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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Originally posted by LayZie G.: . On the other hand, when the time comes the subject of the north will not be up for debate as the matter will be put forth to into the hands of the citizens, who will ultimately decide on it in the form of referendum.(democracy will prevail ya secessioner) The people of Somaliland have spoken already.
  2. Originally posted by LayZie G.: You are a minority, therefore you do not represent the masses from that part of the country. Some of them would be ashamed of your conduct had they realized that you were operating in the name of their region. Trust me in saying this..I am far from being minority on the opinions I hold. I know my people better than you do.
  3. I would never claim anyone that doesn't claim me. Why should you? Think about it.
  4. ^^ I can walk down the street of our capital with dignity and being proud of my country accomplishments thus far can you? I don't need your claim. Hate it or Love it..we're gone for good. Ps. Don't make me have to pull up those all threads when you were hmm how should I put this.."extra friendly".
  5. I should have never said I had an account. This is the most awkeward position for me. I don't want her to find out what me and my friends are up to.
  6. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Shock gaaga ku maqnow hee... We don't really speak alike. Lets just stick to communicating in english(or french).
  7. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Amazing how some seem to gloat on the misfortunes of their brothers and sisters in the South...It is one thing to believe in something and defend it (the hopes of one day S/land will become a country), Out of all people this had to come from you? I'm shocked appalled.
  8. Originally posted by Kashafa: If you think you are 'determined' in your 'march to freedom'(straight back to Mama Elizabeth's warm embrace, straight back to Cousin Zenawi's lap), I assure you that you are up against men who will readily see ALL of Somalia burn to the f'ing ground before it's national and strategical security is compromised. They are not alone in their unwavering, uncompromising vision for their people, the Somali-Muslims of East Africa. History, again, is our best guide: it boils down to one issue: the National Security of Somalia(including Somali Galbeed, NFD, and Djibouti) and the Somali people. 1. So were these men that you speak of "The protectors" of Somalia's territoral intergrity asleep when when Djibouti was gone, Ethiopia took NFD? Why are they willing to burn this sh!t down whenever Somaliland is involved? How are they willing to gain back the other lands which they have lost? 2. Was Somaliland better of prior to the Somalia's civil war?
  9. Originally posted by General Duke: I will oppose it when it becomes a reality. Until then why waste time on a fairytale? I think your Somali dream is truly the fairytale here. Dukey..I don't think you should worry. Somalia can walk without SL. Who needs them really? In the past Somalia has gone without Djiboutie didn't they? Somalia in the long run will do much better without the unpatriotic bunches..think about it. I believe in Somalia success without SL and I think you should too. Its better for all parties if everyone supported SL more animosity at last.
  10. I'm having hard time understanding your issues. It maybe very simple to understand, but its not crossing with me. 1. Why do you oppose the independence of Somaliland? 2. If you oppose Somaliland's independence because of the contested lands. If an agreement is reached to break the land (along clan lines like Erigavo) will that then shut you up? 3. Those in Somaliland could care less about the 'Somalinimo'argument some use to oppose SL's independence. I wouldn't want "disloyal" people like them as my countrymen..why would you? Why not bless their independence?
  11. Originally posted by nuune: Yeey doing his thingie SOMALI PRESIDENT ABDULLAHI YUSUF AHMED "I am hopeful that [barack Obama] will help end major crises in the world, particularly the endless conflict in my country Somalia. "This was a historic election in which a proper leader was elected. This is a great moment for America and Africa." World Leaders reaction to Obama's victory PS: I chose to post on this topic, cuz found that Riyaale ain't on that link of BBC world leaders reaction to Obama. PSS: No clear reason why I posted this here It was unneccessary for you to post that. His your president not ours.
  12. Didn't the pregnant dude Cadde accused SL for having ties with Al-Qaeda? Faysal has the right to say anything he wants to them...Simpleton huh?
  13. SL problem is not Mogdisho. Those recent comers to Hargeisa are just living life, so I think you should take back whatever you said about them. I think SL main problem is puntland. There are too many haters who envy us from that area.
  14. ^^ Sure we believe you. I have family (mother side) and friends from Awdal that never speak the way you speak about Somaliland..why is that?
  15. Other charges: “A clanist enclave run by corrupt individuals, it's not going anywhere and hasn't gone anywhere.” “Somalilanders wished the fire in the South would continue, at least until they receive their coveted recognition. Alas, wishing on a fire to rage in your neighbor's house while yours remains safe is spitting into the wind.”
  16. ^^^ You sound bitter about Somalialnd huh We know that you're not really from Awdal. Speak no evil...Where are you really from?
  17. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: All that said, what good jb is spewing here is BS. I mean pure rubbish! He speaks as though what happened yesterday was a reprisal against secession. What happened yesterday, misguided as it was, was an act against a perceived injustice. I'll argue Its both. Those that are against Somaliland independence are also capable of doing just this.
  18. Originally posted by Emperor: Haha haha ha, today JB sounds more like George Bush in the wake of 9/11 miyaa Lool....‘We will win against our enemies; America will not bow to terrorists, we will defeat Alkeeyda’ Bush's Sept 11 speech: "...Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve." The so called 'war on terror' is still being fought, I wonder how many more years they need to call it over. Of course this a joke to you huh... ps. Save the BS.
  19. Originally posted by NGONGE: I happened to be sitting in a Somaliland coffee shop last night and eavesdrop on a discussion about these bombings: Waxa la yedhi: this was a wicked Puntland plot to disrupt Somaliland and the evidence is found in the cowardly way they also engineered some harmless explosions in their own city to confuse people and direct suspicion elsewhere. Waxa la yedhi: this was an ONLF operation to teach the Somaliland government a lesson and make them think twice about handing any ONLF sympathisers to the Ethiopian authorities (the evidence cited here is the one about blowing up the Ethiopian embassy). Waxa la yedhi: this was an Ethiopian plot to allow that country to invade Somaliland in the name of maintaining regional security. The allegation about the death of three Ethiopians in the embassy was dismissed as misinformation; they were three poor Somalilanders that worked in the embassy and no Xabashis died. Waxa la yedhi: Abdullahi Yusuf arranged this operation to cause a distraction and ease the building pressure he is under. Waxa la yedhi: Al Shabaab is behind this cowardly act and are doing it to show that their influence and power reaches the whole of Somalia. Waxa la yedhi: this was planned and executed by an angry group of youth who want to blame this disaster on the Mullahs. Apparently, the Mullahs once disrupted a Valentine party they had in Borama. Waxa la yedhi: Sh. Sharif ordered these attacks to take attention away from his shameful and futile partnership with the TFG. Adigo maxad odhan? This is my main suspects
  20. Originally posted by General Duke: Suldanka who was the target? The news is not clear, some are saying it was the political parties, Riyaale himself, the NSS, Ethiopian office? LOL@ you trying to pin the parties together. If anything I will blame it on the place you hail from. The attacks that happen in Bossaso was just a distraction.
  21. Originally posted by juma-nne: First of all my condolences goes to this towns engulfed by this tragic explosion. In reply to many speculations on the repercussions to this events. Mine is a in a form of question. what about if the papetrators turns to be Locals of those towns? would the locals be deported? I highly doubt any local will do this, however if it turns out to be one..The firing squad is in position.
  22. ^^^ Calling out the wolfs lol...Pardon me. I rather we have bad blood then hold hands. I'm willing to sign the dot......
  23. ^^ Nobody is buying what you folks say about Hargeisa.