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e-Nuri Softwano series Presents: Summertime Head Cooling Product Enjoy A Pre-paid Life, Pay Now, Play Later. So, School is over, wow, maashaAllah, that is great, so many plans for the summer time in North America, and winter plans for the Aussies, Hargeisa is always cool, and Bosaso is simmering hot, time to hit the highlands of Las Anod, and Xagaaye rain for Southern Somalis, you know July is the xagaayo? well if you dont know the seasons in Somali, that is OK, not many Nomads do anyway, specially those raised in Pangani or Eastleigh, Nairobi, Kenya or East London, or Dixon, Toronto. Now, back to the topic. You see, now you are young, energetic and healthy, with a lotta leisure time in your hands, so playing is the first thing that comes to mind, right? Have you ever thought about the ease of prepaid services?, when you want to call a relative back home, these days you would first buy a pre-paid calling card and then make the call, knowing that once you pay, you can chat as long as the card allows. But the problem with prepaid calling cards is that you have to pay each time you want to make a call. Now imagine, paying once and chatting forever, or paying once and playing forever? Well let us think through this, if you play now, the fun will be over soon when school opens in September, and then you begin to pay. Let us take this logic further: If you go to a restaurant and eat, say Tagliatelli with clams and prawns, the pleasure ends when the waiter serves you the bill, and asks Visa or Mastercard? All the joy in this life we enjoy has to be paid somehow, even to family and friends, you can not always receive and forget to pay. So, think about this, if you have the choice to play first, and pay later, or pay first and play later, which one would you choose? Now, imagine the life on earth as a game: You either play now, and pay later, in the next life. Or you pay now,(at least some attention to me) and play later in next life. You may ask, " I want to pay now, so I can play with Xuurul Ceyn Later" or in the case for our female Muslim sisters, they want to play with some Xurul Ceyn hunks in next life, which is cool, well, that is all possible, if you: 1. Believe in Allah SWT 2. Do Good deeds ( Payment Plan) 3. Always remind others about these facts 4. And then, show tolerance when doing so. Think, which is better, paying once, and playing forever, or playing once and paying forever. The way to pay now is to Pray, and obey Allah, SWT in all matters. that way, you dont have to pray whn prayers will not help. So, Pray no, Play Later, and dont try to play now and Pray later. The choice is yours, and today matters! Nur 2004 e- Nuri Softwano series Pre-Paid Soul Saving Services You can Play Once, and Pay Forever, or You can Pay Once, and Play Forever, But You can not Play now and Play Later
Checkmate Jarriiban in somali means a place you hate to live in, yet you have no choice, unlike Matabaan, a place you can leave at will, never to look back, Jarriiban is a place where you are stuck with forever with no hope to leave, you wish for some angel to come and rescue you , oo uu kuu xambaaro some nice place like summertime Stokholm , Palm Beach, Seattle, Atlanta or Sharja in UAE. place names tell a story of the nature of somali people, for example in the north we have a town named after an intersection, and we also have a famous district in Mogadisho named after an intersction, the people of the north named their intersection Kalabaydhka, literally meaning divergence or each to his own way, while the intersection in mogadishu is named Isgoyska, literally meaning convergence, or collision course, so while northerns find ways to diffuse conflicts, southerners find ways to confuse them more, i guess the difference of attitudes has to do with the diets, and the cooler climate. Semolina pasta should be investigated for increased aggressive behaviour, while bariis dhari eaten in Burco and vicinities, calms nomads behaviour. Now how am i going to explain qaat, consumed now more in the south then north. Nur
A Sister with screen name (Now and again) responded to one of my old posts on love of Allah, she wrote; Nur- I'm glad to see this topic thriving. Sorry it took me so long to come back here and finish answering the questions I started answering, I hope you're still interested in my contibution. I flatter myself when I think I love allah, but it scares me to think that maybe I think I do and actually don't but sometimes you actually need to put your thoughts into words in order to fully understand them.So here goes: 3-How loving allah changed my life: Imagine living a life of looking for happiness and content solely in this world. We all run around wanting to get rich, marry someone drop dead gorgeous, have adorable succesful kids, be declared a successful human being in general by your peers. But then if you didn't believe in an after life or a god then what's the point of all that?..you, your wife/husband, and kids will die eventually, perish..to be forgotten by all the following generations. So why go through all that when you just disappear with nothing left for you??nothing to look forward to..nothing. You just simply vanish, never remembered or known. And the world just keeps on spinning,losing everyone eventually just to be replaced by someonelse. Is our life that worthless??, unimportant??we are all a potential nobody. Imagine living with those thoughts above, what is the purpose of living when eventually rich powerful man and poor illiterate man will all be forgotten, perished dead men? And we wonder why people commit suicide, I MEAN WHAT IS THE USE OF LIVING AND RUNNING AROUND LIKE A NUTCASE?. But then there is faith in allah, who created us all, molded us, forever present in our lives.What harm can anyone do you when you have the ALL-MIGHTY at your side, isn't it good to know that the world is not a chaotic place?but that the ALL-KNOWING allah has it in complete order?, nothing escapes him. NOTHING. What helpless creatures we would be if we were just all victims of random old fate! Isn't it good to know that you are important?, carefully molded by a superb being that loves you with love greater than that of 70 mothers put together?, that you are not just a nobody in this great big universe of ours. Look at your mother, who loves you more than she?, but what can she do for us when we are in great trouble??what can she do?..she is as weak as you and I. Doesn't it feel good right at that moment to know that the ALL-KNOWING, ALL-MIGHTY, ALL-MERCIFUL allah who created you and those who wish you harm, who created you who are afraid and that of which you're afraid of is at your side?..he is there all around you, can hear your cries?..and can do ANYTHING??..and imagine..HE LOVES YOU! ALLAHU AKBAR! what more does a human need?, what more can he ask for??, can you think of anything greater?. YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO ALLAH!. Allah says: "verily, we created man of the best stature" "then we reduced him to the lowest of the low" at tiin (5-6) When you are there with your head on the floor, completely vulnerable, completely humble, and begging in a way despised by the world,crying out for mercy from allah, it is then right then..that you are on top of the world, you are the most highest being on this earth, you are truely at the top of the food chain!. So Nur, to make a long story short, loving allah has changed my life, it makes my time here on this earth valuable, it gives meaning to my life, I'm not just a powerless nobody who stands exposed to the cruelities of this world, at the time of fear and confusion I can wrap myself up with the warm, protective, soothing blanket of knowing that allah sees me, he hears me, and If I acknowledge my vulnerbility and NEED for him, that blanket of warmth will turn in to a cocoon of safety. ALLAHU AKBAR, now and again
e-Nuri Old editions (2000) Love of Allah It has been reported that Omar Ibn Al Khattab RAA said, The prophet of Allah said " Of the servants of Allah are some people who are not prophets, nor martyrs, the prophets and the martyrs will envy their place near Allah(Positive envy, competing to be good) in the day of judgement. They said O prophet of Allah tell us who they are? he prophet SAWS said " they are a people who love each other in the spirit of Allah without any blood ties nor maoney that they exchange. By Allah, Their faces are of light ( NOOR) and the are on top of light ( NOOR) and they will not be afraid when people are afraid in the day of Judgment and they will not grief when people grief in the day of judgment and then the prophet read this verse from the Quraan. " The awliyaaAllah (those who take him as protector, ally, friend,) there is no fear upon them nor will they grief" Reported by Abuu Daud ( 3526), Al Nasaaee Al Kubraa (11236) and ibn Hibbaan (573) From the above hadeeth, we learn the importance of the devotion to Allah and confining all love to him and extending that love to all those he loves only. To Love Allah is to love the Prophet SAWS To love the prophet SAWS is to to follow his Sunnah ( Life Style of The prophet Muhammad SAWS) " I swear by he in whose hand my soul rests, Non of you is a believer until I become closer to his heart in love than his parents and his children and all of people" Al Bukhaari,(15) and Muslim (44) So the origin of all love is the love of Allah SWT. from that we love all connected to Allah beginning with our prophet Muhammad SAWS and showing that love with our following ( Ta'sii) of his Sunnah. Learning from his glorious Seerah and pious companions who loved Allah so much, they gave all dear to them in exchange to be with the prophet Muhammad SAWS in Jannah. Any one who loves Allah must love that which Allah loves and must hate that which Allah hates. Also, anyone who does not love Allah , Allah does not love him. If Allah does not love you, you gotta a huge problem. Of our deeds, Allah loves mostly Salaat, How do we perform it is a measure of our love for Allah. check your Salaat, do you have khushuuc, focused, now what you are saying, and saying what you know, feeling that you are standing infront of the King of the universe, the Living, the Sovreign, the powerful, the Kind, the Gentle and the Loving. It has been reported thatour prophet SAWS said " He who loves the meeting of Allah, Allah loves his meeting" Bukhari (2443) and Muslim(2683). Some Muslims were so fond of Allah, they could not wait meeting him that Allah revealed this verse " He who is looking forward to meet Allah, Indeed the time ( To meet Allah) is approaching" Allah SWT said " So (man) did not approach, mount and overcome the barrier (that impedes man’s quest to enter paradise),. ……………(That obstacle is) Giving freedom to an oppressed person, or the feeding (of the poor) in a day of famine, feeding an orphaned relative, or a destitute clinging onto sand” The prophet of Allah SAWS said " The most loved among people to Allah is the one who is most helpful to them, and the most loved action to Allah, the magnificent, the powerful, is happiness you bring to a Muslim, or a help you offer to rid him of his worries, or an assistance to pay off his debt, or ridding him of hunger. And to walk with my Muslim brother (to assist him) to meet his needs is more appealing to me than Itikaaf (seclusion) in a mosque (for worship) for (a period) of a month. And who ever controls his anger, Allah will conceal (the deeds that he is ashamed of, so others may not despise him). And whomsoever, was able to act in retaliation for his anger and chooses not to act, Allah fills his heart with satisfaction in the day of judgment, and whomsoever walks with his brother (to offer help) until he secures it, Allah the majestic will secure his foot firm (on solid ground) in a day that the feet will slip and slide. And a bad etiquette indeed corrupts good deeds like vinegar corrupts honey. Reported by Al Tabarani, and Ibn Abi Al Dunyaa Category, Hassan Source: Sahiih Al Jaamic , 176 This hadeeth has many lessons in it 1. If you want Allah to love you, be helpful to others. Do volunteer work 2. Strive to contribute to the happiness of Muslims, and if not able, do not bring misery into their lives 3. An effort to help your Muslim brother/sister is a form of worship proportionate to Itikaaf in a mosque for the sole purpose of worshiping ALLAH. 4. To err is human but to keep your sins between you and your lord, control your anger when others harm you. And if you are so angry that you want to retaliate, think of walking away, Allah will reward you with safeguarding your dignity here, and satisfaction in the Day of Judgment. 5. Striving to have Akhlaaq or good etiquette, is the way to seek the love of Allah Now, how can we reconcile contradictions in the lives of many muslims? How can one love Allah, and support injustice in any form? One of Allah's names is (Al cadl) ( The Justice) How can one Love Allah and Love corruption? ( InnaAllahu la yuxbbu al mufsideen)( Allah does not love corrupters) How can one love Allah, and hate Sunnah? ( man raghiba can sunnatee fa leysa minnee) He who seeks other than my Sunnah ( way of life) he is not of (following ) me. ( no shafaacah) How can one love Allah and hate the pious? How can one love Allah and love sin? How can one love Allah and have bad akhlaaq etiquette? Let us look deep into our inner selves, and ask our selves, are we honest with our own selves? 7 Nur 2000 e-Nuri old Posts
sareeda sis axbbaki Allahu alladii fiihi axbabtabii i too love you in His sake, and also all nomads who love Allah SWT, that is one love that adds value to our life in this world and next. my prayer was : O Allah, grant me the honor of your love, and the love of those who are in love with you, and the love of those whose love will get me closer to you, you are my goal, and you are the source of my life, accept my tears today, and forgive me for falling short of your commandments, you are my ally and you are my protector. Amen. it is said " that which was for Allah stays connected, while everything else at the end get disconnected" The love of Allah SWT is the true love and the essence of this feeling, if this love is directed toward Allah, it bears fruit, if on the other hand is directed to mortals and money, pain and agony is the prize. May Allah SWT resurrect us all in Jannah of Ferdous, Amin. Nur
Og Girl I gues your Arabic is Khaleeji Arabic, secoond guess is Egyptian, or you may be in Kasala , Ghadaarif in Sudan in which case your arabic is awsome, but I doubt that you speak Shaamy arabic, or Moroccan. anyway, Play in these thread means following one's desires. In this life we need to tame them, so that we can have as much fun as we like in the next life. Nur
Salams Nomads Somali name places have always intrigued my imagination, Towns, villages or cities, even valleys or mountains have special names in our language, so today, I am going to share with you my choice of place names, please add to it for an educational and humorous journey. If you had the chance to read my past posts, I use some town names frequently. like Kurtun Waarrey, or Garas Baalley, honestly I dream of visiting these four syllable towns, but here are some very descriptive town names. some towns are so boring, you will never miss them if you leave them, like matabaan, matabaan means a place you wont miss, if you continue north and eat some exotic nuts like yicib, you will come to a town that should go to the business of natural gas mining, like dhuuso marreeb, or in case things get reaally bad, you have iskushuban to relieve yourself, you now coem to a town named after the liberaton of the unbelievers, galkacayo, some towns are named after the story of a shiek, like warsheikh, some in the north are simply called sheikh, somalis like to worship their saints, so if a tribe does not have a sheikh, they normally kill one to worship and collect visit fees from the worshippers as some towns in the north are simply named after an intersection of two roads, like kalabaydhka, some towns have the name of nevada's capital like las anod or las qorey, somalis are not shy when it comes to natural environmental sights, for example there are two volcanic mountains in hargeisa next to each other,they are named, naaso hablood. that was my observation of place names in the land of the somalis , being politically correct, nur
OG Girl You write:" But on other hand isn't true "live your life like you never die and prepare your after life like you die tomorrow"!!.So you can make balance innit?" That is not a true Hadeeth, the scholars say it is Mowduuc, meaning a concocted Hadeeth. A Muslim Scholar said that if that Hadeeth has to be true, it should say " icmal li dumyaaka bi qadri baqaa ika fiihaa, wa icmal li aakhiratik, bi qadri baqaa ika fiihaa" Work for your present life for an equivalent effort to its duration, and work for your next life, for an equivalent effort to its duration. Nur Salam
Sister to the Real Thing It all depends on what you play with. You see, Allah SWT says that the life of this world is a PLAY ( LACIB, and LAHW), so if you play by the rules in a way, you are PAYING the price upfront compared to those who PLAY without a rule. So, if we focus on PAYING now, we can PLAY later, this life is not good to spend playing,specially when we have all the time to play and all the fun waiting for us in Jannah, an eternal PLAYING indeed. If only we know the joy in Jannah! Nur
This page is for those who are either engaged in reaching out to convey Islam. Or those who are planning to do so in the future. Being a Muslim is one thing, taking the next step of Dacwah requires some essentials: 1. Knowledge. The fundemental principles of Islam : Tawheed. Unfortunately , today as I see the main problem facing Muslims worldwide is lack of a proper understanding of the overall meaning of the contract of Shahaadah. The Shahaadah in turn is composed of words such as ( ilaah) whose meaning is fuzzy at best in the minds of many muslims. If you ask most people who profess Islam the meaning of (Ibadah, Daghuut, ilaah, rabb) the answer you get explains the deplorable state of affairs facing the Muslims today. The Quraan and Hadeeth revolves around these key words, yet, the majority of muslims do not look deeper into these meanings in order to make the Quraan talk to us in a plain language that we all can anderstand. Unfortunately most issues that one hears in Muslim study circles addresses social ills and how Islam can solve these ills. However, these social ills which reflect the state of Muslim affairs today have emanated from their poor understanding of Tawheed which in turn has resulted in the actions ( or the lack there of )of the followers of Islam. (Eemaan is something that resides in the heart, reflected by actions) Hadeeth. So when we see the actions of a person, we are in reality peeking deep into his heart, if there is no action, there is no driver, and thus no motivation and belief. 2. Action: Our environment teaches us how to behave, thus our actions represent the residual experience of actions we saw other do in our lifetime. If we have a belief, our actions will represent it, and others will take a note of it, either agreeing or disagreeing with it, but it is in itself a form of dawa to others. The best way to make Dawa is through our actions, unfortunately, when Muslims came in contact with christians in the west, some have even adopted their method of Dacwah which is sermons and discussions. Although this form may serve in islolated cases, it by no means suffices for the practical Dacwah similar to that of the Companions of tye Prophet SAWS.(SAXAABAH) People observe the driver of our actions, if they feel that you really know where you are going, they will likely follow you, but if they sense through your actions that you are not truly representing what you are saying, then you have just seeded doubt in their heart. ( O Allah do not make us a Fitnah for the unbelievers) Our actions, are further divide into the following: a) Inter-Personal: Between you and the people you deal with. If your dealing is based with the Rabbani Akhlaaq that was inherited from our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAWS. Then definetely, this will draw the attention of the non Muslim and it may earn you the respect of the non Muslim, his trust and generate inquisitive discussion that may lead for the guidance of the non Muslim. People observe everything about you, and if you are not careful, of your personal behaviour, you may be doing negative Dawa. b) Work Ethics Your work ethics and how you deal with people in the material sense gives yourprospective converts a measure of your innate beliefs, if they observe diligence, promptness hardwork, honesty, frankness, then, it is likely that they listen to you after being satisfied with your other qualities. In Business, if you buy a product brand and become satisfied, you are likely to follow all their other products. c) Respect and Tolerance When people call you a name or two, do you get upset? do you respond with a respectful answer or call them names as they call you names? . A person once was insulted by another verbally, his response was the result of his self confidence and Eman. He responded by saying that he had other bad qualities that he is working on to change. This person is not blinded by a false pride of his reputation , rather he is interested to know his shotcomings even if it comes from an angry person. d) Ibadah Our relationship with Allah, is the basis of our success in Dacwah, Allah says ( And when you are done (with Dacwa), get up ( for Ibadah at night) and seek your lord)Allah says " (is it wise that) you preach others to do good while forgetting your own souls? "Dacwah begins with your self. First, look into your self, and try to justify your actions. Are they good or bad? If they are good, what is the motivation? the love of Allah, fear of his punishment? or is it a habit? If you find bad deeds, what is the price you are willing to pay for it? do you hide these bad deeds from friends and family? if yes , can you accept the fact that you have made Allah the least significant observer of your actions? Can you still count on false hopes that you will stop these bad deeds someday? Do you know when you are going to die? Now after answering these questions, the result may be that you have a clear view ahead of you. Thus you improve your life with good deeds and reduce your bad deeds in an affort to race with the remaining time left before you take the final stand before a judge and a jury not of your peers. So you get the Idea and importance of amassing as much hasanaat as possible and wiping as much bad deeds as possible thru Ibaadaat, istighfaar and repentence, in order for you succeed in your hobby of making Dacwah. Nur
Qalbiga wanaagsan calaamadihiisa waxaa ka mid ah: 1. Camal wanaagsan 2. Calool xumo gaabinta dhniaca diinta 3. Naxariista loo naxariisto uunka Allah 4. Hadal qurxan ( Qowalan sadiidan) 5. Jeceylka Allah ( xasuustiisa oo badan) 6. Neceybka macaasida iyo asbaabteeda 7. illinta indhaha qoysa oo qalbiga qaboojisa 8. Qalbi jileeca ( ka yara jilcan buuraha!) 9. Jeceylka iyo kaalmeynta masaakiinta iyo madluumiinta, kuwa deynka lagu leeyahay, kuwa la liido, kuwa jirran, iwm.) 10. Wanaag lal jeclaado dadka. Haddii aad sifaadkaas kulligood iska weyso, qalbigaada inuu dhintay ayuu u badan yahay, laakin Allah waxa dhintay waa soo nooleeya, Haddii aad qaarkood iska weyso, waxaa qalbigaaga ku jira cudur loo baahan yahay in la daaweeyo intuusan cudurku fidin. Qalbiga buka waxaa lagu daaweeyaa 1. Dhikriga Allah ( oo jeceylka Allah lagu helo) 2. Salliga nabiga ( oo naxariista Allah lagu helo) 3. Quraanka akhrintiisa badan ( ugu yaraan hal Juzz maalinkii) Allah wuxuu ku sheegay Quraanka ( Shifaa un limaa fil suduur) waa mid daawo u ah cudurrada laabta ku jira. 4. Kaalmeynta wixii kaa muteysta kaalmo ( Ku raadso wuxuu Allah ku siiyay daarta aakhiro) 5. xasuusta daarta aakhiro 6. Illowga dhibka dadka, cafintooda, iyo u duceyntooda. ( ma jeclaan leheyd qof walba ood is khilaaftaan in naar la geeyo?) 7. ku shuqultoonka cilmi raadidska, cilmiga kaa badbaadinya naarta adiga iyo kuwaad jeceshahay ( Cilmigaas ma aha BA, BS, MS, MA, PhD, Trade Certificates) Maanta waa innoo intaas Wa sallaAllahu calaa kheyri khalqihi, wa aalih wa saxbih wa sallam. Amin Nur
Bismillaah, waxaanan ku sallinayaa, wuxuu Allah uumay kii ugu khair badnaa, nabigeenna Muxammad, iyo reerkiisa, asxaabtiisa iyo inta raadkooda qaadda ilaa iyo maalinka maxsharka la isa soo saaridoono. Kadib Waxaan maanta jecleystay inaan ka hadlo arrin haddey hagaagto arrimo badan oo dadka dhexyaalla ay ahagaagaan, taasoo ah Qalbiga ama Niyadda fiican ee dadka ku wada dhaqmaan. Diinteenna Allah wuxu usoo dajiyey, oo uu kutubbada iyo Nabiyaasha isu soo raaciyey hal arrin oo muhiim ah: In ay dadku oogaan cadaalad, garsoor Garsoorkaas oo u ka la baxa labo qaybood : 1. Garsoor lagula dhaqmo kii na uumay oo macnaheedu yahay inaan la garab dhigin Allah oon lal simin uunkiisa. 2. Garsoor lagula dhaqmo uunka Allah , ha noqdaan dadka ama dugaagta. garsoorka lagula dhaqmo dadka waa in aan xaqooda marna aan la duudsinin. Xaqa dadkana waxay ka koobmaan: 1. Hantidooda oo nala faray inaan hantida dadka aan lagu cunin si baadil ah 2. Sharafkooda oo ah inaan meel looga dhicin 3. Naftooda oo ah in aanan dhiigooda lagu daadin waxa ka baxsan xaqa diinta Aayadaha Quraankana wexey ku soo degeen in ay ilaaliyaan xuquuqdaas. Waxaan maanta ka hadleynaa qaybta seddexaad oo ah ilaalinta Sharafta dadka taasoo ku tiirsan malaha aan dadka ku maleyno wax wanaagsan ama wax xun. Dadka markey wada dhaqmaan, wexey u kala baxaan laba nooc. 1.Dadka wanaagsan, wexey ku wada dhaqmaan seddex sifadood. a. Marka hore wexey ku wada dhaqmaan kalsooni ay siku qabaan. b.Marka labaad, haddey u muuqato wax qalad ah, wexey wanaajiyaan malada. c. Haddey u caddaato in qalad jiro, wexey ku degedegaan iney cafiyaan oy iska illoobaan qaladka lagu sameeyay. 2. Dadka Xun a. Wexey ku wada dhaqmaan Shaki ay iska qabaan b. Hadduu u muuqdo in qalad lagu sameeyay, wexey maleeyaan malo xun. c. haddey u caddato in qalad lagu sameeyayna wexey ku degdegaan iney faafiyaan ceebtaas, ooy weyneeyaan qaladkaas. Waxaa meeshaan nooga muuqata qasadkii aan soo sheegnay uu Allah ka lahaa diinta iney tahay in dadku iskula dhaqmaan cadaalad iyo garsoor iney ku hagaageyn haddii dadku laabtooda isu xuntahay. Waxaa laga soo wariyey Suubbanihii SCWS inuuyidhi " Ha is nicina, hana is xasdina, ...hana is jarina, waxaanad noqotaan addoon Allah oo walaala ah" Waxaa wariyey Muslim. Wuxuu kaloo Suubbanihii yidhi asagoo ka dardaarmaya in la isu qalbi wanaagsanaado " Waxaan ku dhaaranayaa kay nafteydu ku jirto gacantiisa, Jannada ma galeysaan idinkoon aaminin ( Allah), mana aamini kartaan ( Allah) idinkoon is jeclaan....." waxaa wariyey Muslim Wuxuu kaloo ku jawaabay mar laga wareystay yaa dadka ugu khayr badan " Mid walboo qalbigiisu yahay MAKHMUUM, carrabkiisuna run sheeg yahay, weexy yidhaahdeen, kan carrabkiisu runsheegga yahay waan garanayee, waa maxay midka leh qalbi MAKHMUUM ah? wuxuu yidhi " waa kan ( Allah ) iska jira, ee laabta nadiifka ah leh, ooyan ku jirin xumaan, ama duullaannimo, ama dakano ama xasad" Waxaa wariyey Ibn Majah Laabta ama qalbiga wanaagsanna waa nicmad, ama raaxo qofku kaga raaxeysto balada adduunka dadka dhex taalla iyo ajar weyn ee aakhiro laguugu qoro. Taasna wexy ka dhalataa in qofku waxa dadka isku heystaan uu u daayo. Haddaad dadka kula jirto tartan, baratan aad kula baratameyso 1. Jago 2. Hanti 3. Magac waxaa dhab ah inaad ku abuureyso laabtooda xumaan, maxaa yeelay wuxuu kuu arkayaa qof ka qadinaya wuxuu rabay ama uu kaaga xaq lahaa. Laakin haddaad tusto inaad ku jirto tartan ama baratan kale oo ah kii Allah na faray asagoo oranaya " U soo degdega dambi dhaaf ka timid Rabbigiinna, iyo Jannooyin ballaadhkooda (le'eg yahay) cirka iyo dhulka " Qalbi wanaagguna ma aha nacasnimo, taasoo qofku waxba la soconin, laakin waa adigoo wax walba garanaya inaad ka doorato Allah agtiisa wax yaalla, waxa dadka isku heystaan. Run ahaantiina, arrintan aan idiin sheegayo waa mid aan naftsyda ku qasbay waxaanan ka gaadhay natiijo aad u fiican. Waxaan kula jirey ganacsi dad aan isleeyahay waa dadka diinta raaca, haseyeeshee dhowr sano ka dib waxaa ii caddaatay ineys xaqeygii iga duudsiyeen oo bannanka i dhigeen. Anugu waxa socda oo dhan waan garanayey, haseyeeshee ma tusinin, anigooo mar walba Allah ka baryey inuusan aniga xaqooda i raacinin, aniga keygaba aan wayyee. Muddo ayaa ka soo wareegtay oon filayey iney xaqayga ii soo celiyaan, ahaseyeeshee, dulunkii wuu usii macaanaaday. Laabteyda aad bey u xumaatay, maxaa yeelay dulunka aan waayey hantideyda qaarkeed waxaa iiga sii xumaa xanuunka waxa la iga dafirey. Waxaan markaas goostay in xanuunkaas aan ku tirtiro inaan aar goosto, taaso Allah u bandhigay dulunka la i dulmay, oon Allah u sheegay inaan cafiyey kuwii i dulmay oon wax dambe u heysanin adduun iyo aakhiro. Waxaan Allah warsaday in cafiskaas aan ku doonayo inuu i cafiyo igana raalli noqdo, wixii aan waayeyna uu iigu baddalo ajar ka wanaagsan waxaan waayey. Wixii maalinkaas ka dambeeyay, laabta waa i bogsootay, waxaana iga baxay cadhadii iyo naceybkii aan u qabay kuwii i dulmay waanan ka raaxeystay dhibkaas, taasoo qudhana waan u qabaa inaan cafiyey. Maanta Allah wuu iisoo celiyey wixii iga maqnaa, wuxuuna iga siyey meelaan ka fileyn, kuwii aan cafiyayna, waa moogyihiin xataa inaan cafiyey, laakin waxaan dareensanahay xaalkeyga in uu aad uga fiican yahay kooda, hanti ahaan, ama raallinimo Rabbi ahaanba. Waxaan taas idiinku sheegaya, walaalayaal, in aad ogaataan in dadku isku imtixaanan yihiin, Allah wuxuu leeyahay " Waxaannu uga yeellay qaarkiin qaarka kale, imtixaan, ma (isu) sabreysaan?" Run ahaantiina, qasaaro adduun waa sahlan yahay, laakin dad badan dhug uma laha in markey xaqooga raadsanayaan, ayagoo qalbi xun, iney ku sugan yihiin in ay aakhiradooda ay khatar galiyaan. Qalbiga fiican la'aantiis jannada lama galo, Allah wuxuu leeyahay " Maalinka uusan wax tar laheyn hanti iyo ubad, qof Allah ula yimid qalbi wanaagsan mooyee" Intaas waxaa raacsan, in Jannada dadka gala uu Allah laabtooda ka saaro qalbi xumaanta ka dhexeyn jirtay markey adduunka ku noolaayeen Allah wuxuu leeyahay " Waxaannu ka saarnay wixii laabtooda ku jirey oo ahaa dakano, (agoo ah )walaaloo, oo fadhi isaga soo horjeeda" Guud ahaan, Qalbiga wanaagsan, waa mid hadduu Allah ku siiyo aad raaxeysaneyso. Waa mid dadkuna kaa raaxeysanayaan Allahna kugu jeclaanayo marka , maxaad sugeysaa Nur 2004 eNuri Softwano Series ( Somali Edition) Logging-On Your Source Code In A Humble Mode
O Allah I can not fully be grateful to you, I can not mention your glorious names enough times, how can I do it when I am fully aware that things that are right in my life outweigh things that are bad by a margin of 99 to one. I even feel ashamed crying for help when things go wrong, for which I am to be blamed. I know that when things go wrong, that it was me that caused it in more than a way; First, I thought I did not need you, because I did not seek your help, Secondly I have wronged myself without seeking your forgiveness, and third, I failed to help someone who was in need, and as a result you did not help me. When I mention your name, You have inspired me to remember you, when I feel your care for me and be grateful, again, You have guided me to be thankful, so in effect, I can not pay for your kindness to me in any way. O Allah I realize when I transgress and do wrong, that this behavior of mine was the result of a previous willful violation of something that I knew to be wrong. So as a result, my previous sin have led to my present one. Likewise, a good deed will lead to another good deed, because the reward of a good deed is to be given the opportunity and the honor to do more good deeds, until I meet you in the day of judgment. O Allah, I bear witness that you are the originator of life, the creator of guidance systems on blind fish's lateral lines sending bursts of electrical signals to sniff out food of prey, and the originator of the intricate life map in the genetic code. ( like Chromosom # 1 sequence, just completed May, 2006, The one who have created and then guided) . You establish patterns and you repeat, yours is endless wisdom , and for your servants, appreciating your wisdom is their wisdom . I thank you for granting me the sense of appreciation of your wisdom and care. O Allah, I know one thing for sure: That you are good, Kind, Just and Wise, O Allah, You are perfect in every way and my mind is too inferior to grasp dimensions of your greatness. The more I know about you, the greater my love grows for you. The more I attach my heart to you, the less it gets suspended by gravity. With my soul in love with you, minus my worldly worries, I seek to go even higher and higher, like helium rising to the edges of the blue membrane of our tiny home planet. I even daydream to have a cosmic tour of your creations in the universe, flying out to view with awe your fine touches and the splendor of the universe and its breathtaking sights. Here is a creature amidst trillions of stars, nebulae, quasars, black holes, dark matter, planets and intergalactic debris seeking his maker for guidance and mercy. Subxaanallaah, wa bixamdih, subxaanallaah al cadeem. Poor Nur
From Yester Year Posts Feelings! Dareen, or A7asis Yesterday I was driving on a highway amid a lot of traffic, my mind was not with the traffic, nor with the direction I was driving to, my mind became glued to a feeling that caused my heart to murmur or palpitate, missing beats, I felt I did not belong to this world anymore, I felt homesick to a home that I have only known in the pages of the Quraan and the narrations of the Hadeeth. The feeling continued for a good while that day, I can not describe the feeling but I can only say, that while it lasted, it was the most pleasant feeling I have had for a good three years. At that distant time the good feeling was trigerred by a verse of Quraan that electrified my spine with a high powered spike. What triggered this feeling this time around began initially with the remembrance of Allah SWT, making Dhiker as I drove my vehicle, a freak thought that crossed my mind metamorphosed to captivating feeling of awe and love for Allah SWT.. I reasoned, here I am breathing effortlessly, thinking with clarity, seeing a picturesque view of thw world around me with all of its messages, enjoying and celebrating life in a very constructive way, riding on a late model wheels, great business, great family, good health, good faith in Allah SWT, I felt that I have reached the epitome of this life and as a person who wants more and more, I began yearning to meet Allah SWT, not that I was suicidal, nor was I hallucinated with drugs, rather I felt a yearning of love for someone to whom alone I credit for everything that I have had and every fulfillment that I have experienced. " O Allah, I credit you for all the good things in my life, and for all the good things that you have bestowed upon your creatures who are not recognizing your kindness, it is all from you alone, you have no partners, Here is my poor tribute, and here is my gratitude, accept it O lord, amen" I began thinking of Allah SWT, while hymning his praise as I drove with a mind that has travelled to the edge of the known Universe in search for its maker, at awe of his splendid greatness and majesty. Subxaanallah wa bixamdih, subxaanallahul cadiim. Non of the good things that I possess have blinded me from the one who have bestowed these on me, I no longer attach myself to physical things that go through the usual phases from glitter to gloom, rather, I aspire higher, I demand to be with the company of my eternal maker, as I am spiritully with him as long as I mention his good name and as long as I think about his bounties and goodness for me. This deep thought of Allah SWT, has inspired me of his love, and my attachment to him alone and no one else, has freed me from all social ills such as envy, hatred, cheating, lies, dishonesty, cruelty, ...... , I no longer compete with the crowd in the same direction, on physical things , as everyhting around me comes from the components of this lowly earth, and eventually will all recycle back to where it came from, so it makes sense to me to fix my love on the eternal source of love and happiness, Allah SWT. O Allah, grant me the honor of your love, and the love of those who are in love with you, and the love of those whose love will get me closer to you, you are my goal, and you are the source of my life, accept my tears today, and forgive me for falling short of your expectations, you are my ally and you are my protector. Amen. Nur
e-Nuri Softwano series Presents: Summertime Head Cooling Wisdoms Enjoy A Pre-paid Life, Pay Now, Play Later. So, School is over, wow, maashaAllah, that is great, so many plans for the summer time in North America, and winter plans for the Aussies, Hargeisa is always cool, and Bosaso is simmering hot, time to hit the highlands of Las Anod, and Xagaaye rain for Southern Somalis, you know July is the xagaayo? well if you dont know the seasons in Somali, that is OK, not many Nomads do anyway, specially those raised in Pangani or Eastleigh, Nairobi, Kenya or East London, or Dixon, Toronto. Now, back to the topic. You see, now you are young, energetic and healthy, with a lotta leisure time in your hands, so playing is the first thing that comes to mind, right? Have you ever thought about the ease of prepaid services?, when you want to call a relative back home, these days you would first buy a pre-paid calling card and then make the call, knowing that once you pay, you can chat as long as the card allows. But the problem with prepaid calling cards is that you have to pay each time you want to make a call. Now imagine, paying once and chatting forever, or paying once and playing forever? Well let us think through this, if you play now, the fun will be over soon when school opens in September, and then you begin to pay. Let us take this logic further: If you go to a restaurant and eat, say Tagliatelli with clams and prawns, the pleasure ends when the waiter serves you the bill, and asks Visa or Mastercard? All the joy in this life we enjoy has to be paid somehow, even to family and friends, you can not always receive and forget to pay. So, think about this, if you have the choice to play first, and pay later, or pay first and play later, which one would you choose? Now, imagine the life on earth as a game: You either play now, and pay later, in the next life. Or you pay now,(at least some attention to me) and play later in next life. You may ask, " I want to pay now, so I can play with Xuurul Ceyn Later" or in the case for our female Muslim sisters, they want to play with some Xurul Ceyn hunks in next life, which is cool, well, that is all possible, if you: 1. Believe in Allah SWT 2. Do Good deeds ( Payment Plan) 3. Always remind others about these facts 4. And then, show tolerance when doing so. Think, which is better, paying once, and playing forever, or playing once and paying forever. The way to pay now is to Pray, and obey Allah, SWT in all matters. that way, you dont have to pray whn prayers will not help. So, Pray no, Play Later, and dont try to play now and Pray later. The choice is yours! Nur 2004 e- Nuri Softwano series Pre-Paid Soul Saving Services You can Play Once, and Pay Forever, or You can Pay Once, and Play Forever, But You can not Play now and Play Later
Finally I wrote this message to the Sufi: Walaal Awakener The story ws quite amusing, but FAKE SUFIS that I have met and know of are far more sophisticated in their disguise and tactics. They do not mislead kids, but they mislead intire nation. Please read the following piece and educate me if it is true that: 1. There is a SUFI connection with Secretive MASONIC temples? 2. That SUFI organization present something different than their true mission? 3. Teachers are needed for secretive intitiation rites similar to Masonic rites? Here is a brief Sufi History, let me know what yoy think. An overview of "Universal Sufism"Dr. H. J. Witteveen by Ken Shaw Introductory Comments: The author of "Universal Sufism", Dr. H. J. Witteveen, grew up in a family that was deeply involved with the work of Hazrat Inayat Khan, an Indian classical musician and Sufi who attempted to introduce Sufism into the West in the first years of this century. The pupose of the book is to present an introduction and overview of both Sufism and the life and work of Hazrat Inayat Khan. Chapter One: The History and Origin of SufismDr. Witteveen takes the position that Sufism is a living continuation of the religious tradition of Ancient Egypt, especially the tradition of Toth-Hermes who became known as Hermes Trismegistus in Hellenistic times. He sees Dhul-Nun al-Misti as the connecting link between Islamic Sufism and the Hermetic tradition of Hellenistic Egypt. He quotes Hazrat Inayat Khan as saying that Abraham built the Kaaba after his time in Egypt, and that Abraham concentrated his inner force into the Black Stone of the Kaaba as a memorial of the training he had recieved in Egypt. Dhul-Nun is of special interest to people in the West because he is the founder of the Sufi school called "The Builders" which was the inspiration of the Masonic Lodges of Europe. Dhul-Nun is said to have learned to read the Egyptian Hieroglyphs by means of the special insight he devolped by the diciplines of the Path.Dr. Witteveen sees the next key figure in the development of Sufism to be in Persia by Shihabuddin Yahya al-Suhrawardi. Suhrawardi worked out a brilliantly coherant synthesis of Islam, Egyptian Hermeticism, Zoroastrianism, Neoplatonism and BuddismDr. Witteveen notes the importance of Moses and Jesus in Persian Sufism, Moses being mentioned as often as Krishna is in Hinduism. He sees the Jesus as the main influence on the next key figure in the development of Sufism, Mansur al-Hallaj. Al-Hallaj proclaimed the "Sufi Secret" openly in public, and it cost him his life. He understood what Jesus meant when He said "whoever has seen Me has seen the Father" and "the Father and I are one". Sufism understands "The Father" to be "The-Whole-of-Existence-Itself" which is a single living being. In this view, "God" is the only "Being" that exists at all, and the various orders of "individual" organisms are like minute "reflections" of that Absolute Self in the ripples of Space-Time. Each one of us is like a "Holographic Projection" of that One Self, our experience of "seperatness" coming from our identification with the electro-chemical organic machine which is picking up our conciousness like a radio station.Jesus followed a Path that allowed Him to "Realize the Self" and awaken to His true identity, the One Absolute Self who is God. It was like a person in a dream realizing that he is in a dream and becoming fully conscious in that dream. He is both the "dreamer" of the dream and one of the characters in the dream, but he realizes the truth of both the "waking world" and the "dreaming world" he is in.The first followers of Jesus refered to what they were doing as "The Way", and they understood "the Way" to be a tradition of "inner development" that went back to the begining of man's presence on Earth. The Sufis believe that they are following this very same Way. Al-Hallaj began to announce his own awakening to his friends in no uncertain terms when he said to them: "Ana' al Haqq" -- "I Am The Truth" The word got out that Al-Hallaj was proclaiming that he was God, and the orthodox religious authorities of Baghdad had him arrested. He was eventualy crucified and dismembered for his "crime", but his passion changed the course of history in the East and the West and established Sufism as a permanent feature of Islamic life.Dr. Witteveen points out that later Beyazid Bastami was able to proclaim "Glory to Me" and come to no harm, because Al-Hallaj had forced Islamic civilization to come to terms with the paradoxes of mystical realization. He points out the importance of the city of Balkh in Turkistan for its ancient connections to Buddhism and Yoga from India. Balkh is the birthplace of "sober" Sufism which places more emphasis on silent concentration and psychological insight than on the more outwardly "religious" forms of devotion.Dr. Witteveen finishes this chapter with the introduction of Sufism into India, where it began to bridge the gulf between Islam and Hinduism and heal some of the deep wounds that seperated the two communities. The Hindu sages and yogis could see eye-to-eye with the Sufis and embrace them as brethren, and the tombs of Sufi saints are revered as much by Hindus as they are by Muslims in India. My only real problem with this brief overview of Sufi history is that it never mentions Muhammed or the tradition that has survived among the Arabs since the days of Abraham. Moses went to Jethro, "Priest of the Midianites" in the Arabian desert to find shelter and a new direction for his life.The Midianites were a fierce Bedouin people who had lived in the Arabian peninsula since the time of Abraham their father. They lived in deep devotion to the God of their father Abraham, "Yahu Saboath" (Yahu of Warriors), and it was while with Jethro that Moses met the God of Abraham who called Himself "Yahue" (Eternal) and "Hayah" (I Am). The Midianite Arabs had kept the living contact with the God a Abraham alive, and it was from them that Moses got the key to his own Prophetic mission. There is a whole story to be learned about how Jethro came to Moses and the Israelites after the Exodus and taught Moses how to be a tribal Chief. The decendants of Jethro accompanied the Camp of Israel from then on and kept alive thier secret tribal traditions.These decendants of Jethro where later known as the Rechabites in the Land of Israel, where they kept alive their ancient Abrahamic Bedouine lifestyle, never touching wine or cutting their hair or beards. It was from them that the tradition of the "Nazarite" came, which came from the word "Netzerim" which means "Keepers of Secrets". The decendants of Jethro, the Rechabites, where the "Keepers of Secrets" that kept the ancient Abrahamic mysteries alive and functioning until the coming of Jesus and his brother James the Just.So Sufism isn't just an amalgam of various streams of esotericism from Egypt to India, it is the true core of the whole Biblical tradition that comes down from Adam to Seth to Enoch to Noah to Melchezidek to Abraham to Moses to Jesus to Muhammed. Kenneth Shaw
Nur's Response to the Sufi Dear AwakenerDear Awakener Imaam Shaafici was once accused of being a Raafidah due to his love for Aal Al Beit of our Holy Prophet Muhamad SAWS. The Imaam who was a poet responded with a poem whose meaning was " If the love of the Aalal beit makes me a Raafidi (Shiia), then let everyone be witness that I am a Raafidi" If tasawuf is a name for the love for Allah, then should'nt we all be Sufis? Personally, I have a teacher who I consider the teacher of teachers, His good name is Muhammad SAWS, and his Sunnah is my guide in all matters of my life. I thus have reached sufficiency from other teachers as I am directly connecrting to the sources of my teacher collected and safeguarded under Al Bukhaari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Abu Daud, Al Daarimi. There is a saying, Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day, Teach a man how to fish and you have fed him for a lifetime. Our Holy prophet SAWS have fed us muslims for life when he gave us the Sunnah and said I have left for you two sources if you hold onto, you will not get lost. The Book of Allah and my Sunnah. As you can see from the above hadeth there is no mention of any other source of guidnace. Which brings me to discuss Sufism as it it was and how it turned out to be in recent times. Imaam Abdulkaadir Al Jeilaani, to your surprise was a follower of the Hanbali school of thought. The same school of Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Wahaab. The imaam was a very pious, knowledgeable, and spiritual man, whose contribution to Islamic sciences are innumerable. Studying his biography, I found the Imaam as a man misunderstood by his alledged followers of late. The Sheikh was a master of the Hadeeth and Quraan, the grammar, language and all related Islamic studies. This was the Murshid, teacher, and his Murids were real seekers of Knowledge, not merely seekers of sptritual acrobatics, similar to Yoga. Let us visit another famous Sufi, I will withold his name for now so we can discuss his actions. Imagine a man who would pray Fajr prayer and sits until Zuhr prayer aadaan, making dhiker , his Murid, asks him, "O my sheikh, are you still sitting since I left you this morning making dhiker? The sheikh answers, yes, it is my food, if I do not do it I will die ( my soul)." This Sheikh Teacher or Murshid as you may call, was Ibnul Taymiya, and His Murid who asked him the question was Ibnul Qayim Al Jawziyah, the twin towers of Islamic Thought revival of our times. Ibnul Qayim has extensively written on the soul and its science, he is regarded the father of Islamic Psychology. His books cover all topics that may interst real Sufis who love Allah SWT and show their love in following the Sunnah of our prophet Muhammad SAWS. Allah SWT says, " Tell (them), If you indeed love Allah, then, follow me, Allah will love, and will forgive you your sins" So the following of the Sunnah is a bedrock and a foundation of Sufism as it was known during Sheikh Ibnul Taimiya, and his Murids like Sheikh Ibnul Qayim. Sheikh Ibnul Qayim wrote books that heal the soul , clean our niyah, get us close to allah SWT and make your heart soft. Books that depend on the Sunnah as their source of teaching, books that take you to spiritual hights that you will not reach unlsess you put the Sunnah to work for you. Anything that is not based on the Sunnah is an Illusion. Here are my favorite selections: 1. Zaadul Macaad Fee Hadyi Khairil Cibaad ( Practicing the Sunnah) 2. Madaarijul Saalikiin beyna manaazil iyyaaka nacbudu wa iyyaaka nastaciin ( the best psycholgy Book ever written) 3. Dariiqul Hijrateyn wa safar ul Sacaadatayn ( following the steps of the sahaabah) 4. Jalaa Al afhaam, fil salaat wal salaam calaa kheiril anaam ( on the imporatnce of the Salaat on the soul of our Prophet SAWS) 5. Ighaathatul Lahfaan min masaayed al sheitaan ( The tricks satan plays on people) 6. Al Ruux ( this is a gem stone on the soul science, don't look further) 7. Haadil Arwaax ilaa bilaadil Afraax ( now here is the joy of jannah and its pleasures) 8. Tahdheeb sunan Abi Daud ( collection of explained and calrified hadeeths) 9. Dibbul Quluub ( Medicine of the hearts for Heart ailments, not Cholestrol driven) 10. Al waabilul sayyib wa raafcul kalimul dayyib ( For those who literally want to get high! The best book on Dhiker ever written) 11. Rawdatul Muxibbiin (The good, the bad and the ugly of love) 12. Ciddatul Saabiriin wa dakhiiratul shaakiriin ( this is the healing for the afflicted and the tool for the happy) 13. Al Kabaa'ir ( Major Sins) 14. Hidaayatul xayaaraa minal yahuudi wal nasaaraa ( The source of ahmed Deedaat in Dialogue with Christians) 15. Al Sunnah wal bidcah 16. Al Fawaa'd ( Collection of wisdoms) After you read the above, and practice, you will be a Murshid is ShaaAllah. That is all for today Nur The Sufi Responded: Ustaad Nuur, I love you as my Soul brother. Everyone else is also my Soul brother and sister' The love of God is binding force that unities us, and in the glory of his love we exist ' Amin I agree with what you wrote in your last posting. It seems for me that you have not digested the contents of my last letter. The point I made in my last letter was this and I quote for simplicity: "Beneath the form , there is an underlying spirit of revelation. THIS UNDERLYING REVELATION MUST BE GIVEN PREFENCE OVER THE FORM" This means that the form which WHICH FOR EXAMPLE YOUR EXPLANATIONS REFLECT is the primery step we take in order to come back to GOD. The second and IMPORTANT STEP IS WHEN WE BEGINH TO LEARN THE UNDERLYING REVELATIONS OF SAME QURAN AND HADITH SOURCES WHICH WE HAVE. Here is where we disagree Ustaad Nuur: I believe that the Quran and Hadith have an ever deeper revelation to reach/seek ALWAYS. I believe that ever deeper revelation of the Quran and Hadith has a teacher who is living now who can give the seeker. Consequently I believe that the Quran and Hadith in there outer form are KEYS to a deeper truth which has to be sought and learned. If it is NOT as I said , for me, the wisdom of Quran and Hadith has to be limited. NO ' THE WISDOM THAT CONTAINS IN THE QURAN AND HADITH HAS AN EVER INCREASING SCOPE ACCORDING TO WHERE YOU STAND. The sufi teachers have their PLACE in teaching of THE QURAN AND HADITH IN THEIR EVER INCREASING SCOPE. The other scholarly learned sunni teachers have their place also. All though there can be misguided teacher in both groups most of them are genuine teachers of the word of God and have sincere intentions. In regard to your letters I see that you don't agree that the Sufi teachers can teach an UNDERLYING REVELATION of The Quran and Hadith. It seems to me also that you believe that they teach something foreign which is neither in accord with the Quran nor with the Hadith. If that is your conclusion I respect it' I stand on my point: I am Soul' Everyone is Soul' Soul can be realised while living here and now' You can gain such realisaiton through Islamic means ' You cannot be mislead while loving seeking God ' God protects his Lovers ' It is through the grace of God that one can gain such realisation ' A certified Sufi teacher can facilitate so that one can have such realisation ' Wake up and seek you Self- Soul. I decided myself that I won't be avaible for more comments on this subject. Nabad gelyo iyo nooli kullantee ' Qaar badan oo idinka mid ahi inay hurdadii ka tooseen oo ay xiiso gelisay inay raadiyaan waxan lagu sheegayo " Soul " ayaan rajeynayaa ' Ustaad Nuur oo aqoontiisu sareysona wuu joogaa' Laakiin dad badan oo kale oo aqoon lihina way joogaan. Aan dedaalo oo ilaahay u dhowaano ' Mahad sanidin The awakener Nur's Response Dear Awakener I have indeed read all of your words, and have understood them very well, because I come from a Sufi background, both in education and family, I have seen both sides of the fence brother, and I must admit that clinging to Sunnah and Quraan has no parallel when it comes to securing a place in Paradise. Said all of that Brother, remember Sufism as I have exlained is not a stand alone concept in Islam, rather it is an integral part of a wholesome experince offered by Islam for its followers. Unfortunately, the problem of Sufism being repsented as a stand-alone concept is shared by other groups in Islam who also have similarly focused on other components of this great Deen, and creating sub-Deens out of Islam as a result. For example, To some, the political activism has appealed, and conseqently, they have digged and found all the sources in the Sunnah to quench their thirst in this subject, and based on this, they created movements that entirely seem stand alone in their practice of part of Deen while neglecting the backbone of Islam which is Salaat and Ibaadaat. Yet other groups have focused on Ibaadaat and neglected the political activism of Islam. Based on that logic, I do see where you are coming from, because you seem very excited of your experiences that you have gained when you attended a Dhiker session with a Murshid. To suggest that you can only get such a feeling by a certified Murshid alone, is like saying you can learn tricks of football from Brazilians only. I can tell you that when I stand up at night in prayers, I feel so good that I wonder, what makes people sleep and miss an opportunity as pleasurable as this. I can't explain the feeling, I can tell people go try it. Now imagine if I form a group called QIYAMULLEILIS, who focus on the nightly prayers only and make conventions where we only meet like minded Qiyaamullieli brothers and sisters and look down upon those who do not enjoy this pleasure? Soon we will be a Sub-Deen group. In conclusion, I want to say, the very name of the group SUFI is questionable at best, if we overlook their focus area of the seeking of the love of Allah SWT. The name Muslim is comprehensive and wholesome and it includes the love of Allah SWT and in order to reach the true love of Allah one must follow the Sunnah of his prophet SAWS. Your last statement that Allah does not mislead those who love him is true, provided that they follow the directions set by his prophet SAWS, otherwise they will get lost like Christians who claim that they love Allah SWT. Finally I want to say Axxabbaka Alllahu alladee fiihi axbabtanii Allaha ku jeclaado, kaad dartiis iagu jeclaatay, ogowna in aan aniguna kugu jeclahay Allah dartiis aanan kuu baryayo inuu nagu wada hadeeyo dariiqa toosan ee uu noo jideeyay Suubbanihii Muxammad SCWS. Nur Nur responds again to the Sufi: If you belong to the following group: 1. Believe in Allah 2. The Last day ( The day of Judgment) 3. And who remembered and mentioned Allah's and his qualities a LOT 4. Those who love Allah SWT You need to follow this example Of The prophet Muhammad SAWS Allah says " There has been a good example for you to emulate in the person ( Character and his way of life) of the prophet Muhammad SAWS, for he who believes in Allah, the last day and ( as a result ) have remembered and mentioned Allah ( DHIKR) a lot" Allah SWT further Says " Say ( O Muhammad to them ), if you indeed love Allah SWT, then Follow me ( Sunnah). Allah will love you and forgive your sins" The Moral of the above: If you have any of the above 4 qualities, you are urged to follow the way of the Prophet Muhammad SAWS. If you are not following the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAWS, your claim of the above is questionable Nur The Sufi Responded: Why do you question if I have the four mentioned qualities ? Did I say that I don't believe or have those qualities ? Or do you mean that a Sufi teacher has not those qualities and will eventually mislead anyone who comes to him ? In fact all my letters are calling their readers to have higher ambition and motivation in order to reach God again. Mine is the waling from the wilderness for Soul to remember it's self and come back to God ' The interesting thing about my letters is not about my personal believes and achieveements but I have been showing the way, ALWAYS, about how such self rememberance for Soul can be achieved within the Islamic confinement' As you mentioned in another posting in this series, Islam is a whole and the Sufi school of thought in Islam is an integral part of it. There is no separation between the Sunni, Sha'a and Sufi except that which our mental perception creates. But the fact and the truth is that every teacher has his own way of teaching and training his disciples and puts emphasis on certain verses and deeds in the Quran and Hadith or the qualities of God. SUCH PUTTING OF EMPHASIS OF THE TEACHER IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN ALL ALONG COMMENTING ABOUT. I have been saying that the HIGHEST ONE IS - is SOUL. And the sufi teachers- put emphasis in that knowledge in the Quran and Hadith. I hope we should be wise and try not to easily discred one another. Although you are learned mann and may be more religious then I am still from your letters it seems for me that you are discredting the islamic teaching which is given by the Sufi teachers-not me personally ' It sounds for me that you claim that you have been in both camps-the sunni and Sufi- and that you became dissatisfied with the Sufi, but the Sunni as present the teaching is correct. That is your personal experience my Soul brother Nour ' Let us call the people to become more ambitious and motivate them to seek more through and in the wholeness of Islam ' The awakener Nur's Response: My Dear Brother Awakener First of all, I did not address you personally, when I need to do that I call you by the name you like. Second, Please think well about me, I am trying to do same for you. Third, Allah SWT says, ( Give good news to my servants, those who pay attention to what is said, and then follow the best of its(meanings)) Fourth, Let me remind you that Sunnah and Sufi are not schools of Fiqh, rather, they are streams of wholesome aqeedah and outlook of life. Summarizing Sunnah is known according to the Books, Madhabul Ahlul Sunnah wal Jamaaca. It is moderate, not extremist, open, not secretive, simple, not complex, understandable by laymen, not an ellitest exclusive club. This Madhab, is well substantiated by Hadeeth and Quraan, everyconcept was taken from the two sources and nothing was added, and nothing was taken away, it is that simple. Sufism, on the otherhand, has gown in its own way, away from the Sunnah mainstream, begining intially as the Asxaabul Suffah, known for their piety, poverty, and congregation in the mosque all the time as they did have worldly business to keep them busy. And later, Sufism became affected with Baadini movements ( Secretive organizations) , as it was accepting every innovation that came its way without a control mechanism to authenticate its sources. It evolved to become secretive, and followers were assigned special teachers to implant ideas that are contraruy to the teachings of the prophet SAWS, in a place called ( Zaawiyah) By a teacher who is above questining, administered to as student whose knowledge of Quraan and Hadeeth, the basic sources of Islam is very shallow. Because Sufism of late became a religion that only addresses the soul, it borrowed everything concerning the soul from everywhere possible, growing to have many alien concepts that were not taught by the Prophet Mohammed SAWS. Sufism, to this day, attracts those with minimal knowledge of Quraan and Sunnah, because many of its teachings are questionable in light of the Sunnah, so it creates a conflict. In short, The way to worship Allah SWT should be simple, not requiring the assignment of a special teacher, particularly our modern times when education can be administred remotely. Anyone who can read, can learn, and furthermore the worship of Allah SWT should not be secretive. Allah SWT says of the Christians ( And they have devised monasticim that was not prescribed on them, yet, they failed to fulfil its requirements as it deserved) Allah further says " There is a GOOD EXAMPLE for you ( to follow) in the person of the prophet ( his Sunnah) for those who: 1. Believe in Allah 2. The last day 3. And made a lot of Dhiker. So I assuume that Sufis make a lot of Dhiker which is great, and they Believe in Allah, which is wonderful, and they believe in the day of judgement. What remains is : Should'nt the SUFIS Follow The SUNNAH of the Prophet SAWS? or are they exempt from this requirement? Nur
The Sufi: Dear Ustad Nur, This will be my last letter I will contribute to this subject. I will let the others make their contributions to the topic. But, for your informations I AM A SOUL TRAVELER. For those of you who do not know the meaning of the term, it means SOMEONE who have learned to leave the body behind and can explore the universe using the SOUL body as a vehicle. For some of you this may sound unintelligible or impossible. It simple means one comes to the original Soul state one was/is before he/she became created/embodied on the earth. In that state of Soul there is freedom and capablities that cannot be had when Soul has a body as a clothing on the earth. There is also PURE LOVE AND HAPPINESS IN IT. I am passionately in love with God and Soul. Everybody Should know himself as Soul. I repeat myself here:KNOW HIMSELF. Faith HAS TO BE secondary CONSIDERATION here. knowing is paramount. This art of separation of Soul from body can be learned by anyone who is willing to use effort and time to this endeavour. One needs though a teacher who is himself Certified Soul traveler. If one is Muslim and wants to learn this art he/she has to seek a Sufi teacher who will take the IGNORANT SEEKER into his protection and teach/guide him/her. I use the word IGNORANT HERE because one is ignorant( some mystical teachers use the term blind)before one knows himself as SOUL. We are in a new ERA. SELF REMEMBRANCE THAT ONE IS SOUL IS DAWING NOW. WAKE UP. CATCH THE TIDE AND FIND A TEACHER. The awakener. Nur response: Dear Awakener It is always healthy to discuss issues frankly, I will be very frank today, so tighten your seat belts, and open your mind, we are going places, InshaAllah. No malice meant, here is my opinion on your writeup. I would first like to start with the last point you have raised concerning the Sufi order sheikh as a coach for spiritual training. There is no doubt that we all need teachers to teach us about our faith, and how to better serve Allah SWT. But as you may know, first and foremost we need to define Islam in the simplest terms in order to determine two things. 1. What Allah SWT wants from us? 2. What we want from Allah SWT Answer 1. That we do not resist him (ibaadah) Answer 2. Jannah ( Paradise) The answer to those two questions will givern our discussion. Answering the first question, Allah SWT says " I have not created man and Jinn, except for my Ibaadah " So What is ibaadah? Ibaadha comes from the root Arabic word, abadah, which means : a) when using in context of transportation we say " Dariiqun Mucabbad" a paved way, here it means the roads resistance is minimal to traveller, no peaks and valleys, no holes, no surprises. b) when using in context of social status , Pharaoh says about Moses and his people " Wa qowmuhumaa lanaa caabiduun" Moses' people are our servants. Again , the same meaning, the people of Moses do not resist our authority as Egyptian rulers. Ibaadadah therefore can be summarized as the absence of resistance to a higher authority, Now let us look Ibaadah in other terms. Everything other than Allah SWT is caabid. meaning they take orders from supreme power no one can resist. The Cosmos in general is Submittimg to Allah SWT, and it is made up of two types of creations a. Living b. Non living ( at least in our own perception) The living are made up of two more groups a. Intelligent b. Non intelligent ( at least in our own perception) Allah say of all these " In kuullun man fil samaawati wal ardi illaa aati Rahmaani Cabdaa" All that which is in the heavens and earth, (have no choice) but to approach the Merciful ( in the day of judgement as Abdan ( zero resistance) Now let us see how everyone conforms to the will of Allah SWT. Allah addresses the mountains, the the sky, the fire, as servants in the Quraan: " O mountains, join David in his tasbeex ( remembrance, ( and as a result of his servitude to Allah) we have made metals maleable for him" " O sky, stop raining, O earth, dissipate the flood" When Noah finaly scaped the punishment of the great flood, of his people due to their resistance to Allah SWT. "O fire, be cool and peace for Abraham" Now as you can see, these creatures behave in a certain way, the fire burns, water flood, etc. but when the originator of the law of physics interfered, they conformed without resistance. This we call Mucjiza ( Miracles) Now after concluding the above observation, let us discuss human beings, Jinn, and animals. Animals are exempt from responsibility due to their role as subservant to mankind. They are made servant to us, so we serve a higher authority. Jinn are entity that are created from fire and live in a different domain, although they interact with the human beings in a feak ways. They are also responsible like humans, and have Muslims and non Mulsims. Sometimes, the Jinn can coexist in the same body of a human, and at times taking full control, which is similar to what we know as hacking in computer terms. The episode of hacking of human body contiues until the Jinn loses control due to his lack of knowledge (some are dumb) or until a major force interferes like Aayatul Kursi. Many people are inflicted with these episodes of Jinn temporarily occupying their bodies and taking them for a joy ride or a painful nightmare. So it is important that we know how a normal person behaves to know that this person is not behaveing in a upnormal way. When a Sufi tells that he has travelled as a soul traveller, we simple people ask, why it is necessary to do this trick? is it part of ibaadaat that Allah SWT ordained to his messenger? clearly not. so, that leaves one possibility, which is the Sufi body is possessed, by hackers who are directing his action against the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SASWS. If the purpose of man is ibaadah of Allah alone, and these ibaadaat are clearly defined, prayers, fasting and helping the poor, abstaining from the forbidden things and remembrance of Allah SWT. If a person fails those ibaadaat and suddenly feels that he is above those shariica, (law) because he plays ball with major league ( Xaqeeqah). than here we have a huge problem that can pose the following question: Is This person who found the Xaqeeqah an ilaah? or a servant? Becuse we defined ibaadat as relinquishing of resistance to a higher authority. Now, Allah SWT has reserved the term CABD or Servant as the highest decoration for his prophet the night of Al Miraaj, so people do not confuse him with a diety, Which is logical for the lay people to think since he went up to the heavens, that he may be kind of an Ilaah, " Subxaana Alladee asraa bicabdihi leilan, minal masjidil xaraami ailaal masjidil aqsaa aladii baaraknaa xawlahu, li nuriyahau min aayatinaa" It was reported that imaam Shaafici, was approached by people who told him that they saw his face in the skies at night. The imaam told them that " it is Satan, who wants to mislead them, and magnify his ego" The next point is what we want from Allah SWT. The answer is simple 1. Good life a. Here in this world b. There in the next world So if someone other than Allah claims that he offers these two, which is strictly the authority of Allah, we have ta ask, for their credentials. Which brings me to your suggestion of finding a SUFI Sheikh. As a person who serves Allah alone, and who seeks help from Allah alone " Iyaaka Nacbudu, wa Iyaaka Nastaciin" I need to see the SUFI Sheikh's Resume. Once I see his resume . I will check it against the set standards of our faith 1, Quraan 2. Sunnah If what he presents to me are supported by Quraan and Sunnah, I will then make a discussion with him based on these two sources. and we probably will get somewhere. If on the other hand , the Sufi Sheikh turns out to be my old highschool Atheist friend who was transformed in Morocco Suufi Zaawiyah, with no knowledge of Quraan, Arabic, Hadeeth, Seerah except for his mantra ( Ask the Sheikh) . Than I will be amused, and say. Alxamdulillahi alladee caafaanaa mimmaa ibtalaakum bih. Islam is very simple, any attempt to add to what has been delivered by the prophet SAWS is divergence from the right path, and in turn any divergence will lead to hell. Allahumma arina Al Xaqqa xaqqan, warzuqnaa ittibaacah, wa arinaa al baadila baadilan war zuqnaa ijtinaabah aamiin Nur The Sufi Responded: Dear Nur, Your answer is the classical answer which is give by the scholarly learned sheikhs in the Sunni school of thought. If one asks the same question to a Sufi sheikh or a shia sheikh they might probably give the answer from another prespective. Now in this letter I will discuss about Soul traveling and my be in a another letter I will continue the other subjects we have been discussing in this this postings. 1.Soul travelling is a latent natural ability which everyone of us has. No one human being needs to call upon jinn in order to soul travel. In fact everyone of us has that ability but we are not conscious of it. When are we sleeping, Soul leaves the body in degrees, and explores other universes. The modern scientist have become aware of this human potensial of dreaming for a time now. There are extensive stduies about it which one can read in the libraries. What is interesting about this dreaming is what the scientist call LUCID dreaming. The scientist know now that such an state can be indused. The dreamer wakes up in the dream state with all his faculties operational and under the controll of the person and he/she does what ever one prefers to do. Human beings have better capablities or the same capalities as the Jinn. Consequently they do not need the support of Jinn to Soul Travel. Besides Soul traveling is same for Soul as walking, eating and other activities are for the body. This ability of the human beings has always been known to the mystical schools in many religions in this world among them the Sufis. This mystical schools developed techniques so that this capability can be learned and mastered by seekers of the higher truth. Qualified teachers give this techniques to chosen students and after long training some students develop the ability to go in and out of this dream state in their sleeping hours. They learn not only to be awake in here and now but they are also awake when they are seeming asleep. The Second stage of this training is that the ability becomes automatic and is available to the person even in the waken state here and now. One can though happen to be mislead by jinn or other humans. We are always mislead many times. Millions of somalis living inside and outside somalia are mislead of handfull of warlords. And Jinn or other powers can and do possses human beings mostly with those who are fearfull or do not know how do defend themselves from such intrusions of this powers. That is why a certified teacher is needed. In Islam the certified teacher is mostly Sufi.The other muslim "Culima" usually have deep knowledge of Islam but they can give us only mental knowledge not SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES. We should not discredit everything which seems unfamiliar to us, not specially this one. One gains nothing to LOSE HIS IDENTITY AS SOUL. EVERY ONE OF US IS SOUL CLOTHED WITH A BODY. to know your self as such gives strong IMMAN. OTHERWISE ONE THINKS THAT ONE IS BODY AND THAT THE OTHERS ARE BODY AND THEN KILLING AND CONFLICTS PREVAIL IN THE RELATIONS OF THE HUMAN BEINGS- as you witness in our country now. More to come the awakener Nur Response to Sufi: Dear Awakener Knowledge is an ever expanding circle, the more I master a science, the more I realize my ignorance, and the more windows of knowledge open up for me. With your past post, you have indeed raised my ineterst in soul travel, it sounds like hiking, skiing, or scuba diving. However, for someone like me who enjoys diving, I would prefer to call it soul diving, as scuba diving frees you so you can move in all three dimensions. Before I try this inetersting technique of yours called soul travelling though, I need to know answers to certain questions that should have been in the soul travel manual, just like the diving manual which I was given before I met the Scuba Diving Sheikh. And if I were you, I would post answers for an FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions) for soul travelling that answers the following questions. 1. What is the purpose for soul travelling? 2. Who prescribed the soul travel technique? 3. What are the benefits of soul travel for a Muslim? 4. How often do soul travellers read Quraan? 5. How often do soul travellers make khatam al Quraan ( complete)? 6. What verses in the Quraan support the practice of soul travel technique? 7. What source from the Sunnah support the practice of soul travel Technique?8. Is the Soul travel a form of worship (ibaadah) to Allah SWT or is it spiritual entertainment and sport? 9. Are Sufi orders an ellitest Islamic club with certain powerful secrets only known to their members? 10. How can a sufi be sure that his body is not possessed with Jinn when he experiences supernatural powers of higher awareness like the soul travel? 11. Does a Sufi follower receive these special powers from Allah or other entities like friendly jinn? 12. If it is from Allah, what are the supporting aayaats in Quraan or hadeeth? 13. Did the soul travel exist during the time of Prophet Muhammad SAWS? 14. Who was the first successful soul traveller in history? Please kindly answer the above questions to educate me and others who are curious? Nur The Sufi: Ustad Nuur, This are extensive question to answer. I am neither teacher nor Sufi and therefore Iam not willing to answer them. If you are interested or any other one is interested on this subject then you should not hesitate to contact a Sufi Teacher. Sufism stresses forcibly though that beneath the form of the religion, there operates an underlying spirit of revelation. This underlying revelation must be given preference over the form. THE ULTIMATE GOAL IS IDENTIFIED AS THE LOVE OF GOD AND COMMUNICATION WITH HIM. While a Sunni sheikh like Ustad Nuur gives us explaination the Quran and Hadith out of the form, a Sufi teacher will , in addition to meaning and interpretation of form, give the underlying explanations also. We should not argue about what is right or wrong. What we call right and wrong is primerily infromations which we recieved and accepted as such. I JUST PROPOSED THAT SUFISM HAS A SOLUTION FOR SELF PURIFICATION AND THEN IN AN EVEN HIGHER PURIFICATION STAGES ONE EXPERIENCES HIMSELF AS SOUL If one is satisfied to be where he/she it is Ok. It means that persons is satafied with his spiritual life and lacks nothing. I know what I know and that knowledge can not be transfered to the others except verbally. That does not proof anything. Most of you may have FAITH that you are soul. Many others do not know anything. They are body which sleeps and wakes up and does certain activities. I have more then FAITH. I am always my primery being-SOUL. not body or any thing else for example a body possesed by Jinn. Soul cannot be possesed. It is the centre of the life impulse and it supremly rules its environment both inside and outside. Those who need to come this pure Soul state and then seek God, and eventually become masters over their lifes can seek a Sufi teacher. The Question is Why ? You can read here what Sufi student wrote in another topic " what is sufism ? Sufism is drived from Tasawuf. The sceince of self purification in Islam. As Allah SWT said in Holly Qura'n, 'Qad Aflaxa Man Tazaka.' Surely he has succeeded whomsoever purifies themselves. Saxabas did Tazkiyatu Nafs through direct guidence of Prophet SAW. In the time of Prophet SAW, Sufism or Tasawuf was a reality without a name, today you find it as a name without reality. Real Tasawuf observes 'Cathimatul Shariicah' at its highest and demands to follow footsteps of Prophet SAW in every aspect as the shadow follows its form, were others observe 'Rukhsatul Shariicah'. Tasawuf requires intensive training through an authorized Murshid, teacher, that traces his Silsilah, chain of transmission of knowledge to Prophet SAW through one of the Khulufa'u Rashideen. Meaning that Murshid must have trained under, an authorized literally and in writing, a Murshid similarly trained under authorised...., and so on all the way to Prophet SAW. This creates an uncut cable to the source. Some scholars refer to this as another meaning of 'Wactasimu Bixablilaahi Jamiican Walaa Tafaraqu'. Grap on to the uncut cable of Allah SWT collectively do not be disconnected from. For it is only that cable that carries real power. In short Tasawuf is the spiritual aspect of Islam. It carries the Mureed, student, from five pillars of Islam through the six pillars of Iman all the way to Ihsan, state of excellence, as Allah SWT refered in Holly Qura'n, 'Wa Axsinuu Inallaaha Yuxibul Muxsiniin'. Be exellent for Allah SWT loves Excellent Ones. As the Murid progresses, depending on the calliper of the Murshid (Murshid At-tabaruk, Murshid At-tazkiyah, Murshid At-tarbiyah, etc.), he experiences dressed with certain tajallis, divine blessings or manifestations. These Tajallis are experienced through hearing, sensing and visions. That is a sign of certain veils removed from that Murid as a result of enlightment. Upon the Murid refraining from the 500 forbidden acts and trying to exercise 800 recommendations and engaging his tongue and heart with Dikrullah at all times. The Murid must maintain an all time Awareness that Allah SWT is watching him. The example is that of wearing a seatbelt at all times verses only when a peace officer is noticed. However, the brother/sister above expresses a seperation between sufism and sunni. There is no sufism or tasawuf without being a real sunni, one that follows the sunnah of Prophet SAW to the highest. Often you might find some non-Muslims refer to themselves as Sufis or Western Sufis which forces the un-informed to ask, 'Are sufis Muslims?' Many in the west were overwhelmed by the sceince of Tasawuf and tried to imitate in various made up ways. You may find them chanting, 'La Ilaaha Ila Laah', 'Al Hamdillilah', etc. But they all agree that its origin is Islam. Tasawuf remains as mainstream Islam, from East to West in the Muslim World, while it comes under attack by the Saudis in pamphlet, translations, scholarships. A simple example that seams all these is in the Qura'n translation(Af Soomaali) printed by the Sacudis, look under Surat Ta Ha verse 130. where, 'Fasabix' is translated as, 'KU TASBIIXSO (TUKKO)...' Hinting to Somalis that TASBIIXSO means TUKKO, as they put it in prentices Awakener:
The Sufi Responded with this: Ustad Nuur, I have great admiration for your participation in this forum. Your contrabutions give deep insight to many of us also. That is why I personally ask you, sometimes, silly or unlearned questions. I hope that you will be forgiving and tolerant to me and give explaination there you can, I am satisfied with your reply regarding to my last question. But as always there are more question in our mind. You know words are conveyers of thoughts and somtimes one wonders if one is missing the point or the other is using the unappropriate words which were to convey the right thoughts. Let us see here again, and I my intention is purely positive, don't misunderstand me. You said in the same letter and I qoute: "Allah SWT summoned all the souls that will be created on earth to take the place of the Neanderthals.......... Allah asked these souls one question " Am I not your lord " . Instead of using the word "created on earth.........., isn't the right word here " to be embodied on earth ? The other question here is: were not the Neanderhals "embodied Souls" on earth also ? Could you please go in and explain if you can this relationship between Soul, mind and body in Islamic perspective ? Thank you The awakener I responded Dear Awakener Jazaakallahu Khairan for your contribution. Regarding the choice of words " Create. Vs Embody) You have a point and I have a point First "Embody" is right because the soul superceded the body ( very touchy issue here), so somehow, the body is like a clothing for the soul, which makes your choice feasible. Second my choice is right also, because the Quraan always uses " Khalaqa" so to stay out of trouble I stick to the same term. Now going back to the Neandarthals, as you are aware, Allah speaks of the creation of Adam Caleyhii Salaam, as Khaliifah, which means some one who takes the place of another. Here, I do not have solid knowledge, whether Adam AS replaced Neandarthals or other creatures . But one thing is for sure, they had bodies and they spilled blood, made no Dhiker, (Tasbiix) and made mischief on earth according to the argument of the Angels when Allah told them that he will "create" Man on earth. I hope I clarified Brother Nur The Sufi Responded: SOUL IS THE SOURCE OF AWARENESS, ACTIVITY AND INTELLIGENCE ' Soul as the primery unit of our beingness is the source of awareness, activity and intelligence. Awareness is that ability which we have that informs us: who we are, where we are and the environment which we are living in. It also makes us aware of our feeling and thought contents. Without awareness -with the above criterier - one is: asleep, unconscious or is dead ' Motor activities of: the body, the emotions and mind, is initiated and executed by the same Soul centtre. Without this supply of energy from Soul to initiate motions or do other actitivities which need energy, the body is not different from the rock and cannot do anything by it's self. Intelligence is a mental capability. Soul regulates this mental activity also. If one is more intelligent then the other then it must be a matter of chioce- from Soul level. Without high level of intelligence, compared to the other living beings on the earth, the human beings wouldn't have been different. Therefore for me, any living being that has an awareness, can initiate physical activity and can make choice- or is intelligent must be an embodied Soul on earth- or according to the Quran terminology: a created Soul on earth. Why do you think then that Neanderhals and eventually other living forms of live on earth are NOT embodied Souls/ created Souls on earth? My posting on the subject may be condensed. Ask more where my thought are not clear to you. The awakener I responded: Dear Awakener There are two things people discuss 1. Faith 2. Worldly affairs ( Which are further divided into: a. Realtions of the sexes b. Financial transactions c. Others In Islam, when we discuss Faith or any related issue, we have to be guided by the Quraan or Sunnah, NOT OUR PERSONAL OPINIONS, no train of thought is allowed to take off without a basis of the above two. Discussing the worldly affairs also , any case involving the relationship of the sexes or financial transactions is also governed by the Quraan and the Sunnah NOT PERSONAL OPINIONS. Remaining other issues are open for pesronal opinions with care. Now speaking of the soul, we should be prepared to back up everyhting we say about the soul with sources of Quraan and Sunnah. The issue of the soul is so mysterious that even the prophet SAWS declined to indulge in it when the Jewish elders asked him about the soul " They ask you concerning the soul, say to them, the soul is a matter (reserved) for my lord" As such, if we are still curious to find out more, we should look deep into all the Stories in the sunnah and Quraan to quench our curiousity. For starters, you can read a Book by Ibnul Qayyim Al Jawziyah, called " AL RUUX " and if you want to dig some more, to see what happens to the soul in the day of judgement, you can read " HAADIL ARWAAX ILAA BILAADIL AFRAAX" by the same author, who was a muxaddith ( Xadith sceintiest) a Faqeeh ( Jurist ) and Xaafidul Quraan, also, linguist and a grammarian, and who wore many other hats related to Islam. Nur The Sufi: You are learned man, ustad Nuur ' Thank you for your selfless contributions. This is the second time that you tell me that opinions are allowed in Islam but that discussions should be based on what is writen on the Quran and Hadith. I ACCEPT THAT 'THIS WILL BE MY LAST LETTER WERE I WILL EXPRESS OPINIONS- IF YOU WOULD NOT ENCOURAGE ME OTHERWISE. Usually I know what you would answer, but still because of your insight in Islam I just ask you a question inorder to see whether you would give an answer from another perspective. For me it seems that my knowledge about Soul and generally the human constitution is deep. But mine can be seen as OPINION when I can not directly refer it in the Quran or the Hadith. For me the wisdom of God is limitless. I used to hear: If the wisdom of God were to be writen with the water of the seas, the water would have dried while wisdom is still waiting to be writen. That means regardless of how much knowledge- of any subject including Soul, life on the earth or any other thing- we have, still we are lacking more knowledge and need more lightment. THIS LIMITLESS WISDOM OF GOD IS THERE FOR SOUL TO LEARN AND SOUL CAN WILLINGLY CHOOSES TO APPROACH THIS WISDOM THROUGH ISLAM, GUIDED BY THE QURAN AND HADITH. THE QURAN AND HADITH IS THE KEY.IT SHOWS THE WAY ! Other Souls, although they are called to become muslim, can willingly choose other religions and approach God in their chosen way. What I am trying to say here, and of course it is an opinion, is that no soul nor human being can encompass such a limitless wisdom of God at one time. Specially not here on the earth, were we are mortal human beings who have severe limitations ! For me What we possibly calling an OPINION at one time is the SAME WISDOM that is waiting us to learn. We Soul brothers, and we are learning from one another . Don't discouraged. the awakener Nur Response: Dear Awakener May Allah accept your sincerity, and open mind. I am very much like you, I am very passionately spriritual in the sense that if I am not careful I can easily float on the edges of the universe, my imaginations make star wars child play, it even occured to me once that I should go out in the wilderness to talk to Allah directly. But, luckily, I have restrained myself with Sunnah of our beloved prophet Muhammad SAWS. I therefore found in the Sunnah a balance between my deep spiritualism and realism. Alhamdulillah, with Quraan as my manual, and the Sunnah as my steering, Taqwah my mantle, Dhiker my security and struggle with my own nafs-al ammaara bil soo, as my vocation, I can barely see the light of the siraatul Mustaqeem. It beats me to understand how others cruise these rough waters without such an arrangement. So Dear awakener, I DO UNDERSTAND the oceans of feelings you have for Allah in your heart. To generate useful power from these waves though, we need to look into the Sunnah to differentiate between false feelings and genuine spiritual AWAKENING. Nur
Salaams Nomads I am back, and this is the first topic I picked, it is an old topic from Somalinet boards, and because it was one of the most interesting dialogues I ever had with any Hyper-Debator, I thought that you may also like to catch up to this great topic that arose from a simple post that I posted about our souls. Here is the original Topic Soul Brothers, & Sisters The internet is the miracle of our times. It is an aayah, a testamanet of Allah's SWT greatness . Since the first three computers were hooked up few decades ago, the world is becoming increasingly virtually connected , and also logically, not Boolean, but those who share a common logic and philosophy find each other on this web. From an Islamic point of view, the internet is providing the best platform to exchange unfiltered opinion on any issue, it provides an opportunity in which you can share views with soul mates that you have never met and may never meet if you mutually choose so. Now, let us step back in time, thousands of years ago, before creation when dinosaurs roamed earth and Neanderthals were the show in town, just before their extinction . Allah SWT summoned all the souls that will be created on earth to take the place of the Neanderthals ( Mad Mac , may believe that he is descendent of the Neanderthals of Ireland) Allah asked these souls one question " Am I not your lord " All the souls present that day, representing every person who ever lived and who will ever live in the future responded " YES": acknowledging Allah's supremacy and man's dependency. That day, many souls have indeed met and rubbed shoulders, (do souls have shoulders?) and some souls have liked each other, while others disliked each other. When you meet people in a crowd, by instinct you are predisposed to like a person, or dislike another person. This initial dislike, we call it prejudice and it is actually the remnant of the conflict you've had with souls before you were born. The Prophet SAWS said " Souls are a grouped sets, those who have known each other ( Soul World) in positive ways, clicked, and those who have disputed will differ" So like wise, the internet is a collection of souls behind monitors humming with signals and thoughts, sharing points of view or disputing an issue. All these souls will be brought back and Allah will settle their disputes once and for all.. This was my insight for today, please share yours. Nur
Dear e-Nuri ( Formerly Nurtel) post readers Due to unforseen circumstances, I will not be posting on this thread as regular as I used to do. However, I will always open my PM and respond when possible. While I am away, I will be writing extensively on materials and thoughts that I need to finish and share with the audience in an scholarly way once Somaliaonline gets its act together in the near future inshAllah, my specialty topics will always remain Aqeedah, and its reflections on social issues. Till then, please excuse me and pray for me, I really enjoyed reading your posts and sharing my thoughts with you. Walaalkiin Nur
Conquest you write: " markaad biloowday yaad ugu talo gashay inay buugan noqdaan dadka sida fiican uga faa'iidaysta, your target customers?" Walaal, qoraalkan waxaan ugu talo galay "High End Thought Consumers", maxaa yeelay, markaan furay Nurtel Buisness, aad ayey u yaraayeen "High End Customers" waxaana aad u badnaa " Lay persons iyo arday diineed oo tawabbar ah. Badanaa 90% qoraalladeyda is targeted at Horizontal market, laakin mar mar ayaan waxaan u qoraa kuwa fahamka sare leh oo aad u yar, isla markaasna khilaaf weyn u dhex yaallo. Xasna sis May be you need a refresher Somali language on line, or Somali Speed reading course? Nur
Dear Devils Advocate It is too long to translate, an no time in hand these days, let see if there are any volunteers Nur
Intuition So you can read Somali? maashaAllah, that is great, I hardly get responses for my Somali Posts, laakin waxaan jecalaa inaad Af Somali aad ku soo Jawaabto. Nur
Organized Anarchy From Somali Anarchists To American Anarchists Dear Prseident Bush. I know that you may be complain that the title is contradiction in terms, if that is true, please stop reading this post because you seem to be thinking in an on orderly linear and logical way, you are definitely not an anarchist as I thought you are. But, you are asked to sit and relax and enjoy the warped logic that grew to a science of its own. My friend, George Bush the anarchist, you are indeed having a lot of problems these days in Iraq, Afghanistan and with the Democratstan party. You seem to mix between thinking along logical ways and following some non declarable goals expected of you which makes you look not as bright as you oncew were, although you were smart enough to become the leaders of the "free" world. So, as President, you are expected to follow the undeclared rules that were given to you like a programmed machine, the problem is that the reading on your political machine does not make a sense to most people like me and hence the confusion about your motives. For example, you have mobilized the richest army in the world ( Outfit of a a GI costs roughly 30 grans, if not more, not taxpayers grins , like night goggles, bullet proof vests, Hershey bars, Jacuzzi, Lobsters, wireless telecom etc) to preempt danger to the nation when crazy terrorists demolished two big building in New York, now if you are like me you would reason that you would go after the terrorists, right? wrong, instead you surprise me and declare embargoed Iraq to be the most dangerous nation on earth with stockpiles of Nukes, so the soldiers arrive there and try to find the nukes, they fail, instead they find worlds second richest oil fields in Kirkuk by accident. so, at this point if you are a logical person, you would apologize to Saddam, ask him to come back to rule his cash poor oil rich country since many other despots like him are in power in parts of Somalia and the USA, who were not elected by their tribes, Reer Qansax Republicans, because if you accuse Saddamn for being a dictator, then removing him from power is unfair on that pretext alone, (and that is why 140 countries vote against you always), or accusing the poor guy of owning smelly chemical weapons and nukes, which he doesn't, unless you smell his underarm in a summer day. You see George, on one hand, you follow some invisible rules that he must follow, but those who write the rules for you are not capable of aligning these rules to current events fast enough if it has to look credible, specially when you , the leader of the "free" world, who himself is not free to walk down th streets in Nairobi like me, have to stand by unreasonable statements that do not make sense like liberating Iraqis with cluster bombs and then charging them the bill in oil. As an anarchist from Somalia, I would do things in a better way, here is my strategy if I was George Bush. I will declare that America is the most powerful nation on earth, let all take a note, and anyone who is envious of our greatness ought to go to hell, second, I would declare that Israel is in effect the homeland of Christian America, at least that is where Jesus was born, so as a born again Southern Baptist, America will never allow anyone to mess with Israel and Ariel Sharon the man of piece, who needs a piece of every Arab neighbor to create greater biblical Israel. Third, I'd close the stuupid United Nations whose members always vote against USA, Israel, Micronesia and Palau. I would remind them that they will never find a better place to spend their big salaries that America subsidises, places like 42nd second street theaters and Fifth Avenue shops. Fourth, I would clarify why America is in Iraq, we are there because of oil, and the Holy Bible, and as long as the blood/oil ratio remains one pint per one barrel, I would recommend that it is in Americas best interest to sacrifice some of our boys to secure oil, because America did not invest in trains like Europe. Finally, to make my campaign in Iraq believable, I would throw in a surprise initiative, as to confuse critics, I would invade at least one other country without oil, like Somalia, and quickly setup a government there to show the world that America is also as benevolent as greedy. Cag Biciid Acting Director, Somali Anarchist Declaration (SAD) 2004 e-Nuri Political Satire