -------------------------------------------------- Nur Posts appear in the Islam Page of Somaliaonline
  25. Geel Qaad you write: Originally posted by JamaaL-11: Nur - sxb I like this. I really do. Thank you for your humorous-but-critically set essays. Very humorous indeed. Would you be so kind to let me distribute them to a wider audience? I am sure they would love reading the essays.. Muraad lol ...sheekhow thats a fab response... "don't you listen to mister difficit raamisfiilato?" lol and I declare me-self a member of S.A.D - Somali Anarchist Daclaration. Geel Qaad walaal What an intersting name, I hope that you are not related to General who took our camels away from the Hawd area of burco? and forced law and order in the Ethipian held territories off of the Burco region by taking the camels of outlaws who then take a refuge in the Ethipian held Hawd. Anyway, you are free to distribute this and every Nurtel article for your audience in the Hawd area and beyound for a licensing fee of sincere duaa for xusnul khaatimah for Brother Nur. 2003 Nurtel Syndicates Licensing Division Nur