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The President Who Died For Telling The Truth!
eNuri Opticians Customer Service Q & A Q: Dear Nur, Why Allah doesn't punish me for my sins? A: Dear Paesano; Like I have explained before in this thread, one does not just go free after committing a violation against Allah SWT, once a sin is committed, a red flag is tagged on your ears, not visible to you or people, but to angels who have a menu of punishments that fit that specific crime. Extent and Severity of punishment for a sin is determined by: 1. Type and Weight 2. Timing. First. The type of punishment a person is subjected to among others, is dependent on three main factors: 1. Level of knowledge (The higher the knowledge, the greater the weight of the sin) 2. Strength of the temptation (the weight of the sin is lighter at younger age, and gradually grows heavier as wisdom settles in through aging) 3. Premeditation / co-Location ( An impulsive sin / or being at the wrong location, wrong time, carries a lesser weight than a premeditated sin in which sinner made arrangements to be where a sin is committed) Second. The timing a punishment is executed on a sinner The timing of the execution of a punishment is dependent on two factors: 1. The Level of Iman 2. The Reserves of past good deeds If the iman level was high prior to commission of a sin, and the sinner does not repent nor seek forgiveness ( Istighfaar), the punishment is delivered sooner and painfully. For a weaker iman , more time is given for repentance, and if the person has no iman at all, its usually commuted to the hereafter ( Laa dhanba bacdal kufr). If the level of good deeds of a sinner is high, its more likely that his/her good deeds intercede and give him/her a respite, so that he/she can repent immediately. If the person has no a reserve of good deeds, and his/her iman is very weak, the punishment will be in the form of corruption of perception ( Assamahum wa acmaa absaarahum), its also called Istidraaj, its a dangerous slippery slope state of Qaswatul Quluub, similar to being in the eye of a hurricane, it seems very calm just before it tears down an entire town. So what are the causes of this PIA (Perception Impairment Ailment)? According to Sheikh Ibnul Qayim, there are five drivers of Qaswatul Quluub: 1. Friends : too much hanging around and chatting with friends. 2. Procrastination : ( Tamanni ): putting off your duties toward Allah for later, or putting off repenting for later time. 3. Being passionate: about anything other than love of Allah SWT. 4. Too much food : Not enough blood left for the brain activities, blood resources always busy in digestion, which leads some Faaraxs to use a different head for thinking to find themselves conveniently in Nairobi's East Leigh Slum, away from their wives and Kids in Milwaukee. 5. Too much sleeping. Sleeping more than needed can impair mental alertness. IshaaAllah, I will elaborate how the above can cause Perception Impairment Ailment or Qaswatul Quluub. ............ To be continued Nur
Nomads After completing a quasi serious, quasi lampoon eNuri advice piece for the leader of the Shabaab movement in Somalia ( Listed as a Terror group by the US State Department), and after consulting with the eNuri Lawyers before posting the article, I regret to inform my readers that I have voluntarily suspended the "advice" which in part objected to certain violent behavior such as the exposure of innocent civilian casualties at cross fire. However, as noble as that advice might have been for saving lives, eNuri lawyers maintain that under the current geopolitical atmosphere, it can be construed as the provision of "Expert Advice" which is illegal under the directive of Big Brother on our shoulders. The Law: (1). It is unlawful for a person in the United States or subject to the jurisdiction of the United States (Which is Most Of The World Where American Aircraft and Drone Carriers Can reach You) (italics are eNuri explanation), to knowingly provide "material support or resources" to a designated FTO. (The term "material support or resources" is defined in 18 U.S.C. § 2339A(b) As " any property, tangible or intangible, or service, including currency or monetary instruments or financial securities, financial services, lodging, training, expert advice or assistance, safe-houses, false documentation or identification, communications equipment, facilities, weapons, lethal substances, explosives, personnel (1 or more individuals who maybe or include oneself), and transportation, except medicine or religious materials.” 18 U.S.C. § 2339A(b) (2)Provides that for these purposes “the term ‘training’ means instruction or teaching designed to impart a specific skill, as opposed to general knowledge.” 18 U.S.C. § 2339A(b) (3) Further provides that for these purposes the term ‘expert advice or assistance’ means advice or assistance derived from scientific, technical or other specialized knowledge .’[/i] Source Nur
To All Somali Parents: This is a Warning! As Citizens or legal residents of the US , you have certain inalienable rights " At least still in the books", of which due process of law is the cornerstone. But because the US policy making process has been hijacked by secret special interest groups that speak in the name of the American people yet espouse sinister objectives that is increasingly eroding the very rights that made the US a great nation, your sons and daughters can be an easy prey for Entrapment which means: (Luring an opinionated person into committing a crime that otherwise he/she would not have committed if not influenced by a skillful and persuasive person who gained a level of confidence with your son/daughter and providing the instruments and the know-how of the commission of such a crime, in order to prosecute them and put them away in jail to score a political point on the affinity of a "Muslim" for heinous antisocial crimes for the purpose of defamation) Courtesy: eNuri Transemantics. Every American has the right to advocate any ideology, principle, political initiative of his/her choice as long as he/she does not take the law into his/her hand or participates in actions that are deemed subversive or disruptive at home ( US Homeland ). While in overseas, an American Citizen is not allowed to join any organization that has been designated by US LAW as a Terror Organization yet, sympathizing with such an organization does not in itself alone constitute a crime punishable by any existing US law ( NOT YET!). By Joining a "Terror organization" outside of the US , a US Citizen does not lose his/her constitutional right of due process, but due to expediency of the current Obama Administration, (which US Citizens are asked to trust with their hard earned bill of rights) a US citizen risks the loss of his/her Constitutional rights of Due Process of Law as per the interpretation of the Obama Administration, which so far no American has challenged and as refugee, you have a good chance winning as those who arrived Plymouth Rock, fleeing religious persecution and injustice. Due Process of Law For Dummies / Refugees * Right to a fair and public trial conducted in a competent manner * Right to be present at the trial * Right to an impartial jury * Right to be heard in one's own defense * Laws must be written so that a reasonable person can understand what is criminal behavior * Taxes may only be taken for public purposes * Property may be taken by the government only for public purposes * Owners of taken property must be fairly compensated For that reason, all Somalis who sympathize with the Shabab movement back home, just like the Irish Americans support for the IRA (once a "Terror Group") and the Zionist Americans support for the creation of Israel in Palestine), may be between a rock and a hard place, a target for entrapment in the US and candidates of contractual Assassination in Somalia. For that reason, parents and community leaders in the US who have different opinions on the fate of Somalia's Geopolitical landscape, should work together to educate their young not to fall in the wrong hands, nor out of desperation join any organization that speaks for Islam as many organizations are DECOYS for entrapment of the non-suspecting and the naive. Entrapment List OF Terror Organizations ( US State Department ) 2010 eNuri Nomadic Public Service "US Law Is not designed to protect the intellectually Challenged" Nur
The U.S.-Made Mess in Somalia By Gwynne Dyer Syndicated Columnist August 26, 2010 "Salt Lake Tribune" -- The U.S. decision in 2006 to send Ethiopian troops into Somalia was one of the stupidest moves in a very st--pid decade. This week, some of the chickens spawned by that decision came home to roost. On Monday, the al-Shabaab militia launched a “massive war” against the 6,000 African Union peacekeepers, most of them Ugandan, who are protecting the so-called government of Somalia. In reality, however, all it actually governs is a few dozen blocks in Mogadishu, and its members are just a group of Somali warlords and clan leaders who proclaimed themselves to be the “Transitional Federal Government” in 2004. Six TFG “members of parliament” were among the 40 people killed when an al-Shabaab suicide squad stormed the al-Muna hotel in Mogadishu on Tuesday, but there will be no by-elections to replace them. They were never elected in the first place. The TFG made no progress in reuniting the country, and now its surviving members sit surrounded by al-Shabaab fighters who control most of the sprawling capital. Southern Somalia has been trapped in an unending civil war since the last real government collapsed in 1991, but the current round of killing was triggered when the United States invited Ethiopia to invade the country in 2006. This was a bit high-handed, especially since Ethiopia was Somalia’s traditional enemy, but Washington’s aim was to destroy the “Islamic Courts ” in Somalia. The TFG failed utterly to impose its authority and restore order in Somalia, but the Islamic Courts Union took a different approach. Its roots were in the merchant class in Mogadishu, who simply wanted a safer environment to do business in, and they understood that Islam was the only common ground on which all of the country’s fissiparous clans and militias might be brought together again. The Islamic courts, applying Shariah law, were the instrument by which the society would gradually be brought back under the rule of law — and for about six months, it worked amazingly well. The zones of peace and order spread throughout southern Somalia, the epicenter of the fighting, and trade and employment revived. A made-in-Somalia solution had spontaneously emerged from the chaos. Inevitably, some of the younger supporters of the Islamic Courts movement enjoyed ranting in public about the virtues of al-Qaida, the wickedness of Americans, and other matters of which they knew little. Almost every popular movement has a radical youth wing that specializes in saying ****** and provocative things. It is the job of the adults, inside and outside the organization, to contain their excesses and not to panic. Alas, the United States panicked, or at least its intelligence agencies did. The mere word “Islamic” set off alarm bells in the Bush administration, which had the lamentable habit of shooting first and thinking later. Washington therefore concluded that the Islamic Courts Union, Somalia’s best hope of escaping from perpetual civil war, was an enemy that must be removed. Since the TFG was clearly not up to that task, Washington asked Ethiopia, Somalia’s old enemy, to provide the necessary troops. A prostrate and divided Somalia was clearly in Ethiopia’s long-term strategic interest, so why not? Especially since the U.S. financed the whole operation. The Ethiopian troops invaded in late 2006 and the Islamic Courts Union was destroyed, leaving the field clear for the movement’s radical youth wing, al-Shabaab (The Youth). Attacks on both the TFG and the Ethiopians multiplied, and civil war and chaos returned to Mogadishu. After two years the Ethiopians, having thoroughly wrecked any prospect of peace in Somalia, pulled their troops out and went home. Since late 2008, only the 8,000 African Union troops in the country have kept alive the fiction of a Somali government friendly to the United States, but al-Shabaab has now gone on the offensive. The two suicide bombs that killed 74 people in Kampala last month were a warning to Ugandans to bring their troops home from Somalia, and al-Shabaab is now trying to overrun the last small patch of Somali territory still held by the TFG. The northern half of former Somalia, ruled by the breakaway states of Puntland and Somaliland, is already at peace and will remain so. Southern Somalia will probably have to endure more years of violence and despair because Washington never understood that the Islamic Courts Union could be its tacit ally in stabilizing Somalia. But nothing particularly bad will happen to anybody except Somalis, so that’s all right. Copyright 2010 The Salt Lake Tribune.
The Classified internal CIA Report on US export of terror to the world Wikileaks documents shed some light on the sensitive issue of Americans who provide material support* to their country of origin in a conflict. The Irish Republican Army, American Jews etc. * "Material Support" does not include Duaa prayers, information campaigns soliciting lawmakers to change the law by allowing Somali kids to join the struggle to liberate Somalia as an American duty and any form of vocal or blogging activism for ALL of Somali Resistance to Ugandan Occupation, indiscriminate shelling of civilians and Humiliation of Somalis in their home country . Also the US law does not forbid joining the Hizb Al Islami faction, The Sufi Group, and the TFG Warlords, or Blackwater ( Xe) Mercenaries and soldiers of fortune now contracting terror in Mogadishu, The US Law forbids Somali-American kids joining the Shabaab movement! which is classified as a terror group like the then Abbas PLO and the Mandela ANC of South Africa" Source 2010 eNuri Paralegals Never break the law, just collect enough signatures to change it
Ramadan Kareem Waxaan halkan idiinku soo bandhigayaa, interview ay BBC la yeelatay Sheikh Muxammad Macallin 1994. Sheikh Muxammad Macallin wuxuu ahaa caalimkii ugu raadka weynaa saxwadda Islaamka Somalia, gaar ahaan markii dunidoo dhan ay ku dadaaleysay si dadka diinta looga fogeeyo oo shuuciyadda la galiyo. Wuxuu ka hadlay: 1. Taarikhda raadintiisa cilmiga sharciga ah 2. Luqadda carabiga ah ahamiyaddeeda si diinta loo fahmo 3. Taariikhda xarakadaha saameeyey marku Azhar wax ku baranayay 4. Ku soo laabashadiisa Somalia iyo shaqadii loo dhiibay oo aheyd Agaasimaha wasaaradda arrimaha diinta. 5. Halgankiisa uu la galay dowladda Siyaad Barre. 6. Islaamka qaladka laga fahamsan yahay iyo wanaagiisa, iyo arrimo kale oo badan. Allaha raalli ka noqdo dadaalkiisa iyo diinta xaqa ah uu na soo gaadhsiiyey. Sheikh Muxammad Macallin 2010 eNuri Xuska Culimada Umadda Culimadu waa kuwa dhaxla Anbiyada
How to read the news with eNuri NewsLens Products! Let us use eNuri lenses to read the following reports by the New York Times: Insurgents storm hotel, kill at least 30 8/25/2010 6:28:21 AM By Jeffrety Gettleman New York Times News Service NAIROBI, Kenya — Somali insurgents disguised in government military uniforms stormed a Mogadishu hotel on Tuesday and killed at least 30 people, including six lawmakers, laying bare how vulnerable Somalia's government is, even in an area it claims to control. The insurgents methodically moved room to room, killing hotel guests who tried to bolt their doors shut, Somali officials said. When government forces finally cornered the insurgents, two blew themselves up with suicide vests. Several Somali politicians said that the government was so thoroughly under siege that it could work only from behind fortified, sandbagged positions, and that the shrinking government enclave in Mogadishu, the capital, could soon vanish altogether. The most powerful insurgents are the Shabab, a militant Islamist group that has stoned civilians to death and pledged allegiance to al-Qaida. The hotel raid followed intense shelling against government positions on Monday, which killed dozens of people and sent shells crashing into camps for internally displaced people. ''There's been fierce fighting and the government is getting pushed back," said Abdirizak Farah, a shopkeeper who fled his home at 4 a.m. Tuesday to seek shelter closer to government troops. The three-story hotel that was attacked, the Muna, was popular among Somali lawmakers because it was thought to be secure and was located less than a mile away from the presidential palace. "They killed everyone they saw inside the hotel and then blew themselves up," said Abdirahman Omar Osman, Somalia's information minister. He called the attack "murder" and said it was "against Islamic religion," especially during the holy month of Ramadan. An 11-year-old shoeshine boy and a woman selling tea near the hotel were also killed, African Union officials said. A Shabab spokesman on Tuesday said that Shabab "special forces" were the ones who stormed the hotel. Earlier on Tuesday, the government claimed to have captured one of the attackers. The last time the government was dealt such a deadly blow was in December, when the Shabab killed four government ministers in a suicide bombing at a medical school graduation in another hotel in the government zone. Somalia has lurched from crisis to crisis since 1991, when the central government collapsed. Several Somali officials have conceded that if it were not for the African Union peacekeepers, the government would fall, most likely in hours. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>eNuri NewsLens Version Coming Soon! Don't go away. we will be right back, inshAllah. Nur
Muslims Nur
Walaaldoon The Hadeeth that you have referred to addresses the character of our Messenger Muhammad SAWS. Allah SWT described the Messengers character in Surah Al Qalam ( The Pen) v 4 " "And verily, you (O Muhammad ) are on an exalted standard of character" The Hadeeth It was reported by Saad ibn Hisham, he said " I asked Aisha, RAA, tell me about the character of the Messenger of Allah, PBUH. She said "His character was ( all that was described in Holy) Quraan" Reported by Muslim Sheikh Saadi, may Allah have mercy on his soul, explained the verse and the Hadeeth that the Messenger of Allah enjoyed the highest qualities of a leader and the best of characters according to the verses that teach how to attain a good character. For example: 1. He was an easy going person. 2. close to people and very responsive to their needs. 3. Always smiling while politely persuading those who ask him about an issue that is important to them, never letting anyone down, nor leave anyone in despair. 4. As long as an initiative didn't pose a violation of tenets of Islam, he was very accommodating and approving and even supportive. 5. He always consulted his companions on common issues. 6. He encouraged their good behavior, while not making a big deal of their shortcomings, never holding anyone against their trivial mistakes, but always overlooking it. 7. Socially, he always gave his undivided attention to each person at a time, to the point that everyone felt that he was the closest to the Messenger of Allah SAWS. Walaaldoon Yes, figuratively, we can say that as long as we have the Quraan with us, that we have the Messenger of Allah in our midst since the Quraan was his character, however, the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah SAWS, sheds more light on his personal lifestyle from which the high standard of his character is manifested. The Quraan is the eternal textbook from Allah, the Sunnah is the laboratory manual, and as any college freshman can tell you, chem 101 does not make much sense without its accompanying lab manual and assignments. Nur
Ramadan Kareem, Nomads. The Mystery of water Do you know the origin of our drinking water? Tell Me! The water that you drink. Is it you who cause it from the rainclouds to come down, or are We the Causer of it to come down? If We willed, We verily could make it salty (and undrinkable), why then do you not give thanks to Allah. Waaqica v-68-70 Does the seed of life reside in water? And ( Allah is) Who sends down water (rain) from the sky in due measure. Then We revive a dead land therewith, and even so you will be brought forth (from the dead), Zukhruf v-11 Allah SWT tells us that His Throne was placed on water: " And He it is Who has created the heavens and the earth in six Days and His Throne was on the water, that He might try you, which of you is the best in deeds. But if you were to say to them: "You shall indeed be raised up after death," those who disbelieve would be sure to say, "This is nothing but obvious magic. " Hud v-7 That water is the secret of life, its alien to planet earth and that every living thing needs water and if its taken away, life will be no more according to this verse: And We sent down from the sky water (rain) in (due) measure, and We gave it lodging in the earth, and verily, We are Able to take it away. Muminoon, v-18 Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were joined together as one united piece, then We parted them? And We have made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? Anbiyaa v-30 The story of water, its origin (dates back before the creation of the universe) and its life supporting qualities provokes our imagination on many fronts, that: 1. Like water after disturbance, our emotions toward others alters their behavior toward us! 2. Everything has a soul, be they air, water or solid, they communicate in ways we are not aware and record our emotions and actions for retrieval in the day of judgment. 3. If water can manifest our inner feelings, and if our cells are composed 65–90% of water, then, the water molecules can store a file of our life's emotional history. Our eyes can be called as a witness against us in the day of judgment of what they have seen, our ears what they have heard and our heart what it has concealed. In Surah Fussilat v 19-22 Allah SWT says: "And (remember) the Day that the enemies of Allah will be gathered to the Fire, so they will be collected there (the first and the last). Till, when they reach it (Hell-fire), their hearing (ears) and their eyes, and their skins will testify against them as to what they used to do And they will say to their skins, "Why do you testify against us?" They will say: "Allah has caused us to speak, as He causes all things to speak, and He created you the first time, and to Him you are made to return." And you have not been hiding against yourselves, lest your ears, and your eyes, and your skins testify against you, but you thought that Allah knew not much of what you were doing." Allah SWT says in Quraan: He sends down water (rain) from the sky, and the valleys flow according to their measure, but the flood bears away the foam that mounts up to the surface, and (also) from that (ore) which they heat in the fire in order to make ornaments or utensils, rises a foam like unto it, thus does Allah (by parables) show forth truth and falsehood . Then, as for the foam it passes away as scum upon the banks, while that which is for the good of mankind remains in the earth. Thus Allah sets forth parables (for the truth and falsehood, i.e. Belief and disbelief). Raad v-17 And it is He Who sends the winds as heralds of glad tidings, going before His Mercy (rain). Till when they have carried a heavy laden cloud, We drive it to a land that is dead, then We cause water (rain) to descend thereon. Then We produce every kind of fruit therewith. Similarly, We shall raise up the dead, so that you may remember or take heed. Acraaf v-57 Allah WST says: "The seven heavens and the earth and all that is therein, glorify Him and there is not a thing but glorifies His Praise. But you understand not their way of glorification of Allah. Truly, He is Ever Forbearing, Oft-Forgiving." Quraan, Sura Israa, V 44. 2010 eNuri Ramadaaniyaat Toward Perfection of Perception Nur
U.S. Soldiers Punished For Not Attending Christian Concert By Chris Rodda August 20, 2010 "Talk to Action" -- For the past several years, two U.S. Army posts in Virginia, Fort Eustis and Fort Lee, have been putting on a series of what are called Commanding General's Spiritual Fitness Concerts. As I've written in a number of other posts, "spiritual fitness" is just the military's new term for promoting religion, particularly evangelical Christianity. And this concert series is no different. On May 13, 2010, about eighty soldiers, stationed at Fort Eustis while attending a training course, were punished for opting out of attending one of these Christian concerts. The headliner at this concert was a Christian rock band called BarlowGirl, a band that describes itself as taking "an aggressive, almost warrior-like stance when it comes to spreading the gospel and serving God." Any doubt that this was an evangelical Christian event was cleared up by the Army post's newspaper, the Fort Eustis Wheel, which ran an article after the concert that began: "Following the Apostle Paul's message to the Ephesians in the Bible, Christian rock music's edgy, all-girl band BarlowGirl brought the armor of God to the warriors and families of Fort Eustis during another installment of the Commanding General's Spiritual Fitness Concert Series May 13 at Jacobs Theater." The father of the three Barlow sisters who make up the band was also quoted in the article, saying, "We really believe that to be a Christian in today's world, you have to be a warrior, and we feel very blessed and privileged that God has given us the tool to deliver His message and arm His army." A few days later, some of the soldiers punished for choosing not to attend this concert contacted the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF). The following is from the account sent by one of those soldiers to MRFF, detailing what transpired that night. "The week prior to the event the [unit name and NCO's name withheld] informed us of a Christian rock event that was about to take place on Thursday the 13th. "On Thursday 13th at 1730 we were informed that instead of being dismissed for the day, the entire company (about 250 soldiers) would march as a whole to the event. Not only that, but to make sure that everyone is present we were prohibited from going back to the barracks (to eliminate the off chance that some might 'hide' in their rooms and not come back down). "We were marched as a whole to chow and were instructed to reform outside the dining facility. A number of soldiers were disappointed and restless. Several of us were of different faith or belief. A couple were particularly offended (being of Muslim faith) and started considering to disobey the order. "From the dining facility we were marched back to the company area. There was a rumor circulating that we may be given a choice later on to fall out or attend. Though it was only a rumor it was also a small hope enough to allow us to follow along a little longer before choosing to become disobedient. We were marched back to the company area. To our dismay there was still no sign of as having a choice. "We started marching to the theater. At that point two Muslim soldiers fell out of formation on their own. Student leadership tried to convince them to fall back in and that a choice will be presented to us once we reach the theater. "At the theater we were instructed to split in two groups; those that want to attend versus those that don't. At that point what crossed my mind is the fact that being given an option so late in the game implies that the leadership is attempting to make a point about its intention. The 'body language' was suggesting that 'we marched you here as a group to give you a clue that we really want you to attend (we tilt the table and expect you to roll in our direction), now we give you the choice to either satisfy us or disappoint us.' A number of soldiers seemed to notice these clues and sullenly volunteered for the concert in fear of possible consequences. "Those of us that chose not to attend (about 80, or a little less that half) were marched back to the company area. At that point the NCO issued us a punishment. We were to be on lock-down in the company (not released from duty), could not go anywhere on post (no PX, no library, etc). We were to go to strictly to the barracks and contact maintenance. If we were caught sitting in our rooms, in our beds, or having/handling electronics (cell phones, laptops, games) and doing anything other than maintenance, we would further have our weekend passes revoked and continue barracks maintenance for the entirety of the weekend. At that point the implied message was clear in my mind 'we gave you a choice to either satisfy us or disappoint us. Since you chose to disappoint us you will now have your freedoms suspended and contact chores while the rest of your buddies are enjoying a concert.' "At that evening, nine of us chose to pursue an EO complaint. I was surprised to find out that a couple of the most offended soldiers were actually Christian themselves (Catholic). One of them was grown as a child in Cuba and this incident enraged him particularly as it brought memories of oppression." The account of another soldier who did not attend the concert, which relates the same sequence of events and punishment that occurred, also adds that some of the soldiers who did decide to attend only did so due to pressure from their superiors and fear of repercussions. "At the theater is the first time our options were presented to us. And they were presented to us in a way that seemed harmless, we could either go to the show, or go to the barracks. But at that point, I felt pressured. As a person, I know that I can't be pressured into anything, I'm much stronger than that. But I also know that a lot of people aren't that strong, and that pressure was present. I could hear people saying, 'I don't know about going back to the barracks, that sounds suspicious, I'm going to go ahead and go to the show' and many things that sounded a lot like that. Now, like I said, I don't get pressured into things, but I also don't think that anybody should have to feel that kind of pressure. Making somebody feel that pressure is a violation of human rights, we are allowed to think what we want about religion and not have to feel pressured into doing things, and at that moment there was definitely pressure to go to that concert simply because people don't want to have their free time taken away." The Commanding General's Spiritual Fitness Concert Series was the brainchild of Maj. Gen. James E. Chambers, who, according to an article on the Army.mil website, "was reborn as a Christian" at the age of sixteen. According to the article, Chambers held the first concert at Fort Lee within a month of becoming the commanding general of the Combined Arms Support Command and Fort Lee in June 2008. But he had already started the series at Fort Eustis, as the previous commanding general there. The concerts have continued at Fort Eustis under the new commanding general, as well as spreading to Fort Lee under Maj. Gen. Chambers. The concerts are also promoted to the airmen on Langley Air Force Base, which is now part of Joint Base Langley-Eustis. In the Army.mil article, Maj. Gen. Chambers was quoted as saying, "The idea is not to be a proponent for any one religion. It's to have a mix of different performers with different religious backgrounds." But there has been no "mix of different performers with different religious backgrounds" at these concerts. Every one of them has had evangelical Christian performers, who typically not only perform their music but give their Christian testimony and read from the Bible in between songs. Another problem with these concerts, besides the issues like soldiers being punished for choosing not to attend them, is that they are run by the commanders, and not the chaplains' offices. It is absolutely permissible for a chaplain's office to put on a Christian concert. It is not permissible for the command to put on a Christian concert, or any other religious event. Having a religious concert series that is actually called and promoted as a Commanding General's Concert Series is completely over the top. And then there's the cost. These concerts aren't just small events with local Christian bands. We're talking about the top, nationally known, award-winning Christian artists, with headline acts costing anywhere from $30,000 to $100,000, and even many of the opening acts being in the $10,000 range. The cost of these concerts led MRFF's research department to start looking at some of the DoD contracts for other "spiritual fitness" events and programs, and what we found was astounding. One contract, for example, awarded to an outside consulting firm to provide "spiritual fitness" services, was for $3.5 million. MRFF was already aware that exorbitant amounts of DoD funding were going to the hiring of civilian religious employees by military installations, the expenses of religious (almost exclusively evangelical Christian) programs, and extravagant religious facilities, but the extent of this spending goes far beyond what we had initially thought it amounted to. Therefore, MRFF has decided to launch an investigation into exactly how much the military is spending on promoting religion. Do the recently announced plans of Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to trim defense spending include any trimming of the military's outrageous spending on the promoting of religion and evangelizing of our troops? This alone could save the DoD untold millions every year, and go a long way towards upholding our Constitution at the same time. editor - Talk To Action contributor Chris Rodda is Head Researcher for the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a 501©(3) nonprofit that combats illegal and unconstitutional religious coercion in the United States military. Rodda is also author of Liars For Jesus: The Religious Right's Alternate Version of American History. MRFF was founded by Michael L. "Mikey" Weinstein, an Air Force Academy Honor Graduate who served in the first Reagan Administration. MRFF's work was the subject of a May 2009 Harper's Magazine story by journalist Jeff Sharlet, Jesus killed Mohammed: The crusade for a Christian military. For more reading on this subject, see Top Ten Ways to Convince the Muslims We're On a Crusade and this list of other additional Talk To Action stories concerning MRFF research
Baarakallahu feek akhi Abu Salman You have my full support on this initiative, I have once taken part of a yahoo group mailing list and its very effective way in sharing knowledge. Nur
" "A woman is like a tea bag. You never know how strong she is until she gets into hot water." Eleanor Roosevelt eNuri believes the above wisdom holds true for men as well! Now, President Obama is in hot water! Obama a "Closet Muslim" rumors are growing! Nur
LafaYare bro. I have concluded my write up, but the topic is far from being complete, let me know if it made sense to you. Nur
Abu Salman Bro long time no see you akhi, where in Garasbaalley have you been? (I am fascinated by four syllable Somali Village names such as "Kurtunwaarrey" etc.) Nur
Baarakallahu Feek, Walaaldoon Here is an old eNuri write up on the topic. An Ambassador From A Sovereign Nur
BOC Jazaakellaahu kheyran for the reminders Nur
Jazaaakallahu Kheiran akhi. Keep 'em coming, very beneficial. Nur
eNuri Softwaano Series Mexey jeclaayeen? Nabigeenna Muxammad SAWS ayaa asagoo maalin la fadhiya asxaabtiisa wareystay qof walba wuxuu adduunka ugu jecel yahay: Abu Bakar wuxuu yidhi asagoo la hadlaya Rasuulka SAW. 1. Inaan ku hor fadhiisto 2. Maalkeygana aan adiga kugu bixiyo 3. Wajigaagana daawado. Cumar Ibnul Khattab: 1. Wanaagga inaan dadka faro, sir ba ha ahaatee 2. Xumahana inaan reebo, jahriba ha ahaatee 3. Xaqana inaan sheego, haba qaraaraadee. Cuthmaan Ibnu Caffaan: 1. Cunnada masaakiinta la siiyo 2. Nabadda oo la fidiyo 3. Salaadda habeenkii, dadkoo jiifa Cali Ibnu Abi Taleb: 1. Marti Soorka 2. Soonka jiilaalka 3. Cadowga oo oo seefta lagu dhufto Abu Dharr Al Ghafaari: 1. Baahida si qalbigeyga u jilco 2. Cudurka Si uu danbigeyga u yaraado 3. Geerida si aan Rabbigeyga ula kulmo Markaasuu Nabigeenna SAWS yidhi: Anugu waxaan dunidiinna ugu jeclahay: 1. Cadarka 2. Haweenkeyga 3. Waxaanan waxlba ugu jeclahay Salaadda Markaasuu Jibriil AS soo degay asagoo leh: Anuguna waxaan ugu jeclahay dunidiinna seddex: 1. Farriinta Alle oo dadka la gaadhsiiyo 2. Amaanada oo ciddii leheyd loo celiyo/xafido 3. Jeceylka Masaakiinta Markassu jibril cirka u sare kacay, haddana soo degay asagoo leh: "Allah ayaa idin soo salaamaya, wuxuuna leeyahay: Adduunkiinna Allah wuxuu u jecel yahay seddex: 1. Carrab Xasuus badan ( Dhikriga Allah) 2. Qalbi khushuuc badan ( oo Allah isu dhiibay) 3. Iyo (Kor / body) u dulqaadasho badan dhibka / kadeeka. Nur 2010 eNuri Softwaano Series Kuwa iga da' yar, waa iga dambi yar yihiin Kuwa iga da' weynna, waa iga ajar badan yihiin
Nomads: Comparison and contrast between Jesus ( Peace be upon him) and Sheikh Osama Bin Ladin Jesus must die, for the Plot to be right ( Some one has to die for the western Sins)....... But we know that Jesus is alive and never was he crucified! Osama Bin Ladin must live, for the Plot to be right ( Some evil guy must live long enough to justify the Christian / Western Sins of mass murder and robbery of Muslim wealth)......... But we know that Bin Laden is dead, since October 2001! Net Result: 1. Christians are forgiven. 2. Jews are The Chosen people ( no need of forgiveness, what they do to gentiles is KOSHER) unfortunately, Muslims are the receiving end for the above two religions sins of statecraft! Ironically, it was the Jews who conspired for the killing of Jesus Christ, but failed, then invented a new religion called Pauline Christianity that has nothing to do with what Jesus taught. Interestingly today, the Mossad ( a Jewish organization) has conspired in the killing of Sheikh Bin Ladin back in 2001, and succeeded but wanted to leverage his notoriety for further wealth creation purposes, thus decided to keep him alive through phony video tapes for the robbery of Iraq Oil, Afghanistan minerals and trade routes, which required the dehumanization and defamation of Islam and re-branding of Muslims as Terrorists, and hence a war on "Terror". Nur
Bin Laden is Dead; Long Live “Bin Laden” Who’s keeping the terror myth By Maidhc Ó Cathail August 16, 2010 "ICH" --- In the trigger-happy post-9/11 world, the favoured way to instigate a war is to demand that the designated “evildoer” prove a negative. Iraq was invaded because it couldn’t prove that it didn’t have WMDs. Iran is under constant threat of attack unless it can demonstrate that it’s not seeking nuclear weapons. And now Pakistan is being chastised for allegedly harbouring Osama bin Laden—who in all probability has been dead and buried for eight years. Questioning Pakistan’s willingness to pursue bin Laden and other al-Qaeda leaders, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last year told a group of Pakistani editors, “I find it hard to believe that nobody in your government knows where they are and couldn’t get them if they really wanted to.” And in a recent interview with Fox News, Clinton charged that “elements” of the Pakistani government know where bin Laden is hiding. But what if bin Laden is not hiding in Pakistan? What if he’s been dead since December 2001? How then does Islamabad prove that some of its government officials are not concealing his whereabouts? While the mainstream media rarely if ever question the belief that bin Laden is still alive, some cracks have been appearing in the consensus. In a September 11, 2009 piece in Britain’s Daily Mail, Sue Reid wondered, “What if everything we have seen or heard of him on video and audio tapes since the early days after 9/11 is a fake—and that he is being kept ‘alive’ by the Western allies to stir up support for the war on terror?” An even more prominent sceptic is UPI Editor at Large Arnaud de Borchgrave whose July 26, 2010 commentary titled “Elvis bin Laden” may herald a new consensus. Sifting much the same evidence as Reid, the “legendary journalist” stated that “some key intelligence officials are taking bin Laden’s reported demise seriously.” Both articles cited experts who have studied the post-December 2001 audios and videos and concluded they are fakes. In 2007, Switzerland’s Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence, which does computer voice recognition for bank security, found that the voices on recordings after mid-December 2001 differed clearly from earlier recordings of bin Laden. Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke University’s religious studies’ department and the foremost bin Laden expert, noted in a 2007 book the inconsistency between the increasingly secular language of the audios and videos and bin Laden’s earlier distinctive religious speech. Assessing the evidence, Angelo M. Codevilla, a former U.S. intelligence officer who studied Soviet disinformation techniques during the Cold War and a professor of international relations at Boston University, wryly concluded that “Elvis Presley is more alive today than Osama bin Laden.” So, if bin Laden is as dead as Elvis, who’s been faking all those scary threats in his name? According to U.S. and British intelligence officials, al-Qaeda’s media wing, As-Sahab Foundation for Islamic Media Publication, has been run since 2001 by Adam Gadahn, a California-born convert to radical Islam who now goes by the name Azzam al-Amriki. Gadahn found his way to the Islamic Society of Orange County while living with his grandfather, Carl Pearlman, a board member of the Anti-Defamation League. Ostensibly a civil rights organization set up to fight anti-Semitism, the ADL is “little more than a de facto adjunct of the Israeli government” which has even been caught spying on American critics of Israel. Adam’s parents changed their surnames to Gadahn in the mid-1970s. The name refers to the Biblical warrior Gideon who, with the aid of trumpets and clay jars, defeated Israel’s enemies. As Antiwar.com editor Justin Raimondo put it, Adam Gadahn is “an awfully odd figure, whose sudden evolution from a nice Jewish boy into Osama bin Laden’s Goebbels is just a little hard to take.” Equally hard to take is the means by which the public learns of bin Laden’s latest pronouncements. “Almost every statement by Osama bin Laden published on the Internet...is first made public by SITE and IntelCenter,” according to a Spiegel Online profile of Rita Katz, Josh Devon and Ben Venzke, who founded the two companies that supposedly track al-Qaeda online. SITE co-founder Rita Katz is an Iraqi-born Jew, whose father was publicly hanged in Iraq after the 1967 War as an Israeli spy. Katz, who served in the Israeli Defense Forces, tries to downplay the significance of her background but is not always successful. “When you grow up in a place like Iraq,” she told Spiegel, “you understand maybe a little bit about how Arabs think, and also what they are capable of.” When Neal Krawetz, a researcher and computer security consultant, analysed a 2006 al-Qaeda video of Ayman al-Zawahiri for alterations and enhancements, he discovered that the As-Sahab and IntelCenter logos had been added at the same time. Attempting to make light of the understandable suspicions that the “terror trackers” are working for Israeli intelligence, the Spiegel article jokes: “And the conspiracy theories pontificating that SITE and IntelCenter shoot the bin Laden videos themselves will continue to exist in the future. And Katz, Venzke and Devon will continue to see the humor in such theories: Yep, this is Mossad Headquarters. Exactly!” But with the hunt for the elusive bin Laden having already cost thousands of lives and trillions of dollars, perhaps Americans should demand conclusive proof that Israel hasn’t conned them into fighting a phoney “war on terror.” Maidhc Ó Cathail is a widely published writer based in Japan. To read more of his writing, go to Maidhc Ó Cathail: Writing and Analysis.
Osama bin Elvis By Angelo M. Codevilla, "The American Spectator" from the March 2009 issue All the evidence suggests Elvis Presley is more alive today than Osama bin Laden. But tell that to the CIA and all the other misconceptualizers of the War on Terror. Seven years after Osama bin Laden's last verifiable appearance among the living, there is more evidence for Elvis's presence among us than for his. Hence there is reason to ask whether the paradigm of Osama bin Laden as terrorism's deus ex machina and of al Qaeda as the prototype of terrorism may be an artifact of our Best and Brightest's imagination, and whether investment in this paradigm has kept our national security establishment from thinking seriously about our troubles' sources. So let us take a fresh look at the fundamentals. Dead or Alive? Negative evidence alone compels the conclusion that Osama is long since dead. Since October 2001, when Al Jazeera's Tayseer Alouni interviewed him, no reputable person reports having seen him—not even after multiple-blind journeys through intermediaries. The audio and video tapes alleged to be Osama's never convinced impartial observers. The guy just does not look like Osama. Some videos show him with a Semitic aquiline nose, while others show him with a shorter, broader one. Next to that, differences between colors and styles of beard are small stuff. Nor does the tapes' Osama sound like Osama. In 2007 Switzerland's Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence, which does computer voice recognition for bank security, compared the voices on 15 undisputed recordings of Osama with the voices on 15 subsequent ones attributed to Osama, to which they added two by native Arab speakers who had trained to imitate him and were reading his writings. All of the purported Osama recordings (with one falling into a gray area) differed clearly from one another as well as from the genuine ones. By contrast, the CIA found all the recordings authentic. It is hard to imagine what methodology might support this conclusion. Also in 2007, Professor Bruce Lawrence, who heads Duke University's religious studies program, argued in a book on Osama's messages that their increasingly secular language is inconsistent with Osama's Wahhabism. Lawrence noted as well that the Osama figure in the December 2001 video, which many have taken as his assumption of responsibility for 9/11, wears golden rings—decidedly un-Wahhabi. He also writes with the wrong hand. Lawrence concluded that the messages are fakes, and not very good ones. The CIA has judged them all good. Above all, whereas Elvis impersonators at least sing the King's signature song, "You ain't nutin' but a hound dawg," the words on the Osama tapes differ substantively from what the real Osama used to say—especially about the most important matter. On September 16, 2001, on Al Jazeera, Osama said of 9/11: "I stress that I have not carried out this act, which appears to have been carried out by individuals with their own motivation." Again, in the October interview with Tayseer Alouni, he limited his connection with 9/11 to ideology: "If they mean, or if you mean, that there is a link as a result of our incitement, then it is true. We incite…" But in the so-called "confession video" that the CIA found in December, the Osama figure acts like the chief conspirator. The fact that the video had been made for no self-evident purpose except perhaps to be found by the Americans should have raised suspicion. Its substance, the celebratory affirmation of a responsibility for 9/11 that Osama had denied, should also have weighed against the video's authenticity. Why would he wait to indict himself until after U.S. forces and allies had secured Afghanistan? But the CIA acted as if it had caught Osama red-handed. The CIA should also have taken seriously the accounts of Osama's death. On December 26, 2001, Fox News interviewed a Taliban source who claimed that he had attended Osama's funeral, along with some 30 associates. The cause of death, he said, had been pulmonary infection. The New York Times on July 11, 2002, reported the consensus of a story widespread in Pakistan that Osama had succumbed the previous year to his long-standing nephritis. Then, Benazir Bhutto—as well connected as anyone with sources of information on the Afghan-Pakistani border—mentioned casually in a BBC interview that Osama had been murdered by his associates. Murder is as likely as natural death. Osama's deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, is said to have murdered his own predecessor, Abdullah Azzam, Osama's original mentor. Also, because Osama's capture by the Americans would have endangered everyone with whom he had ever associated, any and all intelligence services who had ever worked with him had an interest in his death. New Osama, Real Osama We do not know what happened to Osama. But whatever happened, the original one, the guy who looked and sounded like a spoiled Saudi kid turned ideologue, is no more. The one who exists in the tapes is different: he is the world's terror master, endowed with inexplicable influence. In short, whoever is making the post-November 2001 Osama tapes is pretending to far greater power than Osama ever claimed, much less exercised. The real Osama bin Laden, like the real al Qaeda over which he presided, was never as important as reports from Arab (especially Saudi) intelligence services led the CIA to believe. Osama's (late) role in Afghanistan's anti-Soviet resistance was to bring in a little money. Arab fighters in general, and particularly the few Osama brought, fought rarely and badly. In war, one Afghan is worth many Arabs. In 1990 Osama told Saudi regent Abdullah that his mujahideen could stop Saddam's invasion of the kingdom. When Abdullah waved him away in favor of a half-million U.S. troops, Osama turned dissident, enough to have to move to Sudan, where he stayed until 1996 hatching sterile anti-Saudi plots until forced to move his forlorn band to Afghanistan. There is a good reason why neither Osama nor al Qaeda appeared on U.S. intelligence screens until 1998. They had done nothing noteworthy. Since the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Africa, however, and especially after director of Central Intelligence George Tenet imputed responsibility for 9/11 to Osama "game, set, and match," the CIA described him as terrorism's prime mover. It refused to countenance the possibility that Osama's associates might have been using him and his organization as a flag of convenience. As U.S. forces were taking over Afghanistan in 2001, the CIA was telling Time and Newsweek that it expected to find the high-tech headquarters from which Osama controlled terrorist activities in 50 countries. None existed. In November 2008, without factual basis and contrary to reason, the CIA continued to describe him and his organization as "the most clear and present danger to the United States." It did not try to explain how this could be while, it said, Osama is "largely isolated from the day to day operations of the organization he nominally heads." What organization? Axiom and Opposite Why such a focus on an organization that was never large, most of whose known associates have long since been killed or captured, and whose assets the CIA does not even try to catalogue? The CIA's official explanation, that al Qaeda has "metastasized" by spreading its expertise, is an empty metaphor. But pursuant to it, the U.S. government accepted the self-designation as "al Qaeda" of persons fighting for Sunni-Baathist interests in Iraq, and has pinned the label gratuitously on sundry high-profile terrorists while acknowledging that their connection to Osama and Co. may be emotional at most. But why such gymnastics in the face of Osama's incontrovertible irrelevance? Because focusing on Osama and al Qaeda affirms a CIA axiom dating from the Cold War, an axiom challenged during the Reagan years but that has been U.S. policy since 1993, namely: terrorism is the work of "rogue individuals and groups" that operate despite state authority. According to this axiom, the likes of Osama run rings around the intelligence services of Arab states—just like the Cold War terrorists who came through Eastern Europe to bomb in Germany and Italy and to shoot Pope John Paul II supposedly acted despite Bulgarian intelligence, despite East Germany's Stasi, despite the KGB. This axiom is dear to many in the U.S. government because it leads logically to working with the countries whence terrorists come rather than to treating them as enemies. But what if terrorism were (as Thomas Friedman put it) "what states want to happen or let happen"? What if, in the real world, infiltrators from intelligence services—the professionals—use the amateur terrorists rather than the other way around? What is the logical consequence of noting the fact that the terrorist groups that make a difference on planet Earth—such as Hamas and Hezbollah, the PLO, Colombia's FARC—are extensions of, respectively, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, and Venezuela? It is the negation of the U.S. government's favorite axiom. It means that when George W. Bush spoke, and when Barack Obama speaks, of America being "at war" against "extremism" or "extremists" they are either being ****** or acting ****** to avoid dealing with the nasty fact that many governments wage indirect warfare. In short, insisting on Osama's supposed mastery of al Qaeda, and on equating terrorism with al Qaeda, is official U.S. policy because it forecloses questions about the role of states, and makes it possible to indict as warmongers whoever raises such questions. Osama's de facto irrelevance for seven years, however, has undermined that policy's intellectual legitimacy. How much longer can presidents or directors of the CIA wave the spectra of Osama and al Qaeda before people laugh at them? An Intellectual House of Cards Questioning osama's relevance to today's terrorism leads naturally to asking how relevant he ever was, and who might be more relevant. That in turn quickly shows how flimsy are the factual foundations on which rest the U.S. government's axioms about the "war on terror." Consider: We know that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) planned and carried out 9/11. But there is no independent support for KSM's claim that he acted at Osama's direction and under his supervision. On the contrary, we know for sure that the expertise and the financing for 9/11 came from KSM's own group (the U.S. government has accepted but to my knowledge not verified that the group's core is a biological family of Baluchs). This group carried out the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Africa and every other act for which al Qaeda became known. The KSM group included the perpetrators of the 1993 World Trade Center bombings Abdul Rahman Yasin, who came from, returned to, and vanished in Iraq, as well as Ramzi Yousef, the mastermind of that bombing, who came to the U.S. from Iraq on an Iraqi passport and was known to his New York collaborators as "Rashid the Iraqi." This group had planned the bombing of U.S. airliners over the Pacific in 1995. The core members are non-Arabs. They had no history of religiosity (and the religiosity they now display is unconvincing). They were not creatures of Osama. Only in 1996 did the group come to Osama's no-account band, and make it count. In life, as in math, you must judge the function |of a factor in any equation by factoring it out and seeing if the equation still works. Factor out Osama. Chances are, 9/11 still happens. Factor out al Qaeda too. Maybe 9/11 still happens. The other bombing plots sure happened without it. But if you factor out the KSM group, surely there is no 9/11, and without the KSM group, there is no way al Qaeda would have become a household word. Who, precisely, are KSM and his reputed nephews? That is an interesting question to which we do not know the answer, and are not about to find out. Ramzi Yousef was sentenced to life imprisonment for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing after a trial that focused on his guilt and that abstracted from his associations. Were our military tribunal to accede to KSM's plea of guilty, he would avoid any trial at all. Moreover, the sort of trial that would take place before the tribunal would focus on proving guilt rather than on getting at the whole truth. It would not feature the cross-examination of witnesses, the substantive proving and impeachment of evidence, and the exploration of alternative explanations of events. But real trials try all sides. Do we need such things given that KSM confessed? Yes. There is no excuse for confusing confessions with truth, especially confessions in which the prisoners confirm our agencies' prejudices. The excuse for limiting the public scrutiny of evidence is the alleged need to protect intelligence sources. But my experience, as well as that of others who have been in a position to probe such claims, is that almost invariably they protect our intelligence agencies' incompetence and bureaucratic interests. Anyhow, the public's interest in understanding what it's up against should override all others. Understanding the Past, Dealing With the Future Focusing on Osama bin Elvis is dangerous to America's security precisely because it continues to substitute in our collective mind the soft myth that terrorism is the work of romantic rogues for the hard reality that it can happen only because certain states want it to happen or let it happen. KSM and company may not have started their careers as agents of Iraqi intelligence, or they may have quit the Iraqis and worked for others, or maybe they just worked for themselves. But surely they were a body unto themselves. As such they fit Osama's description of those responsible for 9/11 as "individuals with their own motivation" far better than they fit the CIA's description of them as Osama's tools. More important, focusing on Osama and al Qaeda distorts our understanding of what is happening in Afghanistan. The latter-day Taliban are fielding forces better paid and armed than any in the region except America's. Does anyone suggest seriously that Osama or al-Zawahiri are providing the equipment, the money, or the moral incentives? Such amounts of money can come only from the super wealthy of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf. The equipment can come only through dealers who work at the sufferance of states, and can reach the front only through Pakistan by leave of Pakistani authorities. Moreover, the moral incentives for large-scale fighting in Pushtunistan can come only as part of the politics of Pushtun identity. Hence sending troops to Afghanistan to fight Pushtuns financed by Saudis, supported by Pakistanis, and disposing of equipment purchased throughout the world, with the objective of "building an Afghan nation" capable of preventing Osama and al Qaeda from messing up the world from their mountain caves, is an errand built on intellectual self-indulgence. Intellectual Authority The CIA had as much basis for deeming Osama the world's terror master "game, set, and match" in 2001 as it had in 2003 for verifying as a "slam dunk" the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and as it had in 2007 for determining that Iran had stopped its nuclear weapons program. Mutatis mutandis, it was on such bases that the CIA determined in 1962 that the Soviets would not put missiles in Cuba; that the CIA was certain from 1963 to 1978 that the USSR would not build the first strike missile force that it was building before its very eyes; that the CIA convinced Bush 41 that the Soviet Union was not falling apart and that he should help hold it together; that the CIA assured the U.S. government in 1990 that Iraq would not invade Kuwait, and in 1996 that neither India nor Pakistan would test nuclear weapons. In these and countless other instances, the CIA has provided the US government and the media with authoritative bases for denying realities over which America was tripping. The force of the CIA's judgments, its authority, has always come from the congruence between its prejudices and those of America's ruling class. When you tell people what they want to hear, you don't have to be too careful about premises, facts, and conclusions. Our problem, in short, is not the CIA's mentality so much as the unwillingness of persons in government and the "attentive public" to exercise Intellectual due diligence about international affairs. Osama bin Laden's role may be as good a place as any to start. Angelo M. Codevilla is professor emeritus of international relations at Boston University.
Nomads No Taxation Without Representation! The "Muslim World" is being overtaxed, bombed, unappreciated and unrepresented at the UN Security Council, where Resolutions of invasions and mass murder of Muslims is voted on. A thoughtful video on , "Democracy", and The absent 1.3 Billion Muslim Vote at the Permanent Council of the United Nations. Does the UN serve world peace anymore? or is it a licensing organization for Third World Slavery? Nur 2010 eNuri Political Islam Seeding thoughts For A Peaceful World