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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Originally posted by General Duke: All because of that clan hatred that so deep. You guys are the only ones that complain over that. Clan hatred? So what? Seriously. This is nothing new to Somalis.
  2. I laugh at these "Somalilanders" that continue to talk about the punties. Shit is so unnecessary. They think our borders are imaginary, and you should see them as irrelevant. End this BS from there.
  3. Originally posted by Abu-Salman: quote:^^^Mr. Abu-Salman, As ever without a fail, my friend, you are piping up for our inconvenience, all manner of stuff and nonsense, dear lad... Hence, try again, dear lad; but, this time around see to it, the "emotional constipation" in which you develop the minute you heard anything positive said about Somaliland, shouldn't be clouding your judgement, indeed. And, then, perhaps, if we are so incline in that manner, we shall take you seriously, at that time, indeed. Regards, Oodweyne. What you may ignore is that I'm actually closer than you (both in the Somali sense and otherwise that is) to many parts of Somaliland, including Berbera or other places crucial to such plans We don't believe you. Get some more people. Ps. I'm a lot more closer than you. Lets play that game. What line should we start at? Berbera or Burco?
  4. I figure there are a lot of old-timers who are frequent on this section.
  5. ^^Its one of your own dukey..Don't feel threaten by Garoodi. Much success to puntiland. Hopefully you guys will focus more on developing your region rather than worrying about what everyone else is up to.
  6. ^^ You think very highly of us :cool: Get like us.
  7. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^ Yup that's who is competing with us, keep up he good work boys, and stay of the Qad. Your family is more involved in Qad who are you kidding? Bunch of crooks out there. ps. At least you never hear me say "My brothers from NE" after that.
  8. Gaaroodi, You're faking it all wrong. Nobody from SL dedicates this much talk to the other side . You don't even sound believable..Go ahead and switch your style up maynne.
  9. Isn't Saide Barre a puntlander as well? I always thought he was from yey's clan. That makes it 3 former Presidents.
  10. Originally posted by General Duke: just get rid of the secessionists tendincies. As God is my witness..we will forever be apposed to each other when it comes to that. You just need to accept it and move on.
  11. ^^ You're still angry over some bullsh!t? We're not from the same people dawg. I don't claim you. Get over it.
  12. Originally posted by ADNAAN: Odweeynow, this coward is not from Djibouti. For if he was, he would have had the good manners to stick a capital D to that blessed name , All he is doing in here is to soil the good name of Djibouti and its people who share so much with us. He was supposed to persuade you with a screen name like "djibouti-Somali". You changed the script on him...His another SOL poser . These lames think people just don't get it.
  13. Originally posted by Fabregas_Bruv: quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn: quote: Originally posted by Fabregas_Bruv: ^^Good night and say hello to your tribesmen in Garowe for me. I will call you garoweboy from now on, aryey blad. Call me just that... ps. Being called a garowe boy is not an insult to your folks. It is what it is right? Don't take it as an insult..Lets just not pretend over the internet. In that case, then why do you deny your origins(ie.Garoweboy)and instead pretend to be a Somalilander, aryey blad? Is because I switched sides to the winning team. My other team was just too weak and desprate. I am now on the same side as the brothers that The Bells Of Victory Have Tolled The Most Times For...You hear me dawg ps. You're trying too hard to change the script, and your alias was too obvious..step your game up. 1
  14. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Peace-Action:You can't take joke. The title of the topic would make seccesionits happy while pissing Puntlanders, . Why should that make the "secessionists" as you put it happy? They shouldn't care about their success or failure...
  15. Originally posted by Fabregas_Bruv: ^^Good night and say hello to your tribesmen in Garowe for me. I will call you garoweboy from now on, aryey blad. Call me just that... ps. Being called a garowe boy is not an insult to your folks. It is what it is right? Don't take it as an insult..Lets just not pretend over the internet.
  16. ^^ Relax..Don't fear SL. You're resorting to this unnecessary persuasion technique in an attempt to take the light from the issue...Internet lames. I'm out. Ps. Bathroom calls and you know where my stop is. 1
  17. Originally posted by Fabregas_Bruv: quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn: quote: Originally posted by Fabregas_Bruv: quote: Originally posted by AfricaOwn: quote: Originally posted by Fabregas_Bruv: quote: Originally posted by AfricaOwn: quote: Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^Good for you, but you can put your education to some good instead of b*llshitting. Please call us Somalis, don't know who Somalians are? You know this is a character, but yet you continue to respond..what's your aim Che? I'm onto you as well, blad, admit it, you're a garowe boy too, innit? Too many lames on the internet fronting. SL fears him that much? Tell the boy to calm down.. My nicca, I know you're a closet Garowe Boy and that is all that counts. So stop fronting and pretending to be a Somalilander, aryey, blad. lol..Are you the dude that the started this thread? No need for your reverse psychology BS..No one is buying it. SL still a poor state. You shouldn't fear it I say. Calm down and sit somewhere. Listen, Aryey dee, Blad, I have a good source of information showing that MR AFRICAOWN is infact from Garowe and a Puntlander. I think you should be proud of your heritage and admit who you are, aryey, blad, mr Garowe. You're probably right..I'm actually from Garowe, but I now go there just to piss and sh!t, and return to Erigavo to rest my head. Fair enough? lol..Silly lames. Don't fear SL dawg. Relax.
  18. Originally posted by Fabregas_Bruv: quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn: quote: Originally posted by Fabregas_Bruv: quote: Originally posted by AfricaOwn: quote: Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^Good for you, but you can put your education to some good instead of b*llshitting. Please call us Somalis, don't know who Somalians are? You know this is a character, but yet you continue to respond..what's your aim Che? I'm onto you as well, blad, admit it, you're a garowe boy too, innit? Too many lames on the internet fronting. SL fears him that much? Tell the boy to calm down.. My nicca, I know you're a closet Garowe Boy and that is all that counts. So stop fronting and pretending to be a Somalilander, aryey, blad. lol..Are you the dude that started this thread? No need for your reverse psychology BS..No one is buying it. SL still a poor state. You shouldn't fear it I say. Calm down and sit somewhere.
  19. Originally posted by Fabregas_Bruv: quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn: quote: Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^Good for you, but you can put your education to some good instead of b*llshitting. Please call us Somalis, don't know who Somalians are? You know this is a character, but yet you continue to respond..what's your aim Che? I'm onto you as well, blad, admit it, you're a garowe boy too, innit? Too many lames on the internet fronting. SL fears him that much? Tell the boy to calm down..
  20. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^Good for you, but you can put your education to some good instead of b*llshitting. Please call us Somalis, don't know who Somalians are? You know this is a character, but yet you continue to respond..what's your aim Che?
  21. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: ka daroo dibi dhal ,,, Who you betting this character belongs to?
  22. Originally posted by 'Dalmar': Thank You Mr. Ambassador, We appreicate Egypt's commitment and unwavering support for the unity, territorial integrity and independence of Somalia. In addition we welcome your country's total rejection of the secessionist faction and the balkinization of Somalia. we know Egypt was always a true friend of Somalia and Somali people, our friendship is a result of our deep and strong bilateral relations between our two brotherly countries (Somalia & Egypt) that have existed since time immemorial. The Muslim & Arab ummah will never allow the partition of one single muslim & Arab country. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: Egypt and IGAD FULL support and recognition of SOMALIA has not helped Somalis, nor has it stabilized the country or contributed anything significant to the chaos for the last 22yrs. please post a thread once Egypt or any other countries says that they are so against the idea of independent SL “that they are going to Bomb and attack the place to destroy the ideology and the power base” till then NOTHING NEW. Mr Dalmar, Please respond back to Ibtisam.
  23. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: there should not be any ties with Egypt, Just keep shut bro
  24. Originally posted by General Duke: quote:Safiirka Masar Ee Soomaaliya Oo Ku Nuux Nuuxsaday Midnnimada Soomaaliya Isagoo Ku Sugan Hargeysa The secessionist need to change their stance and play a bigger role in Somaliweyn. Its about time lads 20 years of "recognition is coming" has taken its toll. What has Somalia accomplished during those 20 years? Independence or no Independence..either way, Somaliland is doing fine without you. I should be coming with the
  25. Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: ^^ Insha Allah, it very is likely Somalis unite. And for their sake and self preservation the better unite or else, their a$$ses will be blown up, one town after another. I find it very amusing you out of all folks is typing those words