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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. I don't know what to say. That was pure evil..May Allah swt have mercy on those that passed away.
  2. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: AfricaOwn, JB and Ood: Really must everyone get your approval and pass a test. Leave the guy alone blood CIA and if he really is Abokor Omar, he probably should know a bit more about Toghdheer than the average SL Abokor Omar, aan nimankan ka diciye ii abtisirso, yaad ka tahey They stick to the same silly manuscript 1. Get a familiar name or put your location as any city in SL 2. Instigators- They'll attempt to pin the people together. They're usually kulimey supporters, since they're the opposition. They portray all parties as a true enemies of SL 3. Exaggeration- They would type absurd stuff about the southerns and other Somalis. They view this as how a typical Somalilanders are 4. Once they are called out as imposters..They jump through hoops to try to prove you wrong.
  3. Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe: ONLF oo afduubatey rag reer S/L ah.... So what... S/L does it to them all the time. Lets stick with this attitude in the future. Don't cry about Somaliland "injustice". Its all fair out there.
  4. ^^ I thought cayne was a region that puntiland came up with to break toghdeer by clan lines. Do you realize this? Too many posers over the internet
  5. Originally posted by Abokor Omar: quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn: quote: Originally posted by Abokor Omar: Its called Cayn now not Togdheer, and its troublesome locals need military supervision. Excellent move. So Mr "Somalilander" tell us why the region is now known as cayne. That Riyole comment still burning you? Let it go and move on. Further more somebody had to give you some home truth's and sometimes my friend the truth hurts. As for your question certain minorities within Somaliland have decided to call parts of Togdheer, Cayn. Why? Well thats a question I cant answer, as I wasn't consulted when the decision was being made. Why should those minorities have a say? Do you recognize that area known as "cayne"? Our Somaliland government does not recognize it...I mean you are a Somalilander right? . The name, the flag...Dude, you're trying to too hard.
  6. Originally posted by Abokor Omar: Its called Cayn now not Togdheer, and its troublesome locals need military supervision. Excellent move. So Mr "Somalilander" tell us why the region is now known as cayne.
  7. Originally posted by Abokor Omar: Support for a Dictator is anti-Somaliland. His dictatorship is harming our chances of gaining independence and supporting him is anti-Somaliland. But hey, we always had our very own supporting dictators even in the 80's. It was very shortsighted then and shortsighted now. Cut your're probably not even a Somalilander.
  8. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Get off your high horses people-so what he appoints his son? Exactly...His a man in the President seat and he does what he wants.
  9. Originally posted by ThankfulSP: Of all hostages from europe and around the world who were held by pirate criminals and the kidnappings , has anyone ever complained they were subjected to this level of abusive treatment??? Especially on a woman? :mad: You're just totally missing the point. Just let this thread go, and hide your foolishness.
  10. Originally posted by MoonLight1: These guys don't give monkeys about the death of a Faqa*sh Puntland policman, and the Puntland wee boys don't give a toss about the death of Qaldaans in Somaliland, that is the crule reality. now tell me are you going to curse the policeman who deid or are you going to join the hypocrats? I agree, so when I give the middle finger to the Somaliwayne talk don't look at me as an insane man.. I hold the belief that they really don't give a f*ck about each other. And those that argue about this are lying.
  11. Originally posted by MoonLight1: I don't know who are you playing to this PR stunt, as if you cared. So what is his motive? Clearly you seem know it.
  12. ^^We all know Riyaale is getting his cake. You're just bitter and unable to stack money like he does....Step your game up son. The snm boys ran you out from London to dwell in the twin cities with your cousins . Had a snow storm yet?
  13. Originally posted by MAXIMUS POWERS: IBZ, Well the Somaliland government needs some coffers so as to continue to provide more provisions for its citizens. If its left to the people, there will be capital flight from somaliland and foreign nations will get rich at the expense of Somaliland. The Somaliland govt has very proficient in allocating resources, despite the harsh economic realities that come from the lack of recogniton. if corruption is what your implying IBZ, the govt has proven itself to be transparent and accountable. I agree 100%..Ibti is just not thinking wiseley here.
  14. Originally posted by General Duke: Thus keep making up stories when the guns start Puntland will chase you out like it did in the past.. Repeat of October 2007? Oh, how I'm wishing another battle occurs in the frontlines .
  15. Originally posted by NASSIR: Excellent policy recommendations. Solution to piracy is aiding Puntland administration What you're trying to say is that Xiin is a lier when he says "piracy is a criminal that is not specific to a particular community,"
  16. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: It’s not a bad day for Somalia when secessionists agree with anarchists What happen? You were supposed to be a big Sheik Sharif guy?
  17. Originally posted by General Duke: lool. I do like the envy and the anger at our lad Omar Jamal, he is the most famous Somali in MN or even the whole of the US. A self made man, and thus the clanist here should refrain from insulting the man on the net, go say it to his face ya brave ones. Anyhow I am happy for the man and this maybe just the beggining. In return will you promise and speak to Riyaale in the face? Aren't we all clanist? . I am, and so are you.
  18. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Shankaroon is isolated lad, thats whats up. Isolated from your folks? Gladly.
  19. ^^You were on that BS for a minute now. We're not a democracy state blah F** what? As long as we continue to have borders between us its all good.
  20. The collapse of puntland or not shouldn't be of your concern Jac. You're sounding like these emotional garowe boys more everyday. They're success and failure should be irrelevant to us.
  21. ^^It got me at a better state than the other option.
  22. Originally posted by Norfsky: With the current status quo and the ever increasing instability through all Somali parts (SL, PL, South Somalia, OG region), what is the way forward? Are we really at a point of no return? Why are you including SL in the mix? SL can have its own problems without tying it to Somalia's Burco should be ashamed of you.
  23. Originally posted by General Duke: It seems Shankaroon is being avoided as if the lady catched the H1N1 virus. With all the killings in your region I don't know why you continue to chat about SL. SL should be your least worry....
  24. They crossed puntiland to come to SL? Why
  25. Man Faisal is hardcore. As long as they kick out the the trouble makers from the south..We should welcome these poor folks.