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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Originally posted by LayZie G.: ^Ofcourse the burqa is harmful to others. (read the part where she is on the driver seat) How pathetic haha. Carry on....
  2. Originally posted by Poker: So now Shariif is Axmaar? Wow.. Dude does not take himself seriously.
  3. Originally posted by Malika: ^Who is to unite? Somalis? Perhaps a minor amnesia is causing you to forget,the fragmentation of our people..Those in the North,they have NO shared interest in the matters of South, the South seem to be spinning chaotically with no sense of direction or ending to the madness.. Who is to unite? *feeling the sense of gloom* Who are those in the North you speak of? Are they supposed to be united? Why are you grouping them together?
  4. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^I am having a laugh adeer, its all so ammusing how the lies have come out so quickly. You're not having a laugh man..cut it out Dukey. You can't always hide behind " "
  5. Originally posted by somalipride: quote: Somaliland , which has managed to remain de facto independent (and fairly well-run ) for several years And you take this as a positive comment? Fairly well run for several years? You had the benefits of staying with the "union" at that same time span, surely you should be doing 100 times better than those lousy seperatist atleast correct?
  6. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^So is the economist the word of god? Give us a break, well run? a region that trully has a powerful warlord [to the SNM] and former NSS comander running the show, in comparison to Faroole an MBA and PHD student, a career banker? Should we believe the bitter/full of jealousy Dukey over the economist? Will you make your guest that you invited pay up the hotel bill? . You took another L.
  7. ^^ I ask again Dukey, Who are those people in the video?
  8. LOL@him insulting anyone by calling them "Amxaar" . Who are these people?
  9. Originally posted by Somali Pirate: after 18 years of promise after promise and kissing galo *** they have nothing to show for it. Absolutely nothing. a poor tulo in a poor country living on delusions of grandeur. What were their alternative? At that same time span (18 years)how was Somalia like?
  10. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Dayniile & Jowhar are now changing the tune and Ethiopia is the only hope. Ironic moment of the century this is. Forget what they say...What do YOU think about Ethiopia coming back?
  11. ^^ That that avater down. Dude is faker than a handbag on broadway.
  12. Originally posted by General Duke: quote: "I am saddened by the loss of so many lives...the enemy is behind this [attack]," Sheikh Aweys said, but he did not elaborate who the enemy is. Al Shabaab claimed yesterdays attack.. How do they claim it exactly? Who sends out the memo?
  13. Originally posted by Emperor: Moonlight, no one really cares or listens to any members of this TFG, it has crambled and failed... Waa iska sheeko xaar wal-waal Of course that same TFG with your uncle at the helm was a success
  14. How about them Priateboys...Mann we have true enemies next door I tell ya lol.
  15. ^^You're complaining too much. Get back to the Garowe and lay low.
  16. Originally posted by General Duke: alas pretending to be the orphans of the Queen of England . You have said that often. If you want to put that way..I'll claim that. Anything to distant myself from Garowe basically.
  17. Originally posted by General Duke: Nothing has changed and thats the point. why did so many people die, last time if you are all quite this time? You said Nothing has changed since yey. Shouldn't you be in favour of Sharif politics then? Same story & politics just different face.
  18. Originally posted by General Duke: . Now him and his supporters are telling us the Ethiopians are fine, AMISOM are lovely. Ok! Say he had a change of heart and he is saying this now..This is why you supported your uncle yey. You should have nothing against Sharif politics now I assume.
  19. You may have a point in calling those people hypocrites if the claims about Sheik Sharife is true, but aren't you atleast glad that Shariffe is continuing yey's policy?