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Everything posted by Nur

  1. Sareedo sis Jazakellahu khariran as always, you see sis, if you continue making istighfaar, your reservoir of punsihable sins dwindle to a minmum, the sins form a barrier between you and Allah SWT, so when you constantly remove them the sin hills become smaller and saller, as you continue you begin to see your purpose in life the way Allah wanted you, so at this point good things begin to flow your way, that is how you got through with that Chemistry class, in my school days, it also happened to me too, i had this fields and waves class that was so taxing of my time and mind, but with Allahs help, and Dhiker i finished well, bad things are only the result of our obliviousness to Allah SWT, when we pay attention, mountains are reduced to hills, alhamdullllah rabbil aalamin. By the way, your name Sareedo sounds from Mudug? am i right? I am working on a post about names of laces and people in Somalia, it will be entertaining. NGONGE bro Welcome, great name. I read some of your posts, and maashAllah, I like your structured logical dialogue. I wish more nomads carry on discussions like you, I hope that you have read the rest of the post, not only the title. Nur
  2. Simple Woman Amin sis, amy Allah make you also one of the dwellers of Jannah, a tear drop shed in Allahs love, fear or remembrance has no rewrad but Jannah, and an aye does not fill up with tears twice, so crying for our sins can help now, but not later. Walaalkaa Nur
  3. DA One of these days I will post my imaginery dialogue with your client, to be creative, sorry for letting you down this time , tough to keep up when being scrutinized by a senior advocate of the devil. acuudu billahi mina sheitaani rajiim. Expressing your opinion is OK, but it helps if you share with us how you arrived at it, that is the "polished" way of representing the devil, the simple of all evil on earth, hatred, deception, crime, and misery, which you seem to admire as to choose him over angels, icons of purity, kindness, honesty, goodwill and caring. By the way, is your opinion based on the fact that you may not wear the Hijaab? which explains the distastesful nature of my article when seen from your perespective. Note: Yes, taking Satan seriously is wise, look here, see how you turned out to be, opposing Islam and representing Satan.........naaaaaah, i would never be caught a friend of Satan like you being in my right mind. never never never inshAllah. Nur
  4. Intuition sis ilhaam in Arabic means intuition, that is why i called you ilhaam. Second, like i said as a professional wadaad on line to help lost souls find their Lord, I am very careful not to mix my personal life with my professional vocation. But, some wierd idea crossed my mind a while ago, I have read a hadeeth somewhere that " Ithnaani jadduhumaa jadd, wa hazluhumaa jadd" " two cases, are always counted serious in law when proposed seriously or jokingly, accepting a marriage offer and freeing a captive" What does this mean as an on line Fiqh Issue, if I agree to your offer even jokingly, and at least two Nomads are online, could this be the real thing? Well, with digital signitures and identity verification tools, it may just be the real thing, an intercontinental marriage could be a reality, so all Nomads must be careful, because as I have warned b4, my sense of humor could be lethal, it could send your head spinning all the way to Kurtunwaarrey. Yes please b free to use the addition of your tagline. it is an honor. Mombasa lady dada yangu, r you sure you r not from up north, Malindi? be careful sis, if you read a Nur post you would not know the difference between reality from fiction, but one thing is for sure, if you follow me around out of curiosity, I warn you, you may Find Allah SWT by accident, and then sigh with relief and say, Alhamdulillah jazaakallah khairan ndugu Nur it was worth following you around, come visit me at Somalionline Islam pages, that is my home page. Nur
  5. Ranya sis A man asked the Prophet SAWS " I have done some good deeds while i was an unbeliever, is that going to be counted for me in the day of judgement' The Prophet SAWS answered " Laqad aslamta bimaa aslafta" " It was your good deeds that led to Islam as reward" Raxmah is conditional to our deeds, even a non believer who feeds a cat out of mercy, will earn Raxmah from Allah equal to his deeds even if he does not beoieve in Allah, to the point of becoming a Muslim if he is sincere al the time. I hope that clarifies the ambiguity sis Nur
  6. Great wisdom But I heard this one differently: " When goings get tough, women go shopping" Nur
  7. Nomads If the number of responses to Somaliaonline forums is any indicator of your intersets in youve which ranked forums the follwing way: Favored Forum is GENERAL Second Forum is WOMEN Third is POLITICS Fourth Is STUDENT TALK Poor Islam finished a distance FIFTH, just befre jokes ( Unlike me most Somalis are indeed a serious people) The numbers show that the typical Somali is not focused ( General topics are most popular) We either have too many educated women, or lonely unemployed men looking to meet a highly paid women. We are part of the mess back home, we love talking politics with no clear objective or strategy to get out of our national tragedy, as we are in our 13 year of anarchy. Education ranks the least of our ineterst .... and Finally Islam, is something we wish to go away. It wouldnt, you will. and when that happens for you........ you will be on deep fertilizer. The trouble is in that day, the day of judgement Allah will also put you in the proper place, equivalent with where this survey has placed Allah SWT. So if Islam was in the fifth place in our interest level, it follows that most Nomads will find themselves in the FIFTH COLUMN in the day of judgement, or like we say in Egyptian language, Al Taabuur Al Khaamis. Are we having fun yet? Nur 2004 e-Nuri Business Intelligence Real Time assessment of Progress
  8. Sophist bro Thanks walaal, always objective inshAllah, I share you the admiration of Sheikhul Islam, have your read most of his books, specially. " Macaarijul wusuul, ilaa anna usuulu diin wa furuucih qad bayanahaa a Rasuul" a rather small book with the longest title and deepest meaning? Salafi Online A fresh voice, welcome bro, your contributions are highly appreciated. Nazra sis I pray for you , nshAllah, a SISTER all the way, no more resistance or transitions bewteen stressfull states. Nur
  9. ilhaam sis ( Intuition) You write Lol, Nur I take that as a no to both parties. Aah shucks. Plenty more fish in the sea, or should I say online, loool. Walaalo You may not believe me, but Melbourne is very special to me, the name alone triggers pleasant memories, intuitively, I feel it strange that by coincidence, you are from Melbourne, if indeed so, it is going to be very interesting! life under the the great barrier reef, shouldnt be the only natural attraction. Anyway, there is an exception to most rules, but first would you please read all my back issue topics to see if indeed you could put up with someone espousing such out of step ideas? Finally about your tagline, I thought to add a lil wisdom to it from an Arabic proverb: Wisdom Begins With Wonder " Idaa Zahara al Sabab, Batala Al Ajab" When causes are discovered, Wonder Fades away Nur
  10. Socrates and Tamina Well put, this a problem that I suffer from al the time and the only way to face it was through this thread, how do you all face it and get focused? please share your methods. Nur
  11. Blanket Apology Sisters The topic I posted was meant to be a light hearted approach to discuss online e-marriage proposals, I have actually received that offer on a whole page placed by the siter herself at Smnet, so publishing it again here was not ISTUS TUS, one should never judge the intention of others, because I have no interest in making relationship with my audience, as a writer with an objective, I work like a professional with all the ethics it spouses, a lawyer or a Doctor, Confidentiality being my cornerstone, and I will never cross the professional barriers as to get involved emotionally with my audience. So that closes the ISTUS TUS issue altogether. Those who make it safe from this messy life on earth, I plan to see you in Jannah, inshAllah. Much respect Nur
  12. Mutakallim My Objective of this laampoon was to magnify a rather subtle but very distuctive suggestion addressed to an audience whose Islamic knowledge and Christianity is limited. One can not assume that it will go away by itself and an action is required. To respond to a suggestion like that we have options: 1. Scholarly 2. Casually 3. Lamponery Depending on the perceived audience and their level of grasp of the topic and its complexity, I chose lampoonery which closed that thread forever as MR. OJ could not rebut again, why: Because I magnified his suggestion to the ultimate possible way, I know it may look questionable, but, the context must not be forgotten, this lampoon was not to belittle Islam, It was a preemptive strike on a weird proposal. If a person who calims to be a Muslim has the audacity to open a thread in a public Somali forum browsed by many non well-versed readers about Islam and Christianity as to suggest the creation of an Islamic Protestant Church, what is the Sharia basis for your objection to this format which I have backed up above? Please be specific. Is it the lampoon as a means of showing their falshood? Is it a confusion that it may create? which is ......? or is it any other specific imbedded message that you feel unease with? Again, please pick an inference I wrote, show its fallacy and back it up with Quraan and Sunnah, and then suggest a remedy, that is the proper way of learning from each other on these boards. Nur
  13. Devils Advocate Shame on you DA!, you are not repsenting the Devil as he deserves, I can imagine him shaking his head in disbelief making him such a mockery, the (Devil Advoctes) I used to debate at Somalinet were far more convincing than you are, they were polished and convincing, and if it is only "USELESS" how youd categorize my post, you have failed the Devil in a monumental way, try to address the issues and respond to my assumptions in a scholarly and Satanic way, that way you can live up to your name and nature. Nur
  14. eNuri Service for Somalis In The West A new series addressing the reality of Somalis in the west! ( True story, fictional names and places) The pain of enduring conflicting social and spiritual requirements! Eleven year old Halima yareey, gets up early in the morning to go to Navajo Hills elementary school, her mother Muxubbo makes sure that her daughter is well fed and dressed, wearing her Head scarf to show her pals her Muslima identity at school so she can act like one, Halima Yareey has a lil secret her mother does not know, once she is out of the door, walking down the apparment strairway, she takes off her scarf placing it in her school bag, then like any other kid, she jumps in the waiting school bus where her happy friends are cheerfully waiting her, in the next eight hours Halima feels relieved from the burden of being different at school, she is innocent , playful and happy, as she comes back home, she makes sure she puts her scarf back on, and kisses her mom with delight, now, her mother is happy with her, and at school , her classmates accept her whole heartedly as one of the gang, a tactful way of compromising conflicting social and spiritual requirements. One day, Halima Yareey forgot to put her scarf in her bag as usual, and forgetfully left it hanging on the railings along the stairway , her mother found the scarf on her way to work, what a heart breaker? can you imagine how that mother felt? Muxubbo a devout Muslima always wanted to raise a perfect girl, now she is worried about her daughters personality, is Muxibbo responsible for that? did she fail to strengthen her daughters convictions with reason rather than threats and punishment? Are parents realizing the new realities in raising kids in the non Muslim west? Are they raising kids with principles or kids conforming to Somali culture instead of Islamic faith? What is the proper way in instilling Islam in our kids, is it by way of love and acceptance, or punishment and fear? How many Nomad sisters have gone through a similar agony as that of Halima Yareey? Please share with us your feelings, your good opinion can save a soul. Together, lets find a solution. Nur 2004 e-Nuri Social Architects We attack problems, not People
  15. MUTAKALLIM There are two incident in the Holy Quraan when a Prophet made a mockery of repugnant claims by confused people, The first was when Abraham confronted his people after he demolished their false Gods and save the big one as a mind teaser, when they inquired about the culprit, he told them to ask the big statue god who has an axe hanging on his shoulder as a mockery of their stuupidity, in another incident Abraham confronted the King of his time by saying Allah gives life and death, the King objected to it and claimed that he can aslo give life and death by killing and gives life by sparing them from excution, Abraham calmly asked him to cause the sun to rise from the west instead of the east, "Fa buhita alladhee kafar". When it comes to Dawa: Different strokes for different folks. Nur
  16. Nur

    Wedding Season!

    Raxmah sis That was my conclusion too, education is always good, all I said was that sometimes a girl busy with school may not have time to think about marriage early in her life, specially when she is intellectually enriched with knwoledge and our common Faaraxs are disadvantaged to be less educated than sisters of the same age group, this leads to a problem I have addressed before, the imbalance of eduacted sisters in comparison with Camel boys who may not earn the interest of sophisticated sisters with College education. Nur
  17. Quick Responses Sundus sis Never been to Greensboro, I used to have a coleague of mine work there, I also gather that since you live live in Noth Carolina and study Allied Health, it was more likely that you live around Greensboro instead of Raliegh an expensive and bustlng metropolitan area, a challenge for an environmentally friendly and mentally healthy Nomad sis like you. Sweet Girl you write: What's with e-Nur is that a company and how come I never hear about it........or are u planning to make it one one...And are u a sheik, what country do u live and do u teach quran......What made u want to learn Quran and how did u.....I mean some people want to learn it but it's kinda hard...How did u make it easy for ur self..Did u learn Arabic first then learn quran..? Answer: e- Nuri is an active e-Dawa organization providing e-advice to e-Nomads and westernized Muslims who need to come in terms with their phobia and fear of practicing their faith. The Company is currently looking for a volunteer to edit its works, since the chief has little time to proof read while writing articles on the go anywhere on the globe. Afterreading some of your posts, I invite you to join e-Nuri so you can at least cover the womens page while I concentrate on other pages. If interested, you will be trained how to help Nomds find peace in their lives and peace with their maker, a great job indeed. Yes, I learned Arabic early and it gave me a real appreciation of Quraan, Quraan is just a miracle if you know Arabic well, no human can produce its prose and wisdom in such an eloquent presentation as if you can see it in multimedia, please read my article ( A Ride aboard Surah Al Caadiyaat) No, I am not a shiek, I am Brother Nur, yours in Islam. Raula sis Jazakellahu Kharan sis. Nur
  18. Baadiyow br. Whatever happen to your last trip to Kenya? I am still waiting for your answer bro. I cants stop thinking of good old days in garamgaramland. Nur
  19. Nur

    Wedding Season!

    Raxmah sis Excuse my far fetched ideas, but I think your mom and eeddoyin and habaryaradaa are wrongfully right, the problem is that they are part of the problem of delaying your wedding, by sending you to college instead of Kurtunwaarrey to tend camels and marrry a happy camel boy, because being too edgemocated ( Educated) has its constraints, although imaam Shaafici, the great scholar married at 16 and still made one of the greatest scolars of all time. My point is education makes us more analytical to the point we over analyse any option out till one day we realize that we are reached paralysis by analysis, the famous cliche. e-Nuri and company suggest that sisters keep it simple, dumb girls alone are not entited to good husbands. An educated and intelligent woman is indeed a great gift for a lifetime companionship, after looks fade away. Nur
  20. Og Girl I agree with your remarks sis, difference of opinion is a healthy thing if we sincerely use it to seek out truth ultimately without taking any critisism personally, disagreeing with a point does not reflect that the writer is bad, just a fresh look from a different peresepctive. It is said that " If two men agree on everything, one of them is unnecessary" Shujui Thanks, thanks for sharing your thoughts, you guys light up the boards, keep it a shining pride for al Nomads worldwide. Another Ugali Lover ( Kirichwa Kidogo) Nur
  21. Our Somliaonline Moderators! Nomads This thread is dedicated to thank our moderators who volunteer to read and weed out filth out of these forum, can you imagine how sore their eyes could turn out to be?, or how much pounding their iimaan can take when confused people share their ignorance to seek out fellow confused Nomads at the expense of healthy Nomads? For us to excahange our thoughts decently it takes quiet diligence from the part of the few vigilante men and women who patrol the packetways to make it accessible to decent Nomads in search of a meaningful dialogue. Like your house, when it is tidy and clean, people love to visit you, when it is dirty and messy, your friends would say to your offer "No, thanks," so, for Nomads to have a home away from home, and a clean one at that, few sisters and brothers are doing us all a great favor, and I pray for them and hope that their good work will pay one day inshAllah. Please Join me in expressing your appreciation of their work, because he who does not thank people, does not thank Allah SWT. Nur 2004 e-Nuri Communications Reaching out and Sharing Knowledge
  22. RAULA sis Confusion reigns when a topic is not carefully read and responded to, I feel that we are both on the same side sis, all I was saying was that being judgemental; of people is no good, which we bot agree, however, you should stop there and not categorize any Hijabis or non Hijabis. Anyway, forgive me if I offended you , it is not personal, just a discussion, please take it that way cuz I have a lot of respect for you. Cawrala sis A book should not judged by its cover, but a book without a cover keeps me guessing of what is inside, if I have to take a chance, I need to a title read, and the Hijaab is a loud title, but any rule has an exception, I agree with you that there are great non Hijaabi sisters out there, and some terrible Hijabis, but these are exceptions not the rule, let us follow the rule. Legend of Zhu Brother iimaan is related to deeds according to the following Hadeeth: " iimaan is something that resides in the heart, MANIFESTED BY DEEDS" So, if you have iimaan, and do not authenticate with actions, how is that different than Pharaohs iimaan when he siad " aamantu billadii aamant bihi banuu Israel" I believe the ( God) Childeren of Isreal have beoieved" ? Nur
  23. Walaal Baashi The Hadeeth is said to be authentic, the story is famous, and by itself we can not deduce that it is not a cawra. In Fiqh, for any judgemnet, we look for a matrix of two elements. Thubuut: meaning that the Statement (nass) is proven to have been authentic. Dalaalah: meaning that it has a contexual interpretation. Qadci: meaning statement is a firm assertion Dhanni: meaning the interpretaion is ambiguous. Now, we have four possibilities: This hadeeth is definetly QADCI if terms of THUBUUT, but it is DHANNI in terms of DALAALAH. Why because, thereis another Hadeeth that is : QADCI in THUBUUT QADCI in DALAALAH That hadeeth is the one that the prophet SWAS mentioned that a mans awra is from knee to knavel. In Conclusion: When we have two Hadeeths, If they are equal in authenticity we look at several factors: 1. Order of narration, the latter Hadeeth has more weight for legislature purposes. 2. The Hadeeth which is QADCI in terms of THUBUUT and DALAALAH has more weight. In our case, the latter Hadeeth has more weight in terms of being QADCI, however, what remains to be verified is the order of the hadeeths, which hadeeth came later. Wallahu Aclam Nur
  24. Somealien, Alhamdulillah I am happy it is clear. Camel Girls, and Camel Boys. This issue is closely relates iimaan and actions, let us learn the connection before it is too late. Below is more explanation of that connection between iimaan and actions, it is one of my oldest classical answers to a sister who asked me if she is a Munaafiq, here was my answer for all concerned sisters. A sister I lost contact with once wrote to me : Brother Nur, Am I a Munaafiq? Answer: I will try to simplify a rather difficult question, please read very carefully: 1. No Soul will go to Jannah who is not Muslim 2. No one can be Muslim without Shahaada 3. Shahaada is information, you are required to believe it 4. The test to see if you indeed believe in Shahaada are your deeds: So our faith is composed of a A. set of information we are required to believe, B. Set of orders we are ordered to obey The extent of your belief in the information that our Prophet SAWS delivered is measured by the extent of orders that you obey. In other words, your obedience to the orders of Allah, is a reflection of your belief in the information delivered to you. So , Islam is a set of information, like Allah, Jannah, angels, etc. and a set of orders such as Salat, Fasting, Justice, etc. The orders are subdivided in to two categories: 1.Orders to do something 2.Orders to stay away from something If Allah orders you to do something, and you fail to don so, the reason could be: a. You do not believe in the information b. You believe it but you are arrogant c. You are MENTALLY CHALLENGED If (a) that is clear kufr If (b) That is also kufr, the type of Sheitan If © You may be the same case like a crazy person, Mentally Challenged, no responsibility. If you are ordered to stay away from something, and you do not, we have the following scenario: a. You do not believe in the information b. You are arrogant c. You can not resist temptation d. You are MENTALLY CHALLENGED All but case © are covered. If case © That is called disobedience (macsiya) a sin and it is what Adam and Hawaa aleyhimaa assalaam have commited. It does not make you a kaafir To generalize the above. If a person does something he is ordered not to do, the driver is more likely weakness against temptation, and that person is not a kaafir, this is the case of Adam and Eve, Aleyhimaa assalaam. If a person refuses to do something he is ordered to do, the driver of his action is more likely arrogance, like the case of Sheitan. Now we visit a new territory; There is a principle for detecting iman levels developed by Sheikh Ibn Taymiyah. Called ( Talaazumul Dhaahir wal Baatin)( Synregy of the Apparent actions with Hidden Motives) I will simplify it for you again. The inside and the outside of a person are always working in harmony. Except when an outside disturbance influences that person. When as a result, the outside of that person projects and does contrary of what is supposed to be inside. Meaning. In Systems Science, when we input a signal into a system, we observe an output that reflects the shape of the original signal + the function of the system that operated on the signal. In the absence of outside disturbance, we can always predict the output. But when an outside element disturbs the system, the output will not be predictable. A person who is a kaafir therefore will normally act as a kaafir. Sabeelul kaafireen And a person who is a muslim will always act like a Muslim. Sabeelul Mumineen In general, if you leave anyone alone, what he/she does is reflecting what they believe. But the minute that person feels that he/she is being observed, that feeling will somewhat effect the action of that person. An example is when you catch a child making funny faces on a mirror the child will immediately alter his behaviour to an acceptable manner. This is called conforming. So, when a Kaafir lives with Muslims, he may act like Muslim, to avoid problems. He is called a Munafiq. And a Muslim who lives with Kufaar may at times act like kuffar, to avoid problems. He is called Mukrah. Now, a Somali person who lives in Somalia, US or Europe, is free to practice his faith, so if that person does not practice, his actions are an indicator of what is missing in his heart. In this case the actions or their absence are an indictor of the iimaan inside that person. However a Muslim who lives in tyranny, his actions may not be indicator of his belief. Because, if this person practices his faith, he is afraid for his life. As a result this person conceals his faith portraying himself as non Muslim, when in effect he fully believes his faith and is willing tp practise it to the fullest if he was not afraid. His fear, though could be justifiable or may be unjustifiable, in which case he is in grave error. Allah says : Are they same he who spends all his nights praying and prostrating, alert for aakhirah, and the one who is in darkness..............................." Nasalu Allaha al caafiyah. Aamin Nur 2000 e-Nuri Communications Old Edition Paradise is Possible Summer Campaign
  25. Haneefah sis Here is a similar answer to a similar question by Sister Pearl, she was worried about Music, you about perfume, me I used to like music, I stopped lisening to music, but, because I am a man, wearing my cologne is halaal, I love it, and inshAllah , more of it in Jannah. When we do a sin, and then redo it it is called in Fiqh ISRAAR, Being stubbornly sinful, "Israar" means that you commit sins without remorse day in and day out, you plan it right and execute it without a regard to Allah and his creatures. A sin commited in israar is usually driven by a greater sin called " Istikhfaaf" not taking Allah for serious, disobeying at will, which is different than a sin committed thoughtlessly and with fear before one commits it and remorse after one has committed it. Music is deffinetely a minor form of sin, as a teen , I couldn't fall asleep without my music, but as I found Islam, I could not put the love of Allah and love of music in the same slot, " Jaa al xaq, wa zahaqal baatil" truth arrived, so evil has to get out of my heart, and honestly, of all the jaahili habits that I had, quitting to listen to music was by far the most painful, and alhamdulillah, in exchange, Allah gave me an iimaan that is soooooo "macaaaaaaaan" that the entire US treasury gold reserve can not buy, and happiness that filled my heart, soooooooooo, "farxad badan" that i cant wait to see the loved ones in aakhira. In conclusion iimaan is a variable quantity, it increases with good deeds and sacrifices and decreases with bad deeds and insisting on sins, to the point where no iimaan is left, and one becomes so bold as to declare in public that she/he does not believe in Islam, which is the result of continous degredation of faith quality. Xurmad Badan Nur 2004 e-Nuri Communications enlightening Camel boys and Camel Girls