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Sakina So, you decided not to answer any of the above questions that I ahave posted. That is OK for the record. You write: It seems that even before we've begun the discussion you've already started to sway from the initial subject Salafi versus Ahlulsunna wa Jammah and making it appear to be a Sunni/shia dialogue . My Dear sister, You accused me of two accusations: 1. That I made Pesronal attacks before : Please, show an example, If you find one, I will apologise, if you fail, I will happily accept an apology from you. 2. That I stray from the topic being discussed : Who is swaying away from the topic? you or me? I've posted this topic, NOT YOU! it is about your knowledge and research on Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdulwahaab and his principles . Where did I suggest that it is about ( Salafi/Sunna wal Jamaacah )? besides, I have never identified myself with Salafi name, I am a MUSLIM, and no one can chase me away from that name alone, no matter how many other confused people use the same name. I even had a long argument with brother Salafi on the Salafi name, besides, the term of Ahulul Sunnah wal jamaacah is not a name, its a Mad-hab of Scholars, and after being Muslims, its the mainstream Madhab of the Scolars of Islam throughout ages, in that sense, if you follow that mainstream Mad-hab of Ahlul Sunnah wal Jamaacah, rest assured that I have no problem with you, but my intention is to see if indeed your perception of Sheikh Muhammad ibnu Abdulwahaab is fair and justified. To level my doubts, all you had to do was to show me that your sources and background are convincingly solid, because if indeed your intention on this board is for the sake of Allah alone, you must show patience when your claims are criticised, that is the way of Ahlul Sunnah wal Jamaacah. The reason I asked you about the Shia is because materials that you have used to discredit Sheikh Muhammad Ibnu Abdulwahhab, his character and principles in the past are Shia written materials. You can show that I am wrong, just answer the question straight forward and say to me " Brother Nur; rest assured all of my sources are from ahlul Sunnah wal jamaacah " and then, I will thank you for educating me, and others on this board. Now, let us begin the journey of learning ( like the Wizard of Ozz, let us all try to change ) Sakina Sister asked the question to brother Aristotle: Let's concentrate as you suggested on his work such as Kitab al Tawhid by Ibn Abdul Wahhab. Brother, have you read the book yourself? If yes could you elaborate on quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ibn `Umar (ra) informs us that he heard from the Prophet that on the Day of Judgement, Allah , Most Glorified, Most High, will fold up the seven heavens and take them in His right Hand and He will fold up the seven earth and take them in His left Hand and as He folds each of them, He will call forth the tyrants and the arrogant people, making them realise their insignificance by His Words: "I am the King." - i.e. He is the true Owner of all things; He is Perfect in every respect and there is no weakness or defect in Him and that all those who claim kingship or sovereignty are in fact weak and feeble, powerless in His Grasp. He will not be asked about what He does, but they will be asked. Benefits Derived From This Hadith 1. Confirmation of Allah's possessing two Hands, right and left . 2. Confirmation of Allah's Divine Attribute of Speech in a manner befitting His Majesty. 3. Confirmation of Allah's Name: Al-Malik (the King), from which is inferred His Ownership of all things. 4. Evidence that there are seven earths. 5. The forbiddance of tyranny and arrogance. 6. Evidence of Allah's Perfection and infallibility -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He also says that Allah is above us, the Kursi is the resting place of the Feet of Allah, that the Arsh is above the water and Allah is sitting on it, he even says that Ibn Abbas confirms of Allah having a hand. It is all in Kitab Tawhid. Brother Aristotle answered to you: I can't provide the proofs for you right now as I'm extremely busy and would require hours upon hours of research and authentic verification (which would require me to visit scholars), but I'm sure our sincere sister bint abee saeed can kindly refer you to the appropriate pieces of evidence regarding Imaam Axmad's beliefs . But Bint Abi Saeed did not respond to clarify, And the ball is with me, hence the new thread. My Answer: Bismillah wa bihi nastaciin: SAKINA sis, the reason that I have asked you about your knowledge in the Arabic language and Islamic carriculae was because I sense that your confusion is based on your lack of knowledge in the Arabic language which was the original book. I amsure that no University will allow a student who has not completed the pre-requisite courses to propose to write a PhD thesis on a topic as sensitive as Tawhid, By opting to google your way through English translations on the web and reading "Wahhabi" keyword, I am sure that you have come across interesting stuff, if I search the keyword " Sakina" likewise, I am sure that i can come up with my own weird theories, but, I dare not , I only search information from reliable sources and original books in their original langauges, besides, i recognize my limitations, so as I am talking to you now, I am studying "Usuul Al diin" from Al Shaatibi and others in Arabic again, I am not boasting, it is an example. Background of Confusion of Tawhid Al Sifaat: Allah SWT said " Leysa ka mithlihi shey" meaning " None is similar to Him " In Arabic grammar, Tashbeeh ( Similitude) can be : 1. Complete or identical ( like two copies of software) 2. Partial ( like Somalis and Ethipians) the above verse falls in the category of partial similitude, a Nomad may ask, Why? well, let us see other verses to clarify this ambiguity in terms. Allah says " The Jews claimed that Allah's hands are stingy, nay, but His hands are wide open to help, He spends as He pleases ." Allah refuted the Jews claim of having stingy hands, but not having hands, nor did he tell us what kind of hands are they because, like his description of the food in paradise, names may be shared, such as merciful, Generous, Powerful, Kind, but there is absolutely no similarities bewteen Allah and his creatures Allah says about baycatul Ridwaan to the Messegnger " Those who are cutting a deal with you ( Bayca) are cutingt a deal with Allah, Allah's hand is over their hand " Allah speaking on the day of judggement says " and the heavens are to His right side' Allah says " Al Rahman on the Arsh ( ISTAWAA)" ISTWAA in Arabic, means he is placed well on top of it. Allah SWT said " His Arsh was on Water " Allah SWT said " Allah who created seven heavens, and ( when it comes to earths) (Allah created a corresponding number like the heavens which is Seven earths)" Many Hadeeths have verified these vesres and expalined it inshAllah I will post upon request as I am writing from the top of my head now. A confusion resulted from these verses and there arose three distinct positions: 1. Muctazila and Shia claimed that Allah has no hands, has no hearing, has no eyes, is not placed on His Arsh in short they have made Allah a lame duck they are known as Mucattalah, those who make Allah ineffective. 2. Mushabbaha : are those who say that Allah has hands just like our hands, 3. Ahlul Sunnah wal Jamaacah are moderate and reasonable, they say: 1. We affirm any attribute Allah said about himself, and through His Messenger, If Allah says that He has hands, we say, Allah has hands, and that is our limit, we do not delve on details of how ? because we do not bhave such knowledge and Allah did not share it with us. 2. We Ahlul Sunnah wal Jamaacah stand in the middle, we neither say that Allah looks like His creatures, nor do we make Him ineffetive as to remove all attributes that he said about Himself ( like hearing and seeing and wisdom ) by claiming that Hand means ability etc. Nor do we claim that his hands are like ours, because that is making Him look like His creatures. We only say about Allah that which he said about Himself, and we describe Him as he described Himself according to His Muraad , accodring to what He meant. therefore we do not interpret His attributes according to our deffective perception, nor do we deny their existence to make Allah ineffective ( Mucattal). VIKING Bro Thank you for clarification, the reason i did not respond to the Hamza Yusuf thread is because I have very little exposure about the brother, his beliefs and speeches, in contrast, but, I've read a lot of materials both Sunni and Shia, about Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdulwahaab, and I also read responses of sister Sakina, the thread was for a single purpose to narrow down the divide so that we see if Sister Sakina's claims about the Sheikh which are based on her reserach are indeed corrrect, I wanted the topic around that. I agree with you 100% on not speaking ill of scholars of Islam, we should only discuss their mistakes and show proof from Quraan and Sunnah, we should not use accusations leveled against them by people who make their faith based on insulting the companions of the Messneger of Allah. Likewise, I disagree with anyone who insults Hamzah Yusuf, or any other scholar, On this board we should discuss how a given Scholars concept is against Quraan and Sunnah, but not personal attacks by calling them names. As For Nomad Salafi's labeling of Hamzah Yususf a Sufi, I dont believe that he is calling him a Kaafir, and although I dont see eye to eye with Salfi on all issues, i can assure you that brother Salafi is not a person who calls someone a Kafir so quickly. In my opinion, Sufi term, like the Salafi term, can be misleading, some of the best Muslims that i have met are labeled as Sufis and Salafis, its not about the name, its the action and belief that counts at the end of the day, and for that direction we should steer our focus. As for your advice for me against my method of asking these questions, ( I resereve the right to make sizeable goofs and blunders, equally like everybody else on SOL, I am no hollier than thou, and you know how effiecient I am at making mistakes ),But Alhamdulillah, I thank Allah to have blessed me with brothers and sisters who show me my mistakes, I thank you for it dearly, may be you are right brother, the human soul is complicated nature, may be , just may be, a different approach may be better, jazaakallahu khairan, I will go back to my drawings to see what I can do differently in the future. Nur
Hibo MashAllah sis, make the time for Quraan, Allah will bless your day. STOIC Way to go!, Can you share your thoughts on Al Xaaqqah surah please? Nur
Vikinhg bro. I get your drift You write That comment was a rather sly coming from someone with good intentions ! could you please be kind enough to show the hidden meanings for the statement to qualify for your description of being sly? Youw write: I personally find the questions you asked rather personal and intimidating (for an openning) but perhaps Sakina will not see it in the same light (I read it as you asking - what are your credentials - which is unusual on these boards). Brother, I hope that you have read her claim that she has researched the Sheikh history and principles on many occasions, isnt only fair to ask due diligence questions to qualify her claim, because we are thought consumers? As a Viking I thought you are for Ralph Nader and on the Consumers side ( thought consumers). Besides, if you have no problem with her questioning of the Sheikh, why would you have a problem of my questioning of her research background and doing research on her as she did a research on the Sheikh? like we say in Somali " Waryaadahee, Culumada kala qabta " You write: I'm looking forward to read and (hopefully) learn from what the two of you have to say; but please bro, don't set up the rules for the discussion (like you often do) without asking for her consent. You at times set up the mode which seems to be a prelude for a massive dicussion which seldom is. This is my opinion (you might not agree with it) but I aired with hope that this discussion doesn't die before it takes off . Viking bro. I fail to have seen you anywhere of being this protective of someone who is capable of speaking for herself, why havent you come to my help before like her?, and Salafi brother for that matter, just to show that you are a impartial, balanced and just brother? brother, I have not set a rule for this discussion, all i've asked the sister was to qualify her background, beliefs, knowledge of crucial tools and language that are needed to appraise her judgement of the Sheikh, because it was herself that claimed to have conducted a research, all I am doing is to make sure that her research was reliable by well known research standards, and further that she had valid arguments based on solid knowledge of supporting disciplines that are co-requisiste for the issue at hand ( TAWHEED ) Again, rest assured that my intentions are always good, I want all of us to make to Jannah, it doesnt matter who wins an argument, what matters is that we win the mercy of Allah SWT. Nur
Dear Sister Sakina After quietely reading your replies on Aqeedah issues with Self described Salafis, and repeatedly coming across your reference to your research on Muslim scholars such as Al Sheikh Muhammad Ibnu Abdel Wahaab Al Najdi, and after reading your last post ( Salafis) in which you have posted the verse that urges us all to call upon others in Allah's casue with wisdom, I felt that its about time that i invite you for a an educational dialogue in which we exchange points of view with the intention to become better Musims and to have a better understanding of our faith so that we can serve Allah SWT in a befitting way. Knowledge, is said, to be limited by our ability to communicate. Language is the most important tool for communication, it is also the same tool we use for learning of Islam, Quraan and the Hadeeths, as studied by all scholars that you have questioned their judgement and all of their original books were written in Arabic language, the Prophet of Allah was an Arab speaker, the Quraan was Arabic Text( An Arabic Quraan ) as Allah described, and also, ( Xukman Arabiayan ) an Arabic Law, ( To be understood in Arabic context ) hence the importance to understand the tools of the trade, so that we become objective in our quest to get to the bottom of aqeedah issues that we want to resolve for the sake of Allah SWT. What trigerred this thread was your elaboration on the attributes of Allah SWT ( Sifaatul Allah ) which y've said that you have quoted from Kitabul Tawxid of Sheikh Muhammad Ibnu Abdul Wahaab Al Najdi. After posting it and then claiming that the Sheikh has lowered Allah and described him in his book to be like a human with limbs. If indeed that was what the Sheik has meant, then his efforts in teaching Tawhid, ( the principle that says that Allah has no partners nor does he look like his creatures ) is damaged. So, being objective, let us see if you have exhausted your task of showing the truth about this Sheikh which you have made a priority as to conduct a research for many years. Dedicating many years of research on a scholar like Sheikh Mohammad Ibn. Abdulwahaab and his principles shows that you care about Islam and that you are sharing your knowledge with others, it can also earn you credibility to challenge the Scholar if you have a similar scholarly background, knowing that the Sheikh is not a Macsuum ( Infallible) like the Itnaa Asheri Shia Imams. I have few questions for the purpose of qulaifying your point of view and the depth of your inquiry. let us start our dialogue with these questions; 1. How many years have you researched the Sheikh Abdulwahhab and his principles? 2. How many of the Sheikhs books have your read? and in what language? 3. How many sources of critics and supporters have you referred to in your research?, and how much of that has the Shia Ithnaa Ashariyah School of thought literature influence your research? 4. What percentage of the materials including the Sheikhs books were in Arabic? 5. How much of the following desciplines have you mastered for your research: a. Arabic Literature ( English Translations by Critics are not a good place to start ) b. Arabic grammar ( Needed to verify translations of English critics claims about the Sheikh ) d. Hadeeth Science e. The Quraan ( meaning and, interpretation) f. Fiqh ( Jurisprudence) g. Usuul Al Deen ( The origins of the deen science) the science that lays groundwork for understanding difficult questions of Tawhid) and lastly, what was the school of thought in which you were raised and educated( Mainstream Sunnah, Mystical Sufi or Ithnaa Asheri Shia) and what is the current school of thought that you follow today after your exhaustive research?. Please take all my questions with an open mind as constructive, because I am laying the foundation for a fruitful discussion in which we can learn a lot from each other in a scholarly way. Nur
Safe Guy bro. A complete program of how to connect with our relatives to gain ajar from Allah has been prepared by a Muslim. Follwing ios the original Arabic text, those who can read Arabic as a mother tongue like OG Girl, will appreciate the work, for the rest, inshaAllah, I will attempt to translate and post it soon time permitting: Silatul Raxim A Complete Program for securing a lasting good relations with your close relatives . 1- امتثال أمر الله ورسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم بصلة الرØÙ… Øيث أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قرنها بعبادة الله تعالى دلالة على عظم شأنها كما ÙÙŠ Øديث عمرو بن عبسة لما سأل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بأي شئ أرسلك الله قال: " بكسر الأوثان وصلة الأرØام وأن يوØد الله لا يشرك به شئ" رواه مسلم ورواه Ø£Øمد. 2- طلب القرب والإØسان والإÙضال من الله تبارك وتعالى كما ÙÙŠ الØديث الذي رواه البخاري ومسلم، عن أبي هريرة رضي الله تعالى عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (( إن الله خلق الخلق Øتى إذا Ùرغ منهم قامت الرØÙ… Ùقالت: هذا مقام العائذ بك من القطيعة قال: نعم! أما ترضين أن أصل من وصلك، وأقطع من قطعك؟ قالت: بلى، قال: Ùذلك لك... )) الØديث. 3- طمعاً ÙÙŠ دخول الجنة، كما ÙÙŠ الØديث الذي رواه ابن ماجة والترمذي والدارمي، عن عبد الله بن سلام قال: لما قدم النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم المدينة انجÙÙ„ الناس Ù‚ÙبَلَهÙØŒ وقيل: قد قدم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، قد قدم رسول الله، قد قدم رسول الله - ثلاثاً -ØŒ Ùجئت ÙÙŠ الناس لأنظر، Ùلما تبينت وجهه، عرÙت أن وجهه ليس بوجه كذاب، Ùكان أول شيء سمعته تكلم به أن قال: (( يا أيها الناس Ø£Ùشوا السلام وأطعموا الطعام، وصلوا الأرØام، وصلّوا بالليل والناس نيام تدخلوا الجنة بسلام )). 4- كسب الرزق والبركة ÙÙŠ الذرية والذكر الØسن، كما ÙÙŠ الØديث الذي رواه البخاري ومسلم، عن أنس بن مالك رضي الله تعالى عنه قال: سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: (( من سره أن يبسط له ÙÙŠ رزقه Ùˆ ينسأ له ÙÙŠ أثره Ùليصل رØمه )). 5- دÙع العقوبة المترتبة على قطيعة الرØÙ…ØŒ كما ÙÙŠ قوله تعالى: [ Ùَهَلْ عَسَيْتÙمْ Ø¥Ùنْ تَوَلَّيْتÙمْ أَنْ تÙÙْسÙدÙوا ÙÙÙŠ الأَرْض٠وَتÙقَطّÙعÙوا أَرْØَامَكÙمْ Ø£ÙوْلَئÙÙƒÙŽ الَّذÙينَ لَعَنَهÙم٠الله٠ÙَأَصَمَّهÙمْ وَأَعْمَى أَبْصَارَهÙمْ ] وكما ÙÙŠ الØديث الذي رواه البخاري ومسلم، عن Ù…Øمد بن جبير بن مطعم قال: إن جبير بن مطعم أخبره أنه سمع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: (( لا يدخل الجنة قاطع رØÙ… ))ØŒ وكذلك الØديث الذي رواه الترمذي وأبو داود وابن ماجة وأØمد، عن أبي بكرة رضي الله تعالى عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (( ما من ذنب أجدر أن يعجل الله لصاØبه العقوبة ÙÙŠ الدنيا مع ما يدخر له ÙÙŠ الآخرة من البغي وقطيعة الرØÙ… )). نسأل الله أن يجعلنا من الواصلين لأرØامنا وأن يرزقنا العون والسداد والصبر والتوÙيق إنه جواد كريم. ثانيا: القائم على البرنامج : مع التوÙيق والتسديد ÙˆØسن النية يستطيع أن ينÙØ° هذا البرنامج شخص واØد ولكن الأÙضل والأكمل أن يقوم به مجموعة من العائلة، بالتعاون Ùيما بينهم ÙÙŠ ذلك Øسب القدرة والاستطاعة والضوابط الشرعية. عن طريق تØديد لقاءات خاصة بالقائمين على البرنامج كل أسبوعين أو شهر مثلاً، يزنون أعمالهم Ùيها بالقسط، ويقيسون تأثيرها على أقاربهم بالعدل. آداب وضوابط ينبغي للقائمين على البرنامج مراعاتها: 1- أن تستصØب الإخلاص لله تعالى ÙÙŠ كل عمل تقوم به، وأن تلزم الالتجاء إلى الله سبØانه ودعائه بأن يوÙقك وأن ÙŠÙØªØ Ø¹Ù„Ù‰ يديك، وأن تنطلق مع Ù…Øبوبات الله أنى استقلت ركائبها، مع الاجتهاد ÙÙŠ دÙع كل ما يعارض هذا الأصل العظيم الذي هو أنÙع الأصول وأصلØها للقلب وأعظمها Ùوائد ونتائج، ومع اجتهادك Ùيه تلجأ إلى الله تعالى ÙÙŠ إعانتك عليه وتيسيره لك. 2- التدثر بالصÙØ ÙˆØ§Ù„Ø¹ÙÙˆ والمسامØØ© لكل من أخطأ عليك، ومقابلة ذلك بالإØسان. قال تعالى: [ ولا تستوي الØسنة ولا السيئة ادÙع بالتي هي Ø£Øسن Ùإذا الذي بينك وبينه عداوة كأنه ولي Øميم ] 3- أن تستشعر دائماً أن أقاربك وأرØامك أولى الناس بك، وأØقهم بعطÙÙƒ وخيرك [ ÙˆÙŽØ£ÙوْلÙوا الأَرْØَام٠بَعْضÙÙ‡Ùمْ أَوْلَى بÙبَعْض٠ÙÙÙŠ ÙƒÙتَاب٠اللهÙ...] الآية. روى الإمام Ø£Øمد والنسائي وابن ماجة والدارمي عَنْ سَلْمَانَ بْن٠عَامÙر٠الضَّبّÙيّ٠قَالَ قَالَ رَسÙول٠اللَّه٠صلى الله عليه وسلم ((الصَّدَقَة٠عَلَى الْمÙسْكÙين٠صَدَقَةٌ ÙˆÙŽÙ‡ÙÙŠÙŽ عَلَى Ø°ÙÙŠ الْقَرَابَة٠اثْنَتَان٠صÙÙ„ÙŽØ©ÙŒ وَصَدَقَةٌ)) 4- أن تدرك أن صلة الرØÙ… من أخص صÙات المؤمنين بل إنها من أبرز صÙات سيد المرسلين كما قالت خديجة رضي الله عنها لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم مطمئنة له ومهدية من روعه: " كلا لا يخزيك الله أبدا إنك لتصل الرØÙ….. " رواه البخاري ومسلم. وروى البخاري عَنْ أَبÙÙŠ Ù‡Ùرَيْرَةَ رَضÙÙŠ اللَّه٠عَنْه٠عَن٠النَّبÙيّ٠صَلَّى اللَّه٠عَلَيْه٠وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ (( مَنْ كَانَ ÙŠÙؤْمÙن٠بÙاللَّه٠وَالْيَوْم٠الآخÙر٠ÙَلْيÙكْرÙمْ ضَيْÙَه٠وَمَنْ كَانَ ÙŠÙؤْمÙن٠بÙاللَّه٠وَالْيَوْم٠الآخÙر٠ÙَلْيَصÙلْ رَØÙمَه٠وَمَنْ كَانَ ÙŠÙؤْمÙن٠بÙاللَّه٠وَالْيَوْم٠الآخÙر٠ÙَلْيَقÙلْ خَيْرًا أَوْ Ù„ÙيَصْمÙتْ )) * 5- أن تكون قدوة Øسنة ÙÙŠ جميع أعمالك وتصرÙاتك وأخلاقياتك مع جميع أقاربك بل ومع غيرهم، مع البعد التام عن الانتصار للنÙس Ø› وأن لا يكون ÙÙŠ سلوكك ثغرات تÙقدك ثقتهم. وانظر إلى سيد الرسل صلوات الله وسلامه عليه لم ينتقم لنÙسه قط. 6- أن يروا منك الإيجابية ÙÙŠ التعاون معهم، ومسارعتك ÙÙŠ قضاء Øوائجهم والوقو٠ÙÙŠ صÙهم ÙÙŠ الØÙ‚ØŒ وبذل جاهك وشÙاعتك لهم، ومØاولة إيجاد البدائل Ùيما لم تواÙقهم عليه من أعمال أو تصرÙات. 7- العÙÙˆ والتجاوز عن Øقوقك الذاتية تجاههم Ø› بل تØاول أن تتناسها تماماً. ومن ذلك المكاÙأة ÙÙŠ الصلة Ùالواصل ليس بالمكاÙئ. روى البخاري عَنْ عَبْد٠اللَّه٠بْن٠عَمْرÙÙˆ عَن٠النَّبÙيّ٠صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ لَيْسَ الْوَاصÙل٠بÙالْمÙكَاÙÙئ٠وَلَكÙن٠الْوَاصÙل٠الَّذÙÙŠ Ø¥Ùذَا Ù‚ÙØ·Ùعَتْ رَØÙÙ…Ùه٠وَصَلَهَا * وروى مسلم عَنْ أَبÙÙŠ Ù‡Ùرَيْرَةَ أَنَّ رَجÙلاً قَالَ يَا رَسÙولَ اللَّه٠إÙنَّ Ù„ÙÙŠ قَرَابَةً أَصÙÙ„ÙÙ‡Ùمْ وَيَقْطَعÙونÙÙŠ ÙˆÙŽØ£ÙØْسÙن٠إÙلَيْهÙمْ ÙˆÙŽÙŠÙسÙيئÙونَ Ø¥Ùلَيَّ ÙˆÙŽØ£ÙŽØْلÙم٠عَنْهÙمْ وَيَجْهَلÙونَ عَلَيَّ Ùَقَالَ (( لَئÙنْ ÙƒÙنْتَ كَمَا Ù‚Ùلْتَ Ùَكَأَنَّمَا تÙسÙÙÙ‘ÙÙ‡Ùم٠الْمَلَّ وَلا يَزَال٠مَعَكَ Ù…ÙÙ†ÙŽ اللَّه٠ظَهÙيرٌ عَلَيْهÙمْ مَا دÙمْتَ عَلَى Ø°ÙŽÙ„ÙÙƒ ))ÙŽ * 8- طول النÙس، وسعة البال معهم، Ùالطريق طويل، والصبر جميل، وتدرع بالÙأل الØسن، واÙØªØ Ù„Ù†Ùسك باب الأمل Ùقد لبث Ù†ÙˆØ Ø¹Ù„ÙŠÙ‡ السلام أل٠سنة إلا خمسين عاما وهو يدعو قومه. وقد قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: ( إني أرجو أن يخرج الله من أصلابهم من يعبد الله ) 9- إبعاد عنصر اليأس من صلاØهم، Ùإنه متى تطرق إليك الشك من صلاØهم Ùقد Øكمت على Ù†Ùسك بالÙشل ÙÙŠ بداية الطريق. 10- عدم تعليق الÙشل وعدم Ø§Ù„Ù†Ø¬Ø§Ø Ø¹Ù„ÙŠÙ‡Ù… Ùإنك متى عمدت إلى هذا Ùقدت عنصر التقويم والتعديل والتطوير لنÙسك، ولم تØاول أن تراجع خطواتك وطريقتك ÙÙŠ التعامل معهم، Ùهذا نبي الله Ù†ÙˆØ Ø¹Ù„ÙŠÙ‡ السلام، قام باستخدام جميع الوسائل ÙÙŠ Ù†ØµØ Ù‚ÙˆÙ…Ù‡ØŒ ولم يقتصر على أسلوب بعينه، ويعلن انØرا٠قومه ÙˆÙشلهم، بل قال لربه جل وعلا: [ رب إني دعوت قومي ليلا ونهارا Ùلم يزدهم دعائي إلا Ùرارا وإني كلما دعوتهم لتغÙر لهم جعلوا أصابعهم ÙÙŠ آذانهم واستغشوا ثيابهم وأصروا واستكبروا استكبارا ثم إني دعوتهم جهارا ثم إني أعلنت لهم وأسررت لهم إسرارا Ùقلت استغÙروا ربكم إنه كان غÙارا يرسل السماء عليكم مدرارا ويمددكم بأموال وبنين ويجعلكم جنات ويجعلكم أنهارا مالكم لا ترجون لله وقارا وقد خلقكم أطوارا] 11- أهمية جعل أهدا٠للبرنامج يمكن مراقبتها وقياسها Øتى تعلم مدى نجاØÙƒ Ùيها أو تقصيرك، Ùˆ أسباب الضع٠والخلل. 12- الاستعانة بالله جل وعلا على تربيتهم مع لزوم الدعاء لهم ÙÙŠ ظهر الغيب ÙÙŠ كل Øال ÙˆÙÙŠ أوقات الإجابة والأزمنة والبقاع الÙاضلة. 13- الاهتمام البالغ - وقبل كل شيء - بكسب Ù…Øبتهم ÙÙŠ جميع الطرق التي ترضي الله عز وجل. 14- التزام الأسلوب الØسن والكلام الطيب، والابتسامة، والبشاشة عند لقياهم والدعاء لهم. Ùالكلمة الطيبة صدقة، وتبسمك ÙÙŠ وجهه صدقة، وطلاقة الوجه صدقة. 15- زياراتهم، والسؤال عن Øالهم، والاتصال الهاتÙÙŠ بهم، ومن الأشياء المعينة على ذلك تخصيص يوم معين لمهاتÙتهم Ø› مثلاً: يوم الجمعة. 16- صØبتهم ÙÙŠ بعض الرØلات، للعمرة، أو الØج، أو النزهة، مع تØمل مالا يلائمك من عادات وصÙات Ø› Ùهم أولى بذلك من غيرهم. 17- مشاركتهم ÙÙŠ Ø£ÙراØهم، وأتراØهم، ومنا سباتهم، والمباØات من أعمالهم دون زيادة تسقط الهيبة، وتضع٠الشخصية. 18- ملاطÙØ© الأطÙال وملاعبتهم Ø› وهذا خلق نبوي رÙيع، وهو أدعى وأيسر طريق ÙÙŠ كسب Ù…Øبة أهلهم. 19- الاØتساب ÙÙŠ ذلك كله، والإخلاص Ùيه لله تعالى، دون انتظار الشكر والثناء من Ø£Øد منهم، بل إن من الإعداد النÙسي كما قال ابن Øزم: أن تنظر مقابلة Ø¥Øسانك عليهم، إساءتهم وتعديهم وظلمهم لك، Ùإنك ÙÙŠ ذلك تØقق هدÙين: أن يكون عطاؤك وصلتك لله تعالى، أن لا تصاب بالإØباط والقلق عند عدم المكاÙئة بالØسنى 20- الاهتمام بالمناسبات التي ÙŠØØ« عليها ديننا الإسلامي وإØيائها مثل: الأعياد، العقيقة، والزواج، الختان، وهكذا. ثالثا: وسائل تنÙيذ البرنامج Ø£ Ù€ اللقاءات والاجتماعات العامة : 1- تØديد لقاءات العائلة بعد مشاورتهم، مثلاً كل أسبوعين، لمن هم ÙÙŠ ØÙŠ واØد، وكل شهر لمن هم ÙÙŠ مدينة واØدة، ولقاء سنوي لمن هم متÙرقين ÙÙŠ المدن الأخرى. 2- Ù…Øاربة الإسرا٠وإزالة الكلÙØ© عند أي اجتماع، وذلك بأن يبدأ القائمون بالبرنامج بالدعوة وإظهار البساطة ÙÙŠ الضياÙØ©ØŒ Øتى يكونوا قدوة لهم، مع بيان أن أولى من ينبغي زوال الكلÙØ© Ùيما بينهم هم الأرØام والأقارب، Ùإنه متى تكل٠أØدهم بطعام Ùهذا بداية Ùشل الاجتماعات. 3- بث Ø±ÙˆØ Ø§Ù„ØªØ¹Ø§Ø±Ù Ùيما بينهم وإشعارهم بأهميته ÙÙŠ تØقيق التواصل والتكاÙؤ بين الأرØام، والسؤال والتقصي عن Ø£Øوالهم العامة دون الدخول ÙÙŠ خصوصياتهم أو ما ÙŠØرجهم. 4- التذكير بأهمية صلة الرØÙ…ØŒ ÙˆÙضلها، ÙÙŠ جميع اللقاءات، مع ضرب الأمثلة وسياق القصص من السل٠وأهل Ø§Ù„ØµÙ„Ø§Ø ÙÙŠ Øرصهم واهتمامهم بأرØامهم.- توقير كبار العائلة، واØترامهم، ÙˆÙØªØ Ø§Ù„Ù…Ø¬Ø§Ù„ لهم للØديث والمشاركة للاستÙادة من قصصهم وتجاربهم وخبراتهم ÙÙŠ الØياة. 6- إدخال القصص الطيبة، والطر٠المباØØ©ØŒ ÙˆØ§Ù„Ù…Ø²Ø§Ø Ø§Ù„Ø®ÙÙŠÙ ÙÙŠ اللقاءات العائلية. 7- تجهيز مسابقات سهلة وقصيرة، وطرØها خلال اللقاءات، مع جوائز Ùورية لأصØاب الإجابات الصØÙŠØØ©ØŒ والØرص على مشاركة الأطÙال ÙÙŠ ذلك. 8- Ù…Øاولة استخلاص مواÙقتهم ومشاركتهم ÙÙŠ الأعمال الخيرية، ولو بمبالغ زهيدة بشكل مستمر - لاØتمال الÙتور - وتكون بمثابة جسور الاتصال، مع تجنب الإØراج لأØد منهم أو الإلØØ§Ø Ø¹Ù„ÙŠÙ‡Ù…ØŒ بل متى رأيت Ù…Ù„Ø§Ù…Ø Ø¹Ø¯Ù… المواÙقة بادية على وجوههم ÙاسØب الموضوع تماما. ب Ù€ عمل دليل هاتÙÙŠ للعائلة: وذلك عن طريق الاستبانة التي تبين: الاسم الكامل، والعمل، وعنوان السكن، وأرقام الهواتÙØŒ وصندوق البريد. ثم طباعته بثوب قشيب، مع تØري كتابات قيمة على الغلا٠تØØ« على صلة الرØÙ… ÙˆÙضله، ومنزلة التغاضي عن الزلات، وبيان أن الواصل ليس بالمكاÙئ. ج Ù€ مجلة العائلة: تØرير صÙØتين أو أكثر تØمل اسم مجلة أو رسالة أو أخبار عائلة ( Ùلان ) وينبغي أن تكون شهرية، أو دورية، أو سنوية Øسب الاستطاعة وتشتمل مثلاً على الأعمدة التالية: أهمية صلة الرØÙ…ØŒ ترجمة عن علم من أعلامها إن وجد، لقاء مع Ø£Øد رجالاتها، مشاركة أقلام الأسرة، صÙØØ© المرأة، صÙØØ© الطÙÙ„ØŒ أخبار الأسرة: من مولود أو Ù†Ø¬Ø§Ø Ø£Ùˆ تبوء وظيÙØ©ØŒ أو صØØ©ØŒ أو مرض، ثم الخاتمة وتذكر Ùيها بعض التوصيات د Ù€ الهدايا: من أسباب تقوية الأواصر وزوال الإØÙ† ودوام المØبة تبادل الهدايا Øتى ولو كانت رمزية بين Ø£Ùراد العائة، وسأذكر هنا بعض الهدايا الناÙعة التي تعم الأسرة، وأما القضايا العينية Ùكل أعلم بما ÙŠØµÙ„Ø Ù„ØµØ§Øبه. 1- الاشتراك لهم ÙÙŠ مجلة إسلامية تهتم بقضايا الأسرة مثل: مجلة الأسرة ( التي تصدر عن مؤسسة الوق٠الإسلامي ÙÙŠ هولندا ) أو مجلة الشقائق. 2- الاشتراك لهم ÙÙŠ مجلة تهتم بالأطÙال مثل: مجلة سنان للأطÙال. 3- بعض الكتيبات الناÙعة، والأشرطة المÙيدة، للعامة، وللنساء، وللشباب، وللأطÙال. 4- تقاويم وجداول دراسية مع كتابة عبارات توجيهية عليها. وينبغي اختيار الأوقات المناسبة لذلك، مع استغلال المواسم كرمضان، والØج، والإجازات Ùيما يناسبها، والاستÙادة من صناديق البريد ÙÙŠ التوزيع إذا لم يتيسر اللقاء. هـ Ù€ المسابقات الثقاÙية: 1- مسابقة للجميع أو خاصة بالشباب أو النساء أو الأطÙال. وتكون المسابقة: إما عامة أو ÙÙŠ مجلة من المجلات أو أن تكون Ù…Øددة على كتاب مثل: كتاب قطيعة الرØÙ… - Ù…Øمد إبراهيم الØمد، Ù…Øرمات استهان بها كثير من الناس – المنجد، عقوق الوالدين - Ù…Øمد إبراهيم الØمد، أربعون نصيØØ© Ù„Ø¥ØµÙ„Ø§Ø Ø§Ù„Ø¨ÙŠÙˆØª - المنجد، عثرات الطريق - عبد الملك القاسم، منهج عملي ÙÙŠ تربية الأسرة. أو تكون على شريط مثل: دعوة للتأمل - علي القرني ØŒ وصية نبوية - الشنقيطي، المØرومون - إبراهيم الدويش، الشباب ألم وأمل - إبراهيم الدويش 2- يمكن أن تكون المسابقات شهرية أو دورية مع استغلال موسم رمضان والØج. 3- الأÙضل أن تكون الإجابة على Ù†Ùس الورقة وأن تذكر الجوائز على ورقة الأسئلة لتكون داÙعا Ù„ØÙ„ المسابقة. 4- جمع إجابات المسابقة خلال اللقاء التالي أو عن طريق صندوق بريد المسؤول عن ذلك. 5- تعلن أسماء الÙائزين ÙÙŠ مجلة العائلة Ùˆ Ù€ السعي ÙÙŠ ØÙ„ مشكلاتهم: مما يؤكد الصلة ويديم المودة ويوطد العلاقة الدخول مع الأقارب ÙÙŠ ØÙ„ مشكلاتهم الخاصة والعامة ومن ذلك: 1- الاهتمام Ø¨Ø¥ØµÙ„Ø§Ø Ø°Ø§Øª البين عند وجود أي خلاÙات والاستعانة ÙÙŠ ذلك بأهل العلم والدين والØكمة والرأي من رجال العائلة، ويÙضل تكوين لجنة ÙÙŠ العائلة تهتم بالإصلاØ. 2- التØري عن ديونهم ومØاولة تسديدها عن طريق أهل الخير، والأÙضل من ذلك إرشادهم إلى طريقة مثلى للتسديد من دخلهم ومساعدتهم على جدولة ديونهم ووضع برنامج ÙÙŠ التسديد، Øتى لا يتØولوا إلى عالة، أو يشعرون بالدونية عند أقاربهم. 3- التعاون مع شباب العائلة والسعي ÙÙŠ ØÙ„ مشكلاتهم، ومعرÙØ© نقاط الضع٠ومعالجتها، والتعر٠على نقاط القوة ودعمها وتوظيÙها ÙÙŠ مجال الإصلاØ. 4Ù€ Ù…Øاولة القضاء على تمديد سن الطÙولة لدى الشباب والÙتيات، والسعي ÙÙŠ زواجهم ÙÙŠ مقتبل أعمارهم، وإشعار العائلة بأن الشاب يبلغ مبالغ الرجال ÙÙŠ الخامسة عشر من عمره Ùكي٠يؤخر زواجه إلى ما بعد العشرين بØجة أنه صغير! 5- الاهتمام بالأيتام والأرامل والوقو٠معهم ÙÙŠ جميع Ø£Øوالهم، وإضÙاء المØبة والود عليهم، بمشاركتهم ÙÙŠ جميع المناسبات، والقيام بمتابعة الأيتام بالتربية والتأديب. 6- الاهتمام بالمطلقات والأرامل والعوانس ÙÙŠ السعي لهن بالزواج من الأكÙاء الصالØين. 7- السعي ÙÙŠ إيجاد وظيÙØ© أو عملاً مناسباً لمن لا وظيÙØ© له. مع السعي معه ÙÙŠ اكتساب مهارات إدارية ÙˆÙنية تؤهله لذلك. 8- مساعدة الطلاب المتأخرين ÙÙŠ دراستهم، بإيجاد من يق٠معهم ÙÙŠ المذاكرة ز Ù€ التوجيه والتذكير والمواعظ والدروس المختصرة ÙˆÙÙ‚ الضوابط التالية: 1- الØذر من التشهير بذكر المنكرات التي قد تقع من بعضهم. 2- اختيار الÙرص المناسبة للتذكير، وليس ÙÙŠ كل Øال تÙØªØ Ù„Ùƒ القلوب وتصغي لك الآذان، وتذكر قول الØكيم: Øدث الناس ما مالوا إليك بأسماعهم ورقبوك بأبصارهم Ùإن رأيت منهم Ùتورا Ùأمسك. 3- التمكن من أطرا٠المسألة التي تريد الØديث عنها، لأن التردد أو الشك يغير من قناعتهم Ùيك. 4- استصØاب الأدلة الشرعية والعقلية أثناء المناقشة لأي موضوع والØذر من الكلام بغير علم. 5- أسند الأقوال والÙتاوى إلى أهل العلم مع الاهتمام بذلك Øتى لا يتصور Ø£Øد أن هذا قولك واختيارك ÙÙŠ هذه المسألة. 6Ù€ ضرب الأمثلة والقصص، وذكر الشواهد المقنعة والواقعية، وتجنب الإيغال ÙÙŠ المثاليات والنوادر. 7- لا تدخل ÙÙŠ الØوارات الاØتمالية، والتي تختل٠Ùيها وجهات النظر وقابلة للأخذ والرد ويتسع Ùيها الخلاÙ. 8- ÙØªØ Ø§Ù„Ù…Ø¬Ø§Ù„ للØوارات الÙردية وتØمل المخال٠أيا كانت مخالÙته مع الإنصات له وعدم مقاطعته Øتى ينتهي Øديثه، وتذكر Ùعل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم مع عتبة بن ربيعة وهو يكيل له التهم والنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم مصغي إليه بل إنه ليلقبه ويتلطÙÙ‡ ويÙØªØ Ù„Ù‡ المجال إن كان عنده مزيد، اسمع إليه يقول: (( Ø£Ùرغت يا أبا الوليد )) 9- استصØاب الموق٠المتعقل من أساليب الاستÙزاز التي قد ØªØ·Ø±Ø Ù…Ù† بعض السÙهاء. 10- Øاول عدم اØتدام المناقشة ÙÙŠ أي قضية، بل Øاول إنهاء الØديث بأدب، ولا تØسم القضية لإمكان عودة الØديث إليها Ùيما بعد وتبقى الجسور عامرة. 11- Ù…Øاولة إدخال عناصر موجهة جذابة من خارج العائلة لكسر الألÙØ©ØŒ إذا لم يتسبب ÙÙŠ ÙØªØ Ø§Ù„Ø¨Ø§Ø¨ لإدخال آخرين غير مرغوب Ùيهم ÙÙŠ Ù…Øيط العائلة، كما يقال: ( أزهد الناس بالعالم أهله ) السلام عليكم Ùˆ رØمة الله Ùˆ بركاته To Be Translated Soon InshAllah.......Visit again 2005 i-Nuri Trans-Semantics Bridging Language Barriers to Family Frontiers
Concepts of Islamic aqeedah 1. Tawakkul The concept known as tawakkul means "to delegate one's concerns to another to dispose it in a favorable way" , a short word for such a long meaning, that is the Arabic language power of description. Allah says in Quraan " Wa man yatawakkal cala Allah fa huwa xasbuh" he who delegates his concerns to Allah, then he can indeed count on Allah. Allah also says " Inna Allah yuxibbu almutawkiliin" Allah loves those who delegate their concerns to (Him)" Allah SWT also says " A leysa Allah bi kaafin cabdah?" Isnt Allah fully capable to protect his servant?" In this life of ours, in this age and time, complexity is the norm, not simplicity, and when things get too complex, chances of things going wrong increase, as humans, we have a finite amount of alertness and precaution, but because everything we deal with is getting complex, at the least, we are prone to goof if not make a gigantic errors of judgement. To sail these rough waters of unpredictability, just like the real sailing and seafaring when things get really scary and rough, we do all we can before we sail, we make sure that we account for all possible dangers and needs, then we sail, realizing that things we know that we dont know, to be only a fraction of things we dont know that we dont know. So, we sail the high seas of this life with confidence of things we know, but never thinking seriously about things that we dont know that we dont know. Suddenly, in the middle of the ocean of life, we face a Tsunami, with waves so high, as to form a towering ceiling of a wave on top of it there is another wave yet on top of all shrouds intense darkness, so dark is the surroundings that if we take a look at our own hand, we can not see. Now, we have done all we are capapble of doing, taken al precautions, but this situation was never ever in our minds, it was one of those things we did not know that we did not know. Tawakul, is for such situations, and it is not cashed at the moment, like an insurance policy, you have to subscribe to it before you run out of tricks. inshaAllah, like brother Salaaxuddin suggested we shalll examine this great topic from many aspects, such as: - the true meaning of Tawakal - some of the misunderstandings of Tawakal amongst the Muslims of today - the win/win concept of Tawakal (after you have put in your best effort - to tawakal - and whatever happens is good for you in the end) [ + ] Tawakal in these areas: - spritual/faith - financial/business - social/relationships To be continued.................................. 2005 e-Nuri Aqeedah Principles Simple is Better
Tuujiye bro. Thanks for the compliment bro. I find relief expressing myself in these writings that address issues that cause tears, but like the Arabic proverb says " Sharrul baliyati maa yudxuk" the worst of disasters are those that make you laugh hysterically" Geel Jire bro. Tabloids? these UK papers are full of lies, mine on the other hand, are written to deliver subliminal TRUE messages. Motives are also different, e-Nuri is benevolence driven, UK Tabloids are CA$H driven. Anyway, I always appreciate your compliments and critique, we need to sip together a wooden cup of foaming Camel Milk . Nur
Somali Anarchists Are Concerned Dear President Bush I just read a piece of news that Rumsfeld confirmed that a secret meeting between Iraqi Resistance and the American occupation is taking place in Iraq these days. Is it true that you have offered Peanut butter sandwiches and Kelloggs Rice Crispies cerials to the insurgents? This news has sent shockwaves throughout Somali Anarchists worldwide, the implications are unimaginable, one such nightmare would be a request from USA to give Somalis a contract in iraq to set up a franchise of Karaan Sharia courts in Baghdaad, run exclussively by Al Ittixaad Islamic movement demonized by your administration as Turists, sorry, I meant Terrorists. How can the most powerful power negotiate with a "Foreign" bunch of amature kids? I read somewhere that the USA ( US Army, Marine and Air force granted Iraq Citizenship ?) has spent 200 billion Dollars in the liberation of iraq campaign, spent in the latest helicopters, supersonic jets, latest in communications gadgets, airconditioned armed vehicles, relieving soldiers in weekends in nearby Qatar, Bahrain, Turkey or Italy. To fight the "Foreign' resistence who spends less than a cent for every thousand Dollars US spends in this crazy war. The result, over 100,000 iraqis dead, a milion injured, as for US casualty, 1700 soldiers dead, tens of thousands injured, and many are scarred for life psychologically. How can such a great visionary like you get it so wrong? dont blame the CIA, most of these kids failed their Geography SAT exams anyway, How can the mightist army under the sun concede to such a weak resistance? are you telling us everything? Dont get me wong, I know if all you wanted was to win this war,which you have forgetten the reasons for it, y'd have simply nuked the hell outa Iraq, stayed out the mess for couple of years till the smoke clears , then you'd come back with your Nuclear Geiger readers, and once the reading is below the currently accepted 1000 geigers above background radiation, ( Which is the amount of Radiation that would kill most humans except for Somalis ) you would have completed your mission of "liberation of Iraq". Anyway, as your allies in anarchy, we are yawning outa boredum, we need consistence in messages, not confusion, one day, you call all your adversaries enemy of freedom, dividing the world into two camps like Fascist Mussolini of Italy ( buddy, you are with me or against me ), guess what? next day you are in bed with the enemy. We need clarifacation, the sooner the better, but please, not with bombs, I have a sugar shipment from Dubai landing in kismayo port Tomorrow, you know Qat whithout sugar is no fun at all. 2005 Somali Anarchists Declaration (SAD) Destruction R Us
Ukhtii al Muslimah Jazaakellahu khairan qoraalkan aad u qiimaha badan oo si cilmiyeysan aad u soo diyaarisay, runtii Somaliaonline Islam ( Qaybta Islaamka) wexey u baahan tahay qoraallo cilmi ah oo habkan wanaagsan ( Well structured ) aad us soo diyaarisay. Tan labaad, ogow iney jiraan dad aad u farabadan oo la lumiyey laguna direy saxaabada iyo taabiciinta, ayagoo runtii jecel Allah iyo Rasuulkiisa. Dad badan ayaa u gacan galay beenta saxaabada laga fidiyey, hadaba si dadkaas loo hanto oo xerada loogu soo celiyo, waxaa loo baahan yahay xikmad badan, dulqaad, iyo akhlaaq muujineysa in annaga sheeganeyna inaan Salafkii raaceyno, in ay naga muuqato akhlaaqdii Salafka oo ay ka mid aheyd dulqaad loo dulqaato dadka cilmiga yar, iyo in la guto wax walba oo wanaag erey ama fal aha oo soo jiidan kara ayadoo aan sharciga la jabin. Ukhtii, Runtii qofkii Muslim dab ah oo dhadhansada macaanka Islaamka naftiisa uma qurxiso iney xumaan ka sheegto Saxaabada gaar ahaan dad Allah uu Quraanka ku amaaney meelo dhowr ah: " Muxammad waa Rasuulkii Allah, Asxaabtiisana asaga la jira, waa kuwo ku adadag gaalada (markey la xaajjoonayaan) dhexdoodana, waa kuwo isu naxariista, waxaad aragtaa ayagoo sajuudsan oo rakuucsan oo raadinaya fadliga Rabigooda, iyo raalinnimadiisa " " Kuwii ( Saxaabada )gadaashooda yimidna wexey leeyihiin Rabbigeenow noo dambu dhaaf annaga iyo walaalaheenni nooga horreyay iimaanka, hana ka yeelin quluubteenna caro ama naceyb kuwa Allah aaminey " " Muminiinta waxaa ka mid ah rag ka dhabeeyay waxey Allah ka ballan qaaadeen ( Saxaabadii)" " Allah raalli buu ka noqday muminiinta ( Saxaabada) markey kugu baayaceen (heshiiyeen) geedka hoostiisa " " ( Allah) Wuxuu ku ekeysiiyay (Saxaabada) iney ku hadlaan ereyga taqwada, ayagoo ah kuwii u xaq lahaa ahaana ehelkeeda) Nur
Aqeedah Concepts and Terminology Series What is Istixlaal? Istixlaal A Somali aquaintance of mine once approached me with the weirdest request ever: He asked me if I could arrange his marriage ceremony with his Somali live-in girl friend. I gues in this time and age, we Somalis have come a long way from days we consdiered such living arrangements as non acceptable to even utter. Enter the twenty first century, oh boy!, do I feel a stranger in a fast paced world? I asked the guy, " why he wanted to go through the trouble of marriage if he is already living with the woman?" he said, " she is worried about her folks ", and that was the only consideration in his and her minds, they see absolutely nothing wrong with cohabitation. welcome to the Aqeedah principle of Istixlaal or (Banneysi) as brother Baashi put it. I declined NOT to get involved, but in the days that follwed that incidence, the discussion trigerred a yearning to read on aqeedah books about the ruling of such situations and people. I knew that humans are prone to sin, and that a sin is not kufr in itself but can lead to kufr, just like an ailment is not death but can lead to death, however, I wanted to know where is the borderline that divides a sin from blatant kufr. These days, amid the confusion and arguments about violations of islamic principles, we find that some Muslims would jump the gun on anyone to declare them a kafir without the blink of an eye, while on the other side, some Muslims would always find an excuse for anyone who no matter how extreme their actions or views are. Usually, when the latter group comes to the defence of a Sinner who commits a sin that is tanatamount to Kufr, they say that if the sinner who committed a Kufr action or said a Kufr word believes that his actions and words were not halaal, then he is a sinner not a kafir, on the other hand, theys say if he is unrepentent and believes that he did nothing wrong, then he is a kafir. The above classification is very popular among many present day scholars of the sharia, although there is no clear proof ( Daleel) from the Sharia, Quraan and the Sunnah to support such statement. The earliest recorded incidence in which such argument was used that i could find was during Al Qadi Ciyaadh's time when a man in Iraq was reported to have insulted the Prophet SAWS. The scholars at the time differed, some ruling that the man became a kafir for insulting the prophet SAWS, and others maintained that if the man considered his action to be halaal, then he was kaafir, if on the other hand, he believed that his insults were not halaal, then his insult is a sin. The problem with the above is that, the Qaadi Ciyaadh reported it from Mutakallimin ( Polemics masters) in Iraq who were not considered competent in Sharia at their times. Ibn Taymia in his famous book, Al Sarimul Masluul, says that the above classification has no oigin ( ASL) in Quraan and Sunnah. The Salaf of the Ummah are in consensus that if anyone commits an action that is in the Kufr category, that the person becomes a kafir, regardless if he claims his actions halaal or not, because the fact that the person is not repenting from his deeds is sufficient to prove that he considers his actions or words to be halaal. Because iimaan ( belief) and Kufr are abstracts, we detect their existence through their fruits; actions or words, so whenever an action that is deemed to be iimaan is done, the we say that person is Mumin, according to the Hadeeth that if a man is seen praying regularly in the Masjid, we should become his witnesses that he is a believer, likewise, if a person commits an action that has no other explanation other than being a blatant disregard of our faith, then that person is what he has said or does, we should not separate the crime from the criminal. In conclusion, if a person does an action that is Nifaaq, or kufr, then he becomes either a Munafiq or a kafir due to his actions, because iimaan is qowl and camal, deeds and words, and the words are further divided to words of the mouth, which require to be verified by actions, according to the Hadeeth, that iimaan is something in the heart, verified by deeds. Walllahu aclam. Nur
Q. What is the Aqeedah concept of Al Walaa and Al Baraa ? A question posed by Nomad Hanif, her was my answer: Bismillah wa bihi nastaciin. Hanif bro. Jazaakallahu Khairan for posing a great question at the most needed time ever, a time when issues got mixed up, and fundemental concept in Islam got intangled with whims and desires. Before we define the concept of Al Walaa and Al Baraa in Islam, let me congratulate you for picking one of the most Tawxiid centric screen names, Hanif, is an outstanding name, it actually desctibes the concept for which you are seeking an answer for. Hanif, means a person who always is searching to connect with his maker and away from any other diversion, a person, who seeks Allah SWT, but at the same time diverging away from offering his services to othet than Allah SWT, in that sense, the name Hanif is one coin, depicting walaa on one side and baraa on the other. Abraham, the patriarch of all Monotheits was one such a Hanif, Allah SWT called him Hanifan Musliman, Navigating his way to Allah always and submittinh his will to Allah( True Jews at their time, true Christians at their time and True Muslims all allign themselves with Abraham central concept, because Abraham was the Father of Islam ( submission and allegiance to Allah alone).) , Abrahams legacy was that of true devotion to Allah SWT and denial of other forms of subjugation to creatures, be they humans, animals ar objetcs. Abrahams famous statement was " Innaa bura-aa- u, minkum wa mimmaa tacbuduuna min duunillaahi, kafarnaaa bikum, wa badaa beinanaa wa baynakum al cadaawata wal baghdaa-a, xataa tuminuu billaahi waxdah " meaning " We are indeed disowning you ( since you are criminals by worshipping other than Allah)and we further disassociate ourselves with all that you worship other than Allah, ( and because of this disownment and disassociation) clear enemity and hatred is apparent between us, up untill ( you repent) and worship Allah alone " For that bold statement, Allah honored Abraham by calling him Hanif ( mid ka soo issha waxaan Allah aheyn), Allah further instructed believers to make Abraham thier example for his brave stand against his very own tribe and father, and for his partying ways with his people on the basis of belief in Allah. Abraham's word of Walaa and Baraa, became the center principle of islam, Allah SWT says : Wa jacalahaa kalimatan baaqiyatan fii caqibihi lacallahum yarjicuun " meaning, " Allah made (that word of Abraaham) a legacy word after (Abraham) so that (Poeple) can refer back to (that word whenever they get lost from the true path of Allah ). That word, of Walaa and Baraa, took the present form under the Messneger of Allah Muhammad SAWS when he declared " Laa Elaaha illaa Allah' no allegiance to any other Sovereign other than Allah as the only rightful Sovereign. Allah SWT mentioned this concept in numerous verses in Quraan : " Ucbuduu Allah wajtanibuu Al Taaaghuut" Serve Allah, and stay away from the Service of transgressors" Taghuut in Arabic comes from the root Daghaa, which is when a measured quantity crosses thershold or its limits. So , any human who claims to have devine rights becomes Dhaguut in that sense, which exactly what Pharaoh of Egypt has claimed when he was subjugating the helpless slaves of the Children of Israel. Pharoah calimed " Maa calimtu lakum min ilaahin gheirii " meaning, I know of no other Sovereign except me to rule over you" Walaa in Arabic has the root of Yalii, meaning: following, Walaa comes from the noun Waliyy ( friend, closest to you, caretaker, overseer, defender, stake owner ). So, in that regard, Walaa means the concept that assigns Allah alone to be ( friend, closest to you, caretaker, overseer, defender, stake owner ) for a believer by virtue of his creation of the same. Walaa, therefore is the result of love of Allah, because once you assign all the above qualities to Allah alone like Abraham defined who should be his Waliyy : " The one who created me, so he(only) can guide me, and the One who feeds and quenches me, and when I get sick, Allah is the one who cures, And the one who will (finally) cause me to die and the will resurruct me, and in the day of judgement the one with whom i place my hopes to forgive my sin, Once you believe in these favors, you can not allig yourself with other than Allah SWT, you cant help but love Allah with all your soul and body and mind, a sign that you Allah also is reciprocating that love for you. Walaa of Allah SWT, therefore is born out of love of Allah. Allah SWT says in holy Quraan : Innamaa waliyyukumullahu wa rasuuluhu walladiina aamanuu" " Your Waliyy, is indeed Allah SWT, his Messneger and the believers. This verse clearly draws the meaning of Walaa to be the ultimate alligiance which is much higher than any other temporal or worldly allegiances that are born out of passing interests of the lowly life of this world, while Allah SWT is calling believrs for a better life in the hereafter if the form allegiance with Allah who will deliver his promises unlike humans who always let you down and betray you when you count on them in difficult times. Baraa, on the other hand is the exact opposit of the Walaa concept, total disowing, disassociation, cutting of sympathy, due to the crime of disbelief in Allah SWT and befriending their enemy Satan.. The word Baraa has roots in (Ba ri ah) among its derivatives, is healing from an ailment, clearing your stand that you are not of a crime that is committed by a group or a person. In ancinet times, one wars brake out between tribes, neutral tribes had to show their Baraa-ah ( they are not part of the warring parties) so that they are not drawn to an unjust war or to pay the price of being a supprort of a party. Allah SWT instructs believers in Suurah al Kaafiroon ( The unbelievers) : " Say o ye unbelievers, I do not worship that you worship, and you do not worship that which I worship..... to you is your way of life(which is based on your beliefs) and to me is my way of life ( based on my beliefs). When Abraham practiced Baraa ah of his people, Allah SWT blessed him with the following: 1. Children at old age ( he had Ishmael and Issac) 2. His Children and decendents were honored to become leaders for mankind, Allah said to Abraham" I will make you a leader to mankind, Abraham then asked " And my decendents?" Allah responded, transgressors of your progeny are not to benefit from this offer. 3. The house Abraham built for Allah in Mecca was accepted. 4.. He was given the title khalil ul Allah ( Allah's friend). This topic is much deeper than I could respond to this thread, inshAllah when I get around to it again, I shall add more of my thoughts, till then, hold the rope of Allah tight, do not differ on the eventual purpose of being true servants of Allah SWT alone. To be contiuned 2005 i-Nuuri Caqiidah First, Somaliaonline Summer Program. If You Dont take a Stand For Allah Alone, Y'd Fall For Anything Else Nur
Living in the Fourth Reich June 13, 2005 By: Gary Steven Corseri Axis of Logic -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By Gary Steven Corseri In the Third Reich we said We were just following orders. Today we say, Were just doing our job. In the Third Reich We were anti-Semitic. (We hated the Jews.) In the Fourth Reich We are anti-Semitic. (We hate the Arabs.) In the Third Reich We had our Minister of Information. Goebbels said If you tell a lie big enough And often enough People believe it. In the Fourth Reich We have Corporate Media. We get 24-7 lies Interspersed with commercials. In the Third Reich We had sturm und drang. In the Fourth Reich We have shock and awe. In the Third Reich We said Poland was a threat And we made an alliance with that Communist Stalin. In the Fourth Reich We say Iran is a threat And we make an alliance With that terrorist in Uzbekistan. In the Third Reich We had 'democracy,' We elected our national leader. In the Fourth Reich We have 'democracy,' We elect our national leader. In the Third Reich We despised the French. In the Fourth Reich We eat Freedom Fries. In the Third Reich Good Germans didn't know What was going on In the concentration camp down the road. In the Fourth Reich Good Americans don't care About torture at Guantanamo. The Third Reich wrapped itself In a dark kind of religious symbolism. We put Gott mit uns on our SS buckles. In the Fourth Reich we wrap ourselves In dark religious symbolism. Our generals say, Kill one for Jesus. In the Third Reich We incinerated the body of der Fuhrer. In the Fourth Reich He has risen from the ashes. © Copyright 2005 by Gary Steven Corseris dramas have been published, and broadcast over PBS-Atlanta; his prose and poems have appeared at/in Axis of Logic, The New York Times, Village Voice, Redbook, Sky, Georgia Review, CommonDreams, CounterPunch, DissidentVoice and over 100 other periodicals and e-zines. He has published two poetry collections and two novels, has taught in public schools and prisons in the U.S., and at universities in the U.S. and Japan. He edited the Manifestations anthology in 2004. His Manifestations anthology has been a desktop friend of mine and a regular visitor to my New Hampshire refuge since it was first published. You can purchase a copy by sending an email to: Mr. Corseri can be reached at:
By: Mike Whitney Other -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- June 22, 2005 -- We can add a new chapter to the Bush Administration's war on free speech as it was revealed yesterday that an Al Jazeera cameraman has been in custody for three years at Guantanamo Bay. Al-Hajj a Sudanese national was arrested in Afghanistan in 2001 and has remained in prison without being charged for 4 years. Is this what Rumsfeld breezily refers to as the 'worst of the worst'? If so, independent journalists around the world should take note. The report of Al-Haj's unlawful detention comes on the heels of a growing furor over eye-witness accounts of torture at Gitmo and an outcry from human rights groups (and members of Congress) to close down the facility. Amnesty International, who referred to the prison as 'the gulag of our times', has again been vindicated in its claims by these new charges that Al- Haj 'has suffered extreme physical, sexual and religious abuse'; charges that are consistent with other reports that the US is practicing 'systematic' abuse of detainees. Attorney Clive Stafford-Smith, who visited clients at Guantanamo two weeks ago, said that 'Sami Al-Hajj had been beaten by his interrogators'. &'He has been beaten. He had a huge scar on his face when I saw him.' (Al Jazeera) 'He is completely innocent,' said Stafford-Smith. 'He is about as much of a terrorist as my granddad. The only reason he has been treated like he has is because he is an Al Jazeera journalist. The Americans have tried to make him an informant with the goal of getting him to say that Aljazeera is linked to al-Qaida. Stafford-Smith's claims seem more credible given the open hostility of the Bush Administration, and particularly Donald Rumsfeld, towards Al Jazeera. Rumsfeld ordered the bombing of Al Jazeera's news facilities in Kabul and Baghdad. (even though the US military had been given the coordinates by Al Jazeera.) In the siege of Baghdad an F-16 launched a direct hit on the Al Jazeera station, killing veteran journalist Tariq Ayoub, even though there was no indication of fighting in the area. Many consider the attack to be a 'premeditated' act of murder. Rumsfeld continued his attack on Al Jazeera last week with a rambling harangue completely divorced from the facts. At a security conference in Singapore he said, 'if anyone lived in the Middle East and watched a network like the Aljazeera day after day after day, even if he was an American, he would start waking up and asking what's wrong'. 'But America is not wrong. It's the people who are going on television chopping off people's heads, that is wrong,' he said. In fact, Al Jazeera has never broadcast images of hostages being beheaded. The video of Nick Berg's execution appeared on an independent web site. But, by now, we know that the facts are of little concern to Rumsfeld; what he wants is uniformity of opinion and a narrative that reflects the positive aspects of America's aggression in Iraq. To that end, he has enlisted the support of America's 'embedded' journalists and intentionally targeted anyone who veers from the accepted storyline. (Presently, at least 8 journalists are being detained by the US in Iraq; some of whom apparently have stories and footage of Rumsfelds Dresden-type destruction of Falluja) Guantanamo's Apologists In the last week Donald Rumsfeld and VP Dick Cheney have defended Guantanamo publicly claiming it's an indispensable part of the war on terror. General Richard Meyers went as far to say that it was a 'model facility'; an appraisal that is strikingly at odds with the reports of torture and the mistreatment of prisoners. Right-wing columnist Charles Krauthammer, a dependable source for absurd commentary, noted that treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo was 'remarkably humane and tolerant'. (This from a pundit whose anti-Arab sentiments have deep roots and a long history) Neither Cheney, Rumsfeld, Meyers nor Krauthammer addressed the numerous accounts of prisoners 'chained hand and foot in a fetal position to the floor, with no chair, food or water. Most times they had urinated or defecated on themselves and had been left there for 18, 24 hours or more.' (from an FBI report) Nevertheless, the debate over Guantanamo is not about to disappear anytime soon. Even supporters of the war in Iraq, like Tom Friedman and Senator Joe Biden, understand that the prison has been a public relations nightmare that has emboldened America's enemies and put American soldiers at greater risk. In a June 21 article in the New York Times, Anthony Lewis chronicles some of the incidents of cruelty at Guantanamo and notes the violations to the Geneva Conventions which prohibit 'outrages upon personal dignity, in particular, humiliating and degrading treatment.' He also refers the less frequently mentioned United Nations Convention against Torture which requires the US to 'prevent in any territory under its jurisdiction &.cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.' The Bush Administration has painstakingly constructed legal arguments that refute the applicability of both conventions, strongly suggesting that they are willfully engaged in war crimes. To fully appreciate the depravity of the Bush claque, we only need to visit the Rush Limbaugh web site, where the drug- addicted spokesman for the administration is currently hawking T-shirts (Orange; 'I got my free Koran and Prayer Rug at G'itmo' or, orange baseball cap reading 'Camp G'itmo') and baseball caps in an public relations scheme to trivialize the horrors of systematic torture of detainees in US custody. Limbaugh has always been at the forefront of apologists for the abuse of prisoners. During the Abu Ghraib scandal he defended the conduct of the military by saying that 'they were just blowing off steam'. Perhaps, Limbaugh finds something uplifting about being 'sodomized with a chemical light' or having 'electrodes attached to his penis to simulate electric torture'; its impossible to know. But, for most sane people, these are conspicuous acts of barbarism for which the perpetrators must be held accountable. Plan Gitmo Despite widespread condemnation, the Bush Administration will never abandon the Guantanamo concentration camp. As Amnesty International's Curt Goering puts it, the administration 'plans to memorialize in bricks and mortar its decision to operate outside of the law.' This is precisely the case. Guantanamo is emblematic of a militarized world stripped of humanity or justice. It looms as the salient icon of the new world order. Mike Whitney lives in Washington State. He can be reached at:
An article: The test a beleiver faces in this world
Nur replied to Warrior of Light's topic in General
Warrior of Light If I may add, the writer descdribed one of the four states that I have covered on my write-up, the Ibtiaa state. In order to get the gist of this Ibtilaa, lets look at the root of this word. From the top of my head, I can recall few instances it was mentioned in Quraan: 1. Balaa -an xasanan, 2. yabluukum, 3. tublaa asaraa-ir, 4. ubtuliya al muminoona 5. la nabluwannakum bi shey-in, 6. nabluwa akhbaarumkum Balaa can mean one of two, depending on the context. 1. Test-examine 2. Measure-assess-appraise Applying this on the above we have: 1. Balaa -an xasanan (Muslims were tested by great numbers of the kufaar, so Allah showed them his nima by giving them victory) 2. yabluukum ( to test you), 3. tublaa asaraa-ir( Appraisal of past deeds in day of judgement), 4. ubtuliya al muminoona ( Tested with hardships) 5. la nabluwannakum bi shey-in ( Test to see how you will continue your worship when in fear or hunger), 6. nabluwa akhbaarumkum ( measure) Nur -
Salaaxuddiin bro. Two great topics in a bundle, I am tempted to expound, but, in sales, the best strategy is to unbundle the offering to make it easier for a sale. Lets treat each one alone in the days to come. Nur
Geeljire bro. Thanks walaal, I knew you'd be tempted witha Haroob of caano geel, inshAllah, one day, y'll take a time off in Nomadland sitting on a dudun, sipping a smoke flavored haroob of freshly squeezed foamy snow white caano geel. Zulfa walaalo Thanks for your input, maashaAllah, your obeservations were the dots on the (i), and the crossing of the (T), we all need to examine our motives and ikhlaas as you have pointd out in the other thread, then only could we be true to Allah and to our selves. Ofleh walaal The reason that i have resorted to this method is because those most in need of my posts, unless they are familiar with my name, would read a topic for its title only, so, just like Commercials, I fish in murky waters, I am out there looking for souls to be saved, which makes me scratch my head for ideas, because, once I get them to read, some of them have admitted that they cant stop, next thing you know, is, they are on their way up for an improvement. Once I even went as far as tricking them with a lustful title. One such trick worked so well on Somalinet few years back, my post recieved so many hits, that I began to believe in the power of deception. The title that I poste on Somali net read " The Joy Of S....." the article was about the joy of Sadaqah, but, my victims never realized that I have hypnotised them untill they were well into the end of the article, some of the readers were really annoyed, as I let them down, others gave me a thumbs up sign, but all of them got the message and hence no excuses in the day of judgement. Nur
Nomads Just visiting back the Genrals on this General page after a lomg absence, a much noisier room then our Islam Page next door, when you feel confused, please join me with a haroob of Camel Milk (Imaginery). Fi Amanillah Nur
Warrior Of Light and Sheherezad I hope that you are both in the Nicma state, inshallah, time permitting, I want to write a piece on the Nima state, the last one was plain feelings, but Nomads deserve a well researched article on this great state. " Siraatal alladiina ancamta caleyhim" The Path of those (Allah) has endowed Nicmah. Nicma..... Coming soon to a monitor near you! Nur
Salaax u Deen bro. MaashAllah, a great list. if you allow Nomads including me to fill out and post it on top of our beds to see everynight before we fall asleep, our transcript. Agreat idea indeed, inshAllah I will have more thoughts on this later. Nur
Is it halal to start a corporations under US law?
Nur replied to Medley of extemporanea's topic in General
Hanif In matters of business, the default is permission, unless you are dealing with forbidden goods, adhering to forbidden terms, or committing sins with contract. Any other form of business is halaal, unless one can show where it contradicts with Sharia. In Contrast, issue of the faith, their default is Mutaabaca, following of the Messneger of Allah SWT, and unless a proof form the Sunnah can be found for an ibaadah, it becomes bidcah innovation. Nur -
Hanif bro. Jazaakallahu Khairan for posing a great question at the most needed time ever, a time when issues got mixed up, and fundemental concept in Islam got intangled with whims and desires. Before we define the concept of Al Walaa and Al Baraa in Islam, let me congratulate you for picking one of the most Tawxiid centric screen names, Hanif, is an outstanding name, it actually desctibes the concept for which you are seeking an answer for. Hanif, means a person who always is searching to connect with his maker and away from any other diversion, a person, who seeks Allah SWT, but at the same time diverging away from offering his services to othet than Allah SWT, in that sense, the name Hanif is one coin, depicting walaa on one side and baraa on the other. Abraham, the patriarch of all Monotheits was one such a Hanif, Allah SWT called him Hanifan Musliman, Navigating his way to Allah always and submittinh his will to Allah( True Jews at their time, true Christians at their time and True Muslims all allign themselves with Abraham central concept, because Abraham was the Father of Islam ( submission and allegiance to Allah alone).) , Abrahams legacy was that of true devotion to Allah SWT and denial of other forms of subjugation to creatures, be they humans, animals ar objetcs. Abrahams famous statement was " Innaa bura-aa- u, minkum wa mimmaa tacbuduuna min duunillaahi, kafarnaaa bikum, wa badaa beinanaa wa baynakum al cadaawata wal baghdaa-a, xataa tuminuu billaahi waxdah " meaning " We are indeed disowning you ( since you are criminals by worshipping other than Allah)and we further disassociate ourselves with all that you worship other than Allah, ( and because of this disownment and disassociation) clear enemity and hatred is apparent between us, up untill ( you repent) and worship Allah alone " For that bold statement, Allah honored Abraham by calling him Hanif ( mid ka soo issha waxaan Allah aheyn), Allah further instructed believers to make Abraham thier example for his brave stand against his very own tribe and father, and for his partying ways with his people on the basis of belief in Allah. Abraham's word of Walaa and Baraa, became the center principle of islam, Allah SWT says : Wa jacalahaa kalimatan baaqiyatan fii caqibihi lacallahum yarjicuun " meaning, " Allah made (that word of Abraaham) a legacy word after (Abraham) so that (Poeple) can refer back to (that word whenever they get lost from the true path of Allah ). That word, of Walaa and Baraa, took the present form under the Messneger of Allah Muhammad SAWS when he declared " Laa Elaaha illaa Allah' no allegiance to any other Sovereign other than Allah as the only rightful Sovereign. Allah SWT mentioned this concept in numerous verses in Quraan : " Ucbuduu Allah wajtanibuu Al Taaaghuut" Serve Allah, and stay away from the Service of transgressors" Taghuut in Arabic comes from the root Daghaa, which is when a measured quantity crosses thershold or its limits. So , any human who claims to have devine rights becomes Dhaguut in that sense, which exactly what Pharaoh of Egypt has claimed when he was subjugating the helpless slaves of the Children of Israel. Pharoah calimed " Maa calimtu lakum min ilaahin gheirii " meaning, I know of no other Sovereign except me to rule over you" Walaa in Arabic has the root of Yalii, meaning: following, Walaa comes from the noun Waliyy ( friend, closest to you, caretaker, overseer, defender, stake owner ). So, in that regard, Walaa means the concept that assigns Allah alone to be ( friend, closest to you, caretaker, overseer, defender, stake owner ) for a believer by virtue of his creation of the same. Walaa, therefore is the result of love of Allah, because once you assign all the above qualities to Allah alone like Abraham defined who should be his Waliyy : " The one who created me, so he(only) can guide me, and the One who feeds and quenches me, and when I get sick, Allah is the one who cures, And the one who will (finally) cause me to die and the will resurruct me, and in the day of judgement the one with whom i place my hopes to forgive my sin, Once you believe in these favors, you can not allig yourself with other than Allah SWT, you cant help but love Allah with all your soul and body and mind, a sign that you Allah also is reciprocating that love for you. Walaa of Allah SWT, therefore is born out of love of Allah. Allah SWT says in holy Quraan : Innamaa waliyyukumullahu wa rasuuluhu walladiina aamanuu" " Your Waliyy, is indeed Allah SWT, his Messneger and the believers. This verse clearly draws the meaning of Walaa to be the ultimate alligiance which is much higher than any other temporal or worldly allegiances that are born out of passing interests of the lowly life of this world, while Allah SWT is calling believrs for a better life in the hereafter if the form allegiance with Allah who will deliver his promises unlike humans who always let you down and betray you when you count on them in difficult times. Baraa, on the other hand is the exact opposit of the Walaa concept, total disowing, disassociation, cutting of sympathy, due to the crime of disbelief in Allah SWT and befriending their enemy Satan.. The word Baraa has roots in (Ba ri ah) among its derivatives, is healing from an ailment, clearing your stand that you are not of a crime that is committed by a group or a person. In ancinet times, one wars brake out between tribes, neutral tribes had to show their Baraa-ah ( they are not part of the warring parties) so that they are not drawn to an unjust war or to pay the price of being a supprort of a party. Allah SWT instructs believers in Suurah al Kaafiroon ( The unbelievers) : " Say o ye unbelievers, I do not worship that you worship, and you do not worship that which I worship..... to you is your way of life(which is based on your beliefs) and to me is my way of life ( based on my beliefs). When Abraham practiced Baraa ah of his people, Allah SWT blessed him with the following: 1. Children at old age ( he had Ishmael and Issac) 2. His Children and decendents were honored to become leaders for mankind, Allah said to Abraham" I will make you a leader to mankind, Abraham then asked " And my decendents?" Allah responded, transgressors of your progeny are not to benefit from this offer. 3. The house Abraham built for Allah in Mecca was accepted. 4.. He was given the title khalil ul Allah ( Allah's friend). This topic is much deeper than I could respond to this thread, inshAllah when I get around to it again, I shall add more of my thoughts, till then, hold the rope of Allah tight, do not differ on the eventual purpose of being true servants of Allah SWT alone. To be contiuned 2005 i-Nuuri Caqiidah First, Somaliaonline Summer Program. If You Dont take a Stand For Allah Alone, Y'd Fall For Anything Else Nur
Warrior Of Light Walaalo, thanks for the reminder, indeed this was the right venue for the discussion of our thoughts on the Quraan. Please share your khawaatir. Hibo, here is the place for you to post your Tadabbur of Al Quraan. I read Suurah al Zumar today, these verses caught my imagination, inshAllah I will expound on them once I see the ball rolling again, an empty room is not a good place for interactivity. " 39.9": What! he who is obedient during hours of the night, prostrating himself and standing, takes care of the hereafter and hopes for the mercy of his Lord! Say: Are those who know and those who do not know alike? Only the men of understanding are mindful . " 39.10": Say: O my servants who believe! be careful of (your duty to) your Lord; for those who do good in this world is good, and Allah's earth is spacious; only the patient will be paid back their reward in full without measure . "39.11": Say: I am commanded that I should serve Allah, being sincere to Him in obedience . "39.12": And I am commanded that I shall be the first of those who submit . "39.13": Say: I fear, if I disobey my Lord, the chastisement of a grievous day . "39.14": Say: Allah (it is Whom) I serve, being sincere to Him in my obedience : "39.15": Serve then what you like besides Him. Say: The losers surely are those who shall have lost themselves and their families on the day of resurrection; now surely that is the clear loss. "39.16": They shall have coverings of fire above them and coverings beneath them; with that Allah makes His servants to fear, so be careful of (your duty to) Me, O My servants! "39.17": And (as for) those who keep off from the worship of the idols and turn to Allah, they shall have good news, therefore give good news to My servants, Your thoughts about these verses are appreciated. Nur
Amatillah Warrior of Light is a she, not a bro. Hiba sis You are definetly a member, I will post a thread called Quraan Readers Lounge as Warrior of Light reminded us all, for sharing your thoughts on the portions you read. Nur
Is it halal to start a corporations under US law?
Nur replied to Medley of extemporanea's topic in General
Hanif walaal Please post the contract that you have to sign, lets look at it to answer your question. Nur -
Al, the Sudanese website, one of the sites to publish the story has apologised that the story was a hoax, it said that the story was motivated by the scientific prediction of human cloning by cloning an animal with human genes or vice versa. Read the entire recanting and apology of Nur
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