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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. You're a lil too obessed with Riyaale. This can't be healthy. "Riyale Barre NSS" buhahaha.
  2. What were they thinking holding up an American ship in hostage? Americans wont pay no ransom that's a given. The only thing Americans need is a threat to set things militarily.
  3. In 1989, the devastation of Hargeisa, Somaliland capital: smouldering and crumpling buildings; scorched vehicles, charred bodies littered the streets, wounded civilians screaming in agony, disarrayed refugees fleeing in droves, bewildered and strayed children crying for comfort—through the eyes of a distanced observer, the horror might testify the aftermath of an earthquake. But it wasn’t a natural disaster. It was a man-made catastrophe: a brutal war. It was fighter jets buzzing down over the city to release their payloads and deafening sound of artillery barrages that reshaped the landscape of Hargeisa. In 2009, for reasons that baffle the sane people, some Somali “unionists” as well as their foreign cohorts pray to witness the same tragedy in Somaliland as the one in 1989. And as Somaliland constitutional rift takes turns and twists, its enemies barely conceal their ecstatic feelings—so jubilant over its election fiasco, they sob tears of joy. For instance, Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis—a foreigner who is convinced that spitting out venom towards Somaliland is like competing a popularity contest—dedicates five “articles” (warning: if you read one, you read the rest) to Somaliland’s current climacteric. But the truth is: much of his writings expose his subconscious loathing of Somaliland—his deep wishes to witness another inferno in Somaliland. He calls upon the “great” army: the NSUM—one man-organization collecting food stumps somewhere in U.S. or in Canada—to spur violence in Somaliland. To familiarize with NSUM see this article: http://www.awdalnews .com/wmprint.php?Art ID=10713 In one last desperate plea, he states, “Can NSUM and Patriotic Forces Lead the People to Insurgence?” He adds, “…immediately launch violent campaigns and lead the North Somalis to insurgence… “ 33rsf Hysterically, isn’t it? Even Gen. Mohammed Siad Barre—the former Somali dictator in the 80s—who commanded the second largest army in Africa along with South African mercenaries could not defeat the Northerners, much less expect a victory from NSUM cliques armed with food stumps. Meanwhile, because he has a “doctorial” degree, Dr. Megalommatis presumes that readers will mistake his theories for theorems. But in the real world things work differently. Twisting and exaggerating facts while presenting fallacious arguments, if not ridiculous, draw attention to the writer’s character—never mind persuading the readers. Perhaps, it is not coincidental either, but the firs five letters of his name: Megal means “of exaggerated size or greatness”. So when facts blur his vision, as his papers testify, Dr. Megal not only exaggerates but also possesses an innate talent for name-callings and unleashing barrages of nonsensical arguments. A case in point: read one excerpt from his cynical views as well as his personal vendetta against Somaliland supporters. Dr. Megal writes, “One of So-Mafi-land´s most notorious rascals is the disreputable pseudo-writer Dalmar Kaahin whose personal name is an all-Somali national shame; employed by the thug-in chief Rayaale to post insults against all the Somalis and foreigners who unveil Somaliland´s real character, Dalmar Kaahin turned out to be one of my personal insulters, a lucrative business that probably brought to him fresh cash from the Cairo bank accounts (CIB, Bank Ahly, Bank of Alexandria, Bank of Cairo, BNP-Paribas, and Credit Agricole) of Huda Barkhad, Rayaale´s monstrous wife, the regime´s most loathed and most villainous figure.” n4jc2 He doesn’t refute facts, provide proofs, nor employ logical reasoning. To the contrary, as though he suffers from a chronic case of verbal diarrhoea, he keeps blabbing. And by the time you finish reading one of his vomit-worthy papers, not only does he leave a bad test in your mouth but you also feel that he inundated you with a load of scathing rants. Truly, he gives journalism ethics a whole new meaning, doesn’t he? To sum up, while Somaliland political showdown looms over its election delays, vicious vultures await its demise. Though, once-envied Somaliland democracy takes a mortal blow—such a setback is part of the learning curve. As history attests, Somalilanders sort out their differences; similarly, they can settle their current disputes. Sorry to burst Dr. Megal and NSUM’s bubble, but once again Somaliland we’ll press ahead. Written by: Dalmar Kaahin
  4. ^^Speak for us Dukie..Both leaders from UCID and Kulimey have someone from Borama as their running mate. We're getting mugged..oh noooo lol.
  5. No blame for the Guurti? . Everything is about Riyaale with huh? You're giving Riyaale too much power dukey. His not the boogeyman..wipe the sweat of your head. Blame the elders from Erigavo, Burco, Hargeisa for this.
  6. Good choice Isse. Val is probably the hottest girl we have on SOL.
  7. The punties are always trying to tie Somaliland with their region . Somaliland wasn't form to be a state within Somalia.
  8. ^^ Does Osama Bin Laden even exist?
  9. You guys seem to really dislike Riyaale. If he stays ( I could care less) I'm putting dukey on a suicide watch.
  10. ^^ If Riyaale goes you think the next person in line will talk with you? lol. The establishment never changes.
  11. Originally posted by General Duke: Shankaroon, adeer you can compare the perfromance of Faroole in which inflation has gone down to Riyaale in which case it has increased. @ Fake monopoly money doing a lot better than your "country" currency. Shame
  12. ^^ Keep this up and I just might offer Illkajir a position in my administration :eek:
  13. ^^^ Hahaha Riyale truly got your blood boiling. Skip the Somaliland courts for sentencing him.
  14. Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka: One thing is never gonna change and that is I would never roecognise Somaliland as seperate from Somalia and if that is pre-requisite for any discussion then its just like you said... Xatta lama doodi kartid But who are you? You're a nobody who cares of what you think. SL will never come back.
  15. Originally posted by me: Kulmiye, Qaran, Ucid are just covers for clans. But let's assume they are not for the sake of this little talk we are having here. What have these groups suggested other then the same old ... we need recognition chanting? Does recognition build roads? does recognition create jobs? What have Riyaale's clique and the so called opposition done other then in ay ku qayilaan lacagta Ingiriisku siiyo Shankaroon? How can you Shankaroon folks ever develop if you can not question your believes? 18 May is around the corner and it will mark another lost year for those lulled into sleep. Maybe Shankaroon should adopt a lullaby for their anthem. In contrast....Somaliland today will be better without pushing for this lost cause of independence you're saying?
  16. ^^ Co-sign. Just too much to read.
  17. Originally posted by General Duke: AfricaOwn, adeer Somaliland is part of my country no different to me than Bay & Bakool or Hiiraan. As lame as you bragging to others about "I got more relatives in Mogdishou than you"
  18. Originally posted by Sir-Qalbi-Adeyg: naga jooji the fake sense of righteousness. Co-sign Dukey, don't worry about Somaliland. Get your mind off Somaliland.
  19. ^^Keep saying "Somaliland is part of Somalia" to your death then.
  20. Dukey are the Bosasso clan wars settled for now?
  21. Originally posted by Sir-Qalbi-Adeyg: quote:Originally posted by -MARX-: Talk about daqan Ceelis!!! I am sure there is an age restriction! NG is beyond redemption!!! quote: Originally posted by Sir-Qalbi-Adeyg: I wanna go to hargeisa too, i hear its very liberal and the women are beautiful. There are visa restriction on your type!!! Listen you queen of england worshipping clown, I can go to anywhere in somalia without any restrictions and there is not a damn thing you can do about it moron. I think you will prefer Garowe a little better. More welcoming for you
  22. ^^^ Ilkajir didn't deserve that? Haha..Talk about getting mugged huh.
  23. Originally posted by *Ibtisam*: WHy are you guys surprised?? :rolleyes: Waa gaalo, nothing is off limits, he is just following his desires. I remember a while back C4 was doing a documentary following Car “lovers” this guy left his wife and married a bloody car, apparently he found the car more sexually appealing, and women just don’t do it for him no more. But leaving your wife for a sexy car is unlike what the thread starter posted right? I'm sure the fellas will cosign this.