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Everything posted by Nur

  1. I enjoyed playing the Guitar, 4 me music was more important than food, but Allah SWT showed me the evil of music, it was the most difficlult decision after I began observing Islam in full, I simpy could not imagine throwing away my collection, but, after that decision, horizons of knowledge and love of Allah filled my heart, and now I enjoy reading Quraan and making Dhiker a pleasure billion times better and soothing than Satan's tools, I wrote a piece on music ISA, I will repost it for the emotionally challenged on these boards. May Allah guide part time Muslims, amin! Nur
  2. Nurtel Softwaano Presents Forgiveness of Allah SWT Allah SWT blessed me with good readers, who from time to time ask me touching questions, their questions tells me that my post are working to cause such a change in heart for my readers to share with me intimate questions that they trust me with, and since this problem is a common one, my answer may help many viewers who may have committed major sins. Question: Brother Nur, I committed a major sin, do I have to make Hajj to be forgiven? Answer: Walaalo, their is no sin that anyone commit on earth greater than Allah's mercy and forgiveness. Sins are the result of forgetfulness of the awesome power and presence of Allah SWT, since no sin can be committed away from his sight and hearnig, (he placed two angels who record all of our actions ecvery second untill we die). In Allah's eyes, the crying and weeping of a repenting servant is far better than the prayer of an arrogant show off person who thinks that he is better than sinners, becouse if we did not sin, one of allah's 99 names would be missing ' "Al Ghafuur" ( The Forgiving) Allah SWT says " I am often forgiving to those who repent, believes in me and afterwards does good deeds and then goes straight after that" Not only that: The prophet SAWS said Allah is more happier for the repentence of his servants than a man who lost his camel and gave up, sat under a tree and slept and woke up to see his camel standing right infront of him" Now imagine how valuable a camel is, and imagine how descriptive this example is of how allah SWT love you and cares for you. Walaalo Forgiveness of Allah is imediate right after one: 1. Realizes the gravity of the sin ( Major sin) 2. Makes niyah to live a clean life 3. Fulfills his/her promises Forgiveness is like a flowing river, in which allah SWT forgives his sincere servants who want to come back, his doors are never closed unlike humans, and he never runs out of mercy, because Allah SWT is generous. Waiting for hajj to repent is not right, we can die any minute, and all one has to do is clean their slate contiously so that in case we die we are always in good terms with our maker. But there are blessed milestones in Islam, like Ramadan, and Hajj when many sincere servants clean up their recoords. So it is adviced that we take advantage of all the year with a lot of crying, weeping and tears to clean our pasts as much as we can, because a drop of tear shed in the fear of Allah SWT is more valuable than many unmindful prayers. So, rest assured that i have the highest level of respect for a pesron who repents and returns to Allah SWT, I pray that Allah guides us all. A lot of admiration and respect Nur 2004 Nurtel Softwaano Series The Art of Taking Care of the Heart
  3. Nur

    Best Days on Earth!

    Amina, Harun, Sundus, Northern May Allah bless you all, we are now officially in the best days on earth, et us remind each other to do good, help the poor, assist the elderly and the disabled, teach a fatherless kid a lesson, console a broken at heart, spread salaams, smile, pray qiyaamulleil, fast, make a lot of dhiker, Allahu akbar waillahil hamd. In need of your duaa always Nur
  4. Sophist bro. An intresting read indeed, if i may add: As we fly toward our goal of pleasing Allah SWT, like a bird, the view ahead can be clearly seen through Quraan and Sunnah binoculars, anything else will blurr our vision ( refer to Nurtel Opticians topic), thereby we see HOPE. Our two wings, the right wing is LOVE of Allah and the left wing is FEAR of his Punishment. Now, if we have more FEAR than LOVE, we go off course, likewise if we have more LOVE than FEAR we also go off course, once we strike a balance between the two wings, we fly along the SIRATUL MUSTAQEEM, the staright Path, we glide smoothly and soar like an eagle having a birds view of our goal ahead, JANNAH, inshAllah and toward that goal, shall all fellow NOMADS work. Nur
  5. The Thriller Ride. Suurat Al Caadiyaat This Work was inspired by a request of Brother Thunder, a fellow Nomad of Somaliaonline Islam Discussion boards, who asked me to shed some light on this Surah. I first read the Surah quickly to grasp the gist of it, for more insight, I reviewed it again, However no matter how many passages I read, a critical link was missing between the first part of the Surah and the conclusion, a real challenge for ulul albaab. In my search for clues, I referred to three different Tafaaseer, Al Tabari for the different narrations and their weights, , Ibnul Katheer for his smooth explanation, and for a deeper inspiration, I delved into the eloquence of the Dhilaal al Quraan ( Shades of The Quraan ) Unfortunately, I was unable to find the connection of the thrilling opening verses with the sobering last verse. After I gave up, Allah SWT opened up a gate of knowledge to enter, in order to see the connection of the first and the last, I could not help but hit the floor to thank Allah SWT in joy for showing me the subtle but critical link of the verses Subhaanallah, Alhamdulillaah and Allahu akbar what a hidden treasure did I find today, A Friday, a day in which Muslims flock to the mosques all over the word to hear words of admonition so they can stay on the siraatul mustaqeem course. Allahumma Salli calaa Sayyiddinaa Muxammad wa calaa Alihi wa saxbih wa sallim. Surah Al Caadiyaat, The Translation of the Text: 1. By the (steeds) that run, with panting (breath), 2. Striking sparks of fire (by their hooves), 3. And scouring to the raid at dawn 4. And raise the dust in clouds the while, 5. Penetrating forthwith as one into the midst (of the foe); 6. Verily! Man (disbeliever) is ungrateful to his Lord; 7. And to that fact he bears witness (by his deeds); 8. And verily, he is violent in the love of wealth. 9. Knows he not that when the contents of the graves are brought out and poured forth (all mankind is resurrected). 10. And that which is in the breasts (of men) shall be made known. 11. Verily, that Day (i.e. the Day of Resurrection) their Lord will be Well-Acquainted with them (as to their deeds), (and will reward them for their deeds). Bismillahi Arraxmaani Arraxiim The Thriller Ride. . For those Nomads who can relate to our baadiye setting ( duullaan, ama weerar dagaal colaad ah), or for those westernized Nomads who had the fun visiting Medieval Times theme parks in California, enjoying a nice meal of chicken served on copper dishes, while two horsemen fight like the Romans. Imagine sleeping in your tents early morning when at at dusk, you wake up amid dreadful sounds and sights of an enemy. The sounds of fast breathing and approaching horses, raising clouds of dust behind them while at the same time, sparking static fire with their hoofs as they hit the dry terrain at high speeds sending shockwaves of fear all around your body, and suddenly, you are butt naked and face to face with the enemy horsemen. But suddenly, when you as a frightened person see the enemy horses standing right above your mattress ( Fa wasatna bihi jamcan), and stare at these horsemen brandishing shining swords, you realize that your end is near, and now you begin to seriously think about your past intentions and motives of all your deeds. ( End of Primo Scenario) And here we find the secret connection. MOTIVES BEHIND OUR DEEDS The above scenario " Wal caadiyaati dhabxan, fal muuriyaati qadxan, fal mughiiraati subxan, fa atharna bihi naqcan, fa wasatna bihi jamcan............" this swift description of sound, motion and action is a Allah's way throughout the Quraan to get our attention, or " Dhaar" as we say in Somali, in which Allah SWT swears by his creatures or their actions as in this case, similar to " Falaa uqsimu bi mawaaqicin nujuum, wa innahu la qasamun low taclamuuna cadhiim " , however what startled me was that this " Weerarka arooryeed" was done in the way of Allah SWT in Jihad, a form of struggle that was triggered by a motive, because once the motives were set, the horses were set in motion, followed by the sound of fast breathing Arabian horses, their hoofs raising sparks of fire and a dust behind their tails behind the background of the twilight of dusk, all for a purpose. Now many earthly years pass by in a state of oblivion, and all in a sudden, you find yourself once more standing naked in front of your maker in the day of judgment, you show up again just like how you were created in the first place, naked, scared, helpless, and humbled. Now imagine yourself hearing these words of wisdom: " Man is indeed unthankful to his lord" (Kanood) , meaning, ungrateful person ( Calooshii la cayaar) who only counts misfortunes, but never appreciates goodness granted, nor thanks his Maker for it. Being ungrateful all your life, you have never felt that you owe Allah anything that you have, because in arrogance you've felt that you did it all alone without Allah's help, and as a result, all of what you came to believe that all that you have earned was rightfully yours alone, never recognizing that all along Allah was making all your successes possible, by prodding you to succeed and providing you with an intricate health maintenance system, a calculating mind, sheer " coincidences or are they?" and guardian angels to look after your safety up until the moment of truth fast approached, enemy horsemen keen to take away your unworthy life with a swift piercing sword right through your heart, ouch!. Your nature of ungratefulness over the years had triggered many actions that worked contrary to Allah's commandments, because the underlying motives behind your actions were an insatiable love for wealth, power and prestige, contempt for those less fortunate than you are. After close examination of your life, you also recognize that you are a key witness over yourself of how precious you've over valued your material possessions that blinded you from your eventual confrontation with your Lord. Oh NO! Enter the opening ceremonies of the day of judgment when graves will split open, releasing their subdued captives and their accompanying manifests of their past deeds , stern angles examine you files to prepare for your hearing in front of an impartial judge, no matter how many evil deeds that you have concealed, your Lord , that day, ( Like any other day) is well aware of your motives and deeds for a just verdict that will rest your case forever, in happiness or in agony. Luckily, that is all in the future, and the present is in your hands, so take my advice, change your ways, before you are chained!. Nur 2004 eNuri Nomadic Dawa Service Powered By Quraan and Sunnah
  6. Nur


    Haarun bro U mean she is suing Saddamn? for 4 billion barrels of oil as a compensation for the American bombs that were lost in Iraq, and the Apaches that wre downed and the innocent soldiers who were killed by Saddamn in Iraq when they wanted to liberate Iraquis indians in Bagdad? Nur
  7. Sophist Bro. C'mon b serious! even when i am pulling your leg, i have a purpose behind it, a subliminal message that may surface a later time, inshAllah. On a serious note, yes we are negotioting with the moderators to give anarchists a well deserved platform, ( 13 years of anarchy qualifies our members for this honor) in the form of a wider circulating magazine that i am expected to contribute more satirical message with hidden educational goals, Brother Baasi, is organozing the e Magazine, and I will do my best to contribute, we need you support, at least, your legal counsel so we don not step over others toes in ignorance ( what do you expect an anarchist to do?) Conscious manipulation I am sure that you can relate to those little anarchists, were you ever one as a kid, I was? Sooyaal Bro. Your application to join anarchists was rejected out right by a committee who sensed that you are too organized to be acceptable as a candidate, please show a degree of an anarchy in your next response to be seriously considered an anarchist member. Geel Jire bro. With your enthusiasm, no one can deny of your anarchic tendencies, do you make up your bed every day? this is a trick question b careful. Sample Article: Nurtel News Network Presents a preview Breaking News from: Eastleigh, Nairobi. SADDAM CAPTURED. An urgent Letter from Somali Anarchists. Dear President Bush. Congratulations for capturing Santa Claus who was hiding in Iraq all these months disguisnig himself as Saddamn Hussein. In this ( Fadhi Ku Dirir) Armchair Generals coffee shop in Nairobi, most of the anarchists watching the CNN and NBCMSN networks with me were stunned, of how skillfully you caught Santa in Baghdad while he actually lived in the North Pole where a sizeable Somali Community lives herding Raindeers for Santa near Helsinki, Finland. For the fisrt time in history, Americans will enjoy a dark sikinned Santa SADDAM with a chariott of camels and giving away free oil to the American people. World anarchy would not have been complete without this stunt you've pulled just before Chrismas, so a perfect chrismas with Santa SADDAM bringing all the goodies to american homes on Chrismas eve would be a picture perfect holiday, and according to the ( AIDDEED) Agency for the International Dissemination of Deception of Euphoric Endemic Democracy, the person captured was indeed Sad Damn guy who was caught seven months ago and kept in the north pole with Santa Clause as a room mate, so that your presidential prayers can be accepted at will, HO HO HO, ( pronounced as OIL, OIL, OIL,) SADDAM coming out of your texas ranch chimney delivering happiness to the Bush Clan, giving a new meaning to the famous story of Bushladin and the fourty Bagdad theifs ( The number of nations who won Iraq Contracts). The American Liars associaltion has even confirmed that, Bushladen, I meant Bin Laden, is also at the North Pole, waiting to be released next thanks giving just in time for the November elections in a similar cerimony in which he is expected to renounce terrorism as a means of opposing freedom by eating in public a Mc Donalds Big Mac Burger and washing it down with Coca Cola, afterwhich he will be appointed to be the new CEO of Halliburton in Iraq for a jubilant Iraqi crowd. Halliburton, Coca Cola and Big Mac being cornerstones of American values, which makes the Somali Anarchists worry for their safety as America is running out of artificial enemies. But as we have previously offered, we Somali anarchists are very supportive of world chaos, so the more chaos that you can plan and execute, the longer we can operate in east Africa, what are friends for if they are not covering each other? Dear President Bush, We also want you to know that the Somali Anarchists prayed with you for Santa to come to your home in your Texas ranch, to deliver Saddamn , " Mamma, all I want is Saddam for Chrismas, please..." was your first request to Mrs. Barbara, and " I want to pull SADDAMS mustaches and not get hurt" being your last wish. Now you can do it from the comfort of your living room, thanks to the remote controlled mustache puller and shaver developed by NASA to civilize leaders who have too much facial hair and little understanding of democracy. But your mom , who agreed to pray for your wish if you behaved like a good Babtist kid for one year, is happy that you deserve this present since you have been a good christian the past year by turning your other cheek when the Japanese threatened trade war spear-headed by the sushi embargo, if you did not allow their cheap steel to be sold in America thereby threatening the already fragile American Government subsidized steel industry. Waddayaknow, you get two blesings for the price of one prayer, Santa dressed as Saddaamn. Anyay, we the Somali Anarchists would like to pay for his costs from the Qat revenues if you would allow him to set up the International University of Anarchy in Somalia with the honorary chairmanship of Coffe Anan, the Deanship of Condi Rice and the Presidency of Powel, three black people who are helping the anarchy in our world and proving the notion the Republicans always held that if you let black people rule the world, with the help of a Texan Cowboy, that you would have an ideal anarchist stone age world, our common goal which is progressing just fine. Wishing you a happy Chrismas, save some Turkey for Saddamn. Cag Biciid For Unregulated World Without a Government. 2003 Nurtel Network News No Noose is a good news ------------------------------------------------ Nur Posts appear in the Islam Page of Somaliaonline Nur
  8. Walaalayaal Xadiithka sheytaanka waxaa la soo xaqiijyey inuusan aheyn xadiith saxiix ah ( Sheikh Bashiir) ooy isoo gaadhsiisay walaasheen (UKHTII), sidaa darteed waan tirtiray, Allaha ku sugo addimaheenna waddada toosan, Amin. Nur
  9. Best Days On Earth NOMADS The Best Days on earth are upon us The Ten Days of Dhil Hijjah These are the days Allah SWT said about them: " Wal Fajr, Wa layaalin Cashr" " By The Dawn and the ten nights" Also Allah says about them : " Wa yadhkurullhaaha fii ayaamin macluumaat" " So they ( Mulsims) make dhikr, and mention his holy name in specified days" The Messenger of Allah SAWS said: "The best days on earth are the ten days of thil Hijjah" , Hadeeth is verified by Sheikh Albani. So as you can see brothers and sisters, there are no days in the entire year where your good deeds count as these days, so take advantage of these days by doing as much good as you can do on earth. These are the ten days in which Allah gets close to us (and he is always close) and shows off in Pride to his angels the millions of worshipers gathering in Arafaat, The largest gathering of the faithful, any faith anywhere, for the one and ONLY true God, owner of this tiny planet and the the ever expanding universe. These are the ten days in which all forms of worship earns you the maximum returns, if you have the intention and the will. So be thankful that you have lived through the year to reach this milestone, a second chance in the year in which you can come clean with a new slate if you make the pilgrimmage to makka the Hajj or make the intention for next year. Remember that this is your last stop for refueling till next Ramadan, in case you goofed around, but feel guilty and desire to mend fence with Allah. Take advantage of these holy days, here are ways to benefit from these ten days: 1. Tawbah: Repent, feeling guilty all the time does not get you anywhere, do something about it, align your life with the will of Allah, it is no picnic going against Allah, so surrrender willingly, before you surrender unwillingly, you will feel light after you get rid of the monkey on your back. 2. Regular prayers: If you have neglected your prayers, remember that living in the fast lane has its benefits, like falling off the cliff to Jahannam, for ever. Your prayers are the folder that binds all your good deeds, without this folder, your work is scattered in the open like snow, you can not claim any, and that is no smart way to plan for retirement. 3. MAKE HAJJ: Unless you are in Makkah by now, chances are you are not making Hajj this year, so plan this year to make Hajj next year. Your good intention is counted as a good deed, equal in weight to actual Hajj, in case you die before next Hajj, your credit will be in your folder, indeed a respectable exit to the next world. 4. Sacrifice: Go to a farm and offer Allah a sarifice, like a sheep or a Camel, if you can find one. For those who can not find animals to scarifice, I have few ideas: 1. If you have kids, sacrifice your TV, I know it is too much to ask, but think, Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son Ishmael. To get a dose of faith, you need to make a room in your heart, so throw something dear to you, to get something better in value and more lasting in terms of duration, take it from me, you will be surprised of the result. After you throw away your TV, here are the benefits that you can expect: a. You will begin to notice the presence of real human beings who live with you, like brothers and sisters, parents, husband or wife or grandparents, you will appreciate them again inshAllah and will ask yourself "where have they been all these years?". b.You begin to laugh together, go places instead of sitting in front of the tube, and you will begin reading your daily papers and begin to think and use your brain, instead of the TV doing all the thinking and entertainment for you (I know some people who have their brains in a the new delivery cartons), . Kids begin to read, adults enjoy the company of relatives. So, Sacrifice your TV, sell it in a flee market, the money, send it home for feeding the poor. Great thawaab Reward for this ten days. C. For the rest of the Brothers and sisters, sacrifice things you own that does not get you close to Allah, you know them, so give away things you love, that are forming a barrier between you and Allah. 5. Make Sadaqa: Remember the poor: Send money home to the poor families in this season, make someone happy, Allah will make you happy. 6. Make Dhiker all the time: Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Laa Ilaaha Illal Allaahu Allahu Akbar wa lilaahil Hamd. Nur 2003 eNuri Softwaano Series The Art of taking care of the Heart
  10. Nur


    Benefits of Quran, reading and memorizing A Past Nurtel Post: Here are some benefits of memorizing Quraan 1. Quraan keeps you in check (Alert) 2. Quraan puts happiness in your heart 3. Quraan frees you from your worries 4. Quraan teaches you your deen 5. Quraan increases your awareness of the day of judgement 6. Quraan makes you in line with Allah's commandments 7. Quraan explains the essence of life, explains your purpose of existence and role as human. Others live and do not figure out the purpose of life until they are dead. 8. Reading Quraan earns you hasanaat, and these Hasanaat, pay for your bad deeds, thus reducing them, and when your bad deeds are reduced, your problems go away, because your problems the price for your sins. When your problems go away, good things happen to you and joy fills your life. 9. Quraan is a garden, Quraan is the paradise on earth, those who fail to pick and smell this gardens flowers, will fail to enter the paradise in the next life. Quraan in the next life can either be your advocate or adversay, choose to make Quraan your companion in this life, so Quraan can be your advocate in aakhira. 10. Those who memorize the entire Quraan are elevated to the highest ranks in Paradise. Said all of that, here is my advice: 1. Memorizing the Whole Quraan is not a must, but the more you memorize, the higher your rank in Jannah, so make your goal first to secure the memorization of what you have already memorized. Memorizing new verses is not obligatory, but neglecting what you have memorized is a sin. 2. Once you have secured those, make intention with Ikhlaas, to begin your journey to memorize the Quraan, in case you die with this intention, and have taken concrete steps toward your goal, you are entitled to the entire reward. The Niyah of a believer is better than her mere deeds. 3. Begin with the short Suraah's . They are easier, more rythem and rhyme, bundles of wisdom, and picturesque description of our final home, or jail. 4. Memorize when you have the most alert mind, best time is right after Fajr prayer, and start slow. An aayah a day will make you a haafiza in twelve years, and as you increase the pace, the years will decrease. A dear friend of mine memorized the entire Quraan in six months's, because he was driven. 5.Find a person to memorize Quraan together and to support each other, it is very helpful to plan together with a friend or two, to memorize together (Subcis) specially weekends for an entire Juzz (subcis). 6. Try to read the verses you have memorized in all of your salaats, to secue them, read them even in Zuhr, and Asr. 7. Make sure, that you keep away from nonesense, Quraan is a serious business, do not mix it with GHAFLAH, or you may risk being like donkey carying books. 8. Most importantly, MAKE DUAA TO ALLAH TO HELP YOU IN YOUR DESIRE TO BECOME A HAAFIDATUL QURAAN. THE HIGHEST RANK IN JANNAH IS RESERVED FOR THE Group descriped ( ANCAMTA CALETHIM, they include, Prophets, Sideeqeen, Shuhadaa, Saalixeen, and HUFAADHUL QURAAN. With this duaa every day, Allah will manifest the circumstances that allow you to gain this high rank. Subxaanakallaahumma, laa ilaaha illaa anta, nastaghfiruka wa natuubu ileika. Nur 2004 Nurtel Softwaano Series The art of taking care of the Heart
  11. Nur


    Nomads Time to remind each other to read Quraan A Nurtel past edition: Quraan is a book of Barakah, meaning abundant good, overfolowing knowledge and increasing horizons of wisdom, there are secrets to discover, and lofty goals to reach, because every Barakah in this world that one can attained in this life and the next can only be reached by following the guidance of the Quraan. Likewise, every misery, and worry are the result of keeping Quraan out of sight and mind. What the Quraan says about the Quraan 1. Quraan is a healing and Mercy " And we reveal (portions) of the Quraan which are a cure and mercy for the believers, (while) it does not add to but more of a loss for those who do injustice" Suurah Israa, 82 2. Quraan is Guidance and light "Allah guides through (Quraan) those who follow his pleasure, peaceful paths, helping them scape from darkness toward light" Suurah Maaedah, 16 3. Quraan is Good News " This Quraan does indeed guide towards the rightest (0f every issue), and breaks good news to the believers who are busy doing good deeds, that they have (indeed earned) a great reward" Israa, 9 4. Quraan is Wisdom " And hence we recite for you some of the verses and the wise reminder" Suurah Aal Imraan, 58 5. Quraan is a counsel " Counsel (them) with Quraan he who is fearful of my (punishment)promise" Suurah Qaaf, 45 "O people, an advice from your Lord has indeed been delivered to you (which is) healing for your consciuosness, a guidnace and mercy for the believers" Younis 57 6. Quraan is a spirit and Life "And so forth do we have revealed to you a spirit(revelation) of our concern" Suurat Al Shuuraa, 52 Quraan and the Sunnah on: The importance of studying Quraan " Say, (to the unbelievers) Allah and he who has knowledge of the Book should be sufficient as a witness(s) between us" Suurah Al Raad, 43 The Prophet SAWS said, " Best among you is he who studied Quraan and (then) teaches " Reported By Bukhaari The Importance of the Recitation of Quraan " Those who recite the Book of Allah, who have established regular prayers, and in private or in public have spent part of the sustenance we have provided for them, these shall (rightfully) hope for a business that will never go bancrupt" suurah Faatir 29 The Prophet SAWS said " Read the Quraan, because (Quraan) will come in the day of judgement as an advocate for his companions" Reported by Muslim The prophet SAWS also said " the(person who) has no Quran in his inner realm, is like a destroyed home" Reported by Tirmidhi The prophet SAWS said " Whoever reads a letter of the Book of allah, erns a Hasanah ( unit reward ), and a Hasanah will be multiplied tenfolds, I do not say ALM is a letter, rather Alif, is a letter, Laam is a letter, and Meem is a letter " Reported by Tirmidhi. Nur
  12. Yaa Ukhtii fillaah Jazaakellah khaian walaalo, Allah kaa abaal mariyo dadaalkaaga, hana nagu wada kulmiyo jannadkiisa annaga iyo intaan jecelnahay, amin Waan ka tirtiri doonaa dhowaan inshAllah Nur
  13. Nomads I am seriously considering in launching a new e-magazine with the help of nomads like Baashi, if you have anarchic tendencies, or if you are a closet Anarchist, and do not have the company of other anarchists who see the world from your view point, we want you to know that there are many anarchists out there who would be pleased to read your thoughts on anarchy and chaos as the world is becoming more and more chaotic in order. It is time we organized disorder in the form of a periodical that can be read by the Somali anarchists evereywhere, here are some of the Topics that you can contribute: Anarchy , the true freedom Might makes right The econmic benefits of Anarchy in Somalia, The demographical changes casued by anarchy Breeding Anarchy at home, raising little anarchists Agreeing to disagree on all issues Chaos, the ultimate pleasure and more Please share your thoughts with us on these topics and more. Nur Nurtel Reverse- Social Engineering Labs Expanding your Mind with Possibilities ------------------------------------------------- Nur is a regular at Somaliaonline Islam Page.
  14. Nur

    In His Memory!

    Baashi Bro. I would appreciate if you could launch an e-magazine titled " The Anarchist ", I'd be very glad to contribute more subliminal messages to help cure many social ailments with wisdom and patience. Let me know when you launch the long awaited " The Anarchist ", magazine, I predict a wide circulation in the e- world. Nur
  15. To Raxmah, Rayaan, Conquest and caramel, May Allah bless you all, thanks for the encouragement readership. Sundus sis, here is the Article: Nurtel Somali Language Publications Presents: Xasuusta Allah SWT ( Remembrance of Allah ) Walaalayaal; Waxaan shaki laheyn in wax walba loo uumay sabab, haddii waxaas sababtii loo uumay uu ku sugan yahay, waa sidii la rabay, haddii kale se oo wixii loo uumay uusan ku sugneyn, ama uu la yimaaddo hwol cusub, dhibaato ayaa laga fishaa ama cudur meeshii laga filan lahaa waxtar. Qalbiga banii aadanka, waxaa loo uumay jeceylka iyo xasuusta kii abuuray, inta uu qalbigaasugan yahay xasuusta kii uumay, qalbigaas lagama yaabo inuu ka baxo jeceylka Allah iyo daacadiisa. Qalbigu waa xubinta ay u hoggaansan yihiin xubnaha kale ee korka, haddii markaas qalbiga laga waayo xasuusta Allah iyo jeceylkiisa, korka intiisa kale lagama yaabo in ay Allah u hoggansamaan sidii ku habbooneyd Allah SWT. Xasuusta Allah wexey dhalisaa jeceylka Allah, sidaasoo kalena jeceylka Allahna wuxuu dhaliyaa, xasuustiisa. Xasuusta Allah ama Dhikrigiisa waxaa noo faray Allah markuu yidhi ( i xasuusta, waan idin xasuusane, iina mahad celiya, hana ismoogeysiinina nicmadddeyda ( Takfuruun) ) Xasuusta Allah SWT waxaa ku jirta waxtar badan, oo aan ka soo qaadaneyno intii noo suuro gasha wexey culimadu sheegeen. Dhikriga Allah SWT: 1. Wuxuu eryaa sheydaanka. Qofka intuu carrabikiisa ku hayo xasuusta Allah sheydaan uma soo dhawaado. 2. Allah ayuu raalli geliyaa 3. Walwalka iyo murugta ayuu ka qaadaa qalbiga 4. Wuxuu keenaa farxadda 5. Wuxuu xoojiyaa qalbiga 6. Wajjiga ayuu nuuriyaa 7. Arzaaqda ayuu furaa 8. Wuxuu dhaxalsiiya qofka Allah xasusta haybad, iyo karaamad 9. Wuxuu dhaxalsiiya qofka xasuusta Allah inuu Allah iska jiro. 10. Allah ayuu ku dhoweeyaa 11. Wuxuu dhaxalsiiyaa jeceylka Allah oo ah ruuxa Islaamka 12. Wuxuu furaa fahamka diinta iyo culuumteeda 13. Wuxuu ku dhaxalsiiyaa in Allah uu ku xasuusto. 14. Dhikrigu waa nolosha Qalbga, qalbi aan Allah xasuusneyn, waa kalluun biyaha laga saarey. 15. Dhikrigu waa quutka, ama cunnada qalbiga. 16. Qalbiga ayuu ka nadiifiyaa midhidhka iyo dunuubta 17. Wuxuu kaa shuqliyaa xanta iyi danbiga 18. Meeshha Allah lagu xusu waxaa imaata malaaigta 19. Wuxuu kaa nabad gelyaa walwalka maalinka qiyaamaha, maxaa yeelay ma jirto saacad ku soo martay oodan Allah ku xasuusan oo aan aakhiro ka shallaynin inaad Allah illowday. 20. Qofka ku mashquula xuska Allah waxaa la siiyaa waxaan la siinnin kuwa Allah barya. 21. Waa cibaadad ugu sahlan, uguna fadli badan qofkii ka faaideysta 22. Xasuusta Allah waa abuurka jannada. Maanta intaas ayaan ku joojineynaa, si tafaq tiranna hadduu Allah yidhaado ayaan uga hadli doonnaa faaidooyinkaas iyo kuwa kale. Nur
  16. Nur

    In His Memory!

    Time To Examine Our politicians Motives Nurtel Presents The Living Memory of Cag Bakayle ( From Nurtel Archives) It was 15 years today that Cag Bakayle, my brother, the fallen hero of Reer Qurac had given his life defending our goats, camels and our prestige. His life was not in vain, today at Qurac Dheer we have more goats to export to Dubai to buy sugar and to Qat for our men. Cag bakayle was a man of bravery, he did not care about death, he did not care about anything, for him his tribe's dignity and goats was everything. Unfortunately today many people of Reer Qurac who have moved overseas do not appreciate his valor which earned them the respect of Reer Qansax, our arch enemies who have stolen our goats and camels. When Cag Bakayle was twelve years old, he made sure that no camels or goats of reer Qansax can drink in the common water hole in the village, which made Reer Qansax furious. Cag Bakayle ferociously wrestled with three Reer Qansax youths to the ground and kept them pinned down up until adults broke the fight and called for Tribal council. Ever since, Cag Bakayle was known as the fearless kid, he never prayed a day in his life, he stole more than 100 camels and 300 goats from different tribes to enrich his tribe, his record can not be matched with anyone after or before him. As we stand at this memorial of this great waranle of the Reer Qansax, it is important that we look back with awe and learn from this great leader. Here is a man who lived and died for his tribes dignity, and nothing else, he despised anyone who can not fight, including women and the wadaads. Cag Bakayle never listened to a woman, including his mother, neither did he listen to a wadaad. But he enjoyed the company of the elder tribesmen who inflamed his anger and enmity at Rer Qansax fueling him with more and more hatred to the point that one day Cag Bakayle took of angrily to hunt the head of a Reer Qansax man whose great grand father killed his great grand father, Cag Bakayle only slept after he shot that man dead while the victims kids looked on, later the Reer Qansax attacked our village and killed 7 men and torched our huts with fire, leaving many women and kids homeless. Cag Bakayle, never forgot the scene of his dead family and he vowed to take revenge in the years to come. Cag Bakayle was indeed a hero, like we say in Somali, he was " Nin Dhiig Leh" his memory will be with us forever. Cag Biciid( Delegate of Reer Qurac at the Peace Conference) Nairobi, Kenya Nurtel Social Engineering Labs We Attack Problems, Not People ------------------------------------------------- Nur is a regular writer at the Islam Page of Somaliaonline
  17. Nur

    Ma Ku Fakartaa?

    eNuri Hearts Rust Control Labs (Archives) ( Somali Language Service ) Presents: Ma Ku Fakartaa inaad Islaamka wax u qabato ? Waxaa laga yaabaa inaad is warsaneyso , Maxaan Islaamka u Qaban Karaa maanta? Walaal 1. Waxaad wax u qaban kartaa Islaamka Haddii niyadaadu ay khaalis Allah u noqoto, markaas, kaalin weyn baad qaadan kartaa, taasoo ku sugta addimadaada diintaan, naarna kaa badbaadisa. 2.Waxaad wax u qaban kartaa diintaan haddaad taqaanno dariiqa aad qaadeyso kaasoo u baahan cilmiga sharciga ah inaad taqaan, sidaa darteed in aad wax barato waa waddada loo qaado jannada. 3. Waxaad wax u qaban kartaa haddad ka faaiideysato wax walboo Allah uu kuu suuro geliyey si aad diintiisa ugu adeegto, Allah wuxuu yidhi, " Ku raadi wax walboo Allah kuu suuro geliyey daarta aakhiro, hana illaawin nasiibkaaga addunka kaa soo gaadhay" 4. Waxaad wax u qaban kartaa Islaamka haddad ka hormariso Islaamka danihiisa, danahaaga gaarka ah. 5. Waxaad wax u qaban kartaa Islaamka haddad raacdo waddada ay mareen culimada iyo kuwa diinta dadka ugu yeedha, hadaba sabir, adkeyso, maxaa yeelay waxaad ku sugan tahay cibaado weyn. 6. Waxaad wax u qaban kartaa Islaamka haddad ka fogaato caajiska, iyo fuleynimada, maxaa yeelay diinteenna waa diin xaq ah, qofkii aaminsanna uma eka siffadka xunxun. 7. Waxaad wax u qaban kartaa Islaamka haddaad qalbigaag ku xidho jeceylka Allah, Rasuulkiisa iyo saalixiinta, ood markaas badiso xasuusta Allah, Salaadda rasuulka, istighfaarka iyo inaad daa'imto akhrinta Quraanka, maxaa yeelay ma jiro wax ka eryikara quluubta murugta oo Quraanka ka fiican, isla markaasna u kordhin kara murti iyo farxad. 8. Waxaad wax qaban kartaa Islaamka haddad waqtigaag habeysato ood maalin walba aad wax ka sameyso xuquuqda Allah, Mustafaha, Reerkaaga iyo ummadda. Markaas aad nafta kula halganto sidaad xataa hal qof aad uga fakin leheyd naarta. 9. Waxaad wax u qaban kartaa Islaamka haddad ku darto hammigaaga, oo uu faraxaaga iyo murugtaada ay noqoto mid ku xidhan hadba howshaad Islaamka u qabatay. 10. Waxaad wax u qaban kartaa Islaamka, hadba markaad aragto fursad aad ajar ku heli karto inaad u barattanto, u tarntanto oo ayan ku gafin illaa inaad xaqijiso. Nur 2002 eNuri Strength-of-Materials Research Lab Metals Should Rust, Not Our Perception ( hearts)!
  18. Nur


    From Nurtel Heart Rust Control Labs Archives Walaal Xuska dadka, oo ah inaad wax ka sheegto, waa cudur. Xuska Allah oo ah inaad carrabkaaga ku dhaqaajiso faankiisa, wanaagiisa iyo tasbiixdiisa waa Daawo. Hadaba isku day inaad yareysato wax ka sheegga dadka Kuna baddalo Dhikriga Allah. Maxaa yeelay markaad dadka wax ka sheegto, camalkaagii wanaagsanaa ayaa xisaabtooda lagu wareejiyaa, adigana waa laguu ciqaabaa, camalkaagii la'aantiis. Haddaad Allah xustana, ood kaga mashquusho, xanta dadka, Allah waa ku xasuustaa ( Asagoon waxba ka qarsooneyn, wana aan moogeyn marna) Xasuusta Allah uu ku xasuusto waa mid kuu sahasha noloshaada. Ku maqashiisa waxaad jeceshahay Xasuusta Allah wexy ku sahashaa inaad kheyr badan sameyso. Hadaba, walaal Xanta iska daa Kuna baddalo Inaad Allah xusto Ila dheh: Subxaanallah Alxamdulillah Laa ilaaha Ilaa Allah Allahu Akbar Wa laa xawla walaa quwataa illaa billah 2002 Nurtel Communications Softwaano Series Metals Should Rust, Not Our Hearts
  19. Nur


    Sooyaal Bro I guess I have so much to write, I was actually planning to publish a news magazine tited; " THE ANARCHIST" like the ECONOMIST, in which the light side of all issues of the hour are discussed, but due to scarce free time and my commitment to the more serious Islam page, I may not be able to contribute as mucg as I like, but from time to time inshAllah, I shall post a similar message to spice up my Dawa work. Nur
  20. Amiina sis you write: "I'm very gappy to offer Nurtell my services.. where do I sign up?" Jazakellahu Khairan for your offer, as a matter of fact Nurtel is looking for few dedicated workers like you. Presently we have a need for: An editor ( No time for format or spell check) EXAMINER of articles ( sources, relevance etc,) Community relations ( taking ideas to community) Let me know how much time you have in your hands Nur 2004 Nurtel Educational Research Dept. 1 Waxbarasho Way, Wide World of Wanaag
  21. Not in America for the majority, it is a lifestyle. Someone sent me a humorous piece to the effect that an American soldier in Iraq received a letter from his girlfrined in which she admitted that she could not wait for his return and thus cheated on him twice, and she asked him to send back her pictures. The young soldier replied " Dear miss, I can't remember who you are, I am enclosing fifty pictures, select yours and send the rest back to me" research shows that in US that 70% of married men have extramarital relationship, while only 50% percent of married women admitted to the same. Now, non married couples have no limits i guess, Only in America!
  22. Nomads, As promised here are my thoughts that were sparked by sister Muna's post on Trials and tests we go through in life. Matter is said to have three states (except for advanced micro thermal states) Gas, Liquid and Solid. eNuri Labs postulate that humans have 4 states 1. Ghaflah state (Oblivion) 2. Dhanb State ( Sin) 3. Nicma State ( Good Times) 4. Ibtilaa State (Testing with Hardships) As for : The Ghaflah state, the cure is Dhiker The Dhanb State, the cure is Istighfaar The Nima State, to care for it, is Shukr The Hardship State (Ibtilaa), to face it we need Sabr In Depth Analyses 1. The Ghaflah State of Mind Allah SWT says in Quraan " The purpose for which I have created Man and Jinn was nothing else but to worship me" The closer our actions are to that purpose, the better we are in Allah's eyes, the farther our actions are from that purpose, the more Ghaflah State we are. Allah is the NOOR of the heavens and the earth, getting closer to Allah SWT through good deeds that meet the purpose of our creaion we see things clearer, when we drift away from Allah SWT we find ourselves in Ghaflah Darkness in which we do not see things as they are and as a result we act in a way contrary to the purpose fro which we were created, just like a malfunctioning house appliance. Allah is the ever living eternal, getting closer to him through good deeds life permeates our souls which makes us vivacious, full of life, purpose and hope, while on the other hand, drifting away from Allah SWT makes as members of the Ghaafiloon club, the walking dead. As we steer our lives in the rough waters of this life, we periodically find ourselves in Ghaflah State and without a remedy, we have no way to return to our initial purpose. That remedy is Dhiker, the remembrance of Allah SWT, to find out how Dhiker can keep your feet firm on the right course and away from Ghaflah state, please refer to my article " Xasuusta Allah" in Somali, and in case you can not read Somali, find someone to translate for you. Next Issue The Dhanb State ( Sin) Nur Copyright 1997-2004 Nurtel Materials Testing Labs Metals should rust, not peoples hearts
  23. Muna sis Jazaakellahu Khairan for another good article, may I add. Matter is said to have three states (except for advanced micro thermal states) Gas, Liquid and Solid. Nurtel Labs postulate that humans have 4 states 1. Ghaflah state (Oblivion) 2. Dhanb State ( Sin) 3. Nicma State ( Good Times) 4. Ibtilaa State (Testing with Hardships) As for : The Ghaflah state, the cure is Dhiker The Dhanb State, the cure is Istighfaar The Nima State, to care for it, is Shukr The Hardship State (Ibtilaa), to face it we need Sabr Your article addressed the last state very well, if Allah provides me with time, I shall add to all other states, each one can be treated in a thread of its own. Nur 2004 Nurtel Materials Testing Labs Metals should rust, not peoples hearts
  24. Muna sis A great article indeed, this place needs so much time to dig for Gems, where R the brothers, guys you need to speak up to be heard, you can't just wish for good things to happen, you have to seek, and good things do not wait. Now how many brothas are lookin for a caring wiffey? Time to complete your deen! 2004 Nurtel Social Networks Connecting Shy Nomads
  25. Nur

    Come Closer to Me!

    Walaal Caramel Jazaakallahu Khairan, aad ayaan ugu farxay ducadaada, laakin walaashey, hana iga xumaanin, gabadha indho deyraleyda ah (ICON) oo iljabineysa waxaan ka baqayaa iney fitneyso wiilasha qaarkood , marka gabadha masawirka ah oo iljabineysa, niqaab ma u xidhi kartaa, markaasna Quaraan ma bari kartaa? hadda waxaa dhici karta in wiilal badan ay jeceyl meel la yaallan il jabiskeeda dartiisa Walaalkaa Nur