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Nabad_dadaye Nabad waxaa lagaa daydayaa Allah agtiisa, Allah nabad adduun iyo Nabad Aakhiro noo kulmiyo, Amin. Jannada magaceeda waa Daarta Nabadda ( Dar ul Salaam) ( House Of Peace). Waxaa gala, kuwa aan iimaankooda ku qarinin Shirki. Allaha kuwaas naga yeelo. Nur
Garab Rarto ( Nomads) Sidaan wada ognahay, Quraanka waa hadalkii Allah oo uu annaga noo soo jeediyey, oona mudan inaan siduu Alle ula jeeday aan u fahamno. Quraanka wuxuu ku soo dagay Afka Carabiga ah, oo ah Af uu Allah ka doortay afafka basharku ku hadli jireen, sabab uu isaga naga yaqaan, iyo sabab aan annagu naqaan oo ah sida afka Carabigu uu hodan u yahay dhinaca cabiraadda macnaha iyo ula jeddada. Hadaba, Si qofka Muslimka ahi uu u fahmo macnaha Quraanka, waxaa loo baahan yahay in si fiican loo fahmo luqadda Carabiga ah, taasoo ka koobanta Mufradaat ( Vocabulary) iyo Naxwe ( Grammar) oo ah siyaabaha kala duwan ee loo rogrogo ficillada iyo sifooyinka iyo magacyada, kulligoodna ah Mafaatiixda fahamka Quraanka. Mafaatiixda fahamka Quraanka oo wada muhim ah, waxaa ugu si cajiib badan, macnaha ku dheehan Ficillada ( Verbs), maantana waxaan ku bilaabayaa Ficilka : ISTAXWADA Ficilkan waxaa Alle ku isticmaalay Suuradda Al Mujadala, aayadda 19: اسْتَحْوَذَ عَلَيْهِمُ الشَّيْطَانُ فَأَنْسَاهُمْ ذِكْرَ اللَّهِ ۚ أُولَٰئِكَ حِزْبُ الشَّيْطَانِ ۚ أَلَا إِنَّ حِزْبَ الشَّيْطَانِ هُمُ الْخَاسِرُونَ Macnaha guud ee aayadda: Sheydaankii baa ( Istixwaaday), (Taasoo sababtay) inuu illowsiiyay Dhikriga ( Xasuusta - Daacada) Alle. (Illowshaha Dhikriga Allena wexey ka yeeshay kuwaasi) iney yihiin Xisbigii Sheydaanka. ( Aakhirana) Xisbiga Sheydaanka ayaa guul darreysanaya ( Jabaya) Hadaba, maanta aan dul istaagno Miftaaxan ah " ISTAXWADA" Macnaheeda Luqada anigoo ku soo koobaya intooda ugu muhimsan oo qura: Asalka kalimadda: 1. Xa Wa Da: Xaada, Yaxuudu Xawdan : Wuu ku wareegsaday, si uu meel isugu keeno. Waxaa loo isticmaala markii geel jiruhu uu geeliisa xero isugu keeno oo ay ka bixi karin. 2. Xaada ibalahu: Waxaa loo isticmaali jiray macnaha inuu geel jiruhu geelisa si deg deg ah uu u kaxeeyo isagoo meel uu dan ka leeyahay u wata. Tanna waxay macneyneysa Xadiithkii salaadda in qalbiga loo aruuriyo loona banneyo diyaargarowga salaadda oo la doonayo in hammigeeda qalbigiisa aan lala wadaagin, qofkii sidaas sameeya ayaa dhab ahaan u ah Mumin ayuu xadiithkani na farayaa :"فمن فرغ لها قلبه وحاذ عليها فهو مؤمن ." Maxaa yeelay qalbiga hadduu meelo badan kakala fakarayo waa sida geel aan aruursaneyn. 3. Xaada: waxaa loo isticmaala marki wax la isku gunto, sida marada darafyadeeda la isku gunto. 4. Istaxwada: waxaa loo isticmaala macnaha ah " Wuu ka raayay degdeg buu u kaxeeystay" oo wuxuu degdeg ula dhaqaaqay meshuu la rabay inuu geeysto. Sidaa darteed waxaa noo muuqda in macnaha aayadda ay tahay: Tafsiirka : Sheydaanka ayaa ( Hareereeyay, xareystay, si degdeg ah u boobay, isku guntay QULUUBTOODA oo jeebka gashtay), oo illowsiiyay Xasuusta Alle : Xasuusta Alle Macneheedu waa: A. In Qalbiga lagu xasuusto, oo la jeclaado, lagana jeclaado wax walba. B. In carrabka lagu xasuusto oon xusno wanaaggiisa, u mahad naqno, dambi dhaafna weydiisanno, C. in Wax qabadkeenna aan ku Xasuusanno oo aan wuxuu na faray la imaanno, wuxuu naga reebayna ka harno, una gargaarno sidii labadaas u hirgali lahaayeen. Marka Dhowr xikmad ayaa meeshan nooga iftiimeysa: Xikmadda Khabarka ah: 1.Sheydaanku waa cadowgeenna nalooga digay . 2. Sheydaanku cadow buu noo yahay 3. Annaga asaga cadow ka ma aan dhiganin 4. Sheydaanku dad buu ka raayay. 5. Sheydaanku dadbuu xero isugu keenay 6. Sheydaanku kuwuu xereystay, wuxuu yeeshay quluubtoodii 7. Sheydaanku kuwuu quluubtooda yeeshay wuxuu illowsiiyay iney Allle qalbiga ku jeclaadaan, oo carrabka ku xusaan, waxqabadkoodana noqdo mid ay ka muuqato Alle iney u gargaarayaan. 8. Qoladaasi uu Sheydaanku xareystay wexy la saf noqdeen noqdeen Sheydaanka oo ah cadowga Alle iyo cadowgooda. 9. Qoladaas Aakhiro wey guuldarreysteen. Xikmadda Amarka ah: In laga digtoonaado qolyahuu Sheydaanku xareystay oo aan meeshay mareen la marin, si aan uga nabad galno ineyan nagu dhicin wixii loo ballan qaaday Askhiro. Cibro Qaadashada Aayaddan: Waxaa Cibro qaadasho mudan inaan ogaanno: Inuu Sheydaanku Dad uu Wato, Meel fogna U Wato, Hadaba, waxaa is weydiin mudan: Yuu Sheydaanku Wataa? Halkee buu u Wataa? Halkee buu rabaa inuu ku Soo Xirto? Sidee baa looga soo dhicin karaa? ma sida Libaax neef qaatay? Wallaahu Aclam Nur 2013 eNuri Softwaano Series Kuwa iga da' yar, wey iga dambi yar yihiin, Kuwa iga da' weynna, wey iga ajar badan yihiin
Akhi Bilaal By "Freedom" I mean, ALL FREEDOMS. By, " Somali" I mean, COLLECTIVE FREEDOM of those residing what used to be The Somali republic prior to the collapse of that nation state. Based on the topic, the highest level of freedom is when Somalis are empowered by the Light of Allah SWT to experience maximum freedom, the lowest level of freedom being when Somalis have lost their self determination as a nation to the lowest in the universal power structure. If we can define what freedom is, it follows that we should be able to have a way to measure the extent of the freedom we have ( Collectively, at Home country). Mercury rises in a tube as temperature rise, so we assign corresponding numbers to measure comfort level, 50C being very hot summer in Djibouti, and 25C being a pleasant afternoon in Mogadishu, Likewise, can you think of a measure that will be analogous to Freedom , I mean all of freedoms in what used to be the Republic of Somalia? Nur
Democracy Is Coming to the U.S.A. Lyrics from a favorite Leonard Cohen Song: It's coming through a hole in the air, from those nights in Tiananmen Square. It's coming from the feel that this ain't exactly real, or it's real, but it ain't exactly there. From the wars against disorder, from the sirens night and day, from the fires of the homeless, Democracy is coming to the U.S.A. It's coming through a crack in the wall; on a visionary flood of alcohol; from the staggering account of the Sermon on the Mount which I don't pretend to understand at all. It's coming from the silence on the dock of the bay, from the brave, the bold, the battered heart of Chevrolet: Democracy is coming to the U.S.A. It's coming from the sorrow in the street, the holy places where the races meet; from the homicidal *****in' that goes down in every kitchen to determine who will serve and who will eat. From the wells of disappointment where the women kneel to pray for the grace of God in the desert here and the desert far away: Democracy is coming to the U.S.A. Sail on, sail on O mighty Ship of State! To the Shores of Need Past the Reefs of Greed Through the Squalls of Hate Sail on, sail on, sail on, sail on. It's coming to America first, the cradle of the best and of the worst. It's here they got the range and the machinery for change and it's here they got the spiritual thirst. It's here the family's broken and it's here the lonely say that the heart has got to open in a fundamental way: Democracy is coming to the U.S.A. It's coming from the women and the men. O baby, we'll be making love again. We'll be going down so deep the river's going to weep, and the mountain's going to shout Amen! It's coming like the tidal flood beneath the lunar sway, imperial, mysterious, in amorous array: Democracy is coming to the U.S.A. Sail on, sail on ... I'm sentimental, if you know what I mean I love the country but I can't stand the scene. And I'm neither left or right I'm just staying home tonight, getting lost in that hopeless little screen. But I'm stubborn as those garbage bags that Time cannot decay, I'm junk but I'm still holding up this little wild bouquet: Democracy is coming to the U.S.A
Salam and Peace to All Nomads A question I like to pose today: As Humans, We measure things; Distance is measured in Meters, it tells us extent of our displacement in space Temperature in Kelvins, Fahrenheit or Celsius, it tells us how hot or cool our environment is, these days our activities are melting the mountain caps of the arctic and the Himalayas. Noise in Decibel, it tells us how loud it is ( A Jumbo Jet and a Snake score different in this measure ) In Business Schools they teach that " If You Can't Measure, you can't manage" Freedom is valuable, We need to manage it, in order to attain it. And if if we have it, to protect it. How do we MEASURE FREEDOM? How Do we know the extent of freedom we have today as Somalis, and the benchmark to measure current levels against the real standard, if any ? Nur
Malika & Blue sis Jazaakumaa Allahu Kheiran for your kind words. Alpha B. Identity of writer is withheld ( Sorry Nomad) is assigned pseudo-name, and it was with a request for permission. Al Kamaalu Lillaah Nur
Nomads I received the following PM from a Nomad and I was moved, so much that I wanted to share with you all (Identity Not Disclosed) a Sorry Nomad wrote: Salamun Alaykum, I have written certain things/Threads that I am not pleased of in the past. I was confused at the time. I needed help, but I was not getting the help I needed and with that, I wrote certain things against Islam which I think will result in me going to Hell. Subhanallah! I ask Allah to forgive me and I am worried wallahi that what I wrote will be used against me. Since you're the Moderator, can you delete the Threads I wrote in the past if I give you the link to each one? Please, dear brother help me. My Answer: Wa Aleykumu Salaam Wa rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh I am indeed very happy and Allah is even happier than I am for your reproach and repenting, I pray Allah forgive you and allow me to share this exchange to be used as an advice for others. Rest Assured that Allah is forgiving and kind, no one can extend that kind of clean slate except Allah SWT. وما مِن كاتبٍ إلا سَتَبقى ***** كتابتُهُ وإن فَنيتْ يَداهُ فلا تَكتُب بكفِّكَ غيَر شيءٍ ***** يسُرُّكَ في القيامةِ أن تَراه Nur
Akhi Northern ( Old S.Name) I share you the same feeling, to me you and many Nomads on this site have become an extension of my family and I will always value this brotherhood and hope and pray that we all make it safely to Jannah. Please keep me in your prayers. Oz Bro I am sure that my departure will make a room for a new beginning, once empowered, our people can rise to the call and can amaze you. Jazakkallahu Kheiran for your kind comment. Somali NFD Bro. I was indeed touched by your comments, may be we can meet in Mandera, or nearby villages for tea one day. InshaaAllah I will heed your advice and post from time to time, Baarakallahu Feek akhi. Nur
Abtigiis bro Same here, I have the same feeling for all those who I have differed with, after all, we learn when we are criticized, not when we are agreed with, I Allah ayaan adiga iyo intaad jeceshahay kaaga baryayaa kheyrka adduunk iyo kan akhiro, Walaalkaa Nur
Dear Admin Today marks my Tenth year as a Nomad and seventh as Moderator at Islam SOL page. I leave the responsibility to you to see to it that the page is monitored and kept decent and attractive to viewers. Baarkallahu Feek Nur
Assalamu Aleikum Nomads and Admin Today marks my Tenth year as a Nomad blogger at SOL Islam page and almost my seventh year as a Moderator. As I have posted on another thread, I want to relay this moderator torch to another Nomad, preferably someone who can revive this page an draw more viewership without compromising on the message of Islam to our people and mankind at large. I hereby request Admin to appoint a new moderator for this page and send me my end of service compensation for retirement in the form of Duaa. Fi Amanillaah. Nur
In Somalia's current dilemma, not only did Somalis survive forced famine to bow to New World Order, the hungry, weak and ill and dying are being provided with mercy killing by our kind and caring American Christian Zionists who are now running US foreign wars. America, a country of 300 Million with the worlds largest stockpile of nuclear warheads is threatened by a ragtag movement not more than 6000 armed with AK and knives to warrant the designation of a dangerous enemy to US Security. Here is the latest news. An attack by a US unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has killed at least 78 people and injured 64 others in southern Somalia, Press TV reports. The Friday attack took place near Qooqani town located in southern Somalia, a Press TV correspondent reported. In a different incident on Friday, another US drone attack killed 11 civilians and wounded 34 more in Hoosingow district in the south of the country. Somalia is the sixth country where the US military has conducted drone strikes. The US has employed drones in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Iraq and Yemen to launch aerial bombings. Washington claims the airstrikes target militants, though most such attacks have resulted in civilian casualties. Somalia has been without a functioning government since 1991, when warlords overthrew former dictator Mohamed Siad Barre.
The Following article is a plethora of real - imaginary- confused and clear assessment of what is going on in our country and the region, I leave it to readers to sift through, I personally found it more beneficial than misleading before posting it, so just when you thought that current events are coincidence, here comes disturbing news for big heart Nomads. So, sit back and scratch your head, let me know what you think. The Original Link Why Somalia Is Being Divided? Nur
Sultan Dheere This thread may be of help, inshAllah I will provide more insight later Nur
Sultan Dheere May be its time for adjusting your frame of reference. Its hard to focus when all you see is blurred. Will come come back Nur