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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. ^^ I wish that these Somalis did not give a...... about each other. We will estbalish some sort of peace if we disconnected from each other affairs.
  2. Originally posted by General Duke: Cowke or Juje is wishing for war in Bossaso, there are no gunshots heard in the city. Diano if he does not follow the order of the state will be no more than a criminal & we will not b held hostage by any man. The rest is stuff & nonsense. Nobody wishes for others downfall more than you.
  3. Originally posted by Castro: The momentum of the separatist movement is rapidly fading. In 19 years it moved zero inches towards its wretched goal. And rightly so. We might not have received our independence after 19 years, fair enough. What have you accomplished during that same timeframe? Somaliland was just fine without you the whole time...Get your mind right.
  4. Originally posted by STOIC: Duke, Since my own thoughts are all i can know with certainty when I was writing the above response it wasn't meant as an Insult.Even Stevie Wonder can tell that you are into Somali politics (clan based)...I'm sorry if you took that as an insult! You can't reason with this duke character. Just simply state My clan>>>>your weak clan and keep it moving.
  5. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: quote:Originally posted by *Ibtisam: JB: No adgia (not you per say) aya usgag aah (don't blame politics) for dreaming about Israel. Your possibilities need to be sound and xalal. You do realize you live in a "Christian" country don't you ? Ibti has no political strategy, while her intensions are good. She's not able or build to think politically.
  6. Originally posted by Thankful: JB, the man has been in power for a little over a year and has met many world leaders, just like past presidents! He didnt just break away and make an enclave of his family! This is proof that over the years, only the government in Mogadishu is accepted by the rest of the world. That has to be the most weakest/pathetic argument ever. What does meeting these world "leaders" mean? Look at the situation xammar is in, or the land of the pirates...Face it. boast over tangibles please..
  7. Originally posted by Thankful: quote: The aviation minister and the Mayor of the city went on a visit to China last month to meet with this company. The Chinese have now come to observe before work can be started. Is there any pics of them travelling to China? There are many pics of the group arriving in Hargeysa, are their any pics of the aviation minister and mayor visiting China? Son, why do you care and asking for pictures? Their failure and success should be none of your business, but here are the pictures...
  8. " Puntland is 1/3 of Somalia " Stop lying dukey, Sool and Sanaag does not belong to you. Carry on....
  9. ^^The pirates are bunch of hypocrites, fake nationalists, and opportunistic in nature. That's why we should despite them.
  10. ^^You're a good-natured guy. I'll leave this alone. I don't have problem with "somaliwayne". I just prefer what we got now. No reason to go back..feel me? 1
  11. ^^Have I said any other reason why I want to secede? I thought that was the obvious. Ps. You're quick to throw around the term "Somalidiid" is that supposed to be an insult to us? What if I said I welcome that. Pss..You're looking awfully lonely out there. Even the pirates can't help you. They claim Sool, but can't do a thing. What's your beef with SL. We're housing you. Don't bite hand that's feeding you homie. Don't reject me, hug brother.
  12. ^^ I'm not bitter after all that. Bless the dead from those times. I want a revenge for the agony. I'm not a hypocrite, I don't believe in somaliwayne.
  13. Originally posted by Thankful: You want justice against only those outside of your enclave. Because the ones in yours are all innocent! You're always coming up with this excuse. Well then so be it. My clan vs yours. How is that? Would you stop complaining now?
  14. Originally posted by General Duke: Zack, you are not making any sense adeer, desperate is how you comes across right now. Farah is a Kenyan MP, from a maraganalised and much abused ethnic group. his own clan folk gets tortured by the Kenyans and are second class citizens in their own land. Lets not go there my boy. Sorta like the folks in LA? :confused:
  15. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: quote:Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^Sheydaan kasta Somali politics kujira, ... but none of Somalia's enemies publicly ever called or encouraged secession and this is where he made grave mistake. Agreed. Nin Caqli badan maaha. One can protest against what one perceives to be injustices done to innocent folks, but to actually endorse one of the most dangerous political ideologies in current Somali politics in his official capacity is the height of imprudence. Set your priorities straight.. Obtain peace first. If Mogadisho decides to break-away today, and you get peaceful Mogadisho in return wont you take?
  16. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^You support secession too? Somali unity is none-existence, stop with your gimmicks already. Are these "SSC" folks claiming my Erigavo as well? Why can I claim LA then?
  17. Originally posted by 'Dalmar': quote:Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^[Puntland] are his cousins Che is correct, people of Puntland, SSC, Western Somalia are all cousins, in general all somalis are cousins and related in one way, one nation, one religion, one language, one culture, etc Somalis are the most homogeneous peoples in all Africa and the world. Those guys don't care about you. That's why they're not willing to help you out with the Las Anood situation. Where are your "cousins" in this time of need? Think this through.
  18. ^^I'm just trying to mind my own business, and be left alone. If they get in my way, then they automatically become my foes.
  19. Originally posted by General Duke: Who is your true friend? Who is Farax Macalin? I'm not trying to be your friend . I rather we stay as foes.
  20. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: quote:Originally posted by Adam.: Sisters that become second/third/etc wives, or allow their husbands to have several more spouses are such ignorant WEAKLINGS. If i ever hear something like that coming out of the mouth of the person i love, i would drop her on the spot, like a brick. These polygamous brothers who have difficulty maintaining what they already are responsible for, should stop deluding themselves thinking their a 15th century Mamluk Sultan. What he said; I am by no means planning to have more than 1 wife ,. The thought just makes me just laugh, but if the brother can take care of his spouses equally, then what's the beef you have?
  21. It will be fun to see how Somaliland will respond to this. After this, hopefully they are able to see those folks as true enemy.
  22. "fostered ethnic disharmony between Somaliland and Puntland" What a joke.
  23. Its all fair I'll say. The pirates are able to dish it out as well.
  24. ^^Why am I shooting myself on the foot? Riyaale is like a boogeyman figure to these pirates. Basically they assert that Riyaale is actually keeping us together. duke, and the other garowe boys are trying to convince us to turn against Riyaale. Once Riyaale steps down then the problems of SL starts..and they can't wait for that
  25. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: The pirates were jailed by Riyaal, so go and get Riyaal as hostage, maaxa Burco iyo private trucks keeney. Good reply. Pirates are keep getting mugged by Riyaale. That's why they complain about Riyaale all the time. Get Riyaale as a hostage and all this problem will be solved