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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. ^^ Dude, Just by looking at this thread alone..the mod had to edit your filth. You were banned from this board before. You're too emotional..go sit somewhere.
  2. The garowe boys are having a ball hearing these latest news from Somaliland I hope that you're not all disappointed at the end of all
  3. Originally posted by ThankfulSP: A leader that increase's his term for years lol. Are you telling the truth here? Even in Ramadan you continue to lie over this lil stuff? . Not a good look.
  4. Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: ^^^ Thank God for the peaceful protest-Masha-Allah! I pray it says that way.
  5. ^^That whole Riyaale got us in "check" tactic you stold that from duke. Come up with a new manuscript of your own negroe. You dudes are resorting to some lame & sad sh!t by fake supporting another "seperatist" in hope to knock off Riyaale? Haha..When I say your people fear him do you now understand it?
  6. ^^As if the "Habros" are not really running the show lol. Your people fear him..and I love him for that. You can type all your gimmicks about Riyaale..We know that you guys fear him..Point blank.
  7. ^^I can tell that you fear Riyaale. Your people fear Riyaale admin the most, and for that reason is why many many people in SL continue to support that admin.
  8. Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka: AfricaOwn you always seem to exceed any expectations i have about your simple mathematical skills cajaa'ib. Lets do simple calculation shall we..... Somaliland is comprised of Minus - Sool, Sanaag and what used to be part of Togdheer region Cayn Minus- Awdal And what do you have left = Simply Waqooyi Galbeed plus the city of Burco and Oodweyne and i would count on these cities after Riwaayada ama Masraxa Riyaale Mugging vol.2, the beta version is soon to be released near Maqaaxyad ku taal golada agdhow Ex-Morgans Residence in Hargeisa I'm sitting on Erigavo, Las Anod kid..Stop lying to yourself. . Even in Ramadan your lies run rampant on SOL.
  9. ^^ You're the type of people that want the suffering & the pain of the Somali people to continue. The Somali people are held back with this dream of "united Somalia". It will never happen..Trust me on this. SL wants absolutely nothing to do with silly ex. wife. We continue to hold this talk on this blessed month of Ramadan..Certaintly love is lost long long time ago. (if there ever was)
  10. ^^ Are you comparing puntland to "Waqooyi Galbeed" are they compareable regions?
  11. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Don't mind the short trip ,,, you will hide yourself just like the others anyway ,, What's new really? That's what they all do.
  12. Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: ^^^ Yeah. it's called Waqooyi Galbeed ! You're still stuck in the old times I see . There is no Somalia. There will never be a united Somalia again. How do you expect a country that went through all this BS to ever come back together? I can't really stand you puntland folks on SOL, so then how do you expect... I'm praying for the day for the boys in Garowe to call for their independence.
  13. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Dont get angry adeer, Mohamed Siyad Barre destroyed Somalia, killed the Ulema and created mistrust. He inherited a nation and then ran out on a Donkey. As far as I know..The subject person & Siyad both come from the same family line. Is all the same to me. :confused: Originally posted by General Duke: Xidigo: poor lass, your greatest leader Riyaale watched as a sub clan butchered your kinsmen and could nothing. You are angry again with the wrong folk. Xidigo : This is your typical Garowe boy for ya . Do you understand why SL is running away from the union now?
  14. " spread around by the few Pro Udub clanists" . What clan do they belong to? You sound.... by saying that. How many SMN leaders have left Kulimey so far? I'm going with who the Anti-Somaliland folks fear the most. It looks like its UDUB
  15. Originally posted by Mintid Farayar: Question: Why are all the Somaliweyn & anti-Somaliland factions anti-Rayaale and pro-Kulmiye? Good question... They basically think if Riyaale loses then Somaliland will lose Awdal in result that's why . These Garowe boys are something sad
  16. ^^Isn't "SomalilandPress" enough for you? plus...Your old man can't even maintain kulimey together. How many leaders have left that party thus far?
  17. Which one of you Garowe boys is behind this character? I want some answers dammit.
  18. ^^ What's going on in Djibouti? What's the point of calling yourself "Djibsomali" if you wont tell us anything about Djibouti? Are you really from Garowe? lol
  19. You're too obsessed with Somaliland. Check out the history of all the threads you have made. No one ever talks about Djibouti here on SOL. What's going on over there my friend?
  20. Originally posted by GAAROODI: I just checked it out, this dam..opposition led parliment. Leave Udub in power there is no better alternative. Ucid - to crazy Kulmiye- crazy,insane,no policies,hidden agenda, there leader is 75 years old, most of its members were involved in the inter clan somaliland civil war. UDUB: VIVA RIYALE...RIYALE....R IYALE.... !!! You're not who you say you are.
  21. Originally posted by The_Siren: If Reer Awdal have any blood in their veins I urge them to NOT even bother contributing to this government if the silence of this disgusting and heinous crime is what stands for a democracy. I'm sure that's what all you garowe boys would love to see. The thread starter is not even from Awdal. Too many pretenders on the net.
  22. Originally posted by ThankfulSP: NW Somalia's admin has never had a peaceful exchange of power, after the former President passed away, his vice president assumed power and later won a controversial election. Now that he is up for re-election their is problems with voter registration, resulting in it being postponed 3 times in a row. There was no trouble over 5 years ago when he got the job but now there is. The dominant family in NW Somalia knows that if they piss off the current Presidents family they will threaten to leave this ridiculous fake nation. Keep us in power, or we will leave is their moto. You have this all figured out. What is the benefits of joing with Somalia then? How can our "problem" be solved?