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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. AfricaOwn

    NBA 2009

    If magics fall 0-2 in the series tonight then I think its a wrap.
  2. Originally posted by Najmudin: To the poster, so what? Isn't that what you liked and supported during the TFG-1 era? What changed?
  3. ^^ Don't you change your dirty shirt to a clean one? They changed the name just because. That's why.
  4. ^^ Don't you change your dirty shirt to a clean one? They changed the name just because. That's why.
  5. ^^ Why should you care? lol. You're picking a secessionist over another secessionist? What's your motive?
  6. ^^When did you start to care?'re the supporter of a man that killed thousands of the poor in Mogadishu you talk about. Bottom line- You're a phony my n!gga.
  7. Originally posted by Emperor: ^OK, granted and you should go wash your legs and sleep, men are talking... You shouldn't worry about "Sheikh hotel is waging this war under the banner of Islam" When you're using an avater like the one you have to come across as...***Shakes head*** Yes, I'm calling you out. You're a phony.
  8. ^^I say all Yey supporters should just keep shut.
  9. Originally posted by Poker: Is he going to Ceergaabo or what? I heard he's also going to Awdal after words. I know some of reer Burco(the east side at most) are die hard Kulmiye supporters but c'mon guys, it's NOT the election time YET were you can take sides. like him or not, he's the president of SOMALILAND, our president and that should be the focus of this thread. Reer Somaliland dumuquraadiyadii bay qalad ka fahmin. If he was welcomed in Hargeisa, Berbera and all the lil towns he visited; why can he not get the same hospitality in East Burco? What's their beef? They're in the same boat as everyone else. Showing a die hard support of any party is just foolishness. I hope Siilanyo is able to go to all over Somaliland if he wins the chair.
  10. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Coming from Burco doesn't mean you are originally from there ....... we have hundreds of Oromos in Burco. You could be one of them. ,,, Riyaale is his scapegoat to go against Somaliland. He calls himself a Somalilander. Ask him if he believe in Somaliland
  11. Originally posted by osman_nz: I think we need some puntlander input regarding this bbc investigative report. It is very serious as this puts idp's who are behind the piracy..pls comment puntlanders But the reports coming out from the UN says that puntland leaders are who is behind the pirate game/
  12. Originally posted by Fu-Fu: Duke, adeer Xanji xandhuf miyaad tabar biday Arguably the worst genocide of the past 50 years happened precisely because of your uncle cabdulahi yusuf Co-sign..
  13. Originally posted by General Duke: Oil exploration will benefit the Somali race as a whole. . Forget about the "Somali race" already. oil exploration in puntland for puntland. I wont think of you from my end don't think of us fair enough?
  14. If I was the President...I will never allow him back.
  15. Originally posted by somalipride: quote: What does it say about us when we have an eithopian stooge who worked under siad barre NSS for a president for 5 frickin years eh? JB refuses to answer such questions, so he changes the subject!!! Have you noticed its only your people that bring that whole nss stuff to light? They can elect lucifer himself as the President..If they're happy with him then so be it. You folks standing on the sidelines you just stay away from their affairs I say.
  16. Forget this defeating talk...Hopefully Sheik Sharif and Hassan can come together for the sake of their people. I want to see the spoilers..the yey supporters defeated.
  17. Originally posted by Emperor: Masha'allah and congrats to them, the future of our nation... You're calling bunch of seperatists the "future of our nation"? Sh!t don't add up.
  18. LG: From Viva SL ( don't make me have to pull up those old threads) to riding on the Good Sheik Sharif bandwagon to viva p-land? I don't know what else to say. Emp: You must not like Riyaale very much? Don't worry will crown your man Siilanyo and his Vice president awdal next. Maybe they will change the way you see SL. ps. Sheik Sharif is the best hope for Somalia now.
  19. The Garowe boys..What do you guys have against Sheik Sharif? His a million times better than the culprit yey I'll say.
  20. Originally posted by somalipride: Wow, that's amazing how you can just push election back so many times and just keep adding months and months. I think this is a new form of democracy! Anywhere, else they would start some sort of power-sharing agreement after a presidents terms expired, then again I guess this is what happens when your not a real country. Even if it takes them the next 20 years to hold this damn elections why should you care? Don't worry about the type of democracy they claim to have homie. Don't let that stress you..remember puntland is the future.
  21. Originally posted by somalipride: Every article is someone's personal view, the bottom line is your president has blood on his hands and slowly people are become upset. . How is he compared to yey?
  22. All the great leaders hail from puntland. Tell your uncles to lead Somalia forward dukey. They're our only hope.