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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. ^^^ I'm on point on that one. Nevermind about Awdal...Seek help to free Erigavo from the "secessionists"
  2. Originally posted by Dabshid: Keep up the struggle, Awdalites, Red Sea, These pple need your sympathy, they too are Muslims, Somalis, and are under oppression. For the record..Erigavo is mine.
  3. This clown wishes for things to fall apart in SL.
  4. Originally posted by General Duke: But good luck, your liberation clan struggle is confused and your secessionist friends are losing a war against a state that is not even fighting them. How about if a official fight begins before Ramandan? A full blown out war to settle things is really needed once and for all. The losers will keep out for good.... Sign on the dot that you're ready Duke.
  5. Originally posted by General Duke: loool. Thus now is bad, adeer there was a riot >? nooh Do tell us Mr Secesionist who was chased out of another city. I don't be surprised if certain people are really behind "" under the guise of.......
  6. Originally posted by General Duke: With all our troops in the south and the secessionists are having a hard time. Oh how weakl Riyaale and his clowns are. You see, you guys are able to defend yourself. Was there any need for your leaders to claim SL are being helped by non-Somalis lol? Fight the fight..
  7. Originally posted by Suldaanka: In SOmaliland, Kulmiye Party is perhaps the most democratic and open and inclusive of them all parties. At least, that is what we have seen of them so far. If they win the next elections and bring those values to the governance structures of the country, it will have a huge impact in the day to day lives of all the people. Imagine, a government that is open about its accounts, is inclusive in its thinking process and policy making. A government which encourages freedom of the press and reacts to the concerns of the general public. That is a dream government that Somaliland is yearning for. UDUB's shrewd and close-knit politics is not going to advance SOmaliland into what it really wishes to become in 20 or 30 years from now. You're putting too much trust on Kulimiye...I really hope they do win so we can see these "changes" happen.
  8. Originally posted by Lois Lane: Adeer, you can find your answer by the fact that the greatest majority in Awdal do not believe in this seperatist movement. Prove this please. Show some pics of Borama during the May 18th boycott (or celebrations for that matter). You're like these other dudes from "puntland" claiming Erigavo.
  9. Originally posted by Emperor: What is the point of planting road side bomb, firing rockets and assasinating Somali officials if you run and can't hold position. Let the fight be fair then...stop hiding behind the Ethiopian tanks/
  10. Originally posted by Xidigo*: quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn: SL is still very poor. Other SL cities don't count on the gov for support, they build themselves from the ground up.. I see where this is going. Awdelites are completely self-sufficient. Look no further than Amoud University. We just want to keep what we have and not have it moved to the "capital". You have no idea where the funds for Amoud University comes from lol. I doubt you're even from're just pushing something. SNM are murderous?
  11. Originally posted by Ceyrow jr.: Xidigo, Awdal has never been better. During the Barre regime or any time before than today. Offcourse there are many problems to overcome, and that is responsibility waiting for you. Don't wait for Rayaale. Exactly.... SL is still very poor. Other SL cities don't count on the gov for support, they build themselves from the ground up..
  12. Originally posted by Adam-Zayla: A guy that supports the shelling of residential areas in the Southern part of Somalia is now shedding crocodile tears for the situation in the Northern part of Somalia you make me sick and your going to have to live with that! lol..Exactly.
  13. Al Qaeda does not exist
  14. Originally posted by rudy-Diiriye: Really the dummiest bunch i ever came across in my life!! I could never believe a somali warrior is gonna agree with stinking amxaar!! thats wacked. Here is for the amxaar lovers! hope, u never run into me live...cuz i will *&*()^()^ You ever met Amxaar supporters like the boy Duke in real life? lol. I swear you will never meet them.
  15. Originally posted by Ceyrow jr.: Allahu Akbar. That is sweet way to die. God bless the mujaahideen.
  16. Originally posted by Castro: ^^^^ Adiga laftaada ***** ah. Somalia will never be free till the likes of you are sent packing. Basically Somalia will be free the day you Somalis act like the SOL members that hail from north-east Somalia...the true patriotics.
  17. Originally posted by HornAfrique: a man who used to have "Allah" as his signature That was a front.
  18. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^Again who are you fooling? What is the secessionist solution to the famine, war and troubles of the Somali’s? T Contrary to that..SL will be in a better position to get their independence whenever Somalia's trouble settles.
  19. Duke.. The kid is proud Secessionist dammit.
  20. Originally posted by General Duke: 2. The nefarious secessionists : They use the religious oath of Islam on their flag while trying to dismember the unity of the Somali’s who are not only their kin by blood but also brothers in faith. Why are you attached to SL only? What about:
  21. The expectant group = puntland clans lol. Name a SOL member that you think is in this group that's not from there Duke.
  22. Originally posted by Al Burcaawi: ^^Why not? Why support Djabouti vs Eritrea a week later? Surprise me,,,,, Because its two different cases. 1. You believe the independence in SL correct? Why should SL get involved of Somalia's internal issues? Its a peace conference that is meant to bring the opposing factions and the TFG together in Somalia.
  23. Originally posted by Al Burcaawi: Why support Djabouti (a neighbour) in the war yet state the peace conference for Somalia (a neighbour) has nothing to do with him? Only goes to proove Riyaale is a dumb politician! You're not making any sense here again. Why should SL be involved in the Somalia peace conference? Explain this please.
  24. Originally posted by Emperor: if you are supporting Alshabaab, Hassan Dahir and the so called religious fighters against the Ethiopians, then why aren't you glorifying the dervishes and Sayid Mahamed's campaign against the British imperialists. Let's see the real hypocrites here. Will that make them hypocrites?