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Posts posted by AfricaOwn

  1. This list does not include Africa -



    Saudi Arabia - Jedd eh, Riyadh as youngN



    UK - London, Bristol, Sheffield

    Netherlands (Transit)


    North America:

    Canada - Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa

    US - All of the North-East States including -The state of New York, Massachusetts, DC, Virginia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and as well as out in the west to Arizona and Nevada.



    British Virgin Islands


    Dominican Republic

  2. (CNN) -- The ground just swallowed him up.


    A Florida man fell into a sinkhole that opened suddenly Thursday night beneath the bedroom of his suburban Tampa home, calling out to his brother for help as he fell, a fire department spokeswoman said Friday.


    "I heard a loud crash, like a car coming through the house," the man's brother, Jeremy Bush, told CNN affiliate WFTS. "I heard my brother screaming and I ran back there and tried going inside his room, but my old lady turned the light on and all I seen was this big hole, a real big hole, and all I saw was his mattress."


    Bush frantically tried to rescue his brother, Jeff Bush, standing in the hole and digging at the rubble with a shovel until police arrived and pulled him out, saying the floor was still collapsing.

    Search for man swallowed by sinkhole

    What causes sinkholes?


    "I thought I heard him holler for me to help him," the man tearfully told WFTS.


    Jeremy Bush and four other people, including a 2-year-old child, escaped from the blue, one story 1970s-era home in Brandon, Florida, a Tampa suburb.


    The man was presumed dead after monitoring equipment lowered by engineers detected no signs of life, said Jessica Damico, the Hillsborough County Fire Department spokeswoman.


    But rescuers can't go into the hole to check -- it's too dangerous, Fire Chief Ron Rogers told reporters Friday. Authorities say they worry the hole is still spreading and the house could collapse at any time.


    The sinkhole is about 20 feet to 30 feet (6 to 9 meters) across and may be 30 feet deep, said Bill Bracken, president of the engineering company assisting emergency workers. The hole was originally reported to be 100 feet across, but that is the diameter of the safety zone surrounding it, Bracken said.


    "It started in the bedroom, and it has been expanding outward and it's taking the house with it as it opens up," he said.


    Nearby homes have been evacuated as a precaution, Rogers said.


    Damico said about 40 police and firefighters were standing by at the scene Friday morning. Meanwhile, engineers with more sophisticated equipment hope to get a three-dimensional image of the sinkhole.


    Family members were also on hand, waiting out what they fear will be a devastating day.


    "I know in my heart he's dead," Jeremy Bush said. "But I just want to be here for him, because I love him, he was my brother, man."


    Sinkholes are common in Florida, according to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. The state lies on bedrock made of limestone or other carbonate rock that can be eaten away by acidic groundwater, forming voids that collapse when the rock can no longer support the weight of what's above it.

  3. Alpha Blondy;900148 wrote:
    much like this thread, burao and its people promise so much but deliver very little in the way of 'tangibles'. we wait in vein for these 'pictures'....i'd surprised to hear the camera has even reached there? when was the last time you saw a picture of burao? no really?

    As per usual, our Burco friends are all talk :)

  4. So huddle up and help Africaown with this. Not that I'm saying I'm getting married anytime soon, but I think to myself that I have reached that time to think about this at least. I figured my play time might come to an end soon (its been real). I wont be running the streets for long and breaking girl hearts.


    Lets establish the checklist

  5. I thought this was intereeeeesting, enjoy



    "Sadly he recalls the experience of three of his fellow officers who also had similar manifesto’s to Christopher Dorner’s, two Black officers and one white female officer, who instead of acting on their manifesto committed suicide. Something that Brian says is common amongst officers who are terminated and believe the Department has wronged them.


    When asked if he believed the claims made in the Dorner manifesto, Brian is very clear.


    “Not only do I believe it, but I lived it.”



  6. xiinfaniin;919786 wrote:
    I would believe them if they return them to Garoowe.


    Otherwise it would be what it looks; a politically motivated action to fend off the British and American declarations with respect to the security. Kaahin's public speech is quite significant. More significant is the arrest of Farysal's son.

    Going by with what you said, "You never want a serious crisis to go to an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." is the just politics.

  7. Rahima;919392 wrote:
    Very close, it was in a suburb only 20kms from the CBD- densely populated. It was touch and go earlier today, residents in that suburb plus surrounding suburbs were evacuated but they've now been allowed to return home- it seems to be under control alhamdullilah.

    On the plus side, you're enjoying summer and is not freezing where you are at unlike here. May G-d be with you guys.

  8. The Minister of finance Hon Abdiaziz Mohamed Samaale has announced his desire to via for the chairmanship for the ruling party(KULMIYE) in the upcoming party convention today during a luncheon held at Hotel Mansoor, Hargeisa.


    The meeting which was attended by almost all sub clans heads, intellectual, Elders and youth belonging to the SM clan who had gathered at the Hotel Mansoor after been invited by Finance minister Hon Abdiaziz Mohamed Samaale who declared his intention to run for the party’s leadership in the upcoming KULMIYE Party convention.


    Most of those who had gathered mainly at the luncheon from SM Clan Pledged to support the Finance Minister at the party convention, this dashing the hopes of the current chairman Muse Bihi who also comes from the same SM Clan and who was seen as party’s favorite in the next Presidential race .


    In another development today the current Chairman of Kulmiye Hon Muse Bihi also met with the same power brokers his fellow clansman had met earlier today at the Hotel Mansoor to present his case to his fellow clansmen.


    People in Hargeisa are looking forward to the much anticipated ruling party convention, with the finance minister announcing his candidacy in the race for the party’s leadership.


    Goth M Goth


  9. Mooge;918978 wrote:


    why are Puntland elites on the top of shabaab kill list? that is the question everyone is asking. Why doesn't alshabab target somaliland elites?


    how many nabadoons, elders, sheikhs were killed in Galkacyo in the last few years? more than you can count. how many in berbera, burco and hargiesa?


    i seek answers.

    Who are you seeking answers from? what authority do they have? stop asking all these nonsense questions brah, do something about it if you dare.