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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Originally posted by The Zack: Xudeedi, let the real puntlanders talk, you aint even a puntlander LOL. Speaking of a prison, did u free ur self from Somaliland yet? Heartless :eek:
  2. Originally posted by The Zack: I repeat, MBA is nothing! Its a worthless designation because its easy to obtain it now days.
  3. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Yeah right Adeer, dont be a Somali Adeer, MD's don't run hospitals without a business background, go undertsand ad Ngoonge says you Badow. I'm still puzzled. You silly old man . lol@ dude trying to weight MD to MBA, Get real. Where are you from? You can't be from North America. Check the the numbers of Hospital CEO's with a MD designation in comparing to MBA, you're a joke man.
  4. ^^ lol @ MBA= A boss, while a MD is not. Check the credentials of the person who runs the biggest hospital in your city.
  5. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^ No comparison Adeer, one is the boss the other provides a service for the boss. Village boys, who runs hospitals, Doctors? You have millions of nobodies with MBA, you couldn't say that about an MD.
  6. Originally posted by General Duke: quote: New Delhi and believe me or not, MBA is the last thing you want to brag about. Adeer Zack, as I have said before in the West, most, Doctors, Engineers, IT tech's and so on all work for, take orders from men/women who's highest education is an MBA, that’s a fact, Says you dukey? lol You silly old man, how do you compare MD to MBA?
  7. If its not UDUB, it oughta be UCID I say.
  8. ^^ Tell us what changes you would like to see, and why are you betting on Kulimey over UCID?
  9. Originally posted by Thankful: Even though their methods were criminal, they were still able to run for pres! Something I dont see happening in NW Somalia's election. Where certain sides are shut out, while others have all the cards stacked in their favor. 1. You guys had elections? , c'mon now. No elections ever took place. 2. Life is harsh my dude, nothing in the world is by the books.
  10. ^^You forgot to add "cayn". I'm also reer Sanaag. Why am I not complaining? Why do you ask such question? Why wasn't Ilkajir selected for the top spot in puntiland? Same reason I guess..
  11. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: SSC = Somaliland Secessionist Camp We're moving forward with that powerful phrase from now on.
  12. Originally posted by Thankful: Riyaale does use his side well in threatening to bring out the blue Somalia flag if they dont get their way! So then you should say what Kuun says..Support the oppossition to hope that outcome you predict. Tell us how we're getting "mugged"
  13. ^^What you're forgetting to mention is my "family" doesn't rule anything, they're getting "muggeged". Its Riyaale with all the powers, ask your boy Kuun-Kuun about this.
  14. Originally posted by Kuun-Kuun-Laminaa: Good news, let's hope Riyaale does not mugg the poor durriyada again.... It will be utter dissappointment to see that Villa Morgan will be occupied by former NSS Siad Barre spy again and again, not in 2010. So you're telling me I should be dissappointed by the victory of the party I choose to support?
  15. Originally posted by me: Norf, Your question is irrelevant. Because first few conditions have to be met, before anyone will sit under any tree. The first two conditions are: 1. The secessionist aggressors must leave the SSC region, and withdraw to their clan enclave. Where are the "ssc" regions exactly? Does this include Erigavo? They might as well claim Burco, before they go to Erigavo Me thinks.
  16. Originally posted by me: opened by a well-known secessionist. I don't know if I would say that
  17. Originally posted by Oodweyne: Norfsky , Similarly, Somaliland have rejected out of hand; and I am sure of it, that even Kulmiye party ( if it comes to power in Hargeisa ) will reject it out of hand indeed now.... Regards, Oodweyne. Basically..Very simply put. norf is just a confused character.
  18. Originally posted by Norfsky: I doubt you're really looking for an asnwer. If you were you would have posted this in the Islam section. Its another case 'hey look at me I'm learning about catholism'. Enjoy. Exactly that. There is no point in engaging with this character.
  19. I think a lot of the votes Kulimey needs to beat UDUB will go to UCID. They might as well just form a coalition.
  20. ^^You don't have enough base in your voice to be talking like that..ya geek. Ps. Are you in control of those lands?
  21. ^^stop crying bruh, and do something. You know who's getting mugged, lets not go there. Ps. Dalmar, I told you these garowe boys don't even see you as your people.
  22. Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: ^ I sincerely respect that, Cowke. But as a practical matter, do you honestly believe that Silanyo could ever amount to anything in the politics of Burco, let alone anywhere else in Marfashland? I doubt it very much. The man is worthless. Your so called politicians couldn't do nothing to help the folks of "ssc", who is really worthless? You were crying about faroole, so I know that you know what's up. Riyaale is delaying the elections at the expense of mugging your folks? C'mon, that is straight up disrespectful, handle the man already. Stop moaning about him, and just take care of him. His your problem, look at what his doing to your people. lol@ at this dude thinking he actually got a weight on us.
  23. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: . Why does it matter who I support? You either oppose what happened in Buhoodle or you don't. Which is it? I'm not the only one who calls you Fake. Face it, you're faker than Nicki Minaj's a**