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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Nobody made the SNM turned the guns on each other, Of course go ahead and add the SNM to the mix. They had nothing to do with this. They walked from the mess after they took back what belonged to them.
  2. Originally posted by Protocol: Abdullahi Yusuf is a great leader, let's be realistic, the man fought against ethiopians in the 1977 war and was decorated for it, he brought down the dictatorship of Barre. Entertainment
  3. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: According to Othieno, the only recent experience Somalis have had with peace and a sense of security was the six months in 2006 when the Islamists controlled vast parts of the country. "That was the first time in nearly 15 years that witnessed a return to peace in Somalia, albeit only briefly. It is this sense of 'security' that Somalis crave and are willing to secede some of their freedoms to be safe from harm," he added. . Bottom line.
  4. Originally posted by Nephthys: I do wish I had such power, the ability to keep them from accidentally bombing civilians. Having said that, I am very grateful for their sacrifice; endangering the occupying force and their lackeys everywhere and at all times. Interesting. I'm not siding with these crooks, but I think you could have worded that better.
  5. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Better governing can be done as a unit within Somalia. Its not a reason to create a seperate nation. Again if Britian can have Scots, Irish, Welsh and the English together. The small clans of the North West with their other small clan brothers in the North east and south should stay together. . Has the United of these small clans ever worked for the people of former Somalia(maybe to some, but it wasn't mutual)? It simply wont work in my opinions. That's the reason why I am a seperatist not because I don't want to identify myself with other Somalis. Somaliland is just better of. Somaliland is better of now than prior to the former Somalia civil war.
  6. Originally posted by General Duke: Yet to the ***** who wrote the article Somaliweyn is a crazy idea. While we are a single nation with a single language and a single religion. Is not about that. Somaliland is just better of governing itself. This "Somaliwayne" BS you're on will cause more problems than good. And if you ask me..we never had a "Somaliwayne" to begin with.
  7. Al Shabaab is like the boogeyman to you tfg/puntland cheeleaders. They really got you guys scared huh
  8. Originally posted by Emperor: ^Lol, tell him now meesha mashidna dheh Africa, your clan leader in SL will be arrested soon and made to pay the price for leading an illigal entity. You dwell on Erigavo while we know Hargeisa is no different, part and parcel of the Somali republic, it is legally, it is logically and it is physically, markaa go on keep on parking. Just keep singing the tune..... “....We-the-Maakhirians-of-Somalia-own-Sanaag-Region-but-for-some-reason-our-political-regent-whose- name- is-Gen. Ilkajir-can’t-visit-the-Capital-Erigavo-of-that-region-that-we-are-claiming-it’s-ownership-of-it-in- public....”
  9. Originally posted by Emperor: General Ilka-jiir the running candidate for Puntland leadership is the don in Sanaag nowadays. Having said that, the seccessionists have a lot to fear should this man wins Presidency of Puntland. Wasn't he born in Erigavo Sanaag, but yet can't go there? Why not? His the don in Sanaag?
  10. Supposedly Ilkajiir was born in Erigavo and can't even come to that city? That's sad. How do you explain this?
  11. Who said anything about "Al Shabaab" being behind the Hargeysa bombings? No one knows yet.. I'll say the intelligence should blame it on Garowe in a jusitfication to go to war, so that we can finally close our borders.
  12. Originally posted by General Duke: Mr Two Horns, adeer you are not helping anything with such talk. LA, is part of Puntland, so is Erigavo and they are no different to Garowe and Galkacyu and so on. Erigavo is part of Puntland? . No talks or negotiations over the land. I'll say lets go to war over this. The war wont end until one side totally demolishes the other. Seriously..SL needs to make me as their leader.
  13. Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: Horta anigu, weligay runta kama xishoon. So don't you dare try to apologise for daciifnimada dadkaas. The jaded secessionists claim Sanaag and eastern Bari aswell, but we all know they do not have the cuevos to mess with those provinces. Why? because the locals of Maakhir will not tolerate such nonsense. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California What's going on in Erigavo Sanaag..What's the ground news like? Stop lying to yourself lol
  14. I always have said that you're a fake 76ers fan. You only used follow them around as a team because of Iverson.
  15. Originally posted by NGONGE: It's a proper company, Ibti. I don't know about that. My mom was not contacted for 3 long months after sending money to a relative in Hairgesa who never received the money. The money was sitting there. The least they could have done was contact back the sender.
  16. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Cara...How come you haven't add me? Now why would you want to add her?
  17. Originally posted by sheherazade: just say No or create a false one just for her and say u're friendless. She manages a bunch of interns that has her on their facebook. I refused to let this happen..I did changed the subject quickly hopefully she doesn't notice why I never added her.
  18. Originally posted by LayZie G.: ^OWLY, when the time comes, the facts will speak for themselves. Until then, try to behave and take Che's advise, after all you are our guest. You are identified as a somali, you a member of a somali forum, you eat somali food, you practice the somali culture. One last piece of advise, go back tO Kasha's post and really try to take it all in and educate your brothers and sisters(such as jb's alike) about the history of the world and how it shapes lives. PS: Che, with that note I will leave him to his wet sovereign dreams. Alright Sean Hannity
  19. ^^ For the record..I was actually born in Mogdisho. I no longer call it home, but I wish her well.
  20. ^^^ This is sorta like a silly "battered wife" whose husband divorced her trying to still hold onto him.
  21. ^^ What makes you think it will not be embraced by all citizens? You're talking out of your..... What do you have to offer that they will suddently change their mind? Get back into your lil box.