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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Originally posted by Ibtisam: JB, do these guys know iyago saa uu faadfadiyo or eating samaneye ayaad sawiritey and then posted it on the net?? Siidaan sii maah. These guys are old enough to be my fathers age, haa ceebinin. Uuf Caalek. lol Exactly. Siidaan sii maaha.
  2. Originally posted by Red $ea: quote:Originally posted by Ducaysane: Couple years back, I contributed money into Edna's hospital in Hargaysa. I hear now it is a private hospital and all the revanue goes to Edna's pockets. Somalis will always find a dishonest way to make money. How much did you contribute? I will refund you to keep your words away from Edo Adna. @Burco Masha Allah. ILahay mid dadka anfaca hanooga dhigo. I will double that.
  3. Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn: quote:Originally posted by Gediid: Zimbabwe kazakhstan come on yaa Duke oh sorry I meant JB kuwaas ma wax bey investment ku sameyn karaan.Another PHOTO OP Riyaale.Kalmadan investment tolow ma the new recognition baa... So,If Riyaale is ousted by say,the minister for national planning(aaba yare),would you be back to your hawkish ways? JB,If someone else other than riyale becomes the president,will you stop being Duke-ish? I will await to see the day Riyalle leaves office. All these people that complain about him, and hope to see someone from their region become the President have this illusion everything will fall through.
  4. Originally posted by General Duke: I thought the whole "SSC" belonged in puntland? When you say the people of "SSC" don't want nothing to do with the secessionist...Why do then lump the whole Sanaag and Sool together?
  5. Do you guys ever get any days where it doesn't rain in the UK? Seriously
  6. This thread is 622 pages deep and I never seen it before...
  7. I want heads on a platter (Morgan being #1).
  8. Originally posted by Hassan6734: Yey is a joker because the west backs Nur Addde, if Nur Adde goes its definitely the end of the TFG, god Willing. Yey will be made to look like the incompetent "leader" which he is. Things will get very interesting from here on. Total failure..the only support he gets is from Duke and the likes.
  9. Originally posted by Dabshid: ^COngra on 5000 posts, Qaxwe iyo Salool isla dhac. These cities not part secessionists dream,and he knows it. Please..try to go back to Erigavo to visit soon, and report back how things are.
  10. Why does he care? His probably going to use that tiring "They're my people as well" Get lost man.
  11. Originally posted by me: Hey guys, when is radadan this year? I can't wait for it..IA
  12. Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe: It's moving in the right direction but such tension can retard future developments. I am glad that the people have demonstrated against the secessionists' aggression and destabalization of the region. As you can read from the news, the Puntland state Minister, Jama Hersi Farah is aiming to reinforce the Puntland troops in Sanaag and to set aside enough resources. They will work with developmental agencies in the region. Isn't Badhan in Maakhir to you?
  13. ^^ Have you noticed all the Anti-Somaliland peeps are cheering for Silaanyo to win the elections? lol
  14. ^^^ Look at the condition you're in...You're from a place where small time crooks, pirates and slobby gangsters dwell...At least the Mafia are organized.
  15. ^^^ So who really gets along with your clan then? You're crying about the "Secessionists" the "Terrorist" haha.
  16. Price tag on his head. He will be caught not to worry.
  17. Originally posted by unknown1: CLAN MILITIA YOU SAY. YOU SUPPORT ABDULLAH YUSUF BECAUSE YOU HAVE THE SAME CLAN, WHAT A DOUBLE STANDARDS. The way you deal with him is just to say...I am a clanist so what?
  18. Somalis form political parties out in the UK? lol...So how well do they do?
  19. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^lool. Your confused adeer, Mafia & Mob are two different words. Why was this man arrested? Walk in the streets and ask around what is a "Mobb"
  20. ^^^ In October you and your leaders out in Garowe said it will take you only a month to take back LA. Stop talking and do something Duke. The Mob are getting bored with your talks with no action.
  21. We're the Mob.... Don't the Mob cut up their foes and drop their body in the sewer? I will be careful if you ask me Duke.
  22. Is anybody planning to attend to this? Is taking place in Toronto, Ontario on August 15-17
  23. What about your "brothers" and "sisters" in the south under the real occupation? Don't use the "brothers and Sisters" gimmicks with me. Ps. Erigavo is strong
  24. Originally posted by Geel_jire: quote:Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Adeer who are you fooling we know who your subclan is and one is just asking questions regarding your confused uncles. We all also know you aint from the big clans of Puntland the capital H. But hey I aint like Red Sea we love our small cousins. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Adeer your clan is small as well. No offence. Duke no offence unless people who think like this ^ are completely extinct there is no hope for somalia ... so do it for your country man .. be a partriot bada isku rid ama jar iska tuur ... your country thanks you ! Hope to bring back the former Somalia will never be brought back..blame Duke and his line. End of story.