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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. That party is just power hungry. Just look at what's going on within their on party...The best decision UDUB can do is to toss them the bone. Let them win the elections for the sake of people. I never liked what Kulmiye as a party was all about. They have too many people following them for no reason at all.
  2. HARGEISA looks so home. Any pictures from Burco?
  3. So I'm frustrated at my workplace and feel like venting. 1. The lady that always brings her kids to work (claims she couldn't find a babysitter) 2.The loser that steals office supplies from your desk. Add on...
  4. I laugh at this garbage . "Mugabe-land(khat-land) and Riyale should be the least of your worries. Fix home first for crying out loud.
  5. Quite Possibly The Most ignorant yet funniest 7 year old on the planet. Enjoy the video
  6. Congrats to my Burcaawi breadrin. May Allah swt bless your kin.
  7. AfricaOwn

    Juma Woes

    We forgot to mention the Khateebs that give "The never-ending" Khutbahs. I seen couple of guys that actually stood up in the middle of the Khutbah to the tell the Imaam we have places to go. I hate when that happens..I just put my head down. Big haram.
  8. AfricaOwn

    Juma Woes

    Originally posted by Dabshid: quote: knelt down for prayers whilst standing on my tipy toes and why would you do that? last night, after prayer, this guy from the mosque stood up and shouted,all those who didn't park properly, their salaath will not be accepted. :confused: Someone from the neighbor may have complained, as their driveway was blocked. I see this is an international problem with the Muslims when it comes to parking at the Masjid. My Masjid has this same problem. People are careless to where they park their cars. The Imaam and the Masjid management are out of words from telling people to park their cars accordingly. They will park their cars right afront of the entrance, restricted fire zone, afront of another car..goes on. They never ever learn.
  9. The new design is just down right awful. I don't know why they have to change things when its already working.
  10. I'm voting conservative this time around.
  11. Originally posted by Nephthys: Suu u qos-qoslayay ma dhirbaxdaa ba i qabatay [community organizer, dhiq dhiq dhiq, a what? dhiq dhiq..] Ish! :rolleyes: Hahaha..That was classic I must say.
  12. Originally posted by Cara: ^That was the reasoning of Muslims who voted for Bush/Cheney in 2000. Conservatives favor less taxes for the very rich, not your average Joe or Xaliimo. Most of the tax cuts they propose are geared towards corporations, or clearly intended for wealthy people (eg estate taxes). Income and sales tax rates don't change all that much between one party administration and another. Big coporations need the tax cuts because they are responsible of employing thousands of people. They keep jobs in the country instead of shipping jobs to overseas. You tax the heck out of coporations and you wonder why so many people lose their jobs. You try to keep those that are employing people happy first.
  13. Its only right that you ask those that you heard this information from to confirm.
  14. I welcome this actually. Its about time they branch off.
  15. Ibti: Your Somali is just awful (is not me) lol. Just stick to typing in English Walaal.
  16. ^^^ They got some last the worst sports you can think of.
  17. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: quote:Originally posted by Pucca: well its just two things, a$$ and breasts. Some like both, some deny they like both and pick one. jb is in denial. loooooooooooooooooooooooool Give me the breasts then ,,,,,,, Ummm I don't know about that homie. I'll take the $ over that any day.
  18. I don't hate Somali Women..where did you get that crazy idea from? Your question: And I have no idea what you said.
  19. Ibti: The hate is mutual when it comes to my friends. I am often forced to defend you all for the sake of winning my arguments against them and only that.
  20. ^^^ Those lousy Canadians finally made it to the podium "eh"? Country as large as that with bunch of nothingness.
  21. There is a saying? Buhahaha. Lets not gas Somali girls like this please. They're not very popular with other races (at least with my friends) with the exception of few.
  22. Originally posted by Saqajaan: quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn: quote: Originally posted by Saqajaan: The truth is difficult to handle. You can deny deny deny as clinton said, but it's still the truth. Should we forbid this clan politics and join you in Somalia to have.........? You're veering off into to the tangential, who you join or don't join is none of my concern. I'm merely pointing the blatant hypocrisy among you somalilanders. Somaliland region is nothing more than an ethiopian proxy ruled by clan politics, no different than the rest of somalia. Sure, say all that stuff about Somaliland. At the end of the day..its better than the place you're inviting me to.
  23. I never knew Arab men took interest in Somali girls..thats a news to me.