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Nabad_dadaye Nabad waxaa lagaa daydayaa Allah agtiisa, Allah nabad adduun iyo Nabad Aakhiro noo kulmiyo, Amin. Jannada magaceeda waa Daarta Nabadda ( Dar ul Salaam) ( House Of Peace). Waxaa gala, kuwa aan iimaankooda ku qarinin Shirki. Allaha kuwaas naga yeelo. Nur
Garab Rarto ( Nomads) Sidaan wada ognahay, Quraanka waa hadalkii Allah oo uu annaga noo soo jeediyey, oona mudan inaan siduu Alle ula jeeday aan u fahamno. Quraanka wuxuu ku soo dagay Afka Carabiga ah, oo ah Af uu Allah ka doortay afafka basharku ku hadli jireen, sabab uu isaga naga yaqaan, iyo sabab aan annagu naqaan oo ah sida afka Carabigu uu hodan u yahay dhinaca cabiraadda macnaha iyo ula jeddada. Hadaba, Si qofka Muslimka ahi uu u fahmo macnaha Quraanka, waxaa loo baahan yahay in si fiican loo fahmo luqadda Carabiga ah, taasoo ka koobanta Mufradaat ( Vocabulary) iyo Naxwe ( Grammar) oo ah siyaabaha kala duwan ee loo rogrogo ficillada iyo sifooyinka iyo magacyada, kulligoodna ah Mafaatiixda fahamka Quraanka. Mafaatiixda fahamka Quraanka oo wada muhim ah, waxaa ugu si cajiib badan, macnaha ku dheehan Ficillada ( Verbs), maantana waxaan ku bilaabayaa Ficilka : ISTAXWADA Ficilkan waxaa Alle ku isticmaalay Suuradda Al Mujadala, aayadda 19: اسْتَحْوَذَ عَلَيْهِمُ الشَّيْطَانُ فَأَنْسَاهُمْ ذِكْرَ اللَّهِ ۚ أُولَٰئِكَ حِزْبُ الشَّيْطَانِ ۚ أَلَا إِنَّ حِزْبَ الشَّيْطَانِ هُمُ الْخَاسِرُونَ Macnaha guud ee aayadda: Sheydaankii baa ( Istixwaaday), (Taasoo sababtay) inuu illowsiiyay Dhikriga ( Xasuusta - Daacada) Alle. (Illowshaha Dhikriga Allena wexey ka yeeshay kuwaasi) iney yihiin Xisbigii Sheydaanka. ( Aakhirana) Xisbiga Sheydaanka ayaa guul darreysanaya ( Jabaya) Hadaba, maanta aan dul istaagno Miftaaxan ah " ISTAXWADA" Macnaheeda Luqada anigoo ku soo koobaya intooda ugu muhimsan oo qura: Asalka kalimadda: 1. Xa Wa Da: Xaada, Yaxuudu Xawdan : Wuu ku wareegsaday, si uu meel isugu keeno. Waxaa loo isticmaala markii geel jiruhu uu geeliisa xero isugu keeno oo ay ka bixi karin. 2. Xaada ibalahu: Waxaa loo isticmaali jiray macnaha inuu geel jiruhu geelisa si deg deg ah uu u kaxeeyo isagoo meel uu dan ka leeyahay u wata. Tanna waxay macneyneysa Xadiithkii salaadda in qalbiga loo aruuriyo loona banneyo diyaargarowga salaadda oo la doonayo in hammigeeda qalbigiisa aan lala wadaagin, qofkii sidaas sameeya ayaa dhab ahaan u ah Mumin ayuu xadiithkani na farayaa :"فمن فرغ لها قلبه وحاذ عليها فهو مؤمن ." Maxaa yeelay qalbiga hadduu meelo badan kakala fakarayo waa sida geel aan aruursaneyn. 3. Xaada: waxaa loo isticmaala marki wax la isku gunto, sida marada darafyadeeda la isku gunto. 4. Istaxwada: waxaa loo isticmaala macnaha ah " Wuu ka raayay degdeg buu u kaxeeystay" oo wuxuu degdeg ula dhaqaaqay meshuu la rabay inuu geeysto. Sidaa darteed waxaa noo muuqda in macnaha aayadda ay tahay: Tafsiirka : Sheydaanka ayaa ( Hareereeyay, xareystay, si degdeg ah u boobay, isku guntay QULUUBTOODA oo jeebka gashtay), oo illowsiiyay Xasuusta Alle : Xasuusta Alle Macneheedu waa: A. In Qalbiga lagu xasuusto, oo la jeclaado, lagana jeclaado wax walba. B. In carrabka lagu xasuusto oon xusno wanaaggiisa, u mahad naqno, dambi dhaafna weydiisanno, C. in Wax qabadkeenna aan ku Xasuusanno oo aan wuxuu na faray la imaanno, wuxuu naga reebayna ka harno, una gargaarno sidii labadaas u hirgali lahaayeen. Marka Dhowr xikmad ayaa meeshan nooga iftiimeysa: Xikmadda Khabarka ah: 1.Sheydaanku waa cadowgeenna nalooga digay . 2. Sheydaanku cadow buu noo yahay 3. Annaga asaga cadow ka ma aan dhiganin 4. Sheydaanku dad buu ka raayay. 5. Sheydaanku dadbuu xero isugu keenay 6. Sheydaanku kuwuu xereystay, wuxuu yeeshay quluubtoodii 7. Sheydaanku kuwuu quluubtooda yeeshay wuxuu illowsiiyay iney Allle qalbiga ku jeclaadaan, oo carrabka ku xusaan, waxqabadkoodana noqdo mid ay ka muuqato Alle iney u gargaarayaan. 8. Qoladaasi uu Sheydaanku xareystay wexy la saf noqdeen noqdeen Sheydaanka oo ah cadowga Alle iyo cadowgooda. 9. Qoladaas Aakhiro wey guuldarreysteen. Xikmadda Amarka ah: In laga digtoonaado qolyahuu Sheydaanku xareystay oo aan meeshay mareen la marin, si aan uga nabad galno ineyan nagu dhicin wixii loo ballan qaaday Askhiro. Cibro Qaadashada Aayaddan: Waxaa Cibro qaadasho mudan inaan ogaanno: Inuu Sheydaanku Dad uu Wato, Meel fogna U Wato, Hadaba, waxaa is weydiin mudan: Yuu Sheydaanku Wataa? Halkee buu u Wataa? Halkee buu rabaa inuu ku Soo Xirto? Sidee baa looga soo dhicin karaa? ma sida Libaax neef qaatay? Wallaahu Aclam Nur 2013 eNuri Softwaano Series Kuwa iga da' yar, wey iga dambi yar yihiin, Kuwa iga da' weynna, wey iga ajar badan yihiin
Akhi Bilaal By "Freedom" I mean, ALL FREEDOMS. By, " Somali" I mean, COLLECTIVE FREEDOM of those residing what used to be The Somali republic prior to the collapse of that nation state. Based on the topic, the highest level of freedom is when Somalis are empowered by the Light of Allah SWT to experience maximum freedom, the lowest level of freedom being when Somalis have lost their self determination as a nation to the lowest in the universal power structure. If we can define what freedom is, it follows that we should be able to have a way to measure the extent of the freedom we have ( Collectively, at Home country). Mercury rises in a tube as temperature rise, so we assign corresponding numbers to measure comfort level, 50C being very hot summer in Djibouti, and 25C being a pleasant afternoon in Mogadishu, Likewise, can you think of a measure that will be analogous to Freedom , I mean all of freedoms in what used to be the Republic of Somalia? Nur
Democracy Is Coming to the U.S.A. Lyrics from a favorite Leonard Cohen Song: It's coming through a hole in the air, from those nights in Tiananmen Square. It's coming from the feel that this ain't exactly real, or it's real, but it ain't exactly there. From the wars against disorder, from the sirens night and day, from the fires of the homeless, Democracy is coming to the U.S.A. It's coming through a crack in the wall; on a visionary flood of alcohol; from the staggering account of the Sermon on the Mount which I don't pretend to understand at all. It's coming from the silence on the dock of the bay, from the brave, the bold, the battered heart of Chevrolet: Democracy is coming to the U.S.A. It's coming from the sorrow in the street, the holy places where the races meet; from the homicidal *****in' that goes down in every kitchen to determine who will serve and who will eat. From the wells of disappointment where the women kneel to pray for the grace of God in the desert here and the desert far away: Democracy is coming to the U.S.A. Sail on, sail on O mighty Ship of State! To the Shores of Need Past the Reefs of Greed Through the Squalls of Hate Sail on, sail on, sail on, sail on. It's coming to America first, the cradle of the best and of the worst. It's here they got the range and the machinery for change and it's here they got the spiritual thirst. It's here the family's broken and it's here the lonely say that the heart has got to open in a fundamental way: Democracy is coming to the U.S.A. It's coming from the women and the men. O baby, we'll be making love again. We'll be going down so deep the river's going to weep, and the mountain's going to shout Amen! It's coming like the tidal flood beneath the lunar sway, imperial, mysterious, in amorous array: Democracy is coming to the U.S.A. Sail on, sail on ... I'm sentimental, if you know what I mean I love the country but I can't stand the scene. And I'm neither left or right I'm just staying home tonight, getting lost in that hopeless little screen. But I'm stubborn as those garbage bags that Time cannot decay, I'm junk but I'm still holding up this little wild bouquet: Democracy is coming to the U.S.A
Salam and Peace to All Nomads A question I like to pose today: As Humans, We measure things; Distance is measured in Meters, it tells us extent of our displacement in space Temperature in Kelvins, Fahrenheit or Celsius, it tells us how hot or cool our environment is, these days our activities are melting the mountain caps of the arctic and the Himalayas. Noise in Decibel, it tells us how loud it is ( A Jumbo Jet and a Snake score different in this measure ) In Business Schools they teach that " If You Can't Measure, you can't manage" Freedom is valuable, We need to manage it, in order to attain it. And if if we have it, to protect it. How do we MEASURE FREEDOM? How Do we know the extent of freedom we have today as Somalis, and the benchmark to measure current levels against the real standard, if any ? Nur
Malika & Blue sis Jazaakumaa Allahu Kheiran for your kind words. Alpha B. Identity of writer is withheld ( Sorry Nomad) is assigned pseudo-name, and it was with a request for permission. Al Kamaalu Lillaah Nur
Nomads I received the following PM from a Nomad and I was moved, so much that I wanted to share with you all (Identity Not Disclosed) a Sorry Nomad wrote: Salamun Alaykum, I have written certain things/Threads that I am not pleased of in the past. I was confused at the time. I needed help, but I was not getting the help I needed and with that, I wrote certain things against Islam which I think will result in me going to Hell. Subhanallah! I ask Allah to forgive me and I am worried wallahi that what I wrote will be used against me. Since you're the Moderator, can you delete the Threads I wrote in the past if I give you the link to each one? Please, dear brother help me. My Answer: Wa Aleykumu Salaam Wa rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh I am indeed very happy and Allah is even happier than I am for your reproach and repenting, I pray Allah forgive you and allow me to share this exchange to be used as an advice for others. Rest Assured that Allah is forgiving and kind, no one can extend that kind of clean slate except Allah SWT. وما مِن كاتبٍ إلا سَتَبقى ***** كتابتُهُ وإن فَنيتْ يَداهُ فلا تَكتُب بكفِّكَ غيَر شيءٍ ***** يسُرُّكَ في القيامةِ أن تَراه Nur
Akhi Northern ( Old S.Name) I share you the same feeling, to me you and many Nomads on this site have become an extension of my family and I will always value this brotherhood and hope and pray that we all make it safely to Jannah. Please keep me in your prayers. Oz Bro I am sure that my departure will make a room for a new beginning, once empowered, our people can rise to the call and can amaze you. Jazakkallahu Kheiran for your kind comment. Somali NFD Bro. I was indeed touched by your comments, may be we can meet in Mandera, or nearby villages for tea one day. InshaaAllah I will heed your advice and post from time to time, Baarakallahu Feek akhi. Nur
Abtigiis bro Same here, I have the same feeling for all those who I have differed with, after all, we learn when we are criticized, not when we are agreed with, I Allah ayaan adiga iyo intaad jeceshahay kaaga baryayaa kheyrka adduunk iyo kan akhiro, Walaalkaa Nur
Dear Admin Today marks my Tenth year as a Nomad and seventh as Moderator at Islam SOL page. I leave the responsibility to you to see to it that the page is monitored and kept decent and attractive to viewers. Baarkallahu Feek Nur
Assalamu Aleikum Nomads and Admin Today marks my Tenth year as a Nomad blogger at SOL Islam page and almost my seventh year as a Moderator. As I have posted on another thread, I want to relay this moderator torch to another Nomad, preferably someone who can revive this page an draw more viewership without compromising on the message of Islam to our people and mankind at large. I hereby request Admin to appoint a new moderator for this page and send me my end of service compensation for retirement in the form of Duaa. Fi Amanillaah. Nur
In Somalia's current dilemma, not only did Somalis survive forced famine to bow to New World Order, the hungry, weak and ill and dying are being provided with mercy killing by our kind and caring American Christian Zionists who are now running US foreign wars. America, a country of 300 Million with the worlds largest stockpile of nuclear warheads is threatened by a ragtag movement not more than 6000 armed with AK and knives to warrant the designation of a dangerous enemy to US Security. Here is the latest news. An attack by a US unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has killed at least 78 people and injured 64 others in southern Somalia, Press TV reports. The Friday attack took place near Qooqani town located in southern Somalia, a Press TV correspondent reported. In a different incident on Friday, another US drone attack killed 11 civilians and wounded 34 more in Hoosingow district in the south of the country. Somalia is the sixth country where the US military has conducted drone strikes. The US has employed drones in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Iraq and Yemen to launch aerial bombings. Washington claims the airstrikes target militants, though most such attacks have resulted in civilian casualties. Somalia has been without a functioning government since 1991, when warlords overthrew former dictator Mohamed Siad Barre.
The Following article is a plethora of real - imaginary- confused and clear assessment of what is going on in our country and the region, I leave it to readers to sift through, I personally found it more beneficial than misleading before posting it, so just when you thought that current events are coincidence, here comes disturbing news for big heart Nomads. So, sit back and scratch your head, let me know what you think. The Original Link Why Somalia Is Being Divided? Nur
Sultan Dheere This thread may be of help, inshAllah I will provide more insight later Nur
Sultan Dheere May be its time for adjusting your frame of reference. Its hard to focus when all you see is blurred. Will come come back Nur
Sultan Dheere I think you are missing your nose! take it as humor, but it is deep. Nur
Sultan Dheere Too bad that you have grown up in the west and fed with a lot of methane. I will come back to help you gain your sanity again inshAllah, but first read this thread to see one aspect of western propaganda fallacy. Nur
Nomads. Surah Hud always amazes me. I can't think of a time that I've read this Surah that it did not pull me out of my "Kursi Jiif". Today, as usual, while Reading my daily dose of wisdom, I stopped to reflect and leaned over this Quraan lamppost to find a valuable and timely advice from Allah SWT. Surah Hud Verses: 112. "So remain on a right course as you have been commanded, [you] and those who have returned with you [to Allah ], and do not transgress. Indeed, He is Seeing of what you do. 113: And do not (lean on, depend on, rest with, be satisfied with) those who have engaged (Allah and creatures) with injustice , lest you be touched by the Fire (for collaborating), and you would not have ( as allies and protectors) other than Allah (when push comes to shove); and then, you would not be helped. 114. And establish prayer at the two ends of the day and at the approach of the night. Indeed, good deeds do away (cancel out) with evil deeds (sins). That is a reminder for those who remember (pay attention). 115. And be patient, for indeed, Allah does not allow to be lost ( misplace) the reward of those who do good". InshaaAllah I will share with you the deeper meaning of these verses as I have understood . Nur
Sister Warmoog Writes: " Fourth, the knowledge that Islam will return to being ghareeb and the idea that Muslim societies have 'fully reverted' to Jaahiliyyah, the latter of which is what Qutb's theory propounds, have absolutely nothing to do with each other. The first is from the Sunnah and the other is from a false theory that contradicts the revealed texts. That Islam will return to being strange is from the authentic statements of the Prophet (may peace and blessings be upon him) and the hadiths describe who the strangers are. There are many scholarly explanations of those narrations, but Al-Ghurabah, a translation of Ibn Rajab's treatise on the subject, is particularly thorough in case anyone wants to benefit from it. Ukhti, Language is a great tool for exchanging ideas, and also, if one is not careful, linguistic tantalizing acrobatics, can divert from their intended meaning. Ghurba in Arabic means " A Place one feels he/she does not belong to" you'd feel out of place, as a simple example, try to object to gay marriages in your western neighborhood and see how many people support you. Now, when the whole world is governed by a UN organization that is vested with the authority of passing moral values that are right and should be accepted by all member nations, and is based on votes by few powerful nations, and this organization sets the moral standard for the member nations who will be recognized by th UN. In this situation, you should feel really out of place, if not you should worry! Islam is surrender to Allah's sovereignty at all times, ( Not A Part Time Job) .. Its not just a name we carry, if we surrender to other than Allah in deeds, even if we pray five times a day, we are in effect ascribing partners with Allah in practice. Worshiping Allah in Ramadan or praying in Masjids is useless if at the end of the day, our submission is to anyone or anything but Allah SWT This is very important. But I am really surprised. How can you use Sheikh Rajab Al Hanbali's book " Kashful Ghumma fi wasf Ahlul Ghurbah" to support your argument that we should feel comfortable and happy in this Ghurbah which is synonymous with Jahiliyyah. This book's thesis is to console people like us who live in a time when those who disobey Allah overwhelm those who obey Allah, and as minority, this tiny group feels what the disciples of Jesus and the companions of the Messenger of Allah felt of isolation, injustice, torture, pain and insignificance. Sister Writes: "The strangers are explained as being those who will remain upon the Sunnah and rectify themselves or the people when/where there is corruption. Ukhti, Allah SWT says in Quraan: Do not make [your] calling of the Messenger among yourselves as the call of one of you to another. Already Allah knows those of you who slip away, concealed by others. So let those beware who dissent from the Prophet's order, lest fitnah strike them or a painful punishment Fitnah in this verse means KUFR, go read all the tafaseer. in other words, not obeying the Sunnah can lead to Kufr, ( An you and I know the problem is much bigger than not following the Sunnah) which entails a severe punishment in this life ( just see what happened to Somalia)! if its not cadaab, what is it?. And as for those who fled the Somali cadaab, they did not end up all in heaven, a great many of them ended up siding with those who oppose Allah's sovereignty increasing the ranks of Jahiliyah. You Write: To paraphrase its translation, the explanation of the ghurabaa hadith in Majmu' al-Fataawa Ibn Taymiyyah (Vol. 18, pg. 291-305) mentions that the return of strangeness can have two possible meanings: (1) Islam will become afflicted with obscurity and weakness similar to when it began and this condition will differ from time to time and place to place, such that it may exist in a particular place or during a particular period of time and not another; or (2) there will be no Muslims at the end of the world, except for a very small number, and this will occur after the appearance of the Anti-Christ, Gog and Magog, and very close to when the gentle breeze will take the souls of the believers." Ukhti, From frying pan to the fire!, to use Sheikh Ibn Taimia as a proof for your argument that there is no Jahiliyyah even if all four aspects of our discussion are violated, does not leave a lot of space for you to maneuver. Sheikh Ibn Taimiyaa who died in Jail and who gave Fatwa that anyone who follows the Law of Tartar rulers of Baghdad is Kaafir is not at yours corner in this intellectual boxing match! Sayyid also died in Jail (and his thesis was the same as Ibn Taimiya on obeying laws other than Sharia!) . Does this sound like a Déjà vu? The two Sheikhs ( Taimia and Sayyid) have a lot more in common than meets the eye.. But, attacking Sayyid serves an expedient purpose these days, while attacking Ibn Taimiyah would amount to a game changing or a disruptive attempt to reshape what Islam stands for. So, for now, all dogs are let lose to bark at Sayyid, and tomorrow, I will assure you that anyone with an iota of Tawheed will be the next target. Obscurity means that people will confuse Islam with Jahiliyah, just like how you are now defending it. When the prevailing understanding of "what Islam is " are ideas like yours, that is when we know our train has arrived according to Sheikh Ibn Taimiyah Raximahu Allah. Sayyid Qutub simply showed the road map to Jahiliyyah Metropolis ( Macaalimun Fil Tareeq). His thesis is that when causes mentioned in Quraan and Sunnah take place, then, effects will happen. Now, if we see the effects, which we so vividly live, we know what caused them. To insist that what we see is Islam, and not Jahiliyyah, can in itself be a serious aqeedah flaw. Its like insisting that Islam and Jahiliiyah are the same. Good Scholars debate issues, bad ones, attack other scholars. This short post is my last post, I pray that Allah show the way to all of us. Amen. Nur
Nomads I am recycling this three year old thread again as its still relevant. Share your thoughts on it. Nur
Nomads Its Ramadan, the month of giving. Give a little of yourself, your wealth, your health, your ideas to help fellow man on planet earth no matter what part of the world you find yourself in. Nur
Summary of important issues raised by Sister Warmoog’s THIRD Point, rephrased for simplicity Sister Warmoog writes ( Rephrased ): Jaahiliyyah System as a whole is not necessarily all Evil nor at odds with Islam, some Jahili Aspects are good, some are evil and some are neutral which are in line with the Jahili Principles Let us stick with the Definition of the word Jahiliyah. Jahiliyyah is any system, way of life that is at odds or not conforming or complying with Allah’s revelations. Islam is TOTAL Unconditional Submission and Surrender to Allah’s Sovereignty, its Allah’s revealed system and way of life for all human kind. By Definition, any way of life approved by Allah is known as a Deen. Any way of life that is not approved by Allah is not a Deen.. Allah says in Holy Quraan, “ Inna deena cinda Allahi al Islam" , Good aspects found in a Jahili system have their roots in Islam ( Abrahamic Faith). Evil aspects are always genuinely Jaahili . Because Allah does not initiate Evil nor does He repeat it according to Surah Saba verse 49 "Qul Jaa'a Al Xaqqu, Wamaa yubdi ul Baatilu wamaa yuciid" Warmoog Writes: That is Sayid Qutb’s view, which divides the world as Islam and Jahiliyyah ( Good and Evil) is flawed. Sayid sees that Islam must stay distinct from Jahiliyyah, this is also another thought flaw that led some groups to interpret it literally to seclude from society. Here you are making two interesting suggestions: A. The world should not be divided along Faith lines, just National lines, which is the secular narrative. B. That Islam should not stand distinct from Jahiliyyah. These two statements are in total disagreement with the Hadeeth narrated by Sheikh Ibn Maajah from the companion Erbadh in which he narrated that the Messenger of Allah told them that he was departing from them ( Anticipating his death) and as a guide leaving behind for them AL BEYDHAA, or Al Mahajjah al Beydhaa. Al Mahajjah in Arabic means the Path, road, way. , while Beydhaa means, Clear, Distinct, something that can’t be confused or mixed with others, according to this Hadeeth, so distinct is this Mahajjah way, that its as distinct as the day is from the night, no one confuses them unless he/she is Haalik, a person who succumbed to Kufr. Warmoog writes: The holy Quraan did not view pe-Islamic society as a complete evil and corrupt society. The holy Quran did not treat Jahiliyyah system as “complete system” that has to be replaced with entirely new system. I disagree here. Allah SWT says in the second verse of Surah Juma : He is Allah who has raised among the illiterate ( Arab Tribes) a Messenger of their own ( Tribes, not a stranger), who recites for them (Allahs’) testaments ( Verses) although before this they were in TOTAL LOSS. Which means they were in COMPLETE EVIL according to your words. Warmoog Writes: Islam did not come as a new religion, Jahiliyah , Qureish and the people of the book who lived in Makka were followers of Abrahamic faith, therefore there was some good in their practices Islam, as the true system ordained by Allah for mankind was never new in a sense, from the advent of the first human couple ADAM and EVE, to NOAH, and ABRAHAM, they were all compliant with Allah's Sovereignty, but from time to time , the message was forgotten due to residual sins which was tolerated by apologists and people would revert to Shirk and evil like the people of Soddom and Gomorrah who practiced abominable Homosexuality. Gradually, the Abrahamic Monotheism was replaced by stark polytheism, which became the supporting structure and system for social injustice, tribalism, alcohol, and of course tabarrujul jaahiliyah. This does not mean that Our Prophet SAWS conceded to, or accepted Jahiliyyah. When Qureish offered a compromise as a tactic to contain the new faith which they have perceived as running around Makkah wrecking havoc!, according to verse in Surah Al Anfal,V. 49 : Lo! the hypocrites say, and those in whose hearts is a disease: "These people,- their religion has misled them." But if any trust in Allah, behold! Allah is Exalted in might, Wise. " !, . The Messenger of Allah said his famous decisive word " If they put the sun on my right palm, and the moon on my left palm, to halt this mission, I will never! , The Prophet has never reached a compromise that affected the core principles of the faith with Qureish which is what they wanted. Warmoog Writes: Absolute rejectionist stance that Jahiliyyah system is at odds with Islam has no basis according to the holy Quraan’ view of societies and cultures: Allah SWT ordered His Messenger not to compromise with Qureish as they wanted the same that you are suggesting, namely not to disrupt the status quo, no matter how perverted it is, and to live in harmony with a radically different way of life of human concoction. “Their desire is that thou should be compromising, so would they be compromising.” Al Qalam verse 9. The Messenger of Allah told Qureish ( Mushrikeen) that there is no common ground with polytheists “To you be your Way, and to me mine” . While, on the hand he was commanded to get closer to the people of the book by saying : “Let us Come to a common term between us, that we do not serve nor give our allegiance to other than Allah, nor make him a shareholder with his creatures, and that some of us do not take others instead of Allah as their Lords ( Vested with Sovereignty) . Lest we confuse the debate, the original question of this thread was the rejectionist stance of Jaahiliyyah to surrender to Allah by accepting his divine message, Laws and social norms. It was not about Islam's rejection of those who reject Allah, which is natural as Allah has instructed His Messenger. Warmoog Writes: The way the holy Quran dealt with the Jahiliyyah in Makka was in contrast with the way some Ignorant zealots (Suffering from Compound Ignorance ) are dealing with the “Muslim” societies as if they are like are Mushrikeen/ Kuffar. The issue before us is not about how you feel, which is more emotional than intellectual. The issue is about the guidelines that a society must follow to be MUSLIM society and not a Jahili, which is what you have avoided so far with a barrage of red herring arguments that does not address the core issue under discussion, which is : If we find a society that have adopted secular laws, gave their allegiance to a flag and what the flag stands for, agreed that democracy is their Deen, and approved permissive social styles as well as unjust financial practices in conflict with Islam, can we call that society Jahili? For which you answer was : No, they are still a Muslim Society regardless of their actions. To Be continued! Nur
Defining strategic threat Potential dangers have to be pinpointed in an accurate manner, so that defence plans are laid on solid grounds July 29, 2011 Military and defence strategies of any army or security services are usually built around the presumed enemy or a potential threat. Potential threats differ from one country to another, and depend on the military planners’ estimation of the strength of the presumed enemy. However, there is no disagreement over the right of communities to prepare for potential dangers and make contingency plans to counter them. It is no secret that Samuel Huntington believed there was a potential threat; he benefited from the vision of orientalists such as Bernard Lewis, among others. Their views were behind the emergence of neo-conservatives and fundamentalists in western countries, especially in the United States. These people see Islam as their enemy. Article continues below Some of them did not even shy away from publicly calling for the burning or desecration of the Quran, as they did in places like Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo and prisons in Afghanistan. Islam is seen by these fundamentalists as a potential enemy or threat. One only has to review statements by consecutive US presidents about Islam to see evidence of this. Most former US presidents spoke about the fearsome enemy that poses a threat to western civilisation — but without mentioning Islam by name, so as not to provoke Muslim public opinion, and not to be termed racists. Regrettably, we Muslims repeat anti-Islamic terminology and words coined by the West in its war against Muslims and Arabs. These words include ‘Salafists’, ‘Islamic fundamentalists’ and ‘jihadis’. The problem is that we are driven by the West to reiterate what they say against us and see things through their eyes, thus branding Islam and Islamists as enemies of civilisation and modernisation. From the western perspective, we have no other choice but to play a crucial role in eliminating Islamist groups inside and outside our countries, just to please the West and help them in their war against Islam. This is in line with the beliefs of former US president George W. Bush, who had said “you are either with us, or you are with the terrorists”. Of course, the West, which fuels hostile sentiments among Muslims against Islamist movements, is ready to help Muslim countries and provide them with money and arms to carry out pre-emptive military operations to eradicate these groups. This simply means that the West wants us to be their soldiers in its war against Islam. As per the Patriot Act, which was introduced by the US in response to the attacks of September 11, American Muslims suspected of terrorism-related activities are subject to detention and deportation. Unfortunately, some of our liberals and secularists have helped the West in its campaign against Muslims described as ‘fundamentalists’, ‘extremists’, ‘jihadists’ or ‘terrorists’. Therefore, the leaders of Arab and Muslim countries, which have been witnessing popular uprisings, are using the threat of Islamists as a pretext for staying in power. They try to convince the West that Islamic movements would seize power if the regimes are not permitted to suppress mass demonstrations and kill their opponents. The leaders of totalitarian regimes always warn that if Islamists come to power they will threaten the civilised West and carry out terrorist acts, such as 9/11 attacks and other operations. These leaders care about nothing other than staying in power, and are ready to do anything for it, ignoring the millions of Muslims who were either exiled from their countries or killed, such as in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Unfortunately, many Arabs now only trust western media outlets, especially Fox News. Hence, Arab intellectuals are now casting doubts about their political elite, and accusing them of treason. One only needs to review the latest reports leaked by American intelligence on the relationship between a large number of political leaders and prominent individuals with the US to see the evidence of this malicious propaganda. This is aimed at creating divisions between the people and their intellectual elite, by accusing each other of treason. Accordingly, we need to define the potential strategic threat to our nation in an accurate manner, so that military and defence strategies are built on solid grounds. Don’t we have universities, institutes and experts who can study our history and come up with clear-cut findings to help us in strategic planning? Or, are we are still living in a state of uncertainty and heading towards an unknown future? By Khalifa Rashid Al Shaali, Special to Gulf News
Continued... Stephen Dedalus in James Joyce’s “Ulysses” acidly condemned all schemes to purify the world and serve human progress through violence. He said that “history is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake.” Dedalus in the same passage responded to the schoolmaster Deasy’s claim that “the ways of the Creator are not our ways,” and that “all history moves towards one great goal, the manifestation of God.” A soccer goal is jubilantly scored by boys in the yard outside the school window as Deasy expounds on divine will. God, Dedalus tells Deasy as the players yell in glee over the goal, is no more than the screams from the schoolyard —“a shout in the street.” Joyce, like Samuel Beckett, excoriated the Western belief in historical teleology—the notion that history has a purpose or is moving toward a goal. The absurdity of this belief, they wrote, always feeds fanatics and undermines the possibility of human community. These writers warned us about all those—religious and secular—who call for salvation through history. There are tens of millions of Americans who in their desperation and insecurity yearn for the assurance and empowerment offered by a clearly defined war against an external evil. They are taught in our fundamentalist culture that this evil is the root of their misery. They embrace a war against this evil as a solution to the drift in their lives, their economic deprivation and the moral and economic morass of the nation. They see in this conflict with these dark forces a way to overcome their own alienation. They find in it certitude, meaning and structure. They believe that once this evil is vanquished, an evil that extends from Muslims to undocumented workers, liberals, intellectuals, homosexuals and feminists, they can transform America into a land of plenty and virtue. But this fundamentalism, which cloaks itself in the jargon of scientific rationality, Christian piety and nativism, is a recipe for fanaticism. All those who embrace other ways of being and believing are viewed, as Breivik apparently viewed his victims, as contaminates that must be eliminated. This fundamentalist ideology, because it is contradictory and filled with myth, is immune to critiques based on reason, fact and logic. This is part of its appeal. It obliterates doubt, nuance, intellectual and scientific rigor and moral conscience. All has been predicted or decided. Life is reduced to following a simple black-and-white road map. The contradictions in these belief systems—for example the championing of the “rights of the unborn” while calling for wider use of the death penalty or the damning of Muslim terrorists while promoting pre-emptive war, which delivers more death and misery in the Middle East than any jihadist organization—inoculate followers from rational discourse. Life becomes a crusade. All fundamentalists, religious and secular, are ignoramuses. They follow the lines of least resistance. They already know what is true and what is untrue. They do not need to challenge their own beliefs or investigate the beliefs of others. They do not need to bother with the hard and laborious work of religious, linguistic, historical and cultural understanding. They do not need to engage in self-criticism or self-reflection. It spoils the game. It ruins the entertainment. They see all people, and especially themselves, as clearly and starkly defined. The world is divided into those who embrace or reject their belief systems. Those who support these belief systems are good and forces for human progress. Those who oppose these belief systems are ******, at best, and usually evil. Fundamentalists have no interest in real debate, real dialogue, real intellectual thought. Fundamentalism, at its core, is about self-worship. It is about feeling holier, smarter and more powerful than everyone else. And this comes directly out of the sickness of our advertising age and its exaltation of the cult of the self. It is a product of our deep and unreflective cultural narcissism. Our faith in the inevitability of human progress constitutes an inability to grasp the tragic nature of history. Human history is one of constant conflict between the will to power and the will to nurture and protect life. Our greatest achievements are always intertwined with our greatest failures. Our most exalted accomplishments are always coupled with our most egregious barbarities. Science and industry serve as instruments of progress as well as instruments of destruction. The Industrial Age has provided feats of engineering and technology, yet it has also destroyed community, spread the plague of urbanization, uprooted us all, turned human beings into cogs and made possible the total war and wholesale industrial killing that has marked the last century. These technologies, even as we see them as our salvation, are rapidly destroying the ecosystem on which we depend for life. There is no linear movement in history. Morality and ethics are static. Human nature does not change. Barbarism is part of the human condition and we can all succumb to its basest dimensions. This is the tragedy of history. Human will is morally ambiguous. The freedom to act as often results in the construction of new prisons and systems of repression as it does the safeguarding of universal human rights. The competing forces of love and of power define us, what Sigmund Freud termed Eros and Thanatos. Societies have, throughout history, ignored calls for altruism and mutuality in times of social upheaval and turmoil. They have wasted their freedom in the self-destructive urges that currently envelope us. These urges are very human and very dangerous. They are fired by utopian visions of inevitable human progress. When this progress stalls or is reversed, when the dreams of advancement and financial stability are thwarted, when a people confronts its own inevitable downward spiral, dark forces of vengeance and retribution are unleashed. Fundamentalists serve an evil that is unseen and unexamined. And the longer this evil is ignored the more dangerous and deadly it becomes. Those who seek through violence the Garden of Eden usher in the apocalypse. Chris Hedges, whose column is published Mondays on Truthdig, spent nearly two decades as a foreign correspondent in Central America, the Middle East, Africa and the Balkans. He has reported from more than 50 countries and has worked for The Christian Science Monitor, National Public Radio, The Dallas Morning News and The New York Times, for which he was a foreign correspondent for 15 years. http://www.truthdig.com/ © 2011 TruthDig.com