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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Originally posted by Qalbi-Adeyg: ^ I told you i never cared for your recognition or independence, just so long as you stayed within your clan boundaries of the triangle(burco, berbera and hargeisa) and not taken other people's lands in SSC. Who lives in Erigavo? Sanaag and Sool both are in SL..Take it in blood.
  2. Originally posted by Qalbi-Adeyg: quote:Originally posted by The Zack: Waa fikrad fiican.. ha goosato. Haddii somaliweyn xoog badan la waayay, somaliyayaal yar yar ha soo baxaan, nabadgaliyadaa wax kasta ka muhiimsan. Ha is raacdo diiddaye hakala go' go'dee daa! sax! A central somali somali government that every clan will agree with does not seem plausible or practical, so this is the next best thing. So then why were you :mad: at Somaliland for realizing this back in 1991? Do you now understand the logic behind the separtist? Are they still clanist?
  3. Originally posted by Resistance: He should have negionated better and made sure that at least his people got into positions of power where can he can still have influence. That's probably the smartest move he could do. I'm glad his digging even deeper hole instead. May he leave in disgrace .
  4. How is it possible that you're talking about your saviours in this way? Things have changed a lot since December 06 huh.
  5. Car is waaay too small. A Lincoln navigator and alike should do.
  6. We need the Canadian/US currency to be the highest in the world. I think its only right.
  7. To avoid making the same mistake multiple times- why don't he just pick someone from Garowe for the pm spot?
  8. For the sake of our democracy I will like to see a change of government - even though I know Kulimey wont do much better. The elections will be close. UDUB the party of Egal wont fold easily that's for sure.
  9. AfricaOwn


    The whole UK is pathetic and depressing azz place to be. I always have an awful time there. If it wasn't for a close family members that reside in London..England is easily skip-able destination. I can't imagine myself living in the UK.
  10. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: what morons ??? Now even if Udub play it fairly i'm sure kulmiye and his supporters will still say wax baa la musuqmaasuqay ,,,,,,,,,,,, On point. These guys (Kulimye) are just power hungry. Even if UDUB takes it fair and square they will cry about the results. To be on the save side..I'll just throw them the bone and let them take the elections.
  11. Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn: who the hec is Dr.Saleban? That's what I want to know. Who is Dr Seleban? From now on a brief explanation of the topic person is greatly appreciated. Thanks (This goes for all threads)
  12. Originally posted by Resistance: ^ but that has a flaw, once a freind of yours comments on any picture that in turn wuill allow freinds of that freinds to veiw not only that picture but the entire album, i've many a picutes that i was not meant to see through this loophole. That depends on that Friend privacy setting. My friends can not see any pictures I comment on.
  13. Originally posted by -Lily-: If you have a photo on facebook, and you select only certain friends to see it, and those friends comment on it does that mean everyone else will be able to see that photo too? How is this possible anyways? This is not the same as Photos Tagged of You You can actually let certain friends see your Facebook Profile Picture?
  14. Originally posted by Valenteenah: There's nothing good on at this end - other than maybe Body of Lies , but I can't stand Russell Crowe. Body of Lies still playing in Europe? That movie was on back in Setepmber was it here in NA.
  15. Originally posted by AfricaOwn: Red Sea My brother...You're flip flopping when it comes to your support for Al-Shabaab & Somaliland. That's all I have to say. Originally posted by RedSea: Adeer if you cared about Somaliland and its future welbeing you would have realized that the party you support so dearly (udub) are the worst enemy of the state. I can refute that by saying..The party that you obsessivly support (Kulmiey) will set as back to mid 90's. Why do you support them? Based on what issues? What have they done? They have internal problems within their own party constantly..Those guys are not ready to lead.
  16. Red Sea My brother...You're flip flopping when it comes to your support for Al-Shabaab & Somaliland. That's all I have to say.
  17. Originally posted by Pucca: ^im with that view. I just dont see why i need to bother myself.. I just don't see why I should even bother as well then. If you're not going to make the move please don't expect me to do it. Nah Uh ***folds arms & turns to the side***
  18. ^^ What do you recommend then? How will you help those "euro trash qaxotees" to conform with the customs? Talk about your own backyard as well. Talk about the trailer trash qaxotees over at Dixon.
  19. Originally posted by Pucca: ps. it might help to know that 'somalian' is really not a word, the correct term is 'somali'. Think you could be proud of being 'somali'? I knew right away someone will be so quick to jump on that.
  20. Originally posted by Oodweyne: [in other words; the battle you speak of may have go against us at that day; but in so far as the larger war is concern, it was us who have won it, hands down. Since as we speak in here of SOL , it is the case that city of Las-Anod is in our hand; and Col. Yey who is less than 50 kilometers from that city, can't do jack all about it... Now, tell me, how is that for a complete victory ,.. heh.. dear lad ?.. Basically.
  21. Originally posted by Cadaan: Good morning peoples. So it's getting cold in England miyaa? Good, at least I'm not the only one freezing my **** off. England is a pathetic country as a whole. You're better of expriencing the Canadian Cold. You're at Alberta..When was the last time you been to British Columbia?
  22. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^loool. Your anger is misplaced I or the Unionist never filled three motor vehicles with bombs to murder innoent people in the Middle of Hargaysa city. The unionist murdered more people in Hargeysa back in 1988. Or Am I in wrong of saying this?
  23. ^^ SL will go to war with anyone that is trying to get in the way from its goal of recognition, so are you in the way? Equal enemies as far as I see it.