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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^You relish the death and destruction of SubxaAllah. The funny thing is he accuses others of this. " The secessionists just want Xamar to be unstable blah blah"
  2. Originally posted by NABAD_NABAD_NABAD: Libaaxa, the Guy said it clearly " If the international community keeps ignoring Puntland, and not consulting us with the Djibuti process then we will declare independency, as it was the case of Somaliland" LOUD and CLEAR. Who gets to keep the blue flag then? :eek:
  3. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: Did he say "we will go where Somaliland went" as it relates to this process (Boycott and don't work with the goverment) or did he talk about declaring "independece"? The way Somaliland see it: Somaliland long ago in 1991 declared their independence, therefore Somaliland is not "boycotting" a process which they have nothing to do with. If anyhow North-East Somalia refuses to take part of the D-Jiboutie conference then they will be "boycotting" the process.
  4. Qalbi.Adeyg : You need to stop tying Somaliland with the place you hail from. Seriously
  5. ^^ Maybe my choice of word is off, but I do not mean any harm. This is a playful discussion in my part.
  6. Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea: ibtisam, We'll find him Insha Allah. Africaown, Become a reporter or something, you ask too many questions. Simple answer is this team stands for symbol of change. Our core values are open mindedness, justice, and equal opportunity. That team wont able to function well together. The team consist of couple of hypocrites . I will try to stop myself from calling out names.
  7. ^^ So then what makes you think that you can be part of the third team? What is the third team stance?
  8. Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea: Sharmar'ke would definately be on our team. What makes YOU be part of their team? Please do explain
  9. There are not enough people to form a third team: The only players are Maskiin Macruuf Aqiyaar, Adam Zaylac, Juji, and maybe Che. That's about it. The rest are up to something else.
  10. ^^ Xiin is the one pulling the "fake neatrality" scheme if you ask me. His playing for your team.
  11. Originally posted by *Ibtisam*: So Somaliland team should lose; ReD, North and Ibti, at least till they can either proof their loyalty and commitment to the team. In comes; Marx, Poker and Lander I agree with that
  12. Definitely have "own goal scorers" on our team haha. They will only perform when their choice of president is elected. ps. Red my man, there is no way you can lead the movement . You're unstable, and you're unsure of who you support.
  13. Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: I think these people need to go to Djibouti for inclusion. Somaliland Best 11 Vs Puntland Best 11 Somaliland 1. Goalkeeper – Ibtisam Defenders: 2. Xaaji Xundjuf 3. Ayoub 4. Suldaanka 5. Oodweyne Midfield 6. Africaown 7. Qudhac 8. Mintid Farayar 9. Ngonge Strikers 10. Jacaylbaro (Captain) 11. Norf Coach: Red Sea I don't like this line up . This needs be re-shuffled. I will fire the coach to start of things
  14. My first job: I was my own boss at 14 . At the golf course selling golf balls to the rich golfers. I used to sell them their own golf balls which they hit in the bushes. I used to collect at least 150 golf balls daily and sell it all. I had hard time running around from the golf course technicians as I was trespassing, but I used to make a killing in those days for a kid.
  15. Originally posted by Qalbi-Adeyg: AfricaOwn Puntland leaders did not support ethiopian occupation, but they did support the internationally recognized president of somalia because he was a former president of puntland. It's that simple. In supporting the internationally recognized president you're also supporting all his political decisions.
  16. Originally posted by Qalbi-Adeyg: quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn: quote: Originally posted by Qalbi-Adeyg: ^ Al shabab are coming for your three stooges uncles riyaale, silaanyo, waraabe next. They will probably go after the puntiland leaders who were the biggest supporters of Ethiopia's occupation first don't you think? . Puntland leaders were supporters of the A/Y, not the TFG or Ethiopians. Was it not A/Y that led Ethiopia into Somalia? If you were supporting A/Y and his action you were also supporting the occupation..Is not difficult to understand.
  17. Originally posted by Qalbi-Adeyg: ^ Al shabab are coming for your three stooges uncles riyaale, silaanyo, waraabe next. They will probably go after the puntiland leaders who were the biggest supporters of Ethiopia's occupation first don't you think?
  18. Originally posted by AYOUB: ^^ If the reason behind the leaking of the news was publicity then photos of the "gantaals" would've been useful. On point. These dudes are turning everything into politics..shameful.
  19. Originally posted by Qalbi-Adeyg: quote:Originally posted by *Ibtisam*: quote: Originally posted by Qalbi-Adeyg: These secessionists waa majnuun, waa dad is nacay, waa dad ilaahay nacay, waa dad walaahood nacay, waa shaydamiin kuligood. :eek: Tell your brothers to be open just like you. I hate the fakes
  20. ^^Hardly anyone uses the Vancouver buses anyways. You mean the Vancouver's SkyTrain?
  21. Originally posted by Emperor: Wayferer, inadeer who said anything bad against SL, can't we simply talk about and analyse the election in there, and can't I hope for a change and this time the loss of Riyaale. I don't get you people :confused: What do you hope to see happen? If Riyaale goes another "separatist" leader will replace him...Which is against your "Somaliwayne" dream. No matter who replaces him the "CHANGE" wont be a good news to you.
  22. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^The base. The base, good brother. See, you are not all toghether today. One wonders who threw you out of balance You never got what I meant by that..
  23. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Dispatches from Baraawe will file a reliable report from Burco, or as Oodweyne taught us today, Eastern Burco You were angling at them for a reason. Why is that? Siilanyo gets support from all over Somaliland.
  24. ^ I'm not angry at all. I'm just replying back to him.