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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Originally posted by Emperor: ^No matter what you do or how you protest and hate the great man, he will stil remain in the minds of Millions of Somalis, the Sayid is the great hero that had a toll in the history of British Somaliland. A/Yusuf and Sayid Hassan are hero to "Millions of Somalis" Yes-zir
  2. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: read on! Where is Northern to comment on this.
  3. ^^^ Thanks for the reminder.
  4. Originally posted by Ibtisam: I don't understand, how someone who has deserted their families and home towns is good news?? :confused: It means they have no loyalty, and you should never rely on someone with no loyal, when push comes to shove, they will only end up wasting your time and hoosasis. They are only looking after their interest, if PL offered them a better deal, they will be gone within a day. Easy come, easy go. I don't think they should be rewarded with positions and wages. Instead they should be sent back to police the streets of their home towns. I totally agree.Is obvious they have no loyalty. Let them police the streets of their home town or split them up and put them from corner to corner across the border.
  5. So why are they going Jac? Translate this into French/English please.
  6. These dudes shouldn't be given full trust.
  7. How do you Brits measure things? backward folks
  8. I need to put on extra 15 pounds.
  9. Originally posted by General Duke: The secessionists have not even been recognized by Djibouti, while Abdullahi an old rival was accorded the red carpet treatment. How come A/Yusuf never came to Hargeysa yet? I'm pretty sure he will get the red carpet treatment as well when he comes here.
  10. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Why all da hostility towards Kobe. He might be bit arrogant but he is really good. Boston won with some tenacity and alot of luck. Where's Lazy anyway. I recall her predicting Beantown not coming to the final despite their good start. Playmaker...Moss will win this year. She just spews nothing but garbage when it comes to ball. People should just ignore her. She tries too hard..
  11. Originally posted by Oodweyne: ^^^ OK Ibtisam,... I'll be more than happy to recieve your questions, and therefore you can send me a PM anytime you want, and you can count me in (I'll even get my wife and few relatives of mine to do as well)... As for the other folks (i.e., Ngonge, Suldaanka, AJ, Ayoub, Lander, Red Sea, JB, Northerner, AfricaOwn, and Somalithinker ) what is happening fellas with this deafness. I say, lets get a move on in here fellas and help our dearest Ms. Ibtisam with her project... Regards, Oodweyne. She's looking for those that live in the UK which excludes me..I'm at N-America.
  12. So the Groups are set. Seems like a lot of UK teams to me.
  13. I was not shown that type of love when I got to London..I think is because I'm black. London was an awful experience for me. I was staying there for a bit before I headed to SL..I was glad to be leaving the hell-hole to Africa. I'm glad you enjoyed your stay in London homie.
  14. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Heh. How sneaky of you, North. YOU were supposed to answer this question. ps North and Ibti, This is not about arguing with Johnny. He has valid points. It's a public forum. If you don't want to talk to him personally then don't talk to him but you will still have to deal with his well-put argument. He has valid points if you're not using the Fiqh as the standard to judge this debate.
  15. Originally posted by Emperor: ^Not only one, he made many mistakes, how many times do I have to say that to you, may I explain everything for you like a child, listen to the clip clearly and read his lips..... Blah blah, Stop trying to avoid it....... Put down what you didn't agree/all the mistakes he said. You don't have sh!t on him because everything he said was on point.
  16. Originally posted by Emperor: ^I have already mentioned one of the things he got it wrong... Eritrea is not an Islamic state... LOL...Other then that everything he said about the main topic is on point? Can the tfg last 5 minutes if the occupiers were to leave today? I have faith on the puntland troops to not let that happen.
  17. Originally posted by Emperor: on this time thou I must say he got it wrong Explain how he got it wrong will you?
  18. Originally posted by Caamir: Dabshid, I lay all the blame on the west, Particularly the United States and EU. They create, manipulate and exploit the crisis in Congo. Blame the the west for the troubles in the middle east as well with the exception of their support for the TFG?
  19. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^lool. We are not debating Somalia adeer, it exists as a nation it is in a transition. You are a province of Somalia. Our wealth we will share with everyone as its Somali wealth. What you try and do means little outside the secessionist gang. You keep denying SL existence surely means you don't want peace to come. Millions of Somalis lives will be saved by accepting SL existence. Your Somaliwayne dream is just a delusion my friend...You believe this as well otherwise you wouldn't boast about PL. If I still believed in Somaliwayne there wouldn't be SL the province and other clan based states..I accepted reality a long ago.
  20. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^lool.Dont worry adeer the prjoect is on course. Mr faroole's boys are losing the plot, but you dont know Mr Faroole right. We are already rich, and if we get oil then by all means join us in Bossaso. How about you keep whatever resource you have in your beloved state to yourself..and we'll do the same. Tell your uncle to leave the people in the south as well. Peace can only come next. Peace will only come as soon as Somalis realize Somaliwayne is dead.
  21. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Adeer my uncle has the support of the international community. The UN security council When you say this what do you mean? Why do they allow Israel to shed the bloods of the Palestinians?
  22. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^I hope they never have any clashes, nothing is gained by it. But again whats with the haha? Djibouti is a Somali nation and Eritrea has no right attacking it.. Here is Ismael Omar Gulleh.. quote: “Eritrea waxaa ay diidan tahay nabad loo helo mushkilada Soomaaliya waxaana colaada ay hada nagusoo qaaday loo sabababeynayaa ka xumaasheheeda ay ka xumaatay heshiiskii dowladda federalka iyo is bahaysiga mucaaradka ah laba habeen ka hor ay ku gaareen halkan”ayaa lagu yiri war saxaafadeedka kasoo baxay maanta wasaarada arrimaha dibada dalka Jabuuti. Dowladda Eritea waxaa aad u dhibeysa nabad laga helo dalka Soomaaliya sababtoo ah hadii Soomaaliya ay nabadi saldhigato oo ciidamada Itoobiyaamnku baxaan waxaa dhab ah in Ciidadamada Itoobiyaanka ee baxayaahi ay si toos ah u abaari doonaan Eritrea oo aana lahayn awood dagaal oo rasmi ahaan ay isaga celiso Itoobiya. Afewerki is just as bad as Melez. This the man that is responsible of so many Muslim Eritreans disappearance (look into this) Haha was for the hyprocisy. If Afewerki was supporting your uncle..I don't think you will be saying all that stuff about him.
  23. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^You want Djibouti to be defeated by Eritrea? When is the next clash between the SL and PL do you think? Ramadan is I'm assuming another Ramadan Brawl?
  24. Originally posted by Emperor: Ina'lilaahi Wa inaa ilayhi rajicuun, reports on the Djibouti side casualties are already in, two soldiers have already fallen.... Has this nation ever fought a war horta? I am not sure how they would take this. It's serious now, Djibouti is a small country, Eretria must stop its aggression or the UN, America and France have to intervene... The mad-dog Afawerki needs to be overthrown, time for a regime change in Eritrea, the people of Eritrea are living hell under this beasts dictatorship, they deserve better... This is coming from who? Haha. What a clowns. Carry it own