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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: quote:Originally posted by Emperor: ^Riyaale is a bafoon, an ed1ot, so whats your problem. Walaale, Don't pay attention to africa's own trogdolyte. I don't think Puntland nor Somaliland are his concern. He just wants to forment an arguement. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California Not my concern? At least I'm not forcing fake sympathies like you folks. Remember "the cowards"?
  2. Originally posted by Emperor: Adde Muse and Riyoole Kahin are two bafoons who control or care about nothing but their bellies, corrupt and incompetency beyond known borders. They should vacate the seats immediately, Ximaariin dheh. They condemed lagulahaa, condem my foot, ed1ots... As for the innocent casualities, Ialahay ha unaxariisto inti dhimatay, kuwa dhawaacmayna Caafimaad dag dag Insha'alah. LOL..Don't worry about Riyaale Bafooness. Worry about what happen in Bosasso. Hargeisa didn't ask for your damn sympathy.
  3. Originally posted by Malika: ^Thank GOD,its not up to you or Ngonge for that matter. When in your strange thinking,what do you mean send every body to where they belong, do you mean every clan to his little tuulow? How simple minded! Simply put, the end justifies the means. Go to Puntland where they have Somali "Unity" and is "Safe".
  4. Originally posted by NGONGE: The plot thickens! Deportations-R-US! Co-sign. That's the only measure. If it was up to me I will send everyone back to where they came from.
  5. An awful news Wallahi. Too many non-residents flowing into the capital. The gov needs to do a better job sending people..Seriously
  6. Burco's own lol...I said you can have whatever you like now. Congrats!!!
  7. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Do u know him in person ?? I don't understand why this question is asked. Don't you think the guy spoke well to defend UDUB when the clashes for the parties were going on?
  8. Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: ^^^"What a load of crap!" dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California Stay out of this. This doesn't concern you. :cool:
  9. We need a young blood to lead this party. Its shame that his not running for the President job.
  10. Originally posted by Norf 1: Is this who you will be voting for ya JB? Stop giving Riyale this much credit. This is bigger than just one man. Blame the whole Somaliland Political establishments, courts and whatever. You people need to stop using Riyale as a scapegoat. If Tomorrow Siilanyo gets elected we will not blame him for local arrests that happen in Berbera.
  11. I had the ambition of becoming the govenor of Sanaag for the Repulic of Somaliland. You mean to tell me I can have the "President" title?
  12. Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: ^^^D'AH! The name is PUNTLAND STATE OF SOMALIA --So go imbibe that hateration juice elsewere saaxiib. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California Who is your President? "President" Yey or "President" Nuradin, Cadde or whoever the heck thats running the area you hail from?
  13. Originally posted by Caamir: An open letter to H.E. John Kufuor, President of Ghana by Northern Somali Unionist Movement (NSUM) " For Somalia, Ghana’s recognition of Somaliland, if it materialises, would not lead to an independent recognized Somaliland but only serve to stoke the Somali civil war into a bloodier and prolonged one. For the rest of Africa, your action would set a precedent that will open Pandora Box that will dig the grave for the unity and territorial integrity of many other African countries. " NSUM If whatever place you hail from decides they want independence you think we will care? You shouldn't worry about Somaliland ambition to go independent..Really
  14. ^^ Oodweyne is a good pick. His probably the most qualified candidate with the most exprience. I should have gave him the top spot..That will make me a lil bias lol. I therefore I had to pick the safest person from the other side for the President Job. I will blow up the place if Duke and his co-defenders ever win anything lol. Its a promise.
  15. Voting Nephthys for President (non-Slander you can tell I'm not bias with this ) Running Mate: Oodweyne ( We need a strong leadership)
  16. Dhulqarnayn Tell us why you're :mad: son....I don't see you as my countrymen why do you?
  17. Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: ^^^ War wiilka madaxa ha ka cunin seef laboodyahow cimaamada kala jeeda qaba. Kulahaa, "the target audience of this thread was somalilanders". Just because you only meant to address your fellow cretinous secessionists, does NOT mean no one else baa runta kuu sheegi kara. The significant problem with ignorant bigots such as yourself is that you actually believe that the people of Waqooyi galbeed have the same criminal predilection to champion the fake cimaamad wearing deviants you support. And you're wrong, saaxiib! So please take your wishy-washy twaddle elsewhere. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California p.s What's wrong with supporting the TFG? bring it on suckahs!LOL Were you not calling the people "Waqooyi galbeed" cowards in another thread? We rather support "the fake cimaamad wearing deviants" then to side with your likes lol. We see your uncle Yey and his supporters as the vampire.
  18. Originally posted by LayZie G.: I wrote: quote:I enjoyed watching the DVD. One of my sisters brought it from UK recently and it was well filmed. The sound was fantastic and they had all my favourite fanaaniin performing. I would have loved to have been there.(I haven't been to a somali concert, because I have just recently showed interest in somali music, I'm the king khalid era) I didn't mind about the flag waving, it showed that they were truly proud of who they were and where they came from. I'm not from S-land but seing somalis come together that way and celebrate together was something. The highlight of my post commentary was about "community", "united", "concert", "quality of film and the fact that my favourite fanaaniin were there. Nothing in support of secessioner entity. Commentary on United? It was Somaliland May 18th Independence day Party... Only Somalilanders were united in this party. You :mad: ?
  19. Geelle can shove his comments in the.....
  20. Originally posted by LayZie G.: That said, if and when a somali becomes a negative headliner, I am the first to take him/her apart, not because I wish them bad, but because in my own strange way, I care and love my people.(not separatists) We're glad that you enjoyed watching that DVD. PM Me so I can hoook you up with the latest one.
  21. Originally posted by Mujahid: Red Sea: quote:Originally posted by Alfa: LayZie G, yac! see weeye eedo, qof kale haa balse LG lagama filayn in aay sida ka fiirsasho la aana wax u qorto. You neva know what to expect from LZG. She flips and flops faster anyone I have seen in long time. Someobody please UP those threads where she was jocking the "secessioners" while back ago. ...For the sake of it. lol