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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Originally posted by The Zack: ^Who do u support? His going to stunt and tap-dance around that question, and give you a very cliche answer. Ask him why he supports Al-Sh...crew.
  2. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn: When will this anarchist gimmicks stop? He supports deviants that have murdered many Somali people. Where do you stand che? All we get is a lot of crying and moaning from you, but where do you stand? I oppose all the dhabad!lifs including those were cheer-leading Buhoodle massacre. Dhabad!lifs? This is funny coming from a Al-Shabb supporter. Homie, they're the epitome of that word.
  3. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Forget Che, adeer he only gets sad when Ethiopia kills Somali's. The thousands that have died at the hands of the nonse called Al Shabaab does not make him sad. The fake Mujahids in Boston have no clear understanding of Somalia. They were fighting Yusuf government for clan reasons masked as "Ethiopia" and now what do they have. Now they have more deaths in Mogadishu last 24 hours than all of North Somalia last year. ^^ I fully agree surprisingly. Dude has no position, the worst character on SOL (even much worse than you are). Atleast we know what you're about, his like our Norf lol.
  4. When will your gimmicks of " " stop? Even when you're bothered and frustrated you still are on some " " sh!t . Seek Dr' Phil's help to help you control your emotions homey. lol Admit it, you're in a very poor state. You're losing in all fronts.
  5. Originally posted by General Duke: quote:Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Spare your crocodile tears Duke. Are you now pretending to be from SSC clan adeer? Go jump, your fake pretences and nonsical nationalisam has been exposed years ago... Ethiopia is just a lame excuse, I dont care if its the white which of the west, you have been wishing for the wholesale destruction of Puntland for years So chill grave digger. Faroole has to answer for this nonsense, that has never ever happened in the history of Puntland. The secessionist are not a problem, nor will it take much to deal with them. These Ethiopian troops and their tax issue should be addressed ASAP. Puntlanders, have a right to criticise their government, we dont get Mugged, the leader who does not perform will be kicked out. Faroole, has done well on some issues, and we have apllauded him for that. On this case he has failed and we will hold him to account, that is our right. Zack the prsioner Adeer you have no reason to even speak since you and most of your clan are citizens of Ethiopia, and regiseted to vote in Ethipia, and play a crucial role in the prison networks in Ethiopian. You can not have your cake and eat it lad. Even your "Mujahids" are now in Goday singing a different tune. @ The outburst Ps. I agree with you when you say that Che dude is fake.
  6. Getting back to the basics...A business man first . Politics come second to Business ALWAYS. How can you overlook this? How is your money stack like?
  7. ^^If you want to tell yourself that, then you do just that .
  8. ^^The true mugging is taking place in "cayn" and other like places my friend, control your emotions. A lot of people are displaced, and killed for no reason, you are frustrated with faroole for a good reason.
  9. ^^Ethiopia just killed few of your men, what did they had to say about that?
  10. Originally posted by General Duke: quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn: Somaliland isn't part of Somalia. Why get involved? Why should we be shocked? If anything, it will be a shock if they went. The fact that you dont grasp basic politics is amazing. Anywho, where is Riyaale ? Look at that pic, you have heads of AU, UN, PM of Turkey, FM of France and countless others. You have a conference attended by 53 nations, all recognising Somalia, and Puntland was there mingling with these nation putting its case across. You on the other hand are holding phantom meetings in London. 53 nations? what happen to the other world nations? Why were they not there?
  11. Somaliland isn't part of Somalia. Why get involved? Why should we be shocked? If anything, it will be a shock if they went.
  12. ^^Even if she is from SL, why is the question even raised? She automatically has nothing to do with SL.
  13. Originally posted by The Zack: quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn: ^^What about Somaliland's olonial border agreement? No one ever hears you talk about my province of Sanaag. SL is bigger than just Burco you know. LOOOOOOL I think Norf is disagreeing with the colonial agreements, he is saying Egypt and Sudan are wrong. Re-read it bal duqa. LOOL again @my province of Sanaag. I get that, but I was point out the irony dum dum. His what you call a "secessionist" that believes in the Somaliland colonial border. I'm from a small sub-clan that owns Sanaag . Go ask about us. Sanaag is mine, I said it.
  14. ^^What about Somaliland's olonial border agreement? No one ever hears you talk about my province of Sanaag. SL is bigger than just Burco you know.
  15. Originally posted by Cowke: silanyo is probably going to end up leaving this merfish govt and taking his people along with him and forming new administration for burco if he doesn't get presidency of somaliland? Are all Silaanyo "people" part of the Kulmiye party? What about those that are supporting UDUB, or UCID?
  16. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Rayaale ayaad ku khafiiftay adiga ,,,, do u even say his name during the prayers or when you're sleeping ?? ,,, Why is it only him who has that "Visitor" Card ?? Its pretty sad
  17. Originally posted by Thankful: Where's Riyaale??? Where is Meles?
  18. When will this anarchist gimmicks stop? He supports deviants that have murdered many Somali people. Where do you stand che? All we get is a lot of crying and moaning from you, but where do you stand?
  19. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Let's just take and substitute a noun here and there and see how the quote goes. Original quote: quote: The current incidents involving The capital of Cayn, the continued plight of the city of LA. Has greatly shamed us. Faroole stance is wrong and out of step with the needs of the people of Puntland. How this quote should have been in 2006: The (then) current incidents (late 2006) involving The capital of Muqdisho, the continued plight of the country has greatly shamed us. [Old Stooge] stance is wrong and out of step with the needs of the people of Soomaaliya. When you were cheerleading and alalasing for Xabashis in 2006, you should have realized and should have occured to you this belated dawning of yours. Everyone can tell the irony, but dukey boy has no shame. He will twist this around.
  20. ^^After that, it will be silly of you to talk about mugging business. You will be reminded of this. This will be used against you to score political points.
  21. What makes the folks in "SSC" your people? They're my people as well no? How do you want faroole to respond?
  22. ^^Its probably the truth, but somethings are just better left unsaid my dude. Only attack them when they mention SL
  23. Originally posted by Sacad *Ducaale: I guess it's time for the TFG to beg more money with their begging bowls? Its really unnecessary homie..You can rep Somaliland without resorting to that.