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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Originally posted by LayZie G.: Ibti, why do you detest the man? Lets hear your "nac nac" for once. FYI to all:- If you have not had a chance to watch the segment on the BBC's question time and would rather judge for yourselves as opposed to taking Nehanda and Co vile and at times personal attacks on Griffin as gospel, then catch it here:- The so called "Griffin's torment, 1 of 7" She has her reasons. She's certainly entitled to an opinion. No one asks you why support the nac nac yey.
  2. Originally posted by chubacka: ^ Too bad this is not available to none-UK residents.
  3. Originally posted by GAAROODI: 6. Puntland has gone from a self proclaimed claim protection to a 2 regions bari and nugaal and has lost the trust of las canod and "makhiir". Self-hate is a terrible thing my friend.
  4. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Seeing Morgan and Buubaa in the same place giving almost same speech shows me the losers are shrinking into one small group ......... Jac, what prove do we have if this bubba character is even reer Somaliland? Is this known for sure? Are his family in Hargeisa?
  5. Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: quote:Originally posted by -MARX-: Marfashlanders have more compassion for the plight of southerners... ^^ You couldn't be more comedic if you tried, hypocrite. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Oodweyne, you are stuck in the days of your tribe’s rebel movement and still continue to espouse the same clannish slogans such as defeated lot and alike, which is akin when stripped to its core, snm’s f-aqash slogan. . If that troll can dish out stuff like that why can we in return?
  6. Originally posted by cynical lady: quote: Fellas, Would any of you guys volunteer to take her frozen eggs? I don't know what guy would when they can........ Silly girl; how long didn’t take you to-come up with that response? Silly girl? so emotional .
  7. Originally posted by cynical lady: Ibti- must you dampen my spirit woman? Of course freezing ones eggs is not for the timid or ……but it’s an option nonetheless. Women can store enough to outsource should the need arise/use it as an investment or saving by selling it should the need arise am telling you the options are endless …and my dear that is an option worth having. By the by I’m still waiting for the chapter/verse/hadith in the Quran that prohibits this. Until then I refuse accept “wrong on religious grounds” claims or be accused of misleading women. Fellas, Would any of you guys volunteer to take her frozen eggs? I don't know what guy would when they can........ :rolleyes:
  8. Originally posted by Xudeedi: The secessionists are addicted to a make belief oratory lie in which they have been fed with by mad men like Faysal Cali Waraabe. Comparable to a child who was promised a candy that he never receives, they sit with their fingers crossed in anticipation of false hope. Or better yet like an alcoholic who still can’t cope with the realities of his addiction (in denial), they can’t move forward from the lies of Cigaal like (recognition). Your responses are nothing more than secessionist flavored emotions as you wait in uncertainty for what tomorrow brings. I truly feel the misfortune you carry and the lies that have been imprinted on you as you only are victims of Qaadaraysi (what drives secessionism). Where as those who sold you that fake lie have ate cake at the expense of the people of Shankaroon. Only on the internet. Wait, we're still talking about Erigavo right?
  9. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: The real tragedy is that Oodweyne really believes in the nonsense he writes. Its laughable the man pushes this silly proposition of durriyadda being politically superior over that community in the east so hard making it almost believable. Please let us know why you're a supporter of Silaanyo again
  10. Originally posted by Mansa Munsa: quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn: quote: Originally posted by Xudeedi: quote: placing him in a rehab center for the common good. Mansa He writes in appeal to his widowed queen mother in a frame that confuses himself. Mansa, these orphans have no bases of logic. Nin aan awowgii faras fuulin baa raba SOL in uu diyaarad ku kiciyo. Yaab yaabkiise His providing you cold hard facts that's on the ground, while you're relying on subversive arguments (Erigavo is co-owned). Don't let your emotions take control. The terms fairness and justice are foreign and scarcity commodities in your thinking. In contrast, we still allow and acknowledge you to dwell freely as you see fit in the pockets of Sanaag where rightfully your family resides (Odweyne & western-Erigavo). No more, no less or keep talking the talk while we keep walking the walk. Don't confuse me with no other. I'm a Musa Ismacil brother . My pops & his people do a lot of work in Erigavo. I have name there, so I think I know what I'm talking about when I say..Erigavo clearly belongs to me :cool:
  11. Originally posted by Xudeedi: quote: placing him in a rehab center for the common good. Mansa He writes in appeal to his widowed queen mother in a frame that confuses himself. Mansa, these orphans have no bases of logic. Nin aan awowgii faras fuulin baa raba SOL in uu diyaarad ku kiciyo. Yaab yaabkiise His providing you cold hard facts that's on the ground, while you're relying on subversive arguments (Erigavo is co-owned). Don't let your emotions take control.
  12. Originally posted by Cowke: It is totally irrelevant bringing up ayan hersi because ayan hersi doesn't live in puntland nor can she. Just like salman rushdie can't live in iran. These are respective muslim regions because they back up their words with actions. Can the same be said with hargeisa? 1. Michael mariano successful politician and a christian 2. Edna adan foreign minister and lives in peace with her people The names you listed are greater folks to Somaliland than your folks now what do you want?
  13. Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: Most of them are proud Somalis who oppose secessionism wholeheartedly. Stop lying
  14. Everywhere you guys try to battle you end up running faster than nerds at a calculus convention. In the South, LA, Erigavo...Just stick to garowe and keep shut.
  15. Originally posted by Xudeedi: Go Riyaale, Gooooooo Indeed :cool: . Provoke him again and he will Push your wig back all the way to the Indian Ocean if garowe wasn't enough. You seen what happen in LA right? Careful son.
  16. ^^ Mugged ones? I know you're not talking about getting mugged breadrin? How is the state of Makhir? In control of things? Dude..get real lol.
  17. ^^ Chill, you're mad lol. Hopefully you don't act up like this in person. You will get killed over this, and dudes will treat your gravesite like a urinal, and youtube your funeral.
  18. Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: quote:Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: "Unity" is another issue totally different from the previous stance ..... as long as they get rid of Bugland mingling the Sool affairs then the "unity" thing can be dealt with. ^^ How is Somali Unity not an important issue with the people of SSC, when wherever they may be in the world, they are ALL unified behind the blue flag? You honestly hope this population whose forefathers fought the colonizers of our country-- whilst your own forefathers, on there other hand polished British boots A unity between a proud people that fought against colonizers and those that were polishing british boots? It will make a fuced up country don't you think?
  19. Originally posted by Mintid Farayar: quote:Originally posted by Xudeedi: Remember me Oodweyn, I gave you nightmares in Dhahar Since the formation of Puntland, there's been regular military skirmishes between Puntland and allied groups on one side and Somaliland on the other. But my question for the 'gallant' and 'victorious' Xudeedi is: On whose land and towns have all these military engagements occurred? Which towns are being destroyed in these mini-wars, whose residents are being constantly uprooted by warfare? It's an interesting question to ponder, don't you think?? After all this. They're still talking about other's getting "mugged". These guys are truly embarrassing.
  20. ^^How is that group claiming Erigavo lol.
  21. ^^Listen to your garaad crying over the bbc again homie. Talking about mugging? N* Please.
  22. Originally posted by Mintid Farayar: Don't you remember the predictions of Somaliland's military demise once Abdullahi Yusuf's mighty army returns from Mogadishu Dude was sounding like "Thousands, upon thousands of our men are returning to defend the cause"
  23. Originally posted by General Duke: "Please stop mugging my clan" Explains everything and required less effort. I don't know man..seems to me the garaad was crying over that on bbc recently. His people are truly the mugged ones. I'm just saying...