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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Keep the desprate attempt of getting your act together up. After all these years you didn't amount to sh!t, and you wont ever.
  2. ^^What have you been doing during that same 20 years, how was your situation like? Think about that.. Keep up your desperate attempts to bring your country together.
  3. Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: LOL @ "alleyway muggings have turned into daylight robbery"! Read the headline homie " An enclave of one secessionist clan hijacking others From the good folks of : Northern Somalia Unionist Movement Go ahead read about it here: Now: Be honest to yourself, who's really getting mugged?
  4. If we call it a holy day than we're calling it a holy day..just because. You got problems it?
  5. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^Being f*cked over by Barre henchman is definitely better. C'mon you know that's not true . You guys just say that for the sake swinging back. Your insults are random and general while ours are specific and grounded in reality....Smarten up.
  6. Let me repeat that one more time. Hahahaha..Nothing else to say maynne. I'm out old man, Friday night is approaching, and I have to prepare for my date.
  7. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^lool. Riyaale is taking the piss with Hargaysa, however when the guns start the locals will win and the clans of the traingle will no doubt remember that they are related to those of SSC. Dont worry adeer, what ever happens the end result will be the death of the secessionist dream. Originally posted by General Duke: [Q your Garad's are outwited . Yup saxib the guns you see here, will only be targeting your own blood, and vica versa and its a shame that you do not see that. Hahahaha..Nothing else to say maynne.
  8. Originally posted by General Duke: quote:Originally posted by Mansa Munsa: General: Waa gartaa oo dhulkaagii baan la haysan. Nonsense adeer, its easy to wage war from the comfort of your laptop. But like I said this little clan fued can be dealt with, without shedding of blood. As you were lad. Yeah Mansa, its certain groups fault that you cant control Xabsade, and others who are working for Riyaale? Its others fault that your Garad's are outwited by mere political warlords. Yup saxib the guns you see here, will only be targeting your own blood, and vica versa and its a shame that you do not see that. You realize the mugging huh....This is a true story.
  9. ^^Great, get on that job and verify what he said for us. Would you? Thanks
  10. Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: ^ Ha ha ha... While it's comical that Riyaale is doing the same thing (again!)-- it's a bit painful to watch this time around. lol Seriously, how can these guys--yet again-- be so gullible as to place credence in the shameless prevarications of a former spy and his cronies? You sound worried. You alright playa? You're still on that fake " " to hide your true feelings. I'm voting for Riyaale just based on your people..Real talk. Is not about policy or anything, vote for the dude that they fear the most.
  11. Originally posted by General Duke: Newsweek must be a Somali site... source A Somali leader talks about what his government will need to deal with the bandits. quote: How are your relations with the United States? We have met the American ambassador to Kenya and his special envoy for Somalia. We discussed a lot of issues and got good feedback from them. We will work in partnership in every sector including security, development and humanitarian sectors. You studied in New York, is that right? I studied a degree program, an M.B.A., at the State University of New York [at Albany]. Did you like it? It was a good city, a small city. I didn't know that Albany was the capital of New York state Post a photocopy of the degree please. Provide school records, transcipts. Cut your BS dukey . We don't believe you, go ahead get some more people.
  12. Originally posted by Thankful: Riyaale does this everytime NW Somalia talks about elections and he feels his job is on the line, he flies out to some country. He pretends that there are some sort of secret meetings taking place and that recognition is around the corner. It's all a ploy to try and justify postponing the elections over and over again. He wants people to be fearful of taking him out of power and losing the recognition that he wants them to believe is within grasp. If this doesn't work, than he will tell his people in Boorama to pull out the Blue flag with white star and scare of any other threats. He knows how to stay in power, i'll give him that! Am I an UDUB supporter based on the above reason? You sound bitter, why is that? pirateland is the future, focus on that.
  13. Originally posted by Thankful: Come on, you can't unrecognize a country! It was formally recognized because of its importance during the cold war and even before that the french, british and italians took parts of it because of it's startegic location. Why are they needed NOW? and just.. Originally posted by Thankful: Djibouti has proven to be useful as a strategic military base, so NW Somalia wouldn’t be needed.
  14. Originally posted by Thankful: NW Somalia has a huge drug problem and is dependent on foreign aid and remittance from the Diaspora. That's why no nation is willing to recognize it. Those other poor African countries are example of the problems that will cause. Why is Somalia currently recognized then? What do they contribute internationally? They oughta be un-recognized based on what you're saying.
  15. ^^Mind is conditioned to against SL . These dudes don't warrant No dialogue. Just shoot them in the head if they ever approach you.
  16. Its unlikely that this meeting will ever occur. There is absolutely no point.
  17. ^^My reply to that is so f**&ing what? Seriously..Somaliland will pick who they see as an enemy and who they befriend. Its politics, and it doesn't need to make any sense.
  18. Originally posted by Xudeedi: They are guided by emotions and inferior perspectives. I know YOU haven't type that man. What? You?
  19. Originally posted by Thankful: quote:Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Ahhh Someone is mad ................. blame your adeeros sxb ... they the ones committed the crime What about Riyaale who was working for that regime in the same area and the same time that this happened? You seem to ignore Riyaale involvement because you know you can't justify it! He can`t justify what you haven`t proven yet. Prove his involvement. How many times will this be said? Prove it
  20. Originally posted by Thankful: Sacad Ducaale, see Karzai in Afghanistan controls nothing and is dependent on on Nato Forces, however regardless of what you control, what makes a country is recognition. What is that recognition worth when you don't even have GOVERNMENT, when the gov can not provide the most basic needs to its citizens? When the people don't even recognize the government, what recognition? lol. Somlia doesn't even exist.
  21. Originally posted by Thankful: so should Riyaale next time he visits! You're obsessed with Riyale. Home boy, his not that good looking.