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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: ^ Ina Ducaale, that is very easy to answer... Firstly of all, unlike the petty puerile ninnies of Marfishland, we Puntlanders, like real men, never keep grudges like y'all. And unlike y'all, we are incapable of having any feelings of rancor for long periods of time. For real men fight and real men make peace . But punk pussies like y'all, choose instead to everlastingly cry foul and impertinently demand reparations in the form of silly secession and the pursuit of the break up of our country, as indemnity for the damage or supposed injury suffered during the early years of the Somali civil war. But I've got news for you hombre... your clan alone did not suffer in the civil war: Many other clans too, have suffered more horrendous atrocities and in fact, even today many others continue to do so. So answer me this-- what makes you think that your clan is so exceptional,so extraordinary, so important that you feel you ought to be treated differently when you are, in fact, in the same boat as every other Somali out there? This is why Cabdi Qeybdiid is welcome in Gaalkacyo and any other place else in Somalia. That some Somalis fought in the past, does not mean that Somalis will always remain at loggerheads with one another. Let bygones be bygones indeed. We've made Riyaale our Prisdent what are you talking about son? Now dukey is wondering how could we have made such a move...Who is in the wrong?
  2. Originally posted by Cowke: As for somaliland, sxb lets be real. Awdal has nothing to do with u the second riyale leaves. That's the reason why dukey wants us to kick Riyaale out The other two party leaders have running mates from Awdal. How will that work out for you guys? :eek:
  3. Originally posted by Thankful: quote:Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: my country is intact my institutions are working my president is not A pirate. Your president is worse than a pirate he worked for an agency that committed warcrimes against the same people he now leads, he has blood on his hands. Now that your leader has be proven to be a pirate, prove that Riyaale committed those acts. Provide us with some sources..
  4. and dukey boy is making threads about riyaaale...crazy.
  5. ^^ What you felt to understand is, I'm not part of you. Stop trying to attache yourself to me, nobody wants you.
  6. Lets make a bet. I bet I will achieve my independence before you can leave your current misery state of the former Somalia . Face it, Somalia is doomed.
  7. Originally posted by General Duke: SOOL is still part of Somalia, juts like Hargaysa. No recognition, no democracy, just Siyad Barre's boot licker Mugging the mighty SNM militia in Morgan-Ville. You don't have a country called "Somalia". That country is wasted, and doesn't exist. Ethi and Kenya will cover up what's left... cry me a river.
  8. Originally posted by Thankful: Riyaale hasn't even gone there once, dont think he's done any mugging! So when all your clan sites cry over the fact that the folks in Sool are being muggeed, and invaded by the "Hargeisa Clans" is a lie? I'm trying to make things clear now. I can pull up a million of articles that they written about this.
  9. ^^When will your misery end and your Somaliwayne dream come true the future looks dark and black for pirateland.
  10. The promise was that you will get back Sool by November 2007! WTF is going on? . Are you going to continue to let those poor folks getting mugged by Riyaale ? This is outrageous!!,,,
  11. ^^ I heard Faroole was a male stripper back in the days. Word is bond.
  12. The bitter garowe boys The pirateland is falling apart, Sool is threatening to leave (like you had it to begin with), misery across your whole region is more widespread. Cade seem like an alright leader incomparison to the crooks you guys have now, and here you are worried about the SL elections? My dude, set your priorities straight before others set it for you. PS. UDUB 2010, all the way.
  13. The anarchist wants a support from the international community huh. No one is going help you. Help yourself and stop relying on others.
  14. Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: We talk about Riyaale tea-bagging your lot just once, and what do you do? You run for cover??? Nough said! son, when will you learn to not confuse your clansmen to the folks in SL? I thought the muggin part took part in LA? I don't know :confused:
  15. Originally posted by Qudhac: they say "alamtra la soo dhaaf" that was yesterday today is another story. today you fighting for survival, today you fighting to exist, today the story is at the outskirts of Garowe.tomorow is another day.... Tell him that his a nobody .
  16. ^^You're upset because you're getting called out. And I'm upset because there are too many fake dudes like yourself breathing our good air.
  17. ^^Even the pirate dukey calls this anarchist fake. No one buys into your fake nationalist gimmick. Take off the clown face.
  18. ^^ You're fake son, switch up your style and go southpole.
  19. ^^ If it isn't the anarchist. Your whole e-persona is gimmicks. You're using that Somali flag as avater in vain.
  20. ^^ Riyaale, has the 3 habros in SL on lockdown . Word is bond, I'm heading to Hargeysa right now to rebel . Ps. Have you write the UN security council report on Pirateland? thoughts... And Che, the anarchist, I know you're not taking.
  21. ^^What makes you think piratland in favor of the union? Provide some examples please..
  22. ^^ I was just born there, and left as a baby. I have no memories of Xamar.