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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Born in Mogdisho was shipped to Mount Vernon, New York right away, spend time in Victoria, BC.
  2. I thought he was rumored to lead the delegation to the US?
  3. ^^ They can just avoid going to Boston, the twin cities, and Seattle. Head to Virginia, DC, Atlanta area.
  4. ^^^ Your claim: "Riyaale worked for NSS that [tortured, killed and humiliated the Somali people in general & SNM supporters in particular]., up till the demise of the Barre regime" Prove it.
  5. ^^I wasn't around then, my father tells me that the garowe folks are just bitter. Show me a prove, I need a prove with EVERYTHING...Or you're just simply are lying. Its made clear to me your leaders are all criminals. Its a wrap!
  6. ^^Are we supposed to believe you dukey? You're from the garowe clan (no disrespect), but get the f*** outta here with that bs. Show us prove or just keep shut. I on the other hand have provided a report from the UN security council telling you that your leader is criminal damn homie, what else is there? lol
  7. ^^Its proven that your leader is a criminal, the onus is on you to prove that Riyaale is one . No deadline, take your time with this... Secondly, You know who is mugging you know what people, but lets keep that between us..I don't hear my peoples crying from foreign country.
  8. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^I kind of in a small way respect his Mugging experience and how he humbled the SNM militia. I dont know how you can insult Cade & Faroole when you are led by the likes of Riyaale, Faisal Warrabe... Oh well Read what the UN security counsil had to say about your leader Enough said. As far as the Mugging go, Riyaale has put the folks in LA to shame. Its really a shame
  9. ^^You're still talking about Riyaale after UN Security Council basically aired out your uncles criminal activities? You're , and bitter for no reason... Piracy is a crime punishable by death. Your president oughta be hanged like Sadaame was.
  10. Originally posted by Aaliyah416: ^^ the whole reason somaliland wants recognition is qabiil. Dont tip toe around it...runta ayaa wanagsan... Originally posted by General Duke: ^the Queens orphaned children are now giving orders to state of Puntland. ^^Aaliyah, you're honestly trying to unite us with that filth? For peace sake, we oughta be seperated.
  11. Originally posted by Aaliyah416: ^Africaown its not like you are any better than mr Duke. All you care about is somaliland at the expense of other people's lands. At least mr duke does not occupy my land nor support those who are. All the people in Somaliland regions are alike to me. I do not need to break-up Togdheer to create "cayne" because of qabil.
  12. Originally posted by Aaliyah416: I hope you have fun knowing that all you care is puntland at the expense of other people... dukey, answer back. You claim Sool & Sanaag, but you're not doing NOTHING. How many times are you going to say "The people of Sool, and Sanaag are my people from the same clan" You know that's BS dukey. You're are a deceitful character.
  13. Originally posted by Aaliyah416: quote: Sub clan talk is meaningless, the problem with SOOL, is the division within the community, and Puntland has played so far made the right moves, we will not kill our own people. Also all this emotions and hyperbole will not do, cool, calculation is whats required, and that’s what Faroole is doing thus far If anyone is making sub clan argument its you walaal. You are the one who is talking for puntland even though you knew over the years since what 2007? they havent dun shit for laascaanod. Maxay u xoreen waayeen markaa?? cade muse ayaa runta sheegay in aad nosoo socon ay tahay in aan arimaheena farah ku qabano oo wax qabsanao hadad reer ssc nahay. No need to sugar coat things. Lets be straight up. suaashu waxa weeyaan hada? markaan hogaanka sameesanay oo hadaan ssc nahay hal cod yeelanay maxaad u soo toosteen oo garadadeeni isku dirteen? suaashu wa intaas? car wakaase iga jawaab? maxa hada laascaanod iyo danaheeda nisoo fara galiyay? ileen intaas oo sano ayaad war iyo wacaal naga hayn oo danba naga galin?? anuu waxaan raba faroole iyo wixi lasocdaba in ay faraha ka qadaan laascaanod iyo ssc afaraheeda...waxaan raba in aan arimaheena qabsano hadaan ssc nahay anaga ayaa magaladeena xoreesanana...that is it. They're opportunistic bunches..That's what they are. Soon, the pirateboys gimmicks will come to an end.
  14. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Yeah obviously, the Queens orphaned children are now giving orders to state of Puntland. Keep up with that talk. Lets not hear you say "The Somalis from NW Somalia are my people" You sound so fake popping that sh!t.
  15. Originally posted by Nassir: The UN Monitoring Group reports are extremely biased and based on questionable findings. I don't know if some members of its committee has special relationship with "Somaliland" but their reports correlate very close with the secessionists' news information, editorials and opinions. It does in fact glean most of its sources from Hargeisa. In its last report (I believe) it alleged that the people of Sanaag and western Bari regions supply arms and weapons into the ONLF in order to facilitate support for their expansionist policies of SL against our regions. The UN Monitoring Group is very corrupt that it has turned into tool for others to advance their own narrow interests. ^^^Clan Rivalry is this serious folks.. I don't know why people like you promote this silly notion of "Somaliwayne".
  16. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: He reminds me of someone i know ,,, I think that alias is perfect person to respond to dukey .
  17. Originally posted by General Duke: lool@ the secessionists, I am sure you are all well aware, that fake tags and accusations wont do a thing to harm Puntland. In fact Faroole being put under pressure suits many of us well, he will have to perform better for the state, and can be easily be held accountable when the time comes, we don’t want to create a monster comfortable in his surroundings as in the case of the present occupant of Villa Morgan [Riyaale] in Hargaysa. dukey, Riyaale should be the least of your worries. At least his not a crook . I can have feild day with this UN report, don't provoke me.
  18. Originally posted by Peacenow: The person who got all of this started is this American women. You can see her blog here I know who got the school started personally , and is not that American woman, however, Americans are involved.
  19. Originally posted by The Zack: why can't the people of Las Anod do the same thing and secede from Somaliland if they wish to do so. The LA residents IN LA are resonsible for this. No one is being held hostage, please believe that. Those that are screaming the loudest are OUTSIDE of the motherland.
  20. If you really cared for the welfare of the Somali people, you will acknowledge that Somalis do not need to be united politically. Imagine if this diano dude was sacked by someone from another clan? I wouldn't care if the former Somalia broke into 3 different states, as long as the outcome is peace for the Somali peole. You're stuck with this "United Somalia" BS. You need to let this go.
  21. ^^All the fakeness, alias, aside...We know that you're hurt . This SL sh!t took over your mind. Get your money, and focus..mayne.
  22. Originally posted by 'Dalmar': for example people of SSC want to be part of United Somalia, Including Erigavo right? You're fighting the wrong fight..stop lumping these "SSC" folks together.