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Everything posted by Nur

  1. Salafi Bro. First of all, Allah SWT says " In case you differ on an issue, then refer to Allah(Quraan) and His Messneger ( Sunnah)" Walaal, Many of your references were not from Quraan, nor a hadeeth, but from respected Scholars of ahlul Sunnah wal jamacah, who becuase they are humans like us, we are at freedom to take or leave what they say as long as their ideas are not backed up with the above sources. Before you get so holed up in a corner seeing the world in two colors, it may be worth your while to read a subject that may help you see the big picture, this subject is called Maqaasidul Shariica, it is concerned about the spirit of the Sunnah and Allah's commandments, with respect to the letter of teh Hadeeth which you stress with no regard to the driver of these Sunnahs, the companions once killed a companions with a wrong fatwa of Hadeeth, the Prophet SAWS was reported as saying when he heard a group of companions forced an injured compnion to make Ghusl, and he later died " Qataluuh, qatalahumull Allah" Aw kamaa qaala Al Rasuul, I cant remember the Isnaad. The disagreements within Muslims have two sources: 1. Genuine misunderstanding while each is trying to do the right thing. The driver here is from ambiguity in : 1. Semantics 2. Context 3. Order of things ( Requirements management) 4. Objective ( Clarity) 2. Obeying Satan ( Al Baghy) The driver here is the result of "CUJB" ( Thinking that a group is better than a group) Allah SWT says, that no group of men should look down upon another group of men , for possibility that the latter may be better than them" As we Follow the Quraan and Sunnah, when we read something, we may understand something else, and act in a different way by mistake compounding the problem. When we debate on any issue we should keep four things in mind: 1. Thubuut (Autenticity) 2. Dalaalah ( Implication) 3. Qadci ( Based on Certainty) 4. Dhanni ( Based on opinion) So your proof (daleel) could fall in this matrix: 1. Qadci thubuut, Qadci Dalaalah ( Authentic, Single Meaning) 2. Qadci Thubuut, Dhanni Dalaalah ( Authentic, dubious meaning) 3. Dhanni Thubuut, Qadci Dalaalah(Dubious Authenticity, Single meaning) 4. Dhanni Thubuut, Dhanni Dalaalah ( Dubious authenticity, Dubious meaning) Any group or a person who makes bidca (innovation) in the first category, is deffinetly lost, like Khawaarij, Murjia, Muctazila and the new modern sects, may Allah guide them. The other three categories, have a room of disagrement depending on the supportive materials, context, other hadeeths and verses etc. So, no one has a monopoly of bein right in that area, because it is Dhanni, or amobiguous, like when the prophet SAWS ordered the Sahaabah that no prayers should be held before they reached at Bani Qureydha, in which case the companions who heard the same thing, acted differently, now if one group calls the other a Bidci ( innovator) and refuse to talk and sit with them, how do you expect to unite Muslims which is a wajib? Brother, When Osman Radiyallahu Canhu was killed by the Fitnah followers, he was an old man, reading the Quraan, very pious and more concerned about saving his soul than body, that is why he did not stop reading Quraan when the Khawariji came ti kill him, and so was Umar and Ali, the more we see ourselves as the criterion of good and bad, the more fitna we'll fall in, we need to influence people kindly as long as what we disagree is not fundemental Aqeedah issues, and if the issue is Aqeedah, Allah taught us in Quraan " wa jaadilhum bi latii hiya axsan" to debate withg them in the most effective and beautiful way to help people out of darkness to the light of islam, not your curent combattive style. I still believe that Salafi or Sunni, or any name that is not simply "Muslim" is an innovation, because neither the Messenger of Allah nor the Khulafaa have sanctioned these names, thus they are bidcah. Howver one can say, "I a Muslim, and I strive to follow the example of Prophet Muhammad SAWS and the GOOD SALAF" Wallahu Aclam Nur
  2. Salafi Bro Allah SWT says " Wa idaa qultum facdiluu " "When you say (something) be just" The groups that you have listed are not all the same, they vary from Kufr to lost groups, to groups that are (Muta-Awil) but mistaken, to groups who like you claim toi only follow the Quraan and Sunnah. What will save you though is how wise you try to differentiate these groups and call of them to islam with Wisdom if indeed that was your goal, but if you enjoy this way of speech, i assure you that you will noit wins hearts to islam, the Sunnah of Messenger was KIND but FIRM, so be firm where it si needed, and be kind where it is needed, think saving people, not gratifying others. Nur
  3. Fineman First of all I appreciate your rebuttals, this was meant to be a frank dialgue, a civilized way to settle differences ( not an uncivil war like in Somalia) The discussion is one sided because neither you nor Viking is clear about your persuation of which school of thought, Sunni or Shia you subscribe, and also for your proxy status of relaying messages by hidden debators who would rather speak with others pennames. So please let me know where you stand, a Sunni sympathetic to the Shia school, a believer of Shia and so on. Next, the diffreneces are not small as you say, they are many, and Alhamdulillah everything I said, will be backed up, not only with Quran and Sunnah, but with Shia scholars like Majlisi who wrote the masterpiece known as the " Bihaar ul anwaar" Oceans of Light a hundred volume work that pretty much summarizes Shia beliefs and Kulieny, the author of the famous Al Kaafi book. I will also back my claims up with undisputable original sources of great Shia contemporary scholars who joined their Sunnah brothers after finding out how far the Shia religion has gone, Sheiks like Al Sayyid Hussein Al Musawi, a great scholar from Al Najaf, born and raised in Karbala, studied under the great Shia scholar, Imaam Al Sayyid, Muhammad Aal Husseyn Kaashif Al Ghadaa ( Shroud uncoveror). Again Please clarify your position in this debate so we can play on level ground, I assure you inshAllah a fast learning curve, which will add to you more substance and objectivity. Nur
  4. NOMADS Viking Bro Wrote a Aqeedah article that is said to be the work of Ali Aleyhi Salaam. When we discuss matters of faith it is preferable that we always relay on Quraan as the first source from which we draw our conclusions, if we can not find that inQuraan, we lok into the Hadeeth of the Messneger fo Allah SWT, and if not then we look into the Khulafaa like Ali aleyhhi Salaam and then the Taabiciin. First of All, any statement that conflicts with Quraan and Hadeeth has to be reconciled with the Quran and Hadeeth, if not possible, it should be discarded. After reading these words that Viking referred to Ali Radiya Allahu Canhu, I immedieately understand the underlying motives for such post, and if it was not for my in depth studying of the Aqeedah of the Shia Imaamiyah, I would not have taken the matter this serious, but as long as anyone is active in preaching a concept that has diverged widely from mainstream Islam, my responsibility will remain to invite them politely to come back to simple Islam, One Direct route with no stop over, One God, One prophet, One way, One hope for salvation. In That spirit I call Brother Viking to take my dialogue gracefully with cool head. Now, coming back to the statements. First saying posted by viking reads: " He is with everything but not in the sense of [physical] nearness. Answer: 1. Allah is close and NEAR to his creatures: " And when my servants ask you(Muhammad) about me, tell them, I am close (to them)" 2. Allah is With his believers in their casue: Allah SWT says about Prophet Muhammad and Abubabakar Al Sadiiq Radiyallahu Canhu:" ...While these two were in the cave, when ( Muhammad SAWS) says to HIS FRIEND, " Do not feel sad, ( because) Allah is WITH us" 3. No One can rescue us from Allah: Allah SWT says in Suurah Qaaf : " We have indeed created man, (yet) We are closer to him than his own Xablul wariid, ( major blood Vein passing through the neck)" Viking wrote that Ali Radiyallahu canhu said: " He is different from every thing but not in the sense of separation". Answer: Allah SWT says in Quraan " Leysa ka mithlihi shey" meaning, nothing is similar to Him" But Allah is (MUBAA YEN), meaning Separate from His creatures, He is in NO WAY part of His creatures. But His control is over all of His dominion. A programmer and His computer are not a single entity although the Programmer is manipulating the computer remotely by WiFi or EVDO technology, Because if we assume that Allah SWT is not separate from His creatures, then worshipping Humans becomes acceptable, because Like the Hindu and the Old Zoroastrian Persian faiths, worshipping all thing becomes like worshipping God, which is a falacy. Viking Writes: " He is not inside things in the sense of physical [pervasion or] penetration, and is not outside them in the sense of [physical] exclusion [for exclusion entails a kind of finitude]. Answer: Allah SWT says: " He is the Thaahir, and He is The Baatin" meaning, that Allah SWT is apparent, and He is the unseen. These sifaat or qualities in the Sunnah school of though are left as they are, we say, The quality is linguistically known, How it is that way, is none of our business as servants, indulging in such philosophical discourse is innovation, innovation in technology is good, but in faith it is bad and forbidden. Vikin writes: "He is distinct from things because He overpowers them, and the things are distinct from Him because of their subjection to Him." Answer: He is distinct is true, HOW it is so, Allah did not tell us, and it is not our business, our business is to worship Him with the Knowledge that He has revealed, in Quraan and hadeeth, which is enough since He said that " I have completed your Deen (faitha dnway of life)" adding to it will contradict the completion statement" Viking Writes: " -He is the One, but not in a numerical sense." Answer: Allah SWT says in Suurah Saafaat" Inna ilaahakum la WAAXID" meaning, your ilaah, God, is BUT ONE" Allah SWT is ONE in everey sense, never a multiple in any way, because the word (LA) in Arabic connotes ( XASR) exclusivity, no other possibilities of multiples of dieties. Viking Writes: " - He is not confined by limits nor counted by numbers. " Answer: Allah SWT says: "Laa tudrikuhul absaar, wa huwa yudrikul absaar" meaning, that sight does not catch up with Him, instead He reaches sights" Allah counted Himself in NUMBER He said about Himself " Your God is But ONE" Viking Writes: "- He who points to Him, admits for Him limitations; and he who admits limitations for Him has numbered Him." Answer: The Prophet SAWS questioned a woman to test her faith asking her where Allah is, She pointed to the heaven saying allah is in the Samaa, The prophet SAWS confirmed her iimaan to be true. Allah SWT says: " Wa lillahil mashriqu wal maghrib, fa aynamaa tuwallu fa thamma wajhullaah" Meaning the East and the West belong to Allah alone, so no matter wherever you face, ther is the face of Allah SWT" So by pointing or facing we are not limiting Allah or numbering Him, we are just seeking Him the way He instructed us, we only do things He ordered us to do, the WAY He taught us through His Messenger" Viking Writes: " - He who qualifies Him limits Him. He who limits Him numbers Him. He who numbers Him denies His pre-eternity. " Answer: We only say about the qualities of Allah SWT, what HE said about Himself ONLY, we do not say things He did not say about Himself. Allah SWT has 99 names describing His qualities, we believe in it, we know Arabic language, but How He is so, we do not dare ask, because it is not our business as servants, we worship Him, and Love Him. By saying Allah is ONE, we are not limiting Him, we mean He is the Eternal, because if you want to play the numbers game in this logic, counting backwards, before 4 there is 3, and before three , there is 2, and before 2, there is (1), and before one there is (ZERO), no one is before UNITY of Allah Subxaanahu wa tacaalaa culuwan katheeraa' Viking Writes: "- Everything associated with unity is deficient except Him." You could also say: Everything who is associated with Hearing is deficient except Him. - Everything associated with Seeing is deficient except Him. - Everything associated with Strength is deficient except Him. .............and so on if you plug in all 99 sifaat. Nur 2004 e-Nuri Aqeedah Vigilante
  5. Viking bro. Please migrate your discussion to this thread, I am not going back to Somalinet as long as the place is the way its founders like chose to be, I am very eager to read and respond to your couner point on this thread, but please reciprocate my straight forward way in answering quesions, I remember that once youve asked me who was right in the dispute between Ali and Mucaqawiyah, I said in two words Al was right. Likewise, please be direct in answering. What we are questioning in this thread are the beliefs of the Shia, Like the Imamate, Rajcah, Their belief that the Quraan is not Complete, The Infallibility of the Imams, Mutah, Their contempt to Abu Aubakar, Omar and Osman, and their belief that Aisha, Mother of the believers who Allah SWT cleared from any wrong doing in Suurah Al NUR, has committed Zinaa. HaashsAlillah. Also, The fact that the Shia believe that Sunnis are Kufaar, and that all evil the Shia do is originally belong to Sunnis, and that all good Sunnis do belong to Shia, and in the day of judgement Allah will swap them and make the Shia pure by fiving their evil to Sunnis, and The Good of the Sunnis will be given to Shia. Feynman Like I said to Viking, This will be the only thread that I would discuss this issue. Nur
  6. NOMADS Viking Bro Wrote a Aqeedah article that is said to be the work of Ali Aleyhi Salaam. When we discuss matters of faith it is preferable that we always relay on Quraan as the first source from which we draw our conclusions, if we can not find that inQuraan, we lok into the Hadeeth of the Messneger fo Allah SWT, and if not then we look into the Khulafaa like Ali aleyhhi Salaam and then the Taabiciin. First of All, any statement that conflicts with Quraan and Hadeeth has to be reconciled with the Quran and Hadeeth, if not possible, it should be discarded. After reading these words that Viking referred to Ali Radiya Allahu Canhu, I immedieately understand the underlying motives for such post, and if it was not for my in depth studying of the Aqeedah of the Shia Imaamiyah, I would not have taken the matter this serious, but as long as anyone is active in preaching a concept that has diverged widely from mainstream Islam, my responsibility will remain to invite them politely to come back to simple Islam, One Direct route with no stop over, One God, One prophet, One way, One hope for salvation. In That spirit I call Brother Viking to take my dialogue gracefully with cool head. Now, coming back to the statements. First saying posted by viking reads: " He is with everything but not in the sense of [physical] nearness. Answer: 1. Allah is close and NEAR to his creatures: " And when my servants ask you(Muhammad) about me, tell them, I am close (to them)" 2. Allah is With his believers in their casue: Allah SWT says about Prophet Muhammad and Abubabakar Al Sadiiq Radiyallahu Canhu:" ...While these two were in the cave, when ( Muhammad SAWS) says to HIS FRIEND, " Do not feel sad, ( because) Allah is WITH us" 3. No One can rescue us from Allah: Allah SWT says in Suurah Qaaf : " We have indeed created man, (yet) We are closer to him than his own Xablul wariid, ( major blood Vein passing through the neck)" Viking wrote that Ali Radiyallahu canhu said: " He is different from every thing but not in the sense of separation". Answer: Allah SWT says in Quraan " Leysa ka mithlihi shey" meaning, nothing is similar to Him" But Allah is (MUBAA YEN), meaning Separate from His creatures, He is in NO WAY part of His creatures. But His control is over all of His dominion. A programmer and His computer are not a single entity although the Programmer is manipulating the computer remotely by WiFi or EVDO technology, Because if we assume that Allah SWT is not separate from His creatures, then worshipping Humans becomes acceptable, because Like the Hindu and the Old Zoroastrian Persian faiths, worshipping all thing becomes like worshipping God, which is a falacy. Viking Writes: " He is not inside things in the sense of physical [pervasion or] penetration, and is not outside them in the sense of [physical] exclusion [for exclusion entails a kind of finitude]. Answer: Allah SWT says: " He is the Thaahir, and He is The Baatin" meaning, that Allah SWT is apparent, and He is the unseen. These sifaat or qualities in the Sunnah school of though are left as they are, we say, The quality is linguistically known, How it is that way, is none of our business as servants, indulging in such philosophical discourse is innovation, innovation in technology is good, but in faith it is bad and forbidden. Vikin writes: "He is distinct from things because He overpowers them, and the things are distinct from Him because of their subjection to Him." Answer: He is distinct is true, HOW it is so, Allah did not tell us, and it is not our business, our business is to worship Him with the Knowledge that He has revealed, in Quraan and hadeeth, which is enough since He said that " I have completed your Deen (faitha dnway of life)" adding to it will contradict the completion statement" Viking Writes: " -He is the One, but not in a numerical sense." Answer: Allah SWT says in Suurah Saafaat" Inna ilaahakum la WAAXID" meaning, your ilaah, God, is BUT ONE" Allah SWT is ONE in everey sense, never a multiple in any way, because the word (LA) in Arabic connotes ( XASR) exclusivity, no other possibilities of multiples of dieties. Viking Writes: " - He is not confined by limits nor counted by numbers. " Answer: Allah SWT says: "Laa tudrikuhul absaar, wa huwa yudrikul absaar" meaning, that sight does not catch up with Him, instead He reaches sights" Allah counted Himself in NUMBER He said about Himself " Your God is But ONE" Viking Writes: "- He who points to Him, admits for Him limitations; and he who admits limitations for Him has numbered Him." Answer: The Prophet SAWS questioned a woman to test her faith asking her where Allah is, She pointed to the heaven saying allah is in the Samaa, The prophet SAWS confirmed her iimaan to be true. Allah SWT says: " Wa lillahil mashriqu wal maghrib, fa aynamaa tuwallu fa thamma wajhullaah" Meaning the East and the West belong to Allah alone, so no matter wherever you face, ther is the face of Allah SWT" So by pointing or facing we are not limiting Allah or numbering Him, we are just seeking Him the way He instructed us, we only do things He ordered us to do, the WAY He taught us through His Messenger" Viking Writes: " - He who qualifies Him limits Him. He who limits Him numbers Him. He who numbers Him denies His pre-eternity. " Answer: We only say about the qualities of Allah SWT, what HE said about Himself ONLY, we do not say things He did not say about Himself. Allah SWT has 99 names describing His qualities, we believe in it, we know Arabic language, but How He is so, we do not dare ask, because it is not our business as servants, we worship Him, and Love Him. By saying Allah is ONE, we are not limiting Him, we mean He is the Eternal, because if you want to play the numbers game in this logic, counting backwards, before 4 there is 3, and before three , there is 2, and before 2, there is (1), and before one there is (ZERO), no one is before UNITY of Allah Subxaanahu wa tacaalaa culuwan katheeraa' Viking Writes: "- Everything associated with unity is deficient except Him." You could also say: Everything who is associated with Hearing is deficient except Him. - Everything associated with Seeing is deficient except Him. - Everything associated with Strength is deficient except Him. .............and so on if you plug in all 99 sifaat. Nur 2004 e-Nuri Aqeedah Vigilante
  7. The Sunni Shia discussion will face a fundemental problem, ARBITRATION, simply there is no common reference standard which both schools agree. For the Sunnis, The Quraan is COMPLETE, No ERRORS, Th word of Allah SWT, and it is the reference point for all differences. For the Shia, The Quraan is NOT COMPLETE, they believe ONLY thir IMAMS know the real Quraan, so the Shia rely on folk stories for their faith and few books written by their scholars. Now, it elps to compare the authenticity of the Hadeeth and the sources of the Shia's, Below I am reposting the methodology followed by Ahlul Sunnah in compiling Hadeeths, I challenge any Shia to produce the Shia methodology for their sources. From an old topic posted on Somalinet Boards; Brothers and Sisters, Asalaamu Alaykum wa rahatullaahi wa barakaatuh All praise is due to Allah, who has completed his divine messages and way of life on us, and have further showered us with his numerous gifts by guiding us to the straight path. I am therefore grateful for the gift of Islam, and if it was not for any other gifts accompanying it, and they are many, it would have been more than sufficient. I also bear witness with all my mind, heart and soul, and with every breath and heartbeat, that there is no one or a thing worthy of devotion, absolute love, supremacy, sovereignty, my subservience other than Allah SWT, known also , by God, Dio, Jehovah, Eebbe. The creator of the Universe and the laws that bind it and break it, the originator of life, and the repeater of it's sequence, the God of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad, The God of the atheists and believers alike, the Just, and fair, who sees all and who has set aside a day for his creatures judgment, so the good among men are rewarded and the evil doers are punished. I pray and seek a befitting place for our Messenger and Prophet Muhammad SAWS, his companions, family and for anyone who follows his footstep seeking the pleasure of Allah SWT ALONE. The most trustable source is the Holy Quraan, while the best guidance toward the Quraan came from Muhammad SAWS, the worst of matters are transformations in faith, because, every transformation, is introducing an innovation which is diverging from the original path, which in turn will eventually will lead to the doorsteps of hell. The credit of what we know of Allah SWT goes to the prophets in general, and to our Prophet Muhammad SAWS in particular, so since knowing Allah SWT is the utmost need humans have, to know his messenger and his sayings comes as the most important endeavor we must seek, and there is no better place to start than the science of the Hadeeth, which is a meticulous compilation of the actions and sayings of the prophet by his family members, in laws and the closest of his companions. The best of behaviors and the wisest of words that we value today, have all emanated from our Prophet Muhammad SAWS, and in following his footsteps, we are indeed responding to the call of Allah SWT " Whatever (matter, idea, law, suggestion, way of doing things) brought forth to you by the prophet, accept it, and fulfill it. And whatever (matter, idea, law, suggestion, way of doing things) he has warned you about, abstain form it" " And Muhammad was not but a mere messenger, before him many messengers came to pass, therefore, if he dies, or is killed, are you going to go back to your old ways (of lifestyle)? whoever goes back to the old ways, is not harming Allah with anything, and Allah will surely reward, the grateful ( among his creatures, who respond to his call) " Now that we have stressed the importance of the deliverer of our faith and the Quraan , it goes without saying that the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad SAWS are of utmost importance second to the Holy Quraan, as his actions and sayings are the practical application of the Quraan. Ayesha, the wife of the Prophet may Allah be pleased with her, who was the source of great part of the Hadeeth, and the teacher of the companions, said of the prophet SAWS " His Character was the Quraan" in other words, he lived as an embodiment of the message of Allah SWT to be emulated by mankind. He has therefore set the real standard of decent behavior, and the criterion of morality and right and wrong in all matters of life and in every sphere of interest we have, for all peoples and for all times. His message is therefore binding and eternal. Based on the above, I humbly begin putting together the case for the importance of the existence Hadeeth, the drivers for the appearance of the hadeeth, the men of the Hadeeth, and the sciences of the hadeeth. The following is a quick edited survey of the Hadeeth that I have contributed as an answer to MAD MAC, which is relevant to be a starter in this thread, as we will go beyond the surface this time around to treat this topic the best way possible as a service to Allah SWT and in search of his pleasure Alone. Introduction The Prophet Muhammad SAWS spent 23 years delivering the message of Allah to the people of Allah in Arabia. His companions who have known him and his opponents alike respected him in a way no man was ever respected in History. Prophet Mohammed SAWS, since his childhood was known for honesty, within his tribe , the Qureish, they called him Mohammed Al Ameen, or the honest. At age 40 when he suddenly the revelations came to him with the message of Islam, it caused great anguish among his closest relatives and tribe alike. Because his message was compromising the position of their predominant and highly regarded tribe among the Arabs. In a sense, the message was similar to a southern white fighting for the rights of the blacks in the 1800's can you imagine the uproar he could have caused? In those 23 years of active Dawa (Preaching) of Islam and political and military life, his companions, listened and memorized his sermons and speeches, short and long. A father would narrate it to his children and so on. So while he lived there was no problem with authentication as he was alive and no one has attempted to make up stories. During his life, the prophet warned that anyone who falsifies a hadeeth is securing his permanent place in Hell. For that reason, the companions took great pains in not reporting a Hadeeth that they doubted its authenticity. After his death, the Muslims saw the importance of compilation of the Hadeeth and a meticulous system of collection was set up for the collection and classification of the Hadeeths. This process grew into a new Islamic science in its own right called the sciences of the Hadeeth (al Cadl- wal- Tajreex, cilmul- isnaad, Al taraajum etc) These are sciences that set qualification standards of credibility for narrators of the Hadeeeths, ISNAAD, or the science of referencing, which was born with the Hadeeth science, and the AL Taraajum, which are the biographies of the reporters of the hadeeth, their genealogy, geography of their lands, cultures and everything related to the reporters of the hadeeth as a measure to qualify there assertions and motives. As we will learn in this thread, the Muslim scholars went great lengths to ascertain the authenticity of the hadeeths for fear that imposters would make up hearsay hadeeth and they have actually created some. Because the product in question was the word of the holy Prophet SAWS to be transmitted to human kind, Islamic scholars invented the due-diligence and credit and background check system employed by the financial and the law enforcement industry today for the purpose of authentication. Topics to be discussed in this thread: 1. Definition of hadeeth, 2. Classification and glossary, 3. Methods of narration. 4. Biographies of Narrators 5. Science of Referencing (ISNAAD) Today, we will cover 1. Definitions for starters Linguistically, the meaning of (Hadeeth) is from the Arabic word HADATHA, or news, incident, event etc. Hadeeth ( News) linguistically is antonym with (Qadeem) past, old, history, Also, in the Arabic, the young kids are known as (Axdaath) new age ( not to be confused with new age religion). The word Hadeeth in the religious context is reserved to all the news that were reported from the Prophet Mohammed SAWS. So the news needs verification. And the verifications of the story is the science of the Hadeeth. If the same rigorous method of cross, contextual, integrity, background, environment, etc verification is applied to Newsweek and Time Magazines, ( The contemporary Hadeeths), for example, they would not stand a chance in publishing a single issue, why you may ask, and the answer to that question leads to the next Chapter. Types of Hadeeths 1. Category one : Saheeh (Correct) A Hadeeth of this category enjoys the highest credibility, it is used in the Sharia as an augmentation of the explanation of the Quraan. Denial of a Hadeeth in this category is a grave sin and it can lead to Kufr. This Category has many variations of Correctness, and ahadeeth to be ranked Sahih, or Correct must meet all of the criteria's of correctness, ( Political Correctness, is not considered in Islam). As an introductory survey, we will mention three of the elements of correctness for an example. 1. Correct in terms of the line of narration (ISNAAD) 2. Correct in terms of the anthology ( Method of collection) Similar to police evidence collection methods ( Remember the Simpson Case?) 3. Correct in terms of the text itself (MATN). So as you can deduce, a hadeeth can be correct in terms of line of narration and compilation, but still may fail the textual integrity, in this case we call this hadeeth a defective Hadeeth ( maa' lool), failing to reach Sahih level, but still may qualify for other category as we will visit. If on the other hand the hadeeth is textually correct, but the line of narration has a gab in the linkage of narrators, we call this hadeeth Broken chain hadeeth ( Munqadie). If the hadeeth is compiled in a way different than the standard methods employed by the scolars ( Jumhur), then, that hadeeth does not enjoy the Saheeh category and we will visit the terminologies in the days to come in ShaAllah. A hadeeth can further be Correct (Saheeh) for its own contents self support, ( This is like a travel document for a refugee, not a passport for a citizen) we call this category ( Saheeh li thaatih). A Hadeeth can further be correct for the support of another Hadeeth only ( Saheeh li gheirih), or the Hadeeth can serve both roles. In another category, the hadeeth can be saheeh on the conditions set by the compilers ( saheeh alaa shardeyhimaa), the compilers are Bukhaari and Muslim. And the last category of this quick survey is the (Correct-but-Odd) category, (saheeh ghareeb), meaning the hadeeth has qualified for the saheeh category but was reported by only one narrator with top credibility clearance. Criteria For the Classification of The Hadeeth The following Five Criteria are used to classify a hadeeth to be a Saheeh 1. Al Sanad ( Chain of narrators ), The chain is continuous, no missing links. 2.Adaalah, (Narrators Character, must be flawlessly perfect, in terms of piety, credibility, courage, generosity, wisdom and good judgment) If this stringent condition is applied in politics, no US president or any other world leader today can fulfill such requirement. 3. Al Dhabd, ( meaning that the narrator have memorized the hadeeth beyond question, or recorded it in a tablet, and is able to recollect it with consistency whenever requested. This condition implies that he is mentally sharp, serious in delivering responsibilities. ( President Ronald Reagan would not have made it to the Whitehouse with his famous "I Do Not Recall" ) 4. Cadam Al Shuduud, (A Hadeeth must not be an odd hadeeth) , Shuduud means that a narrator who is sufficiently credible provides a hadeeth that contradicts another hadeeth narrated by a more credible narrator, in terms of degree of their respective memorization competencies, lingusitic compprehension abilities ( Not failing their SAT) etc. ( This is analogous to two officers with different levels of security clearance presenting testimony to a judge to support a point of view. The testimony of the officer with the higher level of clearance supercedes the testimony of the lower clearance level officer) 5. Cadam Al E' laal. (Free of any defective characteristic that compromises the hadeeth's credibility ( for example there is a mismatch in the names of the narrators, like saying, Ronald Kennedy reported this hadeeth from John Reagan), so although this hadeeth may have met other stringent requirements, it clearly has a defect (E'llah) although when closely viewed may not present serious infringement of the rules, if we patiently reconstruct the sequence, like ( Ronald Reagan reported form John Kennedy). So Any Hadeeth that passes those criteria with flying colors is called Saheeh in general terms, because, there is more to calling a hadeeth saheeh than this survey of ours can cover. Category Two. The Hassan hadeeth Hassan Hadeeth is not as flawless as the Correct ( Saheeh) hadeeth we have discussed above, but is nevertheless a reliable hadeeth that passed key Non-Fatal error criteria to qualify for applicability with caution, this is like the yellow light when driving, you have to proceed with caution, relying on Quraan as a check, but still leveraging its value on areas were other more reliable hadeeths are not available. ( This is like physicists relying on a theory until they find a better explanation) This Category though, is much more reliable than the next category of the Daciif, weak hadeeth. Al Tirmidhi , One of the major compilers of the Hadeeths has defined the Hassan Category as follows : Any hadeeth , whose narrators: 1. Character is not a Questionable issue , while some of the narrators in the chain may be known to be forgetful in some past narrations , but have never lied knowingly at any point in their lives ever. 2. The Stature of this narrator do not rise to the level of the reporters of the Saheeh category in the above five scoring criteria ( Meaning, they have lower level clearance ), yet, the narrators meets some minimum acceptability standard (beyond scope of this brief survey) to be considered a reliable hadeeth. Final Category is the (Daeef ) category ( Weak hadeeth) any hadeeth who fails in the above two categories is Weak, A weak hadeeth is not advised to be followed or applied in any legal issue nor settle an ambiguity in faith matters nor business law dsiputes. Unfortunately, Many of the Hadeeths floating and causing confusion in the Muslim world belong to this last category, which promts the attack on the Sunnah and Hadeeth and. This type of hadeeth, is the kind of evidence a Judge will not hesitate to throw out of his court. Nur 2002 Nurtel Communications Modern explanation of Legacy Traditions -------------------- Kuwa iga da'weyn, waa iga ajar badan yihiin, Kuwa iga da' yar, waa iga dambi yaryihiin.
  8. Og Girl Walaalo, This topic is rather complex, and the comments that i made are addressing an issue of fundemental importance, the Sunni Shia difference which is an Aqeedah issue and specially, Tawheed issue. The Shia imaamiyah believe that the imaams are sacred and devine, they worship them ad ask them for help, which is essence of Towheed al Uluuhiyah. Please relax, and follow the discussion because I am eager to read any point of view from Shia readers or Sunnis. Nur
  9. Nomads Brother Viking, one of my oldest discussion mates on Somalinet, who is also active at this site and I, have disussed the Shia Sunni difference before, from memory, Viking told me that although he read more Shia materials than Sunni, that he does not consider himself a Shia person, so in that spirit, I would like to invite Viking bro. and any Shia brother or sister to participate in a friendly discussion in which we will unearth as much facts as we can to build uderstanding, at times the discussion could be raw and direct, every particpant should not loose objectivity, and reason. It is expected that Shia wil say what they are taught the Sunni to be, and Sunnis will say what they are taoght Shia to be, to get educated first hand. Viking referred to the fact that I have suggested a reading of Nahjul Balaagha of Ali Ibnu Abu Talib, Radiyallahu canhu, I confirm that remember that I did, because I have read the book in Arabic, the authenticity of that book though needs a discusiion on its own merit as most Shia literature are not autheticated as diligently as the sunnah sources, ( astatement that can be challenged and for which I am ready)in addition to doing comparative discussion on the Shia school of thought and the Sunnah school. The main issue that needs to be addressed when discussing Shia Sunna diferences is to discuss it in a scholarly manner in which we refer to the school of thought's Aqeedah and Fiqh differences, making Tawheed our common reference point we subscribe to and to which we should converge, because if our understanding of Tawheed diverges apart, then we will be like Christian and Jewish scholars who say something and do anything accoording to any inspired Saint. It is important to note that Islam in its present format, was a single faith started with Prophet Mohammed SAWS, the years that followed, a political dispute took place within the companions, and the two schools of thought grew farther apart, it is no secret that enemies of Islam have taken advantage of this rift and many Aqeedah issues differences surfaced so wide that when I read about books of Shia scholars, I just shake my heads, Scholars like Kuleiny, one of the great scolars of the shia, I have to figure out if what he narrates are form Ali Radiyallahu Canhu and his son Hussein, and Zeinul Abideen who according to the Sunnah scolars were great men of kowledge and wisdom and piety, or if indeed an insider non-musilm with a mission to destroy Islam from within took control and wrote completely divergent faith like that of Saint Paul when he failed in his mission to wipe Christians and resorted to a secret agenda, when he claimed that he saw Jesus on the Road to Damascus, thereby single handedly getting the authority rerwriting Christianity's new flavor of three Godheads that are stil one God, ( numerical ambiguity of onenness as Viking claims) the concept of Original Sin and the many other Concepts that Jesus never taught that are the today the center pillar of Christianity. For us to do a fair assessment of the rift bewteen the Shia and Sunnah, what we need is a forum discussion in which we approach the discusion as a tool to get closer to each other, to learn from one another, in this sense, if indeed we are all following Tawheed, then, we can cement the differences, on the other hand if any school shows shirk in any of the major forms, then, we need to uproot it and educate those who are in clear shirk. The discussion is open Nur
  10. Viking Bro. Speaking about Allah you write: " He is the One, but not in a numerical sense." Answer: We learned that Allah is THE ONE AND ONLY, in every sense, He is singular, unity May I ask, what other sennse is there to make him plural, are you suggesting that the Imaams are also Devine because they are Macsuum ( infallible like the Christian Popes), thus, part of Allah SWT? You write: - He is not confined by limits nor counted by numbers. Answer: You are mixing a true statement with a false one, Allah says : " The Christians say Allah is the third of a threesome," " He corrected them in more than one place : " That Allah is One", mystifying and complicating the simplicity of Tawheed by saying the oneness of Allah SWT is a puzzle, has a dangerous spinoff, justifying Shirk (polytheism),which implies, that although the Christians worship three, in essence they are worshipping one God. Allah SWT is ONE in everysense, never a plural entity and anyone who believes that Allah SWT could be plural is not a Muslim at all. You Write: - He who points to Him, admits for Him limitations; and he who admits limitations for Him has numbered Him." Answer: We only say about Allah SWT , what Allah SWT said about himself, not more not less, in the context he meant, in the plain language of the Arabic that He revealed his Holy Quraan, which the Shia believe not to be complete, and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhamded which the Shia again also do not recognize, isntead, their sources are said to be the Infallible Devine Imaams, who know the Ghaib, answer prayers and help the needy, ( all substantiated) who are devine in nature, the Imaams, according to the Ithnaa Casharai Shia Schools of thought, not only believe that the imaams are infallible, and eternal, they also believe that they are part of Allah SWT, ( Sources available, can be posted) as Sheikh Kuleiny Wrote that Allah said " Lowlaak lowlaak ma khalaqtul aflaak" meaning O Mohammad, if it was not for you, I would not ahve created the Galaxies, and if it was not for Ali, I would not have created you, and if it was not for Fatima, I would not have created both of you" ( Sources availabale) You write: - He who qualifies Him limits Him. He who limits Him numbers Him. He who numbers Him denies His pre-eternity. Answer: Pre-eternity is language acrobatis, eternity implies no begining and no end, Pre, is an English word that connotes existence of something before something, those who write blasphemy need to be more clever. As Muslims, we Only describe Allah SWT exactly how He decribes himself in the Quraan, in the contexct He meant, never we dare to say something He never said about Himself, like the above statement of yours, however, I agree with you , we do not comprehend the HOWs of His self decsription, discussion it, though is innovation ind Islam, no one of the companiuons dared to indulge in such useless philosophical issues outside of the sphere of our responsibility as servants of Allah SWT. Allah's qualities are his sphere of His concern, not ours, we only speak to repeat waht He described Himself only. You Write: - Everything associated with unity is deficient except Him. Answer: Allah is not associated with unity, His creatures are, Allah is One, and his unity is inseparable quality from His essnece, how can you remove His names and qualities from Him? removing the unity quality from Allah makes him a plural, another loop hole to make shirk justifiable. Nur
  11. Nur

    The Party!

    Congratulations! You've just accepted an invitation from Allah SWT, your creator, to come to his house, for a party and the surprise of your life, ever!. Now that you know who is the host of this party, Allah SWT, I feel honored so many Nomads have taken me for serious when indeed the way I presented this thread was rather a contemporary setting of a worldly party, many of you who, in the course of your lives are invited to parties, may be leery accepting any RSVP, but because it was from one of your veteran Nomads here on SOL, you have accepted, some of you with a big heart, some so excited that they could not wait the posting of the thread, and others, who playfully represent the Devil, literally turned down the invitation because, her Mother would not allow her to attend the party, ironically, Allah SWT says in the Quraan about those who turn down this offer that their mother is indeed Haawiyah, Hell fire ( May Allah protect us all from Hell and the advocacy of Satan ). Another category of Nomads turned down on the pretext of assumption that its a boys night party, while many other dear Nomads who I wished to respond did not, knowing how great this party is going to be, I hope they don't miss the real party that I am going to post. The Invitation: Allah SWT says " Wallaahu yadcuu ilaa Dar es Salaam, wa yahdii man yashaa ilaa siraatin mustaqeem " " And Allah is inviting (you) to Dar Es Salaaam, and ( Allah SWT) guides who He wishes, to a path that is straight( toward the Dar Es Salaam)." " Dar " in the Arabic language means a House, Palace, Mansion, Villa etc. Salaam , meaning Eternal Peace, one of the ninety nine (Asmaa ul Husnaa) names of Allah SWT, the source of peace as we usually hymn His praise after our daily prayers: " Allahumma Anta As Salaam, wa minka As Salaam " , meaning : " O Allah, You are the (essence) of Peace, and you are the source of all of Peace ", so by responding to the RSVP of Allah SWT, inshaAllah, in the day of judgement when you finally approach paradise, it will be said to you " Udkhuluuhaa bi Salaamin aaminiin " " Enter (Paradise ) peacefully " I have read this verse in Suurah Younis many a time, but like a short wave Radio, I have never tuned my focus so sharply on this verse like I did past couple of weeks. When I read " Allah SWT is inviting (me) to Home of Peace, His House , I was really touched in a very special way, when I drove away from the Masjid, the only thing in my head was the RSVP, poor insignificant me!, I am invited to Allah's mansion, for an eternal party, with plenty of food, drinks and permanent youth and beautiful women, ( gorgeous men for the sisters, like new me , no kidding ), I was in my vehicle, tears started flowing on my cheeks, so much so that I had to pull over to finish crying, what a soothing effect did I get afterwards, Wallahi, I felt reborn again, once more with a solid mission to do good on earth, to dedicate my life to serve Allah SWT by doing what he values most in people, helping others to help themselves, feeding of the poor, educating the ignorant, advocating for, and consoling the oppressed, The Quraan, holds many treasures sprinkled on the pages we read that we may not be looking deeper, this verse, has fundamentally rearranged my priorities in life, and hence the preparations for meeting my maker, literally, accepting on His offer by meeting the requirements set in Quraan and Sunnah. Requirements that form the bulk of the "Pursuit of Happiness" ceneter piece of American Constitution, so Nomad readers who reside in The USA can finally say with pride that following Islam as a way of life is protected by the American Constitution, since its goal is the pursuit of happiness, and you never thought Pursuit of happiness was an Islamic thing? ...many people chase elusive happiness in their lifetime, but only few will attain the real thing, and I assure you, it is not going to be in their lifetime. It was reported by Abu Hureirah May Allah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah said " Those who enter paradise will enjoy and never will they be miserable, they will live forever and never will they die, their garments will never wear out and theirs will be an everlasting youth " Nomad brothers and sisters, isn't an honorable gesture from Allah SWT, to invite you to his house, the Jannah, Paradise? , and because you have responded to his RSVP, you are short listed and specially chosen to receive the road map that will guide you to get to the Party in Jannah. So Congratulations, Brothers and sisters in faith. Allah gives you the good news and says to you: " Lilladiina istajaabuu li Rabbihumul Xusnaa " As for those who have responded (positively) to their Lords ( RSVP), their ( Reward) is the Husnaa (the Party in Paradise )" Engineers measure performance to test response times of systems they design, how fast does a system respond to an stimulus, the above verse, specifically deals with the testing of the response time of humans to their Maker's RSVP, because it is within the frame of our life time that we have to respond to the heavenly stimulus. The second measure engineers measure is the quality of that response, and I can not put it in a better way than the following verse: " Lilladiina axsanul Xusnaa, wa ziyaadah " As for those who've performed well (under difficult conditions, as a response to please) their Lord , their (reward) is Husnaa ( Paradise) and some extra ( surprise)" It is not only about what we know, it is not only about what we do, but it is also about the results we achieve with the last two, that really counts at the end of this life's journey. Can you guess the surprise in store for you? when Allah SWT invites you to his house and amazingly you beat the odds and show up, you definitely deserve a great hospitality treat, for all that "gimme -a -break!" you used to yell while on earth, here is a big break! of food , drinks, and the greatest of all joys, yours will be a splendid face and sparkling eyes glued on the sight of their Magnificent Lord: " Wujuuhun yawma idin naadwirah, ilaa Rabbihaa naadhirah " What a joy! And you thought that no one cares about you? how wrong were you all along, well, if you could only imagine how much Allah SWT has honored you, and is willing to guide you! whenever you take a step His way, he takes two steps toward you, when you walk toward Him, he runs to you, and if you are bearing the weight of a Gorilla the size of Planet earth in sins and mischief on your back, and you come to Allah SWT resolute to start it all over again, Allah approaches you with the weight of Planet earth in forgiveness, try Him! now that is some good news innit? When Allah SWT ordered Abraham to invite mankind to visit his house in Makkah as pilgrimage, It was Allah's way of sending you an RSVP to His house , Paradise, to see who will respond and say " Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik " here I am O Allah, Here I am " as a response to his invitation. When the Muezzin calls for prayer, saying " Hayyah Alal Falaah " "come respond to success" you are responding to Allah's eternal invitation and RSVP to paradise and Allah will say to you: " Fad khulii fii cibaadii wad khulii Jannatii " " Come join the ranks of those who worship Me, come enter My Paradise " In the course of our daily routine, the opportunity to respond to Allah SWT presents itself in a concealed way, the trick is to always be on the lookout and be aware that you are under a test to see if you can collect as many points to qualify for the party. " Wa an leysa lil insaani maa sacaa, wa anna sacyahu sowfa yuraa " Meaning, " man does not have in store in the herafter save the efforts he had earned " Whenever you notice the need of an orphaned relative or a hungry destitute, to respond to their need is to approach and overcome obstacles and hurdles that are on your way to the party in Jannah, are you in good shape for that feat? keeping your cool whenever someone gets on your nerves with a sordid comment, is another way to collect valuable points to attend the party, persuading your enemy to be on your side by behaving with a divine character of tolerance and forgiveness. Because time is valuable and life is short, you have to focus on doing what benefits you most, and according to the Hadith, Allah SWT loves those who care for and benefit other creatures, so what are you waiting for, you can benefit humans by helping save them from Hellfire through wise discussions, you can also help them by feeding them or you can help them by seizing your evil intentions toward them, as for other creatures like animals, be humane, because it can save you from Hell fire, a biblical story confirmed by the Sunnah says that a prostitute was saved from hell by giving water to a thirsty dog. This party however, is exclusively for those who categorically refused to respond to Satan's party on earth in which Satan promised happiness, prosperity and longevity for his allies and friends. You can not have it both ways, you need to make your mind early. This party is not for those who had previously responded to Satan's RSVP and to whom he will disown in the day of judgment, saying to to them : " Allah SWT promised you and delivered against it, while I also promised you but failed to deliver on my promise, I had no power over you except for your willful confirmation to follow me when I invited you ( to disobey Allah SWT) , so blame me not, but blame yourselves, don't come running onto me for help, because I am not coming running onto you for help" Quraan. Satan's party is short-lived, even if takes a lifetime, the result is always a painful stand in front of your maker to answer for your deeds, Satan packages the glitter of this present life as his party, but life on earth with all its attractions is like a short lived mirage in which we feel that we are in control when in essence, we are not, it is mankind's inherent nature to be aggressive when he feels self sufficient, Allah SWT says in the same Surah Younis: " The likeness of the (appeal) of life on earth is like a rainfall we've poured down from the sky, to grow plants on the ground, in order to feed livestock and hence people ( as the food chain), up until ( the intensity of rainfall makes) earth show its treasures and beauties at which point its caretakers firmly come to believe that they are in full control, (suddenly) our decree is passed( for its destruction) thus we turn (mankind's possession and efforts) to pieces as if it has not been there yesterday, thus we clarify for folks who soberly reflect " Next Attractions The first to make it to Paradise The Reception and Gates of Paradise The VIP Guests Description of paradise .....and More 2004 e-Nuri Softwano Series Paradise Is Possible Summer Campaign
  12. Baashi bro. I agree with you on your obeservation, twenty percent of our people have caused eighty percent of our misery. Somalia is like a food delivery car for an impoverished family, the steering wheel of the car, engine and lights were all stolen, the car is being towed by a donkey, that is fed with camel dung by the UN and Ethiopia, five anarchists are directing the donkey, each one toward a different direction, This is the best way I can describe the situation. Baashi what is killing me is that as I write this piece, our ocean is being vacuumed by Japanese and Korean fishing trawlers who pay peanut to these anarchists not to shoot while cleaning our rich coasts, our forests being burned, all the while the process of spawning a new generation of bandits goes on, new fresh anarchists to take over the reign of terror passed by current anarchists, if Somalias uncivil war has proven anything wrong, it is the myth that Somalis as a people have inherent integrity, for money, these anarchits are willing to sell, maim or kill anyone. Nur
  13. Sareedo walaalo Wallahi, I believe what i am going to post will be the most touching post I have ever put together, not in the sense of the creative usage of language like some of my posts, this one is quite deep, very deep, in terms of the content, raw fact, but again, each one has to use their imagination to be shaken like I was, this topic was sparked by a ......, I'd rather not say, as it hit me while driving like a lightening, I had to pull over to the side of street, take a deeb breath, leaned over the steering wheel, and cry, afterwards i decided to compose it as an article, and post it, I was indeed invited ina special way, and since I love the Nomads who read my posts, I could not attend this great party without you all, that is the truth sis, so bear with me, it is coming, you are invited, and it is no joke. Nur
  14. Salafi bro. Imam Shafici was once accused of being a Raafdhi (Shia), the imaam said that " if the love of aalal beit makes me a Raafdhi, then let everyone take a note that I am a Rafdhi" intahaa kalaamu sheikh. Now, if all the principle of ahlul Sunnah wal Jamaacah are called Salafiya, then shouldn't we all declare ourselves to be Salafiyah? because I am a firm believer in following the Quran and Sunnah of SCWS, particularly in issues of Aqeedah I have a sheikh called Ibn Taymia, on heart softeners, Ibn al Qayyim al Jawziyah. I have extensively read about/for many of the Salaf writers, and they were humans with as many mistakes as anyone else. However in later years, the lost groups and fitna increased, so did the level of sophistication of scholars of Ahlul Sunnah wal Jamaaca, like the four imaams and later like Ibn Taymia, who among other things wrote about medicine, I even read a masterpiece book titled, " Mufiidul Culuum wa Mubiidul Humuum" guess who wrote it? a mathematician known as Al Khawaarizmi, we name him Algorhithem, as such, the Salaf, where prudent in all fields of knowledge and practical. The above is to show that te essence of the beliefs of Ahlul Sunnah wal Jamaacah are solid in Tawheed, Fiqh and sharia, however, the discussion on this thread should focus if we the ahlul Sunnah wal Jamaaca 1. Need a name change, bcause we want to be different? 2. If it is in the akhlaaq of the Salaf ul Saalih, to point fingers and make tajriix of other groups who we differ in some of the aqeedah issues or Fiqh? like puting down the Tabligh, ikhwan and the Saruuri? I am in the opinion that if innovation is what we are warned against, then, calling ourselkves Salafiyah to be a clear Bidca, innovation that only creates and supports other groups to call themselves with similar cult names. Brother, it is true that their is al Firqah al Naajiyah, it is also true that many groups are claiming to be following the Sunnah and Quraan, to qualify to be that group, but, how we go about interpeting the Quraan and Sunnah and te knowledge of events in our times make a world of difference and thus the gaps between the groups, however, jumping the gun to disqualify all other groups to be hell bound except te Salafis, is not a wise way to advance the way of the Salaf. As for the party, all Salafis, ikhwaanis, Tabliighis, Sarusri, Taxriris who follow Allah and his messenger, believe in the unseen, are invited as long as they follow imagine all these jamaacaat guys laughing out loud and chatting in the party as brothers. Because this party gurantees good times, all who make it will be cleaned and cured of their confusions. " wa nazacnaa maa fii quluubihim min ghillin, ikhwaanan, calaa sururin, mutaqaabiliin" Nur
  15. Salafi bro. Asalamu Calaykum wa raxmatullahi wa barakaatuh. Could you please explain this passage further, I find it very interesting and I need more elaboration: " It can even be said that ad-Da‘watus-Salafiyyah begins with Aadam (‘alayhis salaam) because it is the pure Religion." Question: Then could we assume that Salafiyyah started with Adam aleyhi salaam, as the first Salafi? All the prophets then would have benn Salafis? And anyone who refused being Salafi, was against the message of the Messengers, rejection of te messengers message being Kufr. Then, Prophet Muhammad SAWS was a Salafi, accodring to the above definition, since Salafia began wit Adam , Muhammad just being a follower of Salafiyah movement? Your Sheikh write s" So the history of ad-Da‘watus-Salafiyyah is not something that can be limited to one hundred years or two hundred years or five hundred years." I have read justification of exisitence of many groups in Islam, I have to admit, this one beats them all, no one ever produced this claim before, I ask, if since Adam the only valid Dawah was the Salafiyah Dawah, then why did Abraham caleyhi salaam call the ummah this Ummah Muslims? Rescue me from my ignorance Nur
  16. Nomads I posted this piece last summer, a year has passed since, its time to get high again, with Dhiker (specially for brothers) to focus our sights on purpose in life and away from other tempting attractions. Nur
  17. " Alam ya'ni lilladeena aamanu ......." Isn't it time for believers to.........come back ? To Allah SWT. Nothing to loose, but a 400 pound gorillah, lighten up, and head home, to someone who loves you, to Allah SWT. Nur
  18. Em Sorry sis, your handle (Em) has just earned a new meaning, "Enti mad3uwah" , and by the way, you are not supposed to help at this party, because, "Entil malikah". Here is a highlight (not complete) program of the party, 1. R.S.V.P Invitation, 2. Responses and declines counted( Devils Advocate not coming for apparent reasons, and OG Girl, as usual thinks different, she declines on grounds of not having a halal escort (Hubby) to come with) 3. Reception at the gate by host, Drinks served 4. A virtual tour of the party place 5. Fun and games 6. Food and beverages 7. Entertainment and laughter 8.. 9. 10. n. The Surprise Nur
  19. Johnny Boy and EM Wecome gentlemen, it is an honour to have guys like you in our party, I assure you that this is not like any othe party that you have been to, yes, Johnny, there are some of what you have in mind, and some surprises, but not the way you expect it, this is something unique, you need some imagination to get the picture. Thanks for accepting my RSVP. Nomads Thanks for the support, details of the party, location, venue, entertaiment, and program will be shortly posted in another thread, so please visit, your attendance is appreciated. Nur
  20. Ayoub bro. Sweeping to power like the Taleban or the Khmer Rouge, has been done, sustaing power though is more complex and does need considering many more factors that can waste ones effort. The underlying problem and the control of warlords are the result of cumulative sins we Somalis as a nations have committed, and continue to commit, unfortunately, we do not realize which sin are we paying its price at any given time, because we are paying the price for the last 13 years, and as you may be aware, it can not be lifted by a bandaid solution like sweeping to power and expecting that our pain is behind us. We have a set of national collective sins, like tribalism, nepotism, treatment of women and children, abominable cast system that denies the basic human dignity to a segment of our society, whose dividents we are being paid in installments, and personal sins whose effect shows in our character when we deal with fellow paesanos, which further fuels the instability of our fractured nation. We need to find out the root cause of this dilemma, because the curse we are suffering can not be lifted otherwise, and pointing fingers outward may not be the best of answers, like the Reer Xamar have a wise saying: " Nin Ilaaheey heysto, iddeydiisa ma maqashid" Nur
  21. SiSade In this party, you are allowed to go overboard, no limits of what you can imagine, or even what you cant imagine, and ......some still more surprises Nur
  22. Nomads When I first posted this article , I had the visison of writing extensively on these four areas, looking back, I find that I did cover The Sin State fairly( No Feedback from Nomads) or the Ghaflah state( just a hint and promise i fail to deliver and no one asked my why), However, I was planning to post a long article on Nima State alone, but again, No Nomad showed ineterest to fuel my drive to write and post further, reason being majority of Nomads may not read Nur Posts, and if the do, usually they shy away without a response, so as a writer sometimes I feel I am talking in a dark room, but because i am driven by a higher calling, I use imagination, I imagine sharing my insights with real Nomads, just to get enough motivation to keep posting. So , in that spirit, bear with me, even if you can't stand my posts, becasue some more of the same thing is going to hit your monitor, like the SABR State article, which is the last series Sate of the Four, and may be , just may be, you'll get a certificate of appreciation for your PATIENCE, which will make it worth your while, not from me, but inshAllah, from Allah SWT in the day of Judgement and the angels will come and visit you in your palace in Heaven saying to you: " Salaamun Calaykum bibaa sabarum, fa nicma cuqba Daar" "Peace be on you, for what you've endured (Nur Posts for Allahs sake), (Heaven)indeed is best home to retire in" Sabr State coming soon to a monitor near you! Nur
  23. Cinscious Manipulation Great Reminder, Jazaakallahu Khairan for sharing, I adding my own list of factors for happiness below from one of my old posts, from my personal experience and journey toward my maker. From Nurtel Happy Days past posts. Happiness Factors The most important factor in attaining happiness is resolving issues that matter to one's life, and death. The sooner you resolve these issue, the happier you will get The first of these factors is figuring out your place in this world, your significance and role. Once all the pieces are put together, that is when you will feel relieved. The second factor is knowing your maker, and appreciating his dominion over all things. Any art student can tell you how great a painting is when all you see is couple of colored strokes on a wall, likewise, a Music student can tell you about Bach, Beethoven and Verdi. Unless you appreciate their work you would not be able to appreciate these artists. (Wa lillahul Mathalul Aclaa) (Note: This is for the sake of example only, Islam does not promote Music, Sheitan does!) To really know Allah SWT is to really look deeply into his creations which represent the living Book of life with all of its complexities and wonders. The more you immerse your self in this realm, the more you find yourself at awe with Allah SWT. The third factor is beginning to Love and seek Allah and taking the first steps toward his direction. The fourth factor is finding all the answers to all the questions that you may have in the Holy Quraan and the Sunnah of the Messenger SAWS. The Fifth factor is loving Allah SW and the messenger SAWS. The Sixth factor is translating your love for Allah and his apostle to actions that show in your character when dealing with others. Serenity, respect and dignity. The seventh factor is constant remembrance of Allah SWT and Dhiker, and Salaat on the soul of the Rasoul as an appreciation of his delivery of this great Deen to us. The eigth factor is the realization that Allah, your ilaah, is the sole power and the Sovreign ( Samad) who runs everything that you see or hear. Nothing scapes his plan and nothing can outwit Allah SWT. He is the source of all the requirements of his dominion and everything we see happens for a purpose whose secret only Allah fully knows. The ninth factor is, after that realization to think positively about Allah SWT. The tenth Factor of happiness is praying to Allah, making many Duaa to Allah, the only one who can deliver your needs when distressed. Prayers are joyful experience. The 11the factor is controlling your desires and aligning them with the revelation. The more you are in control of your desires, the happier you will feel. Obedience to Allah is in itself a pleasure that only those who safeguard their desires can enjoy. And the joy Allah puts in your heart when you obey him, is indeed a great joy, so good, some Salaf people have described it that Jannah must be good if one can get a feeling as good as enjoying the remembrance of Allah. The 12th factor Making the obligatory Ibaadaat. Like Prayers, Fasting etc. The more you observe, the happier you shall feel. The 13th factor is the Morning and afternoon Dhiker. These are prescribed sayings that our Prophet SAWS had taught us to say at dawn and sunset. Saying these adhkaar can put a lot of ease and happiness into your life. It can reduce your sins, increase your hasanaat and protect you from Sheitaan. The 14th factor and by far the most important one is the Tilaawatul Quraan. (specially in Ramadaan) The recitation of Quraan is a soul filling experience. If you look deeper into the Quraan, you may not be able to stop, it is another world, and it is a joyful world when by way of your imagination, you meet the good folks mentioned in Quraan. Rest assured, that if you set aside a particular time in your daily schedule for reading Quraan, you will get a great dose of hapiness. Reading Quraan relaxes you, keeps you tension down, eases your preoccupations and belittles you worries, the single most source of Misery. Nur
  24. SiSade This party is precisely for people like you, party animals are not envited for this one, only people who wait for the real thing, not the false glitter, so can I count on you accepting this invitation sis? Nur
  25. Nomads This is the second pass on this great opportunity, if the party was held today, you'd miss it forever, parties like this one are not well known by Nomads, so few respond to it, right now I have two Nomads listed, a curious Nomad, and a happy party-human. Nur