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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. You shouldn't be claiming regions that you don't control..I'm just saying. If you claim the regions belong to you then come and get it by any means neccessary . Hopefully the man you want in puntiland wins so he can provoke something..This is getting too tiring.
  2. Originally posted by General Duke: You have had clown Riyaale for a decade and before him Mr Egaal. A dictatorship which suffocates the people will get you no where.. It got us further than your country :eek: .
  3. ^^ Maybe they will Duke, but it hasn't happen yet so what's with all the talking? Lets show some force at last please, and no more talking.
  4. ^^ And there is nothing you can do about it. Keep talking and I'll knock your house in Garowe as well.
  5. Everyone knows the website is run by certain people in disguise.
  6. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Its part of the area we dont want to claim adeer. The difference between Puntland and the other area is the people of Puntland do not claim any area oustide the agreed regions. Nothing but love for ya lad, but dont ask a question you know the answer to. Clearly the city is in Sanaag why don't your people not want to claim it? :confused: Why do you claim Erigavo then? What makes Erigavo different?
  7. CeelAfwayne town is not part of Sanaag, so then what province is the town in?
  8. What is the part of Sanaag that puntiland doesn't claim called? What Gobol is it part of?
  9. Originally posted by General Duke: . Keyse Abdi Yusuf, the Puntland-appointed Widh Widh town mayor, reportedly led the local militias. This guy and his militias should be rounded up and all be killed.
  10. Originally posted by General Duke: They are coming to a SOOL near you secessionist so keep talking. So this time no exuses? Hopefully you guys do something to get it back very soon.
  11. ^^ I been telling you to go back to Garowe for a very long time, but you brushed it off and made it seem Mogdisho somehow belonged to you as well. I'm glad that you now realize where "home" is.
  12. Originally posted by Mujaahid: Red Sea: I think you should all give yourselves pat on the back. You are one heck of a propaganda machine lol What are you talking about?
  13. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Come on sxb ,,, it is the same city hada ... Of course is the same city. The wolfs in sheep's clothing were supporting the TFG before because of the old ailing bloodsucking crook. I hope everything works well for them Inshallah. Those people were struggling for a long time.
  14. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: I guess they gotta toe the line or else? So Puntland is compeletly disengaging from the South? That's for the better let them go and hopefully things can pick up.
  15. Originally posted by General Duke: Farax Brown: Adeer spare us the timid attempt at humor. President Yusuf has returned home a hero and has left the political arena for those who think they can do better. Today he is in Garowe, retired and is the first President in Somalia after the war to leave the game on top. Wonderful historic moment and now it’s the age of Puntland… 1. What did he accomplished as the "President of Somalia" for the hero welcome in Garowe? 2. Did he stepped down on his own or was he forced to leave the game?
  16. No is not that simple. Erigavo is divided into two parts? Erigavo wont and can't stay that way (in the hands of both)something has to give. Do you atleast agree with this?
  17. 1. El-afwayne + Gar'adag you admitted are both supporting SL..both tulos are in Sanaag but puntland claims Sanaag as well,so how will this work out? 2. You can't possibily claim Erigavo can you? That city has been under SL since 91'. Had a mayor from the major SL clan since that time period as well.
  18. Originally posted by MasCiid: If the people of Sanaag, excluding El-Afweyn, Gar’adag and parts of Erigabo districts, do not wish to partake, why keep knocking on their door, unless of course there is disillusionment of sort at work. Simple rationale, no? What should we do about El-Afwayen, Gar'adag and Erigavo then? Are they outside of the Sanaag you claim?
  19. My Somali reading ability is poor Jac..What is this about?
  20. Originally posted by somalipride: Well since Dhahar is on board as you say, maybe the vice President who is already in Erigavo or any other Candidates, even the president should swing by so we can see the welcoming they get. What about Erigavo itself? Don't you claim Erigavo?
  21. ^^^ When was the last time you been to Borama yourself?
  22. Originally posted by Caamir: The phrase "obstacle to peace" is now becoming a mantra. Should Ethiopia and Kenya be part of this definition? Hypocricy at at its highest level! You really want to talk about hypocrisy huh?
  23. Originally posted by xRed Sea: loool.. JB, No one is accusing of him working under Siyad Barre. Don't be paranoid now. What I am accusing him is what majority of people in Somaliland accuse him and that is being deceptive and bankrupting the nation without giving anything in return. . Can you prove this? We will like to see you prove this please? or stop with your silly nonesense already. Dude..You support the people that killed the innocent people of Hargeisa, and Somalilanders should take you seriously? C'mon You don't even know why you support the party you support..We know you're oppose the government, but I ask you - what is the party that you show support for doing to change what you don't like about this current government?
  24. Originally posted by General Duke: hope for outside help. @ The audacity Just despicable.