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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. Originally posted by General Duke: quote:Originally posted by Archdemos: welcome back Duke Poor lad, you are too late another one dedicated a whole topic for me. All I have been doing is enjoying the world cup and they miss me already. You mean to tell me you were not in the corner in your lil 6x6 community house in Minni praying for the downfall of Somaliland during their elections? :eek:
  2. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Africa own are you back yet or are you still in somaliland? Don't I have you on Facebook?
  3. Dukey, you're giving SL waay to much credit. They don't deserve all this attention. Remember, puntland is the Future. Don't sound worried.
  4. Originally posted by Libaahe*: Chief_Aaqil , why are you so eager on bringing politicians who are not even pro somaliland on the board when those individuals will most likely be disloyal to somaliland? I doubt your makhiirian authenticity. His a poser.
  5. Congrats to Mr Silaanyo. He deserves this shot more than anyone in SL. I would love to see the change Norf was talking about now . I'll be on him about this for the next 4 or 5 years InshAllah.
  6. Where in the article does it say "NW Somalia"?
  7. Originally posted by Thankful: Oodweyne is there anyone at your level in your imaginery world or are you the undisputed king? Comment on Nasir' post, what do you think of his analysis? Ps. Nasir, you got things figured out . apparently I don't much power in SL :eek: . Off to Erigavo on Tuesday. I hope that you can say that as well, but you can't because your clan is worthless and too weak . Later
  8. Am I excited or what May we have a free and fair elections in Somaliland. Salaamu Alakuim folks.
  9. AfricaOwn


    ^^^ LOL, dude. Just simply explain why YOU think they're corrupted. A couple of bullet points will do the job, but stop trying to divert the main issue. Sure, my eyes are closed, so tell us about this corruption.
  10. AfricaOwn


    Originally posted by Norfsky: Africaown, I think UDUB have done nothing for the people in the last 7 years apart from endemic corruption. Laakin you haven't been told that Explain please... They are corrupted because.............. give us some examples. What has Kulimey done to get your vote other than crying, and dismissing all accomplishments made by the government? explain that too ps. I keep telling you, please do not assume that you're the only one that goes back to SL. I been to more places in SL than you have.
  11. AfricaOwn


    ^^Tell us why you're against UDUB, and why don't you think UCID is not a good change again?
  12. AfricaOwn


    Originally posted by juma-nne: quote: They were fighting for a Multi-parties system, and I just can't wait for this happen if they ever do get in power . Qaran Party can finally take over Burco? Take it easy brother ; Its set for qaran to be the next Kulmiye of the future. But for now why not surrender to the nearest Kulmiye office? I'll form my own Erigavo based party soon after Why not? Kulimey thinks everything will work all rosey. They don't understand why the ban on private radio and television is in place. We still have a lot of people to educate about nation building, and we can't have these irresponsible media outlets emerging everywhere..
  13. Originally posted by Thankful: quote:Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Everything the try to do to undermine the elections comes out to be a good publicity for Somaliland and the elections ......... Now they must be confused of what they will do next ,, It's all for show! A police officer has been killed, and this is for a show?
  14. AfricaOwn


    Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: I wish it is true sxb ....... but after all, it is an African politics. They were fighting for a Multi-parties system, and I just can't wait for this happen if they ever do get in power . Qaran Party can finally take over Burco?
  15. ^^How is that they are still doing better than your people ? . How is your situation like in garowe? hahaha What's with these "ssc" folks? You stay collecting "L's"
  16. Originally posted by 'Liibaan': Las Anod can be part of Puntland and United Somalia AT SANE TIME, Can LA be part of Somaliland state of Somalia, why do they have to be part of puntland?
  17. Originally posted by 'Liibaan': Therefore Somalia should be united and we need to bring together all Somali people, that is why I support the TFG a national government led by President Sharif You see I support Sharif, NOT Faroole Originally posted by 'Liibaan': In theory it was good that people of SSC joined their brethren of Mudug, Nugaal and Bari to form Puntland. Are you hearing yourself?
  18. Originally posted by 'Liibaan': quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn: quote: Originally posted by 'Liibaan': quote: Originally posted by Nassir: We the majorities of Sool and District of Buuhoodle and Sanaag and western Bari had made a major political mistake when we helped the formation of Puntland. It will take us years and years to eliminate all the opportunists (both the ignorant elders and the self-styled or appointed politicians) and rise to the challenge of putting our regions before the Federal or Centralized form of Government of Somalia. Why do we need a middle man to represent our regions. Gen. Ilka-jir, Haabsade and their equals have only added to the plight of these regions, being content with a mere ministerial post that mean nothing in the long run.. Nassir, In theory it was good that people of SSC joined their brethren of Mudug, Nugaal and Bari to form Puntland. You are admitting that clan is everything. That this "Somaliwayne" stuff you speak of is hot air? Aren't the folks in Mogadisho or Hargeisa your brothers as well> I didn't admit anything,but fact is Somali politics is all about clan politics, sad but true somaliland= snm clan faction UDUB= Hergeisa subclan party, UCID= South Hergeisa subclan party, Kulmiye= East Burco subclan party Puntland= SSDF clan faction SSC= Daraawiish and Maakhir Interesting breakdown. Where do I fit in? West Burco/Erigavo clans? What party do I belong to?
  19. Originally posted by 'Liibaan': quote:Originally posted by Nassir: We the majorities of Sool and District of Buuhoodle and Sanaag and western Bari had made a major political mistake when we helped the formation of Puntland. It will take us years and years to eliminate all the opportunists (both the ignorant elders and the self-styled or appointed politicians) and rise to the challenge of putting our regions before the Federal or Centralized form of Government of Somalia. Why do we need a middle man to represent our regions. Gen. Ilka-jir, Haabsade and their equals have only added to the plight of these regions, being content with a mere ministerial post that mean nothing in the long run.. Nassir, In theory it was good that people of SSC joined their brethren of Mudug, Nugaal and Bari to form Puntland. You are admitting that clan is everything. That this "Somaliwayne" stuff you speak of is hot air? Aren't the folks in Mogadisho or Hargeisa your brothers as well>
  20. Originally posted by Mansa Munsa: quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn: ^^You do realize how silly this "ssc" stuff sounds right? lol Ps. What do you mean I? You're not even included in the picture. IF SSC sounds silly in your ears. Get use to it. SSC is here to stay. The same I say for Somaliland
  21. ^^You do realize how silly this "ssc" stuff sounds right? lol Ps. What do you mean I? You're not even included in the picture.
  22. ^^ "SSC"= Sool, Sanaag, "cyne" Are you claiming my part of the Pizza when you speak of Sanaag? Where do we go from there?