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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. You guys are claiming Sanaag and Sool without match of a fight..impressive I tell ya.
  2. Originally posted by Juje: This sort of gathering was not posasible since Yeey brought in the Tigres into Xamar. I hope they never forget what that coward has done to them.
  3. I'm not sure why she's trying to reason with this Duke guy to begin with. Just let him be..His from the other side, and there is no mutual grounds.
  4. ^^^My friend you need to undertand the politics game a little better than that.
  5. ^^ If they were to arrest him you will be the first one in line to complain about Riyaale's adminstration on suppressing free speech.
  6. ^^ You're the "Somali nationalist" that want to guard Somalia's territory. What are you doing to Somalia's map man? Where did "cayn" come from? Don't compare yourself to Somaliland. Somaliland= Break-away region, sepratist..
  7. Originally posted by General Duke: What control do you have over Buuhudle which is in the same reagion as Burco None... What region will that be?
  8. Shakes my head It has come down this? Somalis lol...Good luck with your nation building and "unity".
  9. Here is a video that maybe of interest to you: It has multiple parts but its a really good documentary.
  10. I'm guessing the last administration had problems with those that drink and chew for this new leader to make this statement. YES to ChANGE
  11. Originally posted by General Duke: Its likes of Riyaale and Warrabe that’s the problem, duhh, but you know that already, don’t you. How are they the problem? I think your main charge should go against the people of SOmaliland as a whole. You know very well Riyaale and Warrabe are not the only secessionists.
  12. ^^ The people have been through a lot of the years. I'm sorry if this isn't news worthy to you.
  13. ^^ I misread the title of the thread. This story is really really bizarre. Clearly this old woman brain stopped functioning at 107.
  14. Originally posted by *Ibtisam*: What is shocking that she is so old or that she is not married? She's 107 years old and got married is shocking. What is there to question about that? Seriously
  15. Originally posted by Somali Castro: Uncle Toms beware, your days our number on SOL. You have one of your own (reer waqoyi) who will air out the dirty laundry... Which puntilander alias is this?
  16. ^^^ Originally posted by Warancade: lol@Awdal Movement. imaginery keyboard movements
  17. Originally posted by dalmar ahmed: She hated that and told me she would drop anybody in a blink of eye have I felt bothered in those kind of situation. I wish a girl starts to bring this stuff to me lol. You're just tooo nice man. You can't let her dictate who you talk to.
  18. Originally posted by Urban: But if she regretted cheating once and admitted it to me, I think I can forgive. Pff You must be out of your mind. No way will this ever sit with me. The B* will be history with the quickness. I will seek the Sharia law and put her to death even.
  19. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Thousands demonstrate in the next doors in Jordan and Syria while NONE of them cross the border and fight ...... pathetic Not only that..Egypt has closed its borders from those running away from the trouble. Whether or not Somaliland should protest should be your least of your worries. People just argue for the sake of it seems lol.
  20. Originally posted by Oodweyne: Dear Mr. Naxar Nugaaleed , Well come home, brother... I wouldn't welcome him . Stay in your side of the fence. I hate jumpers and disloyal folks.
  21. Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: ^^^Marfashland was started by a bunch of rebels from the SNM. And as rebels, they must be dealt with. My Family line Vs yours. Lets do the damn thing then
  22. Originally posted by Athena: .Somaliland is the same as it was 10yrs ago.I haven't a clue what private sector you're referring to and shipping goat isn't exactly profitable! Its a well known fact, he bribes every1 and thats the only reason he's been there this long. Hopefully some1 with a vision will take over and bring about some NOTICABLE changes but this ***** has got to GO! They were saying this about the former Presdient (AUN) back in 02'. No matter who's the president you will always have anti-government folks.