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Everything posted by Nur

  1. Geel Jire Bro. you write: ...I wonder what a Qaxwa would do!? Answer: As a matter of fact, I did try Qaxwa before, Seven Eleven large coffe, Esspresso, Capuccino, Turkish Coffe, Arabic coffee, Harari, Columbian coffee, Nestle etc. I measure strength quantity in its liberating affect, the arome of the Heil, Qorfo and Dhageyare and zanjabil, the mix with some freshly squeezed foaming Camel milk sitting under a accacia tree looking at the Somali wilderness has the strongest soul liberating effect on me, Qaxwo, simply is not. Nur
  2. A deep faith in Allah SWT A deep adhereance to the Sunnah A commitment to family values and the Community A Palm tree ( you throw a rock at her, she drops sweet ripe dates on you ) a tolarant and serene and quiet character A thoughtful forseightedness and a witfully concealed smile like Monaliza's better stop here.... Not in this world, in Paradise inshAllah! Nur
  3. Sade and Nomads I answered the questionnaires to the best of my knowledge, however, I found that the person or committee who drafterd the questionnaires and assigend the weights to the answers temselves need to be assesed, as I answered question after a question, it became clear that the whole set of questions and how they sellected the answers were critically flawed, InshaAllah , we at Somaliaonline need to draft our own questionnaire for our own audience and culture, I couldnt believe pervertion being introduced as a normal occurance, what is next, ? paedophilia? By the way can anyone guess what kind of a Muslim I am from my posts to show you how different conclusion you'd arrive? Your answer will prove to you that their system is falwed. Nur
  4. Americanism Religion Fundementals Edited for Somali Refugees Chapter One Americanism on Life The Americanism Religion has established a deacon for the search for extraterrestial life. This diocese who works under the theologists at NASA, have swept 5% of the sky and found no other life, intelligent or not, so the deacon decided, to accellerate the distruction of the planet as a response, by inciting the conflict of civilizations and religions to bring an end to history. The institute that is intrusted to look for lifeforms in depths of the oceans and the edge of Universe care less if children in Africa can survive a famine this summer, because these bloated bellied naked and crying children in Uganda, are not the same species to warrant an alarm for church members. So these can be wasted, and no one would argue. But the church is worried about fanatics who advocate for the animal rights, and the Redwoods in Nothern California. Americanism on Justice The Americanism church have appointed judicial system that protects the rights of the faithful. Here is how it works: The faithful elect a clergy member for the church who they pay him elected and then he sells them a piece of paradise. The clergy can perform burial tituals even for dogs as long as the dogs are paying. The archdiocese teaches that justice is the distribution of wealth of the planet by giving 5% of world population the right to consume 80% of world resources and if anyone fails to understand the logic, they are told to believe in miracles. The church teaches that there is only one life to live and it can be best enjoyed in Sunset boulevard, fifth Avenue, Mawi and Palm Beach. As for punishment, there is Ghazza, Guantanamo, Afghamistan, Somalia, and Iraq. The church does not recognize a nine month ald fetus as human, so best time to kill a person according to the female members of this great church is when they are s fetus, acually you can collect some benefits by killing fetuses if you donate them to the branch of the church that undertakes research and cloning. Historical, the church has ordained some human sacrifices In WWII, the Killing of 70000 Japanese was justified to protect the fishing vessels in Hawaii, since the Japanese can reach and drop bombs on San Fransisco's Fisherman's Warf and New York's little Italy Pizzarias. Millions of Vietnamese in the Vietnams War, Millions of Europeans in WWII, Millions in the mideast have so far been sacrificed by the church, the latest being the Iraqi Kids who were watching Fox news News when Tomahauks were sent to libereate them. The church has admitted that it can not stop this madness alone since it has a commitment to buy the weapons of mass destruction to employ the faithful, and keep the factories running and the Banks getting their investments ten times or more. These wars are like forest fires,the church reasons, they sweep the world every ten years taking away inferior life forms to make room for good life in America. This cycle always coincides with cycle of recession when the church normally ordains new priests who preach wars and destruction in poor parts of the world. So the church spent the lst century fighting Communism, and Communism disappeared. Now there is the menace of a new threat to the church and it is called Terrorism. Lesson Two Terrorism. Americanism Church can not define terrorism, so I will try o explain what it means in my own way. When a person has fear of hights, that person has a desease that ends with Phobia. Some people have a desease in which they fear their mother in Law it is called Motherinlawphobia. So some members of the church buy a gun and shoot her, Terrorism can justify her killing. Toddlerphobia, is the fear of toddlers breaking your expensive artifact from China. You can throw the toddler from the balcony, or drown five of your children in the bath tub, ( As seen on TV) as a follower of the church of compassion. Psychologists see this all the time. Now, people in the Mideast have their own phobia And the people in the land of Amerigo Vespucci have their own phobia The people in the Mideast feel threatened by Coca Cola, Pepsi and McDonalds. They have phobia of freedoms given by the Americanism church like Bishop Hugh Heffner's Cult, the People of Soddom and Gommorrah, and the marginalization of their religion by the mighty Americanism religion. The Church leaders in the Americanism religion fear the Coca Cola Phobia itself. Because the church believes that there should be only one religion in the world, If you are not with Americanism religion, you are against it. The faithful must be babtized by Coca Cola holy water. Bishop Hugh Heffener shows how anyone can find paradise in Americanism religion without dying, he has the most beautiful women around him and he changes them weekly, a clear sign which shows how the church values women by taking their closthes off and selling them for profits. The church is afraid about extremist organizations who conspire to put clothes back on women beautiful bodies, specially the veil. The church thinks that if women are veiled, they will talk smart behind the veil, and no man can babe her anymore, this terrorizes the members of the church who can not tame their hormones. Lesson Three Democracy for Dummies As a slow reader, I usually look for titles like (...For Dummies) which makes me comfortable, I reason, if dummies can learn OOPS ( Object oriented Programming) so can I. As an extension of that statement I searched for Democracy for Dummies and I could not find the title, so I decided to author it myself, here is a head start: Democracy is a composite Greek word, Demo, means Dumb people and Cratis means rule or power. It is equivalent to Republic which is the same thing in Latin, meaning Re = king and Public is People , which means the peoples Kingdom. The idea of Democracy was to to give the power to the people and take it away from feudals, Popes and Emperors of mideaval Europe. To make a long story even longer, Democracy has many engineering flaws, it does not work, but somepeople believe it does and that is how it really works. ( The reason it does not work is because it was not invented by scientists, because scientists use rats to see if it works) 1. Democracy was not meant to be an ellitist or controlled by the wealthy. Fact: Today, demographics tell us that ignorant people sell their votes for the highest bidder, usually political action lobbies representing organizations who support a politician with election money in order to make the politician sign billions of money as a return, a great investment. 2. Democracy was meant to be secular Fact : USA is being run by the Neocons, a Fundementalist Protestant and Jewish Zealots. Some Democracies in Europe are religious , for example in Germany, Italy and others there are religious parties that are named Christian Democrats. With an exception in MBT (Military Bullied Turkey), no Islamic Democratic Party is allowed in Turky, the word Islam is banned to appear in any political forum, so the Islamists cover themselves with Virtue , Justice etc. In India the BJP, tyhe Ultra riligious Hindu Party is enjoying the overwhelming Hindu Vote, the largest democracy on earth is religiously motivated, with a religious agenda. In Israel, Ultra Religious parties are fueling the motivation of the exisitence of the Jewsih state founded in 1949 on Plaistininan usurped lands, Without these religious parties, no one can justify the exisitence of Israel, a racial and religious entity which uses Democracy as a shield against criticism, in its drive to collect donations for its armed forces and settlers who encrouch on Palistinian Lands ever day. In Algeria, the Islamists were winning the election when the European backed Military intervened against the eventual victory for the Islamists, their hopes crushed, a civil war erupted. 3. Democracy is meant to represent the majority of citizens of the republic. The majority of Americans stay away from voting every year, because the only choices are a Donkey and an Elephant, this year the elephant is in power in all houses and the elephant is charging like a bull in Papillona Bull Chasing festival in Iraq, the elephant is mad, everyone is keeping their heads down. If the majority truly rules, the following tally should appear in TV Democrats = 15 percent of votes Republicans = 16 percent of votes Unsatisfied citizens silent Party = 69 percent of the votes So this year, NO BODY FOR PRESIDENT. Mr. Nobody will make a great president in my opinion. Imagine a four year period in which you go about your life and you hear no politicians lies. Democracy, a lie with weak feet to run on whose moment of truth arrived. Nurtel Social Studies Institute The Light side of the heavy stuff
  5. Nomads This is an earlier e-Nuri Post the contents are timeless, enjoy reading. DISCLAIMER The information in this Post and ideas delivered with it is intended only for the sole purpose of Edutainment ( combination of entertainment and education), Ideas presented in this post should be discussed cautiously at home or at heavily populated fadhi ku dirir cafe's. as it may contain hilarious material as well as useful knowledge. Any injury, physical, emotional or being possessed by Jinn, resulting from reading this post is the sole responsibility of the reader, Nur, Nurtel, Nutty Professors, Cag Biciid, or any personality appeariung in Nur posts can not be sued for more than 500 Somali schillings ( Kaaraan , Puntland and Kismayo Versions) which will settle all damages that will include, injuries suffered when laughing out loud, or rolling over on your back on the floor. Resending this Post to your friends may pose a serious health threat if they can crack up easily. If you have read this post by mistake, please contact Somaliaonline Moderators for emotional conslolation and comfort, and immediately drink a cup of Camel Milk. If you think that you are not the intended audience of this post, you are given the right to copy, distribute, disclose or to take any action, no mater how funny, or sick including but not confined to body language, throwing up or fainting.. Statements and opinions expressed in this post are those of the the fictional Cag Biciid pesronality alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of Somaliaonline nor of Nur, e-Nuri, Nurtel Communications or its subsidiaries. Nurtel Communications should not be confused with Nortel Networks, the Canadian based Telecom manufacturer, further, Nurtel Communications is not owned by Somaliaonline, Warlords, Somaliland, Puntland or the TNG, nor is there any negoatiations for purchase by said entities. This disclaimer was prepared under the influence of strong Somali Tea, the strongest substance used by the writer ever. A Tale Of Two Religions Americanism and Islam, a comparison. These days one can not escape but see comparsions of Islam and the new great world Religion called Americanism. As a former priest of Americanism, and currently a simple muslim at peace with himself and the world, I thought some bridging of gaps of misunderstanding may help. The cornerstone and the foundation of the Americanism Theology is a concept called: PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS This concept simply states that as long as what you do does not negatively affect others, you are entitled to pursue it and enjoy it. It allows gays to get married, but due to the negative impact of polygamy to society, polygamy is prohibited. The Americanism church is sometimes kind enough to declare your additional wife as a girlfriend. The Americanism Religion does not explain life after death, and what is in store for Americans after they die, it leaves this part to a myriad of religions including Islam to explain. Americanism religion stresses The value of this life and how one should fully enjoy it while it lasts. This concept is transmitted through sermons aired by TV , movies, Billboards and the lists go on. So many followers of the Americansim religion try to be happy and not to worry specially when they lose their jobs, houses repossesed, wife runs away with boyfriend and leaves behind a dog to look after if she is kind to him. Later, this follower of this great world religion, out of joy takes advantage of his rights, the right to die, and jumbs from the Brooklyn Bridge to pursue happiness. Some other followers of the Americanism religion, have it all, money, power, looks, ..., but late at night when he is alone, ponders the purpose of life, why I am here, what is my function, why so many people hate me, why are they envious of my success, this follower of this great world religion, is trying to pursue happiness, so in the morning his body is found floating on his expensive pool. Police say he took his life, and reporters explain that he was always depressed due to all the money he had that failed to fill the void that he could not explain. Islam also encourages followers to pursue happiness, But it teaches the way to be happy is to first understand the purpose for which people live. Islam explains in layman's terms the beginning and the end and it teaches that initially mankind was happy, they lived in the garden of Eden. There was no worry nor pain. Mankind fell from grace due to his disobedience to his maker and obedience to his arch enemy, Satan. Islam teaches that to be happy again, one has to strive to attain his lost paradise where true happiness can be claimed back again. So when you do actions that lead you to your destination, a Muslim becomes happy, like benevolence, charity, prayers etc. Muslims enjot these acts and find relief doing it. Right To Life Second Principle that both religions Americanism and Islam share is the sanctity of life. Americanism religion began as a religion that saw human life through a Prism. Different colors were assigned different rights and different values. Some colors did not even enjoy the care and love shown to dogs and cats. Later, through the acive participation of christianity, this moral imbalance was narrowed, and the Americanism church reevaluated the sanctity of human life and came up with a new (Fatwaa) Edict stating that those with money go up in the church's hierarchy, and those with no money are at the bottom and should serve their masters. So, if you have any money, the church overlooks your problems and the high priest of the church will forgive you in exchange of a donation to one of the clergy at the congregation congress. Islam sees the value of human life as sanctified by his maker, all colors are the decendants of the same couple, in effect, David Duke and Malcolm X are brothers, so are Sharon and Hitler, all four can be a happy family under Islam, can you imagine all these guys hugging each other out of joy saying Assalamu Alaikum, Peace upon you. The Right To Bear Arms Americanism Religion states that every human has the right to defend their lives and properties, as they are sanctified. Even when the state tries to take these rights away, a follower of the American religion, specially the extremist faction the NRA , is taught not to obey his church of Red-White-and-Blue. So bearing arms for ones deffense is a cornerstone in Americanism Religion. Islam teaches followers the same idea, It teaches one must deffend his life, properties and religion this concept is called Jihad. Jihad is not meant to transgress, as Islam teaches not to transgress but even to forgive for the sake of kindness to attract others to Islam. Islam does not teach aggression, it teaches compassion. But when one is endangered, it teaches to defend his religon, life and properties, in that order. The right to Privacy Americanism religion teaches that no one should violate peoples privacy. To secure the privacy of its faithful, Americansm religion has created the worlds largest machine and collection of talent and gadgets to peek into the lives of the faithful to be able to locate violations before one contemplates doing them. Now the Americanism church can even tell you what is in your mind. A follower of this church is always aware of his Big Priest behind his shoulder. Islam teaches the same thing. Privacy should not be violated. Three verses in the Holy Quraan assure this fundemental right whose meaning are. 1. O ye who believe, do not enter houses that are not yours without the permission of the owners and greeting the inhabitants. 2. Approach houses (when you want to enter them) through the doors (right venues, not from alleys) 3.Do not spy on one another. Islam does not judge you by intentions, but by actions only an example was when a man threatened ti kill Omar, the second Caliph, Omar asked not to prosecute, and the man Abu Luulu'ah went ahead with his threat and stabbed the Caliph while in prayer. The caliph asked not to punish the man beyoud what he has committed. Ronald Reagan did the same, but then, the assailant kid came from a rich family. 2002 Nurtel Communications From the archives --------------------------------------------
  6. Raxmah sis You ask: " Nothing worries me more than not completing the correct process for salah. Here is my problem I worry so much, that there are times I start my prayers over and over again becuase I might have pronounced something wrong or or wasnt attentive enough. Any ideas on how to reduce this level of waswaas. Any ideas on how to stay attentive in prayers." Dear sis Jazkellahu khairan, you also speak for me and many others. Since our prayers get us closer to Allah SWT, guess who has a stake in keeping us away from Allah and his path? You guessed it right, yes it is SATAN, a ctearture who has an access to navigate in our inner realms, the very location in our minds and hearts wheredecisions are made, so by logging on our operating system, SATAN can take control in redirecting traffic of our thoughts away from Allah and toward things that are worthless in comparison. The way to fight back is not to worry much about the mechanics of the prayer as much as the content of the prayer itself, paying attention everyword that we say and to imagine that we are standing in front of Allah the One and ONLY, Sovereign, imagine being standing at his courtyard surrounded by angels who are taking note as you carry on a discourse with your maker, so when you say: Alhamdulillah Allah SWT says : My servant thanked me When you say: Rabbil alamin Allah SWT says: My servant glorified me When you say: Ihdinaa siradal mustaqeem Allah SWT says: My servant is granted his/her request And so on So by paying a close attention of our prayer we can stay focused on our goals to succeed. I hope that helped. Nur Thanks in advance
  7. Siman sis You ask: " but I am not sure about if no ikhlaas means no imaan or... Nur help me here if no ikhlaas is it equates with no iimaan?" Answer: You see Siman, to get a well proportioned equation as your screen name reflects, we need to define Ikhlaas first, then define iimaan, afterwards, we can establish the link, so to see if you are still around, I need your feedback. Jazaakellah kheiran Nur
  8. Nomad Crowd Thank you all for taking time to air your points of view, answers you all echoed back were answers (in the box), I was looking for answers (outa box), because if you think the same way, all the time, you sure will have the same results, and if you are all happy of the state of affairs, marriage and divorce rates in our community, the imbalance of eligible bachelors and bacheloretts, the scattered Somali Community and the distance factor that separates our people (which is what made this site popular) , than the answers that i got reflect that we Somalis want to do the same thing we have done for ages, over and over, yet expect our problems to be go away, a futile excercise ineed. The most convincing arguments favoring a woman marrying a younger husband I read from your responses was a condition of maturity, however, maturity is not defined as it has not international metric system. Is volunteering to share house work, cooking food, baby sitting kids seen as maturity, or a classical ( Qorqode) man? Different strokes for different folks, it is true that we are all different in what we like, or dislike, however, neverthelss we may be wrong in our assesment in the criteria we set for our mate. I know of young lady who refused a younger man for marriage on the pretext that it is not in our Somali culture to marry a younger man, I know the man, extremely intelligent, caring, very kind, jolly, with high moral fiber and character. The man felt humiliated when he was served the rejection notice, but Alhamdulillah, later he found another woman, but the lady is still looking for Mr. Right to this day without success. In my opinion, age should not be a barrier and prejudice that blocks the very advances and steps a young man takes to talk to an older woman, because not all men are attracted to a woman for her looks, there are some men out there who want to live with a woman who can enrich them intellectually even if she is more intelligent and educated than them. Most marriages that fail are based on physical attraction, which is OK, but at the end of the day, you get for what you pay for, an attractive woman in her teens may not quench the intellectual discourse some males would like to have at home, a woman with substance with breadth in many fields that can tie the couple even after the the looks have waned,is what some men are looking for, because if looks alone are what men are looking in a woman, and are threatened to marry a more mature lady, and if women prefer an older (Adeer) man who is more mature than them, then, some Somali young men should consider to marry their college professors for an intellectual enrichmenmt. Imagine marrying your Chrystallography course Lecturer? but again, she is likely not to be a Muslima. 2004 e-Nuri Social Engineering Labs Think Different, don't be a housefly!
  9. Nur

    A Nudist Colony

    Sade sis Talkin about expressions, Taqwa is an Arabic word that has a root of WAQA, (to protect) Allah SWT says in Quraan : " Wa libaasu Taqwaa , thalika kheyr" The garment of Taqwa is better" From the above two statements we can deduce that Taqwa is like a garment that protects us from the punishment of Allah SWT. Hence my choice of words to be descriptive. Nur
  10. Daredevil aka Lucky sis We need to talk sis, I am not happy to see you reveal your valuables, I feel that you are too daring after the devil has corrupted your thinking process, sister, please seek help, I feel that you are on the wrong track in life ( By the way California may have another earth quake, cuz so much pervertion is being committed there) so save your lil soul sis Qac Qaac bro. If I was not looking for Xurul Cayn, I think I would be very dangerous, but my sights are higher, so sisters on earth are safer with me. Rayaana sis I love your new term for xur ul cayn Nur ul Cayn, how about Qurratul Cayn? Anyway, I am trying to keep my head down, but it aint easy sis, if you were a man for one day, you could see why sisters should wear Hijaab, jazaakellahu khairan for your prayers. Pessimistic Sue Laws are not made to be broken, but I understand why women do not follow rules, because they have to put up with men, so they need to know how thses lowly creatures think. I read somewhere a question that goes like this: Why are women not intelligent? Answer: So they can love their husbands. Nur
  11. Salaams Nomads In search for the optimum relationship between Somali Men and Somali Women, our organization, e-Nuri Social Engineering Labs endlessly tries ways to obsorb the imbalance between the sexes and to provide practical solutions for the marriage bound crowd for a happy life. e-Nuri Labs presents: Older Women, Younger Men ( Dy No Mite!!!!) Marriage. It is said somewhere that men's masculinity peaks at 18 while womens femininty peaks at 33, if that fact is true, than it has a lot of merit because most failed marriages are the reverse, so the discussion on this thread will focus on the age difference between men and women. Our Prophet Muhammad SAS , the examle to emulate in life, his first love was Khadija, 15 years his sinior in age, she was 40 and the Prophet SAWS was 25, and he never married till she died. He loved her so much because she was mature and intelligent and a great lady, the mother of the believers, she consoled him when he was fearful of the responsibility of prophethood, and she provioded the best company any man can wish for, the year of her deat was known as the year of Sorrow. Now, coming back to the present, how do we Somali men view the issue of marrying an older lady? and how do Somali women view the idea of marrying a younger man? A young guy in his twenties who fell in love with an older Somali girl told him to get a life, she rediculed the guy, who honestly confided in me that he has a strong respect for her and that he finds her maturity to be the main attraction, besides, he thinks that she can pamper him and take good care of him. e-Nuri Labs had observed that if this trend is accepted in our community, that it will be the best thing that happened to our Nation since the Independence. Please share with us your thoughts on this issue. For Somali Women: Would you accept to marry a decent hardworking man 7 years younger than you for a husband? do you feel insecure trhat he may leave you for a younger women in the future? For Somali men: Have you ever considered an older (and wiser) woman for a wife? are you afraid that she may be more intelligent than you are, or has better education? 2004 e-Nuri Social Engineering Labs We Attack Problems, Not People
  12. Dear Nomads Thank you for browsing this page, inshaAllah your curiosity will pay dearly, so get ready for a learning journey: If you are like me, you are in constant struggle to make a sense out of the many sources of Islamic knowledge that you read, or hear about, sometimes these information from Quraan and Hadeeth reinforces our faith, at times, they raise questions that we can not resolve which affects our iman and as a result can affect our actions. This thread was triggered by a letter of a brother who suffered bouts of doubt on matters of faith that caused him to slow down in the path of Islam, so, I dedicate this thread for that brother hoping that Allah SWT helps all of us to the right direction. e-Nuri Opticians Presents: The More You Say, The More You See In the Hadeeth Al Qudsi Allah SWT says: Kullukum Daal, Ilaa man hadeiytuh, fastahduuni ahdikum " All of you (humans) are lost except for those whom I guide, so seek guidance from Me, I will guide you " Allah taught us to say in our prayers 17 times a day " Ihdinaa siraadal Mustaqeem" " (O Allah) Guide us to the straight path" and as you have learned in grade school geometry, a straight line is defined as the shortest path between two points, in our case, Mankind and His Maker. So, if we loose sight of this path , we can wander around for years and get lost at the end, literally "gone with the wind", . So,it is a mercy that Allah SWT taught us to say, " Guide us to the straight path" because the more we say this word, the more we can see with our other eyes. Come to think of it, why did Allah stress that we say this prayer 17 times a day, when we pray the fard obligatory prayerzs ? ( 2 times in Fajr, 4 in Zuhr, 4 in Asr, 3 in Maghrib, 4 in Ishaa) If you stop and think with me , you'd realize that these five prayers are milestones along the path that will deliver our souls to Allah SWT, the straight path, and as we pray daily and say " Guide us to the strait path" we continuously get closer to the right path that will deliver us to Allah SWT. So it is not a good idea to step out of the road and hope to be able to see your purpose. To see physical things we use our eyes which are well designed to capture light, send the signal to the brain for processing and define the object for what it is supposed to be. However, seeing abstract things or ideas we need another set of eyes, not physical, but metaphysical in nature and hence the business of e-Nuri Opticians. But to see things and concepts clearer, we have to be in the right mood, like being alone in a cave, or in seclusion, eating little, staying away from drugs and alcohol, and supplicating in prayers for clarity of purpose. Because if we are busy indulging in carnal pleasures, too much food, music or drugs , it is not an easy task to see things clearer. Allah SWT says " Allah does not guide those who live unclean lives. So, in order to see the unseen, an exercise we call faith or iimaan is required, but at first, we have to get certain facts straight. 1. What is the purpose of life: You came to this world without notice, and you will be dragged away, again without your wish, so it follows that you are not in control of your existence, (not even your job for that matter), so this should tell you that you are a helpless, ignorant, poor, weak, dependent and lost creature riding on top of planet earth as it circles around our sun some 60- -70 times, being born, growing, working, marrying, having babies, and then disappearing to be part of the grains of the planet and of the food chain to repeat the cycle. In the course of this lifetime, you laugh, you cry, you enjoy good things like a nice cup of tea with heil, qorfo , dhageyare and zanjabil, you also feel pain of partying ways with loved ones in divorce, travel and death, you celebrate your graduation from high school, college or being released from Kurtun Waarrey refugee camp to start a new life in Garasbaalley Technology Corridor as a Camel Milk researcher with e-Nuri Camel Milk Nuclear Reactor, in short you celebrate life in many forms that make you either happy or sad. Good enough? So what is the point in life? Is it for no purpose? we all know that there is nothing of value without a specific purpose, benefit and usage including the very monitor you are looking at. Allah SWT says: " A fa xasibtum annamaa khalaqnaakum cabathan, wa annakum ileynaa laa turjacuun?" Do you think that we have created you trivially for no purpose, and that you will not be summoned back to Us?" So, for some people, when they are hit with doubt, they reach this point of worthlessness, thinking along the wrong fallacy that since (X)is not equal to (Y), the whole concept of religion and Islam is dubious therefore, life has no purpose, and i am a worthless creature with no definite reason to exist, a freak accident at best, so monkeying around is the best way to live. This is the wrong track, and unfortunately many so called "Muslims" fall in this trap because they were only Muslims by name with little knowledge of their faith, or they were rather educated Muslims who confronted an argument by an agnostic that they could not answer, or they may have read some material that cast clouds of doubt on the fabric of their faith, and as a result, their faith becomes like a file corrupted by viruses, and accordingly they act erratic and confused in their behavior. They have no urge to pray, because they feel confused about the whole faith, they have more questions they have no answer for, and they become depressed, at times they drink too much camel milk for relief, they get stoned, chew the weed, or miraa in a Nairobi kiosk, but their pain never stops, they are in the dark of their purpose in life. Now, if you happen to be one of the above, cheer up, e-Nuri Opticians wants you to know that you are not alone in this dilemma, even me, CEO of e-Nuri Communications , went through a period like that of confusion and wandering when I studied philosophy in high school( I can still remember my teacher laughing at me when I became confused), which shook the pillars of my inherited faith, and later in college as I was further subjected to more questions that baffled my mind when I had to put up with two atheists for room mates. So if I am out of that dark box, with Allah's mercy, then you can too, and inshAllah , I'll show you how. For the first assignment: Seek your maker with the following words:"Ihdinaa siraatal mustaqeem" "Guide us to path that is straight ", say it as many times as you can, until you begin to see a light (Nur) like the one I saw, and hence my name. The more you say this word, the more you will see, inshAllah, so do not abandon your prayers, they are your heart sight, stick with your prayers till you see the light. It is not an smart idea to throw your glasses in order to see better. In the days to come, we shall discuss this topic in depth so please participate and invite all those who have a similar heart-sight problem to our clinic, the e-Nuri Heartvision Clinic Nur 2004 e-Nuri Opticians We Correct Your Vision, With The Revelation
  13. Nur

    Quraan Readers Club

    Sundus Sis You are in, for sure sis, and in Haraka Haraka, because, like it is said in Kiswahili, " Haraka Haraka Haina Baraka" except for good deeds, Allah SWT says about the prophets " Wa kaanuu yusaaricuuna fil kheyraat" that they used to jump to any good deed opportunity. Quraan Readers Club Members We need progress report, let us get goin. Nur
  14. Nur


    Sade sis That was a good way to deal with temptations, Allah says that it is there " Li yaclama man yakhaafuhu bil Ghaib" so he may know who is fearful of disobeying Allah in the unseen, which simply means that these temptations are testing quality of our faith, just like how our father Adam and mother Hawaa (Eve) were tempted by the forbidden fruit in Jannah, so as their decendents, we are tested on a daily basis so some of us rise, while others sink. Hibo si Your Mom huh? It is said that Prophet Joseph (YUSUF) aleyhi salaam, when he was tempted by the Kings wife in the palace, that he saw his father saying " Don't do it" which some scholars interpret the verse " Lawlaa an ra'aa burhaana Rabbih" that if it was not for a special miracle, that he may have fallen for the temptation, but Allah saves his good servants in times of human weakness from falling low. But for me when I am not tempted by wealth, nor prestige and pride, my weakness is attraction of women, and the way I cope is to think of Xur Ul Cayn women waiting for me in Paradise, and I dont want to let them down, so that way no worldly temptation can match my higher goals, Alhamdulillah it works. La Fidele you write: " Manshallah, br.Nur! Are you planning to come out with a new line of fashions to add to your portfolio? " As a matter of fact yes, I will be rolling out the Spring Designer Heartwear Collection, it is titled, " The More You Say, The More you see" on Islam pages at Somaliaonline. Nur
  15. e-Nuri Next Attractions Do you have peridoic doubts about your faith as a Muslim(a)? Does this periodic doubt bouts slow you down from being the pesron you like to be? Do you feel aimless at times, and confused. Well When this happens, who you gonna call? e- Nuri Opticians are rolling out the spring heartwear collection, do not leave home without it, in case you are run over by a speeding car, you can literally get burned by fire, in the next life, so let us figure out things before you get disfigured. Coming soon to a monitor near you: The More You Say, The More You See The Designer Eyewear For the Heart 2004 e-Nuri Corporation Unlimited Helping One Nomad At A Time
  16. Nur

    A Nudist Colony

    A Nudist Colony If you have been intrigued by the idea of visiting a Nudist Colony, rest assured that you will, but not necessarily with Club Med. Before you are allowed to visit this colony, you will need to take a trip in which you travel across physical barriers, to the spiritual domain, which make life as you have known it like a big dream, a dream that lasted for dozens of years, and ended suddenly. To cross to the other side of the fence, you would have to shed your entire present body for the bacteria so that the components that were YOU can take a cycle to be reassembled in another useful format, may be more useful then YOU, something like a tree, or a squirrel. As you leave your body behind for weeping relatives, your soul is recieved at the first station of reception. Here you will be interviewed, your exit interview, you may still be able to hear your relatives, but they can't, and an assesment will be made by the Station officers, of your contribution to life on earth. As you leave this station, the next station will be the General Assembly station, Not the UN, and its hypocracy and fear for their lucrative salaries, In this Station all mankind who ever lived on earth are assembled in a single grounds, all waiting to know about their results, final accounting excercise, even Arthur Andersen will have to explain about their evaluation of Enron since no one on earth has done it. In this assembly everyone will be naked, and no one has an interest to look at anyone else, it is that bad, what you will see that day will dwarf all your worries in this world. To believe in that day, is not to worry for a worldly loss of any kind, To know your score in the day of judgement, see how much you think about this present life, does it make you happy when you have it?, are you depressed when you don't? If that is the case, then you are in for a surprise, you better not die. That day, will be the beginning of real life, the current life is a mirage, it lasts so short, and before you know, you are standing naked in front of your maker.....This is No joke... Evereyone around you will also be naked, and contrary to your earthly habit of looking at people, in this special day, you will not have any interest in looking at these naked people, and the reason you would not bother looking at these nude people is simple to understand. you will look back at your life history, see what is happening, and develop TONS OF WORRIES ! But let us look back at our past earthly worries before we go forweard to the day of judgement. Our worries in this life are relative. The more relatives we have, the more worried we will be, because, our relatives tend to compete for our love, attention, time, money and what have you..... Tonight there is hebla's wedding, tomorrow, hebla is graduating from college, yet the day after, other hebel needs qaaraan, he is being held for manslaughter for running over a child near a school, and it goes on and on and on....... We worry about our jobs and money, about relationships, does hebel really love me? we worry about our health, we worry for our favored team, we worry and worry all the time, our worries never seem to end. But one worry seems not to be in our list of worries, and it turns out to be the single most important concern that we should be thinking endlessly. There are two concerns in our lives in this life. 1. Our physical needs 2. Our required deliverables agianst these needs. Our physical requirements have been budgeted and approved long ago before we were born, all we have to do is to seek it with grace, not with worries, theft, or making enemies. Our Sustenance, physical requirements are called Rizq, everyone has his/her share allocated and no else will get it. But the way we seek Rizq varies and hence our worries or happiness. Our Rizq is like a boarding pass, once issued to you, you can take it easy, you don't have to rush to seek your seat in the plane, the hostess makes sure that no one sits in your seat. Rizq is the allocated needs for your wellbeing while on earth, it is not a right, rather it is generosity ( Fadl) and it requires being thankful. Rizq comes in many ways: 1. Wealth 2. Health 3. Friendship 4. Wisdom 5. Family and anything that adds value to your life. Your share of the above are fixed, but what you can do with it is variable, in different combinations, the more creative you are, the more your returns on these Rizq. Or you can choose to use the above Rizq aginst the one who gave you to begin with, if you are very smart. Against all the above Rizq, you have deliverables to deliver as a token of gratitude. This deliverable is called Shukr ( Gratefulness) it's opposite is called (KUFR) The word KUFR in Arabic language has the same Indo-European root like the latin and English word ( COVER) they even sound closely. KUFR means not recognizing a goodwill you have received, or covering it up by not showing respect to the giver of this RIZQ. So, as you contiune receiving the Rizq all your life, and not recognizing the giver by thanking him appropriately, you begin to age and die, if not by sickness or accident, then by old age. Now, your relatives take you to the grave, wiping their crocodile tears, thinking all along about the inheritance, and how to share it. While you were alive, you gave them your time and money, you may even have ruined your health because of worrying about them and not having time to excercise or eat right. And when you die they line up to claim the money that you were so stingy to spend on yourself. Now, after your death, your family can buy all the things you have denied them. Once in the grave, the angels will look up at your deliverables folder, and suddenly, they spot that your file is empty, no deliverables inside, worse yet, a lot of violations are logged on your record. ....And you thought that your traffic record was bad? wait till you see about a record keeping system that misses nothing, I mean zero tolerance, here we are talking about absolute justice, no fake lawyers, no lobbies, no biased media, no politcians. Your worries are just beginning, because in the arrival station, the grave, you will realize that you have neglected your duties, which were in the sphere of your influence, and worried about RIZQ, which was guaranteed to you. Now, you want to come back, to do otherwise, but, the gates are closed and the plane has taken off to another world, flying to the permanent domain of a Just King. At this station, you will be booked, after a quick interview which will highlight what you should exepect according to your accompanying manifest, and time stops for you as you take a long nap and depending on your manifest record, you may have several windows open showing future attractions in store for you. Upon arrival of the General Assembly of all of Humanity. You will have a new body, and you find yourself in a new world, you will notice that it is not the same sun or skies, not the same people, you would'nt believe if what you see is real or if you are dreaming, but that day your sight will be as sharp as steel. You will realize that the only thing that counts that day is how much truth you have with you. How much good have you delivered against the opportunity that was furnished to you? That day, it will not matter if you were a reer Qurac , reer Qansax or reer Galool, woman or a man, rich or poor, king or a shoeshining boy, everything evaborates that day, except one currency: 1. Belief 2. Good Deeds You will be able to see your final home, or jail. And because the horror of what you see that day, you will not be able to notice that everyone around you is naked, this is not CLUB MED, it is CLUB DEAD. Clothes cover you from the elements, but it is TAQWA, ( Literally meaning to prevent yourself from the Punishment of Allah) that one should wear in this life, so that he/she does not become unprotected from being punished. Wear Taqwa Garment for your souls sake, you owe it to yourself. Surrender your soul to Allah before your body surrenders to its maker's will and vanishes in thin air, or sand. Why should you expose yourself, when you can wear Taqwaa Designer Garment? the best garment to wear from exposure. Nur e-Nuri Softwano Services Protecting You From Exposure
  17. Nur


    As humans from time to time we get tempted to cross the line, it happens very often but few have tackled this phenomena in a constructive way, please enjoy this old write up of mine if you hadn't before, it can be an eye and heart opener, get ready for the ride. Temptations In today's world you can't help but be tempted when all your senses are continuously being bombarded with temptations of sight, sound and scent, you can't go shopping without a fight with Satan. Because Satan hangs around shopping malls and trade expos, if you lower your guard and forget making your dhiker, chances are that you will not walk away without compromising your faith up to a degree, which will make you a weaker Muslim(a) without even realizing that your iiman took a serious blow by Satan. So, before you obey Satan by taking a step toward haraam, think about the consequences of your actions. For example, if you are an impulsive shoplifter and see a pair of shoes that you like, and see a camera on the roof, I bet you are not going to look at the camera with a big smile and say, " Hi mom, this is me , I am stealing a pair of shoes for you, love ya hooyo" . Likewise, if pair of good looking ladies walk right toward your booth in a trade exposition and suddenly they show more interest in you than the products you are showcasing, and you feel like a wild beast in the Serengeti Park being cornered by two vicious wild dogs, what do you do? specially when one of them insists to leave her phone number on your table against your wish, and asks you to call her? Now, without Dhiker protective gear against Satan, you are an easy prey for these high heeled executive predators roaming the trade show floor. Now, think about the hidden camera, invisible angels who tirelessly and meticulously record every iota of evil you commit. If humans can monitor your actions with a camera to send you to jail, then the idea of an angel recording your actions to send you to hell is imaginable, but if you still do not buy this argument, you can always try to prove it wrong by not dying, or in case you die, avoiding to be reassembled, judged and sent to punishment. It is like a poor minority kid who found himself in a developed nation like the Republic of Watts, South Central Los Angeles, who has no clue that he is being monitored when he breaks in a store to steal a TV set. . Allah SWT says: " He ( Mankind) never utters a word, (that is not recorded) in the presence of Raqiib and Atid ( Angels)." Next, think about the fact that no matter how long you live, one day, you will die , Allah SWT says: " And the drowsiness of death approached, its what you have avoided all along" now you can not run anymore, your legs give up, and your soul departs your body. Next, think about the punishment of the grave, no one with you, your very loved ones placed you in an unlit hole and left you all alone with your past deeds file as your company,... and you thought that there is nothing wrong with fooling around to have some fun, go try fooling around an airport with a prank that you have a weapon and see if authorities fall for your joke? Next, welcome to the day of resurrection, the real homecoming day, not in your local college football season opener, a home coming of a different kind, no cheerleaders, as matter of fact, no cheers at all, you are humbled, naked, thirsty and hungry, just like when you were born. Imagine a mammoth gathering of the estranged human family. This is not a Central Park Concert, nor Woodstock, it is a gathering of all humans who've ever lived throughout the ages summoned on a single ground by their maker, Never mind taking pictures, you wouldn't need your favorite tyrant's autography, Those who've claimed Sovereignty of old ( Sovereignty means No one to answer to) from Pharaoh of Egypt and the Roman Kings all the way to our present day tyrants will be brought to be judged by the real Sovereign who will say : " Limanil mulkul yawm" Who is The Sovereign today? an answer echoes back: " Lillaahil waaxidil Qahaar" Sovereignty belongs to Allah the One and the Conqueror . Can you imagine the discomfort in that day, no Ice cream trucks going by for those who have a yearning for Swenson's, nor nearby kiosks selling memorabilia of good old days on earth, No one cares about your nationality, or Qabiil. Subdued Uncle Sam can not rescue his own subjects who've blindly followed his every whim and whish, uncle Sam himself needs help that day, because he will be bold headed without his trademark hat , he is not pointing his fingers at you saying " I want You" . Uncle Sam himself is wanted that day to explain why he dropped a bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing seventy thousand civilians, why he carpet bombed millions in Vietnam and why he starved millions of children world wide due to his greedy policies, why he destroyed the environment, and why he committed so many injustices in the name of Justice. Uncle Sam, is humbled, he is no longer the super power, he is more like Mickey mouse. Next, enter the Transcript Pavilion, in this hall, you come face to face with all of your past actions you thought nobody will find out about, you can see it live in stereo and color, like a movie being played back ( without Popcorn), and the more you see, the more worried you get about how to dispose of it, but, unlike traffic tickets or Corporate fraud, it won't just go away, you can not fix it with a phone call to a congressman, your real friend that day is your past deeds, and your friend is no Mr. Universe, he is ugly, bad and he is coming after you with vengeance. The Real Sovereign's prosecution presents the case against you, evidence from the video footage of your actions in the most detailed presentation, guess who the prosecution calls to testify against you that day? your own organs which you've used to commit crimes swept under the carpet, your vision, hearing and skin, will be called to testify, you can't believe it, you ask your body parts, " why do this to me ? ", and they respond, " we were called on to speak by Allah, who taught everything a unique way to communicate, (Allah) the one who created you in the first place and whom you are summoned back ". You will not walk out of the Transcript Pavilion before receiving your final transcript, a record that will follow you everywhere that day as angels administer the judgment process and prepare your arraignment before an impartial judge who knows you better than anyone else, because he created you in the first place. This is not a court in a third world banana republic where people can hear you yelling " I am an American, I need to talk to my ambassador", the American ambassador is also helpless that day, he has to answer for all the policies he has executed on behalf of his country, for which he received a good salary and lots of martini lunches, and whose impact affected many men, women and children. He will plead in vain: " O Allah, we followed (the directives) of our Masters and leaders who led us astray" An Impartial judgment by the Sovereign is passed, A judgment that can not be pardoned by any out going president, nor by a law passed by a parliament, and the Sovereign is just, angels hurry up to lead evil doers to their final home of pain and misery, they will be asked : Is this real, or you have vision problem? this is hell which you have disbelieved so often and joked a lot about it. Next, the Horror show begins, this is no Hollywood production, it is no fantasyland, this is as real as it can get, you rub your eyes repeatedly, but the same horrible image is right in front of you each time, no one can rescue you, you wouldn't recognize any friendly faces in the crowd, can you imagine the inconvenience? and you thought losing your American Express card in Kurtunwaarrey was bad enough, because in Kurtunwaarrey you found yourself surrounded by a dozen unemployed smiling teenagers who want to steal your camera and peanut butter sandwich, but in the day of judgment, you will be surrounded by angels who will make the marines in Camp X-Ray look like harmless cuddly koala bears. Now, be smart, what you can not see, can see you, if you do not believe me, ask Saddam Huseein's army, and that was a mere human rendition, can you imagine what Allah can do? 2003 Nurtel Communications PPSC Paradise is Possible Sumer Campaign
  18. OG Girl Off course you can be my partner, let me summarize for you our e-Nuri Partner Program. As an authorized e-Nuri Partner you can choose from the following menue of products and services that you can offer your own vision impaired customers. First Services: The e-Nuri Vision Correction Service: As an e-Nuri Certified Service provider, you will be able to set up your business on one of the pages at Somaliaonline, preferably where you have most of your vision impaired customers' Requirements: 1. Completion of an intensive e-Nuri Diagnostics Exam, your own vision has to be calibrated to match the product line that you are expected to showcase in your location. After reading some of your past responses, I think that you will pass the exam with flying colors, so I encourage you to apply early. 2. Choose from one of the following line of services: A. e-Nuri Baseerah line, Allah and Akhirah lenses ( Many designs to be released soon) This line of services are targeted at clinically blind Nomads, they usually stumble on your site by mistake so you have to be careful to help them see better by showing them the beauty of the word , the highest word in your tagline, Allah. Once they focus on that word, they are sedated, now you can sell them other services such as: B. e-Nuri designer, Purpose of life Frames ( works best with Baseerah line lenses) After they have underwent a fair exposure of realization of Allah in their lives, then you move on to sell them designer products on your shelf, start with Purpose of Life Frames, your customers would love to try on these frames as they will immediately begin to see farther than their noses, like the reason for being on earth, and beyound, show them (Police Angels sun glasses) if they want look cool and sophisticated. After they put on the Police Angel Sun glasses, they are ready to try on the: C. e-Nuri advanced peace frames (add-on for improving relationships with self, friends and Family) Now your customers are looking cool behind the e-Nuri Designer Police Angel frames, so they want to show off to their family and friends, so sell them add-on gadgets like the advanced Peace frames. these frames were designed to improve Nomads realtionships with family and friends, these frames are Sunnah compliant, so you would have no problem selling them, and as a vertical selling sell them the: 4. e-Nuri ( Qurrat Acyun) Virtual 3D Day of judgement Visualizer Which will show the Nomad that family is indeed Qurrat acyun, and the best way to make the trip to the wonder world of Akhira is to accompany loved ones and make them your helpers on the road, not as an impediments as their current glasses show them when they look at their loved ones. 5. e-Nuri iimaan contacts (to stick to iimaan once found, to be cleaned with tears at night) Most Nomads need the iimaan contact lenses, they are light, seamless and safe to wear, and at night you need to wash them up with your tears to see things clearer in the next day. And finally : 6. e-Nuri Kindness Magnifying Lenses ( magnifies needs of less fortunate so you can notice and offer help) Nomads on these pages seem to Narcisitic, they indulge themselves and do not draw their happiness from helping others who are in need or at disadvantage, these magnifying lenses will show them little things that can earn them big profits, like heloing a fellow Nomad come in term with Her Maker, or lending a Nomad some money, or ridding her of her problem or finding her a Good Nomad for a husband. Let me know when you want to start your business, our Business Development Manager and Channel Support Engineers will be dispatched upon your request. Note: We have cleared the Ribaless Bank to finance your start up plan, your credit rating is Good. Nur 2004 e-Nuri Consumer Products and Services Perspectives For A Better Vision
  19. Qac Qaac , Jazaakallahu Khairan Narcissistic-Sister You were not supposed to view this page sister, this is the mens section in womens forum, so after all, was that you I saw in paradise? Nur
  20. Nurtel Corporation 2003 Presents Nurtel Opticians (e-Nuri) Where beleiving is Seeing As a response to Brother DARMAN and other brothers like Entrepreneur, and sisters like Rahiima dn Raxmah, who have encouraged me to open my business on this SOL site, here is the first imaginitaive production for this season, exlusively on Somaliaonline. Others will follow inshAllah. After successful business launches in the area of Navigation maps, Fine foods and consumer electronics, such as the Roadmap to Paradise, iimaan calculators and the Hasanaat Restaurant, We are happy to announce yet another intersting business venture to address an accute visionary need for the Somali Nomads worldwide. Many Somali Nomads who have migrated to the west since the great Nomadic uncivil wars found themselves confined in a three dimensional world comprising of walls and apartments, living like birds in contrast with the open green savaanah pastures, camels and the blue skies, instead, these Nomads are placed in boxes known as apartments, hooked to TV and the Wide World of Walwal, staying up all night blinded with the glitter of lights emanating from the automobiles, TV Computer terminlas, street lights and the list goes on and on. Add to this the amount of reading a Nomad is turtured with on a daily basis which took the place of the Nomads pure oratory curriculum. All these new changes in the lives of these Nomads have caused a severe vision problems that severely impaired their perceptions, and forced many Nomads to use the wrong glasses and frames of reference to view the world around them and as a result added to their misery and pain as they aimlessly go through life without a definite purpose. And although these wrongfully prescriped eye glasses make some of them look very scholarly and sophisticated from the outset, deep inside, these camel herders, are suffering from a spilt personality as a result of the double vision their current glasses offer, a love of this worldly glitter and a yearning to their faith and maker, conflicting requirements indeed. so in recognition of this myopic mess, e-Nuri Corporation has embarked on developing a unique product line for this market segment, and as a result e-Nuri (A Single Nomad owned and operated Holding Company based imaginatively in the Garas Baalley Technology Corridor) is opening a new business line, on-line @ Somaliaonline to cater to this growing market segment. In our initial business plan SWOT analyses, we have identified the following Strengths found in e-Nuri Corpporation: 1.A broad familiarity with Nomadic life style as the Chief Execucutive himself has actually herded camels as a kid in the Mudug Baadiye and drank many a Haroob of Fresh Squeezed Camel Milk) 2. Success in selling other products to Nomads like iimaan Calculators, Hasanaat Retaurant, and Roadmap to Paradise. Allahu akbar wa Lilaahil hamd. 3. A well known brand name and reliable products spanning 6 years and successfully proven in Somali and non Somali Markets. We have also identified the following weaknesses 1. Lack of resources ( specially time, I need your prayers) 2. One man show, company is fueled by a single Nomad in need of Barakah and powerful iimaan engine. 3. Nomad himself suffering from Myopia. In light of the above strengths and weaknesses, we have identified the following opportunities: 1. Hundreds of thousands of Nomads with vision problems 2. A high rate of return starting day one of the operation 3. The first mover advantage, the first online vision correction service But, to be diligent, we recognize the following threats: 1. competition by fake vision correctiuon products sold by blind Somalis produced by blind westerners. 2. Complacency of Nomads who do no effort in sharing these good products with friends and family Our target customers: Online Somali Nomads (Half Somalis like me included) in all continents, all age groups, tribal affiliations, genders, social status, educational and income levels, who suffer from vision problems. Our product line: 1. e-Nuri Baseerah line, Allah and Akhirah lenses ( Many designs to be released soon) 2. e-Nuri designer, Purpose of life Frames ( works best with Baseerah line lenses) 3. e-Nuri advanced peace frames (add-on for improving relationships with self, friends and Family) 4. e-Nuri ( Qurrat Acyun) Virtual 3D Day of judgement Visualizer 5. e-Nuri iimaan contacts (to stick to iimaan once found, to be cleaned with tears at night) 6. e-Nuri Kindness Magnifying Lenses ( magnifies needs of less fortunate so you can notice and offer help) Our product development department is also busy developing new cutting edge technologies to be released in the next three years after revenues from the present product line start flowing in to make investors happy by paying happiness dividents. Our locations: Somaliaonline will be the exclusive point of purchase of all Nurtel Vision correction products. The moderator, Libaaxan-San-Ka-taabte, a brave young man who dares to touch the nose of a hungry lion is an example of the potential of Nomads if they are given the opportunity and challenge. This is a rare opportunity for Somaliaonline Nomads to invite all of their blind friends who are lured to fake and confusing optician websites so that we do not upset relatively healthy vierwers like sister Lateafah ( she almost lost her vision after unintentially viewing bad material on this site) Because e-Nuri owner himself is a nomad ( Garab Rarato) you should be warned that in case Br. Nur senses lack of interest in this ophthalomic business, he can pack up and go to look for a better shopping mall to set up his business, so it is important that Nomads do not pass up this lifetime opportunity. we need to make this business venture a success, so invite all of your friends, InshAllah we are going to do a lotta vision correction. Our Customer Service Department: Our products and customer service subscribe to Ammanah Standards, the highest in the Universe, a standard even the mountains refused to subscribe to for its stringent requirements and rules, but out of ignorance, e-Nuri Opticians accepted the challenge, so help yourself with a better vision by helping poor Nur meet the challenge. How to pay for this service: 1. You make a lot of dua for Brother Nur 2. You share your new vision frames with loved ones, how cute! they'd exclaim Nur E-Nuri Visionaries We show you the big picture, you focus on what counts most! ------------------------------------------------- In case you are curious of Nur's other half linneage, rest assured that it is no Navajo, Apache, or Tibetian, Nur's other half is also Somali, this comment was placed to see if you are a critical reader.
  21. Preview of Nur posts to new readers It was early one morning when I pleasantly woke up in this lavishly decorated posh place, real magnificent atmosphere with perfect temperature and aroma, can't describe the furniture, the flowers, the ambient, just superbly optimum, ejecting like a rocket, I get out of bed singing with joy, I felt sooooooo happy and fulfilled. As I dress my awsome green suit, decorated with precious sparkling stones, I am told that my freinds are waiting for me at my royal courtyard, to go out fishing with me for the day, so, off I go with my friends. We arrive at this tranquil lake, surrounded by a lush green lawns, the most colorful singing birds, lofty trees with a lot of ripe fruits hanging too low that I can reach with my bare hands, and the aroma, subhannalllah, what a pleasant smell and what a feeling! We begin fishin, laughing, sitting on soft sofas facing each other, joking, telling stories of days past, stories that bring nostalgic memories of events and people, while eating the tastiest fish you can not even imagine, and spending the day without worries of bills due to be paid, problems to be solved, or any misfortume that can take the pleasure of this great day, which seems endless as it is too long and fun at the same time. As the day approaches an end, we pack up and fix to go, our stuff being carried for us by helpers, and as usual, we continue on talking and laughing on our way back to our homes. Suddenly we spot a beautiful lady approaching from afar, so beautiful is this lady, I have no words to describe her beauty. She is like the full moon being viewed from a serene clear skies in the middle of Somalia's countryside, My friends look at each other to see where she is heading to, astonishingly, they notice that she is coming right toward us, "OH MY!..." I sigh, and as she gets closer, and closer, our hearts pound like medieval cannon balls, and just when we thought it was all over, we smell this special captivating and soul quenching perfume, that can elevate you to euphoric state of shock, she gets closer and closer, and poor me and my friends are thunderstruck, we realize that she is purposefully looking for someone but we don't know who it is, as we silently wait it out, she approaches closer to me, singling me out of my friends and says like a singing humming bird in the softest of voices " I want you Nur" I am paralyzed, I am floored, I get up like a knocked out boxer who is stil traumatized, I regroup and I say, "excuse me Miss, but I don't know you, and you are not my wife, what do you want from me?" She smiles and says " Cheer up Nur, I am yours, I am dedicated to your happiness forever, you will not be sorry again, I am yours to keep, you've earned me and more of what you can imagine as a token of appreciation of your deeds in bygone days, so you are rewarded more than what you've expected. I am the surprise that were in store for you, I am more and more and more and more of what you can imagine.........., my name is MAZEED, worries all are behind you, Welcome To Paradise, you are in good silky hands, my love! " Falaa Taclamu nafsun maa ukhfiya lahum min qurrata acyunin, Jazaa an bimaa kaanuu yacmaluun" " Oblivious is a soul of the hidden treasures that were out of sight for them as a reward for their past deeds" Quraan, Suurah, Sajdah " Lahum maa yashaa uuna fiihaa wa ladeynaa MAZEED" " They are honored to have anything they wish for, and we throw in MORE( an extra surprise ) Mazeed" Quran, Suurah Qaaf Nur 2004 e-Nuri Softwano Series If you can imagine, You can attain! Nur Posts appear on SOL Islam page.
  22. Nur

    Quraan Readers Club

    welcome Hasna You are counted in sis, pick your Musxaf and get going, to higher dimensions, Paradise is the meeting place. Nur
  23. Nur

    Back To The Future

    Breaking News I heard in the news that the US government is now funding Islamic schools MADARASSA in Bangladesh, so that the new generation Muslims do not grow up with hatred toward the USA, if this pilot succeeds, which is likely, my prediction of the US government funding Islamic schools in the USA will come true. Nur e-Nuri Future Forcasts Fiction today, Reality Tomorrow
  24. Prettyboy Thanks for the support, e-Nuri Comnpany is dedicated to benefit others, we draw happiness in seeing others happy, I mean in the next life, and no place is better than here to spread the word. Nur
  25. Geel Jire Bro. you write: "Btw, Nur, how many degrees do you have? One day, you are using I.T analogy, the next Accy! Any chance, we have Mr Hawkins in our forum or even better?" Walaal, it seems that way doesnt it? well, I employ all of my lifes experiences to draw parallels to serve Islam, according the verese " Seek the akhira with all the faculties and resourcse that Allah has provided for you" I was exposed to too many disciplines in my life, and from each I learned to gain a wisdom to serve Allah SWT. Jazakkallahu Khairan for your duaa, I really appreciate it. Walaalkaa Nur