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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Originally posted by Protocol: History has been kind to us, that much is fact. So continue to cry for international attention and see where it gets you, you britsh lackey. Are you implying that you will never resort to crying for international recognition for pirate-land? In another thread you were trying to follow Somaliland footsteps(yet again)in walking away from the union.
  2. Originally posted by RedSea: What happened to Pl should seceed crap? lol In another thread-he said that it was only right that PL should secede if things in the south doesn't work out. . He has a problem with Somaliland aspiration for recognition somehow.
  3. ^^^ His a entertainment He forgot to mention what clans Faisal speak for hahaha. Dude is mad bitter about what?
  4. There are influential leaders from my sub-clan in each of the 3 parties. My dude you have no idea what you're talking about. Don't confuse us to Pirate-land. Btw..How are the Dixon streets now days?
  5. Originally posted by Protocol: baalshit bropaganda, some secessionist convinced him to do this. Bossaso is safer than hargeisa today. And somaliland has no democracy, unless you consider vote rigging to be essential part of democracy. Somaliland is an ethiopian proxy, they can' do anything without the blessing of ethiopia. The so called 'somaliland' parties are divided among clan lines, so it's nothing more than clan alliances masquerading as political parties. At least with the TFG and the 4.5 system, it's direct clan representation and no smokescreens. You :mad: ?
  6. There are number of International African students (including Somalis) that go to Harvard now. A lot of them go to MIT.
  7. I met the Minister of Water and Mineral Resources and his team from Somaliland last spring at San Antonio, Texas. A family member was helping them talk with investors. This will take some time...
  8. ^^ You punties always give out comparison of Somaliland and the place you hail from which makes me sick for some odd reason. Somaliland is nothing like PL, and PL is nothing like Somaliland. Lets just keep it that way.
  9. ^^ I wish that you dwell and be happy in puntland. I'm not being politically correct here. I honestly do not wish that we get along. We're better off being two different countries.. (Nothing against the south for the record)
  10. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^NGOONGE, adeer I agree with develoution of power thus Somaliland and Puntland with their idiotic disagreement should be the models for the new republic.. I prefer the face-off.
  11. Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe: Hargeisa might be safe for foreign staff but not for ordinary Somalis whose lives are trapped in makeshift camps & tagged as refugees to be deprived of necessities in their own country or are randomly kidnapped, tried and extradited to secret CIA or Ethiopian prisons. Why did they go through the punties land to come to Hargeisa. Surely they could have had a better life there right?
  12. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^lool. You do talk big, adeer you lost 24 civilians and can not even mention the criminals who did out of fear. Garowe is going through an election after that there will be nothing to stop us. SL has a bigger enemy to the west to worry about.
  13. ^^ Using that his busy with the south excuse yet again huh. Mann I can't wait for another round. Please provoke something Adde.
  14. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^lool, secessionist you dont have any power over the TFG or Somalia you are but a region dreaming of the good old English days. You aint English though.. The promise was within a month. You don't want it with us- ask your leader from Garowe
  15. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Pretty much what? TFG = National Somali government and anti Secesionisam. What if I were to say %#@ your National movement. TFG= Only puntland supporters.
  16. Originally posted by RedSea: ^ So what if I am Somalilander. I am not a member of Alshabab but I sure take them over the TFG anyday Pretty much
  17. Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: ^^^They've been blinded by tribal hate. Only Allah(SWT) can cure them of such a debilatating ailment. It(i.e disease) has practically turned them into walking zombies, with only one thing on their mind--Must*Kill*Other*Somalis...Must-Not-Care-If-W e-ALL-Die-While-At-It... Protocol: [/b] The hate mutual..I know you read what your clansmen protocol typed at another thread. SMH@ you using Allah's name in vain.
  18. ^^^ I heard it when I was sleep that the pregnant dude that runs your area promisedd to take it back within a month, and it has beem what already? lol...Your "army" is a featherweight. Ethio got tired of your uncle. He will lose his protection, and the boogeyman (Al Shabab) will soon come to your door step...SL is not even needed.
  19. Originally posted by Protocol: AfricaOwn Everything I said is fact, but perhaps I was too blunt. Take it as advice more than anything else sxb. Until we meet for another around at Las Anood. This time at least put up a fight. That 2 hours takeover was too easy.
  20. Originally posted by Protocol: Africaown Listen ******, What has somaliland taught anyone besides how to prostitute one's self to any foreigner that will listen? My views are unfotunately those of a minority, majority of puntlanders are still interested in greater somalia, unlike secessionists who get some sick satisfaction from the political turmoil in the south. Your people's hypocrisy can easily be spotted. You've been crying for secession for 17 years now, what has it gotten you? Puntland is a more viable state than 'somaliland', bossaso port earns more revenue than berbera(ethiopian port). What has your 'government' done for the last 17 years? cigaal looted and stole what little income you people make from selling khat and or your women, and Riyaale started where he left off and today your cities have the highest rates of HIV in somalia, ethiopia controls and uses your port willingly and no international organization takes the independence of the khat republic seriously. While those of you in the diaspora keep waving the iranian flag like the ***** ***** you are, completely unaware of reality. You people are a sad sight sxb, and if anything, puntland could learn from all the mistakes you've made. Just quote him..for the sake of it . I love the love homie. I'm just as ignorant trust me - I'm no better, but I wouldn't say this stuff on a message board. I will bring it to you directly. [ November 21, 2008, 12:18 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  21. Originally posted by Protocol: I'm not interested in babysitting savages and secessionists anymore, I say let them cannibalize each other and let's move forward and work on our regions. "let them cannibalize each other" Hahaha You're truly are confused. Who was accused of saying this since 91? We're the seccessionists group, and you're aspiring to be what? My child..Somaliland has taught you how walk,and now this the thanks you give them? Go ahead and re-order the Somaliland flag colors to make it your official new puntland flag as well.
  22. I need that pirate money as well. Break Me off in the millions. There is no way I can let this money go by me..Sign me up.
  23. Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: Stop the nonesense of dreaming about Somalia under their sole grip. I am talking to the elites of this clan, who do not hide their contempt to their Southern brothers, and their hate for their northern ones. I'm basically implying the same.
  24. Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: This is not to exonerate anyone from blame, but surely at the macro level, those who led Somalia to abyss are those who started cronyism, looting and subjugation from the get-go. We can say they were individuals, and that they belonged to all sides, but I think they were predominantly from one clan. That is for sure. I cosign...They know exactly who they are. They're now the loudest folks that scream we want "Somaliwayne".