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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. I'm willing to bet a stack this is one of the garowe boys alias. No one is this obessed with pland.
  2. ^^ As long as Sool and Sanaag is not part of your drilling there is no reason for the gun play.
  3. Originally posted by GAAROODI: all the pictures in the world wont take out oil duke, show me some oil comming out and being sold on the international market and than ill be impressed. loooooooooooooool, somali's are so simplistic. Dude..You need to chill out. They're at their best when they're talking about their success. As long as these Garowe boys are not crying over Somaliland independence is all good.
  4. Duke, Puntland four presidents all coming from Garowe sub-clan? And you say "The Dervish history is a Puntland". What a shame.
  5. ^^How do you come to conclusion they're not for secession? See where this is going? Let it go homie.
  6. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: The majority according to who and what numbers do you have to prove that? Originally posted by Che -Guevara: quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn: ^^^ See the benefits of taking your own destiny? Somalis should never be united politically. That's a set back.. You are right-people of Sool, Sanaag, and Awdal should decide their own destiny. You were saying?
  7. ^^ What happend to the task I gave you? Find some pictures of Boraama during May 18th (any given year). "we oppose secession" So what? Go cry about it. Its about to what the majority of the people want... I wouldn't worry/care for people that are breaking away from me.
  8. Che, Now post a picture of Borama last May 18th celebration. Compare the people that came out for that event to the picture you posted. I knew all you Somaliland deniers left clicked that picture and saved it haha.
  9. ^^ I agree...but Majority rules. Go to Erigavo and Boorama for fact finding mission.
  10. ^^^ See the benefits of taking your own destiny? Somalis should never be united politically. That's a set back..
  11. Originally posted by sool_boy: quote:Originally posted by GAAROODI: Mr. "the future is bright, the future is puntland" you should be more careful i think that slogan is copyrighted by orange. Anyways walahi after landing in bosaso i understand why you are so desperate for Somalia to fix it self, dame i wouldnt wanna live their etheir. we need a change ,people talking same old blah blah , i hate other somali so i am gonna down him . lets take the game to next level and say good about one an other... i still have to see somali congradilating other somali for job well done... folks we need change for real. Change will not come. The sooner you learn there is deep hatred among these people the better. That's why a lot of people support Somaliland independence. There is no reason to bring these people together; it will just create more problems.
  12. ^^Your point is? If that place you call buttland decides to breakaway tomorrow you think anyone will care? People that can't stand each other oughta not be brought together. Keep them seperate to keep peace.
  13. What a silly article. Why should people that dislike each other come together to form a nation? They're better off without each other..Somalia is better off without Somaliland in the picture.
  14. ^^ Different opinion? You just don't get it.
  15. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: if I could, i would put a virtual Duke punching bag so some children in SOl could get their frustrations out... You think if he releases his true identity he will be safe to walk in the streets?
  16. They shouldn't be arrested because they happen to be "MPs" from Somalia. They just shouldn't be welcomed back in Somaliland for they refused to recognize her.
  17. Originally posted by somalipride: That is the map the world recognizes!! Do you recognize the state of Palestine?
  18. ^^ Is not her "uncle". They're using this I'm from "Borame" or "Burco" like the pirateboy as a cover-up.
  19. Would have been a sad day to see SL Foreign Minister sitting across that leader from puntland.
  20. Dr. Pham Somaliland's most important lobbyist lol was there in person, so that's enough.
  21. Originally posted by somalipride: quote: Siyad Barre regime to mobilise his people against the extermination of the people of Northern Somalia And in return the leader of feared NSS Dahir Riyaale who was a memeber of Siyaad Barre's Regime and NSS station chief in Berbera, Any Document to support that? Its been said often..I just want to read it.
  22. ^^ Does the whole world recognize the state "puntland"? So we have the NW Somalia, puntland, South Somalia?
  23. So is "NW Somalia" the state name you gave them?
  24. This is by far one of the worst threads created on SOL..haha