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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Originally posted by General Duke: So all of Somalia want peace but Xasan Dahir, Ahmed Diriye and some clan based websites. Funny Aside from the patriotic/peace loving people over at Puntland who else wants peace? Its bunch of Looters and clueless separatists are left together. C'mon now...
  2. Will Puntland troops help out Djibouti against the "enemy" Eritrea?
  3. Another case of ...Your uncle is more evil then mine haha. With all that said... "During his tenure, he presided over several controversial actions, including the severe crackdowns and aerial bombings in Hargeysa and Berbera, during which large numbers of civilians disappeared and are known to have disappeared (and believed to have been tortured and killed.)[2] After Barré's ouster in 1991 he fled to Cairo." With all that said...A/Yusuf= The most evil Somali person in history.
  4. My little cousin goes to that British School in Hargeisa.
  5. Originally posted by AfricaOwn: Originally posted by Thierry.: [qb] Africaown I know exactly what you mean saxiib some dreadful crimes were committed against the people of the South and other parts of the land. However today is a day of healing and the formation of a strong bond amongst brothers, these politicians have made neighbours and friends hate each other. We need an era of stability and development. When this day is finished and we have a independent judicial system representing a truly Sovereign nations Inshallah the accountability shall take place. So lets be patient Somalia has an enemy as an interim President right now. Somali people all over should should never forget this. On some Sun Tzu sh!t..I guess you can make a fake pact with him for the sake of stopping the violence. Get rid of him, and put him to trial afterwards.
  6. Originally posted by Thierry.: Africaown I know exactly what you mean saxiib some dreadful crimes were committed against the people of the South and other parts of the land. However today is a day of healing and the formation of a strong bond amongst brothers, these politicians have made neighbours and friends hate each other. We need an era of stability and development. When this day is finished and we have a independent judicial system representing a truly Sovereign nations Inshallah the accountability shall take place. So lets be patient Somalia has an enemy as an interim President right now. Somali people all over should should never forget this. On some Sun Tzu sh!t..I guess you can make a fake pact with him for the sake of stopping the violence.
  7. How can the people of Mogadisho ever come in good terms with A-Yusuf and his co-defendants? Never forget. Somalia desperately needs a new leadership in order things to go forward.
  8. Originally posted by Northerner: ^^Where did I suggest it should be higher? Comprehension again? If I recall correctly in 2005 the budget was approx GBP 24m ($48m). You said the increase was a no big deal..You're implying that it should be higher no? So I ask you how much higher?
  9. Originally posted by Northerner: The budget has gone up from approx $49m. Increase of $2m or so. No big deal. One hopes mechanisms will start being put in place to monitor its expenditure. Fat chance I say. How much should it have gone up by?
  10. Originally posted by Northerner: ^^You are the SL version of Emp. Liitle to offer apart from blind support. The SL admin has failed miserably. Sometimes you just don't make any sense bro..Like in this thread: There is no such thing as a "Moderate Separatist". Its not a blind support. You're just have to work with whatever that you got. Blind support you say huh..Why do you support Silaanyo? Inshallah, I hope that he is elected. So we can all see "the change"
  11. Originally posted by Northerner: Now tell me If I or indeed Lander support the current SL admin The problem you have like to throw everything at the "current admin" because you dislike the head of state.. If the person you desperately want to be President was to be elected to the head office..They will still say all that about SL. Your politicking is not up to bar my friend.
  12. Originally posted by somalipride: quote: Is it even easier than hiding behind the Ethiopeans tanks? Follow your leaders role and make it none of your concern. Will do so..Just don't talk about the secessionist as well.
  13. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Thats the advantage we are witnessing here. The TFG has convinced the world of its course, its rights and legitimacy. The secesionists and their new friends Al -Kebaab are isolated. Lets face facts. Isolated from Somalia? That's exactly where they want to be. Honestly picture the people of SL waving the blue flag again?..What's the likelihood of that? lol. You face the facts..They're gone for good.
  14. Originally posted by General Duke: Its easy to send children on a bombing spree, its harder to hold territory, build working administrations. Fake clan courts with no administration are no answer adeer. Is it even easier than hiding behind the Ethiopeans tanks?
  15. Originally posted by NGONGE: He, like the president before him (and like Somaliland did in the past seventeen years) distanced himself from these negotiations to reaffirm the 'independence' of Somaliland. It was a perfectly acceptable (and diplomatic) reply. Exactly...Norf is simpply not making any sense.
  16. ^^^ No one knows of this guys. I had to google his name to find about him. One thing for sure is that your uncle is going down as the biggest criminal the former Somalia ever had... Now reply back with but but, Riyale makes $$$...blah blah rant lol.
  17. Aren't Somalis conservatives? What is your reason for backing Obama?
  18. Originally posted by Ibtisam: quote:Dr Frazer answered: Yes, the President of Somaliland did come to Washington and I did go to Somaliland. Somaliland has done a lot of good things. They have a democratic system. They had elections, and they have elections coming. We support the democratic process there. We also have mutual interests in combating terrorism. When it comes to recognition, we were hoping that the African Union would make a definitive statement on this, but unfortunately, the African Union has not made a definitive statement and that has delayed our taking of a position on this matter. One of the things we are considering now is to have some sort of diplomatic representation or office in Somaliland, but I am not sure whether we would be able to do it in the remaining six months of our administration. So there is nothing new yaa JB?? US is waiting for AU like everyone else. Better you start lobbying AU dear, instead of the white house nooh? You continue to lobby the US and the British Governments. The lousy AU are puppets.
  19. Originally posted by General Duke: This is great news for Puntland & Somalia, those who are against it are the same ****** who want to liberate us from Asmara. Oh and the Secessionist's, we will like to be included in that.
  20. Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe: It is too early to predict who is the good candidate with the whole package. I think Puntland will prove to be much better democratic state than Somaliland if the upcoming election is conducted in a free and fair manner. Please remember..SL sees itself as an independent country. It will be very foolish to talk about SL Presidency/Multi-parties Democracy when its just a province in Somalia. The provinces in SL don't have their own "President" and/or trying to establish its own multi parties democracy. You guys should either call for your independence or work with your country as a whole.
  22. Sol members are split largely when it comes to politics. Come together? Unlikely
  23. Originally posted by somalipride: Pitiful TFG? LOL, Northwest Somalia are the first ones to start claiming they caught Al qaeda, and blamed the deaths of foreigners on them. Your own Vice Pres claimed a 17 year old girl was sent by Al qaeda in Bosasoo to assasinate him. The reason why JB is saying this is because your government things by arresting these people you'll get on the Americans good side. Plus the CIA guys that visit every corner of Somalia regularly pressure every regional authority to start capturing. I hate to admit it to you, but Somaliland has clamed terrorists leave in their area for years now, long before the TFG was formed. But of course you won't admit that. That's something only the TFG would do. After saying all that...I wouldn't call those people my countrymen, so why are you? The split does more good then anything else. Think about it.
  24. What's with the "Terrorists" claim Jac? You're sounding like these pitiful TFG supporters...just chill with that.
  25. Your US, British friends wont be too happy about this. You either satisfy them or go with the China route.