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Rahima sis I also wrote: " But in their actions, or the lack of, one can tell if they are forward biased toward Islam, conducting both ways, or outright resisting the guidance of siraatul Mustaqeem. " I meant that muslim men are not as apparent as Muslim sisters due to the dress code regulations, muslim men usually dress does not diffre much from non Mulsims, the same can not be said about the muslima and the no Muslima. Hope that covered your question, thank you for catching errors, may Allah bless you my dear sis. Prinsess Sexy ( For Husband to be Only) Like I said, iimaan levels varies a lot, and for every level of iimaa, there is a corresponding level of action, the better the actions, the higher the iimaan, I agree with you that these three levels are only descriptive, but yes, there are many shades in between. Baashi Bro. May Allah bless you, your expalnation was a bulls eye analogy. Raula Sis You write " Whether one is a resistor, Transistor, or Sister; the difference only is gapped when one has strong IMAN and Camalun-hasanati(good deeds). Answer: As we shall visit, srong iimaan is manifested by good deeds, the higher the iimaan, the better the deeds, I hope that is simple to understand. You write: " Moreover, the Quran/Hadith points out that one should not commit to an organization or DIIN/Faction if they have no idea of what the principles of that organization is all about." Answer: Rauala, Allah says in Quraan " Wa laa taqfu maa leisa laka bihi cilm" meaning Do not give opinion of an issue that you have no knowledge of, your reference of not committing to an organozation, is uncalled for, I have never invited anyone to do so, except for joining the Ahluil Sunnah wal Jamaaca, the faithful who follow the teachings of our prophet SAWS. You ask: "So, you are saying that HIJAB-wearing sisters know the DIIN better than others" ? Answer: My topic was not relating Hijab wearing to Knowledge, it was realting Hijab wearing with iimaan. Your argument has many contradictions: You say, : " no one knows what lies beneath those believers souls, except Allah (S.W.)-indeed, inallahi caliimun bidaatil suudur(Only Allah knows what is in their hearts). " You also say : " So let the judgement to ALLAH and worry about your DEEDS-Because Allah (S.W.) know's best." " So brother Nur and others as well, there are many HIJAB wearing sisters that have no clue of what their religion's principles is all about except that it has been passed down unto them through family inheritance and generational-link or customary traditions." Sister, can you catch the contradictions? you have judged, then wittfully said that only Allah should judge, besides, the issue is not about knowledge and iimaan, it is about iimaan and deeds. Sophist Bro. iimaan is not digital, it is not only a two state flipflop, but a contiuum of states the lowest of which borders kufr, and the highest borders prophets level. The third State could be explained according to the verse in Quraan: " Waa aakharuuna khalatuu camalan saalixan waa aakhara sayi an" Those who mixed good deeds while doing also some good, they are known in aakhira as Acraaf people, ( Transistors) who are stuck in the middle and their case is up for Allahs mercy. Some Alien Ignorance is an exception, but when we knowingly ignore Allahs commandments we fall in one of three categories: 1. We do not believe that Allah will punish us if we violate His commands. 2. We do not believe Allah at all 3. We are not sure of the whole thing, so we take chances. Try Me sis Abbayadiis, where in the blue planet have you been? You write: " I sometimes wear Dirac, Jeans, Hijab with cibaya/shuko etc. I don't how ever, expose too much flesh.. I like to keep folks guessing if u know what I mean... Marka aboowihiis.. Classify me plzz" Answer: Dirac is great, in the comfort of your home, your future husband will love it. Jeans, under the hijaab and the abbaya is awsome, it protects your valuables in windy days. Hijab leaves a lot to the imaginations, so you are right to keep'm gussing the lady in black. I classify you as AWSOME. Finally A Nurtel Fiction Story that explains the connection between iimaan and action. Dedicated to my Dadayangu RAULA A Kenyan tour guide standing next to a LION is explaining to a Western tourist in Kenya's animal reserves " THIS LION is HARMLESS, HE DOES NOT ATTACK, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" STOP HERE FOR A MOMENT: The tour guide has just given to the tourist: 1. Information that is expected to be BELIEVED 2. The action of the tourist will verify this BELIEF. The Tour guide released the lion and the lion walks toward the tourist to be petted ( In sanka laga taabto). The tourist panics, and runs away The tour guide asks the tourist " Did I not tell you that "this LION is harmless", it will not attack? The toursit responds, "yes , but did you tell the LION not to attack?" The above joke and the tourist's action shows that the toutsit FAILED to believe the Tour guide, and therefore his action ( running away) showed that the information given to him did not settele in his head, in order for him to act on it. So, in that Example , (iimaan) is two fold 1. Information to be believed 2. Actions that verify that the infromation was believed. Whenever those two aspects of iimaaan are met, we say that is the proper iimaan which is required for a MUSLIM to have to eneter Paradise. Kwaherini, jamaawangu, inshaAllah tuta onana in Jannah. Nur e-Nuri Path Finders Guiding Lost Nomads, in Troubled Times
Find out in this e-Nuri Article Are Your Engines Running On Low Octane Levels? For high performance engines, high content of octane is a must, mechanically speaking, each unit of octane powers the engine to do a given amount of work, the lower the octane content in gas, the lower the combustion pressure which in return affects the transfer of power to moving parts in the performance machine. In car races, performance race cars are powered with the most efficient engines for speed, the load is kept at minimum, so they are built with the lightest materials, and every part that can effect the objective ( SPEED) is optimized for that purpose ONLY. So at the end of the races, a race car is seen hauled on trucks to be transported to another place, ironically, this vehicle that can go that fast on race tracks becomes useless outside of the race tracks. Similarly, Faith or iimaan is like energy, it can not be seen, but its effect can be evident in our lives, the higher the iimaan level, the better our performance as Muslims in the form of measurable actions, the lower the iimaan octane level, the poorer our Islamic identity and behaviour.( Like one of the cartoons on this forum showing her feminine valuables) The iimaan octane can get to a critically low levels, and in these instances, the person acts almost contrary to Islam in every sense imaginable, without even realizing that she/he is low on iimaan octane. That person quits performing prayers, and observing the sharia, his words show contempt for Islam, or hates its restrictions, this person's engine needs overhaul, or may be it is beyound repair, watch out! In an engineering school, some students have noticed that Muslim women on campus to be divided to three types. 1. Hijaab wearing Sisters 2. Jeans and Scarf wearing Transistors 3. Minimally dressed body showing Resistors In men a similar classification exists, but, men do not have to wear special dress to show their observation of the law, But in their actions, or the lack of, one can tell if they are forward biased toward Islam, conducting both ways, or outright resisting the guidance of siraatul Mustaqeem. This thread is dedicated to this Low octane Level phenomena, how to diagnose it and how to cure it. As we all know, every person's level of iiman is not constant over time, on the contrary iimaan goes up when we do good work and goes down when we commit a sin or neglect our duties. So if a person drives his car with low gas for a long time, the car will stop, and likewise if we neglect our duties to Allah for a long time, our iimaan will cease to exist. This Forums board is the INDY 500 to test this theory. Let us know if you agree with my analogy and observations or if you'd rather disagree with it partially or oppose it. 1997-2004 e-Nuri Communications Company Connecting You To Your Creator
The Nima State It is when you complain about your expensive persian carpet not matching your Italian marble floors. It is about when you have to take your fat male cat to the vet for fixing for a $ 2000 surgical fee. It is about staying online all night chatting with e-friends, munching on nuts, being served shaahi by your hooyo who thinks you are working very hard on your homework. It is about complaining what to eat first, your salads, cheeses or soup, before you go for the big kill of a giant juicey New York steak, Linguini al dente, and asperagus, carrots and squash, a serving of Cheese cake, and a hot cup of tea prepared with qorfo, zanjabil and heil. It is about feeling too healthy and fresh as to dare to cross the line of decency, by showing your feminine thighs on Somaliaonline to tease male viewers who are struggling to keep their gaze down. Nima State is when you do not realize that you have it all, but ungratefully, you want more. Nima State , coming to a monitor near you. 2004 e-Nuri Communications Company Connecting You To Your Creator
Rudy bro No that was not Caramel (Halal) Kisses, it was one of my Snet forum admirers of mine, Caramel , I used to listen to music, mainly heavy stuff, like legendary all time guitarists, such as Hendricks and Santana, but I found listening to Quraan to be more soothing, soul quenching and purposeful, so I switched to Islam, never felt happier ever since. Nur
N Sis i thinks you needa edgmocated sis. When i waz teen i literlly used to live widda books, I read and read and read books, mostly about dinosaurs and space. I have to admit, the more i indulged in readin, the older i felt, which is no fun, i lost my childhood quick, (except for my sports) luckily, sis there is a choice: IGNORANCE you can stay IGNORANT rest of your life IGNORANCE is fun, now IGNORANCE makes you happy, now IGNORANCE is thrillin, yo cant figure out why they make you suffer in a class for 50 minutes IGNORANCE is also cheaper, now but as you grow older, it gets more expensive and when you have no enuff money to pay, no parents to support you, all yow friends driving BMW, and you r flippin hambergers at McDonald, IGNORANCE gets MORE EXPENSIVE Rer Badiye back home call your problem WAXARO TUUR, Nomad girls who hate tending goats who'd rather have fun all day. Nur
Sayyid bro. you write: "my initial suspicion was proved by the concluding lines of our resident Mufti—and since you are Mufti perhaps it would be apt to ask this question: Are there Male version of XuuranCeyn? " Walaal, I am not the resident Mufti on SOL, may Allah reward you well for you good thoughts about me. The closeset concept of male Xurul Ceyn are the " Wildanun Mukhalladduna" very handsome young men in paradise, however, these men are never mentioned as compnions for Muminaat women in Jannah, but as servants waiters. From the ahaadeeth, Muslim women will be transformed to look more beautiful than the Xurulceyn, so they are the real beauties in paradise, and likewise, the believers men are made to look extremely handsome and captivating for the muminaat women. So, we should all compete for that direction and less in competing toward this temporal time n space Nur Or the Mu’minaat will be rewarded by purified souls of the Muminiin (the good Muslim men) of course; in our best looks—if you have desire for us to be muscular or skinny then God will allow you to view us in such fashion? Is that so Nur? Nabad [/QB]
Salaam SG sis I am not 100% sure of this answer , this response is spontaneous without any research so take it easy. 1.Does anyone know how the splitting of the moon came about.....and who did it.? Well, i have to look it up in the seerah the exact year and place, but the story took place in Makkah when the polytheists asked for a miracle to split the moon into two pieces, the moon was then split in full view and the following verses were revealed : "Iqtrabat as saacatu wan shaqqa al qamar" The end of time is drown near ( and a s a token) the moon ( was caused by Allah) to split (into two separate pieces) 2. The purpose of stars in the skay according to the Quraan is: a. Beauty b. to guide travelers c. to burn evesdropping Satans ( Commets) d. A magnificent signs for the intelligent servants of Allah to ponder and think about his creations. 3. Satan sleeps underneath our fingernails, hence importance to clip 4. What should u do if a fly falls inside your drink? If you are a Somalilander, you throw away the cup and walk out the dirty restaurant If you are from South Somalia, you blame other customers for the dirty fly in your drink and start a fight. If you are Puntlandian, you mind your business, calculate the cost of the drink, and increase the price on the next customer drink to make up for the marginal cost. If you are an Ethiopian, you support one of the southern customers against other, bring more flies to be placed in their drinks to flare up nmore fights, then you call the Americans, to lodge a complaint with the UN, the Europpean Union, The Muslim World League , the Organization of African Unity about the Ethiopias plight who are trying to make peace in Somalia, to seek a compensation for its peace making effort for the next 50 years so all nations sympathize and help Ethiopia with grants and food and weapons, you declare anyone who has a fly in their house a terrorist, so only you can use flies to start controlled fights 5. It was reported that the prophet SAWS said that Satan can not appear in our dreams looking like the prophet SAWS, so if you ever see him in a dream, it is he. Nur
News Release From Somali Anarchist Association. To The White House As we have predicted in our previous reports, US policy in Iraq is progressing entropically into chaotic CONDItion. President Bush, our Anarchist hero with which we share common anarchist ideals of spreading chaos to aid the new world disorder, is delivering on his ideals of a world with no sane government, as we predict that after this madness is over, and when more body bags are brought home, that the US economy and National apettite for supremacy will be too weak as to get involved in other nations affairs. This situation will create a superpower vocuum that will be filled by lesser experienced nations like Somaliland, and Russia, Somaliland the most stable nation in the world who by coincidence benefited from an economic surplus for the last 13 years currently, is planning to become a superpower along with Russia to fill the void the Americans leave behind, incidentally, both countries, being remnants of collapsed union states, and led by Ex Intelligence officers of the KGB and the NSS respectively. President Riyaale of Somaliland and President Putin of Russia will emerge as the new world power club after America burns itself out in its quest for a new world disorder. Somaliland afterwards plans to invade and liberate the south of Somnlia to control the banana farms in Afgooye, sugar farms in Jawhar and mango farms in Jamaame. Somaliland will come in the pretext of unifying the Homeland under one leadership. Going back to the situation in Iraq. The situation over there is very serious as to warrant the experience of our seasoned anarchists, many experienced anarchists are currently unemployed and are avialable for consultation of getting matters worse if that was in your mind, here is a list of the services our Anarchist Registry professionals can offer the situation in Iraq: Mr. Jajabiye Expert in demolitions of remnants of the government documents, if you are looking to bury sensitive inforation related to atrocities committed by the liberation army, Mr. jajabiye will show you novel methods of destroying evidence, all you have to give him is one Jeep Technical and six M16 rifles, a one month supply of Qat and cigarettes. Mr. jajabiye lives near what used to be the US Embassy in what used to be Mogadishu, he is currently available for consultation. Fees, $100 per head. Mr. Bililiqo The new world disorder wouldnt be realized without the efforts of Mr. bililiqo, once a country is immersed in an uncivil war, this gentlemena and his crew go to work diligently, her is a list of his services: 1. REMOVAL OF SADDAMN statues and export to Dubai market, he claims that he has orders waiting from American companies who will pay top dollar for any Saddamn memorabilia. 2.Telecom cables burried in Baghdad, can be removed in three working days, Falluja Bililiqo operation has to ait until so that unexploded F 16 shells can be scrapped for the copper content without exploding, Mr. Bililiqo will pesronally take care of that himself as he is the only surviving and most experienced live bomb scrapper. 3. Mr. Marijuana Entreprenuer. This anarchist specializes in setting shop in short notice, he can get a Marijuana farm growing ganja in no time, securing a nearby airplane runway, to export Marijuana to the US and Europe, he needs officials of the occupation and relief agencies to work with him to keep everybody busy and happy. Other anarchists are available upon request, like snipers, kidnappers, and politicans, let us know how we can help. Sadistically Yours Somali Anarchist association ------------------------------------------------- A production of 2004 e-Nuri Corporation We Attack Problems, Not People
Nomad ladies The Icon awards are out for best dressed and least! Best dressed woman on SOL forums is: Ms London, May Allah bless, her amin The Least Dressed Lady on SOL is: Who else than: Devils Advocate, A Devil never waists time to leave dark spots on viewers hearts.. and who else delivers his message better than his advocates. Who go to places, like: " Fa kub kibuu fiihaa hum wal ghaawuun, wa junuudu ibliisa ajmacuun" Nur
Sundus sis You write "It reminded me our brother Nur may allah give him enormous ajar and house in paradise for the dawa he brings into this virtual congregations and for creating this quran club. and also to all the sisters who had encouraged him. Who is better in speech than one who calls (men) to allah, works righteousness and says " I am of those who bow in islam" Walaalo Jazaakellahu khairan for your duaa, I am making a duaa for you along with the angels to say "wa lakil mithl" same and even more to you sis in Islam, I hope my duaa was accepted as I made them in a heavy rain down pour, knowing the heavens and earth are connected when it is raining as the Arshul Rahman is on water, which is the secret of life and connection with our maker, may Allah SWT accept this duaa : Allahumma ahdinaa, wahdi binaa katheeraa" As for your observatons of Suurah Fussilat, These verses were part of my isnpiration when I wrote the popular post TEMPTATIONS, I am sure that you have read it. I am very pleased for your steadfastness when most other Nomads have dropped ball on us alone, except for SADE. Sade walaalo Aala imraan in general and the verses that you have observed in particular are indeed deeply moving and reassuring to Muslims in difficult times, when wrong is being committed against our faith in a monumental ways of deception and evil. The show does not end here, nor is all pain confined in this world, it reassures that everybody is being bitten as much, the difference being that some are hoping for clemency from Allah,others are not. May Allah have a mercy on our souls and keep our feet firm on the right track of Islam , amen
Garab Tuujiye Bro. Asalamu Calaykum, you may not believe but a few nights ago I had a dream in wich I received a call and after looking at my phone display, I saw a call coming from GARAB TUUJIYE, I was alarmed, how could someone on the Somaliaonline forum get my phone number? but then I was relieved when I realized that I was dreaming. So, afterwards I made a special duaa for you as the only annonymus Nomad who broke on to my dreamworld. Brothers and sisters I am against the idea of marrying a girl off against her wish, I am also against allowing her to marry whomsoever she wish, she needs a counsel, but she should never be forced to marry anyone against her wish unless of course its me!(Joke), I promise I wouldnt touch her, just like the girl next door back home who asked me to claim her as my wife (when on vacation) so she can get out of the anarchy of Somalia, I told her that if i claim her, Islamically she will be my wife, after thinking she suggested that once we get off the plane, she would dumb me and would look for her love in Europe, poor me being exploited as a temporary travel husband ( Xambaarid). I asked her of my conjugal rights while on the plane, she said " Nur, you are not going to do somthin like that, are you? I am your walaashaa dont be ghabi ?" well, I told her that marrying alady like her is great sharaf, but once I accept her as my lady, I do not give a divorce, and she would be stuck with me for life, so she changed her mind and withdrew her offer to my utmost relief and hers Alhamdulillah. On a serious note though, Islam guarantees the rights of the girl, and our people back home have violated Islam in every which way including arranged marriages. Arrange marriages are good if its conditions are met. The girl also has the responsibility of making sure that her future hubby is socially compatible with her folks, otherwise she would be in an emotianal dilemma of who to choose over who, introducing an ear pierced punk to a devout Muslim father as his future son of in law is not going to help, A camel boy may be preferable to that father instead in a hurry. Nur e-Nuri Social Engineering Labs e-motionally Yours
Shifta Bro. I have just came across this one today, man! that was some awsome nostalgic memory from the Somalinet days, like the Arabs say, " Sharrrul baliyati maa yudh xik" worst of misfurtunes are those that make you laugh. Nur
Baashi bro. From what I hear these days, the light at the end of the tunnel may be another incoming train, we have the most confused collection of politicians for train operators, and they are on a collision course, meanwhile, passengers like me and you can avoid a train crash by looking out of the window of the train to enjoy the nice scenery of the Somali countryside while it lasts! Nur
e-Nuri Social Engineering Labs ( Old issues) Presents: Arranged Marriages ( In this day and age?) This was a response I made to a woman who wanted to know about Somali arranged families, enjoy reading, and your comments are appreciated. Arranged Marriages Islam stresses a strong family relationship, thus, a mariage is not the marriage of two individuals only, rather, it represents a new family link to a larger family, just like Data Networks. If that link is down, there will be a lot of service denials, including but not limited to visitation, help, and birrul waldeyn ( Parental goodwill) As life itself is a journey, the new couple need to network with the rest of the larger family for guidance, unlike what we see today of couples who leave town and do not look back to their folks except when they are in trouble and need speedcash by Wetern Union. A Muslim marriage connects the couple eternally with their folks as an extended family sharing faith and life together. A good example was Somalia's fall from grace when families banded together to help their loved ones out of warring clans and settled them in Norh America. If that family mechanism did not exist, the tragedy would have been similar to that of Ruwanda and Burundi in which over a million peole were massacred to death. Based on th above logic, parents prefer to handpick the groom for their daughter, considering his family bacground heavily to guarnatee that tthe relationship with their daughter continues as before. The family bacground is seen as an important measure for the success or the failure of the proposed marriage. So in a sense, and from the parents point of view this logic makes sense. Now let us look things from the prospective of the young adult. She definetely wants to live her life, not her parents, this is after all her personal decision, as she will be judged for all her actions, good or bad. So why are her parents meddling in her personal life? which is a good question, whose answer when I think about it, and rely on the most reliable Fiqh sources that I came accross, I find that: No parent has the right to forcefully arrange a marriage for his daughter as a wali to someone she does not want to. a parent, thus, has no authority for a forced marrriage, nor a denial of her choice except for cases involving that the daughters choice has Islamic or moral character problems. A parent is further abliged to accept the marriage of his daughter to any Islamically qualified candidate which is acceptable to his daughter, if he does not, The Prophet SAWS said," There will be a Fitna (moral corruption) and evil on earth" But there are incidents that a parent reacts in an irrational way by forcing his daughter to marry someone because the parent is afraid if he does not, his daughter will join the Spice Girls. In Kuwait, a father who loved his daughter very much noticed that she was crossing many decency lines, he bought her a very expensive car, put her in the best schools, only to see that she wanted more and more " Freedoms" and less supervision. One day, the girl came to her dad with a bold proposal: to go to Britain for higher education. The Kuwaiti father knowing that they have no relatives in UK, and that his daughter would have to live alone, could not entertain the idea, but, he could not refuse it outright either as he loved his daughter and did not want to cause her anguish. So he told her that he accepts the idea, but suggested that she has to go to Makkah for a pilgrimage before she goes to UK for school, alone. She accepted and the family packed to go. The entire family took a driving trip to the holy land, including the spoiled girl. When they came close to Makkah, the father veered off road to visit an old friend of his who lived in a desert enclave inhabited by some bedouins who lived with their camels. The bedouins welcomed the wealthy Kuwaiti family to their modest tents nearby their camels and sheep and offered some refreshments. The men sat in a tent and the women in another tent. After a short while of discussion, the father of the daughter asked a young camel boy if he wants to get married to his daugher in nearby tent. The young camel boy could'nt believe what he was hearing, specially an offer coming from a wealthy modern Kuwaiti family in vacation. The young camel boy accepted the offer and the marriage contract was drawn without the consent of the girl. The father, and the rest of the family packed and left the desert, leaving behind the miserably crying daughter in an environment she was ill trained to live, with someone she hardly knows how to talk to let alone conducting other relationships with. Three years have passed, Her family came back to see how she was doing, to their surprise, they came to visit an extremely happilly married pregnant woman with two kids. The family shed a lot of tears, on each others shoulders and the daughter confided to her father that she never lived happier, sitting beside her smiling and happy camel boy husband who can not speak a word of English which she does. The Kuwaiti Spice Girl fan became, a camel milking girl. What a change of a course! Now we can all argue, what would have been good for that girl, an Interior Designer trained in UK living in a small apartment on the Thames with a boyfriend unsteadily feeling used and abused, or a mother of three happily living in the desert. But it is only that Kuwaiti girl who can tell us which lifestyle would have been better if she indeed lived both lives, one at a time, but again, like Quantum mechanics, that is impossible. Life is a big dream, it will all pass, and we can only capture memories of good and sad times, at the end, we will wake up to a new permanent reality, that of the day of judgement. A day in which all the measures of good and bad are not the ones we set, nor those our society accepts, rather, those set by Allah SWT. The sooner we align our wishes and desires to those of Allah SWT, the happier we shall feel. Subxaankallahumma, laa ilaaha illallaha illaa anta, nastaghfiruka wa natuubu ileika. Nur e-Nuri Social Engineering Labs We work harder, so you may live happier ever after -------------------- Kuwa iga da'weyn, waa iga ajar badan yihiin, Kuwa iga da' yar, waa iga dambi yaryihiin.
Raxmah sis Any other Nomad divers on this forum? Let us get high with Dhiker Nur
...Islaamka wax u qabato From the archives two years ago. Waxaa laga yaabaa inaad is weydiineysid , Maxaan Islaamka u Qaban Karaa? 1. Waxaad wax u qaban kartaa Islaamka Haddii niyadaadu ay khaalis Allah u noqoto, markaas, kaalin weyn baad qaadan kartaa, taasoo ku sugta addimadaada diintaan, naarna kaa badbaadisa. 2.Waxaad wax u qaban kartaa diintaan haddaad taqaanno dariiqa aad qaadeyso kaasoo u baahan cilmiga sharciga ah inaad taqaan, sidaa darteed in aad wax barato waa waddada loo qaado jannada. 3. Waxaad wax u qaban kartaa haddad ka faaiideysato wax walboo Allah uu kuu suuro geliyey si aad diintiisa ugu adeegto, Allah wuxuu yidhi, "Ku raadi wax walboo Allah kuu suuro geliyey daarta aakhiro, hana illaawin nasiibkaaga addunka kaa soo gaadhay" 4. Waxaad wax u qaban kartaa Islaamka haddad ka hormariso Islaamka danihiisa, danahaaga gaarka ah. 5. Waxaad wax u qaban kartaa Islaamka haddaad raacdo waddada ay mareen culimada iyo kuwa diinta dadka ugu yeedha, hadaba sabir, adkeyso, maxaa yeelay waxaad ku sugan tahay waddadii anbiyada Allah oo ah cibaado weyn. 6. Waxaad wax u qaban kartaa Islaamka haddad ka fogaato caajiska, bakheylnimada, carada dow, iyo fuleynimada, maxaa yeelay diinteenna waa diin xaq ah, qofkii aaminsanna uma eka siffadka xunxun. 7. Waxaad wax u qaban kartaa Islaamka haddaad qalbigaag ku xidho jeceylka Allah, Rasuulkiisa iyo saalixiinta, ood markaas badiso xasuusta Allah, Salaadda rasuulka, istighfaarka iyo inaad daa'imto akhrinta Quraanka, maxaa yeelay ma jiro wax ka eryi kara quluubta murugta oo Quraanka ka fiican, isla markaasna u kordhin kara murti iyo farxad. 8. Waxaad wax qaban kartaa Islaamka haddad waqtigaag habeysato ood maalin walba aad wax ka sameyso xuquuqda Allah, Mustafaha, Reerkaaga iyo ummadda. Markaas aad nafta kula halganto sidaad xataa hal qof aad uga fakin leheyd naarta. 9. Waxaad wax u qaban kartaa Islaamka haddad ku darto hammigaaga, oo uu faraxaaga iyo murugtaada ay noqoto mid ku xidhan hadba howshaad Islaamka u qabatay. 10. Waxaad wax u qaban kartaa Islaamka, hadba markaad aragto fursad aad ajar ku heli karto inaad u barattanto, u tarntanto oo ayan ku gafin illaa inaad xaqijiso. 2002 e-Nuri Somali Service i nuuri, aan ku nuurshee
From e-Nuri Somali Service Archives 2003 Editions. Halganka Xaqa Iyo Baatilka Walaalayaal Waxaa saman walba jira dagaal aan dhamaaneyn ilaa ay saacadda qiyaamaha istaagto. Dagaalkaas : 1: Dadka qaarkood waa arkayaan. 2. Dadka qaarkoodna waa fahamsan yihiin waxa dhacaya. 3. Daka qaarkoodna si xikmad leh bey wax uga qabanayaan. 4. Qaar kale oo badanna, waxa la isku heysto waa moog yihiin. Sidaan ogsoonnahay Xaqqu, wuxuu ku tiirsan yahay naftiisa oo keliya. Maxaa yeelay Wuxuu la magac yahay Allah SWT oo magacyaashiisa qurxan ( Asmaa'ul Xusnaa) uu ka mid yahay Magaca Al Xaqq. Allahna uma oggolaan addoontiisa Xaqa ku taagan iney wakiishaan cid kale (Allaa tattakhiduu min duunii wakiilaa) Marka Xaqa markii taariikhda dib loogu laabto, waxaan aragnaa inuu weligii ku taagnaa taagtiisa oo qura. Xaqqu marna kuma tiirsado waxaan xaq aheyn. Maxaa yeelay hadduu Xaqu ku tiirsado waxaan xaq aheyn, wuxuu noqdaa sida caano biyo lagu daray, Barax, caano ma aha, biyona uma eka Baaddilka, oo ah waxaan xaq aheyn, wuxuu ku tiirsdaa waxaan taagtiisa aheyn, oo taag kale ah. Baaddilku, sii loo meel mariyo wuxuu u baahan yahay in la qurxiyo ( well packaged, well advertised and well presented, like cancer causing Marlboro cigatettes) Baaddilku wuxuu u baahan yahay in loo ekeysiiyo wax fiican oo la maldaho ( disguised) Baaddilku wuxuu u baahan yahay in la garab qabto oo la taakuleeyo ( material support). Haddii la isu dhaafo Xaq iyo baaddil oo qeexan (pure), oo mid walba xaqiiqadiisa la soo saaro, mar walba waxaa guuleysta Xaqa. Laakin, Xikmad Allah darteed, ayaa loo dhaafay , loona oggolaaday in baaddilku uu ulo badan ku dagaallamo. Xaqana, uu ku dagaallamo, Xaqnimadiisa oo qudha, taasoo ka xoog badan hub walba haddii lagu sabro. Si aan isula fahamno arrintaas, bal aan dib ugu laabanno Quraanka, Siirada, iyo nolosha Nabigeenna SAWS. Aan is warsanno: Maxaa ka yeelay in Qureysh oo ka taag weyn kana tiro badan Nabi Muxammad SAWS in ay isugu tagaan hal nin. Ninkaas, oo ah nin ayaga ka mid ahaan jirey, oon lacag leheyn, Nabigeenna wuxuu la yimid, kalmadda xaqa ah ee laa ilaaha illa Allahu. Kalmaddasna wexey u taagneyd XAQ Kalmaddaas wexey ka soo horjeedday baaddilka ay matalaayeen ooy Qureysh ahaayeen Agents, . Marka, markuu xaqa yimid, baaddil waa cabsaday. Qureysh wexey la timid dhowr Talo(Proposal) 1. In Nabi Muxamed laga dhigo Zaciim, madax 2. In Nabi Muxamad uusan xumaan ka sheegan ilaahyada Qureysh, ama uu sharfo. 3. In la qaybsado maamulka, oo qureysh diinteeda iyo tan Islaamka ay wada noolaadaan. (peaceful coexisitence) Talooyinkaas sida kuu muuqata waa talooyin caanaha biyo lagu badhxayo. sidaa darteed Allah wuxuu soo dajiyey aayado lagu adkeynayay mowqifka rasuulka SAWS. 1. Haddaanaan ku sugi leheynna, waxaad ku dhawaan leheyd inaad in yar u liicdo dhinacooga. 2. Wexey rabeen inaad ogolaato in wax la qaybsado, si ay wax kuula qaybsadaan ( Suurat Nuun) 3. Ku dheh, gaalo yahay, uma hoggaansani waxaad u hoggaansan tihiin, idinna ma tihiin kuwa u hoggaansan waxaan u hoggaansanahay....., ku ekkaada habkaad ku dhaqantaan, aanna waxaan ku dhaqmi habkeyga. Macnaha ugu dhow Diin, afkeenna wa hab guud oo dhaqan. Habkaas ama waa mid Xaq ah, ama waa mid baaddil ah. Hadduu xaq yahay wuxuu ka socdaa kii dadka uumay Hadduusan ka imaan kii dadka uumay, dhaqankaas waa baaddil. Nabigana waxaa loo soo direy in dadku ku dhaqmaan siduu Allah raalli ka yahay oo qudha. Sidaa darteed, waxaad aragtaa in anbiyada Allah ay mar walba isku xiri jireen, Towxiidka iyo dhaqanka dadka. Nabiyaasha Allah wexey mar walba dadkooda ka wanin jireen "Ha addeecina musrifiinta, kuwa fasaadiya dhulka oonan wax wanaajin." " Kuwaasna waa ( Dadkii)Caad, wey ka juxuudeen aayaad rabbigooda, wexeyna ku caasiyeen rasuul yaashii uu soo direy, wexeyna daba keceen, mid walboo xoog badan oo madax adag." " Xaqqa, wuxuu ka yimaadda oo qudha , Allah, hadaba ha noqonin mid shakiya" Haddad marka dib u eegto waxaa ku muuqanaya in dadka baaddilka wata marwalba ay baaddilkooda ku socodsiin jireen xoog. Fircown, markii uu Nabi Muuse ka raayey muranka, wuxuu adeegsaday askartiisa si uu cidhib tiro muminiinta. Ilaa iyo maanta sunnada Fircown waa socotaa, ahlul baaddilka wexey baaddilokoda ku socod siiyaan taageero aan Allah ka imaan. Allahna haddu doono waa ka reyn karaa dadka baaddilka wata, laakin, Allah qaarkeen buu qaar kale ku imtixaanaa. Dadka xaqa watana, zaman kasta ay joogaan, waa laga qaada tabarta maaddiga ah, waxaana loo dhaafa iimaanka. Markaas ayaa lagu imtixaana, in ay iimaankooga heysan karaan, markii baaddilka keensado, xoog weyn iyo taageero badan. iimaanka dadkiisa ma heystaan waaxaan aheyn XAQA, maxaa yeelay saan u soon sheegnay, Xaqu iskiisuu u taagan yahay. Baaddilkuna wuxuu ku taagan yahay waxaan asaga aheyn. Haseyeeshee Xaqa waa ku filan yahay inuu hor istaago baaddilka, uuna ka raayo. Nabi Ibraahim waxaa lagu tuuray Dab. Fircown wuxuu laayey carruurta banii Israaeel. Asaxaabul Ukhduud dab ayaa lagu tuuray Qureysh wexey cadaabtay kuwii Islaamay. Hadaba, siduu Allah yidhi, "Wa li Rabbika fasbir" Rabbigaagan u sabir ( Ku sabir inaad ku jirto daacaddiisa hadwalba). Nur 2003 e-Nuri Somali Language Service Serving you so you can serve Allah
Ranya sis That is right, it always present as Allah SWT says that it is wide enough to accomodate everything, however, those who disbelief and die with it are not covered with Raxmah , Allah SWT says that they " Ya isuu min Raxmatii" they have can not expevt my Raxmah. Also, Raxmah has granularity, I mean it is scalable in that all Raxmah do not carry the same weight, so Raxmah manifests itself in many ways, small and big, hidden and and apparent as Allah SWT says " Wa asbagha calaykum nicamahu dhaahiratan wa baatina" He ( Allah) has had anointed you with his hidden and apparent Nimahs ( or Raxmah)" So based on the above logic, one can receive a Raxmah in terms of breathing, but may be not get Raxmah to follow the path of Allah SWT, being healthy is Raxnah, but being sinful is no Raxmah. I hope that is clarified. Nur
Later, I organized my thoughts to create a benevolent forum to leverage this great marriage offer; Dear Readers I have received a serious marriage proposal on this forum. When I began my effort on this thread, e-marriage was not in my mind, but due to the level of growing support of my posts, Allah has blessed me with the respect of a serious sister who posted a serious message and an offer for marriage, which as of this time I am considering. The only thing that worries me is that I can not guarantee that my sense of humor would not critically threaten her welbeing, particularly in private, I have battle grade humor, and it is no laughing matter. In case this marriage or any other e-marriage on Somalinet is approved by Allah's qadar, I thought about the details of the wedding night and the wedding party so enjoy reading this piece. WEDDING INVITATION Dear Nationalists Dear Tribalists Dear Anarchists Dear Islamists It has been a great hegira year discusing with you all matters that concern our Somali people, and I am sure that we have grown to love each other despite our differences, Although I do not know you in real life, I have really enjoyed your frankness behind your screen names that protect you in the real life, and because you are so honest, even when you shower me with praises and names that I do not recognise like $%#*&^%#, or Mooriyaan, etc, I usually smile, and sometimes I laugh, and pray that Allah guides you, because I know that if the Satan in you is removed from your systems that you can make great friends, I must also admit that lately the anarchists are becoming an endangered species so it is important we list them with CITES organization, for their protection. CITES stands for Committe International Treaty of Endangered Species, it is French Acronym, to pronounce French language hold your nose when you speak english, that should be good enough for the Anarchists level of lingusitics skills. Here is how the Wedding Cerimony will be worked out. 1. Organization of the Wedding, from A to Z, will be the responsibility of my Anarchists friends. 2. Wedding Vows will be administred by the Nationalists Clergy 3. Singing and Buraambur will be done by Tribalists 4. The whole thing will be governed by the Islamists. I am sure that most of you will agree on the set up. The Anarchists will be responsible in contacting the florists, catering company, transportation of the couple to the Hotel, the security and etc. Whenever I see present day Somalia, Somaliland, Villa Somalialand, Kaaraanland, Jaziraland, Isgoyskaland, Kismayo Dilly Dallyland, dhoobeey riverineland, Puntland, it makes me think how much work the anarchists have done the last twelve years to keep the disorder and disunityof our great country. This will be a great opportunity for the anarchists to prove that they have benefited from NURTEL Comminications. The tribalists in order to write the poems of buraambur will be provided the Qabiil genealogy list of the couple all the way to Adam and Eve. In addition to the names and folklore of the heroes of both sides of the couples genealogy, like Cag Bakayle, the fallen Qurac hero who fought the Qansax clan with galantry, and dying for the cause of his clans dignity and goats. The Natinalists are expected to brush on their forgotten Fiqh Islamic books in order to becomes the shiekhs who will perform the Marriage cerimony, they need to decide if the Bride can wear a guntiino for the marriage, dirac, or hijaab, this decision will be honered with the Nationalists conscience knowing that the couple are Islamists. The Islamists job is to assess the overall performance of the above activities and groups learning curve, and to measure their achievements, helping each group do their best. After the wedding, all the particpants will be invited to form a government for Somalis, a job that will have to go to the tribalists due to their extensive experience in Arte and El Doret conventions. Your feedback and comments are appreciated. Nur
After fulfilling my duties on Somalinet last hree years, I recieved many enquiries about me, but this one was the most heartbreaking, she is the lady I wished I see in Paradise, I hope she is MORE , becasue this life can't please me enough: Here is her offer: " NUR it is me agian after waiting your personal email for days i have decided to bring it out on the open air i want you to marry me and i don't care whether you have 3 , 2 or 1. Just don't have 4....what a shame " I Was shaken, Whey me! I am just an internet Wadaad making Dawa, and look at this offer, where was she when I was not doing Dawa work? Here was my light hearted response to this anonymous admirer sister: Dear Admirer above You write: " NUR it is me agian after waiting your personal email for days i have decided to bring it out on the open air i want you to marry me and i don't care whether you have 3 , 2 or 1. Just don't have 4....what a shame" Just Before Gulf War I responded: Answer: looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool I can't remember smiling this wide for a long time, people around me here think I am going out to lunch, to places like (WACO). But I am no Yicib, for sure. Wallahi this is by far the most supportive statement of moral high ground anyone has braved to send to me, I am sure the Nationalists, The Tribalists and the anarchists in this Forum are burning with jealousy, to get such an admiration, not for my person, but for wahat I stand for, My principles. Anyway, I will assure you that if this thing materializes , it will be the first Web Marriage on Somalinet, It will be webcasted to te far corners of the world, and entire Mangement of NURTEL Communications will be present, clapping the hands for the happy couple, while the Nationalists, Tribalists and Anarchists look on in daze. I am going to work out the details of such a scenario just in case it happens like the gulf war. But again, I am thrilled, I felt I am on a rollercoast ride, not about the serious proposal, but about the moral support you have fused to this page, I am going to make you a lot of Duaa that Allah makes you meet a man far better than me, because I feel marying someone like you is an honor for me, but, with your courage and principle, I feel that I am a bit lower than you are. Just to make it more thrilling, I had a dream two nights ago that there was a message for me from a sister with a serious marriage proposal. The only problem is that if I marry four sisters form Somali net forum, what about the other sisters? Nur
Dalmar, the chief debator for the Secularists finally had this to say: Nur, I will be practical, fair and serious at the same time and hope those who are lurking my comments will learn from Nationalist critic viewpoint. First: No one is rejecting Islamic religion or its rules. Second: We are all Muslims though some are real hypocrites whom carry the name of Islam only. Third, my points will be based on historic misdeeds that Ikhwaan wahabis commits in the name of deen and never dare to correct it Now, there is Somali adage saying: Dadku waa wadaad iyo waranle. Another Somali proverb was saying if wadaad's added to women's world then they can outnumber the male’s world!!! I believe the the two adages are true and fair in the context of current Somali world (excluded Sayid and Axmed Gurey stand whom really fought well their believe in rare bravery and vision) Let’s present my comments on the thread by saying Somali wadaad's has presence in the following spheres in our Somali contemporary lifes with fair credit: 1. Teaching Islam. They did good job where thousand of malcaamad were established across Somalia beside schools. That was good move though few might manipulated for their ends. Overall picture is not that bad. My younger brother graduated from one of their schools and I liked the way he read Quran and sunnah let alone behaves in house. He is really Xaafid reading very nice Tajwiid 2. Relief Organization: No Somali group has played a positive role in this regard than wadaads. They earned the trust of Somali donors in west. After the collapse of said regime they really did good job by helping the poor in rare dedication. I can say they would do better had they had better organization, vision and leadership. 3. Sponsoring Poor and orphans, Here in Wellington as well as Muslim centers you can see easily group of Somali wadaads who internationalize the plight of our people. Since we pay all kind of donation to all Muslim causes it was good to see a group of wadaad's representing the Somali case. Despite their disunity among their ranks, disorganization and competing nonsense mantra for most of the time, they were able to present Somali people plight in fair manner. 4. Education and healthcare delivery I visited couple of times to Bosaaso and Galkacyo as well as Hargeysa and Burco and else where Somalia, I found their contribution of this area vary from one region to another. While you feel their strong presence in Bari you find mixed results in Mudug as well as woqooyi Galbeed. The rest of Somalia is the same track though I know Mogadishu may be their stronghold in education and outpatient clinics. But again, they lack organization skills and nation thinking in Somalia. Economic impact; Somali ikhwans succeeded and captured the magic of Somali baby business spirit but fail to capitalize for their cause if they had any. From Bari to Berbera to Mogadishu all the way to southland you find them in control the business cycle machine but their fragmented nature make them fail to niche Somali marketplace. Their economic power serve no national purpose and you feel as they are enjoying only as capitalist thinking aspect. There is neither long-term vision nor serious planing of merging or acquisition in their own region to create economic powerhouse that benefit the Somali society. Moreover, they couldn't able to serve the poor as message of Islam demand them loud and clear. Still Somali baby economy with the good return on investment didn't address the in equality among the ranks of wadaads let alone Somali wayn. I see them very fragmented and fragile let alone very selfish in nature were suppose they set a good example. Look I’m talking here in general terms. Otherwise common sense dictate good persons who defy the norms of any scale measurement. That was some summary of socio-economic impact they make it. What is their political impact rather Blunder? The answer is NIL. Despite their sheer number (millions) across Somalia, they fail to visualize the message of Islam. Instead they damage the image of Islam by practicing all kind of short-lived agenda, tribalism and alliance with local Somali warlords. And this is my serious critic on this group. Dear reader, whenever disaster happen in this world there is a thorough investigation of what went wrong. Then society is informed in plain language the result of investigation and someone in the organization will heed the blame for letting this to happen. Then better reorganization, solution and direction is recommended let alone adhered to. Somali ikhwans have military and political blunders and it seems, as the elephant in house no one want to talk about. My prove? a) They went war in Bari were they swept overnight all over Bari and Garowe and part of mudug. Within hrs they captured their staunchest archenemy Abdullaahi Yusuf. If they were truthful they would cut the head of the guy or negotiate with his release with better deal. In this critical war situation instead, their leaders simply betrayed their comrades. What follows next is everyone's guessing game. The young ikhwans was defeated quickly and slaughtered as sheep had been slaughtered in slaughterhouse. I was there at the time and know the detail of this betrayal. I saw my immediate family being slaughtered and been refused to bury their corpses. I know the deal these ****** ikhwan traitors did with ina ayeeyo and his groups. My immediate family buried more than dozen of my cousins after days of begging Abdullaahi Yusuf and Mohamed Abshir Haman who today live lavishly in MN, USA. This blunder was preventable and manageable but this cowardice ikhwan chose to betray these young men and left them in dark to find them this betrayal later. Then the blunder continues and fighting continues from lasqorey I watched everyday, inayeeyo soldiers inability to dislodge ikhwan from Lasqorey. While inayeeyo was ready to give up and felt been defeated, again the same ikhwaan leaders betrayed their masses in Lasqorey. For what cost. To save their families from the wrath of Abdullaahi Yusuf? No but to keep their elegance to their tribal leader live and strong!!!. These leaders were non other than my family and they chose to serve their tribal interest more than their ikwan message. Then overnight Ikhwans has become history and I still remember the laughing and crying of my relative on this situation. Did anyone Ikhwan ask why? Hell NO. All of them are disremembering collectively this holocust and surprising the same ***** tribalist leaders today read for them Bukhari and Muslim let alone lead them to this moment into unknown. Kismayo war blunder When civil mayhem erupted we ran to Kismayo, and ikhwan as usual tried to organize themselves. Overcourse of four months they become a powerhouse and soon face warlord Aidid. Somewhere close to kismayo ikhwan face to face Aidid group. Ikhwan was defeated though they put strong fight. I was told all ikhwans across Somalia rejected to help them accusing them defending Tribe. Again no independent investigation was conducted nor lessons were learned. Gedo Case Another political and military tragic blunder is Gedo case!!!. Ikhwan in Gedo was able to run the show in Luq for sometime. But where is Luq today from the Somali map? Axmara was not only the force that destroyed their save haven. Their same tribalist leaders destroyed again Luuq City. They first led smear campaign then they forced to give up Luuq. Wixii muxajabo la duukhaaley Allah umbaa og the day they were defeated. For those in Gedo they tried to put a fight but as usual the rest of ikhwan was clapping for their warlords and their sultan more than their breathers. Did any ikhwan do any thorough investigation? No way. As usual they accepted the lies and deception as their comrades was killed, maimed and destroyed without vision Ikhwan in Hargeysa/Burco There is a group of Waxda in Hargeysa who fail to distinquish themselves from SNM thugs, warlord Cigaal chess game and Riyaale NSS regime. Everywhere I see them they are telling you that they want Islamic rule while in fact they are working hard not happen Islamic rule. Can any ikhwan defend that? I doubt that. Ikhwan in Bari/Mudug/Garowe Today, Ikhwan in my regions are either ina ayeeyo supporters or Jamac cali camp. There r no national vision at all though in the afternoon you see them listening Bukhari and Muslim and tafsiir. During so-called warlord inayeeyo election I was surprised the magnitude and euphoria of ikhwan support of ina ayeeyo. Cidduu Allaah dulleeyo axad kaaraameeynayo ma jirto. Ikhwan in Mogadishu Muse yalaxow was one day shariif student and today he is leading his tribe to dead end. Ina Aidid soldiers today are former ikhwans. Cusman caato, qanyare etc. all are enjoying rare full support of former internationalist ikhwans. Gedo and kismayo are the same. Why is that? Ikhwan, fail to market the message of Islam. They love worldly stuff and that’s why they betrayed each other. They don’t have the following: Visionary honest leaders Strategic planing Reasonable timeline. Today, no longer you hear Islamic khilafa is their agenda & circles. They are loyal to their tribes more than their Islam. Otherwise billaa calayk why there is no ambitious of Islamic state and sincere effort in this regard. Moreover, why they failed to correct their political/military blunders for long time. PS. I saw a group of sheekhals who claim to be real ikhwans. Their scam is beyond reach. I knew them in Saudi Caraabiya when I was xamaali in Kiilo sabca. They are more harmful than the above group but cleverer in stealing money and defaming Somali name. But after all, both groups are ikhwans who fail to market the message of Islam correctly Dalmar Somali Nationalist Solider NZ And My quick answer: It was worth the wait, like great food, once served, I don't know where to start, thanks for your well thought out writeup, you have painted a picture many viewers may have not seen, and like they say, you will never understand someone until you wear their shoes, and walk a mile in them, by then, you have their shoes on, and you are a mile away (lol) DALMAR My first observation of your writeup is the romantisism with violence which is written all over the post, and contradictory with your search for peace and harmony. You say that the wadaads are viewed like women in Somali culture because they do not steal camel, raid other tribes, nor kill innocent people. If that categorizes women and Wadaads to be inferior, count me with them, I am on their side, and I would like to be with the company of the weak and poor and the helpless and the outcasts as prophetr Muhammad SAWS loved Bilaal, Salaman, Suhaib, theree slaves of Ethipian, Persian and Roman origins as his brothers, the prophet SAWS was reported as saying. " Axibbuu Al masaakinaa wa jaalisuuhum" Love the poor, and sit with them" and then, you paint another picture, of Wadaads fighting, but being ****** for releasing Abdullahi Yusuf when they could have dicapitated him rising easily to rule Bari, now I am lost, are you advocating the continuation of revenge and mayhem, by making wadaads mad and angry to go out and kill like other factions, or are you accusinng them for sheer ********* ? Unlike the common Somali, the wadaad have to operate and function while considering the following : 1. Allah 2. Family ties ( Raxim), he does nnot want harm for them 3. Livelihood, but only halaal income 4. Islamic probogation 5. human nature ( Nafsul ammaara) they are no saints to be held as infallible ( macsuum) creatures. 6. Satan. 7. Limited knowledge of political trick-o-treat and lies that comes with the political territory. 8. External enemies As you can see, it is tough to solve such an equation and come out clean, don't you agree? Measuring the most trivial of their accomplishments in your eyes, ( Your brother Reading Quraan with Tajweed) against all these obstacles, I must admit, it is indeed a great achievement. One letter of Quraan weigh much heavier in Allah's eyes than power and politics. Overall, I agree with you that they have done some good and some wrong, and that makes them humans like you and me, let us measure all with one yardstick, that way , we can see the difference, and similiraties and then begin to understand them which paves the way for our sympathy and reproachment. Your wrap up of the Ikhwan activities in all regions was interesting, I also think that the current affairs of the wadaads leaves a lot to be desired, and here lies the wisdom of carrying the torch and correcting their mistakes as a brother, not as an fighting them as an adversary, thus eroding all the positive work that you have mentioned. You see brother, the western world is developed due to institutions, laws and controls, set to make the sysytem work, because the people in the west wanted it that way, they are not fleeing anywhere like us and they are not seeking refuge in Africa, so they learned to live together by upholding a law. The most prestigious of Americans are the lawyers. But because the law is is man made, it looks like swiss cheese, it has alot of loopholes, 20% of the rich finance elections to control law makers and that is where you see injustice. But they have a system at least. In contrast, Allah revealed to us a law to live with, a law that is complete and that guarantees happiness in this life and happiness in th elife to come, we complain fo hardships when we have hurt ourselves by not obeying Allahs laws, as a result , we became worthless because we neither have the western law, nor Allahs law, so we fall between cracks, we lost good life on earth, and we do not have a better chance than the Gaalo. And our people, love baashing Our Wadaads who settle disputes by the law of the Sharia calling them worthjless and as impotent as women, which is another negative remark on our society that women are seen as inferior, which is wrong, According to Islam, women are complimentary to men, not a slave nor an adversary. So, until we learn to go by the book, all the book, and nothing but the book, we will miss both worlds, and be real munaafiqs who Allah referred to as : " Laa ilaa haa ulaa, walaa ilaa haa ulaa" They are not with those ( gaalo), nor with the others ( miulsims)" I have a lot in mind, and I have to go, I will be back on these boards after Eid, EID MUBAARAK TO ALL Till then May Allah guide us all to the write path Amin Walaalkiin Nur I received more responses centering on preserving Somali culture which is threatened by Islamic culture and Arabs. Here are some of my replies: On 2003-02-06 06:53, Anonymous wrote: Nur, I accept and respect your position that is giving the least bit about Somali culture." When it comes to Somali Culture versus Islam, you bet, I give priority to Islam, if Islam is your least of priorities, YOU will get burned not me pal, so wake up, you are need to focus of what really counts. How is Somali Culture going to help you in the Day of judgement? you think that the dead wear Guntiino? You write; " You see we are not concerned about it but we see you destroying it." Answer: This statement is contradictory in terms, how can you see something dear to you being destroyed and be indifferent, it beats me. You write: " There are people who are concerned about their culture. " Answer: Good for them, let them make sure that it is line with Islam, otherwise, it will be their nightmare when they die. You write: "You know the funny thing, todays the wadaads want to keep the past previlage of being a religious person and not to be attacked but at the same time wants to interfere with politics and the social realm. You come out and you must be ready for some burning." Answer: I did not know that politics is reserved for ungodly people alone, anything that touches my life, or my wallet, better conform to Islam, otherwise I am not accepting it, period. If politics is dirty, why do you get involved, if it is noble and good, why exclude the wadaad? are you unsecure, thinking that if the people are given a choice they would follow the wadaad? apply what youy champion, freedom mof speech, let the wadaad say his word without being killed by a maniac anarchist. You've touched my nerve, I was out leaving, then I see your unsigned note, but I shall come back with more convicing argument before the death angle serves you your last notice, Allah owns you and me and everyhthing, he has a say on how we live, so do not rule Quraan out, his word is binding and the wadaads are trying to educate you, bite them and you will be bitten, by force majeure. Nur I responded to curiosity: " On 2003-02-17 07:57, Anonymous wrote: Brother Nur if you donot mind me asking where you from and what do you do? Are you a member of an islamic org. And are you married? If this is personal just say so. thanks " Answer: 1. No I do not mind being asked any question, I only reserve the righjt to answer. 2. Where I am from? This is a tough question for the following reasons. a. If I say I am from a particular geographical area, mathematicians on these boards will use the infromation to supply the Global Positionins System Satellite about my coordinates and before I finish my preacing mission, I become part of the problem, not what I wanted to be , which is to be part of the solution. 2. Your second question is rather easier, I am part of the Ummah, or the follwers of Muaxammad SAWS, and I follow the Sunnah as a method of faith in life, I am moderate in all issues, I shun extremes, knowing that Allah said, ( Wa jacalnaakum ummatan wasatan) ( we have made you a moderate nation) The Quraan is my constitution, The Sunnah is the Executive Engine for the Quraan, the membesr are all who accept the principle of Tawheed everywhere, including Jinn. 3. The last question is interesting, but if you do not mind, I am curious, why do you ask? You owe me one answer, and I am eager to hear from you. Walaalkaa Nur
From Past Dialogues I engaged with Somali Secularists, enjoy. This is an open discussion between me and DALMAR, it will revolve around intellectual disussions that affect Somalis in these troubles times. I am posting this thread as a response to Dlamar who felt uneasy that I was not addressing questions he reaised on another thread about the Ikhwan ( Wadaads). Rules of engagement. This thread is primarily for clarifying the Nationalists and Islamists point of view on the fate of our homeland, it is meant to be educational and intellectual, all are invited to participate but we kindly ask all to abide by the following rules: 1. No Insults of any kind to anyone, anyone who insults anyone on this thread should not be taken as a serious debator, and should be ignored, that pesron is worth the words he speaks. 2. Be specific with your claims, back up all your claims with credible evidence to be taken seriously. 3. Do not generalize, make sure not to take an incident and say that all people with Red shirts are bad because the killer wore a Red shirt. 4. Be brief as much as possible. 5. Be fair, treat others the way you like to be treated. 6. Be objective, remember that we need to get somewhere at the end, going in circles is not economical. 7. Rememver that Allah is a witness of all we do, so be careful. Now I am inviting Brother DALMAR to make his point on how he sees that the Wadaads involvement in our homelands sociopolitical scene, later I will respond to his points. Let us show the world that we Somalis can disagree, debate and agree without a single shot, this will show we are mature, and we deserve a change in our lives and our fate. The Dialogue began: A very intelligent sister had this to say: Nur, what have the Somali wadaadads accomplished or contributed to the Somali political discourse for the past 40+ years? Do the wadaads subscribe to a political agenda different than the one advocated by thier 'warlord', 'hogaamiye-kooxeed' or 'ganacasade-qabqable' ? To the above anonymous who thinks the Talibans are a model muslims. Please read the history of this group and note how they treat the weak and the dis-franchised among them. Asraar ARAAR I am not sure if you are the same Asraar I have read her messages before, but your questions here caught me unprepared, due to inconsistency of the latter's positions with the former Asraar, anyway here are my answer. I am not representing a particular Islamic group to speak about accomplishments of the past 40 years, but I can say that Islam in Somalia went through two phases and we are in the third. 1. The first phase was hundreds of years ago, in the North of Somalia, Sheikh Yusuful Kowneyn introduced a creative methods of teahing Quraan phonetics adabtable to Somali language ( Alif wax ma leh). His students carry Islam to their tribal lands , Islam becomes ingrained in the Somali Culture seamlessly, a Somali = Muslim by default. 2. In the Sixties, Sheikh Nur Cali Colow, begins his Islamic purification movement in Mudug, he is labeled bidci by the Sufi orders, many young people follow him, angering the Sufis, and they quarrel with the Sufis, and in the early seventies, a scholar from Al Azhar, Shiekh Mohamed Moallim begins his famous Quraan Tafsir in Mogadishu, and the Islamic movement of Somalia becomes noticeable, the government feels threatened, and it culminates with the uprise of the 11 Ulema and their subsequent public execution after they declared that Siad barre was Kaafir for his Decree of the family law which was in contempt of the Quraan, the most superior source of legislation. The objective of the Islamic movememnt in thsi phase was: 1. Education ( Quraan and Hadeeth) 2. Moral and akhlaaq correction 3. Political influence to make all laws of the land islamic friendly at first and islamic at the end. Because the government declared Marxsim Lenninsm as the official ideolgy of the country, Islam appealed to all the youth who saw being anti establishment was cool, and later, found Islam to be really cool. The result of the second phase of Islamic dawa was: 1. More adherence to the Islamic tenets, prayer, modest dress code for women, the mini became out of fashion, and the night clubs attendance dwindled to its lowest, closing many night spots and thus a new puritanical philosophy was born, one that emphasized dignity and a sense of purpose. Young wadaads would not smoke, inhale, drink or sleep around, he or she would be a community activist, calling his family for islam and good manners, the effect of these young people is still rippling through the ages as of today. 3. The present: The present phase is more realist and mature in its approach of Dawa. It sees that all different Islamic factions have something to affer, the emphasis is not the difference, rather the integration of streams for the purpose of reaching and teaching as a priority, no confrontation, but complimenting, and dialogue with wisdom as the best vehicle for understanding. I belong to this group and my posts are a testament. Another debator had this response: NUR i did not have opportunity to reply you in the old ikhwaan topic....but if iam not wrong you had a negative thought about the traditional "XEER" laws of somalis. Is there something wrong with it. Yes it is based on somali tradition but i dont see it conflicting with Islam. Nor do i see it irrelavant in modern way of life. And you also mentioned that a mistake of one or group of ikhwaans coould be held accountable for all ikhwaans. I think you are wrong in this. Since all ikhwaan have common believes and ajenda ,act and do deeds in common way.then the action of one should be the action of all. And finally a question. if for instance the ikhwans have their wishes comes true and form a government in somalia. what would that government be like. eg in terms of education,science development,politics and social life,on islam,and on relationship with the rest of the world.and on future somali society. etc. and could you make any comparison with a known islamic government in the past or present. Signed DICK My answer: Dick DICK Th Xeer, was tribal laws, and Allah banned any law other than his law, this is the essence of SURRENDER TO ALLAH, laws are made by sovreigns, and Allah is the only sovreign, can you name another one? Allahu SAMAD. About the education plan , it is for the creation of a moral majority in our homeland, hardworking, honest and morally superior Somalis, to that end it is working, many mistakes were committed by wadaads, but overall, the school of hardknocks has taught diligence and patience. Nur later, I received demands of more clarifications of my answers, her is my response to Dick and Asraar: Dick You are right brother, my answer was cosmetic at best for a rather important set of questions, so let me attempt the first one: You write: nur " but where would a traditional xeer be at conflict with Sharia " My Answer: Bismillah Xeer, the Somali tribal code of justice for settling differences is an age old accumulated agreements compiled as codes that most tribal followers adhere to, respect and never dare to crsoo its lines. The Xeer, got this stature due to ferocious enforcement of the chiefs, anyone who dares to belittle the xeer, gets spanked, and the enforcement agency for the Xeer is the Tribal Chief whose job is conflict resolution. A joke from the Norh East goes like this: A man was angry at another man, he threatens to kill him and chases him, the victim pleads for mercy asking him to spare his life for the sake of the Prophet, and the angry man continues pursuing him, then he pleads for the sake of Allah and again, it did not help him, then the man envokes Xaaji Jaamac, the tribal Chief as his refuge, and Presto, the angry man says " Meel xun baad iga gashay" The joke delivers some sobering lessons: 1. Xeer is a respectable law 2. Law enforcement Officer, the Chief is Sovreign, in real terms, he is the ruler of the clan, not Allah. 3. Xeer tolerates disobying Allah, but not the Tribal Chief, power center of the tribe. Said all of that, let us answer the question: Where does traditional Xeer be in conflict with Sharia?" You see brother, it all depevds how we define the xeer, here are several: 1. A stand alone code of justice ( SAMAD) 2. An administrative directives supporting the adherence to the Sharia, the superior law of the land, an intermediate step in transmitting Allah's law for ignorant tribesmen who may not know Allah very well. The first definition is clearely in conflict with the Sharia, which borrows its legitimacy from the owner of the Somalis and their habitat and everything else, his law is binding and no one is allowed to against them. Allah may allow people not to follow his law if they can find other lands, and can shed their bodies like snakes to have bodies not made by Allah. The second definition is plausible with a lot of care, we have to teach our elders that the Xeer should serve as an enofrcement agency for the sharia, it needs to be amended with clauses that guarantee the sovreignty to Allah alone in every sense possible, all of the Xeer must align with the Sharia, providing a Somali Explanation of Allah's intent in any specific law, it shall act like a travel agency for an airline, the Xeer will only enforce the sharia, the Chiefs need to learn the moral of the Sharia, the engine for the Xeer, which is : 1. Protection of the human life ( all life, including reer Qansax's life) 2. The protection of human property ( for all) 3. The protection of Human dignity ( for All ) 4. The brotherhood of all those who believe in Allah, his messenger and the day of judgemenmt. Allah says in Suuratul Xadiid : " We have sent our messengers with clear signs and we have furthre sent down with them the book and the criteria ( of distinction between good and bad) so mankind may uphold justice" The Sharia thus is sent down for justice, and the justice has two folds: A. Fairness to the creator ( repect him by obedience, and make him not equal with his creatures in no way) B. Fairness with his creatures: Do not deny them the right to life, property and dignity. So, the crux of the problem relies on how the Xeer is defined Your second question is interesting. As the new breed of wadaads, I have learned hard lessons not to Compete with the common man I want to win his heart over for Allah in the direction he is competing: 1. Money 2. Power My example is our prophet Muhammad SAWS, who refused all kind of power and wealth in the beginning of his mission, only to see all power and wealth come to him. My formula is winning hearts and minds for Allah, and very peacefully while doing it, if you slap me, I will not slap you back, I am under dhiker control, all my actions are remotely controlled by Allah, and the only times that I goof, it is because of Ghaflah, not rememnbering Allah in that specific instance. In these troubled times, we need to make compassion, forgivenss, and caring for one another our ideals, because we have seen the other side of the fence and it is not green, a fly trying to get out of a window will die trying hundred times doing the same thing, when some thing does not work, try something different, and in our current debacle, why not give Islam a shot? Sister ASRAAR The wadaad is definetly different, to solve a problem, one has to rise above the level that created the problem in the first place, and the level the wadaad has risen to is the highest possible, Islam, a total surrender to the will of Allah SWT. Are the wadaads living up to that lofty level? I have my doubts, but at least they are working in that direction, and personally, if I am painting a house for you, I may not follow my pianting manuals and drawings very well, which may confuse you, but I would appreciate that you show me were I missed so I can paint agin, but please do not distablilize and throw me off by pulling my ladder and hiring a blindfolded painter who has only power ( temporary that is) but lacks vision to paint your house. A house built on Taqwa from day one is better.. don't you agree sister? Nur More angry people write back, one of them Mr (X) accuses me of raping Islam, here was my rebuttals: To Mr (x) You write: " I think you are raping the religion. " Answer: Brother, anyone reasonable person who reads my post and this comment may think that you either do not know the meaning of the word RAPE, or RELIGION, I have my doubts that you are a scholar of Religion, so that leaves me have a reason to believe that your usage was not accurate. So clarify, otherwise you may not be credible in your judgement. You Write; " You are behaving like a politician by twisting words to get your points across. " Answer: Alxamdulillah that we agree that you can not trust politicians, I also think the same way about politicians, let us get better people, honest people who will rperesnt our peoples wishes without any personal stake for themselves in this present life. What remains to be clarified is a proof to back up your claims, I clearly wrote that I am not in competition with you on seeking power or money, so where do you get the idea that I am lying? The only goal I have is to appeal to your conscious, which you are too scared to poen up for Allah, relax brother, I am a friend, not an enemy. You Write: "You are describing Somali Xeer or the tribal heads to be sovereigns drawing a sinister picture" Aswer: I am sure that you learned this surah as a kid, let us revisist and understand: " Say Allah is ONE Allah is SAMAD ( SOVREIGN)" Look up your Webster dictionary for the meaning of the word SOVREIGN. After research, you will find that the word means no one has an authority over the SOVREIGN. The Sovreign MUST own a DOMINION, and Allah owns the UNIVERSE, let me know who is challenging this statement. The Sovreign by virtue of his ownership of his Dominion , passes laws. Examples are: 1. The Law of Moses ( Towraat) the ten commandments. 2. The Law of Jesus ( Enjil) 3. The Law of Quraan. This law is superior to any law before, and after. It is in effect and people have the right to disobey, and Allah has the right to punish, in this life and the the next. So, make your move. You write: " The only think clear from here is the ambition of Ikhwans to call the shots. Your group is only interested in power and are in a mission to discredit and finally destroy other power bases" Brother: You are intoxicated with POWER. Why no try humility for a change, like living a simple life, helping the poor orphans and widows, teaching Quraan to the ignorant, counselling troubled teens to be better citizens, helping people live a decent life, advising them against Qat, Alcohol, wild parties, murder, lies, and instead instill in them Good characters ( Akhlaaq) of trustworhiness, truth in speech, dependability etc, some of what the wadaads are attempting to do if you let them. The wadaad, is attempting to carry you on his back to safetyland in the next life by teaching you to live good in this life following Allah's commands, and you want to bite the wadaad, you can kill him, but you will not stay behind for long, and by then, the truth will surface, and it will be too late, there is no UNDO button in Aakhira, Microsoft Corporation products do not operate in that environment. You write; " I cannot start a full diatribe now for I do not have time but I will be back" Answer I can not wait the thriller. Nur Now Dick and I are getting closer, but still emotions are high. Here is my answer to his concerns; quote] On 2003-02-04 00:06, DICK wrote: ok how about the other question about an ikhwaan government. i dont think you gave me reply on that apart from srcatching the surface. just explain to me and the rest of us here .....how an Ikhwaan government would govern the land. And please be specific and detailed if possible. and please find comparison with past and present islamic government.eg the talibans,saudis,iranian or pakistanis or the malay/indonasians.or any other past islamic government.And please specify what effect such government would have on somalis and the world at large. and finally why would such government would be better than any other non islamic government. " Dear DICK When your car is stuck in mud, sometime going back, can help you go forward. Somalis do not have a central government, but they do have governments, if you read my Diatribe on Somalia System 91.0 System Development, on these boards, you can notice how I view the current state of affairs, sarcastically. So let us go back, the question that worries most people is how can a religious people run a government. We shall visit that, the second is, Religion and politics should be separated, we will also visit that topic too, but let me share with you how I see this issue of Sharia in the present circumstances. I believe, without some wisdom, we can be our own enemies. A sister asked me on another thread the need to enforce the stoning of the adulterer clause in the Sharia in our country today, here was my response, please read and reflect, In my next post, you will be ready for my asnwers, here is the text of my response: Islam is a wholesome way of life, it was completed at the time of prophet Muhammad SAWS. Later, the years that followed, Islam as a community, witnessed blossoming, and then slow death that many are betting that it is all over today. The first community of Islam were persecuted in Makkah, they fled to Medina and found sympathy among the people of Medina who supported this new faith and gave it a launching pad. It was in Medina that the laws of stoning were reconfirmed, as the Jews who lived in Medina had the same law in their holy books ( read Suuratul Maaedah). When I say the laws were reconfirmed , I mean that the laws of Moses were binding until Muhammad SAWS appeared, at that point, the new prophet through divine revelation, had the choice to either abolish or sustain that law. ( the law was sustained) Early in the last Century, The Caliphate, represented by Sultan Abdul Hamid of Turkey was dismantled and a new secular Turkey identifying itself with Europe was born. In a way, the last nail was hammered on the coffin of the Islamic Nation that lasted for 1400 years. Afterwards, nation- states were born and the European nations inherited much of the inheritance of this dead Caliph. Holland Taking Indonesia, and the rest divided in the Berlin Conference that pretty much feasted on the world map as its rightful colonies. As Somalis, we became the property of three colonial masters, The British, Italians and the French. Because of that division, today, we eat fish and chips, spaghetti, and chocolate soufflé respectively. So you can see how united we are as a nation. The last century witnessed the rebirth of Islam, after many Muslim intellectuals dusted out our lost heritage and realized the extent of damage done to our existence as a viable faith and a message for mankind. These intellectuals, from Pakistan to Tunis, called for the rebirth of Islam as a state, not merely as a religion. Because unlike Christianity, Islam was formulated from the beginning as a state for the faithful. The proof of this statement resides in the Library of Congress, not in the card catalogue, but on the Main Dome roof as you walk in, look up the Main Dome Roof to see ISLAM engraved on the roof next to France and Britain as a state among states. A living and a fair testament America is offering the Muslim world for a lasting recognition. Today, Islam is going through tumultuous times to reestablish itself, however, the times have changed not in the sense of technology, but in the sense, that, both Christianity and Judaism, our sister religions have been marginalized and are no longer religions for social change, and Islam is expected to follow suit. Based on that quick background, many Islamic activists who want to reestablish Islam as a state for the faithful differ greatly, just as the Jews who have established Israel have differed on the creation of Israel, each one of them interpreting it his own way. But the Jews ( as a faith and nation ) got their state when Britain's Balfour Declaration gave the Jews Palestine after the holocaust and the fundamentalist Jews were forced to go with the secular interpretation of the creation of Israel. So today Muslims are living in nation states, grouped along geographical and ethnic lines, not faith. The laws of these nations are secular in nature with some honor mentioning of Islam as the official religion of the state, in most so called constitutions. The practical laws of these nations are the European colonial laws, like the French law, which ironically have borrowed some laws from the Hanafi school of thought, specially in the inheritance law. In light of that background, and the fact that Islam as a legal entity is disenfranchised, taking the Islamic law into ones hands will portray Islam very badly to an audience that is in dire need for it. Applying part of Islamic laws in makeshift courts, will alienate those who are sympathetic to Islam, because the beauty of Islam resides in its enforcement of Islamic laws as a WHOLESOME and COMPLETE jurisprudence, not selective pieces and parts. The laws of Islam can only be enforced within a community that is willing to abide by the moral of the law before the letter of the law, and we all know, that such a community, does not exisit today, even if it exists in a geographical terms, it does not yet have the international community mandate or understanding that it needs to declare such a sovereign state. We are thus in changing times, and as times change, we are suddenly finding ourselves again in old Mecca township and village setting, a small world after all, indeed. And as such, we as Muslims have to deal with this new reality wisely by looking into the early Meccan period and the persecutions of the faithful and the Divine strategy of focusing their attention on the spiritual aspect and prayers and not on wars, retaliation and revenge, even when when unjustly attacked, Allah says: ( stop retaliating and establish regular prayers) Quraan. In conclusion, Islam today governs the individual, not the community, so, up until a willing community which can best represent Islam in all spheres of life is born, applying the Islamic law may not serve the best interests of Islam. A spare part for a Ford, will not work on a GM. Nur
Somealien I am also a a convert from Somalinet Boards, my intention there was to clean up the site, but as a lone warrior, I was overtaken by the shear sewage, for that reason before I left, I posted a Job Advertisement for the Somalinet staff, but they never got my drift. Below is the Nurtel mock Advertisement with subliminal message to cllean the site: JOB Opening COMPANY : NURTEL COMMUNICATIONS JOB : Web Site Ethical Planner 5 Positions/Waste Mangement Department. NURTEL Communications is self imposed responsible for the Ethical content and Spiritual growth of Somalis who read and benefit from these posts, ethical screening and foul language management in Somalinet General Forums. The General Forums is read by a vast majority of the Somalinet readership and many other linked reader traffic. Our responsibilities flow from our dual missions: To Light up the Dull boards with good content and to Nurture the mindset of Somalis with useful infromation that will help them grow in this life and the next. To achieve these goals, this department of waste management is responsible to manage growing amount of filth and slime posted by troubled individuals mindest affected by the civil war, some beyound any known cure so that other NURTEL departments can provide a high quality content. The job of this department paves the way for viewers to have a receptive minds free from slimy tribalism and hate monegring culture that is widespread on the General forums. DUTIES: This position will have the responsibility of assisting with the evaluation of the ethical and spiritual impacts to the Somali Mindset from existing slimy content and ways to contain and rediret viewers to better contents on these boards or proposed NURTEL Communications illuminating projects and activities. Specifically, this position will: (1) analyze and document existing Ethical conditions; (2) analyze and document the existing or potential ethical impacts from spiritual projects and/or preaching activities; (3) prepare ethical posts and contents. (4) assist with development of NURTEL Communications ethical policies and guidelines; (4) Read and understand Quraan, Sunnah and Common Sense as applicable to correcting web ethics, (5) prepare reports to CEO of NURTEL Communications , and liaison with other posters on the General Forums, special interest groups such as the Somali Nationalists, The Waryaa Revolution, Tribalists, Anarchists, Islamists, Femmisnists, and the general public. ( Athiests and Perverts are excluded ) MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Website Ethical Planner I: One year of increasingly responsible Ethical planning or related experience involving the evaluation of the impact of proposed NURTEL Communications projects or articles on the General Discussions page on the Somali community, an equivalent to a Bachelors degree from an accredited DUGSI/MALCAAMAD ( Juzz Camma and Tabaarak with Tajweed at minimum) or an Islamic School Education with major course work in Akhlaaq Ethics, Basic Tribalism sensitivities mamagement, Ethical planning, slimy content management or any related hate culture curing science concentration, such as Ibnul Qayim Al Jawziyah and Al Ghazaali books. Directly related experience may be substituted for the DUGSI requirement such as any proven track record experience in Improvements on the Somali community and their mindset, a certificate from your local masjid and sheikh is required, on the basis of one and one-half years of experience for one year of DUGSI/MALCAAMAD education to a maximum of four years. Possession of, or ability to obtain, an appropriate, valid SWAN ( Somali Wadaad Acreditation Network) license given by sister ASRAAR's WADAAD Watch Group which may be required with determination made on a case by case basis at the time of job posting. Any offer of employment is contingent on the successful completion of a pre-employment hate mongering or bigot screening tests. FINAL FILING DATE: Always Open. SALARY: Paid in full in the day of judgement To apply: Application packages may be obtained by contacting Sister Asraar Wadaad Recruitment & Examination Unit, 1450 Ijaara Expressway, Gabiley, Somaliland , Phone: (2525) 12345, ext. 23. 2003 NURTEL Waste Management We Don't Talk Trash, we Remove it. Nur
Conspiracy Funny indeed However there is a Corollary of Murphy's Law " Murphy was an Optimist!" Nur