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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^So you cant answer my question? As you were. I just did and you're still circling around your support for Siilanyo. Kulimey as a party probably has the most hardcore "seperatist" you could think of. Check into their party . That's why your support for Siilanyo seems strange.
  2. ^^ You’re just playing the “devil’s advocate” in this whole thing. You’re painting people like Jac who you assume an UDUB supporter as the enemy. What’s the difference between UDUB supporters are Kulimey supporters? At the end of the day these people are “The Secessionist” remember that please. With Siilaanyo you think this “secessionism” view can overcome..You’re still yet to explain this without using your own reading on Silaanyo.
  3. Talk about reason: What's your reason for supporting a known Secessionist? I'm not buying your perception of Siilaanyo. Take that Ish somewhere else.
  4. You have your reasons...You're not fooling people with it though.
  5. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^Suldan of SOL told me that in reality UDUB is the most entrenched political coalition in SL. Yesterday’s news of UDUB collapse, he said, is a mere noise and Riyaale will most likely win this coming election. In light of that useful data good Suldan provided, I am beginning to question the strength of Siilaanyo’s political base. It’s high time for Northern to give a 101 Somaliland Politics and Trends. I am sure NGONGE and I can both benefit such an able exposition. But if and when Siilaanyo wins, I believe the fundamental assumption of Somaliland’s bid for independence will be redefined. I feel obliged to stop here lest I give Siilaanyo’s opposition (Jacayl included) ammos for political propaganda. Double check your source, says I. I doubt you really believe in what you type. Truth be told..You're the one that's starting a propaganda of Siilaanyo Vs those that oppose him. You have hope for Siilaanyo who publicly supported the independence of Somaliland? You're using the support you show for Siilanyo as a tool..Say it Xiin. You make no sense.
  6. Originally posted by *Ibtisam*: ^^^That sounds :rolleyes: North will always bee open minded Mr. nice guy. waadaka haak jiidin! AfricaOwn, these days you remind me of the nomad "ME" Because I'm trying to figure out these people. You have Xiin supporting Silaanyo because he really thinks Silaanyo is open to the SOmaliwayne dream..and you have others using obama's slogan "Change" attributing to Kulimey.
  7. Originally posted by Norf 2: Kulmiye - 'Isbadal la rumaysan karo' :cool: Who cares who wins as long as the transition goes smoothly. You're riding for Kulimey to see a "Change" happen. What changes do you expect to see if Kulimey wins?
  8. You believe that Silanyo is the only politician who can "see beyond the hype". What's your reason behind this believe of yours?
  9. Xiin, I fail to see how this is any of your concern, but you want Silaanyo to win because....? Explain
  10. They're choosing a candidate and his vice to run for the elections tomorrow Inshallah.
  11. So Jac, You think people will be surprised tomorrow? Imagine UDUB chooses someone else other than Riyaale to run for the top office?
  12. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Huge in Somali terms, just look at that single Pic... Every town is growing and cities have emerged out of nowhere over the last decade, case is Carmo. Around 3.2 million and thats my conservative estimate. Your puntland government website has the number at 2.4 million lol. Why aren't you following this number?
  13. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^The clown speaks, adeer Yusuf had 40% of Somalia known as Puntland
  14. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^That was funny considering Puntland is bigger than the triangle.. lol @ "puntland" consisting 40% of Somalia.
  15. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ You make it sound as if it's 2.00 not 4.5 Who else is struggling for power? Take away the SL clans (Dhuushay ) I can only assume the other 1.5 is really insignificant because of what I see in the Somali politics.
  16. Originally posted by The Zack: quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn: The 4.5 formula can go to hell. The Sheik can/should be allowed to pick Nur Cade, and he should just focus on bringing peace to the South while stating that he represents all of Somalia as the new President. Adeer, let us not ignore the reality on the ground. This system has to be adhered. Of course the person has to be picked according their qualifications but the 4.5 system is still in place. The system is flawed and should be discontinued. Who will protest? The same people that refused to go the conference? I am willing to the give people of Mogadisho full control of the government.
  17. The 4.5 formula can go to hell. The Sheik can/should be allowed to pick Nur Cade, and he should just focus on bringing peace to the South while stating that he represents all of Somalia as the new President.
  18. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: ^Ar kan iska dhaaf, intaas uu soo qoray lee maskaxdiisa ku egtahay...Maxaaba iga bi'i lahaa wuxuu isaga kasoo fikiraybo inee tahay wuxuu qoray... quote: Originally posted by AfricaOwn: Dear lassie, When will you stop typing in Somali in an english written discussions? You're confusing us . We want you to put your "fly-by-night-gone-by-day" education in use already. SinCURLY, AfricaOwn Is this the confused child trying to write more than a half-line? Dhoorenimada dhaaf, afkaaga hooyo ku hadal marax yahoo...English written kuyeh, yaakuuleh afka ingiriiska? Caku iyo doqomada qaarkood... The least you can do is put a stop to the mixing between the two languages , and stick to just one language communicate. Unlike my man Oddowayne, I refuse to think that you're this "intellectually lame" lassie
  19. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn: You may have point there. Silly of me to expect her to go against her adeer, but what ever happen to the principle? Nope, you're just silly by nature... That's why you hardly ever make any point in your half-a-liner none-sense... Dear lassie, When will you stop typing in Somali in an english written discussions? You're confusing us . We want you to put your "fly-by-night-gone-by-day" education in use already. SinCURLY, AfricaOwn
  20. ^^ The same hatred for alshabaab should also be directed to C/Y..
  21. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ It makes PERFECT sense. AY is her adeero. If she didn't give him the benefit of the doubt, who would? Al Shabab on the other hand are a bunch of so-called killers. Why in the world would she give them the benefit of the doubt? You may have point there. Silly of me to expect her to go against her adeer, but what ever happen to the principle?
  22. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Anything and everything to do AlShabaabulXayawaaniin is distorted and fabricated...Xashac! And I walk on water... Keep dreaming yaaqo, isaga noqo hurdada...Raali iga noqo inaa kaa kiciyo...Huuwaaya huuwa... Your enemies are heroes to many many people, and your hero (CY) is the worst enemy to many many people....All fair?
  23. Originally posted by Rahima: KK, your praise of CY on one hand and hatred for alshabaab on the other is baffling at the very least. On point. It makes Zero sense.
  24. Somali Pirate Don't listen to these Garowe officials This dude made this thread just under two weeks ago. opic/9/17134#000000