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Everything posted by AfricaOwn

  1. ^^Actually the fool attempted yet another suicide at the hospital and killed himself. Say if that fall wasn't enough..
  2. atop_of_dodge_charger_and_lives_to_tel.html Only in New York. He jumped from a real fancy condo building at 66th street as well.
  3. Originally posted by Rothschild: even launching all types of virulent propoganda campaign to kill Silanyo's character Are you saying that YOU never do that to Silanyo? I will keep this post as a reference for the future.
  4. ^^Remember when Cadde was crying about Al-Qaeda helping Somaliland to takeover LA back in October 2007, how lame was that? lol
  5. ^^Judges, Ministers everyone is getting murdered out in pirateland and that dude is asking such a silly questions lol..comical.
  6. Originally posted by Thankful: Of the whole government they mentioned only 3 people, one of which has been removed from his post. Who were the mentioned 3 and whats their position? Who removed one of the 3 mentioned from his post? Originally posted by Thankful: These people are not representitives of the entire state, rather they have been chosen for a 4 year term. LMAO, Say what? Who chose them? They represent those that chose them no? Originally posted by Thankful: P.S. The same UN Securtiy report on Somalia, detailed all regions including NW Somalia and it's admin! What was said about them? We know very well about the piratland leaders
  7. Originally posted by Thankful: quote:Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Terrorists will be dealt with sooner than later ,,, Puntland is doing it's part in fighting terrorism against Atam...when will NW Somalia do the same? The report by the UN security council on Somlia recently, what did they say about the pirateland leaders? Piraland (criminal enterprise) fighting with another? Please explain sir.
  8. Originally posted by Xudeedi: As a Makhiri person, I know that one of the few appointed personnel currently petitioning the "Somaliland" secessionist administration have never set foot on Makhir soil. hey have no say in the actual daily affairs of the powerful Makhir community and their expansive land that stretches from Erigavo Can't set a foot in Erigavo? Please just stop embarrassing yourself. Ps. I'm with you on that Gagala battle
  9. ^^The folks in Eastern Sanaag and Sool at the end of the day would rather sit with "The secessionist" than garowe. Please believe that.
  10. Originally posted by Libaahe*: General Duke, it's funny though puntland gave the SSC community a Vice president and they are still not with puntland fully? while somaliland gives them ministers and they accept it do you wonder why? To include the problems of Galgala, and this dude is trying to deflect his issues? lol.
  11. Originally posted by General Duke: quote:Originally posted by AfricaOwn: quote: Originally posted by General Duke: quote: Originally posted by Libaahe*: Land_Soldier , only eastern sanaag & some parts of sool are those complaining sxb, other parts of sanaag got their fairshare including the governor of sanaag. You are on a roll today saxib unstopable. Why are they even complaining to be part of the separtist group? Aren't they supposed to be with pl? What's going on? Whats going on is important. The secessionist are now basing their power on their clan, and thats a shift that was expected with the rise of the Mugged ones. Clan is everything as they say. We'll shift them to Garowe so that they can be part of their "brother" deal?
  12. Originally posted by General Duke: quote:Originally posted by Libaahe*: Land_Soldier , only eastern sanaag & some parts of sool are those complaining sxb, other parts of sanaag got their fairshare including the governor of sanaag. You are on a roll today saxib unstopable. Why are they even complaining to be part of the separtist group? Aren't they supposed to be with pl? What's going on?
  13. Originally posted by Land_Soldier: Its not only about the nr of Ministers. But about the number of Goverment appoitments incl Directors. From the 78 recent appoitments, Sool and Sanaag only got 8. Even during Riyaale they had many more post. That is not right. And I would understand, if they decided to resign. I would do the same. Why is it not right? Are you even from that area? Let those that are from that area grieve. Appointments are based on merits (should be). If all of Burco or Erigavo gets the appointments then, so be it.
  14. Originally posted by General Duke: It was a huge turn out Adeer it's a small town but the welcome was universal. The audio is on Horseednet if you listen but the pictures are as clear as day. I see about 13 people in those 5 pics
  15. Originally posted by General Duke: rowadalsawiro/ the above link is of the Ministers visit with pics of them meeting the local people. Enjoy. A huge turn out? Wait, A huge turn out? lol. Hardly... step it up dukey, I'm glad that you edited your thread No Audio?
  16. ^^ Not claiming that you're making stuff up, not that I don't believe you dukey :rolleyes: . I learn that you have no love for that Galgala sub-clan forget about the rest of the Somali clans I just need a prove..
  17. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^ Adeer Puntland will reclaim SOOL and Somaliweyn will reclaim Hargaysa, it's just a matter of time that's all. aight. What a shame SMH
  18. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Any Audio of any of these men? Is not that we don't believe you, but.... We also need pics. From now on...Sh!t like that will be dismissed dukey.
  19. Originally posted by RedSea: I like Faroole he is an allright guy. He doesn't talk bravado and throw on military camo like the man who proceeded him. He can visit parts of Sool anytime. Cadde was the worst lol. Everyone remembers October 2007. He called out Erigavo, Burco, Hargeisa in frustration..Someone put that link up again . He promised within a month LA will return to them, and ever since...well.
  20. Enjoy the read.. New York – In a move that was expected by many people, Muslims around the world have canceled their religious celebration known as Eid ul-Fitr to accommodate American sensitivities. “It was a natural thing to do,” said Imam Tariq Shakir, the lesser-known back-up Imam of Ground Zero Mosque, “Can you imagine what would happen if a bunch of Muslims were hooting and laughing on September 11th?” Eid-ul-Fitr is a day that marks the end of Ramadan and it has been celebrated worldwide by Muslims for over 1400 years. Except this year. With the Islamic lunar calendar being 10 or 11 days shorter than the Gregorian calendar, Eid could potentially fall on September 11th this year, depending on the moon sighting. “I have American friends who are very sensitive about September 11th” said Imam Tariq, “My neighbour always cries when he looks at his watch and it says 9:11 so I don’t want to offend him.” To make a couple of Americans even happier, the Muslim community in New York has agreed to shut down the Ground Zero Mosque. “I applaud the Muslim community for keeping Ground Zero a sacred place,” said Ground Zero mosque opponent Newt Gingrich. “Now we have a perfect spot to build a new McDonalds. Ba-ba-ba-ba-bah I’m loving it.” Inspired by the Muslim community’s interest in not offending a single soul, the Christian community decided to close down churches in all areas with a high density of African-Americans. “The Ku Klux Klan did some not-so-nice things to black people a couple of decades ago,” explained priest Bob Parker, “The Klan doesn’t represent Christianity but they claim they do. That makes all Christians collectively guilty for the KKK’s behaviour for some reason. Thank you Muslims for inspiring us.” Other Muslims are enjoying the new sense of belonging in America. “Who knew integrating with our fellow Americans would be so easy?” said Khalid Usman, “all I had to do was start shaving my beard and stop taking the airplane everywhere. It takes me a few months to get to South Asia by boat but at least Americans aren’t scared of me anymore.” Local Niqabi Sajida Syed has also stopped doing suspicious Muslim things like giving to the poor and dropped the niqab getup in favour of a ninja outfit. “Ninjas are much more accepted in society and people are high-fiving me wherever I go now.” Imam Tariq is optimistic about the future. “9/11 was hard for all Americans, both Muslims and non-Muslims. Once all Americans agree to stop watching Fox News and getting scared out of their wits then we’ll all start living in greater harmony. Or until homeland security kicks out all the Muslims. Whatever comes first.”
  21. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Adeer Puntland is a home for all Somali’s aside How was the PL borders determined again?