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Everything posted by Caaqil_nabadoon
If secretive Italian mafia and Jones town cult get married they will give birth alshabaab.
A decision has been reached in Kismaayo, Buulogaduud will be invaded.
Caaqil_nabadoon replied to Gabbal's topic in Politics
Xiisado dagaal oo mar kale ka soo cusboonaaday dhinacyadii dhowaan ku dagaalamay magaalada Kismaayo Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Kismaayo ee gobolka J/hoose ayaa waxay sheegayaan in halkaasi ay ka soo cusboonaatay xiisad u dhexeysa dhinacyadii horey ugu dagaalamay magaalaadaasi ee ka wada tirsanaa dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya, kuwaasoo haatan u kala baxay labo beelood oo midina ay gacanta ku heyso Kismaayo mida kalena ay dibeda ka joogto. Sida ay sheegayaan dadka ku dhaqan magaalada Kismaayo waxaa gudaha iyo duleedka magaaladaaasi laga dareemayaa dhaqdhaqaaq ciidan oo aad u xoog badan kuwaasoo ay ku lug leeyihiin maleeshiyooyinka beelaha S... iyo K... kuwaasoo ka dambeeyey ka gadaal markii maalmihii la soo dhaafay ay qeybo ka mid ah duleedka magaaladaasi ka dhaceen dilal gaadmo ah dhex maray labada dhinac. Afhayeen magaalada Kismaayo uga hadlay beesha s.... ayaa sheegay iney jirto cabsi dagaal ka dib markii sida uu sheegay dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya ay ku guuleysan weyday iney xaliso khilaafka halkaasi ka taagan, isagoo ku eedeeyey ciidamada fadhiya Buulo guduud iney dileen maalmihii la soo dhaafay askari ka tirsan ciidamada dowladda federaalka oo ka soo jeeda beesha S..., iyagoo sidoo kalena ku daray oo dilay sida uu yiri askari kale oo kasoo jeeda oo doonayey inuu askariga hore badbaadiyo. Hase ahaatee Col. C/risaaq Afguduud ayaa isna dhinaciisa horey ugu eedeeyey dhibaatada Kismaayo ka taagan inuu ka dambeeyo wasiirkii hore ee gaashaandhiga Barre Aadan Shire Hiiraale, isagoo tilmaamay in beesha Kablalax ee uu isaga ka soo jeedo ay is difaaci doonto haddii la soo weeraro hantideedana lagu dhibaateeyo magaalada Kismaayo, iyadoo dhinaca kalena uusan muuqan ilaa hadda wax dedaal ah oo dowqlada federaalku ay ku qaboojineyso xiisadha ka taagan magaalada Kismaayo. Xafiiska wararka ee Muqdisho, Somalia dayniilecom@hotmail.com -
A decision has been reached in Kismaayo, Buulogaduud will be invaded.
Caaqil_nabadoon replied to Gabbal's topic in Politics
Ciidamada DFKMG oo sheegay in ay hawlgalo Nabada lagu sugayo ay ka bilaabayaan Kismaayo Last Updated::2007-06-17 15:19:01 Kismaayo:- Kusimaha abaanduulaha ciidamada xoogga dalka ee gobolada Jubbooyinka G/sare Muuse Taakoow ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in dhawaan la bilaabi doono hawlgalo ay ciidamada Dowlada ku sugayaan amaanka gobalada Jubooyinka gaar ahaan magaalada Kismaayo. Col.Taakow ayaa sheegay in xaalada magaalada Kismaayo indhawaale ay ahayd mid faraha kasii baxaysay asagoo sheegay in ciidamada Militariga iyo kuwa Booliiska ay si wada jir ah ay hawlgalkan u bilaali doonaan. Wuxuu sheegay Sarkaalkan in heegan la gelayey dhamaan ciidamada Dowlada, isla markaana looga baahan yahay Shacabka iyo Cuqaasha deegaanka in ay la shaqeeyaan ciidamada hawlahan amni sugida ah bilaabi doona. Dhawaaqan kasoo yeeray ciidamada Dowlada ayaa kusoo beegmay maalmo kadib markii Taliyihii ciidamada Booliiska Magaalada Kismaayo uu shaaca ka qaaday in aysan waxna ka qaban karin xaalada amaan xumo ee magaalada Kismaayo ka taagan, halkaasi oo ay buuxda gacanta ugu hayaan maleeshiyooyin aan cidina ka amar qaadan. Col.Taakow ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in Xiisada colaadeed iyo dagaalada Qabiil ka socda Deegaanka Beerxaani ay il gaar ah ku hayaan, isla markaana doonayaan ciidamada Dowlada in ay kala dhex galaan beelaha halkaasi ku dagaalamay, amniga iyo maamulka deegaankana ay dowlada la wareegto. Dhaq dhaqaaq xoogleh ayaa laga dareemayaa nawaaxiga magaalada Kismaayo ayadoo ciidamada deegaanadaasi ku sugan ay soo buuxinayeen daafaha magaalada todobaadyadii lasoo dhaafay. -
A decision has been reached in Kismaayo, Buulogaduud will be invaded.
Caaqil_nabadoon replied to Gabbal's topic in Politics
KISMAAYO: Cid weerari karta ma jirto Ciidamada beesha ******* iyo kuwa dowlada ee Fadhiya Buulo gauud Posted to the Web Jun 17, 20:40 Kismaayo:(pp)- Odayaal ka soo jeeda Beesha ****** oo ku sugan magaalada Kismaayo ayaa Puntlandpost u sheegay inaysan jirin cid awood leh oo weerari kara ciidamada Beesha ****** iyo kuwa dowlada ee ku sugan ee deegaanka Buulo-gaduud , waxayna ku tilmaameen kuwa sheeganaya inay waqti wax u qabteen inay soo dedejinayaan dagaal looga safaynayo deegaanka Waamo. Cali Axmed oo u hadlayey Odayaasha ****** ayaa sheegay inuu shaqsiyan ku qoslay hadalada ay ku hadaaqayaan kooxaha Galgaduud ee magaalada iyo maamulkeediiba sida hoose u inqilaabay. Cali Axmed oo wax laga weydiiyey sababta DFKS ay wax uga qaban weysay arrimaha ka taagan Kismaayo iyo nawaaxigeeda ayaa eed aad u balaaran dusha uga tuuray Madaxda Sarsare ee DFKS , kuna tilmaamay kuwo taageera kooxda galgaduud ee haraadigii Dooxada Juba. "Dowladu waxay raali ka tahay in shacabka Kismaayo la dhibaateeyo waxaana ka jira magaalada Kismaayo arrimo ay ka mid yihiin dil, dhac, iyo kufsi oo loo geysanayo dadka magaalada Ku dhaqan taasna ma ahan mid qarsoon , sidaa daraadeed haday dowlada wax ka qaban waydo hadaan nahay shacabkii waamo waxaan awood u leenahay inaan anagu iska qabano oo kooxahan aan ka xoraysano deegaankeenan". ayuu Axmed Cali. Masuulkaasi wuxuu kaloo sheegay in aysan jirin wax maleeshiyo ah oo ka tirsan beesha ********* oo si toos ah loogu dilay agagaarka Deegaanka buulo gaduud Wuxuuse sheegay Cali Axmed in nimanka la dilay ay ahaayeen kuwo ka tirsan kooxahan magaalada haysta oo sahan ahaan uga soo baxay magaalada Kismaayo, kaddibna ciidamada Buulogaduud fadhiya markii ay arkeen ay rasaas isweydaarsadeen , nimankaas iyagoo meyd ahna ay goobtaas uga carareen, eedaasna iyo wixii meeshaa ku dhintay waxaa qaadaya ayuu yiri af-hayeenku kuwii duulaanka ahaa oo maydkooda meeshaas uga cararay. Si kastaba , xaalada magaalada Kismaayo iyo dhibaatada lagu hayo shacabkeeda ayaa ah mid aan maanta laga sheekayn karin , waxaad arkaysaa maalin walba goobaha ganacsiga oo la boobayo ayna boobayaan kooxaha in qilaabay maamulkii dowlada ee ka haray dooxadii Jubba , maadaama aysan jirin meel ay ka helaan wax dhaqaale ah , waxay go'aansadeen inay si toosa u dhacaan dadka deegaanka ah ee goobaha ganacsiga ku haysta magaakada Kismaayo, Waxaana asbuucan guduhiisii maalin cad la bililiqaystay ilaa 8 bakhaar oo waaweyn oo midkiiba laga qaatay hanti gaaraysa ilaa (1000-3000 $) waxayna dadka ganacsata ahi ay noo sheegeen in ay badankood ay iska xireen goobihii ganacsiga maadaama ay ku hantibeeleen badankood bililiqada loo geysto dukaamadooda. Jun 13-keedii ayey ahayd markii guddi aqoonyahano ah oo katirsan Beesha Kablaxa ay soo saareen Warbixin aan dhamaystirnayn oo ay soo gaarsiiyeen Puntlandpost , warbixintaas oo tilmaantay dhibaatooyin baahsan oo isugu jira dil, barakicin iyo kufsi inay ka bilaabatay deegaanka Waamo tan iyo intii Kooxihii lamagac baxay Walaalaha Gal-gaduud ay gacanta ku dhigeen magaalada Kismaayo.Waxaana warbixintaas lagu sheegay inay dhibaatooyinkaas ay gaysteen 3 nin oo ka soo Jeeda (Beesha *********/********) oo 23-kii bishii April iyagu ka danbeeyey inqilaabkii lagu sameeyey Maamulkii Gobolka J/hoose oo ka koobnaa kii Gobolka iyo Degmadaba. Maxamed Jaamac Puntlandpost, Kismaayo, Soomaaliya _______________ Baliis, edit clan names before you copy-paste from the articles. [ June 18, 2007, 01:30 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ] -
jewiga cusub ee siyaasada soomaaliya GMIS kabacdi
Caaqil_nabadoon replied to Caaqil_nabadoon's topic in Politics
waxaan taageersanahy soomaaliya oo dowlad loodhiso waxaan jaclahy TFG iney shaqeyso. waayo shaqsi jacelykii micno malaha. hadii aan cabdillahi noco iyo hadii aan jeclaado soomaali waxaba utarimayso. dar ALle ayuu udhimankaraa xabad baa kudhicikarta. waa dhimankaraa. imisa qof oo soomaali door mihiima kulahaa ayaan maanta xataa lahadl hayn. somali waxay ubaahantahy Dowlad. sidaad doonto kukeen. -
jewiga cusub ee siyaasada soomaaliya GMIS kabacdi
Caaqil_nabadoon replied to Caaqil_nabadoon's topic in Politics
waxaan taageersanahy soomaaliya oo dowlad loodhiso waxaan jaclahy TFG iney shaqeyso. waayo shaqsi jacelykii micno malaha. hadii aan cabdillahi noco iyo hadii aan jeclaado soomaali waxaba utarimayso. dar ALle ayuu udhimankaraa xabad baa kudhicikarta. waa dhimankaraa. imisa qof oo soomaali door mihiima kulahaa ayaan maanta xataa lahadl hayn. somali waxay ubaahantahy Dowlad tahriibta. sidaad doonto kukeen. -
Heerka xumadda siyaasada soomaaliya aad ayuu usareeyaa. xaalkuna waa murugsanyahy. waxaa lookala baxay afar kooxood. qolo guul sheegankartaana majirto, waayo waxaa waddanka xoog kujooga amxaaro. 1. kooxadda kowaad waxay taageeraan GMIS, waxayna rabaan waddanka in lagu maamulo Shareecada islaamka. warkoodu waa cadyahy. 2. qoloda labaad C/llahi Yusuf ayay naceb yihiin. waxayna kunaceen siyaabo kalagedisan waxaana kamida, qolo qabiil kunaca, qolo kunaca taariikhdiisa madow. 3. qoladda sadexaad Cabdillahi ayay jecelyihiin waxayna kujecelyihiin siyaabo kale gedisan. qolo qabiil ayay kujecelyihiin. qolokalena waxay u arkaan hogaamiyaha keliya ee Soomaaliya maanta midaynkara. 4. qolddan afraad oo ah soomaali badankeed waxaay ubaahan yihhin dowlad waxay hore utaageereen GMIS, haddana waxay taageeraan TFG. waa dadka Soomaaliya maanta kutabaaleysan warkooduna waa cadyahy waxayna yiraahdeen anaga doorasho noomataalo maanta. waxay dhaheen. Abaar baa nadhamaysay. Daad baa naqaaday. waxaa qudbo sireed isku guursaday maalmahaan. kooxad taageerta Gmis iyo kooxdda Cabdillahi DIID. dhinaca kale waxaa qudbo sireed iskuguursady cabdillahi DOON iyo DOWLAD DOON. waxaad moodaa gacanta sare ineyleeyihiin qoloda dowlad doon iyo cabdillahi doon.
waryaa brown, I don't care who brings to law and order this country somalia. I don't care how they do it. I just need goverment once for all. dugsi maleh qabyaaladi wexey dumiso mooye. C. S timacade
waryaa brown, I don't care who brings to law and order this country somalia. I don't care how they do it. I just need goverment once for all.
Qaraxa kadhacay villa somalia ee lala beegsaday madaxwayne C/A dani ugama jirto bulshada xamar iyo soomaaliya midna. bal aan eegno sida Cabdillahi yuusuf uga jawaabo.
I don’t believe conspiracy theory for a minute; those western countries destroyed Somalia through Ethiopia proxy war. no my freind, If interested western could control the red sea, India Ocean and Somali minerals without destroying it. Through crate, commerce and diplomatic means. New world order you say, to my understand it means if we cannot get our interest political means we will get military means nothing new. Okay now who destroyed Somalia? The filthy, dirty, disease of Somali culture. The clan culture. We see every thing through clan lens. It affects every part of our daily lives. Just look Mogadishu, when Ethiopian Amy entered the city one side of the town Celebrated and other side demonstrated. Even here Sol, the fadhi kudirir and cheerleaders Are along the clan lines. Unless we find some kind of solution for this virus which rooted deep in vein. Somalia could cease to exists. One of the solutions was true Islamic law. But we just have been denied. I will have geven the midle finger the habash and the west. if we are only united. the only thing you get is what you are tough enough to get. the united we are the stronger we will be. Democratically elected president Allaha unaxariistee. Cabdirashiid cali sharmaake. Was murdered because of clan revenge.
I cannot disagree with you anymore. MMA some people think Xabash are Robot (like machine) you progame to do your task. than dismantle. they are not. they are smart people who know what they are fighting for. conquere and stale old scores. if you don't understad that I don't know what to tell you.
Duke. caamir.raadamiir, I don’t clearly under stand what are you trying to establish here by posting massage of hate, demeaning and dehumanizing your follow brother, Muslim and Somali. You keep hiding behind your are reporting news. This is not a news. It is hate crime. It feels like Kigali radio. (Rwanda) You keep remain us indha cade rule marko cadeey so what, he is clearly Somali leader in absent of Somalia government . he has every Wright to rule. As a nation we are in a dark time, So please tune down rhetoric. Waa ladoogi yaan lada caroon.. Dagaalku wuudhmaan taariikhdu way idinxusi dukow.
clashes in Buaale + Build up in Bur-Hakabo.
Caaqil_nabadoon replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Alle- ubaahne thank you welcoming me here to Sol. You said Icu based constructive ideology. Well what can I say? I disagree with you respectfully Because I know some of those wars they were not Clan war but individual power strangle. But clan was only another tool for the war. Now I am willing to give Icu benefit of doubt if they come up with basic human right (1) I want equal representation of all stake holder of Somalia. (2) Accountability I mean debate Baydhabo style you know, what mean. Than may be, you can well say, folks, there is coup in the country. Current Icu policy structure is trust us, I am afraid it will not sell well. -
Just curios how many demonstrations held after Friday prayers at Tribuunka square for last two years. well I do remember, one for beloved son cabdi qaybdiid, another one for qayare and Xaaji muuse Suudi.I think all these Demonstrations have one thing in common antigoverment. if iam wrong please correct me. how can anyone take serious those folks.
Somalia: The Impending Battle October 26, 2006 22 30 GMT Summary Troops in Somalia are digging in for an anticipated battle between the country's interim government and its allies on one side and the Supreme Islamic Courts Council (SICC) on the other. Despite recent successes, a SICC victory is not assured, since the Islamists have yet to prove themselves in a pitched battle. The interim government and its allies face their own logistical obstacles, however. Regardless of who emerges victorious, fears are running high among Somalian civilians that clan reprisals will result from this struggle. Analysis Troops in Somalia are digging in for an anticipated battle between the country's interim government and its allies on one side and the Supreme Islamic Courts Council (SICC) on the other. Despite recent successes, a SICC victory is not assured, since the Islamists have yet to prove themselves in a pitched battle. The interim government and its allies face their own logistical obstacles, however. Regardless of who emerges victorious, fears are running high among Somalian civilians that clan reprisals will result from this struggle. Somalia's secular interim government and its Ethiopian and regional backers have so far blocked SICC from its goal of preserving and expanding its authority. The SICC now appears to be gearing up to overcome this obstacle. Thus, SICC leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys said Oct. 24 that the time for negotiations with the interim government was over. Aweys dared the interim government's backer, Ethiopia, to invade. Ethiopia's taking up the challenge would benefit SICC since increased Ethiopian involvement would motivate Somalians to support SICC against Christian foreigners. The Islamists began rallying 2,000 troops just east of the interim government's base, Baidoa, on Oct. 26. This move came a day after the Islamists cut off the delivery of fuel from Mogadishu to Baidoa to deny government forces mobility. Aweys intends to hold massive rallies in Mogadishu and other cities under SICC control Oct. 27, a strategy designed to mobilize additional fighters. A SICC victory over Baidoa and Ethiopian and allied troops is not assured, however. First, its base of power is the professed loyalty of Somalian warlords, many of whom could have professed that loyalty for political reasons. There is a substantial difference between convincing warlords engaged in a perpetual power struggle to profess a potentially beneficial loyalty and actually getting them to act on it by deploying their own militias far from their personal centers of power. Second, even if the warlords can be mobilized, finding sufficient transportation to project their forces en masse in southern and central Somalia could prove problematic -- to say nothing of the logistics needed to sustain combat operations. And third, getting those militias to coordinate and operate on the same level as a uniformed military force poses great challenges to the Islamists. Baidoa has the benefit of Ethiopia's backing -- a country with a structured, equipped military, which could prove decisive in any conflict with the fairly ragtag Somalian militias. With additional support from Uganda and Kenya, even logistical support alone, will shift the balance of power even further to Baidoa's corner. Dependency comes at a cost for Baidoa, though. Addis Ababa and its allies face major hurdles, which imperils Baidoa's likelihood of success. Ethiopia has reportedly had trouble in the past supplying its troops on the Somalian border with food and water. Supplying engaged, advancing units would prove even more problematic. Although Ethiopian troops are operating near their own border, their supply lines run much deeper into Ethiopia. Though Ethiopia does field a number of transport aircraft capable of operating from improvised airfields like those in Baidoa, it is probably not capable of supporting a large presence in Somalia solely by air. War in Somalia will involve infantry, trucks and "technicals" -- pickups with heavy machine guns and recoilless rifles mounted in the truck beds. Ethiopia does have some 250 old Soviet-era tanks (T-54s and T-62s) and 300-plus armored reconnaissance/fighting vehicles, not to mention artillery, artillery rockets and air defense. It also would enjoy undisputed control of airspace, fielding 25 Mi-24 Hind attack helicopters and a number of combat fighter jets that could be used to engage massed Somalian militias or bombard a small town in which those militias might shelter. To counter the Ethiopian armed forces, SICC militia and its assortment of warlords riding on technicals reportedly continue to receive weapons from Ethiopia's rival Eritrea, including surface-to-air missile systems, anti-tank recoilless rifles and rocket-propelled grenade weapons systems, heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft artillery cannons. More menacingly than these conventional armaments is the likelihood that hard-liners within the SICC led by Adan Hashi Ayro, an extremist trained in Afghanistan, will recruit foreign jihadists to boost their fighting force. It is believed Yemen will become a transit point for the recruitment of jihadists fighting in Iraq to join the fray in Somalia. The battle for Baidoa is not the ultimate prize, though. To achieve their goals, the Islamists must hold Mogadishu and eject the secular government and its allies from Baidoa. For their part, the interim government and its Ethiopian and Ugandan allies have to hold Baidoa and eject the Islamists from Mogadishu. Neither of these goals is realistically achievable, however. The Islamists cannot project force to take Baidoa from the already-entrenched interim government and its Ethiopian backers. And the Ethiopians would be foolish to try fighting their way into Mogadishu. And while Somalian and neighboring political actors mobilize and maneuver their forces, however, Somalian civilians fear they will bear the brunt of the looming battle. Reprisals against rival clans, especially between the ****** and ****** clans in central Somalia --the clans of Aweys and Interim President Abdullahi Yusuf, respectively -- is a fear that resonates deeply ahead of Somalia's battle.
Hello, folks don't you have any creative idea to defuse the looming crissis other than repeating the propogando sound bits from waring factions. ethiopia army coming,erteria army coming. if there is war all parts will deploy all avaible means and what ever means nessecery to acheve there goal another to win.
clashes in Buaale + Build up in Bur-Hakabo.
Caaqil_nabadoon replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Thanks Caamir. -
clashes in Buaale + Build up in Bur-Hakabo.
Caaqil_nabadoon replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
I wonder why Somali factions never settle differences by compromise and accommodating silly differences. Look SNM and manifesto, SSDF and manifesto Caydiid and Cali mahdi, Morgan and bare hiiraale. Warlords and ICU. Etc What they have all in common those conflicts? All out war using all means necessary. If history tells anything there will be horrible war between TFG and ICU. Alow nabadbaadi oo naxriiso.