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Everything posted by Nur

  1. A Rare Offer From e- Nuri Organization To Dr. Prof Axmed Ismail Samatar Of Minnesota. Dear Dr. Samatar According to Waa Cusub Circulation by Abdullahi Nur Osman, you have stated that you do not believe in the exsistence of life after death , which means that you do not believe in the Messenger of Allah Muhammad SAWS as an honest conveyor of Allah's message to Mankind, and finally in Allah's Justice since in this life, many corrupt people get away with mischief, it would be unfair for them to just melt away without accountability to their earthily actions, which in turn casts doubt on Allah's person and perfection. If That statemenmt is true, I personally invite you to particpate in this discussion to clarify your position on these issues. My qusestion to you is: 1. How can we Somalis build a Nation if we do not agree on the fundementals of good and evil? 2. If you do not believe in organized faith, what moral standard should the nation adhere to since morals are based on faith? 3. What do you see as the biggest problems that faces Somalis today? Nur
  2. Smith & Wesson Haddi ay dhab tahay sheekadani, uma arko iney tahay wax cusub, dhacdadani ( incident) wexey tilmaan u tahay waxa soo socda maamlmaha na soo haya, Professorka wuxuu ka mid yahay rag oo la diyaarinayo maamulka Somalia, oo cusub oo qarsanaya wexey aamin sanyihiin, haseyesshee mawjadda diineed ee xoogga leh ee ka socota Somalia ay ka xoog badisay. Professorka hadalkiisa wuxuu ahaa " Calculated Risk" si loo ogaado meesha ay taagan yihiin Somalidu markii shaki la geliyo diintooda tiirkeeda ugu weyn oo ah rumeynta aakhiro, ooy ka dhalato sharciga lagu dhaqmo oo ka dhiga khamriga iyo Zinada xaaraam, marka hadduu dadka kaa dhaadhciciyo iney xoolo yihiin, u nool cunno iyo cabid iyo tumasho, ayagoo moog in loo uumay qasad sarreya oo ah cibaadada Allah, wuxuu karaa inuu sharciyeeyo akhlaaqda gharbiga ah oo uu asaga la dhacsan yahay, asagoo rabaa inuu keeno waddankeenna laguna daro qaanuunka cusub ee ay noo dhigayaan WarLords la talageliyey, gaar ahaan wasaaradda diinta, si markaas in aan u wada aragno kheyrka iyo sharta iney yihiin wax ku xiran qaanuunka ay dajiyeen dadaan rumeynin Allah iyo Akhiro, sidaa darteedna in ay ka dhigaan in qarannimada ayan shaqo ku leheyn Allah iyo Akhiro.. Haddi laga dhaahdiciyo dadka iney diintu tahay wax shakhsi ah, waxaa soo socda in akhlaaqda oo ah wax ku saleysan diinta laga saaro qawaaninta, si loo abuuro Somalia cusub oo xuquuqda Somalida gaalowday, Ragga iyo Haweenka Shuqulxumidii Qowmo Luud sameeya, ay helaan aqoonsi iyo xuquuq qarannimo oon loo diidi karin in ay carruurta Somalia ay macallin u noqdaan, iney faafiyaan wexey aaminsan yihiin iyo in aragtidooda waddanka lagu dhaqo. Nur
  3. Nomads Having fun is not un Islamic, it is only the order and the timing that is different. You can either have all the fun here and now, and be miserable after death, or you can be modest and conservative, obedient to Allah SWT now and enjoy the big party later, inshAllah, time permitting I would like to describe paradise next thread. Nur
  4. XU sis different Strokes, for Different Folks! No problem in your viewpoint of not wanting to share your hubby as a choice. But if I have to share with you an advice, please remember that your choice of monopoly of your husband is only limited with the temporal wish of your hubby, his views may change in time, and at that point he will face a dilemma, to stick with you against his desire to take a second, or risk divorce and break up of a family with potential unhappy ending for both of you plus the kids. So if you walk the isle and get married, take a calculated risk, but be prepared that neither you nor your husband pull the strings in matters of marriage, birth, income or death. Your are mere pieces of a game called life, with many surprises in store for all of us, happy days and sad days, wealth and poverty, strength and weakness, all are coming like waves, the best bthing we can do in face of these changes is to learn how to adjust and adapt, because those who didnt, have persihed before and they are assured the same fate for those who do not adapt to changing times. Marriage is only a mean for a higher goal, you can opt for having it your way or non, but life is not black and white and all wishes do not come true here. Impornatnt thing is worship of Allah and work hard for your akhira, where you are guaranteed all your wishes to come true. That is why I am an activist in this medium, to earn enough credits to barely make it to Dar El Salaam, Paradise, I cant wait for the other Xu urul Ceyn in Jannah. May Allah Make All of Your Wishes And That of Other Sisters Come True. Nur
  5. Nur


    Shirwac walaal Once upon a time an old man came to a place where the Prophet SAWS was sitting with companions, he asked them: Old man : Who among you is Mohammed? Companions : This is the Messneger of Allah Old man the asked the proiphet saws similar to what you have posted, mainly that there are too uch of a faith actions, so if he does the basices and stays away from haraam, is he going ti Jannah? The prophet SAWS said he will if he indeed was honest. In your case you write: One prayes five times a day, fasts, pays zakat, and if able goes to haj once in a life That is exactly what the old man asked, minus staying away from haraam. So the answer is if is sufficient, if you stay away from haraam. You write: but doesn't adhere to the news sects -Salafi, wahabi, jihadi etc Listens to music, goes to somali parties, reads non-religious books will he/she be considered a good muslim? Forget Salafis, whaabis, Tablighis, Takfiiris, Ikhwaanis, Wadaaddo, forget them all bro. Ask one question, What does Allah require me to do? What does Allah forbid from to do? Then you are home free to Jannah inshAllah, some beautiful women are waiting for you there, dont let them down bro. Nur
  6. WaterLily sis you write: " HOWEVER, what they forget is that we are mere mortals, not prophets or angels. There was a reason only certain people were chosen to be prophets ." The fact that we are mortals is precisely the reason for being tested to do the right things that our souls hate most, do you think enteri ng paradise is a picnic. No one has ever suggested that Islam can only be practiced by prophets only, and that only prophet households can practice polygamy, far from truth, reality is that we have grown alien to our own faith to the point that it is far easier for many "Muslims" to co-habitate in sin, than accept polygamy as a solution. You write: " The life they are painting would only work for people with perfect iman, perfect patience, perfect sense of humanity and charity. That is not the reality " So are you suggesting since there are no Somalis with perfect iimaan, that we should not think about polygamy as a solution to the growing imbalance of marriage bound Somali couples? You Write: The truth is there are not many people who wouldn't make a mess out of such a union . I agree, and the same statement is true for monogamous marriages. You Write: " Better to stay single and grow into a spinster " That is only feasible if you are angel ,with no carnal desires, Or if you are able to fast like Prophet Daud CS, every other day. Nur
  7. Quick responses Rudy bro. b4 u clone yourself, make sure the original is in synch with Islam so the clones ecpected degradation is not as bad, clones are very weak, so if you have three clones i do not know how they would would fare with your responsibilities at home and at work. Femme Fatale sis A question: Given the following assumptions: 1. There are More single women than men in Somali Community( Forget widows for now) 2. Your Somali husband is very fair and considerate, he has always been honest, and never done you any harm. 3. One day he came home and said " Honey, I want you to know that I love you, and that I am also taking another wifey, in Somalia, she is 18 year old girl, one of eight sisters, and a qaraabo of mine, she is of great character and faith, I need your blessing " Femme sis, what would be your response? Nur
  8. The Ibtilaa State ( State of Test of how well we respond to Tribulations and Temptations ) Ibtilaa, is a state in which we find ourselves in the wrong halfside of life, our Nafs is focus of the ibtilaa. Few people can face these tribulations and pain, and come out winners, let us examine source of this pain: 1. Harmful things we love, and the price we pay to get them. 2.Beneficial things we hate, and the price we pay to keep them out of our sight and mind. Why would we resist good things, and be tempted to run after bad things? It is all in our human make up, we simply cant keep our hands away from forbidden things, and we cant force ourselves do what is good for us. So, we need SABR, to force ourselves to do things we hate, and we also need SABR to help us aginst temptations to cross the red light. Sabr comes in four flavors 1. Sabr Ikhtiyaari ( Sabr by choice ) 2. Sabr Idh-tiraari ( Sabr by compulsion ) The Two types of Sabr are further subdivided A. Sabr of forcing oneself to do something good B. Sabr of Fighting Ones evil temptations. Of all virtues in Islam, Sabr is the highest, and the most rewrded af all good deeds, Allah SWT says: " Innamaa yuwafaa al Saabiroona ajrahum bi gheiri Xisaab " Those who display Sabr duriung tribulations and Temptations are rewarded their dues without a measure" Now you may not realize that you are in a state of Ibtilaa, but if you are in the following situations, or have been, you have been tested: 1. Daily Double ( For men who take a long look at attractive women, first look is free, second gaze the meter is recording a sin against you, so I hope Rudy does not come up with a trick around this by taling a very long look, cuz it is the same as several looks) I know from experience if you do not shield yourself with Thiker, you will not be able to resist to look, your fiber breaks at this point unless you seek Allah's protection from Satan's temptations ). 2. Gosssip ( A fovorite passtime for many women, and some men, once a person starts backbiting another in your presence, if you do not make an efforst to divert the issue, walk out or advice the backbiter, you have just failed an ibtilaa state midterm exam ). 3. You are asked for information, it is not in your best interst to tell, you have three choices a. Tell it as it is even if it against your interest. b. Lie about it, c. Take the fifth ( right to stay silent ) 4. You have an apportunity to make money, some dihonesty is needed for the deal to go through, like a lie, or deception, you need the money badly, this is a test, this is only a test! 5. You have been up all night, you drop asleep at 3 PM, when you have descendd to the depest level of sleep, the alarm sounds for Fajr prayer, its is cold and you need sleep badly so you can stay on top of your job tomorrow ( Specially if you are a roofer ), so you keep sleeping. It was only a test Ibtilaa. 6. You come to a situation in which you have to stand for what is right, but because of your personal ineterss are threatened, you shy away, you have taken a test, another bad grade for a cumulative average below the "C" level, to qualify for the simmering heat down under the sea level of molten lava gushing redhot to melt your skin away in seconds just to be recreated to feel the pain over and over again forever!. 7. You are earning a big income, you have health, you know what is right, you see poor people around suffering, you see pain, you realize that you are blessed, but you are not sharing your blessings by alleviating the suffering from the weak and poor. 8.You are knowledgeable in Islam, but you are not taking any effort in spreadding your knowledge and making a difference, you are preoccupied with your basic instincts of survival, of food, shelter and making babies, you are in danger buddy, you are under Ibtilaa and you need Sabr from things that are interfering with your calling of Dawah of probogation of Islam to humans regardless of their race and location. Sabr is the cure for the above examples, either you have Sabr with things or efforts you dislike, which are for the common good as directed by Allah, Or you need Sabr from things, or actions that are tempting you against your common sense. A short pleasure followed by pain is no fun, no matter how long the pleasure lasts as Allah says in Quraan " A fa ra'aitum in mattacnaahum siniin, thumma jaa' ahum maa kaanuu yuucaduun, maa aghnaa canhum maa kaanuu yumattacuun " Meaning: " Suppose we have pleased them for many earthily years, then (suddenly after death), they are face to face with the promise (of life after death and Judgment day), what can their past pleasure do now for them to alleviate the torment the they are about to face ?" To be continued............. Nur 2004 e-Nuri Softwaano Syndicates @ Somaliaonline. We Attack Problems, Not People!
  9. Amina sis Congratulations. Sister Khadija thinks that you are not the target audience, you need few years with your hubby before you will receive a letter from her organization, for now, no one will come between the two of you, but watch out! inyow wont do the trick later, competition is looming and its is going to keep you on your feet. Raula sis Great comment. The way I see it, there is a problem, and most sisters wish it is not there, but it is, so if it becomes " Nin walboo naftaa, nabiyoow umadda " these reluctant sisters will intercept many passes during get to gether family gatherings and no telling what their husbands would do, so if the imbalance problem is not recognized let alone find a solution, what is feared can hit home with vengeance like a Tsunami, some men may even hide the new wife until there is a baby to show that there is no returning back. Windtalker If you are avialble at the following locations *Coffee shops *Donut shops *Anywhere the BBC is on *In front of Somali-owned restaurants *Anywhere you hear loud talking Sisters in Khadija's organization are looking men at the wrong places like: * Community Centers * Mosques-Masjids * Business Centers * Research Centers * Activists in Islamic Organizations * Volunteers For Aiding The Poor. Please report to one of these locations, Khadija would likely find you candidates who will stun you. XU sis you write: " A lot of muslim men are just as fanatic in promoting polygamy as an obligation or natural institution as women who are promoting it as some deviant arrangement ." I promise, I am not one of them men! XU Writes " First of all, God made it halaal. There is no point denying that, the Holy Quran is very clear on that, and the ladies need to understand that discouraging other women from becoming a second wife based purely on your own feelings is very intolerant ." A Big But is coming, I know it, I know it! Xu Writes: However, you men need to understand had Allah (SWT) wanted to encourage men to marry multiple wives, the Quran would have been more clear about it . No hard feelings but this statment seems as total contradiction with the first one. The audience are my witnesses . XU Writes " Polygamy was offered as an alternative to monogamous marriage. It is more natural for a man to marry one women, why else do you think this is more prevalent amongst muslim men who otherwise could afford more wives ?" I agree, that when we have a balanced society, not in civil strife, wars, druga and qaat infested society, the one wife one hisband is natural, however when as in present situation there is a lack of proper correspondence of desirable couples, polygamy is more natural, other alternatives are to deny other women achance to have a family if we lock every man to a single woman. XU writes " Muslim men need to stop questioning a woman's imaan when she refuses to share her husband. People are not automatically charity currency, If you have 8 children and your neighbour has none because she can't have any, would you question the imaan of the woman who doesn't want to give up a child? No one questions jealousy, any action regardless of how serious it is is never held against a womans iimaan, Aisha, once under the influence of jealousy said to the prophet SAWS " ...And you claim to be the Messenger of Allah?" , a statement if a non jealous person says would be tantamount to Kufr, however, the Prophet used to say to the companions " .. This is your mother, in jealousy" The analogy of a woman with 8 children and a woman with no children is not right, you cant share chidren, but you can share husbands, at least that what you wrote in the first paragraph if I am correct. XU writes: For the woman who doesn't mind sharing her husband, that's graet for her. May Allah reward her for her character and generosity. Alhamdulillah, this is a relief that you admire generosity and goodwill to less fortunate sisters, may Allah reward you for your good felings. XU writes: " However, women have a choice for a reason. Remember that." That is why Kkahdija's organization is picking good married men only, not single men who are not fit for raising a family, loosers shouldnt breed, besides this should not be a lottery! XU writes: "Another solution to the imbalance of compatible somali partners, is to educate the other faraaxs. I don't see the point of keeping the best marriage candidates restricted to each other. Why not spread them out a little? It's more likely that a good partner will have a good influence on a lesser partner, than the other way around ." This solution is a long term solution, meantime, sisters need a practical solution here and now. As for spreading good women to marry less desirable men, would you go first to marry and educate a Qat chewer, who uses abusive language and who had a rough street life? XU Writes: " You also make the mistake of referring to husbands as resources. A husband is not just a means to have children. I'm sure many marriages are conducted with only this purpose, but the vast majority are not. You forget about love ." Allah wants earth to populated by good people, it takes good people to breed other good people, so as a bribe, marriage was built on Mawddah and Raxmah, Love and affection, for a purpose beyound that love. Love is just a mean, not an end on its own, its like a bait for a fish, how many people yoy know would put up with marriage if there was no love in it? XU Writes: " Personally I passionately believe in love and the idea of soulmates. If I love my husband more than any other man on earth, if I dedicate myself to him and no other, don't you think it's hurtful when he doesn't feel the same way ? I second you that feeling, but I train all of my love to Allah, that way, Allah makes others love me , like he said in Quraan " Inna ladiina aamanuu wa camiluu as saalixaati sayajcalu lashumu Arraxmaanu WUDDA (LOVE )" If you love a mortal or worldly goods you will suffer pain when you loose them which is a sure thing, but of you confine your love to Allah SWT alone XU writes " I'm not a demanding person, I only have one wish in this world and that is to love in the most intimate and passionate way and have that love returned. I don't see how it makes me a bad sister if I stick to that dream. " You sound like my past robotics professor " I am not a demanding professor, " all I expect from you Nur is that you understand the whole book, end to end" Lower your expectations in this world, and I wil guarantee you happiness, expect less of people, give them, and do not take from them, honor them and do not expect them to honor you. It is better to be surprised with occassional good news, then to be let down when you hold people higher than a mortal, Only Allah SWT will stand with you, not a human, find peace with him, and share what you got, with those less fortunate, if its yours, it will remain with you, if not, it wasnt meant for you to begin with. Peace and Love Nur
  10. Bashi writes: " Could you please post the profiles of these qualified and desirable husbands they are after. By the way, this post of yours won't help the singles a bit. And last time I checked the SOL crowd the single males outnumber the married folks " is it my ears, or am I hearing a song from Aden? There is an acute need for Somali Bachelors, please direct any Somali gentleman who you would trust to be a caring and fit to raise a family to e-Nuri Foundations, if what you are saying is true, it is indeed a great day! " Sister Habiba is very tempting and I dare say her organization will recieve tons of anonymous applications and the bulk of that will come from single males instead of husbands . " Sister Khadija is cant wait! Bashi asks: " On a serious question though can a polygamy be a viable option for husbands in qurbolands given the legal aspect of the system which is antithesis of this kind of lifestyle? Gay marriages are legalized, polygamy is not, unless married sisters demonstrate down 1600 Pensylvania Ave, Washington DC.. to ask lawmakers to legalize polygamy to share their husbands with sister Habiba and others, Till then, there is a solution for time being, you flip a coin and declare the winner, a girlfrind ( so she gets more attention thana wife, at least that is how women feel thatthe most of the fun was chatting about marriage ) Nur
  11. Guardian Let us compromise on this definition of luck from an online dictionary: 1. [n] an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another; "bad luck caused his downfall"; "we ran into each other by pure chance" 2. [n] an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that leads to a favorable outcome; "it was my good luck to be there"; "they say luck is a lady"; "it was as if fortune guided his hand" 3. [n] your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you); "whatever my fortune may be"; "deserved a better fate"; "has a happy lot"; "the luck of the Irish"; "a victim of circumstances"; "success that was her portion" Nur
  12. Quick responses Guardian & Wind-Talker There is nothing in Islam called luck, luck implies things happening at random without any interference from oustide, in Islam everything happens for a purpose. 1. Either it is in the domain of your accountability, or it is 2. In Allah's Domain of decision If it is within our responsibility, we need to do our homework, if after exhausting all of our Ability, then we make TAWAKKAL, trust Allah for the rest, it is in His hands, and that is no random, Allah is Aleem and Xakeem. Saif The Hadeeth says that a woman is married for Four qualities, not Three. Beauty, Faith, Family background, and wealth. The Prophet SAWS recommended the pious woman for a wife. Muad I think a mock fight and be arranged at safe distance on this medium, after a period, they would know each other, either the man or the woman looses the battle to make peace. Baashi you write If nomads were to find the desired signal with right amplitude and frequency as the end product, they would need to take a calculated risk by choosing the signal with minimum white noise from the available signals To do so you must have the right tools like oscilloscope to take all the measurements of the signal The lab is the place to take the vital data because it is a controlled room Since, you don’t know how the mysterious black box might process it, it is better to consult with the syllabus and the textbook for guidance of how best to perform the task In the end though much will depend on that box . You've electrified the affair! I can help laugh as I respond, I dont know if it is appropriate, but, I think that e-Nuri and company will offer you a job. I partiicularly liked the osciloscope analogy, and filteration process for background noise specially when recreating bthe original signal is required to send appropriate signal back. As for consulting textbooks, I disagree, I think, no textbook can prepare you for conducting a live experience with a live system, afterall, the system is more intelligent than you, each time you turn the system on it diplays the following message: a. Fully Allow b. Keep Learning c. Do Not Allow You should always choose, b. Nur
  13. Nomads I am reposting this old topic to gage responses a year later, may be last years commentators had a change of mind, may be someone had an experience, a negative or a positive one. The letter is fictitious, and so are the names and the organization, but the message is intended to bring to light the bitter options of a changing times, when religion, politics and econmocs collide scattering Nomads around the globe, for some, the internet being their only advisor and mentor. Slight editing is done on the original. A Letter To A Married Somali Lady Dear Somali Housewife. We are the members of the Somali Women for Meaningful Marriages ( SWMM) an organization that was created to confront and find a solution to a growing social problem, deeply rooted on conflicts between modern day and living our faith, a problem that needs an urgent solution. The Problem An Imbalance of Desirable Somali Bachelors and Bachelorettes Who We Are?: We are an organization of Single Somali Women living abroad, to give you a glimpse of the profile of our members, our members have: 1. Very High IQ ( based on our accademic accomplishment) 2. High Moral Character ( Never to consider other alternatives) 3. Highly Educated ( To Keep Us Busy) 4. High Income ( Compared To avaerage Faarax) 5. Highly Committed to Our Faith (Active In Community Centers). On top of the above, some of our members can scare away potential suitors for their exceptional good looks, If they were not committing to their faith, these ladies could hypnotize any man including your husband, but they wouldn't for Allah's sake Analyses: As a result of the Civil war, many of our members have immigrated to distant lands, like Australia and Canada, and since many men lost their lives in the civil war, the net result was an imbalance of eligible bachelors, more eligible Somali women than men, add to that another problem , the quality of the remaining Somali men is dwindling to the lowest levels as many of them do not practice Islam. This led them to take advantage of the imbalance, and as a result the remaining handful live on as parasites on the hard work of some of the professionally fulfilled Somali women like you. The bottom line is a situation of very few and talented Somali men on the bachelor pool who are immediately picked by non Somali Muslim sisters as well as Somali sisters, leaving many sisters like us to choose between difficult choices ( Like acepting marryiage offers from Non Somali men ) . In a recent / Islam pages Social Survey, respondents have aired their frustrations and opinions, here are the results and the choices, including the e-Nuri Social Research Center's Formula; the choices were: 1. Choosing to live single for ever ( Sophist Theory Of Celibacy) but we are no Catholic nuns. 2. Compromising on our Deen and accepting any Faarax , hoping we can change him. ( taking the risk that he will change us) 3. Doing Haraam, ..............................................................................XaashaaLillah. 4. Sharing you with your hubby ( who was identified by our group to be desirable mate) ( The Nurtel Social Engineering Formula) Dear Sister Before you tear this letter apart out of anger and curse us by calling us exotic names such as " %$#@*&^&$%* " " Balaayooy kaalay, Ma haddaa ninkeygana la iiga daba yimid " Before yelling, Think, if you were in our situation, which option would you want for yourself now, after knowing and enjoying the natural FITRAH of being a mom and holding a baby in your arms saying " Hurdooy , hurdooy kaalay " Think sis, we want the same for ourselves.? are we asking too much? What we suggest : Our research department shows that the income bracket of your husband can support three wives, so we are nominating two highly educated sisters in our organization who will add a lot of value to your husband and yourself in every sphere of your lives, we will make sure that he treats all equal and that in economical terms we can mutually better our quality of lives in this world and prepare for a better life to come in Jannah. The Two Candidates are : Sister Habiba : Masters of Science degree in early education, she will make sure to provide the best home schooling for all of your kids as she enjoys working with kids, her research topic was " Somali Kids abroad, Maintaining the Moral Fabric While Providing State Of the Art education At Home" . Can you imagine how well she will raise your kids, a head start indeed, if you dont loose your head fighting it! Sister Halima : MBA in Mergers and Acquisitions, Advanced training in Finance and Due diligence. Sister Halima currently manages portfolios for several investors. She will be able to consolidate the financial achievements of your husbands business, so he no longer has to work with associates he does not trust without an other eye overlooking the deals. Sister, Imagine for once seeing your hubby happy, getting help at work while at the same time coming home to his hearts content when he sees the progress of his kids in education and good manners, which leaves some time for him to treat you better and for you to take care of yourself, personally for him, you know what I mean! and some time for your ibaadah which since you got married, kids and all, you've neglected. In Conclusion : We are very happy for you being a house wife, a great achievement indeed. We further wish to add to your happiness, never to take anything away from you, knowing that if you choose to accept our proposal that we can all win, and according to the hadeeth, we will not be true believers if we do not wish for others what we wish for ourselves. If we do not follow that hadeeth, there will be a fitnah and an imbalance, and imbalance that in the longer run may create a worse situation for all of us women, since this husband sharing is an Allah given solution that enriches women although it may be a hardship on a responsible man, but again, he gets lotta of ajar raising good Muslim Families. Highest Respect Walaashaa Khadiijo Wanaagdoon. Chairperson. 2003 Somali Women For A Meaningful Marriage Injustice Anywhere, Is A Threat To Justice Everywhere . ( Malcolm X) 2003 Nurtel Social Engineering Labs Best Solutions Are Simlple.
  14. Nur

    Career Planning

    Saif Some interesting post, the topic has drifted away from its designated Suitable careers of Muslim women to the age old argument of differeing points of view of permissibility of women to work outside of her home, which in its own rights requires a separate treatment, inshAllah I will launch a page for that soon. But I agree with you on allowing women to govern Somalia, men failed big, as Allah says If we can not find men worthy of the trust, then couple of wise women would do the job right. Wiilo For President Simply The Best for Prime Minister Whadayaknow? may be if we allow women to govern Somalia our country may become as developed as Finland, a nation entirely run by women, Finland has the best education system, the most transparent government ( Corruption free ) , you see women are not well known for taking kick backs like greedy men. So, Saif bro, let us step back and let our women guide our nation since we men have failed. I like to see candidates like sister Maymoonah, Raxmah and Raxiimah running our country, instead of those bozos, what a collection of funny characters have the Ethiopians chosen for us as representative body, of course over a steaming dish of Injeera and Zigni meal. Nur
  15. So far, votes for the " Love as a by-product of a healthy marriage " is winning the count, but it is far from being over, X Quizit writes: Emotional ties, intellectual harmony, strong faith, all are needed when choosing a life partner, the hard part is, finding out all that, establishing emotional ties, without breaking Islamic rules of conduct, thats the real test. id love to see some practical solutions others may have I could not have put it better than the above statement, here is exactly the catch 22 dilemma, to love somebody is to know them, and to know them well is to love them, so where do we start? Let us say a relative of yours one day sets you up to consider someone they think that will suite you as a life partner, you meet that Xalimo or that Faarax in a controlled fusion laboratory,( A family or a relative home ) where you may not get a full picture of candidate's character . You can have a look or share a joke in the presence of others, but nothing can prepare you for a persons real behaviour until you get intimate, and by then, it is too late to walk away without a scar for life if relationship turns sour. Of course the above logic is a hybrid Nomads reasoning ( born in Somalia, raised and educated and live in the west, with conservative outlook of life ). Our culture, a very unjust and cruel one to women, does not treat a male divorcee and a female divorcee equally after the fact, women walk away with unjust share of the blame than their male counterparts, specially if there are kids. Her chances of remarriage diminishes, while his reputation and hence his chances are unscathed, So, considering X-Quizits valuable question above, how can a woman gage the character of her potential mate without some sort of a substantiated respect based on proven knowkedge beyound the surface? In Rural Somalia, when A camel boy asks for the hand of a camel girl, the reer baadiye would invite the young man to have a dinner with the young camel girl in the presence of her family in their aqal somali. In these encounters the girl normally qualifies the camel boy with some benchmarks that are important for her, like bravery ( In Contrast we have RCMP in Toronto ), generosity ( famines make this attribute important ), oratory , ( he needs to communicate well with others to gurantee their share of booties )intelligence and it helps to have high level of morality and good looks. After several meetings, and mutual cross-examinations, the couple either go forward, or they part ways. In the concrete jungle of the west, where Somali expatriates display varying levels of morality and practice of their faith, there is no single accepted methodology to bring hopefuls together, while the prevalent liberal setting they live in allows for more than what some parents would object to. It is normal to have eye contact in college corridors between classes, or chat on the net! So, how can we assure that marriage hopefuls use their heads when they need them most, before marriage? so that love can be the by-product of their marriage? Lets say, 10 years down the road, when they look back, will they have cemented a solid relationship that can withstand the ten meter high Tsunami waves that break Somali homes apart? Nur
  16. Tamina Amin yaa Rabbal Caalamiin Nur
  17. Nomads There you have it, The question that baffled great philosophers of the marriage and family for many years, your take please! e-Nuri Somali Social Works presents. The Catch 22, of all time: Is love a by-product of marriage, or is it a precursor for a good marriage?, In light of our faith and its rules on one hand, and present realities , on the other, in which many Faaraxs and Xaliimos rub shoulders at school or at work, eye contact and affection can happen, if not restrained by a Sharia compliant solution, Satan can propose a quicky, and the fall from grace follows. So, what is the solution. Should we follow our emotions or intellect in choosing a marriage partner? Chosing emotions can be detrimental to the couple, intellect alone can be boring, so an orderly combination is needed, but how? Nur 2004 e-Nur Social Works Department
  18. Nur

    Arranged Marriages

    Nifty sis you write: " if there is no chemistry to begin with it’s highly unlikely that I would agree to the marriage …" From Experience, some chemicals work well at the beginning, but stink at the end, yet some, start unappealing at first, but you will find them very refreshing and enduring with substance as time progresses, it all depends on at which point you handle the marriage matter, and of course How skillful! You write: ....." yeah, some of you might say give it a chance… maybe after you got to know and care for each other, the attraction will came and he will get my spark plugs sparking …but what are the chances of finding a Faarax who sets that “special spark†in your heart in the first place I would rather have that initial spark, and then when things become a routine, all I have to do is rekindle those flames . " All things being equal, a good spark in the beginning is a definite shaxshax , however, anyday, I would not trade a great car with only bad spark plugs for a quick starting lemon, ...... Oh lemons, lemons, lemons, .................... we have enough lemons on the road of marriage! Charisma sis A great story, I have written a nice post about the malady known as love that strikes young people, I will see if I can repost here again. The real question of this thread is Is love a by-product of marriage, or is love a precursor for a good marriage?, . For which I have started a special thread on Islam Page @ Somaliaonline, come visit. I hope we can asnwer this question Nur
  19. Nur

    Career Planning

    Saif bro. I am by no means against womens participation of Police force, law enforcement, medicine, and all other professions that aid in the development of a healthy Muslim society. My advice reflects Wilo's situation of a Muslim woman residing outside of a Muslim society that enforced law as prescribed by Islam. The problem as I see is that in her circumstance, as a Muslim female police officer in a western setting, she would have to deal with male drug pushers, pimps and all kind of wierd persuations in this ultra liberal society. As such, she would have to compromise a lot of her beliefs for the job, hence my objection. But, if she would volunteer her services as a police woman in Somalia, Somaliland, Riverineland, puntland or Somaliaonline, her services can be of great help if she does it forn the sake of promoting good and fighting in evil in society. Nur
  20. Nur

    Career Planning

    Simply the Best I simply agree, Qat chewers are probably in the neighborhood of 30 percent. Nur
  21. Nur

    Arranged Marriages

    Posting this topic for a viewer, Walaal, please read on and let me know if you get an insight from this topic. An e-Nuri Social Works Topic Marriage in Your Mind It could not come at a better time to present this question to my dear nomadic paesanos roaming the virtual landscape of Somaliaonline in this blessed month of Ramadaan, as we are all in the spiritual domain and are able to think with clear minds with Satan behind bars ( I recommend not to eat too much "bur iyo Sambuusi" at iftaar for a clear perception of ideas I will pose in this thread) Marriage is a big step we take in our lives, and unfortunately ther are no schools to train marriage hopefuls of how to select their mates, how to propose, how to accept, how to run a marriage once you find yourself in a room with a total stranger who may disturb your calm life with snoring. From the day you took your first step walking and falling, you had parents who have looked out for you to make sure that you do not get hurt as you attempted to walk, after perfecting your steps, you took onto another challenge; running, and again that presented some dangers, phyical in nature but emotional for your parents. Afterwards, it was the Kindergarten time, and a lunch box taken by force by your hungry classmate, now, you faced being knocked down or hurt by kids if you stand your grounds against bullies, and you quickly learned looking out for your self. Later you progressed to grade school, and suddenly the kid sitting behind you tells you he loves you and so you grow in life, knowing the good, the ugly and the bad. But because at every point in your life you have chosen the right way, you came a long way, you have filtered your circle of friends to be those with like minds, so you ended up here at Somaliaonline, and you've to read these long and boring articles by Nur, who seems to have too much time in his hands, or a lot of Barakah or both. Now you are in college, keeping your chin up with your pride in your new found Islamic character and faith, and out of the blue, someone approaches you " Iska warran abbayo, ma Somaliyad baad tahay?" and you look at this guy and immediately you have a glow in your heart for him, but the more you listen to him talk to you, the more you are puzzled, the guy seems decent, and handsome, he is doing well in school, and he is charismatic, but he is not into what you have been raised with, nor has he found Islam the way you did, he is " qof caadi ah" like we refer to people who are not into wadaadnimo, he prays some times, and some time he does not pray. he may even smoke, and listen to music for pleasure. As you go to school, day in and day out, the guy keeps up the ineterst level, and as usual you keep your composture and dignity in tact when you talk to him, which makes the guy go crazy over you, even more ineterested in you than all the other cambarayaal in school, cuz guys are weak, they need acceptance, and can't take rejection specially when they show their interest to a dignified Hijabified sister and she does not respond. Now the guy is stalking you everywhere, he even shows up at Juma prayers in the nearby Masjid and smiles at you from every direction you stand to assure you that indeed he is maShaAllah a good Faarax. "Yaa Allah" you sigh, Now you have a mixed feeling, because you see him as someone who can be a great prospect if only..................................... he would do 1. 2 3. 4. 5. A long wish list of your dream husband who may fit your profile and character. Requirements that are better ordered and found from (Nurtel Husband Cloning and Mail Order Husband Service) to your specification, but unfortunately a husband like that is not readily available on any shelf anywhere. At home and in private you begin thinking about this Faarax, the more you recollect his innocent smile, the more you wish he would also improve on his other spiritual aspects so that he would be an easy sell to your folks at home and to your local Intenet Advisors like Br. Kheyr or Sister Rahiima . On the other hand, from family and friends and aquaintances, there are others who may have interest in you, but although they are excellent in their spiritual resume, they fall short in striking that special spark of fire in your heart like Faarax did, so you are now in a dilemma, you need to know what to do. You reason, "I can not modify the phyisical make up of a person, but I sure can help in modifying the spiritual make up of a pesron who otherwise is good natured and who is crazy about me, but who nevertheless, is not following his deen as expected". If you fall in this profile or close to it, I want you to participate in this discussion with frankness and transparency, let us find a solution together, because life is too short to spend with a wrong person or to compromise your ideals and faith in Allah SWT. I humbly open this discussion as the facilitator, and I hope in this blessed month we can find a solution together, because a believer is a mirror to his sister or brother. But I must warn you, of my destructive and battle grade humor, you make sure to read with caution, because my comments can hit a chord with you, and send you smiling to Kurtunwaarrey mental clinic. Nur Nurtel Social Engineering Labs Solutions for the Emotionally Challenged
  22. Intuition Excellent Aqeedah Topic. The topic relates the issue of iimaan and Kufr, below is a respose of mine several years ago to a sister who had problem resolving a conflict of her actions and beliefs. She Asked, Am I A Munafiq? I Wrote: Note: This topic was generated by a question of a sister on another Forum who asked me if she was a Munafiq since she finds herself doing things that are not in line with her beliefs at times. The answer that I wrote hastely, without even checking punctuation or grammer appears below, and in the days that followed, the piece proved to be originally informative according to many readers who gave me a feedback on my post, so relac and read, and if you have thoughts , please add to it, nothing is complete except the word of Allah SWT." Am I A Munafiq? Well, that is a difficult question, first let us learn the relationship between iimaan, sin and kufr to see where nifaaq belongs. 1. No Soul will go to Jannah which is not a Muslim(a) ( That has not willingly surrendered to Allah, its maker without resistance) 2. No one can be Muslim without invocation of Shahaada (Tawxiid) : The affirmation that no one but Allah is entitled to supremacy, sovreignty and absolute obedience, love and loyalty. 3. Shahaada is composed of information, we are required to believe in and bear witness thereof. 4. The test to see if we indeed believe in information represented by the Shahaada are our deeds: So our faith is composed of a A. set of Information we are required to believe. B. Set of Commands we are ordered to obey The extent of our belief in the information that our Prophet SAWS had delivered to us is measured by the extent of orders that we obey. In other words, our obedience to the orders of Allah, is a reflection of our belief in the information delivered to us. So , Islam is composed of a two sets: A) A set of information to be believed in, like Allah, Jannah, angels, etc . B) A set of orders to abide with, such as Prayers, (Salat), Fasting, Upholding Justice, etc . The orders are subdivided in to two categories: 1.Orders to do something 2.Orders to stay away from doing something If Allah orders us to do something, and we fail to comply, the reason could be: a. We do not believe in the information b. We believe in it but we are arrogant c. We are MENTALLY CHALLENGED If (a) that is clear kufr If (b) That is also kufr, the type of Sheitan If © We may be the same case like a crazy person, Mentally Challenged, no responsibility. If we are ordered to stay away from something, and we do not, we have the following scenario: a. We do not believe in the information b. We are arrogant c. We can not resist temptation d. We are MENTALLY CHALLENGED All but case © are covered above. If case © is the situation, then that is called disobedience (Sin)(Macsiyah) and it is what Adam and Eve , (Hawaa) aleyhimaa assalaam have committed. It does not make one a kaafir by itself. ( The Khawaarij are the only to claim that a sin can make one a Kafir ) To generalize the above. If a person does something he is ordered not to do, the driver is more likely weakness against temptation, and that person is not a kaafir, this is the case of Adam and Eve, Aleyhimaa assalaam . If a person refuses to do something he is ordered to do, the driver of his action is more likely arrogance, like the case of Sheitan . Now we visit a new territory: There is a principle for detecting iiman ( Faith) levels developed by Sheikh Ibn Taymiyah. Called (Talaazumul Dhaahir wal Baatin )( Synregy of the Apparent actions of a person with the Hidden Motives within the consciousness ) I will simplify it for you again. The inside beliefs and the outward actions of a person are always working in harmony. Except when an outside disturbance influences that person attention. When as a result, the outwardly actions of that person projects and acts contrary of what is supposed to be inside . Meaning. In Systems Science, when we input a signal into a balanced system, we observe an output that reflects the shape of the original signal output + the function of the signal that operated on the system. In the absence of outside disturbance, we can always predict the output. But when an outside element disturbs the system, the output will not be predictable. A person who is a kaafir therefore will normally act as a kaafir. Sabeelul kaafireen And a person who is a muslim will always act like a Muslim. Sabeelul Mumineen In general, if you leave anyone alone, what he/she does is reflecting what they believe . But the minute that person feels that he/she is being observed, that feeling will somewhat effect the action of that person. An example is when you catch a child making funny faces on a mirror the child will immediately alter his behaviour to an acceptable manner. This is called conforming. So, when a Kaafir lives with Muslims, he may act like Muslim, to avoid problems. He is called a Munaafiq . And a Muslim who lives with Kufaar may at times act like kuffar, to avoid problems. He is called Mukrah . Now, a Somali Nomad who lives in Somalia, USA or Europe, is free to practice his faith, so if that person does not practice, or he acts contrary to his faiths tenets, his actions are an indicators of what is missing in his heart. In this case the actions or their absence are an indictor of the iimaan inside that person. However a Muslim who lives in tyranny, his actions may not be indicator of his belief. Because, if this person practices his faith, he is afraid for his life. As a result this person conceals his faith portraying himself as non Muslim, when in effect he fully believes his faith and is willing tp practise it to the fullest if he was not afraid. His fear, though could be justifiable or may be unjustifiable, in which case he is in grave error. Allah says : Are they same he who spends all his nights praying and prostrating, alert for aakhirah, and the one who is in darkness..............................." Nasalu Allaha al caafiyah. Aamin Walllahu aclam. Nur Complements of The Archives of e-Nuri and Company . Nasalu Allaha al caafiyah. Aamin 2000 Nurtel Communications Old Edition Paradise is Possible Summer Campaign Second Aqeedah Question : This article was also prompted by a similar question that I have answered in plain English, My way is always keep things as simple as possible, because the majority of people are indeed simple, not scholarly, again enjoy the simplicity of Aqeedah, brainteasers are not my cup of Caano Geel, so enjooy reading: Levels of Faith ( IIMAAN). A viewer with screenname Johnny Jake asked me on another thread if there are different levels of being a Muslim: Here is the answer I posted 2 Years ago: Bismillah, wa bihi nastaciin Islam literally means submission to a higher authority . As such, one gives up his power over his life at will, taking direction of how to live from that higher source. To be a Muslim, just like graduating from college, there is minimum requirements. Once these minimum requirements are met, a person is a muslim. Islam is composed of a word to utter and actions to perform The word to utter is further divided into two categories. A. The word of the heart, which is belief in what has been revealed . B. The word of the mouth, which is uttering the manifestation of the singularity of the authority that created the universe and everything in it, and following the course of the messenger who delivered this mesage . Deeds are further divided in to two parts. A. Deeds of the heart, which is the intention that drives our actions . B. Physical deeds, like prayers, fasting etc. If a person does not utter the word of the heart, meaning he does not believe, he is not a Muslim If a person does not utter the word of the mouth, eventough he believes in his heart, he is not Muslim, he is like Sheitan, or Abi talib , the uncle of the prophet SAWS. If a person's heart does not do the deeds of the heart, meaning he has no intention to do something, that person, is not a Mulsim, The prophet said " (Inamaal aamalu bil niyaat) the validity of deeds are conditional to having the right intention(NIYA). That is why manslaughter is a lesser charge than murder, because the accused did not intend to kill, no (NIYA). If a person does not do physical deeds, Like salaat, fasting etc. then, we look into what motivates that person to do or not to do what he is been ordered or prohibited from. If he does not do what has been ordered to do, that person is usually driven by disbelief, arrogance, or he is Mentally Challenged (SAFAAHA). All of which make him not a Muslim, except for a Mentally Challenged person, which wholly or partially makes him unaccountable to his deeds ( SAFEEH) If he does something prohibited, he is more likely driven by strong desire or Lust, arrogance, disbelief or being Mentally Challenged( SAFAAHA). All but Lust will make him a non-Muslim, Doing something prohibited because of lust and uncontrollable desire, is called a (MACSIYA) a SIN and it does not make a person by itself a non-Muslim. Accumulation of sins lead to disbelief in the long run though, just like sand pepples form mountains, A Muslim, therefore, does not trivilize sins, but looks up to the importance of the authority that he/she is disobeying. Wa Salaamu Alaa man ittabaca al hudaa. 2000 Nurtel Communications Paradise is Possible Summer Campaign Nur
  23. Baashi bro Bear with me, InshaAllah, I will post the Ibtilaa state which can be handled through SABR, Sabr is not a state, its the cure, Ibtilaa is the state, Nur
  24. Ngonge Bro. Thanks for the poem, it is said Nasiixa when not given in private, can be a Fadiixa. Nur
  25. Maymoona sis I am still trying to get around to complete that Book, but, the problem is that our lease on life is not marked on our calendars, so I share whatever comes out of my oven instantly, at least few people could be saved, and I take the credit for posting it while you took a full credit for sharing with your friends, I would appreciate if you can ask them for a feedback in case I made a goof or two. Nur