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Somalia will never have peace and stability without US approval!
And Justice For All!
Nomads I have almost completed the script of the advice open letter. InshAllah, and in the spirit of Ramadan, my advice has a better chance resonating with the Sheikh. I am leaning toward doing it in Somali language, because, the Sheikh prefers it that way, and many Somali translators will get a job! Nur
kuun Kuun Bro. Prelude: Any wealth Transaction/ transfer between any two or multiple parties has the following forms: 1. Sale Transaction: Both Parties own their decisions and respective commodities, not coerced, sound mind, free citizens, and are willing to engage in trading goods to goods ( Barter), or goods to cash. 2. Gift: Giver of gift is owner of goods and willing, own her/his decisions, not coerced and free, sound mind. 3. Loan: Lender of wealth is willing, own her/his goods/cash and decisions, not coerced and free, sound mind. 4. Gamble: Multiple parties agree on transferring wealth randomly by means of mutual chance based transactions, where gaining and losing is highly speculative in nature or outright luck. 5. Robbery: One party takes control of others wealth by virtue of force. 6. Scam: One party takes control of others wealth by virtue of deception, misinformation and misrepresentation of terms and goods and conducts the transaction with lack of transparency. 7. Stealing: One party takes control of others wealth by virtue of disabling or bypassing security measures that protects the rights of the owner of the goods. Now, back to your question: The eNuri Islamic financial Ten Commandments are: 1. Voluntary Sale is permitted. 2. Voluntary loan is permitted. 3. Interest or usury is forbidden 4. Local Currency is an instrument of transaction, not a commodity to be traded or hoarded in itself. ( Forex is different animal ) 5. Hoarding of goods, and monopoly are forbidden. 6. Games of Chance are Forbidden. 7. Any Non-Transparent Wealth transaction is Forbidden. 8. Trading of Forbidden goods and/or transactions is also forbidden. Any Transaction built on a deal that incorporates, directly or implicitly one of the above forbidden classes of wealth transfer is forbidden. 9. Any Wealth transaction in which one party bears asymmetric risk exposure, and the other has the advantage of asymmetric profit potential is forbidden. Level of Reward must be directly related to Risk Exposure, the higher the risk, the higher the reward. 10. Lending money as a business is Forbidden. Now, we need to define wealth transactions in the stock market, options and futures, Foreign Currency Exchange. Your question is quite loaded, and to explain it will require few considerations: 1. First: How does the Stock Market operate: a. What are the commodities that are sold and bought? Real or imaginary? at hand or or in another location, present or in the future, is seller able to deliver or is it unknown. b. Nature of Goods that are sold? Do they fall in Haram category. c. The selling platform, is there transparency? d. Is the process of sale of stocks asymmetric, or it favors those who have insider information ( Madoff syndrome)? For the Second part of your question: Currency trading is as the name implies trading of unlike goods ( Dollar to Schillings) in which the currencies are reacting to market forces of demand and supply and hence appreciate or depreciate with respect to each other dynamically, so at any given moment, they will have different values with respect to each other. Now, that does not mean that currency trading does not introduce Haraam transactions as we have listed above. InshaaAllah, I will come back with more detail next time I log on, so be patient. How does the Stock Market Work. Like any commodities market like the Suuqa Bakaaraha, a market is place where sellers and buyers trade stocks or shares of what a company is worth at a particular point in time. Stocks hence are the ownership of shares of real companies assets and profits/ losses. The Real Economy Production of Misery Let us say that you are the owner of the stock certificate of an imaginary weapons trading company in Mogadishu, whose business model is based on buying weapons from disgruntled Ugandan and the TFG Mercenaries and selling them to the Shabaab resistance movement. Let us say, the TFG and Ugandans salaries were not paid for 3 months because the TFG Ministers and Ugandan generals have deposited their salaries in an Israeli company that deals in wholesale of weapons to the UN and African Union. The corrupt officials of the African Union have their balls on the table below a hammer, they have no choice but approve weapons exporters diktat The Financial Markets Now, shares of the Israeli company are being traded in Tel Avis and New York, where the Ugandan generals and Somali warlord politicians are making hefty dividend profits, while, you as the small time retail weapons trader make your money from angry Ugandan and Somali Warlord government selling their weapons to the opposition al Shabab. The value of the stocks of the Israeli weapons company closely follows the conditions in Mogadishu. When there is peace or the likelihood of peace, shareholders in Tel Aviv panic and sell their shares which makes the Israeli Ministry of Finance worried, then Israeli Ministry of Defense is worried, which in turn makes the the Pentagon worried, which warrants an Ethiopian invasion of Mogadishu to keep the demand for weapons at acceptable levels. The White House declares that the US will fight the Demonized Al Shabab Movement to the last Ethiopian and Ugandan. This white House declaration is a calming measure that is meant for market correction, so Israelis can trade in weapons market safely. Now, the stocks have two values, real value or the book value, and the speculated value. When the stocks are traded more than the book value, it means a new round of unrest in Mogadishu is being planned in Tel Aviv and Washington. So, a good leading indicator of peace in Somalia is to follow the global arms trading business in which Israel is the 7th largest exporter just behind Ukraine, Canada, UK, France, US and Russia. Now, the derivatives and securities market in which more wealth are traded is another animal altogether. Let us say, I found out that there will be a new round of fighting in Mogadishu, I come to you and try to sell you the option of securing current prices, you only pay me 5% premium for the option now. If as predicted violence erupts, demand increases and prices go up, you are secured, if on the other hand peace is reached, demand falls, and prices become cheaper you have only lost a slight money. Now, imagine trading your own options, selling to a guy who buys them by the bushel in New York, and knows what to do with it. Welcome to the world of financial gambling at its best. The problem we face today is the Haram financial foundation of modern economics in the long absence of Islamic Jurisprudence.o The Challenge today is how to interact with a world economy that is mostly based on several forbidden principles such as GHARAR ( Lack of transparency), Riba ( Interest), Taxaayul ( Scams) etc. Nur 2010 eNuri Financial Advisory Allah is the owner of wealth, Man is entrusted to manage wealth for the well being of all of Mankind Meaning of some verses in Holy Quraan
Ramadan Kareem LafaYare Bro. Isn't mind teasing how every American President since JFK's assassination governed in tandem with the Secret Societies' who are the driving force behind what is known as New World Order Master Plan that JFK was talking about ( NOT COMMUNISM, AS SOME TRY TO DEFLECT HIS REFERENCE IN HIS SPEECH), Nur
Xiin bro. Ramadan Kareem. Here is the I mean, figuratively. Nur
Nomads Why Are The Drums Of Hope And Faith So Silent? Nur
Isn't it about Time? I started my life on the wrong foot, lost and drunk. I was aggressive and violent, never thinking twice to harm people and usurp their rights and properties. I cant think of an evil deed that I have not committed, I was so messed up to the point that most people who have known me avoided to deal with me in any capacity, I was looking at Mr. Bad Guy in the eye! One day, I began yearning for Marriage, and specifically to have a daughter. I was blessed with my wish, I was blessed with a precious daughter that I named Fatima. I loved her too much, and the more she grew up, the more I found a purpose in life and as a result I regained some of my lost faith and it continued to improve with Fatima's growth. I slowly began controlling my evil intentions toward others, and my heart felt at comfort in goodwill for others, increasingly finding peace with myself. One day little Fatima saw me with a glass of wine in my hand, she came close to me an removed it from my hand, and that was before she turned 2. The more Fatima grew up, the more my ( Iman)Faith increased, and the more I approached my maker with a positive step forward, and the more I stopped my violations and transgressions on my own poor soul and others, up until Fatima turned 3 years old. At her 3rd birthday, precious little Fatima suddenly died. Out of sadness, and total lack of acceptance of this agony from my part, I reverted back to my old ways and heavy drinking with vengeance, up until one day my devil consoled me "Buddy, tonight you are going to drink to get so drunk that you will forget all about your problems". So, to feel good, I began to drink, and stayed up all night drinking and drinking, until I fell asleep amid an ocean of nightmares until I saw that special dream. I saw myself resurrected in the day of judgment, the sun lost its glowing luster, turning dark, the oceans were aflame, the earth was trembling beneath my feet in fury, and all of mankind were resurrected on a single grounds in groups. I could hear names being called "X" son of "Y", its your turn to be accounted for your deeds by your Maker ( Jabbar)" When a person is called, I could see that persons face turning so dark in fear of his fate after the judgment. The procession continued, One after the other, names were called until my name was called. Suddenly, I found myself all alone, as if all the people around me were deleted from the picture set, as if I was the only person on judgment that day. Then I saw a huge powerful snake opening its mouth and creeping fast towards me. Upon seeing it, I began running for my life till i came across a feeble old man. "Oh please, save me from this snake" I pleaded with him. The old man replied " my son, I am weak, I can't help you, run toward that direction, may be you will be saved" So, I ran toward the direction that he pointed at, but instead ran into a scorching fire to my face. I found myself in a predicament, should I throw myself in the fire to scape the snake? No, that would be worse, so I ran back toward the old weak man again, still being chased by the snake. "for the sake of Allah, please save me" I pleaded with the old feeble man. The old man seeing my predicament and his inability to help me, cried out of kindness. " son" he whispered, " I cant do anything, but you can try that other direction toward the mountain, you might be saved". I hurriedly ran toward the mountain and as I got closer and closer to the mountain, I saw little children on top of mountain and I began hearing their loud voices shouting " Fatima, Fatima, its your father, rescue him" I immediately realized that she was my daughter, and I became very happy, my little Fatima who died at age 3 is going to save me!. I was horrified, feeling like I was dead out of fear, as the snake almost approached me, but Little Fatima took me by her right hand, and pushed the snake away with her left hand, then she jumped and sat on my lap like she used to do when alive. "papa" she said, "Isn't about time for believers hearts to succumb to the awe of Allah's remembrance ( Dhiker )" "My little daughter" I asked, "tell me about this snake" "its your evil deeds, dad" she said, " and you have even grown them much bigger to the point that it could have eaten you" "Daddy" she continued," don't you know that our deeds in the worldly life will catch up with us after death and they will be impersonated (like snake) in the day of Judgment" "And the old man?" I asked. "he was an impersonation of your good deeds" she answered. " you have weakened him to the point that he couldn't be of any help to you when you needed him most and you made him cry for your predicament" Fatima continued "If I was not born for you, and if I did not die as a child, you wouldn't have anyone left to save you" Then I woke up, crying " Yes, Yes Its about time, O my Lord" I took a shower, and walked to the Mosque for the Morning Prayer seeking to repent and reproach my maker. As I entered the Masjid ( Mosque), The Imam was leading the Morning prayer reading the same verse: "Has not the time come for the hearts of those who believe to be affected by Allah's Reminder (this Qur'an), and that which has been revealed of the truth, lest they become as those who received the Scripture [the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)] before (i.e. Jews and Christians), and the term was prolonged for them and so their hearts were hardened? And many of them were Fasiqun (rebellious, disobedient to Allah). That man was Malik Ibn Dinar One of the most learned Scholars of the Second generation of Islam ( Taabiciin) Translation, courtesy of : eNuri Transemantics 2010 eNuri Softwaano Series Iron was meant to corrode, not our inner perception Nur
Nomads This is 2010, almost 20 years since the disintegration of what was known as the "Somali Republic" and the rise of the warlords, that lead to the creation of the counter-insurgency of the Somali resistance. From Puntland in the far northeast to Somaliland in Northwest, to the South, Islam is being declared as the defacto law of the land, no single entity is opposing Sharia ( at least in theory) despite the intimate western courtship of leaders of Puntland and Somaliland for reasons beyond the scope of this thread. The problem is no longer a secular versus Islamist agenda like in Turkey or other countries. The central problem is about Sovereignty. The Sharia law that all of the splinter governments and the AS claim to be their law, recognizes the Sovereignty of the state to belong to Allah SWT alone, the author of the Sharia Code itself. One can not serve two masters, at least at the same time and place, the Sharia has Allah as the absolute Sovereign, neither Democracy nor a foreign diktat can share authority with the absolute Sovereignty of Allah SWT. Acceptance of Allah SWT implies rejection of any other authority whose diktat contradicts with Allah's Sovereign Law aka Sharia. This is the crux of the TAWHEED PRINCIPLE. True Freedom for humankind can only be found through true allegiance to Allah's Sovereign rule. Any other interpretation that fails the above test is compounding the current predicament, one can not suffer for so long by alleviating his pain by succumbing to the temptation of a band-aid solution that reserves a front seat for an eternal punishment, a very unwise option. Wallahu Aclam Nur
Down To The Last Trillion in Red Ink US Treasury Running on Fumes By Paul Craig Roberts July 27, 2010 "IHC" --The White House is screaming like a stuck pig. WikiLeaks’ release of the Afghan War Documents “puts the lives of our soldiers and our coalition partners at risk.” What nonsense. Obama’s war puts the lives of American soldiers at risk, and the craven puppet state behavior of “our partners” in serving as US mercenaries is what puts their troops at risk. Keep in mind that it was someone in the US military that leaked the documents to WikiLeaks. This means that there is a spark of rebellion within the Empire itself. And rightly so. The leaked documents show that the US has committed numerous war crimes and that the US government and military have lied through their teeth in order to cover up the failure of their policies. These are the revelations that Washington wants to keep secret. If Obama cared about the lives of our soldiers, he would not have sent them to a war, the purpose of which he cannot identify. Earlier in his regime, Obama admitted that he did not know what the mission was in Afghanistan. He vowed to find out what the mission was and to tell us, but he never did. After being read the riot act by the military/security complex, which recycles war profits into political campaign contributions, Obama simply declared the war to be “necessary.” No one has ever explained why the war is necessary. The government cannot explain why the war is necessary, because it is not necessary to the American people. Any necessary reason for the war has to do with the enrichment of narrow private interests and with undeclared agendas. If the agendas were declared and the private interests being served identified, even the American sheeple might revolt. The Obama regime has made war the business of America. Escalation in Afghanistan has gone hand in hand with drone attacks on Pakistan and the use of proxy forces to conduct wars in Pakistan and North Africa. Currently, the US is conducting provocative naval exercises off the coasts of China and North Korea and instigating war between Columbia and Venezuela in South America. Former CIA director Michael Hayden declared on July 25 that an attack on Iran seems unavoidable. With the print and TV media captive, why doesn’t Washington simply tell us that the country is at war without going to the trouble of war? That way the munitions industry can lay off its workers and put the military appropriations directly into profits. We could avoid the war crimes and wasted lives of our soldiers. The US economy and the well-being of Americans are being sacrificed to the regime’s wars. The states are broke and laying off teachers. Even “rich” California, formerly touted as “the seventh largest economy in the world,” is reduced to issuing script and cutting its state workers’ pay to the minimum wage. Supplemental war appropriations have become routine affairs, but the budget deficit is invoked to block any aid to Americans--but not to Israel. On July 25 the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, reported that the US and Israel had signed a multi-billion dollar deal for Boeing to provide Israel with a missile system. Americans can get no help out of Washington, but the US ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, declared that Washington’s commitment to Israel’s security is “not negotiable.” Washington’s commitment to California and to the security of the rest of us is negotiable. War spending has run up the budget deficit, and the deficit precludes any help for Americans. With the US bankrupting itself in wars, America’s largest creditor, China, has taken issue with America’s credit rating. The head of China’s largest credit rating agency declared: “The US is insolvent and faces bankruptcy as a pure debtor nation.” On July 12, Niall Ferguson, an historian of empire, warned that the American empire could collapse suddenly from weakness brought on by its massive debts and that such a collapse could be closer than we think. Deaf, dumb, and blind, Washington policymakers prattle on about “thirty more years of war.” Dr. Roberts was Assistant Secretary U.S. Treasury, Associate Editor Wall Street Journal, Columnist for Business Week, Senior Research Fellow Hoover Institution Stanford University, and William E. Simon Chair of Political Economy in the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, D.C.
The above News is exactly what I was wondering: What part of The American Constitution makes an American Jew a Hero to join training in Israel to Kill Palestinians, yet makes a Somali American Volunteer who joins the resistance in Somalia a Terrorist! Nur
American Jews don military uniforms for volunteer service They left their comfortable lives in lap of their families for meals in soldiers' residence during combat training. Volunteers of 'Aish Machal' project come to contribute to Israel in only way they see fit – military service Smadar Shir Published: 07.22.10, 20:20 / Israel News The hot July sun blazes in the sky, scorching the asphalt pavilion in the Mahva Alon military training base and turn Nathaniel Schlakman's cheeks pink. But the 18-year-old who came from New Jersey to don an IDF uniform welcomes it. "It's a different sun," he revels in the misery, "an Israeli sun." Until a year ago, Schlakman's future seemed quite clear. He worked out five times a week in order to get accepted into the Marines. However, he ultimately landed two months ago at Ben Gurion Airport with the first group of soldiers organized by Aish Machal. Diaspora Relations Calling a spade a spade / Mairav Zonszein Op-ed: Framed as Israel-Diaspora issue, conversion bill cuts to heart of Israel’s identity Full Story "I couldn't keep sitting on my couch in my spacious house, watching on television how IDF soldiers are defending Israel, which is also my country," he explained. "I studied history, and I understood that all the big disasters, from the Inquisition to the Holocaust, happened because we didn't have a country of our own, and we had nowhere to go. I decided that if I'm going to serve, it has to have meaning." "Nathaniel told me that if he's going to take a bullet, he'd rather take one in Israel, for the country," said Aharon-Yosef Katsof, who found Schlakman in the religious school in which he studied. Katsof's story embodies the ideology behind Aish Machal. Twenty-six years old, Katsof located all 23 members of the group that recently landed in Israel. When he arrives at Mahva Alon to visit "his kids," as he calls them, they give him friendly slaps on the shoulder as they greet him with shouts "A. Y." – his initials, nearly the only remaining indicator of his American past. Thanks to his Israeli wife and three Israeli-born children, his accent has faded, making it hard to believe that just seven years ago he was a computer student at a Los Angeles college. I was like an alien It all started for him when he was 10 years old on a trip to Israel with his parents. "I fell in love," he declared. "But when I finished high school, I went with the flow and applied for college." A year later, he decided to return to Israel "because I felt at home here. When I looked in the mirror, I saw a typical American. But in my heart, in the places that can't be seen, I felt that I am a Jew and an Israeli." But the bureaucracy at the Interior Ministry scared him off. "Here there is a shouting clerk, there they say that a document is missing. Balagan (a chaotic mess)," he smiled under his cap. Only at the age of 22, when he was already father to his daughters Shirat Hodaya and Shira-Nava, now aged five and three, did he return to the Interior Ministry, make aliyah, and prepare for enlistment. But the military didn't want him. "They told me that as a father of two, I have an exemption from military service," he said. Katsof, whose son Yisrael was born just a year ago, did not give up. "I understood that you can't get by here without connections. So, I pulled some strings, and I got an interview with the commander of the recruitment office in Jerusalem. I told him that every Jew has the right to be part of the IDF system. After a quarter of an hour, he gave in." Katsof enlisted for a half a year of military service and underwent an officers' course as part of his reserve duty. "I really can't say that it was easy," he said. "They didn't understand my thought process. I landed in the military like an alien. I searched for someone who had already gone through the track and could help me integrate. I broke down a few times, but I got up and continued on. Why? Because this is Israel." His personal experience was just the tip of the iceberg. Of the widespread range of difficulties confronting Americans who want to enlist in the military Katsof learned only when he started working in the hesder yeshiva Aish HaTorah in Tel Aviv as a deputy to director Baruch Tretiak, 36, originally from Kansas. Aish HaTorah is an organization that seeks to connect Jews to their heritage and prevent assimilation. Some 100,000 people participate in Aish HaTorah programs every year. Aish Machal, which Katsof and Tretiak initiated, is one of them. "The Aish HaTorah yeshiva is a yeshiva of Israelis that only a few Americans came to. We saw how confused they are. They had no one to give them guidance," said Katsof. "Baruch and I started to spread the idea, and only in February of this year did we receive authorization from the Defense Ministry to open a Machal branch." The Machal concept – of IDF volunteers from abroad – has existed since the establishment of the State. There are additional projects that bring young immigrants, some of whom perform IDF military service, "but since the days of Ben Gurion, there has not been a group of volunteers that come with one clear purpose – to enlist." How did you find volunteers? "I flew to the US and I wandered between twenty Jewish high schools in New York, New Jersey, California, Boston, and Baltimore. I came in uniform, with my ranks, and a coat on top. I came to the school, knocked on the door, and asked to meet with the principal. When they said that he is busy or that I 'didn't have an appointment,' I would tell them that the principal had invited me to stop by when I'm in the area. "Once I was in front of the principal, I would take off my jacket and say, 'Hi, I'm an Israeli soldier from the combat Engineering Corps. Usually when I show up at places without an invitation, I blow up the door. In this case, I am asking you to open the door and give me five minutes.' "Some of the principals would organize a meeting with all the students in the grade, while others agreed to send out emails or make recommendations to graduates that were suitable," explained Katsof. This is how Yitzhak Benji, also from New Jersey, was scouted. His parents, Persian-born, were in Israel for a few years before they moved to the US. "The Persian mentality hasn't left them," Benji testified. "If I had applied to college, I am certain my mother would not have allowed me to live in the dorms. So, they were alarmed when I decided to leave and travel to such a faraway and dangerous place. But now, especially after I passed the paratroopers' tryout period, they are the proudest parents in the world." Jordan David, who now insists that people call him Yarden, grew up in New Jersey to a family that had no problem paying the $30,000-a-year tuition for private Jewish high school. During a meeting with Katsof, he said that he dreams of making a drastic move – to study in Bar-Ilan University. "So I suggested an even more drastic move for him," recalled Katsof. "When he said that he is going to enlist in the military, people laughed at him. They said, 'You, who grew up with a silver spoon in your mouth, are going to crawl through bramble and do sit-ups?" Yakov Kroll, 20, whose dream is to serve in Givati, arrived in Israel after two years of studying accounting and real estate at a Santa Monica college. "I have always asked myself what I can do for the country," he said in fluent Hebrew, which the volunteers obtained during a six-week preparatory course in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem's Old City. "I thought that if I'd be a lawyer, maybe I could sue Iran, or if I'd work in public relations, I could do hasbara (public relations) for the country. But ultimately, I understood that there is only one way to truly contribute to the country, and that is the military." Katsof met with Kroll's father in Beverly Hills at the home of a real estate magnate who wishes to remain anonymous. "He funds us," said Katsof, refusing to provide any additional details. "I told the father, 'I have a program that fits your son to a T,' and that was enough." Now, a week before entering basic training, Kroll is working hard to find an apartment to rent. The housing scholarship, as well as the double salary from the military – NIS 700 (about $180) – he will receive only after he reports to the induction base. "But most landlords demand payment ahead of time," he said without a trace of complaining in his voice. He explained that he is a lone soldier, and when he is hungry, he eats in the soldiers' hostel. When I asked who irons his uniforms, he laughed and quipped, "You think they've been washed?" But he proclaimed that he likes it here. "This is the most fascinating place on earth, without a dull moment. The distance has helped me miss my parents. I think that's what called growing up." On the times in which they miss home spoke Moshe and Eliyahu Engelman, blond twins from New York wearing black kippahs. "We are both 20-years old, but I was born two minutes first," declared Moshe, as he describes how Katsof fished them out of a Jerusalem restaurant for the project. "He heard that we were speaking English, sat down at the table, and asked matter-of-factly 'Have you ever thought about joining the army?"" So, had you? "Of course. But everyone always told me that if I travel to Israel for a year, I'll finish my degree after everyone else. When A.Y. explained how much that year will contribute to my character, I said to myself, 'So what if I'm late?'" When the twins' mother found out that the duo had signed up for combat duty, she demanded that they not serve in the same unit, added Eliyahu. "She wants to be sure that if something happens, only one of us will be hurt." Brothers Rafael and Joshua Levy, aged 20 and 18, plan on serving in the commandos, which obligates them to serve for two or more years. "Because of my dad's work, I traveled throughout the world," said Rafael. "But after a visit to Israel, I would get on the plane and cry. I felt like part of my soul is here." And do you miss America? "Sure," said Yehoshua. "I miss football games. But does this seem like a good enough reason not to serve?"
On The Israeli Right's New 'Peace' Agenda By Gilad Atzmon July 21, 2010 "ICH" -- As the Israelis are becoming conscious of their inevitable tragic circumstances, a final desperate attempt to rescue the Zionist project has come to life. Astonishingly enough it is the Israeli right that is now pushing for ‘one binational State.’ It is pretty staggering to find out that while the Israeli so-called ‘left’ is locked within the 1967 territorial paradigm that is fueled by Judeo centric racial ideology, it is actually the hawkish Zionist thinkers who are willing to move the discourse forward. In a mind provoking piece Noam Sheizaf outlines in Haaretz the new revolutionary Israeli idea. However, I will maintain at this stage that the new Zionist call for ‘one binational state’ suggests that Zionist ideology is on its last leg. Israel has come to realise its inevitable end. And amidst its terminal conditions Israel tries to buy time. Israel should apply its law to “Judea and Samaria and grant citizenship to 1.5 million Palestinians,” says Moshe Arens, a former Israeli defense minister, a top leader in the Likud party and a political patron of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Arens is not put off by those who slander him for promoting the idea of a binational Jewish-Palestinian state. "We are already a binational state," he says. This approach is now being advocated by leading figures in the Likud and amongst the settlers. A year ago, Uri Elitzur, former chairman of the Yesha Council of Settlements and Netanyahu's bureau chief in his first term as prime minister, published an article in the settlers' journal Nekuda calling for the onset of a process, at the conclusion of which the (West Bank) Palestinians will have "a blue ID card (like Israelis), yellow license plates (like Israelis), National Insurance and the right to vote for the Knesset." Emily Amrousi, a former spokesperson for the Yesha Council, also takes part in meetings between settlers and Palestinians and speaks explicitly of "one land in which the children of settlers and the children of Palestinians will be bused to school together." This Zionist political novelty doesn’t take me by complete surprise. Unlike the Jewish left that is tribally orientated both in Israel and in the West, the right wing Zionist philosophy was grounded on a dream of an eternal bond between the Jew and the alleged ‘promised land’. In Zion the Jew was supposed to transcend oneself beyond the race and the tribe. Israel was there to demolish the ghetto wall. As it happened, in practice, Israel had become the biggest ghetto in Jewish history. However, there is a clear trap here. As much as the peace loving Zionist hawks seem to champion Palestinian civil rights, the vision of a ‘one binational state’ is still totally Judeo centric. The Israeli advocates of the one binational state are not talking about a neutral "state of all its citizens", nor about "Israstine" with a flag showing a crescent and a Shield of David. One state still means a sovereign Jewish state, but in a more complex reality, and inspired by the vision of a “democratic Jewish state” without an occupation and without apartheid, without fences and separations. One may wonder at this stage what the notion of “Jewish democratic state” stands for. It is obviously an empty signifier, there is no such a thing as Jewish democracy. As far as I remember Democracy was born in Athens rather than Jerusalem. And yet, the dream is compelling. In such a state, “Jews will be able to live in Hebron and pray at the Tomb of the Patriarchs, and a Palestinian from Ramallah will be able to serve as an ambassador and live in Tel Aviv or simply enjoy ice cream on the city's seashore.” It is clear beyond doubt that a coin has dropped. Some Israeli hawks have come to realise that the occupation cannot be maintained forever. They were also quick to grasp that, in the long run, the separation wall put an end to the Zionist expansionist program. They also gather that the negative exposure of Jewish lobbies in the West will eventually lead to the down scaling of Israeli political maneuvering. However, the Zionist tribal orientation is never too difficult to trace. When Elitzur was asked “What do you say to the allegations that you have joined the radical left?” he was quick to reveal his political mantra. "There's a clear separation between us. I am talking about a Jewish state, the state of the Jewish people, which will contain a large Arab minority. The left is talking about an Arab state containing a Jewish minority, even if they do not explicitly think that. The leftist demonstrators in (the West Bank village of) Bil'in have totally joined the Palestinian cause." I guess that this what it is all about. The Israeli hawks want to counter the inevitable 'demographic disaster'. They would offer West Bank Palestinians Israeli ID cards, and offer them to “enjoy ice cream in Tel Aviv” as long as they are kept as a minority. The Israeli hawks ignore Gaza and the right of return. In practice they dismiss the Palestinian cause for they are certain that the Jewish one is superior. In short, this is not a solution or a resolution. It is just another Zionist spin that is planted in our discourse in order to disseminate confusion. Gilad Atzmon was born in Israel in 1963 and had his musical training at the Rubin Academy of Music, Jerusalem (Composition and Jazz). Atzmon's essays are widely published. His novels 'Guide to the perplexed' and 'My One And Only Love' have been translated into 24 languages.
Lockerbie: Megrahi Was Framed By John Pilger September 04, 2009 "ICH" -- The hysteria over the release of the so-called Lockerbie bomber reveals much about the political and media class on both sides of the Atlantic, especially Britain. From Gordon Brown’s "repulsion" to Barack Obama’s "outrage," the theater of lies and hypocrisy is dutifully attended by those who call themselves journalists. "But what if Megrahi lives longer than three months?" whined a BBC reporter to the Scottish First Minister, Alex Salmond. "What will you say to your constituents, then?" Horror of horrors that a dying man should live longer than prescribed before he "pays" for his "heinous crime": the description of the Scottish justice minister, Kenny MacAskill, whose "compassion" allowed Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi to go home to Libya to "face justice from a higher power." Amen. The American satirist Larry David once addressed a voluble crony as "a babbling brook of bullsh*t." Such eloquence summarizes the circus of Megrahi’s release. No one in authority has had the guts to state the truth about the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 above the Scottish village of Lockerbie on 21 December 1988 in which 270 people were killed. The governments in England and Scotland in effect blackmailed Megrahi into dropping his appeal as a condition of his immediate release. Of course there were oil and arms deals under way with Libya; but had Megrahi proceeded with his appeal, some 600 pages of new and deliberately suppressed evidence would have set the seal on his innocence and given us more than a glimpse of how and why he was stitched up for the benefit of "strategic interests." "The endgame came down to damage limitation," said the former CIA officer Robert Baer, who took part in the original investigation, "because the evidence amassed by [Megrahi's] appeal is explosive and extremely damning to the system of justice." New witnesses would show that it was impossible for Megrahi to have bought clothes that were found in the wreckage of the Pan Am aircraft – he was convicted on the word of a Maltese shopowner who claimed to have sold him the clothes, then gave a false description of him in 19 separate statements and even failed to recognize him in the courtroom. The new evidence would have shown that a fragment of a circuit board and bomb timer, "discovered" in the Scottish countryside and said to have been in Megrahi’s suitcase, was probably a plant. A forensic scientist found no trace of an explosion on it. The new evidence would demonstrate the impossibility of the bomb beginning its journey in Malta before it was "transferred" through two airports undetected to Flight 103. A "key secret witness" at the original trial, who claimed to have seen Megrahi and his co-accused al-Alim Khalifa Fahimah (who was acquitted) loading the bomb on to the plane at Frankfurt, was bribed by the US authorities holding him as a "protected witness." The defense exposed him as a CIA informer who stood to collect, on the Libyans’ conviction, up to $4m as a reward. Megrahi was convicted by three Scottish judges sitting in a courtroom in "neutral" Holland. There was no jury. One of the few reporters to sit through the long and often farcical proceedings was the late Paul Foot, whose landmark investigation in Private Eye exposed it as a cacophony of blunders, deceptions and lies: a whitewash. The Scottish judges, while admitting a "mass of conflicting evidence" and rejecting the fantasies of the CIA informer, found Megrahi guilty on hearsay and unproven circumstance. Their 90-page "opinion," wrote Foot, "is a remarkable document that claims an honored place in the history of British miscarriages of justice." (Lockerbie – the Flight from Justice by Paul Foot can be downloaded from the Private Eye website for £5). Foot reported that most of the staff of the US embassy in Moscow who had reserved seats on Pan Am flights from Frankfurt canceled their bookings when they were alerted by US intelligence that a terrorist attack was planned. He named Margaret Thatcher the "architect" of the cover-up after revealing that she killed the independent inquiry her transport secretary Cecil Parkinson had promised the Lockerbie families; and in a phone call to President George Bush Sr. on 11 January 1990, she agreed to "low-key" the disaster after their intelligence services had reported "beyond doubt" that the Lockerbie bomb had been placed by a Palestinian group contracted by Tehran as a reprisal for the shooting down of an Iranian airliner by a US warship in Iranian territorial waters. Among the 290 dead were 66 children. In 1990, the ship’s captain was awarded the Legion of Merit by Bush Sr. "for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service as commanding officer." Perversely, when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1991, Bush needed Iran’s support as he built a "coalition" to expel his wayward client from an American oil colony. The only country that defied Bush and backed Iraq was Libya. "Like lazy and overfed fish," wrote Foot, "the British media jumped to the bait. In almost unanimous chorus, they engaged in furious vilification and op-ed warmongering against Libya." The framing of Libya for the Lockerbie crime was inevitable. Since then, a US defense intelligence agency report, obtained under Freedom of Information, has confirmed these truths and identified the likely bomber; it was to be centerpiece of Megrahi’s defense. In 2007, the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission referred Megrahi’s case for appeal. "The commission is of the view," said its chairman, Dr. Graham Forbes, "that based upon our lengthy investigations, the new evidence we have found and other evidence which was not before the trial court, that the applicant may have suffered a miscarriage of justice." The words "miscarriage of justice" are missing entirely from the current furor, with Kenny MacAskill reassuring the baying mob that the scapegoat will soon face justice from that "higher power." What a disgrace.
Hadda sheekh ha inagu waanin inaynu habaarka doorbidno. Waxan dalkenna ku habsaday ee aynu dawada u la' nahay waa habaar. Duco badan ayeynu u baahan nahay ee aan ducada horaysiino Waan kaa aqbalay, "Allow ummaddeenna inta habowsan soo hanuuni, inta hanunsanna talada u hagaaji, hana noo qaban , hana nagu ciqaabin wexy faleen kuweenna sufahada ah, adigaa weligeenni ah noo naxariiso, na cafi, khaatimadana noo hagaaji." Amin Nur
Positive bro. Waxaad qortay: Haddii ay tahay in loo laabto Quraanka iyo Xadiiska marka maxaa keenay in dhiig muslin la daadiyo iyadoo aan layska qancin? Walaal, darafyada is heysta ma wada madax bannaana, qolana talo iyo taag shisheeye aan nagu diin iyo dan aheyn bey hoosjoogaan, markii horena ay dartood labaatan sanad oo hore dhiigga ummadda u daadin jireen, haatanna, markii umaddu Islaamka ku midowday bey carareen ooy Addis Ababa ka soo jeesteen. Qolyaha ka qabsaday dalka intiisa badan, wexey shardi ka dhigteen, in ciidamada shisheeye ay waddanka ka baxdo si markaas ay isu hor fadhiistaan ayagoo labada daraf madax bannan yihiin. Waxaad qortay: Quraanka iyo xadiiska waxa laysku haysto xalkeeda suuban kuma bayaansana miyaad leedahay? Ma lihi sidaas, ee waxaan leeyahay, qolyana quraanka ay doonayaan qolana dan ba imminka ku qasabtayee markii hore waa hor taagnaayeen, adigana ma moogid taas. Akhi, dilka badan iyo burburka waddanka waad ogtahay ineyan ka dambeynin qolyahan hadda kuufur inteeda badan gacanta ku haya, maxaa yeelay, raggii burburka 1990 bilaabay oo ku burburinayay kaalmaha cadowga Somalida ayaa ka dambeeyay. Gaar ahaan, markii 2006kii laga taag roonaaday oo nabadi timid ayey hadana soo rogaal celiyeen oo waddanka axmaaro keeneen ayagoo xukun doon ah, haba ku helaanee iney iibiyaan madax bannaanida waddanka. Marka khilaafka aan ka hadlayey wuxuu ahaa, khilaafka darafyada diinta wada sheeganaya haseyeeshee aan islu aragti aheyn, ha noqdaan qolyaha Xizbiga iyo shabaabka, ama qoladan cusub oo la magac baxday Ahlul Sunna wal jamaaca. Waxaan, ula jeedaa haddii seddexdaas qolo oo diinta cuskan ay kitaabka Alle iyo Sunnada Rasuulkiisa u wada laabtaan, iney caddan laheyd qolada qaldan, iyo qolada quman. Waxaad qortay: Hadalkaagu ma wuxuu u dhacayaa dadkan dagaalamayaa caqlina ma hayaan taqwaduna waa ku yar tahay mise micne kale ayuu xambaarsan yahay? Maya, sidaas ula ma jeedin, waxaan ula jeeday inuu khilaafku yahay mid weligii jirey, mar walbana jiri doona, sidaas darteed, khilaafku wuxuu leeyahay fiqi u gaar ah ( Fiqul Khilaaf) kaaso caddeynaya khilaafka shareecada ay aqoonsantahay ( Al Khilaaf al muctabar sharcan) iyo khilaaka aan salka laheyn, ( oo caamadu tiraah, war culimada kala qabta). In labadaas khilaaf noo kala cad yihiin baa u baahan cilmi iyo taqwo, aan is leeyahay darafyada is heysta uma wada sinna. Walaal, la isku ma diiddana in Allah oo qudho dadka xisaabiyo, qofkuu doonana ciqaabo qofkuu doonana cafiyo, taas Allah oo qudha ayaa leh. Laakin, maa daama aan annagu noloo xilsaarin wax qarsoon, waxaan xukunnaa waxa muuqda oo qudha, sidaa darteed, qofkii Allah iyo rasuulkiisa ka doorbiday Marx iyo Lenin, (Waxaan Wali/saaxib uga dhignaa wuxuu wali/saaxib ka digtay, jahannamana waan gelinaa; Aayad Quraanka fasirkeeda ) daahirkiisu wuxuu mudan yahay inuu maro meeshay mareen haddusan Alle waafajin tawbo intuusan dhiman ka hor, taasna waa ghayb aan naloo xilsaarin. Waana Cadaalada Allah inuu qofwalba safkuu maanta adduunka taagan yahay, aakhirana taagnaado, maxaa yeelay, 17 jeer baan Allah warsannaa inuu na mariyo waddada ay mareen kuwa loo nicmeeyay, oo ah anbiyada, siddiiqiinta, saalixiinta iyo shuhadada. Sidaa darteed, in kastoo ay bannan tahay in cadowga Allah sida fircown loo duceeyo in Allah hanuunsho, waxaa kaloo bannaan in la habaaro, taasna waxaa ku soo arooray Quraanka sheekadii Nabi Muse oo habaaray Fircown, xataa Allah ka baryay inuusan iimaan helin uu gaalnimo ku dhinto, iyo Nuux oo isgana ka baryaya Allah in Dunida aan looga tagin daalimiinta, iyo Ibraahim oo Allah ka baryay in Qowmu Lut aan la halaagin, laakin laga diiday. in kastoo laga aqbalay Muse iyo Nuux. Marka waxaa xikmaddu tahay in aadan isku daalin duco laga diiday Nabi Ibraahim CS. Nur
Will Israel Assassinate Barack Obama? Criminal State, January 6, 2010 By Jeff Gates To assassinate an American president with impunity requires pre-staging. For Israel to succeed would require an Evil Doer on whom the deed could plausibly be blamed. The emerging fact patterns suggest that such pre-staging is well underway and that a Pakistani could be the perceived culprit. The recent history of Evil Doer branding offers insight into what to expect. Over the course of several years, , a brutal tyrant, morphed from a loyal and valued U.S. ally to the leader of a state portrayed as a member of the Axis of Evil ready and able to deploy weapons of mass destruction on a moment’s notice. Though that depiction was a lie; a plausible lie sufficed in the creation of a credible Evil Doer to help justify the invasion of Iraq. Similarly, the Taliban in all its many forms have long been religious fundamentalists with an intolerant streak exceeded only by their ferocity in defense of their severe version of Islam. During the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, they were celebrated as the fierce Mujahideen and heralded as heroic freedom fighters by President Ronald Reagan. In the run-up to the provocation of 9-11, that positive “branding” abruptly changed when, six months prior to that mass murder, Afghanistan’s ancient Buddhas at Bamiyan were destroyed. When the Taliban took responsibility, they were rebranded worldwide as certifiably evil for what mainstream media portrayed as a “cultural holocaust.” When staging such power-of-association operations, timing is everything. By 9-11, the Taliban were seen as world-class Evil Doers. A similar pre-staging is underway in the U.S as manipulated impressions become the mental building blocks to create a plausible culprit from an Islamic nation. Keep in mind that repeated reports of Iraqi WMD created a generally accepted “consensus” truth—regardless of the facts. In a similar fashion, oft-repeated reports of the threat of Iranian WMD have steadily created the impression of a nuclear weapons capability with no basis in fact. But facts are not the point when pre-staging an Evil Doer. The point is what a targeted population can be induced to believe. Five Muslim students in the U.S. traveled to Pakistan in mid-December, setting off a flurry of reports about the threat of “homegrown terrorism.” Every report mentioned the recent shootings at Fort Hood, Texas by a Muslim psychiatrist. A series of other incidents helped enhance the plausibility of a violent event traceable to the requisite Islamic Evil Doer. The Justice Department announced this month that the trial of a 9-11 suspect will be held in Manhattan, with a second trial in nearby Brooklyn. In explaining the projected $150 million cost, local officials likened the extensive security to what is required for a New Year’s Eve celebration—only lasting for months. These trials are akin to a high profile publicity campaign certain to keep Americans on edge while enhancing the plausibility of “Islamic” violence. Insecurity, Plausibility & Accessibility Yet how could an assassin reach the most closely guarded president of modern times? The plausibility of a security breach has already been pre-staged. At the first state dinner by Obama, two aspiring contestants for a reality television show foiled White House security to come within handshake distance of the president. Though no one has yet conceded how that could have happened, both the president and the First Lady have an Ashkenazi chief of staff. Bodyguards were protecting Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin when in November 1995 a Likud Party member shot him at close range. Assassin Yigal Amir invoked a concept from ultra-orthodox Judaism to justify his murder of Rabin as a threat to Jews living in the settlements. Likud Party leader Benjamin Netanyahu led a series of rallies that Rabin described as provoking violence. Netanyahu was elected Prime Minister in June 1996 and immediately sought to inhibit implementation of the Oslo land-for-peace process agreed to by Rabin. That same year, Richard Perle led a Jewish-American team to prepare for Netanyahu a new policy titled A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (i.e., Israel). Then a member of the U.S. Defense Policy Board, Perle became its chairman in 2001. The central theme of A Clean Break: Israel should halt the return of Palestinian land and instead pursue an aggressive strategy that included as a priority the removal of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. Should pro-Israeli extremists detect an inclination by Barack Obama to endorse a return of Palestinian land to the Palestinians, the likelihood of his assassination will greatly increase. For his death to appear plausibly due to an Islamic source requires pre-staging akin to what is now ongoing. To displace facts with what the public can be induced to believe requires a period of mental preparation in order to make misdirection believable. In July 2006, for instance, authors Jim Gilchrist and Jerome Corsi published Minutemen claiming that Hezbollah terrorists are sneaking across the Mexican border and plotting another 9-11. Minutemen was launched at Ground Zero, the site of the 9-11 attack, 14 days after Israel invaded Lebanon—in pursuit of Hezbollah. Had the U.S. suffered another attack, Iran-backed Hezbollah would have been the perceived culprit, providing a plausible rationale attack Iran. Corsi remains a prolific source of prepare-the-minds publications, including Atomic Iran released in early 2005 and calling for either the U.S. or Israel to preemptively bomb the “mad mullahs of Iran.” His latest release is The Obama Nation. With a first print run of 475,000, his attack on the presidential contender immediately topped The New York Times nonfiction bestseller list. Should Obama be murdered, Corsi’s book will provide an incremental component of plausibility that the assassin was opposed not to his changed policies on Israel but to his “socialism.” An Agenda in Need of a Crisis Other recent incidents enhance the plausibility that an assassin could enter the U.S. from abroad. Homeland Security conceded this month that a sensitive transportation security screening manual was posted on the Internet. The ordering of more troops to Afghanistan enhances the plausibility that extremists will be driven across the border into Pakistan, only to travel from there to the U.S. Obama’s Nobel Prize associated him with peace laureate Martin Luther King Jr. Were Obama also to die at the hands of an assassin, his “brand” has now been sufficiently enhanced that he would become an iconic figure. If Zionist extremists fail to provoke a crisis in the Middle East or South Asia, the murder of America’s first Black president would suffice as an attention-diverting crisis—particularly if those who produced his candidacy use his death to catalyze hatred between whites and blacks in the same way that they now market hatred for Muslims. So long as Barack Obama continues to serve Israeli interests, he will continue to live a charmed life. Should he hint that justice—say for the Palestinians—is a worthy goal, the pre-staging is in place to eliminate that threat. Likewise should he seek to shut down the ongoing oligarch-ization of America and the steady piling on of disabling debt. Should his death provoke race riots, the Department of Homeland Security is prepared to protect the agent provocateurs—under the guise of defending the perpetrators from anti-Semitism. Would Israel assassinate a U.S. president? What kind of world would we now inhabit if Senator William Fulbright and Attorney General Robert Kennedy had succeeded in 1962 in forcing the Israel Lobby to register as a foreign agent? How would the world be different if John F. Kennedy had succeeded in 1963 in forcing international inspections of Israel’s nuclear facility? When Robert Kennedy announced for the presidency in 1968, Tel Aviv did not know if he would revive JFK’s campaign to prevent Israel from igniting a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. Nor did anyone know if he and Fulbright would again seek transparency for Israeli operations disguised as domestic lobbying. When RFK was murdered in June 1968, the gunman was Palestinian. That lesson should not be lost on Pakistan. In dealing with Washington, Islamabad should also recall Senator Fulbright’s candid assessment in 1973: “Israel controls the U.S. Senate.” He was gone by 1974, thirty-five influence-embedding years ago. Source
The Ministry of Truth Obama's War on the Internet By Philip Giraldi July 20, 2010 "Campaign for Liberty " -- The Ministry of Truth was how George Orwell described the mechanism used by government to control information in his seminal novel 1984. A recent trip to Europe has convinced me that the governments of the world have been rocked by the power of the internet and are seeking to gain control of it so that they will have a virtual monopoly on information that the public is able to access. In Italy, Germany, and Britain the anonymous internet that most Americans are still familiar with is slowly being modified. If one goes into an internet café it is now legally required in most countries in the European Union to present a government issued form of identification. When I used an internet connection at a Venice hotel, my passport was demanded as a precondition and the inner page, containing all my personal information, was scanned and a copy made for the Ministry of the Interior -- which controls the police force. The copy is retained and linked to the transaction. For home computers, the IP address of the service used is similarly recorded for identification purposes. All records of each and every internet usage, to include credit information and keystrokes that register everything that is written or sent, is accessible to the government authorities on demand, not through the action of a court or an independent authority. That means that there is de facto no right to privacy and a government bureaucrat decides what can and cannot be "reviewed" by the authorities. Currently, the records are maintained for a period of six months but there is a drive to make the retention period even longer. The excuses being given for the increasing government intervention into the internet are essentially two: first, that the anonymity of the internet has permitted criminal behavior, fraud, pornography, and libel. Second is the security argument, that managing the internet is an integral part of the "global war on terror" in that it is used by terrorists to plan their attacks requiring governments to control those who use it. The United States government takes the latter argument one step farther, claiming that the internet itself is a vulnerable "natural asset" that could be seized or damaged by terrorists and must be protected, making the case for a massive $100 billion program of cyberwarfare. Senator Joseph Lieberman (D-CT) argues that "violent Islamist extremists" rely on the internet to communicate and recruit and he has introduced a bill in the Senate that will empower the president to "kill" the internet in case of a national emergency. But all of the arguments for intervention are essentially themselves fraudulent and are in reality being exploited by those who favor big government and state control. The anonymity and low cost nature of the internet means that it can be used to express views that are unpopular or unconventional, which is its strength. It is sometimes used for criminal behavior because it is a mechanism, not because there is something intrinsic in it that makes it a choice of wrongdoers. Before it existed, fraud was carried out through the postal service and over the telephone. Pornography circulated freely by other means. As for the security argument, the tiny number of actual terrorists who use the internet do so because it is there and it is accessible. If it did not exist, they would find other ways to communicate, just as they did in pre-internet days. In fact, intelligence sources report that internet use by terrorists is rare because of persistent government monitoring of the websites. The real reason for controlling the internet is to restrict access to information, something every government seeks to do. If the American Departments of Defense and Homeland Security and Senator Lieberman have their way, new cybersecurity laws will enable Obama's administration to take control of the internet in the event of a national crisis. How that national crisis might be defined would be up to the White House but there have been some precedents that suggest that the response would hardly be respectful of the Bill of Rights. Many countries already monitor and censor the internet on a regular basis, forbidding access to numerous sites that they consider to be subversive or immoral. During recent unrest, the governments of both Iran and China effectively shut down the internet by taking control of or blocking servers. Combined with switching off of cell phone transmitters, the steps proved effective in isolating dissidents. Could it happen here? Undoubtedly. Once the laws are in place a terrorist incident or something that could be plausibly described in those terms would be all that is needed to have government officials issue the order to bring the internet to a halt. But the ability to control the internet technically is only part of the story. Laws are being passed that criminalize expressing one's views on the internet, including both "hate crime" legislation and broadly drafted laws that make it a crime to support what the government describes loosely as terrorism in any way shape or form. Regular extra-legal government intrusion in the private lives of citizens is already a reality, particularly in the so-called Western Democracies that have the necessary technology and tech-savvy manpower to tap phones and invade computers. In Europe, draconian anti-terrorism laws enable security agencies to monitor phone calls and e-mails, in many cases without any judicial oversight. In Britain, the monitoring includes access to detailed internet records that are available for inspection by no less that 653 government agencies, most of which have nothing whatsoever to do with security or intelligence, all without any judicial review. In the United States, the Pentagon recently sought an internet and news "instant response capability" which it dubbed the Office of Strategic Influence and it has also seeded a number of retired military analysts into the major news networks to provide a pro-government slant on the war news. The State Department is also in the game, tasking young officers to engage presumed radicals in debate on their websites while the growing use of national security letters means that private communications sent through the internet can be accessed by Federal law enforcement agencies. The Patriot Act created national security letter does not require judicial oversight. More than 35,000 were issued by the FBI last year and the recipient of a letter commits a felony if he or she reveals the receipt of the document. In a recent case involving an internet provider in Philadelphia, a national security letter demanded all details of internet messages sent on a certain date, to include account information on clients with social security numbers and credit card references. The danger is real. Most Americans who are critical of the actions of their own government rely on the internet for information that is uncensored and often provocative, including sites like Campaign for Liberty. As this article was being written, a story broke reporting that Wordpress host Blogetery had been shut down by United States authorities along with all 73,000 Blogetery-hosted blogs. The company's ISP is claiming that it had to terminate Blogetery's account immediately after being ordered to do so by law enforcement officials "due to material hosted on the server." The extreme response implies a possible presumed terrorist connection, but it is important to note that no one was charged with any actual offense, revealing that the government can close down sites based only on suspicion. It is also likely only a matter of time before Obama's internet warfare teams surface either at the Defense Department or at State. Deliberately overloading and attacking the internet to damage its credibility, witness the numerous sites that have been "hacked" and have had to cease or restrict their activities. But the moves afoot to create a legal framework to completely shut the internet down and thereby control the "message" are far more dangerous. American citizens who are concerned about maintaining their few remaining liberties should sound the alarm and tell the politicians that we don't need more government abridgment of our First Amendment rights. Philip M. Giraldi is a former CIA counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer who served 19 years overseas in Turkey, Italy, Germany, and Spain. He was Chief of Base in Barcelona from 1989 to 1992, was designated as senior Agency officer for support at the Olympic Games, and served as official liaison to the Spanish Security and Intelligence services. He has been designated by the General Accountability Office as an expert on the impact of illegal immigration on terrorism.
Sayanim Israeli Operatives in the U.S. By Jeff Gates July 20, 2010 "Veterans Today" -- Americans know that something fundamental is amiss. They sense—rightly—that they are being misled no matter which political party does the leading. A long misinformed public lacks the tools to grasp how they are being deceived. Without those tools, Americans will continue to be frustrated at being played for the fool. When the “con” is clearly seen, “the mark” (that’s us) will see that all roads lead to the same duplicitous source: Israel and its operatives. The secret to Israel’s force-multiplier in the U.S. is its use of agents, assets and sayanim (Hebrew for volunteers). When Israeli-American Jonathan Pollard was arrested for spying in 1986, Tel Aviv assured us that he was not an Israeli agent but part of a “rogue” operation. That was a lie. Only 12 years later did Tel Aviv concede that he was an Israeli spy the entire time he was stealing U.S. military secrets. That espionage—by a purported ally—damaged our national security more than any operation in U.S. history. In short, Israel played us for the fool. From 1981-1985, this U.S. Navy intelligence analyst provided Israel with 360 cubic feet of classified military documents on Soviet arms shipments, Pakistani nuclear weapons, Libyan air defense systems and other intelligence sought by Tel Aviv to advance its geopolitical agenda. Agents differ from assets and sayanim. Agents possess the requisite mental state to be convicted of treason, a capital crime. Under U.S. law, that internal state is what distinguishes premeditated murder from a lesser crime such as involuntary manslaughter. Though there’s a death in either case, the legal liabilities are different—for a reason. Intent is the factor that determines personal culpability. That distinction traces its roots to a widely shared belief in free will as a key component that distinguishes humans from animals. Agents operate with premeditation and “extreme malice” or what the law describes as an “evil mind.” Though that describes the mental state of Jonathan Pollard, Israeli leaders assured us otherwise—another example of an evil mind as the U.S. was played for the fool. Played for the Fool, Again Pollard took from his office more than one million documents for copying by his Israeli handler. When those classified materials were transferred to the Soviets, reportedly in exchange for the emigration of Russian Jews, this spy operation shifted the entire dynamics of the Cold War. To put a price tag on this espionage, imagine $20 trillion in U.S. Cold War defense outlays from 1948-1989 (in 2010 dollars). The bulk of that investment in national security was negated by a spy working for a nation that pretended throughout to be a U.S. ally. Pollard was sentenced to life in prison. Israel suffered no consequences. None. Zero. Nada. Not then. Not now. Then as now, we were played for the fool. At trial, Pollard claimed he wasn’t stealing from the U.S.; he was stealing secrets for Israel—with whom the U.S. has long had a “special relationship.” He thought we should have shared our military secrets with them. That’s chutzpah. That also confirms we were played for the fool. Looking back, it’s easy to see how seamlessly we segued from a global Cold War to a global War on Terrorism. In retrospect, the false intelligence used to induce our invasion of Iraq was traceable to Israelis, pro-Israelis or Israeli assets such as John McCain (see below). Even while in prison, Pollard’s iconic status among Israelis played a strategic role. Was it just coincidence that Tel Aviv announced a $1 million grant to their master spy less than two weeks before 911? Is that how Israel signaled its operatives in the U.S.? Did that grant have any relationship to the “dancing Israelis” who were found filming and celebrating that mass murder as both jets smashed into the World Trade Center? Absent that provocation, would we now find ourselves at war in the Middle East? Surely no one still believes that America’s interests are being advanced in a quagmire that has now become the longest war in U.S. history. “I know what America is,” Benjamin Netanyahu told a group of Israelis in 2001, apparently not knowing his words were being recorded. “America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction.” Let’s face it: the U.S. was again played for the fool. With oversight by Israeli case officers (katsas), Israeli operations proceed in the U.S. by using agents, assets and volunteers (sayanim). Let’s take a closer look at each. The Sayanim System Sayanim (singular sayan) are shielded from conventional legal culpability by being told only enough to perform their narrow role. Though their help may be essential to the success of an Israeli operation, these volunteers (sayanim also means helpers) could pass a polygraph test because their recruiters ensure they remain ignorant of the overall goals of an operation. In other words, a sayan can operate as an accomplice but still not be legally liable due to a lack of the requisite intent regarding the broader goals—of which they are purposely kept ignorant. Does that intentional “ignorance” absolve them of liability under U.S. law? So far, yes. Much like military reservists, sayanim are activated when needed to support an operation. By agreeing to be available to help Israel, they provide an on-call undercover corps and force-multiplier that can be deployed on short notice. How are sayanim called to action? To date, there’s been no attempt by U.S. officials to clarify that key point. This may explain why Pollard was again in the news on July 13th with a high-profile Israeli commemoration of his 9000th day of incarceration. To show solidarity with this Israeli-American traitor, the lights encircling Jerusalem were darkened while an appeal was projected onto the walls of the Old City urging that President Obama order Pollard’s release from federal prison. Pollard has long been a rallying point for Jewish nationalists, Zionist extremists and ultra-orthodox ideologues. In short, just the sort of people who would be likely recruits as sayanim. The news coverage given this Day of Adoration may help explain how Israel signals its helpers that an operation is underway and in need of their help. Are pro-Israelis once again playing Americans for the fool? When not aiding an ongoing operation, sayanim gather and report intelligence useful to Israel. This volunteer corps is deeply imbedded in legislative bodies, particularly in the U.S. Thus far, this Israeli operation has advanced with legal impunity as the Israel lobby—though acting as a foreign agent—continues even now to pose as a “domestic” operation. Morris Amitay, former executive director of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, explains how this invisible cadre aids the Israel lobby in advancing its geopolitical agenda: “There are a lot of guys at the working level up here [on Capitol Hill]…who happen to be Jewish, who are willing…to look at certain issues in terms of their Jewishness…These are all guys who are in a position to make the decision in these areas for those senators…You can get an awful lot done just at the staff level.” What sayanim are not told by their katsas is that an Israeli operation may endanger not only Israel but also the broader Jewish community when these operations are linked to extremism, terrorism, organized crime, espionage and treason. Though sayanim “must be 100 percent Jewish,” Ostrovsky reports in By Way of Deception (1990): “…the Mossad does not seem to care how devastating it could be to the status of the Jewish people in the Diaspora if it was known. The answer you get if you ask is: “So what’s the worst that could happen to those Jews? They’d all come to Israel. Great!” [Mossad is the intelligence and foreign operations directorate for Israel.] Assets, Agents and Sayanim Assets are people profiled in sufficient depth that they can be relied upon to perform consistent with their profile. Such people typically lack the state of mind required for criminal culpability because they lack the requisite intent to commit a crime. Nevertheless, assets are critical to the success of Israeli operations in the U.S. They help simply by pursuing their profiled personal needs—typically for recognition, influence, money, sex, drugs or the greatest drug of all: ideology. Thus the mission-critical task fulfilled by political assets that the Israel lobby “produces” for long-term service in the Congress—while appearing to represent their U.S. constituents. Put a profiled asset in a pre-staged time, place and circumstance—over which the Israel lobby can exert considerable influence—and Israeli psy-ops specialists can be confident that, within an acceptable range of probabilities, an asset will act consistent with his or her profile. Democrat or Republican is irrelevant; the strategic point remains the same: to ensure that lawmakers perform consistent with Israel’s interests. With the help of McCain-Feingold campaign finance “reform,” the Israel lobby attained virtual control over the U.S. Congress. The performance of assets in the political sphere can be anticipated with sufficient confidence that outcomes become foreseeable—within an acceptable range of probabilities. How difficult was it to predict the outcome when Bill Clinton, a classic asset, encountered White House intern Monica Lewinsky? Senator John McCain has long been a predictable asset. His political career traces its origins to organized crime from the 1920s. It was organized crime that first drew him to Arizona to run for Congress four years before the 1986 retirement of Senator Barry Goldwater. By marketing his “brand” as a Vietnam-era prisoner of war, he became a reliable spokesman for Tel Aviv while being portrayed as a “war hero.” No media outlet dares mention that Colonel Ted Guy, McCain’s commanding officer while a POW, sought his indictment for treason for his many broadcasts for the North Vietnamese that assured the death of many U.S. airmen. As a typical asset, it came as no surprise to see McCain and Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman, a self-professed Zionist, used to market the phony intelligence that took us to war in Iraq. McCain’s ongoing alliance with transnational organized crime spans three decades. His 1980’s advocacy for S&L crook Charles Keating of “The Keating 5” finds a counterpart in his recent meetings with Russian-Israeli mobster Oleg Deripaska who at age 40 held $40 billion in wealth defrauded from his fellow Russians. McCain conceded earlier this month in a town hall meeting in Tempe, Arizona that he met in a small dinner in Switzerland with mega-thief Deripaska and Lord Rothschild V. For assets such as McCain to be indicted for treason, the American public must grasp the critical role that such pliable personalities play in political manipulations. McCain is a “poster boy” for how assets are deployed to shape decisions such as those that took our military to war. In the Information Age, if that’s not treason, what is? The predictability of a politician’s conduct confirms his or her qualifications as an asset. They are routinely developed and “produced” over lengthy periods of time and then—as with John McCain—maintained in key positions to influence decision-making as key junctures. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was candid in his assessment four weeks after 911. He may have been thinking about John McCain when he made this revealing comment: “I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it.” [October 3, 2001] Indictments for Treason Are assets culpable? Do they have the requisite intent to indict them for treason? Does John McCain possess an evil mind? Did he betray this nation of his own free will or is he typical of those assets with personalities so weak and malleable that they can easily be manipulated? As federal grand juries are impaneled to identify and indict participants in this trans-generational operation, how many sayanim should the Federal Bureau of Investigation expect to uncover in the U.S.? No one knows because this subtle form of treason is not yet well understood. Victor Ostrovksy, a former Mossad katsa (case officer) wrote in 1990 that the Mossad had 7,000 sayanim in London alone. In London’s 1990 population of 6.8 million, Israel’s all-volunteer corps represented one-tenth of one percent of the residents of that capital city. If Washington, DC is ten times more critical to Israel’s geopolitical goals (an understatement), does that mean the FBI should expect to find ten times more sayanim per capita in Washington? What about sayanim in Manhattan, Miami, Beverly Hills, Atlanta, Boston, Charleston, Charlotte, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Kansas City, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, Sacramento, San Diego, Seattle, St. Louis, Tampa, Toledo? No one knows. And Tel Aviv is unlikely to volunteer the information. This we know for certain: America has been played for the fool. And so has our military. This duplicity dates back well before British Foreign Secretary Alfred Balfour wrote to an earlier Lord Rothschild in 1917 citing UK approval for a “Jewish homeland.” In practical effect, that “homeland” now ensures non-extradition for senior operatives in transnational organized crime. To date, America has blinded itself even to the possibility of such a trans-generational operation inside our borders and imbedded inside our government. Instead the toxic charge of “anti-Semitism” is routinely hurled at those chronicling the “how” component of this systemic treason. Making this treason transparent is essential to restore U.S. national security. That transparency may initially appear unfair to the many moderate and secular Jews who join others appalled at this systemic corruption of the U.S. political system. Yet they are also concerned that somehow they may be portrayed as guilty by association due to a shared faith tradition. That would be not only unjust to them but also ineffective in identifying and indicting those complicit. This much is certain: a Democrat as president offers no real alternative to a Republican on those issues affecting U.S. policy in the Middle East. Today’s corruption predates the duplicity in 1948 that induced Harry Truman to extend recognition to this extremist enclave as a legitimate nation state. Our troubles date from then. That fateful decision must be revisited in light of what can now be proven about the “how” of this ongoing duplicity—unless Americans want to continue to be played for the fool. A Vietnam veteran, Jeff Gates is a widely acclaimed author, attorney, investment banker, educator and consultant to government, corporate and union leaders worldwide. He served for seven years as counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance. He is widely published in the trade, popular and academic press.
US seeks rifts among Somali rebels after blasts The US is studying ways to foment division among Somali rebels behind bombings in Uganda, without inflaming anti-foreigner feelings that could cause a closing of ranks, a US official said on Monday. The double blasts, claimed by al Shabaab Islamists, killed 73 people watching the FIFA World Cup final on July 11. The group had threatened to strike Uganda to punish it for its contribution to Amisom, the African Union peacekeeping force in Somalia. The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, added that allies of Somalia's interim government were discussing the possibility of allowing African peacekeeping troops to go on the offensive against the rebels in the wake of the explosions. At present they may use force only when attacked. Asked what strategies the US was using against extremist armed Islamist groups in Somalia, the official replied Washington would seek to divide them, although the task was delicate due to Somali sensitivities about foreign involvement. "We know nothing galvanises Somalis like an outside influence...if we do something in an imprudent manner," the official said in a briefing for reporters in London. "We are trying to figure out the best way to exploit any divisions. At the same time, to do that in an incorrect manner runs the risk of the exact opposite, which is to unite them." Aside from its differences with other Islamist armed groups, al Shabaab itself is a patchwork of networks including foreigners who favour al Qaeda-style global attacks and more nationalistic Somalis, some analysts have said. "Are they (al Shabaab) truly a Somali group at this point, or are they a puppet of an outside extremist group? It's a question we're looking at very closely," the official said. "OFFENSIVE POSTURE" There were increasing signs that al Shabaab was adopting an international al Qaeda-type approach and it was important to try to prevent senior foreign militants from promoting this thinking among a middle tier of fighters. The official said that the estimated 1,5-million Somalis living overseas, who send home about $1-billion in remittances annually, were in a position to use their influence to deepen existing public antipathy to the rebels inside Somalia. There was a "great possibility" this would happen because Somalis in the West were likely to experience more police scrutiny of their businesses after the attacks in Uganda and they were likely to blame al Shabaab for this. "For them not to be able to function and do their business outside of Somalia would be a blow ... And if al Shabaab endangers those remittances, I think that's going to further alienate them from the Somali people," the official said. The official added that the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) was fighting for its survival against al Shabaab and was dependent on Amisom, which he said numbered about 5 800 troops. The official said there was "vigorous discussion" among Somalia's allies about possibly widening the rules of engagement to enable the force to go on the offensive. "Many folks think that's the way to go, change the mandate from peacekeeping to an offensive posture," the official said.
eNuri Softwano Series Coming Attraction: An Open Letter To Sheikh Axmad Godane of the Xarakatul Shabaabul Mujaahideen. eNuri, a World Peace Organization has brought you moving controversial proposals to make peace in Somalia, as far back as 2004, way before the rise of Islamic Courts in these SOL Pages At that distance time, my Nomad audience laughed at my efforts in bridging cultural gaps and paradigm shifting proposal. Later in the Summer of 2006, The ICU, Islamic Courts Union swept to power, which gave me a renewed hope for Somalia, and with an optimist heart I had to plea bargain with the then world Leader to give peace in Somalia a chance right from my bed with an Islamist olive branch, and I warned the world leader that if he fails to listen to my Give Peace A Chance plea, that, in no time, Africa will burn, and that at the end the fire will reach his backyard. Today, His backyard as well as Kampala are Burning as I warned the World Leader. In This thread, I am addressing yet another leader, Sheikh Axmed Godane of the Xarakatul Shababul Mujaahideen of Somalia and I pray, that he takes my advice (Hoping his Apple iPad works in Kismaayo) Nur 2010 eNuri Give-Peace-A-Chance Movement "He Is A Fool Who Makes His Doctor His Heir" Ben Franklin!
Baarakallahu Feek Warmoog sis Once more, a well thought out response, and overall, I concur with your stance. Ukhti Al Caziizah, So true is your take on this issue, yet sad. I have no justification for certain actions I see committed by these kids in the name of Islam except to say that its sheer immaturity for the responsibility of establishing an Ideal Islamic society, possibly due to being oblivious to the magnitude of the media impact their unwise and unwitting actions cause to war weary minds. Its difficult not to believe a lie repeated thousands of times in the mainstream media, specially when such a lie is strengthened by indefensible actions by these kids that frame our faith and the faithful exactly where the enemies of our faith want, playing right into their hands ( Media Cameras). The problem is compounded further when those vested with power in their ranks and their foot soldiers on the ground have a weak link (in communications), and as a result, orders are NOT carried out as they were meant, which was to set a glaring good example of Islam in practice. Some of the questionable ways their vision is being implemented on the ground level by sincere but ignorant followers doesn't help the cause of Islam in present day Somalia at all, worse yet, at times its being put in force in ways contrary to the moral of the Sharia which makes their entire lot the laughing stock of their adversaries, literally, the Rodney Dangerfields, and its precisely for this reason that Allah SWT reminded us in Surah Al Cimraan in Holy Quraan to seek Him by this Dua prayer: " O Allah, Forgive us our sins, and ISRAAFANAA( Excesses, transgression, aggression, waste of resources and time, nonsense etc) in our cause, and make our feet firm (on ground of righteousness)" and help us prevail against the unbelievers (Of Your Message to mankind) Allah in Suurah Al Mumtaxana, also reminds self appointed believers who took upon themselves the heavy responsibility of delivering the message of Islam to mankind to say: " Rabbanaa laa tajcalnaa fitnatan lilladiina kafaruu." " "Our Lord! Make us not a trial for the disbelievers, and forgive us, Our Lord! Verily, You, only You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise." , Meaning: " O Allah do not make the unbelievers prevail at our expense so that : A. They justify and continue in their disbelief, which is the result of our failure to be a good living example for them to come to our fold toward your straight path. b. They oppress and torture us so bad to the point we become disbelievers like them. Ukhti Al Kareemah, You have really touched on a timely issue that I was planning to dedicate for my next thread to give advice for those seeking to deliver Allah's message, but due to their oblivion of what is going on around them and their apparent deficiency in the art of communications, fall prey for tricks three year olds in Halloween costumes master. Nur
The fact is: Were we to end our occupation policies, we would go a long way toward eliminating "their" suicide bombers. But when and how will we end our own cult of martyrdom? John Feffer
Ukhti Al Fadilah I've only answered questions that you have posed. "....... At some point, you have to mention a sub-definition(s) " The gist of my response was that we don't need sub-definitions, we are either Muslims, or we are not. As for those who make Bidca, or violations, we assess their violation/innovation, if its Macsiyah(Sin) category, they remain fellow Muslims and remain as our brothers/sisters in faith, or ( Cusaatul Muslimiin), if what they have committed is tantamount to kufr, then they are what they commit, we can not separate the criminal from his own crimes and that does not require a special scholar. What requires the counsel of highly knowledgeable scholars is when we have to invoke Kufr name on a specified person, or "Takfeerul Mucayan" by saying Hebel is Kaafir, which is not a playground for novices in Islamic Fiqh and specially internet Mufti which I agree with you that they are a modern phenomena to reckon with and be careful when taking their advice on matters that need Live Faqeeh, and they come from both extremes of our balanced UMMATAN WASAT Deen. Lastly, being knowledgeable has one main ingredient, and its not years in studying, nor a degree nor social prominence as a "Sheikh", its TAQWA, without it, all other attributes becomes of no use. Allah SWT says " Wattaquu Allaha wa yucallimukumu Allahu", and in the Hadeeth, the Messenger of Allah adviced a companion who asked him to be the most knowledgeable, to " Ittaqi Allah" Allah ka cabso, iskana jir, iska xiji daacadnimo ciqaabtiisa. Wallahu Aclam. Nur
Gacaliye Positive Waa runtaa Alley leedahay, oo haddii khilaaf dhaco, waa in loo wada laabtaa Allah iyo labada asal ee Quran iyo Hadeeth. Waxana dhab ah in ayadoo loo wada laabanayo labadaas asal, hadana la isku khilaafi karo tafsiirka, hase yeeshee, khilaafna waa mid macquul ay thay in la isla fahmi waayo ujeeddada, midna waa khilaaf baatil ah, oon sal leheyn. In labadaas nooc oo qilaaf ah lakala garto, wexey u baahan tahay Taqwo, iyo caqli, labadaasna dadka kama wada sinna. Waxaan maqalay in Dawladdii Siyaad Barre ay abaabuleen xafkad loogu yeeray Culimada qaarkood si ay u taageeraan barnaamij Marxism -Leninism oo la rabay in lagu dhaqo waddanka. Markii ay dadkii oo dhan hadleen oo qof walba uu aad u faaniyey Carl Marx iyo Lenin, ayaa waxaa laga codsaday in Shiikh ka mid ah culimadii la casuumay inuu meesha ka hadlo, Shiikhii wuxuu yidhi hadal macnihiisu yahay: "Anugu raggaas waxba ka ma aqaan aad wada faaniseen ( Marx - Lenin), laakin maa daama aad tihiin Dawladdii Somaliya, waxaan is leeyahay danta ummadda inaad ku dadaaleysaan ood meel fiican ummadda ku waddaan, sidaa darteed Allah waxaan ka baryayaa, in sida aad Marx iyo Lenin aad u jeceshihiin una raacdeen nolosha adduunka, inuu Allah aakhiro meeshey mareen idin marsiiyo" Nur