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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. ^^ You're just a old man full of envy. No one takes what you say about anyone from Somaliland seriously.
  2. I request that crook transcript. Make it a public. No one believes you Dukey lol. ps. lol@ "Dr Saleebaan, have chosen not to partake in the new government. "
  3. ^^ You got a crook that has a money making machine in his hut running things in the punt, and you worrying about Riyaale? Set your priorities homie.
  4. What happen to the good Dr. Saleeben? This power hungry stuff you guys are on got the punties disintegrating. Don't throw rocks if you live in a glass house they say.
  5. ^^ We need the aggression from punti to remain forever. It brings us together... Ps. What your sub-clan did to Illkajir was a foul.
  6. Don't worry Dukey: I will call my cousins in Burco to pick up arms against Riyaale . You will love that huh.. Long Live Riyaale and anyone that you despise.
  7. Meanwhile they (the puntis) got all their priorities backwards worrying about the "SNM gang" and Riyaale.
  8. Dukey is on a crusade. Save us (Somalilanders) from the big bad wolf :eek:
  9. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: If Siilaanyo is cheated again, I can imagine a Dhulos-Jeclo land popping out of the subsequendt political fog. Where exactly would that leave our esteemed friend Oodweyne? I am not sure. Kulimey= Jeclo to you? . Did you also made a similar prediction if Ilkajir were to lose the puntiland selection?
  10. Originally posted by General Duke: Thanks for the picture of the third president of Puntland looking sharp. What a man to have handed over power without fuss, unlike some people who’s NSS dictator keeps bullying the hell out of Shankaroon. Why didn't the old boys give "Sanaag's" fav son the top job? Why are they hogging the position dukey?
  11. Originally posted by Suldaanka: The people will speak insha allah. And the outcome will determine if he stays or not. But as Somalilanders we need to be open minded and be open to all possibilities. It is just not wise to assume that he will go away. There is the possibility of him staying..which I am open to, but I personally want him out. The people just want a new man to trash for another 4 years I think. The people that automatically assume Kulimey= Major change in Somaliland are the biggest naives and the most annoying though.
  12. I just hope this dude handles the elctions well and just goes of the scene already. Somalilanders just have to put up with him for the time being.
  13. Originally posted by Peace Action: The General run an excellent compaign and came up short this time but he occupies a very important position of the government working to reform it from within. Africa do you agree with your seccession wacko slanding the good General? I still remember from the Las Anod takeover when your leaders (not journalists) accused Somaliland of working with Al-Qaida. These accusations goes both sides. And Face it. The "Good" general got robbed.
  14. Originally posted by Peace Action: This says it all, insulting a favorite son of Sanaag and tying him to al-qaa'ida means the seccessionts are more desperate and confused. The one who posted this is even worse. What happen to him during the selections of puntiland? Wasn't he supposed to win it all?
  15. ^^ You're not in wrong for supporting the prime minister. I think is only right for you to show support/loyalty to him. It will be weird for you not to support. This is what Somali politics is all about. Support those that share the same line as you...I didn't expect anything else.
  16. Originally posted by General Duke: AfricaOwn: I seem bitter? Adeer dont make me laugh I am not a member of Kulmiye nor am I from Burco.... Bitter if for those who insult Siyad Barre and then elect his henchman Riyaale. Lets be serious Duke: Who's more bitter? Illkajir (the pirate) sub-clan for not being selected or those of Burco? . There is one family line switching powers in puntiland and that's why other subclans disowned puntiland. Get real
  17. Moscow raises the ante against Washington, saying the time has come for the White House to begin negotiations with Iran in earnest. Only hours after US President Barack Obama tabled a motion to shelve missile plans in Eastern Europe in exchange for Moscow's volte-face on Iran, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov urged Washington to focus on rapprochement with Tehran. "We very much want the American side not just to join with the sextet [britain, France, Russia, China, the US and Germany] on paper, but to join talks with Iran that the sextet is proposing," ITAR-Tass quoted Lavrov as saying on a flight from Egypt to Spain late Monday. Lavrov suggested that the two countries restore full diplomatic relations, affirming the contention in the Kremlin that Iran-US peace "would be an important element in stabilizing the situation in the region". The US ballistic missile defense (BMD) plan in Eastern Europe has been a subject of fierce debate in recent months, pushing Washington-Moscow relations to the lowest ebb since the Cold War. The US had devised plans to station 10 silo-based missiles in Poland and a missile-tracking radar in the Czech Republic, allegedly to defend against missile threats. Russia, however, contends that the US missile system is a threat on its doorstep and has threatened to deploy short-range Iskander-M missiles on the Polish border in response. Over the past weeks, the Obama administration has strived to employ its plans to install a controversial missile defense system in Europe as an opening gambit to dissuade Russia from supporting Iran in its nuclear activities. Washington spearheads accusations that Iran, a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), seeks nuclear weapons development. Iran, however, says it enriches uranium for civilian applications and that it has a right to the technology already in the hands of many others. Russian daily Kommersant reported Monday that Obama has written a letter to his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev, renewing a proposal to halt BMD plans as part of efforts to "hit the reset button" and buy Russian support for tougher sanctions against Tehran. The Iranian response to the report was given by Defense Minister Mohammad Najjar, who recently asserted that Tehran was not the least bit worried by Washington's attempts to use its missile plans as a means to encourage anti-Iran sentiments in Moscow. "Russian officials are well aware that Moscow, rather than Iran, is the target of Washington's missile plans," said Najjar, suggesting that the project also seeks to drive a wedge between Russia and European countries.
  18. Any reason why he was back in Hargeisa? I don't know what made him come back. You decide to leave SL leave it for good.
  19. lol@ Somalipride. I see that you're at it again.
  20. Originally posted by Nephissa: 'sexercise' my foot! If there's any truth to this, why are so many married people overweight? You can tell this study was done by sex-crazy overweight man trying to have excuse to get some.
  21. So I allow them to "steal" my money Duke. You're mad because I wont break bread with you son. Your enemies are my fan base please remember that.
  22. Originally posted by General Duke: Riyaale is your boss, he has made millions while you are a poor sod in the west talking big. Duke lets compare our bank statments Don't worry about Riyaale. I'm thinking about appointing a son from Sool next. Your uncle was an agent for Ethiopia and you're talking about Riyaale spying days? The nerve son.
  23. Originally posted by General Duke: Yusuf chased Riyaale out and you could do nothing Oh how you wish for instability and chaos in my homeland . You're giving Riyaale too much credit..I'm in control of every move