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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Originally posted by Saqajaan: The truth is difficult to handle. You can deny deny deny as clinton said, but it's still the truth. Should we forbid this clan politics and join you in Somalia to have.........?
  2. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: and who are reer Burco and reer Hargeisa ??? His his logic I am a supporter of Faisals party.
  3. Originally posted by Saqajaan: Ucid represents the garxajis. Just look at the leaders of each group, or in udub's case those behind the scenes. Who's behind Kulmiye's scenes? Do you know them? Are they all "Reer Burco"?
  4. Originally posted by Saqajaan: "Somaliland" politics is clan politics masquerading as democracy. You lot are not fooling anyone. Each of the three 'parties' are are nothing more than clan parties supported by the clans they represent. Silaanyo by reer burco, udub by reer hargeisa etc. You named only two...what about Ucid? Who are they supposed to represent?
  5. I don't follow the happenings of these meetings like some..This meeting in particular was just in the news lately that's why I know about it. Meetings like these shouldn't be happening at all. This is a set up for all of us. Tell us about the other meeting you were talking about.
  6. They had a clan based convention this is wrong no matter how you slice it, and I don't know about the other meetings...
  7. That meeting was wrong in so many levels. I don't know what they were thinking. SL doesn't belong to them alone.
  8. Is good to be a secessionist. Wont you like to be one too?
  9. Originally posted by General Duke: You on the other hand are allergic to the North East and spread the rpopganda of the cleaning lady bombers. We don't believe need more people once again. The cleaning ladies were probably killed by the roaches that protect your uncle.
  10. Will he go back to his birth place in Sanaag? Stop in Erigavo? We'll welcome him with open arms send out the memo.
  11. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: People, it is not that I'm not able to pay this money. It is just that I don't understand why we have to bear the burden of someone's illogical action. The man killed another human being for no apparent reason.He is callous with life. And I do help and contribute when I'm asked of something whether it's money for burial, for the sick or for someone who is down on their luck. Whose to say this person won't kill again considering how trigger happy he is. . Its not about bearing in his action. The family of the deceased asked for the Diya, therefore you pay.
  12. Originally posted by Malika: I dont get the mentality,Che I wouldnt pay a penny[luckly they dont ask women to pay anything] but nevertheless I would not give even a penny..I say let him get blasted away too! I always said women are more cruel than men.
  13. Originally posted by Ibtisam: that is expensive, he must have killed a big/ sucessful man. We're talking about $2000 now
  14. Originally posted by Red $ea: people dont' like him " For some reason? " Here is somaliland contending to attaining a status of nationhood yet even parts of the capital are lacking basic human needs. Ninyow saaxibayaal anyone is better this. This isn't what the Somaliland people hope to see out of this regime when they invested in it. That's why I'm hoping for a new administration to take over next elections Inshallah. I'm still voting UDUB for the sake of it. I'm anticipating for everything to make a 360 turn around (for the better) after Riyaale departure like you guys are predicting.
  15. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: I was a livestock merchant back in the days ,, i know all the problems we had and all the loss. We need change and more organization. They were crying yesterday that the government isn't doing anything to organize this sector and when it comes some figures shout that this is a monopoly ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Its just in their nature to complain. Even when their complaints are somewhat have to wonder if its just another baseless cry. I think is SL best interest for Riyalle to be replaced in the next elections. No matter what he does people just don't like him for whatever reasons... Somehow they all seem to think someone other then Riyalle will bring us everything.
  16. Originally posted by Red $ea: lol. Burco is very religious town. Hargeysa is sort of divided. Southern part of the town is very religious (part I hail from), but the North Western side of the town, Ilaahbaa xaalkeed og. Waligay uma talaabin xagaas. Dumar ayaa baabur kujiidhsinaya. Way shidan tahay laakin. I thought you hailed from Erigavo? The extended fam of reer Burco.
  17. Originally posted by Dabshid: Some1 should give the Somalia embassy details in Addis, This is a somali man in trouble, and should be helped. Cut the BS.
  18. Originally posted by Al Haashimi: JB, this deal is not for the benefit of the people as prices will remain low. If it was up to me I wouldn't sell to the khaliijis period! There is corruption involved here so let not simply ignore it ya JB. You wouldn't sell to them? Then bring in the alternative buyers Norf.
  19. Originally posted by Gediid: I dont have the time nor the energy to prove how much of a scumbag he is but since you have officially become his mouthpiece on SOL you might want to enlighten us on how the AlJabri deal is beneficial to Somaliland and why in the world would he(Riyaale) be so obsessed with it???? You're the one that made the accusation..simply prove it.
  20. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^lool. If after 17 years of talking this is what it got you then, hey who needs recognition and Visas. Your deputy justice Minister is not getting any justice imagine the ordinary traveler from the NW. dAMN.. I don't care if it takes us the next 100 years..We're determined to not join the union with bugland.
  21. Originally posted by General Duke: Here this simple story uncovers the truth of how fake this whole SL thing is. No embassay, no diplomatic team. Nothing, just clan men runninga around No nothing is better then joining union with bugland...Please don't forget that.
  22. ^^^ Just put it this way...It will feel a lot more painful if he was captured by bugland. The hate is mutual homie.
  23. As long as we break of the crooks from bugland at every scrimmage we're good homie