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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^you are Riyaale boy, probably started this rumor thinking it will benefit you in the election. Especulating... You're the one that probably started this rumor thinking to yourself it might cause disturbance in the upcoming elections. This is not about Riyaale vs Siiaanyo. You're either for the movement or against it. You will support anyone among us that's not for the movement.
  2. Even if Siilaanyo goes into another direction the train will still move forward. Siilaanyo is not bigger than the movement.
  3. Originally posted by Oodweyne: Hello Folks , But, then, again, I can easily understand as to what our Mr. Xiinfaniin seamed to be angling for in here ( particularly with his line of asking where is Mr. North and others of Eastern Burco are in this argument ).... I'm glad that some of us understood that
  4. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn: ^ What are you on? I want Morgan's head on a platter. Riyaale is the President just because. So go get it hadaad ragtahay ani inta ha iiga booteenee...I want his head on a platter kuyeh... Ibti, I got you dear... I'm glad that you finally understood what I was trying to say. I hope that you don't question about this "double standards" again. Riyale is the President just because.....enough said.
  5. ^ What are you on? I want Morgan's head on a platter. Riyaale is the President just because.
  6. ^^ I never claimed any part of her article as acceptable. Even if the claims are true about Riyaale. What do you expect we should d? People like Duke and his line are trying to provoke something that you guys apparently don't see. I don't blind support Riyaale..I support the establishment that he represents. Riyaale will one day go.
  7. That article you posted is meaningless....There are many enemies in disguise. What does she expect for the people of Somaliland to do with Riyaale? She's clearly trying provoke something that's unnecessary.
  8. What makes it a very reliable source? Her reporting is illegitimate as far as I see it.
  9. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Not HER men, YOUR men saaxib. Pay attention now. Riyaale is responsible of killing so many of MY men (according to her)..So what's her beef over the SNM? I say we're even.
  10. Originally posted by Adam-Zayla: Dear lord, still defending the undefendable? Stop being so disingeneous by insinuating that either Rakiya Omaar or the witnesses Rakiya spoke with in 89' (and who pointed their fingers at Riyaale) had ulterior motives. The article was published in 89', Riyaale was a nobody(politically speaking)then, exactly what logical gain wether in monetary or Political terms would those witnesses get from accusing a corrupt official of the then collapsing Somali goverment, if it was not them simply telling the truth of their recent horrible past, which Riyaale played a terrible part in? Please enlighten me on the significance of the 'inclusion of Riyaale' in Rakiya Omaar's long list of corrupt men and it's significance to Rakiya Omaar's career as a human rights activist? And what's this proof your asking brother Qudhac? A closed 'can of worms' is only a can of worms not yet opened, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence!. Let me flip this coin on you, please provide me with proof of heroic tales involving Riyaale during that terrible time. Thousands of Jews were saved in WWII and their descendants today continue to flourish all because of a single man named Schindler and he was only a 'factory boss', Riyaale had considerable power far greater than the german factory boss, so show me proof of this man saving our people during the era of Dictatorship. We do have heroic tales of Somali pilots putting their planes down refusing to bomb innocent populations, soldiers deserting etc, so it shouldn't be hard!. I'm genuinely interested! The Onus is on you my friend. Who were the witnesses Rakiya talked to? Are they living today? Can they re-confirm it today? Why are they silent today? Why wont they speak out?
  11. Originally posted by Xidigo*: ^ Riyaale was the biggest basaas in hargeysa for Aabo Siyaad. He killed so many of your men but today he is your hero haha haha how ironic is that Waxa la yiri One man's hero is another man's criminal.We are also waiting maalinta SNM gang criminal court la saaro. So cry me a river. Are we then even? You said it yourself Riyaale "Murdered" so many of our men...You're still crying over SNM over what exactly?
  12. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: In 1989 he was enemy, in 2009 he is President? The difference a couple of decades could make huh... Should we over-throw Riyaale using weapons from Office?
  13. ^^ Directing to those that parrot neo-con philosophies.
  14. @ Those that think they're qualified to speak when the topic of international relations comes up.
  15. ^^Because Hamas should've just sat around and do nothing as human dignity has been trampled in the Gaza Strip.
  16. Why wont they accept the posts? What's up with these Somalis anyways..not everything is about the President seat.
  17. ^^ Ask about last name run things in Erigavo. Wait you still claim Erigavo right?
  18. ^^ I guess we both accuse each other of bitterness, jealousy, and envy. Is nothing new Duke.
  19. You people need to stop complaining. Go ahead and breakaway already, and much to success to ya. I think you guys will be better off without the rest.
  20. ^^ I know that man. I was not being serious about him being President as well..I just know the guy very well haha. Here he is at 5:11 mark
  21. 10-Cumar jaamac Faarax. . Cumar Jaamac Farrax for President!!. Is too bad his not interested of becoming the UDUB leader though.
  22. Originally posted by Emperor: Good show of display, Masha'alah great indeed, lets hope the Somali people will unite and bring about a lasting peace Insha'alah. What's the difference between this "show of display" and the one in June of 2006? You welcomed the Ethiopians into Somalia man hoping things to go your way, but it hasn't. What's so good about this turn-out?